#Malagos Homegrown Produce
bluewalkingdolphin · 4 years
Start to Garden with Potted Plants
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I have been really into plants for almost a year now. I like the feeling of being able to take care of something and watch it grow. My love for plants also grew stronger as more time went by. Seeing the literal “fruits” of my labor really encouraged me to keep on going. I also liked being able to make use of the plants I’ve worked hard to take care of and incorporating them into the meals I cook. This ensures that the produce I eat is fresh and free from any form of chemicals. Aside from that, I can also feel how much gardening improved my overall wellbeing. It made me feel a lot happier and also relieved my stress and worries regarding my work.
To be honest, starting to garden was quite simple. Although at first, I was a bit intimidated by it. It felt like a lot of work. I had to ensure I have good-quality soil. I also had to ensure that my plants had a proper drainage system. There were just several things to take into consideration. That is why I decided to start with potted plants. Potted plants are a lot easier compared to planting plants straight to the ground. Buying potted plants provides you with soil already. Since there are net pots, draining water from them was also a lot simpler. Potted plants are also convenient for me since I don’t have a huge backyard wherein I can plant my plants. 
I spent several hours on the Internet trying to look for the perfect potted plants in Davao. After hours and hours of searching, I stumbled upon the Malagos Garden Resort plants for sale. When I took a look, I saw that they have a variety of plants for sale. They also have potted herbs for sale in Davao. I was intrigued by the herbs, then I found out that they were easy to maintain since most of them do not need a lot of water. They also last for a long time. I really liked the idea of having to start gardening with easy plants since there’s only a little room for mistakes. That’s why I decided to buy some potted herbs from them. When I got them, the plants were in great condition. I was also able to use the herbs in some of my dishes to enhance the flavor. I could really say that Malagos Garden Resort has the perfect Davao herbs for sale.
If you want to check them out, just go visit them on their website at www.malagoshomegrownproduce.com. They also have other fresh and high-quality produce that you’d definitely want to take a look at!  
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krrw2020 · 6 years
Homegrown Mindanao products on sale in Makati
MANILA — Homegrown products from numerous micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) from Mindanao are on display at Glorietta 3, Makati City for a four-day Mindanao Trade Expo (MTE) until Oct. 9.
Yvette Marie Celi Punzalan, MTE Foundation Inc. board of director, said the 2018 expo features more than 80 booths from Mindanao and some parts of Visayas.
The fair, housed at the mall's activity center, showcases local products, such as home decor and furnishings, furniture, architectural fittings, visual arts, fashion accessories, fashion textile, and local food products.
Punzalan boasted that the initiative has been growing steadily since it was conceptualized 20 years ago.
"We are growing slowly but surely. It's 23 years now. In the past, we just stay in Davao. Now we are showcasing our products here in Glorietta," she told the Philippine News Agency (PNA).
Meanwhile, Punzalan is positive that the MTE will make it international, saying the organization is on track in "molding the exhibitors" before they engage with foreign markets.
"We really do the product development for them, so we can showcase it here in Manila and eventually abroad," she said.
A portion of the expo's space, dubbed "Mindanao Pavilion," is one of the 2018 MTE's special feature, acknowledging the world-famous and emerging cacao producers from Mindanao --from Malagos chocolates to several promising cacao brands.
The pavilion will also hold events, such as seminars, food tasting, and product demonstrations and preparations.
The organizers said the export-grade chocolate variants offered in the expo are rarely seen in community supermarkets.
Examples of these are Wit's coco sugar-coated cacao nib clusters and Cacao de Davao's durian-filled chocolate bar.
Edwin Baqurigo, Assistant Regional Director of the Department of Trade and Industry office in Region 11, said Mindanao is currently "positioned as the main producer of cacao" in the Philippines, thus the effort to strengthen its promotion.
"This effort is part of our strategies in promoting a competitive and sustainable cacao industry," Baqurigo said.
Empowering people
Punzalan, who is also an exhibitor and owner of Yvette's Bags and Beads Collection, said one of the MTE's focus is also empowering individuals -- for her business, women prisoners from Mindanao.
"I conducted a training program for 20 women in Davao City. Back then, they were only 10 and after 11 years, they increased to more than 100," she said. “From the moment I started, the passion and the love for work never faded. I'm inspired because when we see those workers inside the prison -- seeing their children every week and handing something to their children from their income -- we knew we change lives,” she added.
"So it's not only business, we reform a person's life," she said.
After 11 years of crocheting bags from recyclable plastics as a hobby, her products are now being exported in the United States, Japan, and Italy.
Like Punzalan's, Crissander Accessories, a member of the MTE Foundation Inc., is also changing daily lives by providing livelihood to the locals of Bohol.
"All of our workers are from our local community," said Virgilio Yabut, sales officer of Crissander Accessories, referring to dainty earnings, rustic bracelets, carved wooden bookmarks, and more.
He said these "all are made sustainably" with old and dead jackfruit (langka) or madre de cacao wood. (PNA)
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A Review of the Malagos Baking Kit
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Brands nowadays can be very tactical. They just give you a product wrapped nicely in an instagram-worthy packaging, take pictures of their products in cute backgrounds, and gather a lot of followers on social media. And that’s enough for you to actually fall for their advertising strategies. That’s how the industry works. Unfortunately for some, they have very good branding efforts but their products are not so quality. Customers often feel like they’ve been robbed off their money’s worth. Your brand might have gotten a new customer, but because your product is not worth it, no matter how many times you package your product, the customer will not return to you. These are the situations we’d like to avoid. So let me tell you a review about this particular product that I’ve been obsessed with recently, and the reason why. It’s the Malagos Baking Kits.
As we all know, Malagos is a premium brand. They’ve been around since the early 90s and they have a lot of artisan products that we all grew up with like cheese and chocolate. They also have the Waling flowers and the resort that we used to go to for field trips when we were younger. When the pandemic happened, they shifted to an online platform and they started a new business called Malagos Homegrown Produce which basically sells homegrown vegetables and fruits, fresh meat, and some of their signature products. But the amazing thing is even their signature products grew. They now have baking kits as part of their Malagos Chocolate brand. I immediately bought one Brownie Baking Kit because I love to bake and I love Malagos. When I did, I never regretted it. The product that I got from this baking kit is really a moist, tender, brownie - the one that we all crave for! I also loved it because it’s so easy to use, a perfect bonding activity between me and my kids. Lastly, I also love that it’s not really that pricey. It’s just enough to represent their premium brand which they are known for.
If you want to know where to buy baking kits in Davao, just type Malagos Baking Supply and www.malagoshomegrownproduce.com will pop up. Aside from Davao baking supplies, unsweetened baking kit, cookie baking kit, and more are also found on their website!
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Cook to Destress A Damsel In Distress
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Many of us feel like the world is on our shoulders especially because of the recent happenings and chaos brought about by the pandemic. Most of us are experiencing symptoms of depression because we can’t go out and socialize, and we can’t go on usual roadtrips with our friends during weekends. It’s definitely understandable, and we still follow the rules despite the negative feelings that tend to overwhelm us during this difficult time.
With quarantines still going on and with not much choice but to stay home and stay safe, we are left with the idea of relieving stress at home instead. We come up with new hobbies and leisure activities just to relieve the feeling of negativity and focus on better days coming. Some tried out gardening as we now see on social media that there are many new plant moms posting photos of their plant babies. Some resort to TikTok dance crazes just to get rid of all the negative energy. While some find comfort in the kitchen through baking and cooking. 
Cooking is actually an interesting way to keep you motivated despite difficult times because it makes you think and be creative. In the past few months, we’ve seen people instantly become chefs and bakers with nothing else to do at home. We can’t blame them because cooking as studies show, is indeed an effective therapy.
It’s a creative outlet - it makes you think and focus on the situation, and just look for ways on how to make your masterpiece better. When you think of how you can improve your ginataan for example, then you look for other possible ingredients in the kitchen.
You’re in the moment - with your brain focused on one activity, it blocks off all other thoughts that can be destructive. You just tend to really think of how to make it work instead of being distracted by all the news that you get from social media.
You can enjoy the results right away - unlike work for example which you’re putting effort into, some are left to be finished the next day or the week after. But with cooking, after just spending an hour or so at the kitchen, you get to experience the fruit of your hard work. Then you can get the pleasure that your brain craves.
It’s a bonding activity - with limited options for bonding, cooking is actually a good alternative to spend time with others and just interact. Meal kits are one way to do it because the ingredients are all pre-packed, and you can enjoy the DIY delicious food you’ve prepared with your loved ones. Easy to cook meal kits are a perfect alternative also for eating out. It's a safe and exciting activity during this time. 
You can actually get a variety of meal kits from Malagos Homegrown Produce. They have an online food delivery service that is a new favorite among Davaoenos. Learn more about them on their website at www.malagoshomegrownproduce.com.
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Smart Parenting Tips to Prepare You for the New Normal
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So many things have happened since the community quarantine protocols and stay-at-home orders took effect. One of which is trying to prepare ourselves for the “new normal” after all these things end. During the quarantine period, we had come to realize how risky it is to interact with several people since there are several things about them like where they have been that we don’t know about. Aside from that, it’s also very easy to catch a virus if proper hygiene is not maintained. As parents to our kids, we need to ensure that they are always safe and away from any form of health risks. We do so by monitoring the things they do and the food they eat. However, there are still several tasks that we need to juggle alongside taking care of our children. As for me, I’m a full-time working mom and constantly checking on my children 24/7 is an impossible task. That is why I try to come up with ways to keep them safe despite not being able to be with them all day every day. Something that has really helped me with this are frozen meals.
Frozen meals are ready-to-heat meals that already contain all the ingredients needed for a certain dish. You just need to heat them in a microwave or a conventional oven and you’re good to go. I love frozen meals since they provide me with a convenient way to prepare meals whilst also giving me a peace of mind that what my family consumes is safe and healthy. Since I don’t have the luxury of time to make all meals from scratch, I sometimes resort to takeout food or food deliveries. But I came to a realization that these aren’t that healthy nor safe. There are several other people involved whenever we have takeout and food deliveries. Aside from that, the food is also not sealed properly which makes it possible for certain germs and viruses to come near it. Personally, I’d rather not take the risk. With frozen meals, the food is vacuum-sealed making it less likely to get contaminated with any form of viruses or germs. These meals also make use of fresh quality ingredients that were flash-frozen to lock all its nutrients. There are already a variety of frozen meals on the market which gives me and my family lots of choices to choose from.
There are already a few stores offering frozen meals. Malagos Homegrown Produce is one of the stores that offer easy and convenient food here in Davao. With their frozen meals, you have lots of healthy and quick meals to choose from. They also provide meal kits in Davao. Meal kits are slowly becoming a thing in the PH because of its quick and easy way to prepare portioned meals. Visit Malagos Homegrown Produce on their website at www.malagoshomegrownproduce.com. Buy from them now to support local meal kits and frozen meals!
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Stay Home, Stay Homegrown
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Being a mom, it’s a given that we always put our children’s well-being first before ours. That’s why when the pandemic hit I was at my most anxious state. My children were not allowed to go outside immediately which they thought I was overreacting to since only a few cases were officially confirmed. Multiple confirmed cases and local transmissions thereafter and my children are still safe and COVID-free. If I had let them be, no one knows what would have happened. Now I know that they say to not give-in to your mommy anxieties but at these times of uncertainty it’s important to be cautious at all times, especially by now that we don’t see the curve flattening. Always take caution and remember to:
Stay Home. All these community quarantine guidelines are established to help us keep safe and are for our own welfare. Staying at home as the new normal for example is already a big step in fighting against this pandemic. Encourage your family to stay at home and only go out when needed. If it’s not really that important or it can be bought through a Davao online grocery store, even better. Fight COVID-19 by buying online.
Stay Homegrown. Staying at home is staying healthy. What would be more healthy is to stay homegrown—meaning focus on locally made products that are all-natural. This aids your children’s body to boost its immune system thus growing a stronger resistance to the virus hence having a healthy enough body to combat and fight through it. Aside from the fact that it keeps you healthy, you are also helping out your local food supplier such as the small time farmers and vegetable gardeners that have been affected by this lockdown.
Do your part. Adhere to community guidelines. Wear face masks when in public, stay home, practice social distancing, always wash your hands properly, disinfect regularly, and whatever it is you can do to prevent it from spreading not just to you but also to others as well. Especially to our children and to the elderlies who are at high risk of the virus. Each of us needs to do our part in order to fight this virus which means we need to strictly follow our community guidelines. If not for you then for your children.
If you’re looking for groceries in Davao, you can check out my personally preferred online store: Malagos Homegrown Produce. It’s a one-stop shop that provides all of my produce and meal kit needs. Of course there are lots of supermarkets in Davao to choose from but this online store delivers right to my doorstep. Not to mention a very supportive customer chat support that provides replacements when needed and provides information when asked. You have to check them out. 
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bluewalkingdolphin · 4 years
Malagos Homegrown Produce Inspiration: Indoor Plants Delivery Services
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Indoor plants are known to promote benefits when placed inside homes. One of the most popular includes its air-purifying capabilities. You might be worried about not knowing a single thing about plants but want to reap the benefits that come with it. I’m telling you right now that this is absolutely possible. There are a lot of plants that are known to be fool-proof. They are very low maintenance and can thrive even with the least amount of sunlight. These are usually in the form of green, giant, leafy tropical plants and are now being sold despite the pandemic abroad. And now the Philippines is starting to catch up with the trend. Here are top indoor plant delivery services abroad that inspired Malagos Garden Resort for their plants for sale and delivery.
Bloomscape. Bloomscape takes pride in their unique packaging that holds your plant and pot securely in place using 100% recycled material. No matter how irregular the shape of your ordered plant is, it gets to you damage-free and without any mess or irregular dents and tears. Purchased plants from them also includes proper drainage with saucers. It’s basically good to go. You just unpack and place in your favorite corner.
Horti. This Brooklyn-based online plant store aims to help urban plant-loves cultivate any kind of indoor garden by promoting subscription boxes. They entail you to subscribe to a plan that fits you which basically means you can start with hard-to-kill plants and slowly work up to less hardy varieties as you become a full-blown plant mom or dad. You get easy to follow instructions as well as fun planting exercises aside from your box of plants. The best part is Horti promises to stay in touch with you throughout your plant growing process. They also have bundled plants depending on your preference: whether you’re looking for low-light plants, pet friendly, hard to kill, or trust Horti to pick out an assortment for you.
Leon & George. This San Francisco-based plant delivery company aims to reconnect people with nature by offering indoor greenery that fits busy lifestyles, enhances indoor spaces, and at the same time supports socially conscious business. They make sure that fairness is always in place and strives to source products that support communities and environments as well as learn best practices and fair prices. Like Horti and Bloomscape, Leon & George also provide a lifetime care support to keep you and your plants thriving throughout your plant journey.
Malagos Garden Resort has always advocated for not just sustainability in its practices but also in educating their guests at the same time. Malagos Garden Resort Plants and Flowers promises to provide the same educational entertainment they have long provided as with their birds and farm animals but now in the form of their plants. For now they have rolled out initial potted herb products on their website. If you’ve been meaning to buy plants and herbs in Davao City, purchase them through the Malagos Homegrown Produce website. 
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Satisfying cravings at home
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Usually when you want to satisfy a specific craving, you go to a restaurant or eatery that serves whatever it is you are craving, you order that thing and enjoy it there. This is not quite possible at the moment since quarantine guidelines don’t allow for restaurants to open dining areas. Take-out is an option, but this is restricted from person to person depending on your modes of travel making it difficult for those that primarily rely on public transport to get around. This leaves delivery as the only option for those wanting to eat restaurant food at home. Getting food delivered is not a bad thing, it's especially convenient nowadays since leaving the house is difficult but I would argue that sometimes, it can be better to cook at home rather than order delivery.
Cooking at home allows you to dictate exactly what ingredients you are putting into your food. For example, you want to eat pancit but you don’t like pork liver, if you’re cooking at home just omit pork liver from your recipe. Knowing exactly what is going into your food is also good for staying healthy since you can add healthier ingredients and remove or substitute unhealthy ones too. Aside from using healthier ingredients, you can also use fresh ingredients like fresh fruits and vegetables when cooking from home. Another consideration is sanitation, you can make sure that your home kitchen is as clean as possible, you can also make sure that no other people have handled the equipment in your home.
Using a service like Malagos Homegrown Produce, an online grocery in Davao City can help to get the ingredients you need for whatever you are craving. They offer fresh produce and fresh frozen meat products as well as ready to eat frozen meals and ready to cook meal kits of different kinds. Their new four-cheese pizza kit includes a crust, pizza sauce, a blend of four cheeses as well as herbs and microgreens straight from the farm. They also have pasta meal kits available with the choice of pomodoro or puttanesca sauces. Order delivery through their website online or on social media today!
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How to save money on online groceries
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The current situation has made online grocery and delivery options in Davao City go from a convenient substitute for a trip to the grocery store or supermarket to a critical necessity. Not all people have the capacity to leave their homes to go to the store to buy their essentials. Be it a lack of transport options or not being willing to risk immuno-compromised housemates or family, there are many possible reasons why a person might prefer the use of online grocery and delivery over a trip to the supermarket. 
This new method of food delivery while convenient does also come with its own separate costs compared to the old ways. For one, there are delivery fees to take into account, there is also a need for internet and phone access, as well as an online or e-wallet for contactless payments. One needs to properly weight the costs and benefits of such an approach to properly maintain their finances.
These additional costs can be offset though by signing up for a membership with an online farmers market or grocery. Such a membership would allow for certain benefits to be availed of such as being notified of the opportunity to avail of flash sales, earning loyalty points through purchases that can be redeemed for rewards, and being included in a mailing list, allowing for one to keep track of the availability of products such as produce, fresh frozen meats, or prepared foods much easier. The benefits then, of signing up with an online membership are clear.
Joining a membership program also makes it easier to decide where to purchase goods since committing to one online grocery means that you become familiar with their selection of products and the online grocery service keeps your delivery information on record leading to more convenient deliveries. This means that you don’t need to look for a different store every time you need to order something. By committing to the online grocery that you think is best, you can show your support to the workers and farmers that produce these goods while also getting the quality products that you want.
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bluewalkingdolphin · 4 years
3 Family Bonding Ideas During the Community Quarantine
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Whether we're in community quarantine or not, family time is non-negotiable. If your family has Holy Week traditions that involve traveling, consider settling for some indoor activities for now. Inside, you can do lots of things as a family to help you get closer to one another. Here are some sure-fire ideas.
You could learn how to bake together
If things went your way, you would probably be enjoying a great weekend with your family and join the Malagos 2020 Easter Fresh Egg Hunt. But since everyone is encouraged to stay inside to help flatten the curve, you could use this time to learn how to bake. You know you've been finding the time for so long and now the time has finally come. 
Bake your first batch of cookies for the family. You can even ask the kids to help in preparing the ingredients. This is a great new way to bond with them. You could be thinking that you could be on some Davao resort right now or enjoy the Holy Week with fresh Malagos air. But think about how future family gatherings can be elevated now that you know how to bake. If your family usually bakes on any occasion, it's time to try on more challenging recipes.
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You could start a home garden
One way to encourage the family to eat and live healthier is to start a home garden. Celebrities like Oprah, Julia Roberts, and even Prince Charles tend to their gardens at home. For them, it is a therapeutic activity and one that you can do with your family as well. 
Gardening helps you get more time outdoors without actually facing risks outside, it also offers some good exercise. So grab a shovel and start planting. In under a month you could be picking a bowl of fresh vegetable salad from your backyard.
Family movie marathons are always awesome
During this time of the year, TV networks usually air lenten specials that are both repetitive and outdated. You don't have to watch The Ten Commandments for 20 years in a row, create a watchlist for the family to watch as a fun Holy Week activity. Streaming services have been helping most of us cope with the extended time indoors. With the family around, viewing pleasure can be exponential.
And what are movie marathons without a little bit of delicious snack? Enjoy your favorite movies while munching on healthy treats instead of junk food. Shop a couple of veggies and fruits that you can turn into healthy snacks for the family from the Malagos Homegrown Produce.
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Save Time with These Snack Ideas
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Holiday craze has come down on us and we realize we're not the only ones living out of our homes, doing a crazy dash from carpool to recitals and cookie decorating parties. Not to mention the exchanges of presents, family dinners, holiday shopping and everything else in there! And in the midst of all this turmoil, it's very convenient for our family to fall into the fast food chicken nuggets for every meal and the child-eye-level candy bags in every supermarket checkout line for our treats. So today, check out these ingenious Davao merienda ideas that will definitely save you time – and money – for the busy holidays ahead!
Bento Box + Meal Kit Pairs - we’d just go nuts without these brilliant snack/lunch boxes for kids! They keep food apart, cater to the girls, and have lids that clip right on to take-and-go ease. You can also use them as plates in your car, whether you filled them with snacks or a complete meal. They suit and stack comfortably into most of my bags too which is a terrific bonus!
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Malagos Chocolate Brownies - If you cook up Malagos’ Chocolate Brownies, let your refrigerator do the job for you. The key, huh? It's all about the award-winning Malagos Chocolate. This recipe is a legend – making waves in the international arena! The best part of it is that you can whip up your own twist to it with their DIY brownie packs.
Donuts - If you want to participate in a food-related task, but don't pride yourself with your culinary or cooking skills, here's some good news: Malagos Homegrown Produce is offering DIY donut kits that come with a range of frosting and sprinkle choices. It's practically a fantasy for all those who want to skip straight to the decorative portion of every recipe. Just check out their davao merienda meal kit choices for more info.
Holiday Pancakes - Start by baking your favorite pancake dough to make colorful holiday pancakes for Christmas brunch. We keep it basic, and use the pancake recipe on Malagos’ DIY pancake mix – definitely a must have this Christmas season!
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Rancher’s Sandwich Kit - A perfect sandwich to pack in your grub bag for a day spent roaming around the city to source for your noche buena recipes. It’s not only tasty, but also packed with all the nutrients your body needs to last the day!
For more handy snack ideas that will get you through the busy holiday season, you can check out malagoshomegrownproduce.com, the best of davao online shopping and delivery services.
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bluewalkingdolphin · 4 years
Fun Backyard Party Activity Ideas For You and Your Guests
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You have to admit, on the weekdays (Mondays to Thursdays), the weekend is something that almost all of us look forward to. However, the weekend is a very short time. Starting on Friday evening and ending on Sunday night, there’s only so much you can do. You want to make sure you’re able to do something fun, make up to your friends and loved ones by spending some time with them, and leave some alone time for yourself to recharge. With only so much you can do during a weekend, some might think to just give up on some activities to make time for other activities that they think are better. That’s why, to help you with this dilemma, I recommend you to start your own Friday night backyard party! Okay, this might sound a bit intimidating at first. However, this activity allows you to check off two things on your weekend to-do-list making it all so worth it. First you’re able to do something fun and at the same time you’ll also be able to spend some time with your friends and loved ones!
To help you out, I’ll give you fun activity ideas that are enjoyable for both the kids and the adults, during a backyard party:
1. Outdoor Twister. Use red, blue, yellow, and green paint for the circles. Using a circle template, spray paint some circles on your lawn to make your own giant twister mat. Get your spinner ready and play this fun game with everyone!
 2. Ring Toss. Ring toss is a popular carnival game that several people enjoy. It’s not easy to DIY, though. Just paint some bottles and get some rings ready. Make sure that the rings can fit around the bottle. You can also add twists to the rules to make this game more fun!
3. Capture the Flag. This is a classic game that many people know. First, split the group into teams of 5 or more (depends on you!). Then ask each team to hide their flag which may be a piece of cloth or napkin. Make it difficult for the opposite team to find the flag. Surely, this game will make your party more fun by bringing out the competitiveness in each guest!
4. Frisbee Tic-Tac-Toe. This game combines two fun activities in one. Using a Frisbee, two teams will take turns throwing them on squares placed on the ground. The first team to form a line wins! This can be much more challenging if there are winds that disrupt the movements of your discs.
5. Flashlight Tag. Although tag is a more common game for kids, adults can equally enjoy this game. Give each player a flashlight tag each other by flashing the light on them. This game is perfect for an outdoor evening party!
With all those fun games and activities, you’ll surely keep all your guests entertained. Make them even happier with the party packages by Malagos! Malagos Homegrown Produce has a Backyard Grill Party Pack that would not only make it easier for you to plan your party, but also provide you and your guests with delicious meals! Check these out on their website at www.malagoshomegrownproduce.com. Malagos Homegrown Produce, a Davao online grocery and delivery also has other food products available  on their site. Must try!
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3 Food Hacks You Should Know
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The Labor Day 2020 in the Philippines, unlike ones in the past year, will be celebrated inside our homes. You may have plans to head over to Malagos Garden Resort to relax with your family, or head over to a relative's place to get a slightly bigger party started, but consider saving these plans for next year. 
This year, one of the best ways to celebrate your holiday is to stay at home and cook special meals for the family. While you're at it, here are some food hacks you need to know to make your life a little easier in the kitchen. Each one is useful in a home cook's arsenal, and are just three of many hacks you can discover to make cooking, storage, and other kitchen basics easier to execute. 
You can prep a whole week of meals in a day
If you're trying to manage your resources during these trying times, making a week's worth of meals is one good way to do it. Before you buy locally-grown vegetables and fruits from your local farmers, plan your meal week ahead. Think about the portions, the variety, the flavors you'd like to explore so you can make the most out of your resources while enjoying a good variety of flavors that can delight the senses. 
To get around the risk of going out to the market, buy your goods from Malagos Homegrown Produce. They have a wide array of farm-fresh fruits, veggies, meats, eggs, and so much more. Once you've selected the goods you'd like to buy, they can deliver it straight to your home. Convenient, healthy, and fresh. 
Freeze fresh herb in olive oil
Here's a smart way to store and use fresh herbs—chop them up, arrange it neatly on your ice cube container, and freeze it. Whenever you need some herbs, just throw in a cube and melt some flavor into your meals.
Cut soft food with flavorless dental floss
Cutting soft foods with a knife can be a challenge of precision. Put away the knives and pull out some dental floss. You can cut a line across big cakes with it, and slice soft cheeses with accurate ease.
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bluewalkingdolphin · 4 years
A Mother’s Day touch
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I am glad to say that I will celebrate Mother's Day 2020 with the best person on Earth. Since this whole crisis thing started, my Mom has been the only one in our house that has kept us grounded. If not for her, we will all be eating easy to prep processed food and canned goods until this all blows over. 
Lucky for us, we got someone who loves cooking delicious food, challenging herself with more difficult yet rewarding recipes, and gardening. She may be advanced in age now, but she still manages to shop for our fresh produce thanks to the Davao Online Farmers Market. 
My Mom also introduced us to Malagos farms which caused us to bond over Malagos Superfoods we buy online. Shopping and going to the market have always excited her, and now that she can do it all on her favorite chair at home, we can now be part of the excitement. 
Now that Mother's Day is fast-approaching, I'm thinking of doing groceries for Mother's Day online. My siblings and I are planning a surprise for her and for extra flex, we'll tell her how we did it all without going out of the house. 
This lockdown brought us closer to our Mom. Before all this, we were all so busy going to work, hanging out with friends, and doing what we usually do outside. But this pandemic taught us how to spend our time wisely. It made us realize who's important in our lives—we're much happier now that we can only spend time with people who are truly dear to us, and on the top of the list is our beloved Mama. 
On the first days of this lockdown, I was overthinking how this particular crisis would affect my psyche. How the distance with friends will bring separation anxiety, but when I started hanging out with my Mom all the overthinking just kinda went away. 
Every morning I sat with her, eating a hearty breakfast only a mother can prepare, and I just listened to her stories. It put my heart at peace. I gained quite a lot of weight because her cooking is excellent but I had zero anxiety attacks. 
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Best Christmas Dinner Boxes for 2020
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Christmas is only a few weeks out, have you ever talked of your Noche Buena? The year has left us and our pockets too drained to even dream about partying, so it would be a smart idea to try getting a simple Noche Buena with fam. After all, we celebrate the birth of Jesus, and besides. We've made it this far. Don't you think we all deserve a recognition for surviving one of the most turbulent years we've ever had?
1.        Pingcon Marketing - Since the majority of us are working from home, we’ve made some changes to make things easier! Nationwide delivery straight to your doorstep for multiple recipients. Great for corporate clients with more than 100 employees. Additional charges may apply Free delivery for orders with one drop off point in selected cities when you reach the minimum order amount. Selected cities include Metro Manila, Bulacan, Pampanga, Laguna, Cavite, and Batangas
2.      Patisserie Bebe Rouge - Step up your Christmas with Pâtisserie Bébé Rouge’s exciting lineup of Christmas-themed French sweets and confections this year. Their assorted Christmas basket is full of cookie treats and pastries in adorable Christmas designs such as reindeer, Christmas tree, snowman, and Santa. Not to mention their famous Strawberry Shortcake, which is a classic gift among expatriates here in Manila.
3.       Grazes by Mrs. Reyes - Grazing boxes never go out of style, and they're still the ideal holiday gift. Grazes by Mrs. Reyes specializes in charcuterie, cheese and sweet grazing boxes for every occasion. Each grazing or liquor package features an exquisite bouquet of delicatessen consisting of quality cheese, frozen cuts, fresh fruit and crackers, as well as a nice bottle of wine.
4.        Noche Buena Bundles by Malagos Homegrown Produce - if you’re looking for Davao’s best meal kits, or a local online grocery and delivery that includes not only the traditional noche buena ingredients, but complete with DIY hearty meals and lechon belly for noche buena, then look no further. Malagos Homegrown Produce’s meal kits in Davao City are all included in the noche buena bundles that they will be launching soon. Make sure to check them out on facebook and on their website malagoshomegrownproduce.com and be the first to know about their exciting deals.
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Online Shopping is Here to Stay for Good
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Shopping online is here to stay, and the rise in online purchases is exponential. Shopping online is something that anybody can do with a bit of coaching, some experience, and the right equipment. At the price you want to pay, you will find what you want. There is no exception to this. In reality, with the complexity and pace of online shopping tools, customers spend more and more on shopping mall websites. Shopping online is a fantastic time and money saver, and with promotional coupon codes you save even more. It's a lot more comfortable, too when you don't have to leave your home or office. Simple online shopping through member organizations Online Marketplace lets member organizations expand, succeed and continue to support the people in their communities.
When we decided to spend on staples such as essential food, toiletries, hygiene products, we took care of our lives. The ordinary shopper says, I might not have much control over the storm outside, but I can definitely control what's going on inside my house. This meant an increase in demand for home entertainment, fitness and home jobs. If I can't find anything online, I'm going to the local supermarket, armed with my sanitizer, gloves and mask. The way we customers have deliberately adapted our buying patterns is a testimony to our adaptability and durability. We didn't give up; we just hunkered down to defy the odds. In the post-Covid age, we plan to stay in charge of a more thoughtful and sanitized shopping experience.
Locally, Davao online grocery and delivery has seen a major revolution this year especially that we’ve been under numerous lockdowns and quarantines for several months. We’ve learned how to make do of the available resources that we have, and more importantly, shift our focus to supporting local and small businesses. We’ve learned the importance of understanding where our food comes from and the convenience that online shopping has provided us when it comes to assuring food safety. Buying local fresh vegetables in Davao now doesn’t have to be in actual supermarkets because there are plenty of Davao fresh fruit and vegetable suppliers we can choose from like Malagos Homegrown Produce. They offer individually sold veggies, and also those that come in bundles and promos. Check them out now at malagoshomegrownproduce.com.
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