#Man the Pilos Episodes am i right
ghostgetter · 4 years
hi idea i want to write but am too lazy to compile:
there needs to be a klance canon divergent au of lance idk, being manipulated by druid magic or possibly (and i like this idea better) post-undercover mission instructed by shiro and getting caught, trying to escape in his ship (not Blue) and it crashing and a galra leader blowing it up and Lotor (who, since i have watched one episode, is Bad To Me) finds him near-death after being begrudgingly ordered to kill him, but with n o m e m o r y of anything - he thinks his name is Tailor until Lotor comes to the conclusion by galaxy rumors that his name is Lance - and is thus coined a ~*~*~perfect right-hand man~*~*~, a perfect soldier, who has all the muscle memory of an excellent pilot and shooter but no recollection of his home or his family or his life or his friends, so nothing to hold him back from getting the job done.
And Lotor takes him under his wing to not exactly work with the galra (because he’s a prince damn it he has earned his place to take control of what he can and will not be ordered by shitty galra lieutenants) but still do Bad Things. He’s got Acxa and others and essentially overthrow governments for their team, collecting weapons and information and money and the like (but Lotor is sending most of this to Zarkon for control blah blah complications whatever)
Meanwhile the team is like, totally distraught. Nearly fallen apart. They have a funeral for Lance because they have no reason to think he’s alive. Keith, who had a fleeting moment with Lance a few days prior, who had developed feelings for him, blames Shiro for his death. Hunk’s furious with the team in general and demands they go home. Pidge is immensely sad and stops sleeping because she lost another brother figure. Shiro doesn’t blame Keith for being angry and agrees this is his fault. Keith’s being extra-“let’s throw my life on the line every mission who gives a shit anymore” until he and Shiro have a Serious Talk. Allura is reluctant but forces herself to attach to Blue, whom is also relectant (they later find out it’s cus Lance Is Alive and Blue Wants Her Paladin).
Anyway Kolivan, leader of the BOM, who Keith has been occassionally working under for more missions to kill himself in, comes to the castle of lions with news about the galra a few months after Lance’s death. He requests their help with stopping a side group of galra who don’t seem to be directly working with Zarkon but are on the map in a massive way and causing havoc and know team voltron wanna be involved. Allura is automatically in but Hunk is so fucking done he wants to go home. He wants to go to Cuba and see Mrs McClain and apologize and cry about their son. And then Kolivan pulls out a tablet that reveals a hologram of Lance.
Lance, in a bright purple uniform, a scar from his temple to his brow, hoisting a galra-styled rifle and perched on a futuristic building, aiming below, clearly unaware of his photo being taken. Alive.
And Keith snatches the tablet from Kolivan “when was this taken?”
“Three days ago.”
Anyway so Team Voltron and BOM team up immediately to get Lance but BOM’s goal is Lotor and the other galra Keith and Hunk (and Shiro, who is still very guilty) are all “we’re getting Lance and regrouping fuck this.” They end up on a planet untouched by Zarkon but in near chaos cus of Lotor’s team, and the BOM are chasing some of the galra in their ships, losing em, and team voltron are also in ships (not the lions), and Keith’s chasing Lotor but then his ship gets slammed into and it’s Lance, he just knows, so he has Shiro and Kolivan continue after Lotor while he chases Lance. He shoots out a cable that catches onto Lance’s ship and forces it to (roughly) land and he runs out of his ship to get Lance, who’s stumbling out
and Keith calls out to him and Lance shoots him.
Keith is able to dodge it enough so it grazes him but Lance quickly shoots at the cable attached to his ship to get it off and runs back in before escaping.
And in his sheer disbelief of what just happened, he hears on the coms that Lotor also escaped, and Hunk and Pidge’s ship crashed, and this was a fucking mess, and Lance looked right at him and just shot him, what the hell -
Anyway lots of heists and chasing and Keith has Pidge catch wind of Lance at an underground hover cycle race on a planet with lots of crime (Lance had ditched Lotor and his team for some air as things were getting Tense between him and Lotor, who was usually very on top of Lance in a protective, possessive way that was kinda creepy but also not necessarily Bad, unlike now where Lotor is being possessive and gross and Lance was starting to question things because Blue was trying to communicate with him through quintessence as the Castle Ship kinda hovered nearer and nearer and Allura was trying to expand it???? idk i don’t watch this show does this make sense lmao) and Keith heads off there alone and sees him in his natural habitat and it’s almost like???? he was the same person? It’s post race and he rips off his helmet, cocky and smirking at an alien that he just beat. mouthing off to him and shooting finger guns at the crowd and winking and Keith’s heart soothes because shit, it’s Lance.
And Lance is getting ready to leave - he’s collected his winnings and such and he’s pulling out and Keith drives up to him and takes his helmet off and Lance double takes. And is like “um, hello?”
And Keith has, no idea, maybe it’s the cocky smirk he saw, but he revs his engine and says: “I hear you’re pretty good at racing around here.”
Lance laughs, sudden startlement pushed aside by amusement. “I’d say I’m the best pilot they’ve seen.”
“Wanna test that theory?”
And Lance is confused because like, he shot this guy? “Do you have a death wish or something, man?”
“Maybe,” Keith smirks. “I just wanna race.”
Lance blinks once, twice, then scoffs. Turns forward, “Fine. Your funeral.”
“This’ll be fun,” Keith turns forward as well. “Lance and Keith, neck and neck, remember?”
And Lance looks at him, because no, what the fuck? No he doesn’t.
Anyway they race through the city streets. It is indeed: Lance and Keith, Neck and Neck. Lance comes to the conclusion that this Keith is immensely fucking good at racing. But so is Lance, who bypasses him on a few turns, of course until they start getting tailed by the city’s law enforcement. And Keith, who’s fucking crazy, is able to turn his bike around and force them to crash, and then pass Lance in reverse, and take the lead.
And win.
And Lance is pissed but he takes this loss and pulls out into an open field and Keith and him bicker a bit about the race and Keith criticizes him but also “but you got better with the accelerating. You just break too much on turns. You do that when you pilot, too.”
“I’m confused. So you know how I pilot, now?”
“Yeah, I know how you pilot. I know you.”
“No, you don’t,” Lance argues. “You don’t know me.”
“You’re a pilot, you’re good with a gun -”
“Everyone knows that,” Lance cuts in. “Everyone on this planet knows that. I made a name for myself here. That doesn’t mean you know anything about me—”
“I know you’re from Cuba, on Earth.” Keith argues back. “I know you have a large family. I know you love the ocean, and that you miss rain.”
Lance is quiet, then, “I don’t remember rain.”
“Maybe not. But I can help you remember it.”
And at this point they’ve gotten closer and they’re talking and Lance asks where he got the scar on his face “if you know me so well” and Keith tells him the story, breezing over their moment and tells him about Shiro, and fighting the galra, and that Lance is a paladin of -
And in comes Lotor, his ship coming in from above and landing, him and another Galra, and call out to Lance, in a calm, orderly fashion and Keith and Lance both freeze. Lotor tells Lance to meet at the randezvous point and Lance hesitates until Lotor repeats himself, and Lance sighs, looks at Keith and salutes him, and gets on his hoverbike with one last look before driving off to get to the ship he docked and fly off.
And then Lotor and Keith face off. Not fighty but more argumentative. And Lotor expresses just how much control he has over Lance, who’s so flighty lately since Voltron got involved and it’s agitating, and Lotor offers information on inside Galra war plans in exchange for Keith and his team to back off.
“And Lance?”
Lotor eyes him. “He stays.”
“Then no.”
And Keith takes out his sword because he’s honestly had it with Lotor and then he sees Lotor brought more than just one Galra, but another humanoid-alien, who comes out aiming a laser at Keith. And then bam bam Hunk appears from Yellow, who he took down to follow after Keith because fuck you, Lance is his best friend he wants him back, canon bayard loaded and trained on Lotor.
Anyway no harm comes from it and then after a battle happens with the Lions and Lance being forced to eject from the warship with a few others and join the fight and Lance is Not Feeling This (he feels super connected to Blue and Lotor is on his ass about Keith and Lance Does Not Remember fuck off). Keith sees this and has Red get close to Lance, with Shiro and everyone yelling at him, and he propells to Lance’s ship outta the jaw of Red and has Red back outta the line of fire, and somehow blah blah, gets into Lance’s ship. And Lance is like ?????? but then immediately sees that Lotor is aiming a canon at them and they’re gonna blow up and they do, until Red comes in and snatches them up. Keith is unconscious. Lance is confused. He sees Team Voltron on the vid cam and doesn’t know what’s happening. He tries to explain what Lotor’s doing and that Keith got knocked out with the blast and he’s so confused and why is the yellow guy crying, what’s going on, until Allura tries to get Lance to pilot Red, and Lance argues with her a bit while settling Keith in what looks like a seconadry pilot chair that miraculously popped up. And then Lance, like, hears this Lion-thing? Speaking to him??? And he pilots Red and Lotor escapes and they go back to the castle of Lions, get Keith into a pod, and everyone hugs Lance, who still doesn’t???? Understand????
Anyway. Long story short. He re-meets the team. Joins the fight. Pilots Blue again, who he confesses to have been hearing in some sorta abyss for the last month. Has a heart to heart with Shiro. Cries with Hunk. Re-falls for Keith. Big battle. He gets his memory back later. The end.
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gigglyzero · 5 years
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I shall speak of shit nobody will pay attention to. I’m the background blue moon edition newspaper. Sir General Paul Bob Page Carter and JC Denton are cops. Irrelevant Prince, the floor is made of water bottles. Paper pap airplanes with sumo bets of golden state steak bake and take shake. John x Dirk scene take 7. The frog nation of international beer cola made in pocket watches. Glados pilos. The Tier Gear is right next to the washing machine ammo hoodlums, the eye of sourus mingled the nimble of magic candy bats caved from the yogi Vincent loomers. Why can’t I see the one when is is is. I am disgusted by the more, the worst Instrumental segment for rollerblading caterpillars. If and It are not Is? I m mainly because of. The strange occurrences of lost episodes of the spingebody movie of the Fro Bro Foundation. Give me the three hours of a clock handler for butlers. It is an never ending cycle of Mortis trying to grab the Light Yagami from the out of me. Oo oof uuu. Blam a dana mana. This is stupid like me. I will will I’ll will will I will I will I will I will wil will and will will bill bill and hill hill and hill. My mind is in a never ending random thinking generator. I am as funny as a plank of wood from blues clues blues. Allan. There was nothing I could do, I died instantly. Come on man. Why did this result in the factories of dumb thoughts of my mind from the very start of the first sentence? I’ll never understand why tombstone was a thing. This shitpost has gone on for long enough, but a bear convinced me that enough just isn’t enough. The t ball junction headlines are in an never ending Achievement hunting season for the allan and I. My home is literally a shit ton of unfunny cultural information that I keep spreading and become more irrelevant by the second dogs of Murray hill teal dr phil kill. I don’t know what I’m doing anymore with my boring self. Gee eye joe American hero nyo geo pets. This is becoming or feeling like an essay long.
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