#Making then work together and have some kinda respect? Ough it was great!!
xiaohuayaos · 5 months
Honestly the reason the "love triangle" in lbfad works so well for me is easily because it's not completely lazy?
So many love triangles in romances are very clear cut and you can typically tell who is going to "win". Usually one pairing is written with far more care than the other, and for sure we get that with Dongfang Qingcang and Xiao Lanhua. They get the meat of the story, but regardless Changheng and Xiao Lanhua do have a really nice chemistry. When you watch them together you can easily see the alternate universe where this is a story about /their love/ There's just this genuine sweetness that aches from their early scenes together that makes it a little bit painful to watch- like I love.... the love between The Fairy and The Devil, I do. They have such great chemistry and they're so, so fun together-The difference of this cold and dark and brooding entity and the little flower spirit that charmed him is everything I could ask. It was never a question that I wanted to see them together in the end but there was still moments with Changheng that just made me go Oh, maybe it really will be him and her in the end...
then of course it doesnt happen. And I'm so happy to see my favourite duo together in the end, because they are just so good together, but its a little sad, too. I don't want Changheng to sit around with his heartbroken, I feel kind of terrible for him... and god if that isn't a better love triangle than I ever anticipated.
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roboromantic · 1 year
Episode 18
I’ve always thought it’s neat how Twitch just kinda hovers around all the time in bot mode – we don’t really ever see that in other shows, at least not that I can remember. I wonder if Nightshade’ll do that too or if it’s just to keep her in frame when she’s with taller bots lmao. anyway flying sibling bonding time When
OH GEEZ YEAH THEY REALLY ARE GOING THERE. DAMN. that does answer my question of who Bee was fighting last episode tho
oh so he’s probably only mostly dead. got it. Still though, that imagery was straight out of a horror movie
oof. yikes
between the arms, near (?) death, and this coughing he’s getting very Grievous-esque
lmao yeah, if only
OUGH I was just thinking earlier today abt there being an ep where their bond is gone for whatever reason and them having to deal with that, especially since the Terrans have never not had it                  that’s probably not really what they’re gonna get into here but it’s still neat to see it to some degree
Dot is gonna be Pissed.
I kinda hope this is gonna end up like Rescue Bots where the kids are free to interact with the residents of Witwicky, at least. imagine………….slice of life school episodes……………..learning more about their family cultures……………….literally anything except these poor kids being traumatized every other episode 😞
Good to know they live in a dystopia where your car apparently requires wi-fi to run and can be driven remotely by people hacking into it 😬
They’re uh. They’re not creating an army of siblings, are they.
A HEEM HEEM……………WHIMPER…………………..
man I gotta say I do really hate how energon’s become like their Only food source. Like whatever happened to drinking oil. or gas. Beryllium baloney. hell, why don’t they ever explore the idea of finding/making a New kind of food – like how is ANYONE even getting energon on Earth anyway??? Is it growing here thanks to the Emberstone??? Being made from other energy sources like the G1 cartoon??? (Where Autobots didn’t even use energon at first, they got their energy from recharging chambers) Can it be grown like sugar crystals or something and harvested like in TFA??? Anyway some variety Please im Begging you. Isn’t it enough for energon to be a super powerful energy source. Back to the making new food thing I know they’ve done synth-en a couple times but that en still refers to energon so. Now researching the Terrans water stuff and seeing if they can figure out how to make something from THAT would be great.       ..................something something Twitch gamer girl bathwater. is that anything
Only vaguely related but I don’t think they’ve ever addressed the issue of how exactly they all got to Earth anyway. Prime’s talked to Teletraan 1 so presumably the Ark exists somewhere? maybe being repaired somewhere away from GHOST? but atm I think all we know is what Alex said about them arriving via an apparently pre-made space bridge(??????), and iirc in Alex’s story they all just kinda. Walked through it. Meaning no one got here via spaceship. Which makes me wonder if maybe the Ark is something that’s in the process of being created so someone can go check if Cybertron still exists and if so what the state of affairs is there.              
Actually it’d be a neat touch if the factions did arrive on their respective ships, but both were heavily damaged, and it’s only by working together (and maybe incorporating some Earth technology?) that they can use parts of both the Ark and the Nemesis to create a new ship for everyone (who wants to) to go home in.       going back to the “please let the kids chill” episode ideas like it’d be neat to see them all visit Cybertron and learn about Cybertronian culture(s. please more than one im Begging. Different Cybertronian languages. Religions. FOODS. Etc.)
A lot of this is just going off of what Alex said way back in what, episode 1? 2? And we’ve seen stuff in flashbacks that contradict his story, so it’s clearly not the most reliable source of info – but it’s pretty much all we’ve got.
sdfdkjghfsdjklfh like they aren’t gonna be all over the morning news
yeah I was gonna say, he’s doing pretty well for having like. All his energon drained.
Btw I think Cybertronian languages really oughta have different words for like. energon (crystal/mineral), energon (beverage), and energon (blood).  And maybe resolve the blue/pink thing by going with blue crystals (I feel like we’ve seen them more than pink ones?), pink blood (aka it’s definitely recognizable as a blood stand-in but is Legally not blood. just like Star Trek), and maybe bring back the rainbow for the beverage. You could definitely argue that beverage and blood could use the same word, but I feel like there should at LEAST be different words for different states of matter.   
Speaking of, I don’t think we’ve seen much in the way of energon as a gas except BotBots (where it’s also plasma (?) since it’s shown as lightning that hits the mall, which is then filled w/energon gas. Also bring back BotBots Please. or make them part of Earthspark as a new kind of Terran :ssbenis:) and I think that one episode of TFA where Optimus uses Swindles boobs to teleport. Or maybe that was another space substance, I don’t remember.
Hm that’s a lot of Not Much to do with the actual episode and a Lot of me just coming up with my own ideas for worldbuilding sdkf;jhsdkjf. sorry.
I noticed it before but I gotta say I love the bit of graffiti that just says “queso”
ooh interesting. Something something the Terrans are the natural result of Cybertron and Earth interacting and they need a similar naturally combined source of energy to survive, while Mandroid is now a forced, artificial combination of Cybertron and Earth stuff that needs artificial energon patches to survive.
Side note but were energon patches a thing before Rescue Bots? I don’t think they were. If that’s true then it’s neat to see Rescue Bots original stuff becoming part of the larger TF mythos :D Makes sense given that Nicole Dubuc and others worked on both shows
side side note but how exactly did humans end up with control of the energon supply anyway. did they ever mention something abt agreeing to that in return for a planet to live on or something and I just forgor?
I kinda wish they’d built up the return of Mandroid and his collaboration with what’s-her-face a bit more, but I guess this in-and-of-itself is setup for season 2.
Yeah WHO coulda seen THAT coming 😬😬😬
Btw did we uh. Ever see the aftermath of Hashtag & co.’s prison break? We saw Skullcruncher getting dragged back inside so I think we’re supposed to assume everyone got recaptured, but given there’ve been hints at Soundwave and Starscream being up to no good, it wouldn’t surprise me if it turns out they got away.
Especially since she’s like “they’re all disposable” and there’s this dramatic reveal of Hardtop, Skullcruncher I think, and …………………a bunch of empty cells. lmao
I thought Jawbreaker was gonna get his altmode this season bc I definitely saw a leak of I think a rough animatic that showed what it was, but I guess that won’t be ‘til next season. When is that btw bc I Need it.
I don’t remember if I’ve mentioned this yet but I Love the facial animations in the show, they’re really really good.
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