#Manchester App development company
How to Build a Social Media Application in 2023
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In the modern digital era, it is rare to encounter an individual who isn’t engaged on social media platforms. These applications have revolutionized how we communicate, transforming various aspects of media, culture, education, politics, and business. Social networking sites seem endless, from YouTube and Facebook to Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and TikTok.
Recent statistics from a reputed mobile app development company in the UK indicate that approximately 4.89 billion individuals are active on social media accounts worldwide as of 2023, representing a 6.5% growth compared to the previous year. Moreover, it is projected that this number will reach around six billion by 2027, reflecting the continuous expansion and influence of social media on a global scale.
Is it the right time to launch your social media app in Manchester? If yes, you should know to get started.
But before that, let us take a sneak peek at the different varieties of apps currently thriving in the market.
Different Types of Social Media Applications
When thinking about social media applications by hiring a Social Media App Development Company, the usual ones that come to mind are Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok. However, various categories of platforms fall into this realm:
Social Network Apps: These apps, such as Facebook and Instagram, are designed to connect people and provide a platform for sharing thoughts, experiences, and images. Over time, they have evolved into valuable marketing tools for large and small companies.
Media Sharing Networks: These platforms facilitate sharing various media types, including videos, photos, and GIFs. Examples of media-sharing networks include YouTube, Snapchat, and TikTok. They encourage user-generated content, allowing creators to make, upload, edit, curate, and share content.
Social Review Networks: Apps in this category provides social proof about products and services, allowing users to find company information without wasting time and money.
Community and Discussion Forums: While discussion forums may have lost some popularity with the rise of social networks, they remain relevant to many communities. Platforms like Reddit and Quora enable people to connect on specific topics, share unique experiences, and find communities with similar interests.
Bookmarking and Content Curation Networks: Bookmarking sites help users organize resources and websites by tagging and categorizing links. Pinterest is an example of a platform that serves as both a bookmarking site and a marketing tool for promoting businesses, blogs, YouTube channels, and other creative works.
Blogging and Publishing Platforms: Distinct from content management systems like Wix or WordPress, blogging and publishing platforms enable users to create profiles and share posts on various topics without the need to build a website or pay hosting fees.
Interest-based Networks: These social media apps focus on specific topics or hobbies, catering to the interests of particular user groups. For instance, Goodreads allows users to share their thoughts about books and create recommendation lists.
Anonymous Social Networks: Anonymous social sites enable users to ask questions or share stories without revealing their identities. These platforms are viral among teenagers who want to discuss controversial topics anonymously.
Microblogging: Microblogging platforms like Plurk or Twitter allow users to share short entries within a maximum character limit, such as 280 characters. Users are encouraged to engage in discussions, comment, and retweet posts. This feature attracts business owners who can promote their products and services engagingly and concisely.
How to Develop a Social Media App?
Once you have opted for the type to create your own social network app, it is time to get started…
Step 1: Define the Target Audience
The initial step in creating a successful social media app is understanding the environment, defining a specific niche, and identifying the target audience. While the development stage is crucial, it is equally important to understand the app’s purpose clearly and its intended users.
Here are some essential steps to consider before diving into social network app development:
Market research
Finding a niche
Defining the target audience
While the answer may seem straightforward, it requires deeper consideration. Understanding your target audience’s needs and preferences will enable you to create detailed project specifications.
Step 2: Choose the Revenue Model
Revenue generation is critical to consider when developing a social media app. Here are some monetization strategies you can adopt:
Freemium model
In-app purchases
Selecting the most suitable revenue model will depend on factors such as your target audience, app features, and market trends.
Step 3: Develop a USP and Strategy
Merely knowing how to create a social media app is just the beginning. Copying an existing app will not lead to success. To stand out and increase the chances of success, developing a unique set of features and a compelling Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is crucial.
Conduct a SWOT analysis
Prepare Business Model Canvas
Step 4: Choose the Right Features
The social network app development approach varies depending on the specific case, as there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Here are some basic features to consider when building a social media app:
User profile
Social authorization
Content uploading
Posts Creation
Search tab
User interaction
In-app messaging
Account Analytics
Consider incorporating these features while customizing them to align with your app’s unique goals and target audience.
Step 5: Choose Social Media App Development Company in Manchester
To bring your idea of a social media app to life, you’ll likely need assistance from experts who know how to develop such apps. Hiring professionals with expertise in social media app development can be the most efficient and cost-effective option in the long run.
Working with an experienced IT outsourcing team ensures minimal redoing and unexpected delays and eliminates scalability and customization issues. You can create your dream app without micromanaging every step of the development process.
Step 6: Select the Technology Stack
Understanding the underlying technology is essential when creating a social media app. The technology stack required for social network app development depends on your target platform.
Programming language: Kotlin, Java
Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Android Studio
Software Development Kit (SDK): Android SDK
Notifications: Google Cloud Messaging
Geolocation: Google Map API
AR filters: ML Kit
Programming language: Swift, Objective-C
IDE: Xcode
SDK: Cocoa Touch
Notifications: Apple Push Notifications
Geolocation: MapKit
AR filters: ARCore
Step 7: Promote Your Social Media Application
After launching your social media app, the work is far from over. App promotion is crucial to attract users and increase visibility. Here are several strategies you can employ:
App Store Optimization
Organic User Acquisition
Paid ads
Influencer marketing
Partnership promotions
Wrapping Up!
Social media has transformed into a vital channel through which billions of individuals access information about the world. What initially served as a platform for connection has evolved into something of great importance today. Consequently, social media holds a prominent position in present-day society and boasts an extensive user base, making it one of the largest markets available. If you are considering entering this market and developing a social media app, there is no more opportunity to seize.
Article Resource - https://zimblecode.com/how-to-build-a-social-media-application-in-2023/
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theappideas1 · 6 months
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3/9 Hope is a Dangerous Thing
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Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!OC
Tags: Explicit content, +18 audiences only. Smut, romantic angst, fluff. An unapologetic LOVE STORY. Sexual tension, mutual pining, banter, flirting, developing relationship, strangers to lovers. Simon Riley has a dark past (partly inspired by Modern Warfare 2: Ghost comics).
CW/TW: References to PTSD, depression, past torture and abuse in later chapters.
Summary: A uni student who pole dances at a strip club to pay her rent encounters a mysterious giant of a soldier seemingly incapable of falling in love.
She googled the name Simon Riley and found close to nothing. He wasn't on Facebook or any other social media platform, and she was pretty sure he had given her a false name until a short news article popped up. It was in some Manchester local paper, and from almost 20 years ago. He had won medals in local school olympics, and even with the black and white raster image and a 20 year younger, estimated 90 pounds skinnier Simon Riley, she could recognize that jaw and those eyes.
Days passed by, and he sent her a message every night. They communicated only through text – he never called. It felt like she was living in the turn of the century, the way he refused to use social media or any messaging app. He asked her how her school was, what classes she was taking at the moment, and if work was good. She sent her a photo every night before going to sleep; it simply became a habit. Some were cuter, some were naughtier, but he always expressed his gratitude with a sly, sexy comeback that made her think she might actually be the only girl Simon was texting with.
He rarely disclosed anything about his work, and never sent another picture even when she tried to request one in a roundabout way. She soon stopped fishing for more details of his work because he always redirected the conversation elsewhere. All she knew was that he was used in some special operations of a private, international company. And from what she could deduce from that one single picture he had sent her, the company he worked for had a lot of money.
The headset, the tactical gear, the weapon she distinguished with another profound googling session to be some sort of an assault rifle… All that shit spoke the language of international investors with certain political interests. Simon was doing something that most likely included hybrid warfare, clandestine operations, dealing with nuclear threats and bio-weapons and whatnot.
She wondered why he had been so trusting; after all, she knew his whole name now and knew it wasn't an alias but his real, actual childhood name. Not that she was any kind of threat. Perhaps that was why…
But what made her a bit depressed was that he also didn't seem to regard her as someone he needed to protect. By staying in contact with him, she supposed she was taking at least some kind of a risk. But Simon didn't seem to care. It was both exciting and infuriating to keep in touch with a man like him.
After six days of excited, heated messaging, he sent a text "Off to work." It wasn't that cryptic; she figured it meant that he wasn't to be disturbed or that he wouldn't be able to talk for a while.
A while… that turned into a week.
She found herself zoning out in dull classes, thinking about what Simon was doing right now. Was he infiltrating some foreign military base, or going on a mission to prevent a hijacking, or storming a terrorist compound, or… whatever the fuck soldiers like himself did.
She began her day with a caffeine overdose and then went to listen to some professor talk about medieval manuscripts or Dante Gabriel Rossetti or curse tablets of ancient Rome, only to realize she was thinking about Simon firing his assault rifle in another continent with a skull mask on. She kept thinking about whether he was in danger, whether he would come back, whether she would ever see him again.
The while turned into another week, and she began to get anxious. Should she text him and ask how he was doing? Ask “You still at work?” or “What about that date?”
The last message she had sent was a reply to his work announcement. Have fun! — from 17 days ago.
17 days.
Was he dead?
His message It's your fault if I get killed now seemed more like a gloomy prediction of a future without Simon Riley.
But at the beginning of the third week of silence, she realized she had just been an idiot. Simon wasn't dead or injured or taken prisoner or anything like that.
He had simply forgotten about her.
He had realized she was not a Bond girl after all, but just another boring chick. He had found someone better. Something like that. A man like him could have pretty much any woman on this planet if he wanted to.
That was just the way the world was built.
She wouldn't say that she was depressed. She wouldn’t admit that she was devastated. She just needed a little time to clear her head.
It was difficult to sleep, and school felt more boring than ever. Work just reminded her of him. One day, she nearly fell from the pole while doing a simple straddle because she saw a man looking like Simon walk in the club.
He had given her an exorcism, only to replace the demons that haunted her with himself. Now she needed an exorcism from Simon, but no one knew how to do that.
She just needed to give it time, sleep it away, study it away… Distractions filled her day, and still, she refreshed their conversation every night before going to sleep, as if it was a fault in her phone that prevented his messages from reaching her. And felt like a stupid bitch, a lovesick fool while doing so.
And then, one Tuesday afternoon, after almost four weeks, he appeared at her uni.
She was arriving from a class that had just ended when she hurried past a man she had been pining for for 25 days.
"You working tonight?"
Hearing that voice in a place she had least expected to hear it made her shoulders shoot up and her breath get caught in her throat as she stopped and turned around.
"Jesus…- You scared me."
He laughed and crossed his arms over his chest.
"When did you… What are you doing here?"
She didn't say I'm happy to see you. I missed you. That would've sounded too desperate. Right? Even after 25 days.
He looked her up and down, and her knees felt like pudding.
"I like to stalk school girls."
She tried to suppress her smile. God, she had missed that cheeky humour.
"Pervert. No, I don't have a shift tonight."
"Then I can finally take you out on that date."
It was like her dreams had suddenly come true in one single minute. She went from a bird with a broken wing to Icarus flying toward the sun.
"What do you have in mind?"
"You'll see."
He was even taller than she remembered, broader, even when he was wearing all black. People were staring at them, staring at him, because he certainly didn’t look like someone who studied in the Art and Culture Department.
"How did you even know I was here right now?"
"Doesn't really need a rocket scientist to find that out, luv."
Right. But the fact that he had made the effort to dig up what classes she took, when and where, and then come and surprise her like this, made her heart ache. He gave her another once-over, and she squeezed her bag against her chest like that could shield her from the searing gaze.
"You look hot."
And that definitely made her blush… She was an umptieth year student and didn't bother to take pains anymore when she dragged herself in the class. She had her comfiest ballerinas on, her hair was tied to a simple ponytail, and she had no foundation, no mascara, only a bit of her favourite lipstick on. She was wearing a huge, flowy skirt the color of a Halloween pumpkin and a black, simple turtleneck — while perhaps neat and cute in this environment, to him, she would've thought she looked more like a librarian. Far from a hot Bond girl who danced at a strip club with curled hair and cat eye makeup.
"Such a diligent little student."
It seemed he did have an actual thing for school girls, even if they were almost 30 years old. She would never have guessed that this would send him itching. If Simon preferred the girl next door look to her being half-naked on a stage with a pole, then perhaps she did have a chance after all.
"I knew you were a good girl but I didn't know- "
"Stop it, people can hear you," she hissed while, in truth, feeling quite exalted by that good girl talk. She grabbed him by the arm, and he allowed her to guide him out of the building while looking perfectly content with himself and what he was doing to her.
They began the walk to her place so she could shower and get changed for whatever he had in mind for that date. The complete turnaround in her mood, the shot of hormones and giddy feelings and butterflies in the stomach left her feeling shaky. Even the colors seemed more vivid all of a sudden. It was a bit frightening how one single person could change the whole world in a second, have a remedy for all the shit she had been rolling in for the past week. Or two weeks. Or three.
"Sorry that it took so long. Work was... a bit of a challenge."
"It's okay."
Well, it really was not, but she would rather die than tell him that.
"It's better if you don't know where I am and when. I hope you understand that."
Safety measures for her sake after all. Now she felt almost flattered that he hadn't told her he was coming. Jesus...
"Yeah. Sure," she tried to sound neutral about it, but the sudden shyness that had taken over made it sound like she was being passive-aggressive. "I mean, I didn't expect you to entertain me every night."
Well, that sounded even more sour and pathetic… She snapped her mouth shut and tried to calm her heart that was racing from his presence, his scent which had been only a memory until now.
"So, what will you become when you graduate? A historian?”
"I’ve always wanted to work in a gallery. You know, as an art curator or something like that."
"Hm. Ambitious."
She wasn’t entirely sure if he was mocking her, but she laughed. In the culture business, it was a sought-after position, but of course it wouldn't seem like much to someone who wasn’t familiar with the art world.
"What about you? What do you wanna be when you grow up?"
Simon's humour was dark, but after seeing that picture of him, she knew he meant what he said. And she realized that it wasn't perhaps one of her most brilliant ideas to get attached to a man who could actually be killed.
When they got to her place, she went straight to the shower and left the door open, secretly wishing that he would be the one to sneak in this time. But he never showed up, and when she stepped into her small living room, she found Simon had dozed off on her sofa. He barely fit her neat little couch and was lying on his stomach, with one hand dangling out and brushing the floor. The soft snore made it clear that he was very tired and not just chilling in a very relaxed position.
It was a cute sight, downright adorable.
But it also hurt her heart. What made him so exhausted, time after time, month after month? He wouldn’t tell her, and it was futile to ask. The man was overloaded with stress and things ordinary civilians had no clue about. She had no clue about.
He must think of her as a harmless little mouse who knew nothing of the world's darkness. And she didn't. She had her own demons and traumas, but didn't everybody? Simon, on the other hand, seemed to have the combined lives of a gladiator, spy, and war veteran. He had access to a reality that was out of sight and mind for the rest of the civilized world.
Was Simon a good guy or a bad guy? Was he a hero that saved people, or a soldier who executed orders of rape, torture, and kill?
These were questions she had never thought she would need to find answers to. The guys she had dated had been equally as harmless as her. If not even more harmless. And that was saying something.
When she had dressed, she walked to him and heard how the snoring stopped immediately.
Simon was awake and listening. He had woken just from a few soft steps, from her tiptoeing and kneeling beside the sofa, and she wondered if he had been trained for this; to wake up when someone was sneaking up on him. The thought was both gruesome and spine-tingling.
But she hadn’t meant to steal his precious sleep. And if he was so exhausted, he should sleep and not take her out…
Now that he was supposedly awake, she dared to raise a hand and caress his back, remembering what he had said in the shower when she had stroked him. His upper back was tense, even when he was lying relaxed like this, and she felt pity: someone should give this man a back rub, a whole body massage to get those muscles loose. Get some blood flowing. She caressed him with the back of her palm, then slowly traced every little vertebra of his spinal column with two fingers.
He was using both one of the cushions and her sweater as a pillow. Something in the sight of him pressed against her old, snug woolen shirt made her hand come to a halt somewhere on his lower back.
“Don’t stop,” he muttered, sleepy against the softness of her home and hand. She had to fight back the reflexive flinch: his voice was always so rough, even when he whispered and the words were muffled by the support his head was resting on.
“You have tension in your back,” she told him, not knowing why she was whispering too. It wasn’t like he was about to dart off from a sudden noise.
He merely purred for an answer, still sounding drowsy and half-asleep. How disarmed and defenseless he seemed now… On that little couch, under her gentle touch.
“I need to buy you a massage gift card for Christmas,” she blurted and regretted it immediately.
Buy him a Christmas present? As if they were some kind of a couple already… As if this wasn’t barely the second time they were spending time together.
At first, Simon didn’t show any signs of wanting to escape that hopeful suggestion of them becoming something more than just fuck buddies someday. But then he suddenly turned, and she took her hand away.
“I’d rather have you massage me,” he offered with a soft smile and a dreamy stare.
Good. Good, everything was good..
She hadn’t ruined it, hadn’t lost another poker game to this man. She still had cards to play.
She noticed the obvious signs of his arousal and felt wild in the breeze of the moment. Or perhaps she wanted to brush away what she had just said — and make him forget it too.
She reached for his pants to take them off, and he helped her with them, clearly having no objections to what she was about to do. Which was giving him a blowjob that would erase the traces of him thinking he had an obligation to buy her a present for this Christmas.
When she took him in her mouth, he grabbed the edge of the sofa as if the situation was a little too much for him.
"Didn't see that coming…"
His voice had an edge of trepidation to it. Uneasiness, almost worry. But he must've liked it, for he eased into it shortly after, slumped back onto the couch, and spread his legs in relaxation. She guided her frustration and doubts into the blowjob, tried to turn into someone else — to that girl from the stage. The Bond girl he had met, the woman of his dreams: just anything but a meek little woman who rarely left her house except for class or work.
She was fully present, not sloppy at all, almost felt like a magician as she forced groans out of him and felt his balls pull taut under her touch. He would never fit inside her mouth completely, but she tried her best.
She sure as hell made an effort.
"You must've really missed m- ah… Fuck.."
It was pretty evident that he enjoyed it. After those weeks at work, perhaps this was what he had wanted all along? To come somewhere safe, some place completely different, and throw himself on a soft couch for a quick nap before some homely girl came to give him a few caresses and a blowjob.
She swirled her tongue around the tip, gave him a little suck, then took him in as far as she could and felt him all the way at the back of her throat.
"Bloody hell Sarah..."
It couldn't be that good…
But he was all but melting under her tongue and touch. Was it just that it had been so long, or was this a rarity in his life? She'd thought that women touched him often, but apparently, they didn't. Or then he didn't allow them to.
Perhaps Simon didn't allow himself to be touched by women. He made love to them and fucked them against a wall in the shower, but he didn't get attention and caresses and blowjobs.
Well, this was news.
It didn't take too long before he came with a hoarse grunt that nearly made her shrink from him. It sounded both sublime and painful, and sent ripples of gold in her stomach and a pang of wet heat between her legs. The load was generous, but she didn't pull away, briefly wondering how awkward it would be to choke on his cum the second time they met. It had been a while for him, then, and she felt disappointed. It wasn't anything special after all, merely the cause of him not having had the opportunity, desire, or time to fap.
His chest was heaving, and she had made a mess in her attempt to swallow it all while keeping everything under control. With Simon, she wasn’t in control, and she had no choice but to accept it.
He reached a hand to absentmindedly caress her hair, and she rested her head on his thigh — but they didn't stay that way for long, for he stirred, and she had to draw back.
"Your turn," he suddenly rose from the couch while still looking like someone who was about to pass out. He got out of his pants, pulled his shirt over his head, threw it somewhere on the floor, and hauled her up in a bridal carry. He literally swept her off her feet and carried her to the bedroom, and she must’ve looked like a deer in headlights.
Because Simon was and wasn't safe.
He had strength, charisma, and forearms to die for, but he didn't feel like someone she would choose to tell her every secret, someone who she would call if she needed help. He came into her world and walked out of it like there was a swinging door between the two of them.
He didn't commit. Which meant that she couldn't commit. Which furthermore meant that she had trouble getting wet.
As infuriating as it was, dark and dangerous didn't exactly turn her on. This wasn't dating; this was more like an adventure or a roller coaster ride. She didn't know what phase they were in because the usual dating-related stuff was off the board. There was nothing to hold on to.
He laid her on the bed, crawled next to her, then reached a hand under another skirt she had chosen for going out with him.
"Perhaps later," she whispered as his hand was already traveling up her thigh. She almost took those words right back when she saw the obvious hurt flash in his eyes. She didn't know if she had de a chip to his pride or if it was something else, but he clearly hadn't expected her to say no to him again.
"Why won't you let me touch you?"
She didn't know what to tell him.
What could she say? That she felt unsafe with him? That wasn't even entirely true.
She couldn't tell him that she needed trust and commitment while knowing he couldn't give them to her. Her shy silence stretched on, and the frightened state she was in only worsened when he stared at her, tilted his head, and wouldn't remove his hand.
Then he kissed her — unhurriedly, languidly, and the hand just stayed there under the skirt, pressed against her thigh, firm and broad. Only after she answered his kiss with a shy hunger did he move it further up, up — until it came to rest on her sex.
The kissing finally did it: at some point, she could feel the sudden rush of wetness down below. Her lips trembled when he pulled away only an inch and looked into her eyes while their breaths danced in between their lips. His palm moved only a tiny bit; he was soothing her, coaxing her to open for him. Eventually, his fingers met the soaked spot on her panties, and she swallowed. There was a slight twitch at the corner of his lips, just a tiny little hint that he knew he was doing it right.
"Did you like the picture I sent you?"
Oh fuck.
"Um, yeah.."
He pressed a finger against the center of her wetness, covered only by the thin fabric, and she tried to draw breath as inaudibly as she could.
"Did you get wet?"
So fucking cocky…
"Yes, she whispered against his lips, which finally curved into a small smile.
"Come again?"
The smile widened into a smirk as he moved to slip underneath the fabric. Her folds parted without effort as he guided his finger over her, the length and thickness now resting on her entrance and all the wetness that only increased by the second. She was blinking and breathing shallowly against his mouth while he simply continued to drink in every sign of her unease and arousal.
"Is that why you asked for more?"
Oh God… 
"Yes. Would you just-"
"Begging already?"
He was so… infuriating. So cocky, so damn self-confident… It drove her crazy.
Something flickered in his eyes, a twinkle of endearment.
And not just a twinkle. It was bold, blazing mischief. Shit… She was fucked.
"I'll make you beg."
Oh my God…
He moved even lower, then dipped one finger in, so deep that she was left blinking again. Her mouth opened, then closed, and she realized she must be looking like a fish on dry land. He pulled out, and she wanted to protest, but her pride stood in the way. The moisture was spread all over her folds, especially over the tight, sensitive bud that had been left without attention for so long from the sadness and hopelessness, from her having thought Simon wouldn't come back. She couldn't even touch herself because she had already gotten used to thinking about him when she did that.
A shaky little moan finally hit his lips, and he kissed her again while drawing a circle on the bud, sweeping a few strokes across her folds, then driving two fingers in. Slowly, lovingly. The laced fabric that was stretched to give him space must be sodden by now, but he wouldn't pause to take it away. He just continued to fuck her slowly with his fingers while holding that kiss, holding her steady with his mouth only.
He had taken her hesitation as a challenge, and she wondered if she was some kind of a challenge to him overall. If something in her made him want to break her, get to the bottom of her, get a reaction out of her… And he was succeeding splendidly. She was everything but frigid now. He only needed a finger or two to make her like this. And perhaps that voice of his. That stupid cockiness.
He left her mouth and pulled out, only to finally reach for her poor underwear and take it off. She didn't object this time, but when he moved between her legs and she realized he was about to replace those panties with his face, she jerked away from him.
"Hold on…"
"Nah. You hold on."
He wouldn't relent. He simply pressed his mouth against her pussy which, by now, was wet to the point of leaking, and grabbed hold of her hips as if to remind her that she couldn't get away even if she tried. She could only sink back to the bed and let him have his way: to embark on a mission to make her beg.
And she did beg, eventually, when he pressed his tongue flat against her and plunged it inside, and sucked her clit and did it all with such infuriating patience and laid-back attitude that it made her squirm against him. He caressed her with his tongue, those lips, caressed her with his thumb before guiding it inside as well while kissing her thighs, now wide open for him.
She didn't beg with words, but she did coat the air with sighs and moans that must've stroked his ego like nothing else. Even the stubble did its job: it didn’t sting. It only drove her more mad. She could hear him chuckle against her occasionally, could feel him smile in her pussy as he ruined her with that mouth. Even the intrusive thoughts of whether Simon had done this to dozens of women before her and would do it to dozens after her didn't prevent her from approaching the peak in minutes, mere minutes…
Just as she was about to grasp his hair for support, to brace herself for the incoming, he withdrew. The bastard rose to sit and left her shaking and whimpering.
"Wh-… why did you…"
He was licking his lips, smiling, and stroking himself, fully erect again. The fact that he was hard from pleasing her with his mouth, left her feeling even more weak.
"You want it?"
"Fucking hell, Simon." She knew how she must look: dripping wet, with desperation in her eyes and a shaky curse on her lips.
"Is that a beg?"
He placed the thick tip to her entrance, and she throbbed and writhed against him like she was about to come from the slightest touch of that cock.
"Yeah… Yes, please, Simon, just-"
He granted her plea to the full before she had even finished it. The spread, the feeling of being filled with him, was so exquisitely divine that it only took less than five thrusts before she came.
He looked annoyingly pleased while watching her have one of the most powerful, gratifying, leg-shaking orgasms of her life. Perhaps it was only a proper way to greet a man who had been inside her head for so long: who was finally inside her for the first time in four desolate weeks. She didn't feel wild or raw now; she felt like molasses, like puddle of tears, a boneless, limp heap of muscle from all that love and gentle fucking.
After the tension, tremblings, and shaky sighs had left her, and she was merely panting, he finally stopped. Lodged deep inside her to feel the rest of the waves, he was still watching her. The stare of those warm eyes was too much to bear after another implosion that made her even more attached to this man.
"If you call me a good girl, I swear I'll slap you again," she whispered. The body against him shook from silent laughter. He kissed her again, buried his fingers in her hair, gave her another rock of his hips. And then, suddenly stopped just to whisper in her ear…
"That's my good girl."
It was useless. Utterly, completely useless with Simon.
"Ok… Ok." She tried to gather herself while he was still inside her, still filling her and shielding her with his body. "You're asking for it, so I'm not giving it to you."
"Poor me," he answered with that gruff, heart melting voice.
She was laughing again, smiling for the first time in days. Beaming, even…. Probably looking like a brain-dead idiot.
"This was a good date. I had fun."
In her opinion, it was the best date ever, but would she let him know it and stroke that ego further? Hell no.
"This wasn't what I had in mind," he hummed while moving to kiss her neck.
"What if we just stayed here for the rest of the day?"
"Wouldn't mind that."
“You know.. I... really missed you,” she finally confessed with a whisper while he was preoccupied with her neck; safely somewhere else than right there in front of her, staring her in the eyes, gathering evidence of her vulnerability. He huffed a chuckle against her skin in response, sounding close to relieved.
"I missed you too."
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prabisha · 2 years
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Connect with Prabisha Consulting Web design Agency in Manchester
Over the last decade, web design in Manchester has seen seismic shifts in technology and techniques. From the early days of static HTML pages to today's cutting-edge CMS driven websites and mobile apps, web designers in Manchester must constantly stay abreast of the latest developments in order to remain competitive. In this post, we'll take a deep dive into how web design has changed over time, what you need to know about website design today, and why working with a professional web designer can help you get the most out of your online presence. So grab a cup of coffee and let's get started!
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calyptuss · 16 hours
Exploring Software Engineer Jobs in the UK: A Comprehensive Guide
In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the demand for skilled Software Engineer Jobs UK continues to soar, making it a promising career path for many in the United Kingdom. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a fresh graduate looking to kickstart your career, understanding the nuances of software engineer jobs in the UK is crucial. From the types of roles available to the skills in demand and the best places to find opportunities, let’s delve into what makes this field both exciting and rewarding.
Types of Software Engineer Roles Software engineering encompasses a broad spectrum of roles, each requiring specific skill sets andexpertise. In the UK job market, some of the common roles include:
Backend Developer: These engineers focus on the server-side logic and databases of applications, ensuring they function seamlessly.
Frontend Developer: Responsible for the user-facing aspects of applications, including design, user interface, and client-side functionalities.
Full-Stack Developer: A versatile role combining both frontend and backend development skills, allowing engineers to work on all aspects of an application.
DevOps Engineer: Specializes in optimizing the development process through automation, continuous integration, and deployment strategies.
Software Architect: Designs the overall structure of software systems and ensures they meet technical and business requirements.
Mobile App Developer: Specializes in creating applications for mobile devices, requiring knowledge of platforms like iOS and Android.
Data Engineer: Focuses on designing, constructing, and maintaining scalable data pipelines and infrastructure for data generation, integration, and processing.
Key Skills and Qualifications The skills demanded by employers can vary based on the specific role and industry. However, some core skills essential for software engineers in the UK include:
Programming Languages: Proficiency in languages such as Java, Python, JavaScript, C#, or Ruby, depending on the job requirements.
Web Development: Understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, Vue.js) for frontend roles.
Backend Development: Knowledge of server-side technologies like Node.js, Django, Flask, or .NET.
Database Management: Familiarity with SQL and NoSQL databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or Redis.
Version Control: Experience with Git or similar version control systems for collaborative development.
Agile Methodologies: Ability to work in Agile environments, including Scrum or Kanban, ensuring iterative and collaborative development processes.
Problem-Solving Skills: The capability to analyze complex problems and devise effective solutions.
Industries and Employment Outlook Software Engineer Jobs UK are in demand across various industries, including finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and technology startups. London remains a hub for tech jobs, but cities like Manchester, Edinburgh, and Bristol are also emerging as significant tech clusters. The growth of remote work options has further expanded opportunities beyond traditional tech hubs.
The employment outlook for software engineers is promising, with a steady increase in job openings. Companies are actively seeking talent to drive digital transformation initiatives, develop innovative solutions, and enhance user experiences across platforms.
Where to Find Software Engineer Jobs Navigating the job market effectively is essential for landing the ideal software engineer role:
Job Portals and Websites: Platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor regularly list software engineer positions across the UK.
Company Websites: Many companies advertise vacancies directly on their websites, offering insights into their culture and values.
Recruitment Agencies: Specialist agencies often have access to exclusive job opportunities and can provide personalized career advice.
Networking: Attending industry events, meetups, and conferences can facilitate connections with potential employers and peers.
Online Communities: Engaging in online forums and communities related to software engineering can provide job leads and valuable insights.
Career Development and Advancement Continuous learning and skill enhancement are integral to advancing in the field of software engineering. Employers value certifications, advanced degrees, and participation in professional development courses. Additionally, gaining experience with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and cybersecurity can provide a competitive edge.
Conclusion Software engineering in the UK offers a dynamic and fulfilling career path for individuals passionate about technology and innovation. With diverse roles, a growing demand for skills, and opportunities across various industries and locations, aspiring software engineers have ample avenues to explore and thrive. By honing essential skills, staying updated with industry trends, and leveraging networking opportunities, you can embark on a rewarding journey in this ever-evolving field.
Whether you’re aiming to break into the industry or progress in your current role, understanding the landscape of Software Engineer Jobs UK  positions you for success. Embrace the challenges, seize the opportunities, and embark on a journey that promises growth, innovation, and professional fulfillment.
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jackmasonincandco · 1 month
CEO Spotlight: Jack Mason Inc & Co Interview Questions
As the CEO of digital disruptor Inc & Co, Jack Mason is an entrepreneurial business leader with a people-focussed outlook who uses his consultancy-led approach to reform struggling businesses. Jack directs Inc & Co’s acquisitions through strategic business frameworks and methodologies, questioning the status quo to form creative solutions. 
His innovative marketing models and technical systems form the growth solutions that Inc & Co’s acquisitions need to thrive. Jack places a strong emphasis on surrounding himself with experts – the great team that surrounds him are the backbone of everything he does.
After studying Business Enterprise at the Manchester Metropolitan University, Jack Mason Inc & Co went on to found Dreamr. In 2019, he launched Inc & Co to provide a collaborative space and knowledge hub for digital enterprises specialising in software, server technologies, PR, marketing, and design. Now, Inc & Co’s ever-growing collection of acquisitions has access to more business advice and guidance than ever before.
Inc & Co’s acquisitions include the global analytics firm Insight Analysis, which drives success for sports organisations such as the Premier League, LTA Tennis, and British Athletics; sport brand-building agency Skylab; charity data-management firm Wood for Trees; data preference and consent management specialists MyLife Digital; creative agency Neon; award-winning marketing agency Brass; mobile app development firm Cuhu; and leading laundry service Laundrapp.
This year, Jack has also launched Inc & Co’s sister company Inc & Co Property Group. He worked with his partners to acquire and develop Prospect Business Centres into incspaces, which offers ergonomic serviced office spaces for freelancers and business teams of all sizes. incspaces currently provide business-grade workspaces in Manchester, London, and Leeds and plans to expand further.
Additionally, Jack serves as a member of the Forbes Business Council, which comprises a collective of invite-only entrepreneurs. These entrepreneurs meet regularly to prepare business guidance for companies looking to scale their services and product offerings.
Learn more about Jack Mason and find out how Inc & Co could refresh your business.
When did you realise you wanted to pursue a career in your industry? Did anything in particular bring you there?
I’ve always been interested in business in general, and this started when I was in secondary school, going to the shops before school to buy a bulk amount of chocolate bars, and then selling them to other students at lunch and making a profit. Now things are a lot bigger than that, with over 180 staff across the U.K, I have bigger challenges than where to source my Mars bars!
What is advice you wish you had received when you were younger?
The advice would be, things will be tough, you won’t always get it right the first time, so don’t be too hard on yourself when you fail, just get back up and try again. A lot of time in business, there’s a lot of pressure to be perfect, not have any failures and to always look your best. I’m challenging that status quo as I’ve made my fair share of mistakes, but what matters is that you use them to build on your experience, and do better next time.
Have you ever experienced an unexpected lesson or realisation at any point in your career? What was it?
Knowing that you can’t please everyone is a huge realisation I had in the past year. When you’re responsible for hundreds of people, you need to know that you will never be able to please everyone. A decision that I make, has the chance to affect a lot of people, and some of those people won’t like you, sometimes. Obviously you need to do what you can to minimise that, but at the same time you need to realise that you will never please everyone.
Do you have experiences outside of work that impacted your perspective or trajectory within your career?
I’m a cancer survivor. When I was young I beat cancer, and this has shaped who I am today. I never give up and I know that if I can beat an invisible disease, I can beat anything!
How do you define success? Has this definition changed over time?
Success is so subjective, and I try to explain this to young entrepreneurs I meet. It takes you a long time to figure out what it means to you, but most of the time we spend our life chasing other people’s dreams and ideas of success. You see a rich person on Instagram with a Porsche, and you chase their dream of also owning a porsche. There’s a utopia when you find out what makes you happy and if you can figure that out, and you know what you need to do to feel that way, you will be the happiest person alive. By the way, success or happiness isn’t a destination, it’s a journey you go on, that has no ending.
Do you do anything in your free time that you feel has impacted your work (or allowed you to step away from it)?
I like to get out in the outdoors and away from technology. I spend all my working day surrounded by technology, and its Inc & Co’s bread and butter. So when I spend the weekend relaxing and out of the office, it really allows me to reset my mind and body so that when I’m back in on the Monday, I have a fresh perspective to my work and the 9 companies we have in the group.
What has been your best moment to date with Inc & Co?
Every day is a great moment, whether that’s hiring a new head of commercial, or planning for our group Covid christmas party. As I was saying earlier, you have to enjoy the moments along the way, otherwise you will always be chasing a bigger, better moment. Every moment is special, you just need to take a step back to enjoy it sometimes.
What exciting future projects can you talk about?
There’s one really big thing we’re working on that is in the pipeline, but I genuinely can’t say anything until it’s launched. Watch this space!
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talmeeltd77 · 1 month
The Art and Science of Game Development
Game development is a multifaceted and creative process that combines art, design, technology, and storytelling to create immersive and engaging experiences. As video games have become a dominant form of entertainment, the field of game development has grown significantly, encompassing everything from indie projects to massive AAA titles. Talmee Ltd, located in Manchester, is a leading Software company specializing in mobile app development, AI-driven solutions, and intuitive web design.  the various stages involved, and the skills needed to create successful games.
The Essence of Game Development
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Game development is the process of designing, creating, and producing video games. It involves multiple disciplines, including game design, programming, art and animation, sound design, and quality assurance (QA). Unlike traditional software development, game development focuses not only on functionality but also on creating an enjoyable and memorable experience for players. This requires a careful balance between technical precision and creative expression.
https://talmee.com/, apps development is about creating interactive experiences. Whether it's a fast-paced action game, a thought-provoking puzzle, or an expansive open-world adventure, the goal is to engage players in a way that captivates their imagination and emotions. This engagement is achieved through a combination of gameplay mechanics, visual aesthetics, narrative elements, and sound design.
Key Stages of Game Development
The process of developing a game typically follows several key stages, each requiring a unique set of skills and expertise.
Concept and Pre-Production:
Idea Generation: The development process begins with an idea or concept. This could be a new game mechanic, a story, or a specific aesthetic. During this stage, developers brainstorm and refine their ideas, considering what will make the game unique and appealing.
Research and Planning: Once the concept is solidified, the team conducts research to ensure the idea is feasible and marketable. They also create a detailed project plan, outlining the scope, timeline, budget, and resources required.
Game Design:
Design Document: The design phase involves creating a game design document (GDD) that outlines the game's mechanics, story, characters, levels, and overall structure. This document serves as a blueprint for the entire development process.
Prototyping: Developers create prototypes to test core gameplay mechanics and concepts. This allows the team to experiment with different ideas and identify potential issues before full-scale development begins.
Programming: During production, developers write the code that powers the game. This includes implementing gameplay mechanics, physics, artificial intelligence (AI), and user interfaces. Programming is the backbone of game development, turning ideas into interactive experiences.
Art and Animation: Artists and animators create the visual elements of the game, including characters, environments, textures, and animations. The art style is crucial in defining the game's aesthetic and overall feel.
Sound Design: Sound designers create the audio elements of the game, including music, sound effects, and voiceovers. Sound plays a vital role in immersing players in the game world and enhancing the emotional impact of the experience.
Level Design: Level designers craft the game's environments, challenges, and pacing. They ensure that levels are engaging, balanced, and aligned with the game's overall design.
Testing and Quality Assurance:
Playtesting: As the game nears completion, playtesting becomes crucial. QA testers play through the game to identify bugs, glitches, and other issues. They also provide feedback on gameplay, difficulty, and user experience.
Polishing: Based on feedback from playtesting, developers refine and polish the game. This involves fixing bugs, optimizing performance, and making final adjustments to ensure the game meets the desired quality standards.
Launch and Post-Release:
Marketing and Distribution: Once the game is ready, it is marketed and distributed through various platforms, such as Steam, consoles, or mobile app stores. Marketing strategies may include trailers, demos, social media campaigns, and press releases.
Post-Launch Support: After the game's release, developers may provide updates, patches, and downloadable content (DLC) to address issues and keep players engaged. Post-launch support is crucial for maintaining a game's longevity and success.
Skills Required in Game Development
Game development is a collaborative effort that requires a diverse range of skills:
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Programming: Proficiency in programming languages like C++, C#, or Python is essential for implementing game mechanics, AI, and other technical aspects.
Art and Animation: Artists need skills in 2D or 3D art software, such as Adobe Photoshop, Blender, or Maya, to create characters, environments, and animations.
Game Design: A strong understanding of game mechanics, player psychology, and storytelling is crucial for designing engaging and fun experiences.
Sound Design: Knowledge of audio production software and techniques is important for creating music, sound effects, and voiceovers.
Problem-Solving: Game development often involves solving complex technical and creative challenges, requiring strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
Game development is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field that combines creativity, technology, and storytelling to create immersive experiences. From the initial concept to the final release, the development process involves multiple stages, each requiring specialized skills and collaboration. As the gaming industry continues to grow and evolve, the demand for innovative and engaging games will only increase, making game development an exciting and rewarding career path for those with a passion for both art and technology.
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jjswebworldsolutions · 3 months
The Future of Web Development in 2024: Top JavaScript Frameworks
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The Future of Web Development in 2024: Top JavaScript Frameworks
Even in the year 2024, web development continues to develop at a rapid pace. For web app development company in London, Manchester and beyond, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. In this blog, we'll explore the top JavaScript frameworks shaping the future of web development and how they're impacting the industry.
The Rise of JavaScript Frameworks
JavaScript has long been an initial part of web development and its importance only continues to grow. For web app development companies in London and Manchester, choosing the right framework can make all the difference in delivering high-quality, efficient and scalable web applications.
1. React: Still Leading the Pack
React, developed by Facebook, remains a top choice for many web development companies in London and across the UK. Its component-based architecture and virtual DOM make it ideal for building complex, interactive user interfaces. In 2024, React continues to evolve, with improved performance and new features that keep it at the forefront of web app development.
Key benefits for web app development companies:
- Reusable components for faster development
- Strong community support and extensive ecosystem
- Excellent performance for large-scale applications
2. Vue.js: The Rising Star
Vue.js has been gaining significant traction among web app development company in Manchesterand London. Known for its simplicity and ease of integration, Vue.js is perfect for both small projects and enterprise-level applications. In 2024, we're seeing Vue.js 3.x mature, offering improved performance and better TypeScript support.
Advantages for web development in 2024:
- Gentle learning curve for developers
- Flexible and lightweight framework
- Strong official documentation and growing community
3. Angular: Enterprise-Grade Solution
Angular, backed by Google, continues to be a go-to choice for many web app development companies, especially for large-scale projects. In 2024, Angular is focusing on improving developer experience and application performance, making it an even more attractive option for complex web applications.
Benefits for web app development companies in London:
- Comprehensive framework with built-in tools
- Strong typing with TypeScript
- Ideal for large teams and enterprise projects
4. Svelte: The Game-Changer
Svelte is gaining momentum in 2024, offering a fresh approach to web development. Unlike traditional frameworks, Svelte compiles your code to vanilla JavaScript at build time, resulting in smaller bundle sizes and faster runtime performance. This innovative approach is catching the eye of many web app development companies in Manchester and London.
Get more info: https://www.jjswebworld.co.uk/blog/javascript-frameworks-in-web-development-2024
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brandhighlighters · 3 months
Looking for the coolest web company in the UK?
Brand Highlighters has got your back! We're all about shining a light on the absolute best web development agencies and companies across Britain. Whether you need a slick new website or a fancy app, we've handpicked the cream of the crop just for you. From London's tech hotshots to Manchester's digital geniuses, we've scoped out the top talents who can turn your web dreams into reality. No need to stress about finding the right fit – we've done the legwork. So, ready to team up with the UK's web dev superstars? Let Brand Highlighters guide you to digital awesomeness.
To learn more: https://brandhighlighters.co.uk/blog/web-development-companies-in-uk/
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it-job-board-uk · 4 months
Apply for IT & Communications Jobs in the UK: A Comprehensive Guide
The United Kingdom has long been a hub for innovation and technological advancement, making it a prime destination for IT and communications professionals. With a diverse range of industries and a strong demand for skilled workers, the UK offers numerous opportunities for those looking to advance their careers in IT and communications. This guide will help you navigate the application process, understand the job market, and find the right role for you.
Understanding the Job Market
High Demand Sectors
Cybersecurity: With increasing threats to digital infrastructure, cybersecurity professionals are in high demand to protect sensitive information and maintain secure systems.
Software Development: From mobile app development to complex software systems, there's a constant need for skilled developers.
Data Science and Analytics: Businesses are leveraging big data to drive decisions, creating a demand for data scientists and analysts.
Network Engineering: Maintaining and optimizing communication networks is crucial for business operations, driving demand for network engineers.
Telecommunications: As 5G technology rolls out, there’s a growing need for professionals who can develop and manage telecommunications infrastructure.
Key Locations
London: The capital city is a tech hotspot with numerous opportunities across various IT and communications sectors.
Manchester: Known for its thriving digital and tech scene, Manchester offers a range of roles in IT and communications.
Edinburgh: Scotland’s capital is a growing tech hub, particularly strong in software development and financial technology (fintech).
Qualifications and Skills
Essential Qualifications
Bachelor’s Degree: Most roles require at least a bachelor’s degree in computer science, information technology, telecommunications, or a related field.
Certifications: Industry-recognized certifications such as CompTIA, Cisco (CCNA), and Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE) can significantly boost your employability.
Advanced Degrees: For higher-level positions, a master’s degree or PhD in a specialized area can be beneficial.
Key Skills
Technical Proficiency: Strong knowledge of programming languages, software development, network management, or data analysis tools.
Problem-Solving Abilities: The ability to troubleshoot issues and develop effective solutions is crucial.
Communication Skills: Clear and concise communication is essential, especially in roles that involve teamwork and client interaction.
Adaptability: The tech industry is constantly evolving, so the ability to learn and adapt to new technologies is important.
Project Management: Skills in managing projects, including Agile and Scrum methodologies, are highly valued.
Job Search Strategies
Online Job Portals
LinkedIn: A powerful tool for networking and job searching, LinkedIn offers numerous listings for IT and communications roles.
Indeed: A comprehensive job search engine that lists a wide range of IT and communications positions across the UK.
Glassdoor: Provides job listings as well as company reviews, helping you find roles and understand company cultures.
IT Job Board: IT Job Board is 100% dedicated to providing the best IT Jobs, Telecoms jobs and technical jobs
Recruitment Agencies
Hays Technology: Specializes in IT and tech recruitment, offering a wide range of roles across the UK.
Robert Half Technology: A recruitment agency focusing on IT positions, from entry-level to executive roles.
Michael Page Technology: Offers specialized recruitment services for IT and communications professionals.
Company Websites
Many large tech companies and telecommunications firms list job openings directly on their websites. Regularly checking the careers section of these sites can help you find opportunities.
Crafting Your Application
Resume/CV Tips
Tailor Your Resume: Customize your resume for each job application, highlighting relevant experience and skills.
Use Keywords: Incorporate industry-specific keywords from the job description to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).
Quantify Achievements: Use numbers to highlight your accomplishments, such as "Improved network efficiency by 20%."
Cover Letter Tips
Personalize Your Letter: Address the hiring manager by name and mention the specific role you are applying for.
Showcase Your Fit: Explain how your skills and experience make you the ideal candidate for the position.
Be Concise: Keep your cover letter to one page, focusing on the most relevant information.
Preparing for Interviews
Common Interview Questions
Technical Questions: Be prepared to answer questions related to your technical expertise, such as coding challenges or problem-solving scenarios.
Behavioral Questions: Expect questions that assess your soft skills, like teamwork, communication, and adaptability.
Scenario-Based Questions: You may be asked to describe how you would handle specific work situations or challenges.
Tips for Success
Research the Company: Understand the company’s products, services, and culture to tailor your responses.
Practice Common Questions: Rehearse answers to common interview questions to build confidence.
Ask Questions: Prepare insightful questions about the role and the company to demonstrate your interest and initiative.
Applying for IT and communications jobs in the UK can be a rewarding endeavor with numerous opportunities for career growth. By understanding the job market, honing your skills, and effectively navigating the application process, you can secure a position that aligns with your career goals. With the right preparation and persistence, you'll be well on your way to advancing your career in the dynamic and ever-evolving field of IT and communications in the UK.
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tannu-verma · 4 months
iPhone App Development Company in the UK: A Comprehensive Guide
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Explore the vibrant landscape of iPhone app development in the UK, where leading companies blend innovation and expertise. From London to Manchester, discover firms committed to crafting bespoke iOS solutions tailored to diverse client needs. Whether startups or enterprises, this guide offers insights into the premier players shaping the future of mobile technology in the UK market.
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thxnews · 5 months
Enhanced Security Checks for UK Delivery Apps
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In a significant step towards enhancing workplace compliance, Deliveroo, Just Eat, and Uber Eats have announced new measures to bolster security checks. This move, orchestrated in collaboration with the UK government, aims to prevent illegal working practices within the gig economy. By tightening the verification process for substitute riders, these platforms ensure that only legally eligible individuals can deliver services.  
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Deliveroo Biker - Deliveroo Delivery Drive on a Motorbike in Manchester. Photo by shopblocks. Flickr.  
A Proactive Approach to Security and Compliance
The growing gig economy has presented unique challenges, particularly in verifying the legal status of freelance and substitute workers. Deliveroo has led the charge by implementing a new registration feature this month, which includes direct right-to-work checks. This initiative is part of a broader effort to enhance transparency and accountability in food delivery services.   Government and Industry Collaboration The recent measures stem from productive discussions between food delivery companies and UK government officials, including the Ministers for Countering Illegal Migration and Business and Trade. Moreover, these talks, which took place at the Home Office in London, have set a precedent for future cooperation aimed at securing the labor market against exploitation.  
Enhancements to Rider Verification Processes
Deliveroo, Just Eat, and Uber Eats are rolling out improved operational procedures to verify substitute riders effectively. These procedures are designed to be robust yet flexible, adapting to emerging risks and ensuring that all riders meet legal employment standards before they can accept deliveries.   Impact on Consumers and Businesses For consumers, these enhanced checks provide assurance that their deliveries are handled by vetted, legal workers. For the companies, the move towards stricter compliance helps mitigate risks associated with illegal working, such as penalties and reputational damage.   Transitioning to New Standards As these new systems take effect, all three companies will continue to work closely with the government to refine their approaches. The aim is to create a seamless transition for riders and companies alike, maintaining service quality while enhancing security.  
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Book an uber on your phone - travel apps for businessmen. Flickr.  
A Model for Responsible Business Practices
These developments mark a turning point in how gig economy platforms manage workforce compliance. By setting higher standards for employment verification, Deliveroo, Just Eat, and Uber Eats are not only adhering to legal requirements but are also leading by example in the industry. Their proactive measures reflect a commitment to ethical business practices and a safer, more reliable service for customers across the UK.   Looking Ahead The enhanced security measures by Deliveroo, Just Eat, and Uber Eats demonstrate a significant advancement in the way gig economy platforms operate. With the support of the UK government, these companies are taking essential steps to ensure that their workforces are compliant and that their operations remain above board. This commitment to strengthening employment checks is a testament to the evolving nature of work and the ongoing efforts to protect both workers and consumers in the digital age.   Sources: THX News, Home Office, Kevin Hollinrake MP, & The Rt Hon Michael Tomlinson KC MP. Read the full article
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calyptuss · 2 months
Exploring Software Engineer Jobs in the UK: A Comprehensive Guide
In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the demand for skilled Software Engineer Jobs UK continues to soar, making it a promising career path for many in the United Kingdom. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a fresh graduate looking to kickstart your career, understanding the nuances of software engineer jobs in the UK is crucial. From the types of roles available to the skills in demand and the best places to find opportunities, let’s delve into what makes this field both exciting and rewarding.
Types of Software Engineer Roles Software engineering encompasses a broad spectrum of roles, each requiring specific skill sets andexpertise. In the UK job market, some of the common roles include:
Backend Developer: These engineers focus on the server-side logic and databases of applications, ensuring they function seamlessly.
Frontend Developer: Responsible for the user-facing aspects of applications, including design, user interface, and client-side functionalities.
Full-Stack Developer: A versatile role combining both frontend and backend development skills, allowing engineers to work on all aspects of an application.
DevOps Engineer: Specializes in optimizing the development process through automation, continuous integration, and deployment strategies.
Software Architect: Designs the overall structure of software systems and ensures they meet technical and business requirements.
Mobile App Developer: Specializes in creating applications for mobile devices, requiring knowledge of platforms like iOS and Android.
Data Engineer: Focuses on designing, constructing, and maintaining scalable data pipelines and infrastructure for data generation, integration, and processing.
Key Skills and Qualifications The skills demanded by employers can vary based on the specific role and industry. However, some core skills essential for software engineers in the UK include:
Programming Languages: Proficiency in languages such as Java, Python, JavaScript, C#, or Ruby, depending on the job requirements.
Web Development: Understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, Vue.js) for frontend roles.
Backend Development: Knowledge of server-side technologies like Node.js, Django, Flask, or .NET.
Database Management: Familiarity with SQL and NoSQL databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or Redis.
Version Control: Experience with Git or similar version control systems for collaborative development.
Agile Methodologies: Ability to work in Agile environments, including Scrum or Kanban, ensuring iterative and collaborative development processes.
Problem-Solving Skills: The capability to analyze complex problems and devise effective solutions.
Industries and Employment Outlook Software Engineer Jobs UK are in demand across various industries, including finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and technology startups. London remains a hub for tech jobs, but cities like Manchester, Edinburgh, and Bristol are also emerging as significant tech clusters. The growth of remote work options has further expanded opportunities beyond traditional tech hubs.
The employment outlook for software engineers is promising, with a steady increase in job openings. Companies are actively seeking talent to drive digital transformation initiatives, develop innovative solutions, and enhance user experiences across platforms.
Where to Find Software Engineer Jobs Navigating the job market effectively is essential for landing the ideal software engineer role:
Job Portals and Websites: Platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor regularly list software engineer positions across the UK.
Company Websites: Many companies advertise vacancies directly on their websites, offering insights into their culture and values.
Recruitment Agencies: Specialist agencies often have access to exclusive job opportunities and can provide personalized career advice.
Networking: Attending industry events, meetups, and conferences can facilitate connections with potential employers and peers.
Online Communities: Engaging in online forums and communities related to software engineering can provide job leads and valuable insights.
Career Development and Advancement Continuous learning and skill enhancement are integral to advancing in the field of software engineering. Employers value certifications, advanced degrees, and participation in professional development courses. Additionally, gaining experience with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and cybersecurity can provide a competitive edge.
Conclusion Software engineering in the UK offers a dynamic and fulfilling career path for individuals passionate about technology and innovation. With diverse roles, a growing demand for skills, and opportunities across various industries and locations, aspiring software engineers have ample avenues to explore and thrive. By honing essential skills, staying updated with industry trends, and leveraging networking opportunities, you can embark on a rewarding journey in this ever-evolving field.
Whether you’re aiming to break into the industry or progress in your current role, understanding the landscape of software engineer jobs in the UK positions you for success. Embrace the challenges, seize the opportunities, and embark on a journey that promises growth, innovation, and professional fulfillment.
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amaan0077 · 6 months
Building the Next Big Thing: Why the UK is a Hotbed for Mobile App Development
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Discover why the UK is a thriving hub for mobile app development. With its vibrant tech scene and innovative spirit, UK-based companies are at the forefront of creating the next big thing in mobile apps. From London to Manchester, talented teams are pushing boundaries, delivering cutting-edge solutions that captivate users worldwide. Embrace the excitement and potential of the UK's mobile app development landscape, where creativity meets opportunity.
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isynbus · 1 year
App Development Companies UK
Discover the best app development companies in the UK that can turn your digital dreams into reality. From London to Manchester, Isynbus brings you a curated list of industry-leading app development firms renowned for their innovative solutions. Bookmark this page to access our top recommendations for your next mobile app project.
Visit: https://www.isynbus.com/app-development-companies-uk/
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sapphiresoftware · 1 year
Top 10 Mobile App Development Companies in Manchester
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Today, we are going to discuss, the top mobile app development companies in Manchester.
Check out the list of top mobile app development companies in Manchester:
Sapphire Software Solutions
Sapphire Software Solutions stands as a leading mobile app development company in Manchester. Our expert team of developers combines innovative technology with creative design to deliver exceptional mobile applications. With a focus on user experience and functionality, we strive to bring your app ideas to life. Hire mobile app developers in Manchester from Sapphire Software Solutions to start working on your mobile app development project and get it done on time.
Read More:
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