#Map and Flag Pop Quiz
noloveforned · 1 year
tune into wlur at 8pm tonight for this week's no love for ned. i'll be controlling the airwaves until midnight. last week's show is below if you'd like to catch up!
i also kicked off a new theme last week- for the next few months we'll be starting off every show with songs from artists that were part of the 'halifax pop explosion' of the 90s when halifax, nova scotia was briefly hyped as 'the next seattle'.
no love for ned on wlur – may 5th, 2023 from 8-10pm
artist // track // album // label sloan // i am the cancer // smeared // dgc shrapnel // catch you out // two arms, two hands, two ring pull cans // strange pursuits idle ray // eternal flame // (bandcamp mp3) // (self-released) martha // flag/burner // flag/burner digital single // specialist subject sweeping promises // egyptian shumba // illusion of choice compilation // girlsville trash romeo // inaction // moving in the summer cassette // what is life??? margaritas podridas // filosa // filosa 7" // subpop headcleaner // molasses // panic grass!!! cassette // gold mold during // quiz // during // chunklet the toms // other boys do // the toms // feel it yo la tengo // tonight’s episode // this stupid world // matador the trypes // (from the) morning glories // music for neighbors // pravda claire rousay and helena deland // deceiver // deceiver digital single // looking glass dirty projectors and björk // sharing orb (live from housing works) // mount wittenberg orca (deluxe edition) // domino ivor cutler and linda hirst // women of the world // privilege // hoorgi house brian eno // sherry // forever and ever no more // opal destroyer featuring sandro perri // somnambulist blues // somnambulist blues digital single // looking glass asher gamedze // wynter time // turbulence and pulse // international anthem quin kirchner, daniel van duerm and matthew lux // bandwidth prana // kvl volume two // astral spirits daoui // lil blk ass prince // (bandcamp mp3) // (self-released) billy woods and kenny segal featuring samuel t. herring // facetime // maps // backwoodz studioz estee nack // rose gardens // mini mansion dust, volume one // circle of patron joe bataan // mujer mia // salsoul // mericana del jones' postive vibes // court is closed (positive vibes version) // court is closed (expanded edition) // now again your heart breaks // one hundred twenty proof // new ocean waves // plan-it-x fine arts // in the bright wood // saltwater disco cassette // plume the ashenden papers // summer's coming on // night walk // secret center stella kola // november // stella kola // fountain flight the new pornographers // turn (japanese bonus track) // electric version // matador
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notalwaysthevillian · 5 years
Parent Trapped
Warnings: Anxiety, self-deprecation, food mention
Pairings: Eventual Romantic Remile, platonic LAMP
Word Count: ~3k
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Chapter 2: First Week of School
The next morning should’ve been absolute chaos, but it went surprisingly smooth. Emile woke first, getting ready for the day before heading downstairs to make breakfast for the boys. Patton was the next to rise, jumping in the shower as Virgil came downstairs to eat. The two switched places when Patton was done.
Once everyone was ready to go, the three of them made sure they had everything before jumping in the car.
“Are you guys excited for your first day?”
Virgil shrank in his seat. “You mean our first day in the middle of the school year? When we know absolutely no one and we’re the freaky new kids?”
“V, it’s okay.” Patton reached over and squeezed his hand. “We have a few classes together, and since we’re new we’ll probably sit together. And we share the same lunch.”
“I’ve talked to the principal over email.” Emile glanced at his sons in the back. “He seems like a very nice man. When I mentioned your anxiety disorder he said that he’d let the teachers know.”
Shrinking even further, Virgil threw his hoodie up. After a moment, he bolted upright. “What if they make me take my hood down?”
“They won’t, I made sure of it.” Emile said, his voice stern. “And if any of the teachers give you trouble for it, I want you to tell Mr. Sanders at the earliest opportunity. He understands that it helps you feel less anxious, even if it’s only a little bit.”
They pulled up to the school. There were kids pouring in from the buses, as well as the parking lot. Patton looked excited, but Virgil looked like he’d rather be anywhere else.
“I believe in you.” Emile smiled at him in the mirror.
Steeling his shoulders, Virgil got out of the car. He hunched over immediately, glancing at Patton who was still in the car.
“I’ll keep an eye on him.”
Patton just caught Emile’s nod as he got out of the car. Once the boys were at a safe distance from the curb, he drove off, waving in the mirror.
“We should go find our lockers.” Virgil mumbled, fidgeting with the strings of his hoodie.
The two of them fell into step as they headed down the hallway. A few people turned to look at them, but for the most part people kept to themselves.
The whispers were what worried Virgil. Especially when he couldn’t make out what they were saying.
They’re talking about you.
They think you’re a freak.
You’re not going to fit in here no matter how hard you try.
Luckily, Patton had noticed as soon as Virgil started to sink into his thoughts. He bumped their shoulders together, getting Virgil’s attention.
“What’s your first class?”
Virgil pulled out his schedule. He scanned the first column, glad that the school had been kind enough to give them a map along with their schedules. Not that the building was very big anyway.
“Um...Physical Science.”
“I’ll run into you as you leave then.” Patton said, putting his schedule up to Virgil’s. “I have that one second hour. You’ll have to warn me if there’s a pop quiz.”
Virgil couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Definitely. And you’ll have to warn me about any in English.”
“Of course.”
They reached their lockers, which were side by side, and quickly dumped what they wouldn’t need until after lunch.
“I can walk you to science if you want.” Patton offered.
Virgil shook his head. “I can’t be the freak that needs his brother to walk him to his classes.”
“I’ll be okay. Promise.”
Virgil held out his pinky. Patton took it and they shook.
“See you in Algebra!” Patton said as he headed off.
Virgil turned around, heading in the opposite direction. It took him about two minutes to find the science hallway. He walked down the hall, checking the room numbers against his schedule, double checking when he found the right room.
He walked in, heading up to the teacher’s desk immediately. Mrs. Calypso glanced up as he approached, giving him a genuine smile.
“Virgil, right?” She said, keeping her voice low. “I’m Mrs. Calypso. Tho - Principal Sanders talked to me about your anxiety, so I won’t be introducing you to the class.”
Reaching into a drawer, she pulled out a textbook. There was a toucan emblazoned on the cover. “This is our textbook. You guys actually came in at a really good time, most of us are starting new sections today. I don’t think Le - Mr. Anderson is starting anything new, but volleyball is pretty easy to pick up.”
“Thank you.” Virgil took the textbook from her. He shifted his weight. “Um...where should I sit?”
“Oh! Right.” She glanced at a sheet of paper in front of her. “Logan sits by himself, you could join him.”
She pointed to a small boy with perfectly styled red hair. His glasses were a lot different than Patton’s. Patton preferred round glasses, but this boy seemed to prefer the square ones. It made him look smart and slightly intimidating.
As Virgil approached, Logan looked up from his book. “Hello. My name is Logan.”
“Mrs. Calypso told me.” Virgil said, wanting to mentally smack himself immediately. “I’m Virgil.”
Logan nodded, glancing at the clock above Virgil’s head. “I suggest you skim over the chapter. It’ll help you be able to answer Mrs. Calypso’s questions faster.”
Virgil pulled out his notebook, folder, and a pencil before dropping his backpack at his feet. He started going over the first few paragraphs of the chapter, interrupted when the bell rang.
“Alright, class, if you’d open your books to chapter eight, we can get started.”
Virgil’s first few classes went by fairly quickly. Mrs. Calypso was extremely nice. A few times he’d panicked, thinking she was going to call on him, but she called on Logan instead. He was obviously the smartest kid in the class, something Virgil was grateful for.
When science had ended, Logan had given him a smile before heading out. Virgil bumped into Patton on the way to English, letting him know there wasn’t a pop quiz and getting a giggle in response.
Mx. Stokes was just as cool as Mrs. Calypso was nice. They had a huge non-binary flag up on the wall, informed Virgil of their pronouns right away, and had handed him a small Shakespeare anthology.
“We’re working our way through Hamlet right now.” They’d said as they handed the book over. “If you know the Lion King, you’re good.”
Virgil was glad he wasn’t picked on to read any of the lines, knowing he’d mess it up. Instead he gave his opinion on what a few of the pieces of foreshadowing were, earning a smile and nod from Mx. Stokes in the process.
By the time he reached math, he was a lot calmer. None of the students seemed to really care that there were some new kids, ignoring him since he was ignoring them.
“You look happy.” Patton said once Virgil had sat down next to him.
Mr. Lockwood shut the door as soon as the bell rang. One unlucky student showed up a few seconds later, opening the door and slinking to their desk.
“We have a few new students today.” He gestured to Virgil and Patton. Virgil immediately started sinking in his seat. “Virgil and Patton Picani. You can get to know them on your own time. Our new unit today is polynomials.”
There were a few groans from the class.
“Yes, yes, I know, math sucks. It’s still my job to teach you and get you to understand the material by any means necessary.” After a moment of silence, he pulled out a remote. “And today’s means are a video.”
The class cheered as the projector was turned on, starting to warm up.
After one more class without Patton, since he’d opted for Spanish and Patton had opted for ASL, they met at their lockers.
“ASL is so much fun!” He gushed as they dumped their morning books and grabbed their stuff for the afternoon. “Our teacher, Talyn, shows us videos while we do the signs. It’s so much easier to figure it out that way!”
“That’s really cool, Pat.” Virgil slipped his backpack straps over his shoulders as they walked to the lunchroom.
Since the school was small, the lunchroom was too. Virgil was relieved to find out that it wasn’t the giant, two-story area he was thinking of. High School Musical wasn’t the best depiction of high school, but it was all he knew.
They moved through the line, grabbing some rubbery looking pizza, a fruit cup, and a sugar cookie.
“This looks nasty.” Virgil said as they sat at an empty table in the corner. “I’m definitely packing a lunch the rest of the year.”
“It might not be that bad!” Patton took a bite of the pizza. “The pizza is okay. No Little Caesar’s, but it’s...edible.”
The two of them choked down their lunches. By the time they were finished, the cafeteria was mostly cleared out. Following the few students left, Patton and Virgil found that most of the students headed off to wherever they wanted to, using their spare lunch time as a little bit of a free period.
Virgil glanced at the kids before starting to shuffle down the hall. “I’m gonna get my stuff and head to History.”
“Okay!” Patton started walking with him. “I’m gonna head to the gym. Mr. Anderson should probably know how clumsy I am before he decides where I’m going on the volleyball court.”
“You’re not that clumsy.”
The two of them burst into giggles at Virgil’s claim. Patton was known for tripping over the slightest thing. Sometimes that included his own feet. But Virgil and their dad never made him feel bad about it, telling Patton that it simply added to his charm.
Once they’d gathered their stuff from their lockers, the two of them went their separate ways once more. Virgil headed off to history with Mr. Foote, and Patton headed to the gym.
There were a few students already over there, heading into the locker room. Patton went into the gym first, hoping to talk to Mr. Anderson before class started.
“Woah, you need your uniform tod -” Mr. Anderson stopped himself. “I apologize, you must be one of the new students. Let me see...Patton?”
“That’s me!” Patton said, giving him a smile. “I wanted to warn you before class started. I’m really clumsy.”
“Even the clumsiest among us can be great athletes.” Mr. Anderson looked up, marking a few students off on his clipboard. “Don’t worry, Patton, I’m here to make sure no one gets hurt, whether it be intentional or an accident. And when I can’t prevent that, Nurse Britches does an excellent job at patching people up.”
Patton giggled, leaving Mr. Anderson to talk to the students who had just walked in. He quickly changed into his uniform and tennis shoes, throwing the rest of his stuff in his gym locker.
“You’re new.”
Green eyes looked up at Patton from the nearest bench. The boy was tying his shoes, the red accents matching his bandana perfectly.
“I’m Patton.”
The boy stood, flicking his hair out of his eyes. “Roman.”
“I thought we had to wear the uniform.” Patton said as they headed out of the locker room.
Roman shot him a mischievous grin. “If you check the handbook, the rules say we have to wear the uniform. It doesn’t say anything about us not being able to add anything to it. Though once Principal Sanders figures that out, he’ll probably fix it for next year.”
Patton let out a giggle. “I mean, you’re still following the rules.”
“Technically, yeah.”
They filed into the gym with the rest of the class. Mr. Anderson, who insisted Patton call him Coach Leo, split them up into teams before letting them loose.
Patton was lucky enough to be on Roman’s team. “I’m pretty clumsy, so…”
“Everyone gets a turn in each spot.” Roman said, nudging him into the back center. “Of course, that’s if the other team can hit the ball back over. I’m the best server in the class.”
Class flew by, with Roman scoring point after point. Once he’d fully decimated the other team, Coach Leo called out a rule that servers could only score five points in a row, and then the team had to rotate.
“Doesn’t matter, we’ll still win.” Roman mumbled under his breath.
And he was right. Their team was the winner at the end of class, with no losses on their record.
“Tomorrow we’ll work on some of the basics again.” Coach Leo said as the bell rang.
Roman and Patton headed to the locker room to change back into their normal clothes.
“So where did you sit at lunch today?” Roman asked, pulling his shirt over his head.
“Over in the corner with my twin.”
“You have a twin?!” Roman practically shrieked.
No one gave them a second glance, telling Patton that he must do this a lot. “Mhmm. His name is Virgil.”
“Well, I cannot wait to meet your twin tomorrow.” When he noticed Patton’s confused look, Roman continued. “You two have to sit with me and my friends. And my brother.”
“Your brother isn’t your friend?”
Roman waved a hand in the air. “Kinda sorta. I gotta run to English, see you later!”
By the time the day was over, Patton was loaded down with homework. He was happy to see Virgil when he reached his locker to get all the books he’d need.
“Why is there so much to do?!” Virgil asked as he packed practically all of their textbooks into his backpack. The zipper refused to go up all the way, so he just left it open a crack.
Patton shrugged. “Because we came in during the middle of the year?”
“Nah, it’s just because everyone started a new section on the same day.” Tanya told them as she walked up. Her bubblegum snapped as she popped a bubble. “It’s not normally like that.”
“I guess we’re just lucky.” Hoisting up his backpack, Virgil slung it over one shoulder. “We should go find Dad.”
Patton nodded before turning to Tanya. “Did you need a ride home?”
“Nah, I take the bus.” Tanya adjusted her backpack. “Gives me some time with my friends. But I’ll see you guys later.”
The Picanis headed out of the double doors, finding their dad waiting a little down the block. As soon as they got in, he gave them a huge smile.
“How was school?”
Virgil and Patton looked at each other. Virgil waved his hand and Patton started talking first.
“It was a lot of fun, even though we have a lot of homework. I met a lot of people and I made a new friend! His name is Roman, he’s in my gym class. Oh! And my ASL teacher is super cool. They show us videos to learn the signs and it makes it a lot easier. Um...I think that’s it.”
“I’m glad you made a friend! He’ll have to come over sometime soon so I can meet him.” Emile switched his gaze to his other son in the rearview mirror. “Virgil? How’d it go?”
“It went alright. My English teacher is really cool. We’re doing Hamlet, which they told me is just like the Lion King. And I think I made a friend? He’s in my science class and we sit together. He doesn’t talk a lot unless he’s answering a question.”
“What’s his name?”
“Logan. And he’s short, so I think he might have skipped a grade or something, but I didn’t want to ask him.” As he finished his sentence, Virgil flipped up his hood, putting in his headphones.
The next day at lunch, Patton dragged Virgil over to where Roman was sitting. Virgil noticed Logan sitting at the emptier end of the table, eyes moving over a book in front of him as he ate.
“The name’s Roman.” Roman said to Virgil, who responded with a half smile and a wave. Waving his hand down the table, Roman introduced everyone else. “That’s Alex, Quil, and Nessa. The one at the end who’s ignoring everyone is my brother, Logan.”
“Logan’s your brother?” Virgil asked.
Logan finally looked up when he heard Virgil’s voice. “Sadly.”
“If you want some semblance of peace and quiet, I’d suggest you join the loner end of the table.” Logan continued, ignoring his brother’s shout of protest.
Virgil immediately moved across from Logan, hearing Roman grumble under his breath. Patton easily distracted him with a question, leaving Virgil and Logan to themselves.
“How are you two related?” Virgil asked as he watched Roman talk with his hands.
Logan flipped a page in his book. “We’re not. By blood, I mean. I was adopted.”
“Oh.” Virgil bit his lip, not sure what to say. “Um, that’s cool.”
“It would be if my father and brother weren’t such lunatics.”
The only thing tipping Virgil off that Logan was joking was the tiniest twitch in the corner of his mouth. Once Virgil started laughing, Logan did too.
“Oh my god, he laughs.” Roman teased from the other end of the table, earning himself a rude gesture from Logan.
That, combined with the offended gasp from Roman and a scolding from Patton, made Virgil laugh even harder. Tears started streaming down his face as he continued, unable to stop for a good minute or so.
The rest of the week became routine. Patton and Virgil ate at Roman and Logan’s table every single day. The four of them became fairly good friends by the end of the week.
Good enough friends for Roman to come in on Friday, excitement sparkling in his eyes, and say, “My dad said you guys could sleep over tonight.”
Ice spread through Virgil’s veins at the thought. He stammered out some sort of excuse before taking off, leaving his lunchbox behind.
“Was it something I said?” Roman asked as he stared at were Virgil had been.
Patton quickly got up, grabbing Virgil’s lunchbox. “He - it’s - I’ll text you later and explain, okay? I don’t want to say something he doesn’t want me to say.”
Roman simply nodded as Patton took off to go find his brother.
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gear-project · 7 years
Guilty Gear Pop Quiz #6!
It's that Time again... time for another GUILTY GEAR QUIZ!
You know the rules:
30 Questions, multiple choice, and ONLY 30 answers!
See if you have what it takes to ENTER the Backyard!
1. When is Guilty Gear Xrd Rev2's global release date? A. May 14th, 1998 B. May 26th and June 1st, 2017 C. The Demo came out May 1st, 2017 D. It's already out in Arcades!
2. Answer says he encountered an "Endangered Species", what is he referring to? A. The Japanese. B. Mononofu. C. Chipp Zanuff. D. Slayer.
3. How many versions of "Gunflame" exist? A. 3 types. B. 33 flavors as of this question. C. Short range and Long range. D. As many as Sol can spam.
4. What's the name of the device Answer is always chatting away on? A. A Magic Radio. B. An iMagic Phone. C. He is connected to a Magic Telecom system for Government Use. D. It's just the voices in his head.  He's insane.
5. What "unique property" does Bedman's Deja Vu apparently have? A. It can trap people in a Time Loop. B. It can revive the deceased as if they never died/were killed. C. It can be done in mid-air. D. It's just annoying projectile spam.
6. Jeon Reok Residence has "what" in common with Kum Haehyun? A. It's the same Pronounciation as Kum's Robot Suit "Jonryoku". B. They're both in Korea. C. It's his/her house. D. It's a huge Tuning Machine.
7. What do Baiken and Millia have in common when it comes to Raven? A. They both seek revenge for what he's done to them. B. They're both after the bounty on his head. C. They're both after "That Man" whom Raven protects. D. They both think he's a Pervert.
8. Currently, what are Sin and Ramlethal fighting over in Rev2's events? A. Who is stronger? B. What's for dinner? C. Sin wants to get Ram to do his homework for him. D. Who gets stuck listening to Elphelt's delusional love pairings.
9. When Johnny uses Treasure Hunt on Baiken, what exactly is her "precious item"? A. A Kanji Block that represents her ideology. B. Her Sake Bottle. C. A Tanooki Racoon Statue. D. Her Lovely Eyepatch.
10. In Revelator's storyline... which character is it currently "impossible" for Baiken to fight, due to continuity? A. Jack-O'. B. Ramlethal. C. Bedman. D. "That Man".
11. What is Zato referring when speaking of being "produced en mass in a world with no borders" when speaking to Elphelt? A. The Absolute World. B. Mass Production Valentine Series. C. The Universal Will's intent to recreate Humanity through Gears. D. Mass Production Justice Series.
12. What's the name of the building in Downtown Illyria that everyone habitually settles their differences in front of? A. The 4 Strings Hotel. B. The Postwar Administration Bureau. C. The Cherub Cinema Complex. D. Danny Missiles Burger Restaurant.
12. What is Dizzy's official Title in the Tournament Arena? A. Maiden of the Grove. B. Child of Light and Darkness. C. Herald of Destruction. D. Ky's Wife.
13. When Faust is System Announcer... what is he particularly worried about? A. Your Heart and Blood Pressure. B. Whether or not you've brushed your Teeth. C. Whether there's enough stimulants. D. He doesn't want any injuries.
14. What appears across the sea in Heaven's Edge? A. A boat. B. An angel. C. A magic Sephirot. D. A cloudy storm.
15. What item does almost everyone seem to mistake Raven's weapons for? A. A Magic token. B. A flag staff. C. A magic Pen quill. D. Chopsticks.
16. In Rev2's most recent game Lobby trailer... who are the online users voiced by? A. Raven and Elphelt. B. Johnny and May. C. Daryl and Libraria/Makoto Nanaya. D. Sol and Baiken.
17. Why exactly are electronic devices considered "Blacktech"? A. They possess deadly life-threatening technology. B. Their circuitry can be used as a Medium for the Universal Will to communicate. C. They're bad for the environment. D. People are just superstitious.
18. What's the name of Rev2's Opening Theme? A. Break A Spell. B. N.S.F.W. C. Rokumon. D. Enough is Enough.
19. If Jack-O' and Elphelt are based on Aria in appearance, who is Ramlethal based off of? A. The original Valentine. B. Justice. C. Ariels. D. Officially no one knows.
20. Who actually destroyed Babylon? A. Babylon wasn't actually 'destroyed'. B. Chronus. C. Ramlethal. D. I-No.
21. Approximately how long was it before Accent Core Plus was patched in to "Accent Core Plus R"? A. A Week. B. A Month. C. A Year. D. It never got fully patched for bugs.
22. What is Izuna most famous for? A. His warding charms. B. His cute ears. C. His swordsmanship. D. His ability to mass teleport people anywhere in the world.
23. What were the Conclave known as long before they betrayed Humanity? A. The Illuminati. B. The United Nations / Senato. C. The Sanctus Populi / Disciples of the Original. D. The Postwar Administration Bureau.
24. How did Sol achieve a full 100% Dragon Install in GG2 Overture? A. He got really mad. B. He consumed a lot of food. C. He had to gather a lot of Mana using his Servants. D. It's not something he can control.
25. Can Gears Reproduce? A. Yes. B. No. C. Only if they're designed to. D. Only if it's consentual.
26. What is Ramlethal always threatening Lucifero with? A. Firing him as a Familiar. B. "Popping" him. C. Blowing him up. D. Getting bigger Katanas for him to carry.
27. Who was Baiken talking to in her Rev2 Story Episode? A. A Government official. B. Robo Ky. C. Anji Mito. D. Kum Haehyun.
28. What exactly happened to Japan in 2074? A. It's main continent was wiped off the map. B. The Japanese were mutated in to Anti-matter Gears. C. The Gears raided Japan. D. Only A and B.
29. What unique quote does the Sage's Testament contain? A. A lecture on Magical Science. B. All the knowledge of the Backyard. C. "Thou wilt never know all, Nor wilt All ever know Thou; The Universe is Thine Burden." D. "No Person should ever Touch this forbidden place."
30. What's the best way to learn how to play Guilty Gear? A. Select Stylish Mode and try out different characters. B. Play Training Mode and explore every character as well as combo videos. C. Study up in Tutorial, Mission, and also Combo Modes in the Dojo. D. All of the Above.
Okay, here's the ANSWERS:
1>B, 2>D, 3>B, 4>C, 5>B, 6>A, 7>D, 8>B, 9>A, 10>C, 11>C, 12>D, 13>A, 14>C, 15>D, 16>C, 17>B, 18>A, 19>D, 20>A, 21>D, 22>D, 23>C, 24>C, 25>C, 26>C, 27>C, 28>D, 29>C, 30>D
If you SCORED:
Less than 5/30: Welcome to Magic Science 101, Freshman!
5/30: At least read the Guilty Gear Wikia at some point!
10/30: Brush up on your Music Theory.
15/30: You can feel the Steps and their Pulse... barely.
20/30: You actually Tuned yourself enough to glimpse the Gate to the Backyard! Impressive!
25/30: Squint your Eyes, Grit your Teeth, Remember your Name!!
30/30:  You’ve Returned from the Backyard Alive and can sense some of my Abilities... I'll have to Finish my "work" before THAT becomes a Threat! /Bedman
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my Polishness
Today marks 100 years of Polish independence.
100 years since we re-appeared on maps of the Europe and the world.
It made me think about what actually means to me being Polish and how Polish I still feel after living in London for 8 years now, and calling this place my home.
I started thinking about all this guilt raising in my bones sometimes when someone asks me about current Polish government and I don’t know anything. What is more I don’t actually want to know. Since 2010 -  since the very important airplane crash which became turning point in Polish politics - then I just gave up on it. I was too angry and frustrated to care.
I’m not Polish in Poland and I’m not British in London. I’m just an immigrant. I’m one of a million of Polish immigrants in United Kingdom. I have even no idea how many in the world. I’m telling you whenever I go anywhere there are always some Polish folks around.
Sometimes I feel so bad that my ancestors were fighting to regain Polish independence, they were giving up their lives for our country to exist after being erased from the map for 123 years!
For 123 years Poland didn’t exist on the map, only in the hearts of those who believed in the future of our country.
And there is me too angry at the current government, too much rooted into a different country’s  mentality to be living anywhere else.
There is me waving a flag of total ignorance. Only from time to time screaming Chopin! Or rather Szopen! And Maria Sklodowska-Curie instead of some ‘Marie Curie’ woman. Polish blood! They were Polish but they emigrated and became famous in France to the point that so many people have no idea where are they from! Can you hear it? It’s the scream of my national pride! There is this fire in my blood telling me that no one else can say bad things about my country and my hometown apart from me and the rest who also live / lived there.
You will never be there in late 80s and 90s in Poland when we were dreaming beyond our grey everydayness, when shelves were slowly filling up with all the products from West. When grandparents were telling you stories of standing in the que for tomatoes and oranges and when everything was on coupons - doesn’t matter if you have money or not, everything was rationed.
You don’t know that school education - all about freedom, all about wars, all about Poland being Christ of the Europe - taking all the beating.
You don’t know Sundays in church because there was a time when the church was the opposition to the government, it was place of hope, it was about the feeling of being united. We had ‘ our’ Pope and everyone was so proud as he had actually changed the history of our country.
Everyone ‘ bad’ was ‘ red’ - red was colour of the communist government.
You don’t know much about Polish music in 80s  = voice of the revolution. There was a censorship and certain stuff couldn’t be said out loud. However the Polish culture found the way  - using codes and jokes. Using film and tv medium, using literature and music, using cabaret (meaning more like comedy sketches and political satire than dancing).
You didn’t eat history lessons for breakfast. Yes, the second world war finished in 1945, but Poland wasn’t truly free till 1989 and history books our parents had at school were re-written for my generation.
In a way Polish independence is still very young, and the country doesn’t have a clue what to do with it. 
I can give you all the names of Polish artists, who won’t mean absolutely nothing to you.
I can tell you about growing up in a typical Polish blocks of flats, with at least one dog per family, with all of kids at the same age at the playground, people hanging out at their balconies as there is always someone’s name’s day ( almost more important than birthday) singing out loud, about house parties - pubs weren’t a thing just yet. 
I can tell you about what every child in Poland have been taught: don’t go outside with a wet head ( you will catch a cold! ), drink tea after a hot meal etc. We all have heard when struggling your big portion of family meal ‘ eat the meat, leave the potatoes’.
You didn’t watch tv series of 80s talking about faulty block of flats and the mistakes of the system so bad that you could only laugh but it was so close to the bone it practically can be taken as a documentary right now.
You haven’t seen ‘ Psy ‘ aka ‘ Pigs’ movie talking about the police in early 90s which is as powerful as Taxi Driver mashed up with some Tarantino.  However without background knowledge wouldn’t mean anything to you and you won’t love Linda as much as we all do.
You don’t know about Russian cartoon about a wolf and a rabbit with an excellent soundtrack and a bit better than Tom & Jerry ( you will disagree and i don’t care).
You don’t know about how sacred Polish bread is. You don’t know about the power of chicken soup. Tradition, safety and a cure for all the bad things in one bowl / plate. And you don’t know that entire nation would eat chicken soup every Sunday. Synchronized tradition.
You don’t know good pork is until you will try ‘ schabowe’. Preferably my mum’s Schabowe as they were the best in the entire whole world, anyone who tried them can confirm.
Your school reading list wasn’t about ALL the possible battles EVER fought by Polish army. Yes we’re not only talking about world wars but the 1410 battle, we are talking about every moment Poles were fighting with pride.
You weren’t the first generation brought up in the true independence, trying to figure out how to bite on capitalism with still all habits rooted in every corner of society. The wave of coca-cola, oranges and all Western culture coming your way when you were child.
You haven’t watch tv series for kids with little round computer virus called ‘ Wow’ who was intelligent enough to escaped the computer and it was hiding in a suitcase and kids had to protect him from the bad people.
You haven’t seen ‘ Szansa na Sukces ( ‘A Chance for Success’) first talent show before all Xfactor, Idol etc. ) It was on 3 pm every Sunday, therefore you wouldn’t know any of Mann’s jokes.
Basically there is a bit of my personality visible only in a Polish light. There is an extra layer of culture knowledge which won’t come to use in a pub quiz and you won’t talk about it with me.
I do understand there is no need for you to know it and i’m okay with it.
What i’m saying - it is in me and i’m proud of it.
I don’t think there is any other country just like Poland. With its pride. With being squeezed between Russia and Germany. Try it yourself if you feel you can be any wiser.
With Russians always lying to Polish people, with Polish people being trained to never trust Russians. For generations we have been programmed to always trick the system - since the system wasn’t really ‘ ours’.
With grandparents saying that communism was better as we all have the same, everyone had a job and everything was growing. Not mention the massive debt our government took and all the other lies in between but the fact was that everyone was almost the same.
If you were in the opposition they could come over any time of day and night, put you in prison or beat you up so badly that you will shut up. Or would you?
For some Europeans everything started with the falling of the Berlin wall but truthfully it was Poland who started the movement. I’m not a history teacher, check the facts yourself and we can discuss afterwards.
Poland was always a rebel in a pot of European nations.
I do miss it sometimes and the fact that i don’t really belong there in a way makes me melancholic and sad and a bit guilty. But what is the country? What does it mean to belong to one country? Is the tradition I miss? Is it the pride it was given to me in my blood and in all the books and all the poems?
Sometimes I miss is so bad that makes me cry. Honestly. On the other hand I can’t imagine living there as I felt like I’m in a box which is way too small for me and I can’t really be myself.
From the very first time I came to London I felt like I belong here. Like I can do more and no one will judge me, no one will be jealous of whatever the fuck other people were.
Maybe this whole melancholic hand grabbing me by my throat, especially on Sunday afternoon are just childhood memories, about just chilling on the couch with my family, about just being a kid and then teenager with lots of homework to do popping out her room to the living room to see a movie together instead of learning something for some yet another test. Maybe it’s all the cosy feelings and all the food and that safety net there was. Maybe I just really miss being a kid without all this grown up responsibility, without deciding if i have enough money to have dual citizenship, just in case Brexit will decide to cut off my rights as a foreign living in the UK.
Maybe it is the memory of me on that late night train to Poznan to catch the morning flight to London in September 2010.  My mum and me we both knew it’s a one way ticket and I might never come back for good. There was this big, red suitcase. And there was me sitting next to my mum when she was giving me the last pieces of advice before the new chapter of my life  - to always take care of myself, to always educate myself more, to never give up my dreams, to work hard and enjoy my life to the fullest.
Maybe Poland it is just my family. Polish flag, the language I used to be so great at and now it only appears in the conversations with my family or squeezed in my dreams between all the English words.
There was a time when i felt slightly ashamed to say I’m Polish. I could see people’s faces changing after hearing where I am from. However I have changed since then. Yes i’m Polish and I worked hard for all I’ve got. I wouldn’t make it without all the people I have met.  And maybe yes, they can’t pronounce my surname - but no one ever could since I remember.  However, they can always pronounce my first name and that’s what it counts.
0 notes
Ignored Your Blog for Months? 13 Tips for Getting It Back on Track
Come on, fess up!
You’ve done the unthinkable. You’ve let your beloved blog wither in the shadows of neglect.
Once a thriving haven of ideas and wisdom for your adoring readers, your blog is now just a wasteland of stale posts.
You’re bugged by the numbing guilt that you’ve let yourself down, and even worse, that you’ve let your readers down.
Will they even give a crap when they see your name pop into their flooded inboxes again? They’ve probably moved on. They’ve probably replaced you with someone they can count on.
Before you throw in the towel of defeat, know this — it’s not too late to fight for your blogging dream and claw back the attention of your readers.
But don’t just charge back into the arena frantically waving a flag.
Remember, it’s not who leaps in with chaotic enthusiasm who wins; it’s who plays the game with grit and strategy.
You Need to Get Your Head Back In the Game
Now’s the time to dive deep into your mind and clear the roadblocks that are waiting to trip you.
Maybe you regret letting your blog slip? Maybe you think it’s too late to save your blog? Maybe you fear that you’ve squandered any goodwill your readers had, and that they’ll never trust you again?
Make peace with the reason for your break. It could be as simple as a new baby, a new job, or a new relationship keeping you distracted. Or it could be deeper. Whatever the reason, revisit the passion that fueled you during your blogging honeymoon days and use it to add power to your comeback.
And stop inspecting the collateral damage of your neglected blog — plummeting traffic figures, zero social engagement, and the once steady stream of subscribers that’s now as dry as a river in a drought.
Focusing on the past sucks every ounce of energy you need to change your future. So throw aside any doubts, fears, and worries and look forward.
Concentrate on what needs to be done to make up for losses and get your blog humming again.
But you can’t just dive right back in. You need a plan.
13 Revival Tips That Will Restore Your Blog to Its Former Glory
I know you’re pumped to start blogging again, but you can’t just leap at your keyboard like an overzealous puppy.
Think about it — maybe your readers have moved on. Maybe they’re ticked off that you’ve left them hanging. Maybe they’re just not that into you anymore (gulp).
If you simply dive back in with blind faith and hope that your readers are still eagerly waiting for you, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
The strongest move is to map out your revival plan before your first play. I’m talking the whole kit and kaboodle — email sequence, blog posts, fancy relaunch ideas — all with the life or death seriousness of a Super Bowl final.
Remember, any game plan that’s worth its salt is cram-packed with tactics that cover all the bases.
Here are 13 tips to build into your plan to stack the odds in your favor.
Tip #1. Suck It Up and Apologize
Like yesterday’s news, you’re no longer at the top of your readers’ minds. You could leap about in your underpants while they’re blindfolded for all the attention they’ll give you when you email them again.
You must begin by re-engaging your neglected list. You need to win back their attention, trust, and respect. And the first step is to send them an email that says:
“I owe you an apology … ”
You need to tell your subscribers you’re sorry for letting them down and explain what has kept you away. And whatever you do, don’t fall into the trap of making excuses to cover your butt, even if your reasons seem trivial or selfish.
Own your absence with raw honesty and a heartfelt apology, and watch your vulnerability draw them back to you like a magnet.
Tip #2. Prove That You’ll Put Their Needs First
The next step to healing your relationship with your readers is to make them feel like you have their backs — that you’re listening to their specific issues and that you’ll do your best to help them.
Send them a survey with one meaningful and open-ended question. But don’t call it a survey. Ask them to tell you about their situation or to offer their opinion, and they’ll be more willing to play ball.
You can then use their answers to tailor your next few blog posts to their specific wants and needs, guaranteeing that you’ll win back their affection.
You can even go one step further by rolling up your sleeves and jumping on the phone with them. They’ll be stunned into adoration by the personal connection in our cold, digital world.
And these readers will turn into your biggest fans, opening every email and sharing your posts with their friends.
Tip #3. Win Back Their Affection With a Shiny New Gift
Now that your readers are paying attention, you’re ready for your next re-engagement play — the freebie.
Think of it like a relationship — you’ve rekindled the spark of attraction and you’ve shown you care by listening to their needs. So next, you win back their affection with a gift.
And make sure you tell them it’s free. The word “free” will set your readers’ pulses racing as it releases a flood of happy chemicals through their bodies that are impossible to ignore.
You could design a new report, cheat sheet, or checklist, but if you’re looking for a gift that packs a punch, try joining the online quiz craze. Tap into your readers’ innate curiosity to find out what type they are, how much they score, or which category they fall into.
You’ll restore trust and respect by demonstrating you’re on-trend with your content and grow your shrinking list at the same time, as quizzes are often shared like crazy.
Tip #4. Show Them a Crystal Ball
Let’s assume your readers totally dig you again. Even if you’re back on their radar, what’s to stop them getting distracted next time you contact them?
They could miss your email as they dizzy themselves scrolling past all the clutter in their inboxes. Or they could be sidelined by the unpredictability of life.
But there’s a way you can set a honey pot for their attention so they don’t drift away before you’ve become a sought-after fixture in their life again …
You can prime their minds to be on the lookout for everything you send.
Create an email that shows them the future and tells them what they can expect in the coming weeks. Drill down into the topics you’ve mapped out in your relaunch plan, and target the pains and desires they’ve shared with you in their survey responses.
Your email open rates will soar as they instantly recognize your email as familiar content that they’re waiting for. And they’ll like you more as you demonstrate you’ve listened to them.
Tip #5. Be Bold and Boost Your Open Rate
The first few emails in your re-engagement plan are the keys that unlock your readers’ attention and draw them back to you. You need to get as many eyeballs on them as you can.
But if statistics are anything to go by, you probably won’t connect with up to 70% of your readers every time you email them.
Don’t leave it to chance. Be bold and resend the emails to unopens after 48 hours, sporting a new headline. The apology, the survey and the gift emails should be hot on top of your resend list.
Every one of those emails puts you back on your readers’ mental radar, boosting your chances of them opening your email next time.
You can also do this once you start sending them posts again.
Speaking of which …
Tip #6. Remind Them Why They Loved You So Much
You’re back in the saddle and now you’re picking up pace, but the journey is just beginning.
Remember, you’ve let your readers down, so you need to win back their trust. You need to remind them why they loved you so much in the first place.
The last thing you want to do is hit them with a bunch of fluff pieces or generic, rehashed content that leaves them feeling disappointed.
Your revival campaign should include at least three posts — let’s call ’em revival posts — that go above and beyond.
Write an ultimate guide that details every single step of an intricate process, create an epic manifesto that gets your readers’ blood pumping, or collect a huge number of insider secrets from influencers in your niche.
Your revival posts must be so jam-packed with value that they blow your readers’ minds and hook them to your blog again.
Tip #7. Name-Drop to Be Noticed
To run a successful revival campaign, you need to do more than just re-engage your list. You also need to make up for readers who chose to unsubscribe despite your valiant attempts to win back their hearts. Plus, you need to reconnect with other bloggers in your niche who think your blog is pushing up daisies.
You can hit three birds with one stone by making one of your revival posts an expert roundup.
You provide massive value to your readers, you let other bloggers know your blog is back in action, and since you give them an irresistible reason to share it, you’ll get a surge in traffic.
So gather multiple expert opinions together into a meaty post bulging with value and name-drop like mad. Send it to your list and to the experts who’ve participated, and triple-whammy the effect.
Tip #8. Make Yourself Impossible to Ignore
Imagine you’re taking a stroll through your neighborhood. You notice a big poster on a wall, but you pay it little attention. A block later, you see it again. And then again. This poster is plastered all throughout your neighborhood.
How many times do you think you’d have to see it before you stop and see what all the fuss is about?
The more you come across something, the more likely it is you’ll get curious enough to check it out. And your readers are the same way, so here’s what you do …
Write several guest posts for popular blogs and, if they’re accepted, tell the bloggers the posts are for a revival campaign. Ask if they could be published on the same date (give or take).
Chances are, your target audience frequents a number of blogs in your niche. Readers can be fickle creatures, and some may click through on the first post of yours they see while others won’t. But when they see you on the second, third and even the fourth blog they visit —  well, now you’ve piqued their interest!
There’s no way they can ignore you when you’re everywhere.
Tip #9. Harness The Power of Social
Let’s face it — not everyone reads blogs yet. But there are millions of potential readers actively lapping up everything they see on Facebook. And ads are a hot way to reach these readers.
Sure, back in the dark ages of social media, only the technically minded would dare run a Facebook ad campaign. But Zuckerberg, being the smart cookie he is, realized he was making it too damn hard for us.
You don’t need to sit back and wait to be noticed any longer. You can take your posts to these hungry new readers — or send them a landing page offering them a bribe to subscribe — by running ad campaigns with minimal pain or risk.
Here’s a tip — don’t just use a scattergun approach, select the audience you’re going to target by interest and demographic. You can even set small daily limits, so you don’t spend the day panicking that you’re draining your life savings.
You’ll rebuild that crumbling list in no time.
Tip #10. Give Your Blog a Face Lift
Beauty turns heads. It sets our hearts fluttering, and our brains read that feeling as a positive sign.
Before you invest hours into writing guest posts and dollars into running Facebook ads, ask yourself this — does your blog still look okay?
Perhaps your fonts, headers, and buttons now resemble last year’s uncool fashions. Or maybe the design still holds up, but your outdated theme is snail-slow to load.
If your blog design is a mess, you might give your blog a makeover before you start your re-engagement campaign. After all, your readers aren’t really expecting to hear from you right now, so it’s the perfect opportunity to invest some time in it.
Not only will your new design make a better impression on the new visitors you’re getting from your guest posts and Facebook ads, but it also sends your existing readers a signal that you’re serious about being back.
Be sure to add your face lift announcement to your relaunch strategy in one of your re-engagement emails.
Tip #11. Switch Your Hobby Hat for a Business Hat
Have you ever had a grand plan to do something, felt an immense surge of motivation, and then slipped back to your old ways?
It’s the sticky trap of old habits. And they’re lurking nearby, ready to thwart your plans of a blog revival the split second you lose focus.
By treating your blog as a hobby, you’re weakening your defenses against the same old mistakes you’ve made in the past. You need to get serious to keep up momentum.
Let’s face it — blogs take a painstaking number of hours of behind-the-scenes grunt work to stay well oiled. And to stand out from the crazy millions of mediocre blogs out there, you need to keep your foot on the pedal.
To stand out from the crazy millions of mediocre blogs, you need to keep your foot on the pedal. (Tweet This)
Flitting in and out of your blog with whimsical notions of creativity and abundance ain’t gonna cut it. Shift your mindset from hobby to business by blocking time aside to work on it, creating to-do lists, and planning your content strategy. Your results will speak for themselves.
Tip #12. Jump on the Weekly Roundup Bandwagon
You’ve executed all the big moves in your comeback strategy, and now your energy is waning. Keeping up momentum can become a struggle as you get overwhelmed by producing weekly content.
It’s daunting — you see all the big players sending steady streams of amazing posts to their readers, and it strangles your confidence. “How can I maintain a regular schedule of riveting content?” you wonder.
Easy! There’s a growing trend in weekly roundup emails for a good reason — your readers are suffering from content overload.
So make their life a little easier, and they’ll love you for it. Become a trusted source of the latest and greatest content in your niche by offering a weekly roundup email straight to their inboxes.
It’s also a cunning energy-preserving tactic that allows you play the long game.
Tip #13. Safeguard Yourself from Slipping Again
As with any long game, you need to replenish your resources to succeed.
But being a blogger can be lonely. It can be hard to feel inspired when your coffee buddies are your keyboard and monitor and your office manager is your pooch.
Build a safety net to prevent yourself from slipping back into your old ways by surrounding yourself with people who inspire you, support you, and keep you accountable.
Feed your mind by joining online communities pumping with engaged members who stimulate your thoughts and generate intelligent discussion on topics in your niche. They’re the perfect place to find accountability partners or to jump into mastermind groups that will keep you in the right mental groove.
Restoring your energy and passion will spark inspiration for longer, deeper posts and allow your blog to evolve with your audience well into the future. And having people in your corner will ensure you keep your momentum from here on out.
Ready to Get Back in the Game?
The churn in your gut as you think about your neglected blog makes you nauseous.
Following the path of least resistance and turning your back on it would be so damn easy. Nobody would even notice as you slipped silently into the recesses of binary code.
There’s one person who’d notice, though — you — and it would gnaw at your soul.
You can do this. Really, you can.
With a healthy dose of preparation, you’re sure to pull together a winning comeback strategy.
With a bit of resourcefulness, you’ll have months of content at your fingertips.
With hard work, strategy, and grit, you’ll win back your reader’s hearts, and your blog will be hustling and bustling once again.
So go on — get your head in the game, construct your plan, apologize and stage a comeback that you can once again hang your blogging dreams upon.
Your pride is counting on you.
Your readers are counting on you.
About the Author: Miranda Hill is a writer and coach who helps life-hungry souls get unstuck from the chaos of life. If you want to stop spinning your wheels, hopping from one thing to the next in search of answers, take her “De-Stress in 5 Minutes” quiz and start living a life you love.
Ignored Your Blog for Months? 13 Tips for Getting It Back on Track
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annegalliher · 7 years
Ignored Your Blog for Months? 13 Tips for Getting It Back on Track
Come on, fess up!
You’ve done the unthinkable. You’ve let your beloved blog wither in the shadows of neglect.
Once a thriving haven of ideas and wisdom for your adoring readers, your blog is now just a wasteland of stale posts.
You’re bugged by the numbing guilt that you’ve let yourself down, and even worse, that you’ve let your readers down.
Will they even give a crap when they see your name pop into their flooded inboxes again? They’ve probably moved on. They’ve probably replaced you with someone they can count on.
Before you throw in the towel of defeat, know this — it’s not too late to fight for your blogging dream and claw back the attention of your readers.
But don’t just charge back into the arena frantically waving a flag.
Remember, it’s not who leaps in with chaotic enthusiasm who wins; it’s who plays the game with grit and strategy.
You Need to Get Your Head Back In the Game
Now’s the time to dive deep into your mind and clear the roadblocks that are waiting to trip you.
Maybe you regret letting your blog slip? Maybe you think it’s too late to save your blog? Maybe you fear that you’ve squandered any goodwill your readers had, and that they’ll never trust you again?
Make peace with the reason for your break. It could be as simple as a new baby, a new job, or a new relationship keeping you distracted. Or it could be deeper. Whatever the reason, revisit the passion that fueled you during your blogging honeymoon days and use it to add power to your comeback.
And stop inspecting the collateral damage of your neglected blog — plummeting traffic figures, zero social engagement, and the once steady stream of subscribers that’s now as dry as a river in a drought.
Focusing on the past sucks every ounce of energy you need to change your future. So throw aside any doubts, fears, and worries and look forward.
Concentrate on what needs to be done to make up for losses and get your blog humming again.
But you can’t just dive right back in. You need a plan.
13 Revival Tips That Will Restore Your Blog to Its Former Glory
I know you’re pumped to start blogging again, but you can’t just leap at your keyboard like an overzealous puppy.
Think about it — maybe your readers have moved on. Maybe they’re ticked off that you’ve left them hanging. Maybe they’re just not that into you anymore (gulp).
If you simply dive back in with blind faith and hope that your readers are still eagerly waiting for you, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
The strongest move is to map out your revival plan before your first play. I’m talking the whole kit and kaboodle — email sequence, blog posts, fancy relaunch ideas — all with the life or death seriousness of a Super Bowl final.
Remember, any game plan that’s worth its salt is cram-packed with tactics that cover all the bases.
Here are 13 tips to build into your plan to stack the odds in your favor.
Tip #1. Suck It Up and Apologize
Like yesterday’s news, you’re no longer at the top of your readers’ minds. You could leap about in your underpants while they’re blindfolded for all the attention they’ll give you when you email them again.
You must begin by re-engaging your neglected list. You need to win back their attention, trust, and respect. And the first step is to send them an email that says:
“I owe you an apology … ”
You need to tell your subscribers you’re sorry for letting them down and explain what has kept you away. And whatever you do, don’t fall into the trap of making excuses to cover your butt, even if your reasons seem trivial or selfish.
Own your absence with raw honesty and a heartfelt apology, and watch your vulnerability draw them back to you like a magnet.
Tip #2. Prove That You’ll Put Their Needs First
The next step to healing your relationship with your readers is to make them feel like you have their backs — that you’re listening to their specific issues and that you’ll do your best to help them.
Send them a survey with one meaningful and open-ended question. But don’t call it a survey. Ask them to tell you about their situation or to offer their opinion, and they’ll be more willing to play ball.
You can then use their answers to tailor your next few blog posts to their specific wants and needs, guaranteeing that you’ll win back their affection.
You can even go one step further by rolling up your sleeves and jumping on the phone with them. They’ll be stunned into adoration by the personal connection in our cold, digital world.
And these readers will turn into your biggest fans, opening every email and sharing your posts with their friends.
Tip #3. Win Back Their Affection With a Shiny New Gift
Now that your readers are paying attention, you’re ready for your next re-engagement play — the freebie.
Think of it like a relationship — you’ve rekindled the spark of attraction and you’ve shown you care by listening to their needs. So next, you win back their affection with a gift.
And make sure you tell them it’s free. The word “free” will set your readers’ pulses racing as it releases a flood of happy chemicals through their bodies that are impossible to ignore.
You could design a new report, cheat sheet, or checklist, but if you’re looking for a gift that packs a punch, try joining the online quiz craze. Tap into your readers’ innate curiosity to find out what type they are, how much they score, or which category they fall into.
You’ll restore trust and respect by demonstrating you’re on-trend with your content and grow your shrinking list at the same time, as quizzes are often shared like crazy.
Tip #4. Show Them a Crystal Ball
Let’s assume your readers totally dig you again. Even if you’re back on their radar, what’s to stop them getting distracted next time you contact them?
They could miss your email as they dizzy themselves scrolling past all the clutter in their inboxes. Or they could be sidelined by the unpredictability of life.
But there’s a way you can set a honey pot for their attention so they don’t drift away before you’ve become a sought-after fixture in their life again …
You can prime their minds to be on the lookout for everything you send.
Create an email that shows them the future and tells them what they can expect in the coming weeks. Drill down into the topics you’ve mapped out in your relaunch plan, and target the pains and desires they’ve shared with you in their survey responses.
Your email open rates will soar as they instantly recognize your email as familiar content that they’re waiting for. And they’ll like you more as you demonstrate you’ve listened to them.
Tip #5. Be Bold and Boost Your Open Rate
The first few emails in your re-engagement plan are the keys that unlock your readers’ attention and draw them back to you. You need to get as many eyeballs on them as you can.
But if statistics are anything to go by, you probably won’t connect with up to 70% of your readers every time you email them.
Don’t leave it to chance. Be bold and resend the emails to unopens after 48 hours, sporting a new headline. The apology, the survey and the gift emails should be hot on top of your resend list.
Every one of those emails puts you back on your readers’ mental radar, boosting your chances of them opening your email next time.
You can also do this once you start sending them posts again.
Speaking of which …
Tip #6. Remind Them Why They Loved You So Much
You’re back in the saddle and now you’re picking up pace, but the journey is just beginning.
Remember, you’ve let your readers down, so you need to win back their trust. You need to remind them why they loved you so much in the first place.
The last thing you want to do is hit them with a bunch of fluff pieces or generic, rehashed content that leaves them feeling disappointed.
Your revival campaign should include at least three posts — let’s call ’em revival posts — that go above and beyond.
Write an ultimate guide that details every single step of an intricate process, create an epic manifesto that gets your readers’ blood pumping, or collect a huge number of insider secrets from influencers in your niche.
Your revival posts must be so jam-packed with value that they blow your readers’ minds and hook them to your blog again.
Tip #7. Name-Drop to Be Noticed
To run a successful revival campaign, you need to do more than just re-engage your list. You also need to make up for readers who chose to unsubscribe despite your valiant attempts to win back their hearts. Plus, you need to reconnect with other bloggers in your niche who think your blog is pushing up daisies.
You can hit three birds with one stone by making one of your revival posts an expert roundup.
You provide massive value to your readers, you let other bloggers know your blog is back in action, and since you give them an irresistible reason to share it, you’ll get a surge in traffic.
So gather multiple expert opinions together into a meaty post bulging with value and name-drop like mad. Send it to your list and to the experts who’ve participated, and triple-whammy the effect.
Tip #8. Make Yourself Impossible to Ignore
Imagine you’re taking a stroll through your neighborhood. You notice a big poster on a wall, but you pay it little attention. A block later, you see it again. And then again. This poster is plastered all throughout your neighborhood.
How many times do you think you’d have to see it before you stop and see what all the fuss is about?
The more you come across something, the more likely it is you’ll get curious enough to check it out. And your readers are the same way, so here’s what you do …
Write several guest posts for popular blogs and, if they’re accepted, tell the bloggers the posts are for a revival campaign. Ask if they could be published on the same date (give or take).
Chances are, your target audience frequents a number of blogs in your niche. Readers can be fickle creatures, and some may click through on the first post of yours they see while others won’t. But when they see you on the second, third and even the fourth blog they visit —  well, now you’ve piqued their interest!
There’s no way they can ignore you when you’re everywhere.
Tip #9. Harness The Power of Social
Let’s face it — not everyone reads blogs yet. But there are millions of potential readers actively lapping up everything they see on Facebook. And ads are a hot way to reach these readers.
Sure, back in the dark ages of social media, only the technically minded would dare run a Facebook ad campaign. But Zuckerberg, being the smart cookie he is, realized he was making it too damn hard for us.
You don’t need to sit back and wait to be noticed any longer. You can take your posts to these hungry new readers — or send them a landing page offering them a bribe to subscribe — by running ad campaigns with minimal pain or risk.
Here’s a tip — don’t just use a scattergun approach, select the audience you’re going to target by interest and demographic. You can even set small daily limits, so you don’t spend the day panicking that you’re draining your life savings.
You’ll rebuild that crumbling list in no time.
Tip #10. Give Your Blog a Face Lift
Beauty turns heads. It sets our hearts fluttering, and our brains read that feeling as a positive sign.
Before you invest hours into writing guest posts and dollars into running Facebook ads, ask yourself this — does your blog still look okay?
Perhaps your fonts, headers, and buttons now resemble last year’s uncool fashions. Or maybe the design still holds up, but your outdated theme is snail-slow to load.
If your blog design is a mess, you might give your blog a makeover before you start your re-engagement campaign. After all, your readers aren’t really expecting to hear from you right now, so it’s the perfect opportunity to invest some time in it.
Not only will your new design make a better impression on the new visitors you’re getting from your guest posts and Facebook ads, but it also sends your existing readers a signal that you’re serious about being back.
Be sure to add your face lift announcement to your relaunch strategy in one of your re-engagement emails.
Tip #11. Switch Your Hobby Hat for a Business Hat
Have you ever had a grand plan to do something, felt an immense surge of motivation, and then slipped back to your old ways?
It’s the sticky trap of old habits. And they’re lurking nearby, ready to thwart your plans of a blog revival the split second you lose focus.
By treating your blog as a hobby, you’re weakening your defenses against the same old mistakes you’ve made in the past. You need to get serious to keep up momentum.
Let’s face it — blogs take a painstaking number of hours of behind-the-scenes grunt work to stay well oiled. And to stand out from the crazy millions of mediocre blogs out there, you need to keep your foot on the pedal.
To stand out from the crazy millions of mediocre blogs, you need to keep your foot on the pedal. (Tweet This)
Flitting in and out of your blog with whimsical notions of creativity and abundance ain’t gonna cut it. Shift your mindset from hobby to business by blocking time aside to work on it, creating to-do lists, and planning your content strategy. Your results will speak for themselves.
Tip #12. Jump on the Weekly Roundup Bandwagon
You’ve executed all the big moves in your comeback strategy, and now your energy is waning. Keeping up momentum can become a struggle as you get overwhelmed by producing weekly content.
It’s daunting — you see all the big players sending steady streams of amazing posts to their readers, and it strangles your confidence. “How can I maintain a regular schedule of riveting content?” you wonder.
Easy! There’s a growing trend in weekly roundup emails for a good reason — your readers are suffering from content overload.
So make their life a little easier, and they’ll love you for it. Become a trusted source of the latest and greatest content in your niche by offering a weekly roundup email straight to their inboxes.
It’s also a cunning energy-preserving tactic that allows you play the long game.
Tip #13. Safeguard Yourself from Slipping Again
As with any long game, you need to replenish your resources to succeed.
But being a blogger can be lonely. It can be hard to feel inspired when your coffee buddies are your keyboard and monitor and your office manager is your pooch.
Build a safety net to prevent yourself from slipping back into your old ways by surrounding yourself with people who inspire you, support you, and keep you accountable.
Feed your mind by joining online communities pumping with engaged members who stimulate your thoughts and generate intelligent discussion on topics in your niche. They’re the perfect place to find accountability partners or to jump into mastermind groups that will keep you in the right mental groove.
Restoring your energy and passion will spark inspiration for longer, deeper posts and allow your blog to evolve with your audience well into the future. And having people in your corner will ensure you keep your momentum from here on out.
Ready to Get Back in the Game?
The churn in your gut as you think about your neglected blog makes you nauseous.
Following the path of least resistance and turning your back on it would be so damn easy. Nobody would even notice as you slipped silently into the recesses of binary code.
There’s one person who’d notice, though — you — and it would gnaw at your soul.
You can do this. Really, you can.
With a healthy dose of preparation, you’re sure to pull together a winning comeback strategy.
With a bit of resourcefulness, you’ll have months of content at your fingertips.
With hard work, strategy, and grit, you’ll win back your reader’s hearts, and your blog will be hustling and bustling once again.
So go on — get your head in the game, construct your plan, apologize and stage a comeback that you can once again hang your blogging dreams upon.
Your pride is counting on you.
Your readers are counting on you.
About the Author: Miranda Hill is a writer and coach who helps life-hungry souls get unstuck from the chaos of life. If you want to stop spinning your wheels, hopping from one thing to the next in search of answers, take her “De-Stress in 5 Minutes” quiz and start living a life you love.
0 notes
alanajacksontx · 7 years
Ignored Your Blog for Months? 13 Tips for Getting It Back on Track
Come on, fess up!
You’ve done the unthinkable. You’ve let your beloved blog wither in the shadows of neglect.
Once a thriving haven of ideas and wisdom for your adoring readers, your blog is now just a wasteland of stale posts.
You’re bugged by the numbing guilt that you’ve let yourself down, and even worse, that you’ve let your readers down.
Will they even give a crap when they see your name pop into their flooded inboxes again? They’ve probably moved on. They’ve probably replaced you with someone they can count on.
Before you throw in the towel of defeat, know this — it’s not too late to fight for your blogging dream and claw back the attention of your readers.
But don’t just charge back into the arena frantically waving a flag.
Remember, it’s not who leaps in with chaotic enthusiasm who wins; it’s who plays the game with grit and strategy.
You Need to Get Your Head Back In the Game
Now’s the time to dive deep into your mind and clear the roadblocks that are waiting to trip you.
Maybe you regret letting your blog slip? Maybe you think it’s too late to save your blog? Maybe you fear that you’ve squandered any goodwill your readers had, and that they’ll never trust you again?
Make peace with the reason for your break. It could be as simple as a new baby, a new job, or a new relationship keeping you distracted. Or it could be deeper. Whatever the reason, revisit the passion that fueled you during your blogging honeymoon days and use it to add power to your comeback.
And stop inspecting the collateral damage of your neglected blog — plummeting traffic figures, zero social engagement, and the once steady stream of subscribers that’s now as dry as a river in a drought.
Focusing on the past sucks every ounce of energy you need to change your future. So throw aside any doubts, fears, and worries and look forward.
Concentrate on what needs to be done to make up for losses and get your blog humming again.
But you can’t just dive right back in. You need a plan.
13 Revival Tips That Will Restore Your Blog to Its Former Glory
I know you’re pumped to start blogging again, but you can’t just leap at your keyboard like an overzealous puppy.
Think about it — maybe your readers have moved on. Maybe they’re ticked off that you’ve left them hanging. Maybe they’re just not that into you anymore (gulp).
If you simply dive back in with blind faith and hope that your readers are still eagerly waiting for you, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
The strongest move is to map out your revival plan before your first play. I’m talking the whole kit and kaboodle — email sequence, blog posts, fancy relaunch ideas — all with the life or death seriousness of a Super Bowl final.
Remember, any game plan that’s worth its salt is cram-packed with tactics that cover all the bases.
Here are 13 tips to build into your plan to stack the odds in your favor.
Tip #1. Suck It Up and Apologize
Like yesterday’s news, you’re no longer at the top of your readers’ minds. You could leap about in your underpants while they’re blindfolded for all the attention they’ll give you when you email them again.
You must begin by re-engaging your neglected list. You need to win back their attention, trust, and respect. And the first step is to send them an email that says:
“I owe you an apology … ”
You need to tell your subscribers you’re sorry for letting them down and explain what has kept you away. And whatever you do, don’t fall into the trap of making excuses to cover your butt, even if your reasons seem trivial or selfish.
Own your absence with raw honesty and a heartfelt apology, and watch your vulnerability draw them back to you like a magnet.
Tip #2. Prove That You’ll Put Their Needs First
The next step to healing your relationship with your readers is to make them feel like you have their backs — that you’re listening to their specific issues and that you’ll do your best to help them.
Send them a survey with one meaningful and open-ended question. But don’t call it a survey. Ask them to tell you about their situation or to offer their opinion, and they’ll be more willing to play ball.
You can then use their answers to tailor your next few blog posts to their specific wants and needs, guaranteeing that you’ll win back their affection.
You can even go one step further by rolling up your sleeves and jumping on the phone with them. They’ll be stunned into adoration by the personal connection in our cold, digital world.
And these readers will turn into your biggest fans, opening every email and sharing your posts with their friends.
Tip #3. Win Back Their Affection With a Shiny New Gift
Now that your readers are paying attention, you’re ready for your next re-engagement play — the freebie.
Think of it like a relationship — you’ve rekindled the spark of attraction and you’ve shown you care by listening to their needs. So next, you win back their affection with a gift.
And make sure you tell them it’s free. The word “free” will set your readers’ pulses racing as it releases a flood of happy chemicals through their bodies that are impossible to ignore.
You could design a new report, cheat sheet, or checklist, but if you’re looking for a gift that packs a punch, try joining the online quiz craze. Tap into your readers’ innate curiosity to find out what type they are, how much they score, or which category they fall into.
You’ll restore trust and respect by demonstrating you’re on-trend with your content and grow your shrinking list at the same time, as quizzes are often shared like crazy.
Tip #4. Show Them a Crystal Ball
Let’s assume your readers totally dig you again. Even if you’re back on their radar, what’s to stop them getting distracted next time you contact them?
They could miss your email as they dizzy themselves scrolling past all the clutter in their inboxes. Or they could be sidelined by the unpredictability of life.
But there’s a way you can set a honey pot for their attention so they don’t drift away before you’ve become a sought-after fixture in their life again …
You can prime their minds to be on the lookout for everything you send.
Create an email that shows them the future and tells them what they can expect in the coming weeks. Drill down into the topics you’ve mapped out in your relaunch plan, and target the pains and desires they’ve shared with you in their survey responses.
Your email open rates will soar as they instantly recognize your email as familiar content that they’re waiting for. And they’ll like you more as you demonstrate you’ve listened to them.
Tip #5. Be Bold and Boost Your Open Rate
The first few emails in your re-engagement plan are the keys that unlock your readers’ attention and draw them back to you. You need to get as many eyeballs on them as you can.
But if statistics are anything to go by, you probably won’t connect with up to 70% of your readers every time you email them.
Don’t leave it to chance. Be bold and resend the emails to unopens after 48 hours, sporting a new headline. The apology, the survey and the gift emails should be hot on top of your resend list.
Every one of those emails puts you back on your readers’ mental radar, boosting your chances of them opening your email next time.
You can also do this once you start sending them posts again.
Speaking of which …
Tip #6. Remind Them Why They Loved You So Much
You’re back in the saddle and now you’re picking up pace, but the journey is just beginning.
Remember, you’ve let your readers down, so you need to win back their trust. You need to remind them why they loved you so much in the first place.
The last thing you want to do is hit them with a bunch of fluff pieces or generic, rehashed content that leaves them feeling disappointed.
Your revival campaign should include at least three posts — let’s call ’em revival posts — that go above and beyond.
Write an ultimate guide that details every single step of an intricate process, create an epic manifesto that gets your readers’ blood pumping, or collect a huge number of insider secrets from influencers in your niche.
Your revival posts must be so jam-packed with value that they blow your readers’ minds and hook them to your blog again.
Tip #7. Name-Drop to Be Noticed
To run a successful revival campaign, you need to do more than just re-engage your list. You also need to make up for readers who chose to unsubscribe despite your valiant attempts to win back their hearts. Plus, you need to reconnect with other bloggers in your niche who think your blog is pushing up daisies.
You can hit three birds with one stone by making one of your revival posts an expert roundup.
You provide massive value to your readers, you let other bloggers know your blog is back in action, and since you give them an irresistible reason to share it, you’ll get a surge in traffic.
So gather multiple expert opinions together into a meaty post bulging with value and name-drop like mad. Send it to your list and to the experts who’ve participated, and triple-whammy the effect.
Tip #8. Make Yourself Impossible to Ignore
Imagine you’re taking a stroll through your neighborhood. You notice a big poster on a wall, but you pay it little attention. A block later, you see it again. And then again. This poster is plastered all throughout your neighborhood.
How many times do you think you’d have to see it before you stop and see what all the fuss is about?
The more you come across something, the more likely it is you’ll get curious enough to check it out. And your readers are the same way, so here’s what you do …
Write several guest posts for popular blogs and, if they’re accepted, tell the bloggers the posts are for a revival campaign. Ask if they could be published on the same date (give or take).
Chances are, your target audience frequents a number of blogs in your niche. Readers can be fickle creatures, and some may click through on the first post of yours they see while others won’t. But when they see you on the second, third and even the fourth blog they visit —  well, now you’ve piqued their interest!
There’s no way they can ignore you when you’re everywhere.
Tip #9. Harness The Power of Social
Let’s face it — not everyone reads blogs yet. But there are millions of potential readers actively lapping up everything they see on Facebook. And ads are a hot way to reach these readers.
Sure, back in the dark ages of social media, only the technically minded would dare run a Facebook ad campaign. But Zuckerberg, being the smart cookie he is, realized he was making it too damn hard for us.
You don’t need to sit back and wait to be noticed any longer. You can take your posts to these hungry new readers — or send them a landing page offering them a bribe to subscribe — by running ad campaigns with minimal pain or risk.
Here’s a tip — don’t just use a scattergun approach, select the audience you’re going to target by interest and demographic. You can even set small daily limits, so you don’t spend the day panicking that you’re draining your life savings.
You’ll rebuild that crumbling list in no time.
Tip #10. Give Your Blog a Face Lift
Beauty turns heads. It sets our hearts fluttering, and our brains read that feeling as a positive sign.
Before you invest hours into writing guest posts and dollars into running Facebook ads, ask yourself this — does your blog still look okay?
Perhaps your fonts, headers, and buttons now resemble last year’s uncool fashions. Or maybe the design still holds up, but your outdated theme is snail-slow to load.
If your blog design is a mess, you might give your blog a makeover before you start your re-engagement campaign. After all, your readers aren’t really expecting to hear from you right now, so it’s the perfect opportunity to invest some time in it.
Not only will your new design make a better impression on the new visitors you’re getting from your guest posts and Facebook ads, but it also sends your existing readers a signal that you’re serious about being back.
Be sure to add your face lift announcement to your relaunch strategy in one of your re-engagement emails.
Tip #11. Switch Your Hobby Hat for a Business Hat
Have you ever had a grand plan to do something, felt an immense surge of motivation, and then slipped back to your old ways?
It’s the sticky trap of old habits. And they’re lurking nearby, ready to thwart your plans of a blog revival the split second you lose focus.
By treating your blog as a hobby, you’re weakening your defenses against the same old mistakes you’ve made in the past. You need to get serious to keep up momentum.
Let’s face it — blogs take a painstaking number of hours of behind-the-scenes grunt work to stay well oiled. And to stand out from the crazy millions of mediocre blogs out there, you need to keep your foot on the pedal.
To stand out from the crazy millions of mediocre blogs, you need to keep your foot on the pedal. (Tweet This)
Flitting in and out of your blog with whimsical notions of creativity and abundance ain’t gonna cut it. Shift your mindset from hobby to business by blocking time aside to work on it, creating to-do lists, and planning your content strategy. Your results will speak for themselves.
Tip #12. Jump on the Weekly Roundup Bandwagon
You’ve executed all the big moves in your comeback strategy, and now your energy is waning. Keeping up momentum can become a struggle as you get overwhelmed by producing weekly content.
It’s daunting — you see all the big players sending steady streams of amazing posts to their readers, and it strangles your confidence. “How can I maintain a regular schedule of riveting content?” you wonder.
Easy! There’s a growing trend in weekly roundup emails for a good reason — your readers are suffering from content overload.
So make their life a little easier, and they’ll love you for it. Become a trusted source of the latest and greatest content in your niche by offering a weekly roundup email straight to their inboxes.
It’s also a cunning energy-preserving tactic that allows you play the long game.
Tip #13. Safeguard Yourself from Slipping Again
As with any long game, you need to replenish your resources to succeed.
But being a blogger can be lonely. It can be hard to feel inspired when your coffee buddies are your keyboard and monitor and your office manager is your pooch.
Build a safety net to prevent yourself from slipping back into your old ways by surrounding yourself with people who inspire you, support you, and keep you accountable.
Feed your mind by joining online communities pumping with engaged members who stimulate your thoughts and generate intelligent discussion on topics in your niche. They’re the perfect place to find accountability partners or to jump into mastermind groups that will keep you in the right mental groove.
Restoring your energy and passion will spark inspiration for longer, deeper posts and allow your blog to evolve with your audience well into the future. And having people in your corner will ensure you keep your momentum from here on out.
Ready to Get Back in the Game?
The churn in your gut as you think about your neglected blog makes you nauseous.
Following the path of least resistance and turning your back on it would be so damn easy. Nobody would even notice as you slipped silently into the recesses of binary code.
There’s one person who’d notice, though — you — and it would gnaw at your soul.
You can do this. Really, you can.
With a healthy dose of preparation, you’re sure to pull together a winning comeback strategy.
With a bit of resourcefulness, you’ll have months of content at your fingertips.
With hard work, strategy, and grit, you’ll win back your reader’s hearts, and your blog will be hustling and bustling once again.
So go on — get your head in the game, construct your plan, apologize and stage a comeback that you can once again hang your blogging dreams upon.
Your pride is counting on you.
Your readers are counting on you.
About the Author: Miranda Hill is a writer and coach who helps life-hungry souls get unstuck from the chaos of life. If you want to stop spinning your wheels, hopping from one thing to the next in search of answers, take her “De-Stress in 5 Minutes” quiz and start living a life you love.
from Internet Marketing Tips https://smartblogger.com/revive-your-blog/
0 notes
felixdgreen · 7 years
Ignored Your Blog for Months? 13 Tips for Getting It Back on Track
Come on, fess up!
You’ve done the unthinkable. You’ve let your beloved blog wither in the shadows of neglect.
Once a thriving haven of ideas and wisdom for your adoring readers, your blog is now just a wasteland of stale posts.
You’re bugged by the numbing guilt that you’ve let yourself down, and even worse, that you’ve let your readers down.
Will they even give a crap when they see your name pop into their flooded inboxes again? They’ve probably moved on. They’ve probably replaced you with someone they can count on.
Before you throw in the towel of defeat, know this — it’s not too late to fight for your blogging dream and claw back the attention of your readers.
But don’t just charge back into the arena frantically waving a flag.
Remember, it’s not who leaps in with chaotic enthusiasm who wins; it’s who plays the game with grit and strategy.
You Need to Get Your Head Back In the Game
Now’s the time to dive deep into your mind and clear the roadblocks that are waiting to trip you.
Maybe you regret letting your blog slip? Maybe you think it’s too late to save your blog? Maybe you fear that you’ve squandered any goodwill your readers had, and that they’ll never trust you again?
Make peace with the reason for your break. It could be as simple as a new baby, a new job, or a new relationship keeping you distracted. Or it could be deeper. Whatever the reason, revisit the passion that fueled you during your blogging honeymoon days and use it to add power to your comeback.
And stop inspecting the collateral damage of your neglected blog — plummeting traffic figures, zero social engagement, and the once steady stream of subscribers that’s now as dry as a river in a drought.
Focusing on the past sucks every ounce of energy you need to change your future. So throw aside any doubts, fears, and worries and look forward.
Concentrate on what needs to be done to make up for losses and get your blog humming again.
But you can’t just dive right back in. You need a plan.
13 Revival Tips That Will Restore Your Blog to Its Former Glory
I know you’re pumped to start blogging again, but you can’t just leap at your keyboard like an overzealous puppy.
Think about it — maybe your readers have moved on. Maybe they’re ticked off that you’ve left them hanging. Maybe they’re just not that into you anymore (gulp).
If you simply dive back in with blind faith and hope that your readers are still eagerly waiting for you, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
The strongest move is to map out your revival plan before your first play. I’m talking the whole kit and kaboodle — email sequence, blog posts, fancy relaunch ideas — all with the life or death seriousness of a Super Bowl final.
Remember, any game plan that’s worth its salt is cram-packed with tactics that cover all the bases.
Here are 13 tips to build into your plan to stack the odds in your favor.
Tip #1. Suck It Up and Apologize
Like yesterday’s news, you’re no longer at the top of your readers’ minds. You could leap about in your underpants while they’re blindfolded for all the attention they’ll give you when you email them again.
You must begin by re-engaging your neglected list. You need to win back their attention, trust, and respect. And the first step is to send them an email that says:
“I owe you an apology … ”
You need to tell your subscribers you’re sorry for letting them down and explain what has kept you away. And whatever you do, don’t fall into the trap of making excuses to cover your butt, even if your reasons seem trivial or selfish.
Own your absence with raw honesty and a heartfelt apology, and watch your vulnerability draw them back to you like a magnet.
Tip #2. Prove That You’ll Put Their Needs First
The next step to healing your relationship with your readers is to make them feel like you have their backs — that you’re listening to their specific issues and that you’ll do your best to help them.
Send them a survey with one meaningful and open-ended question. But don’t call it a survey. Ask them to tell you about their situation or to offer their opinion, and they’ll be more willing to play ball.
You can then use their answers to tailor your next few blog posts to their specific wants and needs, guaranteeing that you’ll win back their affection.
You can even go one step further by rolling up your sleeves and jumping on the phone with them. They’ll be stunned into adoration by the personal connection in our cold, digital world.
And these readers will turn into your biggest fans, opening every email and sharing your posts with their friends.
Tip #3. Win Back Their Affection With a Shiny New Gift
Now that your readers are paying attention, you’re ready for your next re-engagement play — the freebie.
Think of it like a relationship — you’ve rekindled the spark of attraction and you’ve shown you care by listening to their needs. So next, you win back their affection with a gift.
And make sure you tell them it’s free. The word “free” will set your readers’ pulses racing as it releases a flood of happy chemicals through their bodies that are impossible to ignore.
You could design a new report, cheat sheet, or checklist, but if you’re looking for a gift that packs a punch, try joining the online quiz craze. Tap into your readers’ innate curiosity to find out what type they are, how much they score, or which category they fall into.
You’ll restore trust and respect by demonstrating you’re on-trend with your content and grow your shrinking list at the same time, as quizzes are often shared like crazy.
Tip #4. Show Them a Crystal Ball
Let’s assume your readers totally dig you again. Even if you’re back on their radar, what’s to stop them getting distracted next time you contact them?
They could miss your email as they dizzy themselves scrolling past all the clutter in their inboxes. Or they could be sidelined by the unpredictability of life.
But there’s a way you can set a honey pot for their attention so they don’t drift away before you’ve become a sought-after fixture in their life again …
You can prime their minds to be on the lookout for everything you send.
Create an email that shows them the future and tells them what they can expect in the coming weeks. Drill down into the topics you’ve mapped out in your relaunch plan, and target the pains and desires they’ve shared with you in their survey responses.
Your email open rates will soar as they instantly recognize your email as familiar content that they’re waiting for. And they’ll like you more as you demonstrate you’ve listened to them.
Tip #5. Be Bold and Boost Your Open Rate
The first few emails in your re-engagement plan are the keys that unlock your readers’ attention and draw them back to you. You need to get as many eyeballs on them as you can.
But if statistics are anything to go by, you probably won’t connect with up to 70% of your readers every time you email them.
Don’t leave it to chance. Be bold and resend the emails to unopens after 48 hours, sporting a new headline. The apology, the survey and the gift emails should be hot on top of your resend list.
Every one of those emails puts you back on your readers’ mental radar, boosting your chances of them opening your email next time.
You can also do this once you start sending them posts again.
Speaking of which …
Tip #6. Remind Them Why They Loved You So Much
You’re back in the saddle and now you’re picking up pace, but the journey is just beginning.
Remember, you’ve let your readers down, so you need to win back their trust. You need to remind them why they loved you so much in the first place.
The last thing you want to do is hit them with a bunch of fluff pieces or generic, rehashed content that leaves them feeling disappointed.
Your revival campaign should include at least three posts — let’s call ’em revival posts — that go above and beyond.
Write an ultimate guide that details every single step of an intricate process, create an epic manifesto that gets your readers’ blood pumping, or collect a huge number of insider secrets from influencers in your niche.
Your revival posts must be so jam-packed with value that they blow your readers’ minds and hook them to your blog again.
Tip #7. Name-Drop to Be Noticed
To run a successful revival campaign, you need to do more than just re-engage your list. You also need to make up for readers who chose to unsubscribe despite your valiant attempts to win back their hearts. Plus, you need to reconnect with other bloggers in your niche who think your blog is pushing up daisies.
You can hit three birds with one stone by making one of your revival posts an expert roundup.
You provide massive value to your readers, you let other bloggers know your blog is back in action, and since you give them an irresistible reason to share it, you’ll get a surge in traffic.
So gather multiple expert opinions together into a meaty post bulging with value and name-drop like mad. Send it to your list and to the experts who’ve participated, and triple-whammy the effect.
Tip #8. Make Yourself Impossible to Ignore
Imagine you’re taking a stroll through your neighborhood. You notice a big poster on a wall, but you pay it little attention. A block later, you see it again. And then again. This poster is plastered all throughout your neighborhood.
How many times do you think you’d have to see it before you stop and see what all the fuss is about?
The more you come across something, the more likely it is you’ll get curious enough to check it out. And your readers are the same way, so here’s what you do …
Write several guest posts for popular blogs and, if they’re accepted, tell the bloggers the posts are for a revival campaign. Ask if they could be published on the same date (give or take).
Chances are, your target audience frequents a number of blogs in your niche. Readers can be fickle creatures, and some may click through on the first post of yours they see while others won’t. But when they see you on the second, third and even the fourth blog they visit —  well, now you’ve piqued their interest!
There’s no way they can ignore you when you’re everywhere.
Tip #9. Harness The Power of Social
Let’s face it — not everyone reads blogs yet. But there are millions of potential readers actively lapping up everything they see on Facebook. And ads are a hot way to reach these readers.
Sure, back in the dark ages of social media, only the technically minded would dare run a Facebook ad campaign. But Zuckerberg, being the smart cookie he is, realized he was making it too damn hard for us.
You don’t need to sit back and wait to be noticed any longer. You can take your posts to these hungry new readers — or send them a landing page offering them a bribe to subscribe — by running ad campaigns with minimal pain or risk.
Here’s a tip — don’t just use a scattergun approach, select the audience you’re going to target by interest and demographic. You can even set small daily limits, so you don’t spend the day panicking that you’re draining your life savings.
You’ll rebuild that crumbling list in no time.
Tip #10. Give Your Blog a Face Lift
Beauty turns heads. It sets our hearts fluttering, and our brains read that feeling as a positive sign.
Before you invest hours into writing guest posts and dollars into running Facebook ads, ask yourself this — does your blog still look okay?
Perhaps your fonts, headers, and buttons now resemble last year’s uncool fashions. Or maybe the design still holds up, but your outdated theme is snail-slow to load.
If your blog design is a mess, you might give your blog a makeover before you start your re-engagement campaign. After all, your readers aren’t really expecting to hear from you right now, so it’s the perfect opportunity to invest some time in it.
Not only will your new design make a better impression on the new visitors you’re getting from your guest posts and Facebook ads, but it also sends your existing readers a signal that you’re serious about being back.
Be sure to add your face lift announcement to your relaunch strategy in one of your re-engagement emails.
Tip #11. Switch Your Hobby Hat for a Business Hat
Have you ever had a grand plan to do something, felt an immense surge of motivation, and then slipped back to your old ways?
It’s the sticky trap of old habits. And they’re lurking nearby, ready to thwart your plans of a blog revival the split second you lose focus.
By treating your blog as a hobby, you’re weakening your defenses against the same old mistakes you’ve made in the past. You need to get serious to keep up momentum.
Let’s face it — blogs take a painstaking number of hours of behind-the-scenes grunt work to stay well oiled. And to stand out from the crazy millions of mediocre blogs out there, you need to keep your foot on the pedal.
To stand out from the crazy millions of mediocre blogs, you need to keep your foot on the pedal. (Tweet This)
Flitting in and out of your blog with whimsical notions of creativity and abundance ain’t gonna cut it. Shift your mindset from hobby to business by blocking time aside to work on it, creating to-do lists, and planning your content strategy. Your results will speak for themselves.
Tip #12. Jump on the Weekly Roundup Bandwagon
You’ve executed all the big moves in your comeback strategy, and now your energy is waning. Keeping up momentum can become a struggle as you get overwhelmed by producing weekly content.
It’s daunting — you see all the big players sending steady streams of amazing posts to their readers, and it strangles your confidence. “How can I maintain a regular schedule of riveting content?” you wonder.
Easy! There’s a growing trend in weekly roundup emails for a good reason — your readers are suffering from content overload.
So make their life a little easier, and they’ll love you for it. Become a trusted source of the latest and greatest content in your niche by offering a weekly roundup email straight to their inboxes.
It’s also a cunning energy-preserving tactic that allows you play the long game.
Tip #13. Safeguard Yourself from Slipping Again
As with any long game, you need to replenish your resources to succeed.
But being a blogger can be lonely. It can be hard to feel inspired when your coffee buddies are your keyboard and monitor and your office manager is your pooch.
Build a safety net to prevent yourself from slipping back into your old ways by surrounding yourself with people who inspire you, support you, and keep you accountable.
Feed your mind by joining online communities pumping with engaged members who stimulate your thoughts and generate intelligent discussion on topics in your niche. They’re the perfect place to find accountability partners or to jump into mastermind groups that will keep you in the right mental groove.
Restoring your energy and passion will spark inspiration for longer, deeper posts and allow your blog to evolve with your audience well into the future. And having people in your corner will ensure you keep your momentum from here on out.
Ready to Get Back in the Game?
The churn in your gut as you think about your neglected blog makes you nauseous.
Following the path of least resistance and turning your back on it would be so damn easy. Nobody would even notice as you slipped silently into the recesses of binary code.
There’s one person who’d notice, though — you — and it would gnaw at your soul.
You can do this. Really, you can.
With a healthy dose of preparation, you’re sure to pull together a winning comeback strategy.
With a bit of resourcefulness, you’ll have months of content at your fingertips.
With hard work, strategy, and grit, you’ll win back your reader’s hearts, and your blog will be hustling and bustling once again.
So go on — get your head in the game, construct your plan, apologize and stage a comeback that you can once again hang your blogging dreams upon.
Your pride is counting on you.
Your readers are counting on you.
About the Author: Miranda Hill is a writer and coach who helps life-hungry souls get unstuck from the chaos of life. If you want to stop spinning your wheels, hopping from one thing to the next in search of answers, take her “De-Stress in 5 Minutes” quiz and start living a life you love.
from IM News And Tips https://smartblogger.com/revive-your-blog/
0 notes
laurendcameron · 7 years
Ignored Your Blog for Months? 13 Tips for Getting It Back on Track
Come on, fess up!
You’ve done the unthinkable. You’ve let your beloved blog wither in the shadows of neglect.
Once a thriving haven of ideas and wisdom for your adoring readers, your blog is now just a wasteland of stale posts.
You’re bugged by the numbing guilt that you’ve let yourself down, and even worse, that you’ve let your readers down.
Will they even give a crap when they see your name pop into their flooded inboxes again? They’ve probably moved on. They’ve probably replaced you with someone they can count on.
Before you throw in the towel of defeat, know this — it’s not too late to fight for your blogging dream and claw back the attention of your readers.
But don’t just charge back into the arena frantically waving a flag.
Remember, it’s not who leaps in with chaotic enthusiasm who wins; it’s who plays the game with grit and strategy.
You Need to Get Your Head Back In the Game
Now’s the time to dive deep into your mind and clear the roadblocks that are waiting to trip you.
Maybe you regret letting your blog slip? Maybe you think it’s too late to save your blog? Maybe you fear that you’ve squandered any goodwill your readers had, and that they’ll never trust you again?
Make peace with the reason for your break. It could be as simple as a new baby, a new job, or a new relationship keeping you distracted. Or it could be deeper. Whatever the reason, revisit the passion that fueled you during your blogging honeymoon days and use it to add power to your comeback.
And stop inspecting the collateral damage of your neglected blog — plummeting traffic figures, zero social engagement, and the once steady stream of subscribers that’s now as dry as a river in a drought.
Focusing on the past sucks every ounce of energy you need to change your future. So throw aside any doubts, fears, and worries and look forward.
Concentrate on what needs to be done to make up for losses and get your blog humming again.
But you can’t just dive right back in. You need a plan.
13 Revival Tips That Will Restore Your Blog to Its Former Glory
I know you’re pumped to start blogging again, but you can’t just leap at your keyboard like an overzealous puppy.
Think about it — maybe your readers have moved on. Maybe they’re ticked off that you’ve left them hanging. Maybe they’re just not that into you anymore (gulp).
If you simply dive back in with blind faith and hope that your readers are still eagerly waiting for you, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
The strongest move is to map out your revival plan before your first play. I’m talking the whole kit and kaboodle — email sequence, blog posts, fancy relaunch ideas — all with the life or death seriousness of a Super Bowl final.
Remember, any game plan that’s worth its salt is cram-packed with tactics that cover all the bases.
Here are 13 tips to build into your plan to stack the odds in your favor.
Tip #1. Suck It Up and Apologize
Like yesterday’s news, you’re no longer at the top of your readers’ minds. You could leap about in your underpants while they’re blindfolded for all the attention they’ll give you when you email them again.
You must begin by re-engaging your neglected list. You need to win back their attention, trust, and respect. And the first step is to send them an email that says:
“I owe you an apology … ”
You need to tell your subscribers you’re sorry for letting them down and explain what has kept you away. And whatever you do, don’t fall into the trap of making excuses to cover your butt, even if your reasons seem trivial or selfish.
Own your absence with raw honesty and a heartfelt apology, and watch your vulnerability draw them back to you like a magnet.
Tip #2. Prove That You’ll Put Their Needs First
The next step to healing your relationship with your readers is to make them feel like you have their backs — that you’re listening to their specific issues and that you’ll do your best to help them.
Send them a survey with one meaningful and open-ended question. But don’t call it a survey. Ask them to tell you about their situation or to offer their opinion, and they’ll be more willing to play ball.
You can then use their answers to tailor your next few blog posts to their specific wants and needs, guaranteeing that you’ll win back their affection.
You can even go one step further by rolling up your sleeves and jumping on the phone with them. They’ll be stunned into adoration by the personal connection in our cold, digital world.
And these readers will turn into your biggest fans, opening every email and sharing your posts with their friends.
Tip #3. Win Back Their Affection With a Shiny New Gift
Now that your readers are paying attention, you’re ready for your next re-engagement play — the freebie.
Think of it like a relationship — you’ve rekindled the spark of attraction and you’ve shown you care by listening to their needs. So next, you win back their affection with a gift.
And make sure you tell them it’s free. The word “free” will set your readers’ pulses racing as it releases a flood of happy chemicals through their bodies that are impossible to ignore.
You could design a new report, cheat sheet, or checklist, but if you’re looking for a gift that packs a punch, try joining the online quiz craze. Tap into your readers’ innate curiosity to find out what type they are, how much they score, or which category they fall into.
You’ll restore trust and respect by demonstrating you’re on-trend with your content and grow your shrinking list at the same time, as quizzes are often shared like crazy.
Tip #4. Show Them a Crystal Ball
Let’s assume your readers totally dig you again. Even if you’re back on their radar, what’s to stop them getting distracted next time you contact them?
They could miss your email as they dizzy themselves scrolling past all the clutter in their inboxes. Or they could be sidelined by the unpredictability of life.
But there’s a way you can set a honey pot for their attention so they don’t drift away before you’ve become a sought-after fixture in their life again …
You can prime their minds to be on the lookout for everything you send.
Create an email that shows them the future and tells them what they can expect in the coming weeks. Drill down into the topics you’ve mapped out in your relaunch plan, and target the pains and desires they’ve shared with you in their survey responses.
Your email open rates will soar as they instantly recognize your email as familiar content that they’re waiting for. And they’ll like you more as you demonstrate you’ve listened to them.
Tip #5. Be Bold and Boost Your Open Rate
The first few emails in your re-engagement plan are the keys that unlock your readers’ attention and draw them back to you. You need to get as many eyeballs on them as you can.
But if statistics are anything to go by, you probably won’t connect with up to 70% of your readers every time you email them.
Don’t leave it to chance. Be bold and resend the emails to unopens after 48 hours, sporting a new headline. The apology, the survey and the gift emails should be hot on top of your resend list.
Every one of those emails puts you back on your readers’ mental radar, boosting your chances of them opening your email next time.
You can also do this once you start sending them posts again.
Speaking of which …
Tip #6. Remind Them Why They Loved You So Much
You’re back in the saddle and now you’re picking up pace, but the journey is just beginning.
Remember, you’ve let your readers down, so you need to win back their trust. You need to remind them why they loved you so much in the first place.
The last thing you want to do is hit them with a bunch of fluff pieces or generic, rehashed content that leaves them feeling disappointed.
Your revival campaign should include at least three posts — let’s call ’em revival posts — that go above and beyond.
Write an ultimate guide that details every single step of an intricate process, create an epic manifesto that gets your readers’ blood pumping, or collect a huge number of insider secrets from influencers in your niche.
Your revival posts must be so jam-packed with value that they blow your readers’ minds and hook them to your blog again.
Tip #7. Name-Drop to Be Noticed
To run a successful revival campaign, you need to do more than just re-engage your list. You also need to make up for readers who chose to unsubscribe despite your valiant attempts to win back their hearts. Plus, you need to reconnect with other bloggers in your niche who think your blog is pushing up daisies.
You can hit three birds with one stone by making one of your revival posts an expert roundup.
You provide massive value to your readers, you let other bloggers know your blog is back in action, and since you give them an irresistible reason to share it, you’ll get a surge in traffic.
So gather multiple expert opinions together into a meaty post bulging with value and name-drop like mad. Send it to your list and to the experts who’ve participated, and triple-whammy the effect.
Tip #8. Make Yourself Impossible to Ignore
Imagine you’re taking a stroll through your neighborhood. You notice a big poster on a wall, but you pay it little attention. A block later, you see it again. And then again. This poster is plastered all throughout your neighborhood.
How many times do you think you’d have to see it before you stop and see what all the fuss is about?
The more you come across something, the more likely it is you’ll get curious enough to check it out. And your readers are the same way, so here’s what you do …
Write several guest posts for popular blogs and, if they’re accepted, tell the bloggers the posts are for a revival campaign. Ask if they could be published on the same date (give or take).
Chances are, your target audience frequents a number of blogs in your niche. Readers can be fickle creatures, and some may click through on the first post of yours they see while others won’t. But when they see you on the second, third and even the fourth blog they visit —  well, now you’ve piqued their interest!
There’s no way they can ignore you when you’re everywhere.
Tip #9. Harness The Power of Social
Let’s face it — not everyone reads blogs yet. But there are millions of potential readers actively lapping up everything they see on Facebook. And ads are a hot way to reach these readers.
Sure, back in the dark ages of social media, only the technically minded would dare run a Facebook ad campaign. But Zuckerberg, being the smart cookie he is, realized he was making it too damn hard for us.
You don’t need to sit back and wait to be noticed any longer. You can take your posts to these hungry new readers — or send them a landing page offering them a bribe to subscribe — by running ad campaigns with minimal pain or risk.
Here’s a tip — don’t just use a scattergun approach, select the audience you’re going to target by interest and demographic. You can even set small daily limits, so you don’t spend the day panicking that you’re draining your life savings.
You’ll rebuild that crumbling list in no time.
Tip #10. Give Your Blog a Face Lift
Beauty turns heads. It sets our hearts fluttering, and our brains read that feeling as a positive sign.
Before you invest hours into writing guest posts and dollars into running Facebook ads, ask yourself this — does your blog still look okay?
Perhaps your fonts, headers, and buttons now resemble last year’s uncool fashions. Or maybe the design still holds up, but your outdated theme is snail-slow to load.
If your blog design is a mess, you might give your blog a makeover before you start your re-engagement campaign. After all, your readers aren’t really expecting to hear from you right now, so it’s the perfect opportunity to invest some time in it.
Not only will your new design make a better impression on the new visitors you’re getting from your guest posts and Facebook ads, but it also sends your existing readers a signal that you’re serious about being back.
Be sure to add your face lift announcement to your relaunch strategy in one of your re-engagement emails.
Tip #11. Switch Your Hobby Hat for a Business Hat
Have you ever had a grand plan to do something, felt an immense surge of motivation, and then slipped back to your old ways?
It’s the sticky trap of old habits. And they’re lurking nearby, ready to thwart your plans of a blog revival the split second you lose focus.
By treating your blog as a hobby, you’re weakening your defenses against the same old mistakes you’ve made in the past. You need to get serious to keep up momentum.
Let’s face it — blogs take a painstaking number of hours of behind-the-scenes grunt work to stay well oiled. And to stand out from the crazy millions of mediocre blogs out there, you need to keep your foot on the pedal.
To stand out from the crazy millions of mediocre blogs, you need to keep your foot on the pedal. (Tweet This)
Flitting in and out of your blog with whimsical notions of creativity and abundance ain’t gonna cut it. Shift your mindset from hobby to business by blocking time aside to work on it, creating to-do lists, and planning your content strategy. Your results will speak for themselves.
Tip #12. Jump on the Weekly Roundup Bandwagon
You’ve executed all the big moves in your comeback strategy, and now your energy is waning. Keeping up momentum can become a struggle as you get overwhelmed by producing weekly content.
It’s daunting — you see all the big players sending steady streams of amazing posts to their readers, and it strangles your confidence. “How can I maintain a regular schedule of riveting content?” you wonder.
Easy! There’s a growing trend in weekly roundup emails for a good reason — your readers are suffering from content overload.
So make their life a little easier, and they’ll love you for it. Become a trusted source of the latest and greatest content in your niche by offering a weekly roundup email straight to their inboxes.
It’s also a cunning energy-preserving tactic that allows you play the long game.
Tip #13. Safeguard Yourself from Slipping Again
As with any long game, you need to replenish your resources to succeed.
But being a blogger can be lonely. It can be hard to feel inspired when your coffee buddies are your keyboard and monitor and your office manager is your pooch.
Build a safety net to prevent yourself from slipping back into your old ways by surrounding yourself with people who inspire you, support you, and keep you accountable.
Feed your mind by joining online communities pumping with engaged members who stimulate your thoughts and generate intelligent discussion on topics in your niche. They’re the perfect place to find accountability partners or to jump into mastermind groups that will keep you in the right mental groove.
Restoring your energy and passion will spark inspiration for longer, deeper posts and allow your blog to evolve with your audience well into the future. And having people in your corner will ensure you keep your momentum from here on out.
Ready to Get Back in the Game?
The churn in your gut as you think about your neglected blog makes you nauseous.
Following the path of least resistance and turning your back on it would be so damn easy. Nobody would even notice as you slipped silently into the recesses of binary code.
There’s one person who’d notice, though — you — and it would gnaw at your soul.
You can do this. Really, you can.
With a healthy dose of preparation, you’re sure to pull together a winning comeback strategy.
With a bit of resourcefulness, you’ll have months of content at your fingertips.
With hard work, strategy, and grit, you’ll win back your reader’s hearts, and your blog will be hustling and bustling once again.
So go on — get your head in the game, construct your plan, apologize and stage a comeback that you can once again hang your blogging dreams upon.
Your pride is counting on you.
Your readers are counting on you.
About the Author: Miranda Hill is a writer and coach who helps life-hungry souls get unstuck from the chaos of life. If you want to stop spinning your wheels, hopping from one thing to the next in search of answers, take her “De-Stress in 5 Minutes” quiz and start living a life you love.
from Lauren Cameron Updates https://smartblogger.com/revive-your-blog/
0 notes
sandranelsonuk · 7 years
Ignored Your Blog for Months? 13 Tips for Getting It Back on Track
Come on, fess up!
You’ve done the unthinkable. You’ve let your beloved blog wither in the shadows of neglect.
Once a thriving haven of ideas and wisdom for your adoring readers, your blog is now just a wasteland of stale posts.
You’re bugged by the numbing guilt that you’ve let yourself down, and even worse, that you’ve let your readers down.
Will they even give a crap when they see your name pop into their flooded inboxes again? They’ve probably moved on. They’ve probably replaced you with someone they can count on.
Before you throw in the towel of defeat, know this — it’s not too late to fight for your blogging dream and claw back the attention of your readers.
But don’t just charge back into the arena frantically waving a flag.
Remember, it’s not who leaps in with chaotic enthusiasm who wins; it’s who plays the game with grit and strategy.
You Need to Get Your Head Back In the Game
Now’s the time to dive deep into your mind and clear the roadblocks that are waiting to trip you.
Maybe you regret letting your blog slip? Maybe you think it’s too late to save your blog? Maybe you fear that you’ve squandered any goodwill your readers had, and that they’ll never trust you again?
Make peace with the reason for your break. It could be as simple as a new baby, a new job, or a new relationship keeping you distracted. Or it could be deeper. Whatever the reason, revisit the passion that fueled you during your blogging honeymoon days and use it to add power to your comeback.
And stop inspecting the collateral damage of your neglected blog — plummeting traffic figures, zero social engagement, and the once steady stream of subscribers that’s now as dry as a river in a drought.
Focusing on the past sucks every ounce of energy you need to change your future. So throw aside any doubts, fears, and worries and look forward.
Concentrate on what needs to be done to make up for losses and get your blog humming again.
But you can’t just dive right back in. You need a plan.
13 Revival Tips That Will Restore Your Blog to Its Former Glory
I know you’re pumped to start blogging again, but you can’t just leap at your keyboard like an overzealous puppy.
Think about it — maybe your readers have moved on. Maybe they’re ticked off that you’ve left them hanging. Maybe they’re just not that into you anymore (gulp).
If you simply dive back in with blind faith and hope that your readers are still eagerly waiting for you, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
The strongest move is to map out your revival plan before your first play. I’m talking the whole kit and kaboodle — email sequence, blog posts, fancy relaunch ideas — all with the life or death seriousness of a Super Bowl final.
Remember, any game plan that’s worth its salt is cram-packed with tactics that cover all the bases.
Here are 13 tips to build into your plan to stack the odds in your favor.
Tip #1. Suck It Up and Apologize
Like yesterday’s news, you’re no longer at the top of your readers’ minds. You could leap about in your underpants while they’re blindfolded for all the attention they’ll give you when you email them again.
You must begin by re-engaging your neglected list. You need to win back their attention, trust, and respect. And the first step is to send them an email that says:
“I owe you an apology … ”
You need to tell your subscribers you’re sorry for letting them down and explain what has kept you away. And whatever you do, don’t fall into the trap of making excuses to cover your butt, even if your reasons seem trivial or selfish.
Own your absence with raw honesty and a heartfelt apology, and watch your vulnerability draw them back to you like a magnet.
Tip #2. Prove That You’ll Put Their Needs First
The next step to healing your relationship with your readers is to make them feel like you have their backs — that you’re listening to their specific issues and that you’ll do your best to help them.
Send them a survey with one meaningful and open-ended question. But don’t call it a survey. Ask them to tell you about their situation or to offer their opinion, and they’ll be more willing to play ball.
You can then use their answers to tailor your next few blog posts to their specific wants and needs, guaranteeing that you’ll win back their affection.
You can even go one step further by rolling up your sleeves and jumping on the phone with them. They’ll be stunned into adoration by the personal connection in our cold, digital world.
And these readers will turn into your biggest fans, opening every email and sharing your posts with their friends.
Tip #3. Win Back Their Affection With a Shiny New Gift
Now that your readers are paying attention, you’re ready for your next re-engagement play — the freebie.
Think of it like a relationship — you’ve rekindled the spark of attraction and you’ve shown you care by listening to their needs. So next, you win back their affection with a gift.
And make sure you tell them it’s free. The word “free” will set your readers’ pulses racing as it releases a flood of happy chemicals through their bodies that are impossible to ignore.
You could design a new report, cheat sheet, or checklist, but if you’re looking for a gift that packs a punch, try joining the online quiz craze. Tap into your readers’ innate curiosity to find out what type they are, how much they score, or which category they fall into.
You’ll restore trust and respect by demonstrating you’re on-trend with your content and grow your shrinking list at the same time, as quizzes are often shared like crazy.
Tip #4. Show Them a Crystal Ball
Let’s assume your readers totally dig you again. Even if you’re back on their radar, what’s to stop them getting distracted next time you contact them?
They could miss your email as they dizzy themselves scrolling past all the clutter in their inboxes. Or they could be sidelined by the unpredictability of life.
But there’s a way you can set a honey pot for their attention so they don’t drift away before you’ve become a sought-after fixture in their life again …
You can prime their minds to be on the lookout for everything you send.
Create an email that shows them the future and tells them what they can expect in the coming weeks. Drill down into the topics you’ve mapped out in your relaunch plan, and target the pains and desires they’ve shared with you in their survey responses.
Your email open rates will soar as they instantly recognize your email as familiar content that they’re waiting for. And they’ll like you more as you demonstrate you’ve listened to them.
Tip #5. Be Bold and Boost Your Open Rate
The first few emails in your re-engagement plan are the keys that unlock your readers’ attention and draw them back to you. You need to get as many eyeballs on them as you can.
But if statistics are anything to go by, you probably won’t connect with up to 70% of your readers every time you email them.
Don’t leave it to chance. Be bold and resend the emails to unopens after 48 hours, sporting a new headline. The apology, the survey and the gift emails should be hot on top of your resend list.
Every one of those emails puts you back on your readers’ mental radar, boosting your chances of them opening your email next time.
You can also do this once you start sending them posts again.
Speaking of which …
Tip #6. Remind Them Why They Loved You So Much
You’re back in the saddle and now you’re picking up pace, but the journey is just beginning.
Remember, you’ve let your readers down, so you need to win back their trust. You need to remind them why they loved you so much in the first place.
The last thing you want to do is hit them with a bunch of fluff pieces or generic, rehashed content that leaves them feeling disappointed.
Your revival campaign should include at least three posts — let’s call ’em revival posts — that go above and beyond.
Write an ultimate guide that details every single step of an intricate process, create an epic manifesto that gets your readers’ blood pumping, or collect a huge number of insider secrets from influencers in your niche.
Your revival posts must be so jam-packed with value that they blow your readers’ minds and hook them to your blog again.
Tip #7. Name-Drop to Be Noticed
To run a successful revival campaign, you need to do more than just re-engage your list. You also need to make up for readers who chose to unsubscribe despite your valiant attempts to win back their hearts. Plus, you need to reconnect with other bloggers in your niche who think your blog is pushing up daisies.
You can hit three birds with one stone by making one of your revival posts an expert roundup.
You provide massive value to your readers, you let other bloggers know your blog is back in action, and since you give them an irresistible reason to share it, you’ll get a surge in traffic.
So gather multiple expert opinions together into a meaty post bulging with value and name-drop like mad. Send it to your list and to the experts who’ve participated, and triple-whammy the effect.
Tip #8. Make Yourself Impossible to Ignore
Imagine you’re taking a stroll through your neighborhood. You notice a big poster on a wall, but you pay it little attention. A block later, you see it again. And then again. This poster is plastered all throughout your neighborhood.
How many times do you think you’d have to see it before you stop and see what all the fuss is about?
The more you come across something, the more likely it is you’ll get curious enough to check it out. And your readers are the same way, so here’s what you do …
Write several guest posts for popular blogs and, if they’re accepted, tell the bloggers the posts are for a revival campaign. Ask if they could be published on the same date (give or take).
Chances are, your target audience frequents a number of blogs in your niche. Readers can be fickle creatures, and some may click through on the first post of yours they see while others won’t. But when they see you on the second, third and even the fourth blog they visit —  well, now you’ve piqued their interest!
There’s no way they can ignore you when you’re everywhere.
Tip #9. Harness The Power of Social
Let’s face it — not everyone reads blogs yet. But there are millions of potential readers actively lapping up everything they see on Facebook. And ads are a hot way to reach these readers.
Sure, back in the dark ages of social media, only the technically minded would dare run a Facebook ad campaign. But Zuckerberg, being the smart cookie he is, realized he was making it too damn hard for us.
You don’t need to sit back and wait to be noticed any longer. You can take your posts to these hungry new readers — or send them a landing page offering them a bribe to subscribe — by running ad campaigns with minimal pain or risk.
Here’s a tip — don’t just use a scattergun approach, select the audience you’re going to target by interest and demographic. You can even set small daily limits, so you don’t spend the day panicking that you’re draining your life savings.
You’ll rebuild that crumbling list in no time.
Tip #10. Give Your Blog a Face Lift
Beauty turns heads. It sets our hearts fluttering, and our brains read that feeling as a positive sign.
Before you invest hours into writing guest posts and dollars into running Facebook ads, ask yourself this — does your blog still look okay?
Perhaps your fonts, headers, and buttons now resemble last year’s uncool fashions. Or maybe the design still holds up, but your outdated theme is snail-slow to load.
If your blog design is a mess, you might give your blog a makeover before you start your re-engagement campaign. After all, your readers aren’t really expecting to hear from you right now, so it’s the perfect opportunity to invest some time in it.
Not only will your new design make a better impression on the new visitors you’re getting from your guest posts and Facebook ads, but it also sends your existing readers a signal that you’re serious about being back.
Be sure to add your face lift announcement to your relaunch strategy in one of your re-engagement emails.
Tip #11. Switch Your Hobby Hat for a Business Hat
Have you ever had a grand plan to do something, felt an immense surge of motivation, and then slipped back to your old ways?
It’s the sticky trap of old habits. And they’re lurking nearby, ready to thwart your plans of a blog revival the split second you lose focus.
By treating your blog as a hobby, you’re weakening your defenses against the same old mistakes you’ve made in the past. You need to get serious to keep up momentum.
Let’s face it — blogs take a painstaking number of hours of behind-the-scenes grunt work to stay well oiled. And to stand out from the crazy millions of mediocre blogs out there, you need to keep your foot on the pedal.
To stand out from the crazy millions of mediocre blogs, you need to keep your foot on the pedal. (Tweet This)
Flitting in and out of your blog with whimsical notions of creativity and abundance ain’t gonna cut it. Shift your mindset from hobby to business by blocking time aside to work on it, creating to-do lists, and planning your content strategy. Your results will speak for themselves.
Tip #12. Jump on the Weekly Roundup Bandwagon
You’ve executed all the big moves in your comeback strategy, and now your energy is waning. Keeping up momentum can become a struggle as you get overwhelmed by producing weekly content.
It’s daunting — you see all the big players sending steady streams of amazing posts to their readers, and it strangles your confidence. “How can I maintain a regular schedule of riveting content?” you wonder.
Easy! There’s a growing trend in weekly roundup emails for a good reason — your readers are suffering from content overload.
So make their life a little easier, and they’ll love you for it. Become a trusted source of the latest and greatest content in your niche by offering a weekly roundup email straight to their inboxes.
It’s also a cunning energy-preserving tactic that allows you play the long game.
Tip #13. Safeguard Yourself from Slipping Again
As with any long game, you need to replenish your resources to succeed.
But being a blogger can be lonely. It can be hard to feel inspired when your coffee buddies are your keyboard and monitor and your office manager is your pooch.
Build a safety net to prevent yourself from slipping back into your old ways by surrounding yourself with people who inspire you, support you, and keep you accountable.
Feed your mind by joining online communities pumping with engaged members who stimulate your thoughts and generate intelligent discussion on topics in your niche. They’re the perfect place to find accountability partners or to jump into mastermind groups that will keep you in the right mental groove.
Restoring your energy and passion will spark inspiration for longer, deeper posts and allow your blog to evolve with your audience well into the future. And having people in your corner will ensure you keep your momentum from here on out.
Ready to Get Back in the Game?
The churn in your gut as you think about your neglected blog makes you nauseous.
Following the path of least resistance and turning your back on it would be so damn easy. Nobody would even notice as you slipped silently into the recesses of binary code.
There’s one person who’d notice, though — you — and it would gnaw at your soul.
You can do this. Really, you can.
With a healthy dose of preparation, you’re sure to pull together a winning comeback strategy.
With a bit of resourcefulness, you’ll have months of content at your fingertips.
With hard work, strategy, and grit, you’ll win back your reader’s hearts, and your blog will be hustling and bustling once again.
So go on — get your head in the game, construct your plan, apologize and stage a comeback that you can once again hang your blogging dreams upon.
Your pride is counting on you.
Your readers are counting on you.
About the Author: Miranda Hill is a writer and coach who helps life-hungry souls get unstuck from the chaos of life. If you want to stop spinning your wheels, hopping from one thing to the next in search of answers, take her “De-Stress in 5 Minutes” quiz and start living a life you love.
from Julia Garza Social Media Tips https://smartblogger.com/revive-your-blog/
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cherylxsmith · 7 years
Ignored Your Blog for Months? 13 Tips for Getting It Back on Track
Come on, fess up!
You’ve done the unthinkable. You’ve let your beloved blog wither in the shadows of neglect.
Once a thriving haven of ideas and wisdom for your adoring readers, your blog is now just a wasteland of stale posts.
You’re bugged by the numbing guilt that you’ve let yourself down, and even worse, that you’ve let your readers down.
Will they even give a crap when they see your name pop into their flooded inboxes again? They’ve probably moved on. They’ve probably replaced you with someone they can count on.
Before you throw in the towel of defeat, know this — it’s not too late to fight for your blogging dream and claw back the attention of your readers.
But don’t just charge back into the arena frantically waving a flag.
Remember, it’s not who leaps in with chaotic enthusiasm who wins; it’s who plays the game with grit and strategy.
You Need to Get Your Head Back In the Game
Now’s the time to dive deep into your mind and clear the roadblocks that are waiting to trip you.
Maybe you regret letting your blog slip? Maybe you think it’s too late to save your blog? Maybe you fear that you’ve squandered any goodwill your readers had, and that they’ll never trust you again?
Make peace with the reason for your break. It could be as simple as a new baby, a new job, or a new relationship keeping you distracted. Or it could be deeper. Whatever the reason, revisit the passion that fueled you during your blogging honeymoon days and use it to add power to your comeback.
And stop inspecting the collateral damage of your neglected blog — plummeting traffic figures, zero social engagement, and the once steady stream of subscribers that’s now as dry as a river in a drought.
Focusing on the past sucks every ounce of energy you need to change your future. So throw aside any doubts, fears, and worries and look forward.
Concentrate on what needs to be done to make up for losses and get your blog humming again.
But you can’t just dive right back in. You need a plan.
13 Revival Tips That Will Restore Your Blog to Its Former Glory
I know you’re pumped to start blogging again, but you can’t just leap at your keyboard like an overzealous puppy.
Think about it — maybe your readers have moved on. Maybe they’re ticked off that you’ve left them hanging. Maybe they’re just not that into you anymore (gulp).
If you simply dive back in with blind faith and hope that your readers are still eagerly waiting for you, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
The strongest move is to map out your revival plan before your first play. I’m talking the whole kit and kaboodle — email sequence, blog posts, fancy relaunch ideas — all with the life or death seriousness of a Super Bowl final.
Remember, any game plan that’s worth its salt is cram-packed with tactics that cover all the bases.
Here are 13 tips to build into your plan to stack the odds in your favor.
Tip #1. Suck It Up and Apologize
Like yesterday’s news, you’re no longer at the top of your readers’ minds. You could leap about in your underpants while they’re blindfolded for all the attention they’ll give you when you email them again.
You must begin by re-engaging your neglected list. You need to win back their attention, trust, and respect. And the first step is to send them an email that says:
“I owe you an apology … ”
You need to tell your subscribers you’re sorry for letting them down and explain what has kept you away. And whatever you do, don’t fall into the trap of making excuses to cover your butt, even if your reasons seem trivial or selfish.
Own your absence with raw honesty and a heartfelt apology, and watch your vulnerability draw them back to you like a magnet.
Tip #2. Prove That You’ll Put Their Needs First
The next step to healing your relationship with your readers is to make them feel like you have their backs — that you’re listening to their specific issues and that you’ll do your best to help them.
Send them a survey with one meaningful and open-ended question. But don’t call it a survey. Ask them to tell you about their situation or to offer their opinion, and they’ll be more willing to play ball.
You can then use their answers to tailor your next few blog posts to their specific wants and needs, guaranteeing that you’ll win back their affection.
You can even go one step further by rolling up your sleeves and jumping on the phone with them. They’ll be stunned into adoration by the personal connection in our cold, digital world.
And these readers will turn into your biggest fans, opening every email and sharing your posts with their friends.
Tip #3. Win Back Their Affection With a Shiny New Gift
Now that your readers are paying attention, you’re ready for your next re-engagement play — the freebie.
Think of it like a relationship — you’ve rekindled the spark of attraction and you’ve shown you care by listening to their needs. So next, you win back their affection with a gift.
And make sure you tell them it’s free. The word “free” will set your readers’ pulses racing as it releases a flood of happy chemicals through their bodies that are impossible to ignore.
You could design a new report, cheat sheet, or checklist, but if you’re looking for a gift that packs a punch, try joining the online quiz craze. Tap into your readers’ innate curiosity to find out what type they are, how much they score, or which category they fall into.
You’ll restore trust and respect by demonstrating you’re on-trend with your content and grow your shrinking list at the same time, as quizzes are often shared like crazy.
Tip #4. Show Them a Crystal Ball
Let’s assume your readers totally dig you again. Even if you’re back on their radar, what’s to stop them getting distracted next time you contact them?
They could miss your email as they dizzy themselves scrolling past all the clutter in their inboxes. Or they could be sidelined by the unpredictability of life.
But there’s a way you can set a honey pot for their attention so they don’t drift away before you’ve become a sought-after fixture in their life again …
You can prime their minds to be on the lookout for everything you send.
Create an email that shows them the future and tells them what they can expect in the coming weeks. Drill down into the topics you’ve mapped out in your relaunch plan, and target the pains and desires they’ve shared with you in their survey responses.
Your email open rates will soar as they instantly recognize your email as familiar content that they’re waiting for. And they’ll like you more as you demonstrate you’ve listened to them.
Tip #5. Be Bold and Boost Your Open Rate
The first few emails in your re-engagement plan are the keys that unlock your readers’ attention and draw them back to you. You need to get as many eyeballs on them as you can.
But if statistics are anything to go by, you probably won’t connect with up to 70% of your readers every time you email them.
Don’t leave it to chance. Be bold and resend the emails to unopens after 48 hours, sporting a new headline. The apology, the survey and the gift emails should be hot on top of your resend list.
Every one of those emails puts you back on your readers’ mental radar, boosting your chances of them opening your email next time.
You can also do this once you start sending them posts again.
Speaking of which …
Tip #6. Remind Them Why They Loved You So Much
You’re back in the saddle and now you’re picking up pace, but the journey is just beginning.
Remember, you’ve let your readers down, so you need to win back their trust. You need to remind them why they loved you so much in the first place.
The last thing you want to do is hit them with a bunch of fluff pieces or generic, rehashed content that leaves them feeling disappointed.
Your revival campaign should include at least three posts — let’s call ’em revival posts — that go above and beyond.
Write an ultimate guide that details every single step of an intricate process, create an epic manifesto that gets your readers’ blood pumping, or collect a huge number of insider secrets from influencers in your niche.
Your revival posts must be so jam-packed with value that they blow your readers’ minds and hook them to your blog again.
Tip #7. Name-Drop to Be Noticed
To run a successful revival campaign, you need to do more than just re-engage your list. You also need to make up for readers who chose to unsubscribe despite your valiant attempts to win back their hearts. Plus, you need to reconnect with other bloggers in your niche who think your blog is pushing up daisies.
You can hit three birds with one stone by making one of your revival posts an expert roundup.
You provide massive value to your readers, you let other bloggers know your blog is back in action, and since you give them an irresistible reason to share it, you’ll get a surge in traffic.
So gather multiple expert opinions together into a meaty post bulging with value and name-drop like mad. Send it to your list and to the experts who’ve participated, and triple-whammy the effect.
Tip #8. Make Yourself Impossible to Ignore
Imagine you’re taking a stroll through your neighborhood. You notice a big poster on a wall, but you pay it little attention. A block later, you see it again. And then again. This poster is plastered all throughout your neighborhood.
How many times do you think you’d have to see it before you stop and see what all the fuss is about?
The more you come across something, the more likely it is you’ll get curious enough to check it out. And your readers are the same way, so here’s what you do …
Write several guest posts for popular blogs and, if they’re accepted, tell the bloggers the posts are for a revival campaign. Ask if they could be published on the same date (give or take).
Chances are, your target audience frequents a number of blogs in your niche. Readers can be fickle creatures, and some may click through on the first post of yours they see while others won’t. But when they see you on the second, third and even the fourth blog they visit —  well, now you’ve piqued their interest!
There’s no way they can ignore you when you’re everywhere.
Tip #9. Harness The Power of Social
Let’s face it — not everyone reads blogs yet. But there are millions of potential readers actively lapping up everything they see on Facebook. And ads are a hot way to reach these readers.
Sure, back in the dark ages of social media, only the technically minded would dare run a Facebook ad campaign. But Zuckerberg, being the smart cookie he is, realized he was making it too damn hard for us.
You don’t need to sit back and wait to be noticed any longer. You can take your posts to these hungry new readers — or send them a landing page offering them a bribe to subscribe — by running ad campaigns with minimal pain or risk.
Here’s a tip — don’t just use a scattergun approach, select the audience you’re going to target by interest and demographic. You can even set small daily limits, so you don’t spend the day panicking that you’re draining your life savings.
You’ll rebuild that crumbling list in no time.
Tip #10. Give Your Blog a Face Lift
Beauty turns heads. It sets our hearts fluttering, and our brains read that feeling as a positive sign.
Before you invest hours into writing guest posts and dollars into running Facebook ads, ask yourself this — does your blog still look okay?
Perhaps your fonts, headers, and buttons now resemble last year’s uncool fashions. Or maybe the design still holds up, but your outdated theme is snail-slow to load.
If your blog design is a mess, you might give your blog a makeover before you start your re-engagement campaign. After all, your readers aren’t really expecting to hear from you right now, so it’s the perfect opportunity to invest some time in it.
Not only will your new design make a better impression on the new visitors you’re getting from your guest posts and Facebook ads, but it also sends your existing readers a signal that you’re serious about being back.
Be sure to add your face lift announcement to your relaunch strategy in one of your re-engagement emails.
Tip #11. Switch Your Hobby Hat for a Business Hat
Have you ever had a grand plan to do something, felt an immense surge of motivation, and then slipped back to your old ways?
It’s the sticky trap of old habits. And they’re lurking nearby, ready to thwart your plans of a blog revival the split second you lose focus.
By treating your blog as a hobby, you’re weakening your defenses against the same old mistakes you’ve made in the past. You need to get serious to keep up momentum.
Let’s face it — blogs take a painstaking number of hours of behind-the-scenes grunt work to stay well oiled. And to stand out from the crazy millions of mediocre blogs out there, you need to keep your foot on the pedal.
To stand out from the crazy millions of mediocre blogs, you need to keep your foot on the pedal. (Tweet This)
Flitting in and out of your blog with whimsical notions of creativity and abundance ain’t gonna cut it. Shift your mindset from hobby to business by blocking time aside to work on it, creating to-do lists, and planning your content strategy. Your results will speak for themselves.
Tip #12. Jump on the Weekly Roundup Bandwagon
You’ve executed all the big moves in your comeback strategy, and now your energy is waning. Keeping up momentum can become a struggle as you get overwhelmed by producing weekly content.
It’s daunting — you see all the big players sending steady streams of amazing posts to their readers, and it strangles your confidence. “How can I maintain a regular schedule of riveting content?” you wonder.
Easy! There’s a growing trend in weekly roundup emails for a good reason — your readers are suffering from content overload.
So make their life a little easier, and they’ll love you for it. Become a trusted source of the latest and greatest content in your niche by offering a weekly roundup email straight to their inboxes.
It’s also a cunning energy-preserving tactic that allows you play the long game.
Tip #13. Safeguard Yourself from Slipping Again
As with any long game, you need to replenish your resources to succeed.
But being a blogger can be lonely. It can be hard to feel inspired when your coffee buddies are your keyboard and monitor and your office manager is your pooch.
Build a safety net to prevent yourself from slipping back into your old ways by surrounding yourself with people who inspire you, support you, and keep you accountable.
Feed your mind by joining online communities pumping with engaged members who stimulate your thoughts and generate intelligent discussion on topics in your niche. They’re the perfect place to find accountability partners or to jump into mastermind groups that will keep you in the right mental groove.
Restoring your energy and passion will spark inspiration for longer, deeper posts and allow your blog to evolve with your audience well into the future. And having people in your corner will ensure you keep your momentum from here on out.
Ready to Get Back in the Game?
The churn in your gut as you think about your neglected blog makes you nauseous.
Following the path of least resistance and turning your back on it would be so damn easy. Nobody would even notice as you slipped silently into the recesses of binary code.
There’s one person who’d notice, though — you — and it would gnaw at your soul.
You can do this. Really, you can.
With a healthy dose of preparation, you’re sure to pull together a winning comeback strategy.
With a bit of resourcefulness, you’ll have months of content at your fingertips.
With hard work, strategy, and grit, you’ll win back your reader’s hearts, and your blog will be hustling and bustling once again.
So go on — get your head in the game, construct your plan, apologize and stage a comeback that you can once again hang your blogging dreams upon.
Your pride is counting on you.
Your readers are counting on you.
About the Author: Miranda Hill is a writer and coach who helps life-hungry souls get unstuck from the chaos of life. If you want to stop spinning your wheels, hopping from one thing to the next in search of answers, take her “De-Stress in 5 Minutes” quiz and start living a life you love.
from SEO and SM Tips https://smartblogger.com/revive-your-blog/
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