#Marble and Limestone Floor Polishing
mayugene · 2 years
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New York Great Room
0 notes
illumins · 5 months
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𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙊𝙣𝙚: 𝘽𝙧𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙄𝙨𝙣'𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙧 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙤𝙣𝙚
The morning sun bathes the towering facade of Daylight Academy in a warm, golden glow, casting long shadows that crawl across the intricate masonry like tendrils of a climbing vine. It's a building that speaks of prestige, its ivy-draped limestone walls and soaring Gothic arches more befitting a castle than a school. I push open the heavy, oak front door, the old hinges complaining with a familiar creak that reminds me I’m home—well, as much as a school can feel like one.
As I step into the grand entrance hall, my footsteps echo off the polished marble floors and the vaulted ceiling high above. Banners of deep blue and silver, the school colors, hang from the walls, fluttering slightly as the breeze from the open doors breathes life into them. It's quieter than I remember; the usual buzz of excited conversations is muted, probably the nervous energy of the first day pressing down on everyone’s shoulders like the thick, humid air.
I’m Liya Faulkner, a senior now, though it feels like I just walked these halls for the first time yesterday. I'm not what you might expect for someone at an academy like this. Short, more comfortable in sneakers than heels, my brunette hair pulled back in a practical ponytail that sways gently as I move. My grey eyes might catch the light for a moment, hinting at thoughts that whirl faster than they probably should. Today, I'm dressed simply—jeans and a soft cotton shirt that falls just right, not too tight, not too loose, with a backpack slung over one shoulder.
Lucky—that's the word everyone uses. Lucky Liya, they'd say, to be accepted into Daylight Academy, the kind of place that promises a future brighter than the morning sun streaming through these high windows. Dad says it's a miracle, his lens always focused on capturing the underdog story for the city's news. Mom would have said it was fate. She dreamed of this for me, her hopes stitched into the very fabric of my being, and even though she's gone now, I carry that dream. It's a heavy mantle, one made of memory and desire—her memory, my desire.
Dragging a hand along the cool stone wall, I let my fingers trail over the rough texture, each bump and groove a testament to the history contained within these walls. Around me, the murmur of other students grows, a crescendo of anticipation for the year to come. I should feel excited, maybe even a bit scared, but there’s a calm in me, a steady beat of resilience that drowns out the usual flutter of first-day nerves.
"Heads up, Liya!" a voice calls out from behind me.
Instinctively, I duck as a football zips over my head, narrowly missing the ancient oil painting of the academy's founder. It crashes against the locker with a loud bang, the sound ricocheting off the walls.
"Sorry about that!" The culprit, a tall boy with a sheepish grin, jogs over, retrieving the ball. His apology is genuine, but his smirk tells me he’s gotten away with worse.
"No harm done," I reply, my voice even, betraying none of the annoyance flickering beneath my calm exterior. I'm not one to hold grudges, especially on such a sunny, promising morning. "Just try not to knock out the new kid, okay?"
"Deal," he laughs, then dashes off toward the gym.
The encounter leaves a small smile tugging at my lips as I head to my first class. Today marks the beginning, not just of the school year, but of the final chapter of what started all those years ago when Mom first whispered to me about Daylight Academy, her voice soft and full of certainty.
This is it—the culmination of years of dreaming, of striving, and of holding onto hope even when it felt like there was none left. I can almost hear her in the quiet between each bell, her laughter mingling with the echoes of my footsteps.
This is for her. This is for us.
I pull out the crisp sheet of paper from my front pocket—the schedule that seals my fate for the year. Chemistry, first period. Mrs. Henderson. Room 213B. The numbers and letters blur for a second, my fingers tightening around the edges of the paper as if holding it harder might make me feel more prepared. I tuck it back into my pocket and head towards the science wing, my sneakers squeaking softly against the freshly waxed floors.
As I turn the corner, the noise level increases—a cacophony of laughter, chatter, and the occasional loud greeting. The door to Room 213B is propped open, inviting yet intimidating. Taking a deep breath, I step inside, the scent of wax and whiteboard markers immediately filling my nostrils. The room buzzes with the energy of students reconnecting after the summer break, their voices echoing off the tiled floors and high ceilings.
The classroom is almost full, bodies clustered in groups, some leaning against desks, others standing in the aisles. I scan quickly for an empty seat, my gaze flitting over heads and backpacks, searching for any sliver of space. Most spots are already claimed, belongings sprawled out as territory markers—notebooks, pens, and colorful folders.
Then, amidst the hum of teenage dynamics, a laugh cuts through the noise, clear and familiar. My heart skips, just once, very slightly—as if nudging me. Mark Lee. There, leaning against a lab table near the window, his brunette hair catching the sunlight, making it look like threads of gold are woven through it. His eyes, warm and inviting as a summer’s dusk, crinkle at the corners as he laughs again. Those high cheekbones, more pronounced now, frame a smile that’s disarmingly genuine.
He’s definitely gotten cuter over the summer, not that he needed any enhancement. Mark, with his effortless charm and easy laughter, surrounded by classmates but somehow still standing apart. As usual, he’s beside Haechan, his best friend, who’s animatedly gesturing with his hands, telling some story that clearly amuses them both.
I hesitate at the door for a heartbeat longer, unnoticed. The warmth of the room seems to grow, or maybe it’s just me, feeling suddenly too aware of my own heartbeat, the slight tremor of my hands. I take a quiet breath, tasting the lingering sharpness of cleaning products mixed with the subtle fragrance of someone’s floral perfume.
Pushing past my initial reluctance, I step further into the room, my eyes locked on a small open spot near the back, away from Mark. I can’t sit near him; not if I want to keep my composure, not if I want to focus on anything other than the way his laughter seems to make the whole room brighter.
As I weave through the desks, I feel the cool metal and smooth plastic under my fingers, the occasional bump against my hip or elbow—a physical reminder of the space I occupy in this teeming sea of adolescence. Reaching the empty chair, I slide into it, unpacking my notebook and pen with deliberate slowness, arranging them just so.
From here, I can see him, watch him without being obvious. Mark, who looks even sweeter when he’s listening, his gaze fixed on Haechan as if every word matters deeply. There’s a calmness about him, a steadiness that draws people in, that makes you want to stay in his orbit just a little longer.
I settle in, forcing my attention to the front of the class where the teacher’s desk sits empty, waiting for Mrs. Henderson. My hands fold over my notebook, fingers tapping a silent rhythm, as I steal one last glance at Mark, letting the sight of him anchor and unsettle me all at once. This is how the year starts—with chemistry, both the academic and the unresolved kind.
The classroom door swings open with a decisive motion, heralding the arrival of Mrs. Henderson. She steps in, her presence filling the room like a brisk autumn breeze sweeping through stagnant air. With sharp, efficient movements, she places her leather briefcase on the desk—a thud that demands attention, pulling eyes away from mid-conversation smiles and whispers.
"Good morning, class! Let’s find our seats, please," she announces, her voice a smooth alto that rolls over the chatter, tapering it down to a murmur. I watch as students shuffle to comply, the scrape of chairs and soft thumping of backpacks setting a new rhythm for the room.
Mrs. Henderson is a woman of commanding presence, her gray-streaked hair pulled back into a tight bun that seems to pull her eyebrows perpetually upward, lending her a look of constant scrutiny. She sweeps a gaze over the class, her eyes lingering momentarily on me before moving on. I feel a tiny jolt, as if that brief eye contact was a test I hadn’t studied for.
She begins the class by introducing the syllabus, her hands moving with precise gestures as she points to the projected slides. “Chemistry is not just about reactions and equations; it’s about understanding the essence of materials, predicting outcomes, and—most importantly—applying this knowledge. Expect to be challenged, expect to learn, and expect to be surprised by what you can achieve.”
As she speaks, I try to focus on her words, but my attention is like a poorly tied knot, slipping away repeatedly. My gaze drifts to the front of the room, landing on the back of Mark’s head, his hair catching the light every time he moves. He’s three rows ahead, far enough that every detail shouldn’t be clear, but somehow, each shift and nod are distinct.
The chair beside me scrapes against the tile floor, and a girl with a cascade of curly hair and a nervous smile plops down next to me. “Hi,” she whispers, her voice threaded with the eagerness of making a new acquaintance.
“Hey,” I reply, my smile automatic, a well-practiced curve of lips that doesn’t quite reach my eyes. I turn back to Mrs. Henderson, trying to anchor myself to the lecture about atomic structure and periodic trends.
Mrs. Henderson’s enthusiasm for the subject is palpable; she talks about the elements as if they are old friends she can’t wait for us to meet. “You’ll get to know them, work with them, and yes, occasionally, they’ll surprise you—much like people,” she says, a twinkle of amusement in her eye.
I jot down notes, the scratching of my pen a steady sound that helps me focus—or at least pretend to. Beside me, the curly-haired girl is also taking notes, her handwriting a flurry of loops and whirls. Our elbows brush occasionally, a reminder of the proximity grounding me back to the present.
My pen pauses over a diagram of an atom, the nucleus and electrons laid out in neat orbits. I glance up again, my eyes seeking Mark despite my intentions. He’s leaning back slightly in his chair, his profile etched against the bright light from the window, every line and angle of his face a familiar map that I’ve traced in my thoughts more times than I care to admit.
Mrs. Henderson’s voice pulls me back, her words about chemical bonds suddenly mirroring my own thoughts on connections—how some are strong and enduring, while others are too weak to withstand much at all. I look down at my notebook, the ink from my pen bleeding slightly into the paper, indelible and stark.
As I force my attention back to the front, focusing on the molecular structures dancing across the screen, I can’t help but feel the tug of an invisible bond, one that connects me to the boy three rows ahead, made of curiosity and yearning—a compound as complex and unstable as any we might study this year.
My mind can be a peculiar place. Here I am, sitting in my first class of the senior year at Daylight Academy, and all I can think about is how the intricate dance of electrons around a nucleus somehow parallels my orbit around Mark Lee. It's almost laughable, this cosmic tug between a girl and the boy she's been quietly crushing on for years. How was his summer? Did he travel? Explore? Or maybe just lazed around like any normal teenager would?
I often found myself wandering past his neighborhood on my way to the grocery store, a detour that was slightly longer but infinitely more interesting. This summer, though, the streets that held his house seemed unusually quiet, his familiar silhouette conspicuously absent. I'd catch myself lingering a bit longer at the corner, hoping for a glimpse. Nothing. It was odd, his absence, but then, chastising myself for the stalker-ish tendency, I'd laugh it off and move on. My infatuation could be overwhelmingly silly at times.
As I'm tugged back to the present by the sudden cessation of Mrs. Henderson's lecture, I realize the girl next to me is leaning slightly towards me, her voice a careful whisper designed not to travel far in the hushed classroom atmosphere. "I'm Jenna, by the way."
I turn to face her, pulling my focus from the front of the classroom and giving her my full attention. Jenna's curly hair frames her face in a wild halo, strands escaping here and there, giving her a look of someone constantly in motion. Her eyes, bright and curious beneath thick lashes, hold a spark of friendliness that's instantly warming.
"Oh, hi, Jenna," I reply, my voice equally subdued. It dawns on me then—she’s the yearbook girl. I'd seen her darting around school events with a camera, her presence ubiquitous yet unobtrusive, capturing moments most of us would miss in the blur of our high school days.
She gives me a quick, conspiratorial smile, as if we're sharing a secret in just introducing ourselves. "I think I’ve seen you around, with the art club, right? You guys did that mural last spring?"
"Yeah, that was us," I say, surprised she remembered. My involvement in the art club was more behind-the-scenes, a detail not many would notice.
Jenna nods, her interest genuine, and I find myself appreciating the connection, brief as it is. Her presence is like a grounding wire, redirecting my scattered thoughts from their usual path marked by an all-too-familiar infatuation.
The bell rings, shrill and abrupt, like it's slicing through the thick tension of the room—a tension that's only really palpable to me. Around me, students shove notebooks and pens into their bags with a hurried, indifferent clatter. Jenna, with her smile waning into a frown, leans in slightly. "So, do we have the next class together?" Her voice carries a hopeful undertone that feels like a warm breeze.
I zip up my own bag, feeling the weight of her expectation. "Biology," I reply, my voice more of a whisper than I intend. The way her face falls, just a slight downturn of her lips, makes my chest tighten. "I'll see you around then," she says, trying to mask her disappointment with a brisk nod.
"Yeah, see you," I murmur, slinging my backpack over one shoulder. As I step out of the classroom, I watch Mark stride out ahead of me. He doesn’t look back. I take a deep breath, my heart pounding against my ribs like it's trying to escape. Get yourself together, Liya, I scold myself silently, stepping into the bustling hallway.
The corridor feels more alive now than it did this morning, pulsing with the chaotic energy of teenagers released from the confines of their first period. I navigate through the crowd, my steps hesitant but determined. The sounds of laughter and disjointed conversations create a symphony of normalcy that I crave yet feel detached from.
I catch the eye of a tall girl with paint-stained jeans—Mia from art club. Our eyes meet, and I offer a small, tentative smile, which she returns with a quick, bright flash of recognition. We don't stop to talk; our friendship, if it can be called that, consists of shared nods and occasional brushes of conversation about mediums and murals. It’s comfortable yet distant.
As I move past her, I nod to a couple of other faces from art club. There’s Jonah, who’s always sketching in the margins of his notebooks, and Elise, who’s more into sculptures than sketches. They know me, or at least, the version of me that holds a brush or a palette knife. But outside those art club walls, our interactions dwindle to these brief acknowledgements in crowded hallways.
It’s always been like this—me, drifting on the edge of circles, touching the surface of friendships without ever really diving in. People know me. I know people. But the connections end just as they begin to deepen, leaving me floating in this liminal space of near-but-far, together-but-alone.
As the hum of the corridor dwindles behind me, I pull out my crumpled schedule from the front pocket of my bag. My fingers trace the printed lines, double-checking. Biology, Room 210, Mrs. Hawthorne. I exhale, a puff of relief that feels almost tangible in the stagnant air of the hallway.
Stepping into Room 210, the atmosphere shifts palpably. Unlike the rigid order of Chemistry, this classroom thrums with a relaxed buzz. Students are scattered across the room, draped over desks and chairs like casual confetti, their voices weaving a tapestry of soft laughter and fragmented stories. Mrs. Hawthorne, a wiry woman with streaks of silver in her hair, sorts through a stack of papers on her desk, her glasses perched precariously at the tip of her nose.
I slide into an empty seat near the back, my backpack feeling lighter as I set it down. Relief seeps through me—not just at escaping the fraught energy of Chemistry, but at the absence of Mark in this classroom. Maybe I can actually pass this one, I think, allowing a small, hopeful smile to curve my lips.
As I settle in, scanning the room, my eyes snag on two familiar figures—Renjun and Jisung, part of Mark’s usual entourage. They sat diagonally from me, their heads bowed together in quiet conspiracy. Their presence pricks at my tranquility, a reminder of the orbit I circle but never enter. Still, they seem absorbed in their own world, a barrier invisible and yet palpable, separating them from the rest.
Mrs. Hawthorne clears her throat, the sound sharp enough to slice through the chatter. “Alright, everyone, let’s bring it in,” she calls out, her voice firm yet not unkind. The class gradually falls silent, attention turning towards her as she begins to outline the syllabus. Her words, crisp and precise, paint the semester ahead in broad, promising strokes.
As the bell rings, a symphony of relief and chatter floods the room. The class had rushed by, a whirlwind of historical dates that blend together in a blur—just the way it always does. Our teacher, Ms. Hawthorne, with her perennially furrowed brow, had walked us through the Civil War in less than an hour. Everyone is still buzzing about how, under her stern gaze, even the Battle of Gettysburg seemed to last only a minute. I pack my books, the edges frayed and covers battered from use, into my backpack with a practiced haste.
As I zip my backpack shut, anticipation pulses through me. Lunchtime means a momentary reprieve from the relentless pace of classes. I sling my bag over one shoulder, feeling the familiar tug at my muscles, and push my chair back. It scrapes against the linoleum, a harsh sound that seems too loud in the suddenly quiet classroom.
Stepping into the hallway is like diving into a river at its peak flow. Students flood the corridors, their voices a cacophony of plans for the afternoon, complaints about the homework, and the latest gossip which I tune out. I weave through groups of chatting students, my steps quick and light. Being small has its advantages; I slip through gaps between bodies and backpacks with an agility that keeps me from being swept away in the tide of teenagers.
Finally, I reach my locker, tucked away in a less chaotic corner of the hall. The combination lock clicks under my fingers, a sequence so familiar I could do it in my sleep. As the metal door swings open with a creak, I quickly stow away my History book. My stomach rumbles, thoughts of the cafeteria's offerings today—hopefully pizza, but more likely the soggy tacos—distracting me for a moment.
That’s when I hear it: a loud call, piercing through the buzz of the crowd. “Mark!” The voice is unmistakable—Jaemin. I freeze, a book half-shoved onto the shelf. My heart thumps painfully against my ribcage, a bird frantic to escape its cage. I turn slowly towards the sound, my movements stiff.
Jaemin and Jeno stand a few lockers down, their heads together, eyes scanning the crowd. Their gaze locks onto something, or someone, beyond my line of sight. Curiosity prickles at me, urging me to follow their stare. I lean slightly, peering around a cluster of students, and there he is—Mark, surrounded by Jisung, Renjun, Haechan, and Chenle. They're all animated, a dynamic cluster of energy and laughter, so different from my quiet observation.
As the voices crescendo, Mark and the others, caught in their own orbit of jokes and jabs, move like a comet trailing through the crowded hallway. They pass by me, close enough that I catch snippets of their laughter and the tail-end of a joke about Renjun's latest art project, which apparently includes more glitter than is strictly necessary. The air shifts around them, the way the atmosphere bends light around the sun, drawing eyes like moths to a flame.
I lean back against the cold, dented metal of my locker, pretending to search for something in my backpack while I watch. There's a palpable energy that buzzes from them, an invisible shield that seems to part the waves of students automatically. Some of the other girls stand a little straighter as the group approaches, their laughter ringing clear, like the peal of church bells on a quiet morning. One girl, with hair the color of autumn leaves, watches them with such open admiration that I wonder if she realizes her books are about to slip from her grasp.
"Do you think they ever notice?" The words slip out, soft and more to myself than anyone else.
"Notice what?" The voice comes from Jamie, who’s appeared beside me, her eyes bright with curiosity. Another friend I’ve met through the art club.
I jump slightly, not having noticed her approach. "The way everyone watches them. Like they're characters in a movie or something."
Jamie chuckles, a low, knowing sound. "I think they just enjoy their bubble too much to care." Her gaze lingers on the group, thoughtful. "Must be nice, living in your own little world where everything's a joke or a game."
I nod, the words hitting closer to home than I expect. The boys' laughter fades as they turn the corner, and suddenly the hallway doesn't seem as bright or as animated. The chatter around us fills in the void they’ve left behind, the ordinary concerns of high school life knitting back together like fabric after a pulled thread is reworked into place.
Time skates by as I sit alone in the back of the cafeteria, my lunch tray an island in a sea of noisy school life. The table, round and perpetually sticky, usually hosts only me and occasionally others who drift in with nowhere else to sit. Today, though, it's just me and my thoughts, with the distant clatter of forks and knives playing background music. I pick at the cafeteria's attempt at lasagna, more a mushy puzzle of pasta and sauce than anything else, and lose myself watching the swirl of students around me.
The lunch period ends too quickly, a rushed affair of eating and observing, and I'm the last to leave. I remember today is the first day back from summer and the dread of facing algebra with Mrs. Jensen after a carefree break nudges me forward. My steps quicken as I dart out of the cafeteria, swinging my bag over my shoulder. I make a quick detour to the bathroom, checking my reflection in the mirror not for vanity but to reassure myself I can face the rest of the day.
By the time I exit, the halls are ominously quiet, the absence of the usual hustle a clear sign that I'm late. My heart races as I approach the closed door of the algebra classroom. I stand there for a moment, hand poised above the handle, the metal cool and slightly grimy under my touch. I shake my hand, trying to dispel the nerves that buzz through my fingers like static electricity, and then, summoning every ounce of courage, I turn the knob as gently as possible.
The door gives a soft click, but it might as well have been a gunshot for how quickly the room falls silent. Heads turn, swiveling towards me as if connected by strings, and there in the sea of faces, I see a mix of curiosity and annoyance. Mrs. Jensen, mid-sentence, halts and fixes me with a look that's more weary than angry.
"Liya Faulkner, glad you could join us," she says, her voice dripping with a politeness that everyone knows isn't genuine.
I stumble into the room, my words tripping over each other as they come out. "Sorry, I—I got lost for a second there." My cheeks burn with the knowledge of how lame the excuse sounds, my classmates' eyes boring into me like tiny drills. Internally, I kick myself for not thinking of something more believable.
Mrs. Jensen nods, her expression softening a fraction as she gestures to an empty seat. "Just try to be on time, please. We were just going over the syllabus."
As I make my way to the seat, my backpack feels heavier than ever, loaded with more than just books—every step weighted down by their silent judgments and my own echoing embarrassment.
As I hastily sink into the only empty seat left in the room, the chill from the metal chair seeps through my jeans, a cold reminder of my tardiness. My hands fumble for the zipper of my backpack, movements jerky with nerves as I pull out my mathematics textbook, its edges worn from use. The syllabus, a looming specter of upcoming challenges, is notably absent from my desk. I try to steady my breathing, to dispel the flush of embarrassment still burning my cheeks like a slap.
That's when a sheet of white paper slides across my desk, drifting like a lost feather until it comes to rest beneath my startled gaze. I reach for it, fingers brushing the smooth surface, and glance up to thank the provider. The words die on my lips when I see it's Mark, the same Mark who was the nucleus of laughter just minutes ago in the hallway.
He gives me a smile, soft and unexpectedly reassuring, like the first warm breeze of spring after a harsh winter. "You're really okay," he murmurs, his voice a whisper meant only for my ears, "you haven’t missed anything." The simple kindness in his tone, in such stark contrast to the cacophony of the algebra class, makes my heart sink further into an ocean of foolishness.
For a moment, I'm rendered speechless, struck dumb by his casual grace. Words scramble like startled birds in my mind, but none take flight. His presence, the ease of his smile, narrows the world to just this small interaction, erasing the rows of curious eyes still glancing our way.
I manage a nod, a small, tentative smile stretching my lips as I clutch the syllabus a little tighter. It’s an anchor, a tangible reminder that this moment, however fluttering my heart feels, is just a fleeting connection in the mundane rhythm of school life. The room gradually fills back with the hum of teenage voices and the scratching of pens on paper, but the echo of his words lingers, a soft chord in the clamor.
The rest of the algebra class passes in a blur of numbers and letters, each equation Mrs. Jensen scribbles on the board another missed opportunity for my concentration to latch onto. I make a silent vow, keeping my eyes rooted to the white gleam of my own paper, steering clear of even the faintest temptation to glance sideways at Mark. But the resolve of the mind and the will of the heart are often at odds; the latter sneaks peeks when it can, betraying the former with each stolen glance.
From my peripheral vision, framed by the scuffed edges of my textbook, Mark seems absorbed in the lesson, but occasionally, his attention wanders. It drifts forward, like a leaf caught in a gentle stream, landing invariably on Amy-Jane. She's perched right in the middle of the front row, flanked by friends like stars around a moon, her laughter quiet but resonant, her notes meticulous as if each letter were crafted for display.
During one such moment, when my courage gathers enough to let my gaze linger a second longer, I catch Jaemin's elbow nudging Mark. Jaemin's whisper is lost in the space between them, but his grin speaks volumes, teasingly obvious. Mark's response is a sheepish smile, a subtle shrug that doesn't quite reach his eyes before he redirects his attention back to his notebook, his pen moving in bursts of renewed focus.
That interaction, simple and fleeting, stings sharper than I expect. A twinge of something akin to envy, but more complex, twists in my chest—a knotted thread pulling tight. It’s not just the pang of an unspoken crush noticed by others; it's the silent acknowledgment of my place on the periphery of this social cosmos, orbiting distant stars, invisible in their bright presence.
I press the tip of my pencil against the paper, the lead soft and slightly giving, as I force myself back to the problems laid out before me. The numbers blur, smudging into mathematical probabilities that don't account for the human heart's odd calculations. Each theorem feels like a cold reminder of the logical world, one where emotions are outliers, not data points.
The library unfolds in rows of tall, dark wooden shelves, laden with books that range from timeworn classics to modern paperbacks with spines barely creased. Above, the ceiling stretches high, dotted with small, round lights that cast a soft, golden glow, mimicking the stars that might soon blink awake in the evening sky. Between the shelves, large windows offer views of the schoolyard where autumn leaves flirt with the wind, their dance a quiet chaos against the orderly backdrop of the library.
The bell, like a final exhale after a long-held breath, releases us. I linger in my seat, thumbing through the colorful tabs of my planner until the numbers and periods align to tell me what I already hope for: a free period, a pocket of peace before the day ebbs away. I feign a deep dive into the cavern of my bag, rummaging through its contents—a tangle of pens, a frayed notebook, a half-eaten granola bar—anything to look occupied, to avoid unwanted conversations, especially with Mark still nearby.
My fingers brush the cool, smooth surface of a calculator, the textured spine of a textbook, while my ears tune in to the dwindling sounds of classmates dispersing. The shuffle of feet, the zip of backpacks, the low murmur of parting chatter fills the room. I don't lift my gaze until the sounds thin out, signaling that Mark, with his effortless smile and easy laughter, has left.
I choose a secluded corner table, nestled between sections of history and literature. It's an intimate nook where the sun, in its last act of defiance against the coming night, throws slanted beams across the wooden surface, turning dust motes into swirling galaxies. Here, in this carved-out space, I finally unclasp the tight ponytail, letting my hair cascade down in a relieved sigh, shadows playing in the light brown waves. As I settle, the chair creaking slightly under my weight, the library's calm wraps around me, a soft embrace promising solitude and stillness.
The library's quiet wraps around me like a blanket as I dig through my backpack and pull out my sketchbook. It's got a few creases and worn edges from being toted around so much, but I kind of like that it looks used—it's got character. Flipping through it, I can't help but smile a bit at the sketches filling the pages. It's neat to see how much better I've gotten over the past few months. The lines are smoother, the shading more precise, making the random faces and places I've drawn look almost real.
I grab my trusty pencil from its usual spot in my bag—it's short from all the sharpening but still perfect for drawing. Leaning back against my chair, I can't stop the memory of Mark's smile from earlier today from popping up in my mind. That smile had somehow made the whole awkward moment in algebra feel less intense.
I start sketching, letting my pencil lightly trace the outline of a face with that same easy smile. Trying to get his expressions right is kind of tough, but it’s a good challenge. I focus on the way his eyes had crinkled up when he smiled, trying to capture that. It feels a bit weird, drawing him like this, but it's also cool to see it come together on paper.
As I draw, everything else fades away—the sound of other students whispering, the rustle of pages turning. It's just me, my sketchbook, and the memory of that brief, bright smile. My heart does this little fluttery thing, kind of silly, but it makes me push on, adding more details to the sketch.
As I'm getting the smile just right on my sketch of Mark, a shrill, piercing sound cuts through the quiet of the library—the fire alarm. Everyone's heads jerk up, eyes wide. The librarian, Mrs. Finch, is suddenly all business, her voice firm as she herds us towards the exit. "Books down, everyone, let’s move quickly and calmly," she instructs.
I shove my sketchbook and pencil back into my bag, my movements hurried and a little clumsy. The alarm is insanely loud, making it hard to think. I zip up my backpack and sling it over one shoulder, glancing around to see if anyone else looks as frazzled as I feel. Everyone's just shoving their stuff into their bags, not talking much, their faces tense.
As we file out of the library, I can see teachers in the hallways, directing streams of students toward the exits. They look serious but controlled, like they’ve done this drill a hundred times. We all know the drill, but the suddenness still sends a ripple of anxiety through the crowd. I keep my head down, following the crowd, but I’m super aware of everything around me—the shuffle of feet, the occasional cough, and the loud buzz of the alarm echoing off the walls.
Passing by one of the senior literature classrooms, I spot Jaemin and Mark coming out, looking more alert than everyone else. Their eyes scan the crowd—sharp, focused. It strikes me as odd, their intensity. As they find the rest of their group—Jisung, Renjun, Haechan, Jeno, and Chenle—they weave through the crowd with a purpose that seems out of place in the chaos.
I can’t help but watch them, curiosity piqued. They’re trying to act normal, but it's like they’re on some secret mission, looking around cautiously. And then, right by the auditorium, it happens: Chenle bumps into Mark, not gently either. They both go down in a tangle of limbs, and the other guys quickly huddle around them.
The teachers and some annoyed kids just pass by, accepting the clumsy fall at face value, but I can’t shake the feeling that something else is going on. Amidst the fuss, I catch a glimpse of Mark slipping into the auditorium, quick as a shadow disappearing at dusk. The others stand up, brushing themselves off, and keep moving like nothing happened.
Once we're outside, everyone's clustered into little groups on the front lawn of the school. The teachers shuffle around, keeping a keen eye on us to make sure nobody drifts toward the busy street nearby. It's chaotic but organized, like some bizarre outdoor class assembly. I spot Mark's friends, still together, looking unusually alert and tense. They're whispering among themselves, glancing back toward the school building every now and then. What the hell? I think, my brow creasing with worry. There could be a real fire or something dangerous going on inside, and they just let Mark stay in there?
As I watch them, I find myself drifting closer to their group without even realizing it. My feet have a mind of their own, pulled by a mix of concern and curiosity. But as I get closer, reality snaps back. What am I doing? Panic flutters in my chest like a trapped bird. I'm about to turn around, to just walk away and maybe text someone to check if Mark's okay, but then it's too late.
Chenle’s eyes lock onto mine, his expression morphing from focused to confused in a split second. He nudges the guy next to him and subtly points at me. My heart hammers against my ribs, loud in my ears over the buzz of the crowd. Great, just great. Now what? There's no backing out now without looking totally weird.
Feeling a mix of irritation at myself and a stubborn set to my jaw, I keep walking toward them, trying to look like I meant to come over all along. The closer I get, the more I wish I could just melt into the grass and disappear, but I’m too far gone now. Chenle’s watching me approach, and I can almost hear the unasked question in his look: What does she want? I just hope I can think of something to say that sounds halfway reasonable.
As I get closer to the group, every step feels like wading through mud, thick and pulling at my ankles. I'm rehearsing lines in my head, trying to figure out how to casually drop into a conversation that, hey, I saw your friend sneak back into a potentially burning building. I mean, I'm not being nosy, right? I'm just concerned. But rationalizing it in my mind and actually saying it out loud are two different universes.
When I finally reach them, they're all looking at me with a mixture of curiosity and mild suspicion. Their faces are like an unread book, the kind where you're not sure if it's going to be a horror story or just a really awkward comedy. I don't blame them for the wary looks; we've never spoken before. To them, I'm just that girl who sometimes sits alone at lunch, maybe not even a blip on their radar.
Jaemin breaks the silence first. He leans against the school's brick wall, one hand casually tucked into his jeans pocket, his eyebrow arched. "Hi?" he says, making the word sound like a question, as if he's puzzled by my sudden appearance in their orbit.
"Hi," I reply, my voice squeaking a bit more than I'd like. Great, just great. I clear my throat, trying again. "Hi, I... um, saw what happened earlier, with Mark. In the hall, I mean." The words tumble out in a rush, and I mentally kick myself for sounding so chaotic.
They all exchange looks, their expressions shifting from curious to alert. I shuffle my feet, feeling the weight of their gazes like a spotlight that’s a bit too bright.
"Mark?" Chenle asks, his tone guarded, eyes narrowing slightly.
"Yeah, when the alarm went off," I continue, pushing past the awkwardness clamping down on my chest. "I saw him... uh, he went into the auditorium. It looked like he did it on purpose, you know? And I just thought... well, it's kind of dangerous, isn't it? With the alarm and all."
There's a pause, heavy and thick, where I can almost hear their thoughts clicking into place. My heart thumps loudly, the sound a drumbeat in my ears as I wait for them to either dismiss me or—hopefully—take me seriously.
Jaemin straightens up, his casual demeanor tightening. "Thanks for letting us know," he says, his voice smooth but his eyes sharp, analyzing. "We’ll... um, handle it."
I nod, not sure what else to add, feeling like I've stepped into a stream that's flowing much faster than I anticipated. "Okay, just, you know, wanted to make sure someone knew," I mumble, already backing away, ready to escape the intensity of the interaction.
I'm halfway turned, ready to escape the heavy air between us, when it hits me—like a cold splash of reality. They're acting clueless, but I saw them, saw how they helped Mark sneak into the auditorium. I can't just walk away, not now. I stop, my heart drumming a frantic beat, and I spin back around, my resolve hardening.
Taking a deep breath, I march back towards them, my steps more determined. As I face them again, I can feel the flush on my cheeks, but it’s not just from embarrassment now—it’s from frustration, too. "You know what, no," I say, my voice firmer than I feel. "You helped him get in there for whatever stupid reason, and what if he gets hurt? What if there's actually a fire?" I throw the words at them like they're stones meant to wake them up.
The boys exchange looks—some amused, some just plain annoyed. Jeno steps forward, his expression darkening. He's taller up close, his presence imposing. He pokes a finger towards my shoulder, not touching me but close enough to make his point. "You saw nothing," he says, his voice low and threatening, yet there's a sharp edge to it, like he’s not just advising me but warning me. "Mark can take care of himself. But I'll let him know you were worried," he adds, his tone softening just a fraction, as if that's supposed to comfort me.
Just as I open my mouth to fire back another retort at Jeno, a loud boom erupts from inside the school. The ground trembles beneath our feet, a jolt that travels up through the soles of my shoes, making my heart skip. Instantly, the scene transforms into chaos. Nearby, cars screech to a halt, their drivers craning necks out of windows, while others honk incessantly, adding to the cacophony. The blare of police sirens grows louder as officers start spilling onto the scene, shouting commands and herding students further from the school building.
As I stand there, frozen, the reality of the situation hits me hard—the possibility of Mark, alone in the auditorium, maybe in danger, causes my stomach to clench. Behind me, some students are half-joking, half-serious, wondering aloud if this is the kind of scenario where Spiderman would show up. I roll my eyes at that. Spiderman? Really? I think as frustration is bubbling up. I'm not about to stand here waiting for some hero to swoop in.
Driven by a mix of fear and determination, I mutter to myself, "Fine, I'll do it myself." The words are barely a whisper, a breath lost in the wind, but they seal my decision. I drop my bag with a thud on the grass and start sprinting towards the school entrance. Calls of "Stop!" chase after me—some from the boys, some from other students, and sharply from the police trying to maintain order. But I don't look back. My legs pump harder, each step fueled by the urgent need to make sure Mark is safe, to not just be a bystander.
I can hear my name being yelled, a distant echo that I push from my mind as I focus on the school doors ahead, the heavy double doors that might just lead me to Mark—or into something way over my head. But right now, none of that matters. Only one thought propels me forward: I have to find him.
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archinform · 3 months
The Field Building, Chicago
by Roger Jones
June 19, 2024
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Two views of the Field Building, c. 1930
The field building, 135 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, was built 1928 - 1934, and designed by Graham, Anderson, Probst & White. Built by the estate of department store founder Marshall Field, it was the last major office building completed prior to a two-decade construction hiatus caused by the Great Depression and World War II. Its site formerly was occupied by the Home Insurance Building (1884), designed by William Le Baron Jenney.
Built at a cost of $12 million, the building featured 43 floors, and height of 163.1 m / 535 ft, and a surface of 111 484 m² / 1 200 000 ft. upon completion. It had entrances on both Lasalle and Clark Streets. The Field Building has also been known as the LaSalle National Bank Building, or Bank of America Building.
The building also featured 42 high-speed elevators, advanced technology at the time. Other innovations included polished aluminum window frames, radiant heat, dual elevators sharing one shaft, and pure drinking water delivered to drinking fountains in each office. The first and second floors were connected by escalators.
The building was designated a Chicago Landmark on February 9, 1994.
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135 S. LaSalle, Solomon Cordwell Buenz
A distinctive moderne structure, the building's stripped-down design features smooth surfaces, limited ornament, and clean lines.
Straight vertical lines give the building a look as new as 1959. The main exterior material is limestone. The [lower] entrances made extensive use of white bronze and black granite, also with a complete lack of extraneous detail. As far as materials and craftsmanship are concerned, another Field building may never be built, architects say. The cost would be prohibitive. Three kinds of marble were used in the vast lobby arcade and corridors - white, from Vermont; a green variety, from Italy; and a delicately toned tan marble, also from Italy. The Field building took the entire output of the quarry producing the tan marble. It is irreplaceable, said Palmer. All the marble was cut and laid so that the patterns match from one slab to another. Source: Fuller, Ernest, "Famous Chicago Buildings," Chicago Tribune, January 3, 1959
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Home Insurance Building, 1885 (demolished 1931), William Le Baron Jenney, architect
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Plaque in the Field Building lobby
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Postcard view
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Photos from the Ryerson and Burnham Libraries, Art Institute of Chicago
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Photos from the Hedrich-Blessing Archive, Chicago History Museum
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View of lobby, showing "bookend" tan marble above elevator doors
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Field Building ground floor plan.
My photographs:
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Graham, Anderson, Probst & White
The Chicago firm of Graham, Anderson, Probst & White was founded in 1912 originally as Graham, Burnham & Co., as the successor tot the D.H. Burnham Company. In 1917, the Burnhams left the firm, and Graham and the others, (William) Pierce Anderson, Edward Mathias Probst, and Howard Judson White formed the subsequent firm.
The firm got the majority of the big commissions from 1912 to 1936, including iconic buildings such as the Wrigley Building, Merchandise Mart, Field Museum, Shedd Aquarium, Civic Opera House, and the old main U. S. Post Office. They also designed built the Terminal Tower in Cleveland and Federal Reserve Bank in Kansas City.
It was the largest architectural firm under one roof during the first half of the twentieth century, its closest rival being the firm of Holabird and Root.
Architectural historian Carl Condit commented on the Field Building: "Graham, Anderson, Probst, and White turned their backs once and for all on the past and produced a Sullivanesque skyscraper stripped down to essentials, a dense array of uniform vertical limestone bands, topped by a horizontal spandrel that simply marks the outer face of the parapet at the roof."
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Major works by the firm in Chicago: the Wrigley Building, Merchandise Mart, Civic Opera House, Union Station, and Field Museum
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Chicagology: Field Building
Chicago Landmarks
Lasalle Reimagined
Chicago History Museum images
YouTube: Why Chicago razed the first skyscraper / The Field Building
Architecture and planning of Graham, Anderson, Probst, and White, 1912-1936 : transforming tradition, by Chappell, Sally Anderson. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1992. Available on Internet Archive
Field Building, Chicago Ill. Architectural record. 1932 Apr., v. 71, p. 277. Ill 
The sky's the limit: high-rise history in Chicago. Inland Architect. 1990 Jan.-Feb., v.34, no.1, p.60-[63]. Photos
The Field building, Chicago's newest skyscraper. Architectural Record. 1934 Aug., v. 76, p. 120-128. ill, plans
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meet-the-far · 1 year
Prompt 1: Envoy
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Strong and wide were the wings of the mighty yol that sat upon the altar, its image carved into marble and adorned with ornaments of polished stone, twisted brass and macrame string. Incense burned thickly from the nearby braziers, filling the cavern with plumes of sweetened earth that coiled and billowed through the air before escaping between cracks in the limestone walls. Below, upon the dais, the familiar black stumps of the Kagon’s candles burned with steady flame inside a wooden basin – a light unto the path of those lost souls who sought guidance from the wise bird.
Kaito stood at the base of its pedestal, a string of wooden beads clutched tightly in his hand. His eyes were transfixed on that viciously intricate visage, carved with such skill and craftsmanship that he almost swore it was real. The beak curved into a fine, razor-sharp edge that looked capable of goring through even the toughest of scales and turning the soft flesh underneath into minced meat. A pair of rubies sat deep inside each hollowed socket, the torchlight reflecting off its prismatic surface giving way to the illusion of a blazing fire smoldering within. This appearance was further accentuated by each and every feather on its body masterfully sculpted into roaring waves as if to convey the very essence of a living, breathing flame, and as he gazed upon its full glory, he thought he could even feel the intensity of its heat.
Is this what I looked like? He wondered to himself, his knuckles burning white around the wooden beads as they creaked against one another. Is this what they saw?
Though many a fortnight had passed since that fateful day, what flashes of memory he could still recall had seared themselves into his mind’s eye. The fear on her face. The taste of blood and ash on his tongue. The scorching walls of blackened fire. The wet tearing of meat and sinew giving way beneath his fingers and the blood-curdling shriek that followed when he took that woman’s arm…
A surge of sickness bubbled up in his stomach at that last thought. His throat clammed shut, his saliva suddenly thick, and it took every conscious effort not to let himself heave his last meal onto the floor. Although he later learned of the woman’s survival thanks to the combined efforts of the Dotharl and the Kagon, the very idea that he was capable of such a thing left him nauseated and dizzy. How could he, a man devoted to a life of purity, do something so unbelievably cruel? And even if it wasn’t exactly him at the time, it didn’t change the fact that it was his flesh that had done it. He was still responsible. After all, hadn’t he been the one to unleash Her in the first place?
Kaito swallowed. He was the reason for the iloh’s destruction. The reason so many lives were lost, and those who remained were left to pick up the pieces and start anew. They blamed him for it. He could see it in the wary glances of the tribesfolk that passed him by, though few voiced it out loud. And they were right. In his eagerness to do a good thing, he mingled with powers he did not understand and instead brought about their condemnation. Now, they were the ones paying the price.
Was he even allowed to call himself pure anymore?
If he hadn’t gone to that mountain… If he hadn’t been so foolish as to follow those children… If he had listened to the cries of the earth reaching out to him… if he had only done something different…
Lost in his thoughts for as long as he was, Kaito failed to notice the creeping sensation that prickled down his spine like icy fingers until it was already too late, tendrils of malice plunging deep into his flesh until it squeezed forth a sharp gasp from his lungs. His eyes flew wide, the scales along the back of his neck and upper arms lifting at the sudden chill that rushed through him, freezing his blood where he stood. And then he heard it, a dark and drawling voice that teetered between malevolence and amusement:
“How curious… a palescale, here of all places…”
Spurred into motion by this new and unfamiliar voice, Kaito spun on his heel to face the perpetrator. He didn’t know what to expect – another Dotharl perhaps, or maybe even a close relative of that strange spider-like Buduga. What he saw instead was a hooded man, unassuming in appearance and dressed head to toe in black fabrics and ornaments of bone akin to the Kagon. He was slightly hunched over and clutched a gnarled staff in his right hand. Even his pale, ashen skin was like unto those belonging to the nocturnal tribe, but something was somehow… off.
It was his eyes.
One moment they were a striking blue, and the next they would shimmer into a bleeding red, but then he would blink, and before he knew it, they had turned back into that cold, icy hue. Kaito would’ve assumed it was merely a trick of the torchlight, but there was a certain heaviness about this man that pressed against his shoulders, beckoning him to fall on his knees.
He refused.
He knew this sensation – had felt it many times back in the temple when an object inhabited by a shikigami was brought in for the monks to purify. The beads around his wrist felt numb as he began to run his thumb over each one, counting them in his head, and he murmured a prayer. Whoever, or whatever this man was, he did not belong in the natural world.
“Are you frightened?” the man spoke with a slight tilt of his head, and the corners of his lips curled into a smile that showed far too many teeth.
Kaito frowned, wanting to deny him, but the halt in his throat gave him reason for pause. “…No,” he croaked at last, but he knew it wasn’t entirely the truth.
Suddenly the man leaned forward upon his staff, the red orb nestled against its shaft glinting softly in the low light. Down those silvery eyes went, and then back as though he were sizing up a delectable meal. “Liar,” he teased, his deep chuckle reverberating against the cavern walls, the sound amplified as though there were many giggling voices all around them. “I can see the way you tremble on your own two feet.” He paused and swiveled his head again, this time to the other side and his smile somewhat fell. Now, he let forth a delighted hum. “Curious… how curious indeed…”
“What is it you want?” Kaito snapped, though he immediately regretted it. He knew he ought to hold his tongue especially towards a man with such a threatening aura, but between the prodding of his scale color and his treatment by the Xaela in recent days, his patience had long been stretched thin.
But the man simply laughed. Mockingly. Aggravatingly. Kaito imagined himself punching this man in his damned mouth, though the thought had been fleeting one. “My, aren’t you a testy one? Surely, you’ll have earned your scales with that attitude of yours,” he said with a wry grin.
Kaito ground his teeth and said nothing. The man was making jest of him, as many of the Xaela often did, but he refused to react. And why should he? He didn’t know this man, had nothing to prove nor allegiance to show him. All he wanted was for him to get to the damned point, and preferably far away from him.
In his hand, a finger twitched against the wooden beads.
Eventually the man continued, taking Kaito’s silence in stride with a leisurely wave of his hand. “That is why you are here, no? To prove yourself amongst your tribesmen despite being so… tainted.” He sneered wickedly at that word.
Again, Kaito didn’t respond to his goading, but his words had pricked a dagger deep inside his heart. That’s what he was, wasn’t he? Tainted – in both body and soul. Did this man know? About his association with the Red Bird? He swallowed at the thought, suddenly aware of the sweat rolling down the back of his neck.
Soon the man realized that Kaito had no intention of budging from his stance until he gave answer to his question, and the man heaved an exasperated sigh. “Bah, spoil sport... I thought you might at least make my visit interesting. I suppose such entertainment is too much to ask.” He paused as he pulled back on his staff and settled its base near his side. Strings of sheep bone rattled off the top of it. “Very well… I am looking for someone. The Ezen of this… quaint little abode. My condolences to the former one, by the by. Dreadful news, that was. We were…” he rolled his hand at the wrist as if he could waft the correct term into being, “partners, of a sort. It is only proper that I seek out the new one, hmm?”
The Ezen? Exactly what kind of partnership did he have with this man? Surely nothing good, if this stifling aura had anything to say about it. And while he didn’t much care for the wellbeing of the new man in charge, he had little reason to believe anything good could come out of the two meeting one another. So, he thought to buy them some time. “Sorry,” he shrugged weakly, careful with his next words. He had to be convincing, lest the man see right through them. “I… think they’re still deciding who should hold that title.”
The coldness in those eyes were almost palpable as they glowered down at Kaito and bore through his soul, an unspoken promise written into them. Did he know he was lying? The lump in his throat was back, pressed painfully up against his windpipe like someone had suddenly clamped their fingers around it. Kaito held his breath for as long as he could, fighting his every urge to push it back down.
And then, to Kaito’s relief, the man turned away. Disappointment was etched all over his face, his lips pursed into a flat line. “That so?” He stood straighter now, evidently not needing the support of his staff as he held his head high. “…Unfortunate. One would think they had someone ready in hand to take the mantle.”
He believed him? Kaito was almost certain the man knew better, and even took a cautious exhale through his nose so as to not draw attention. But the stranger seemed to have taken an immediate disinterest in him once he was proven to be of no use, so much that he didn’t so much as cast his eyes back in his direction. It was relieving, and yet a bit unsettling at the same time. Kaito had never been a particularly good liar. What if all this came back to get him? Already he was on a continuous streak of bad luck… Did he somehow just make it worse?
Suddenly the man raised a knuckle to his chin, his head tilted with a look of thought. He was considering something, and Kaito dreaded to hear what it was. “Hmm… yes. In that case, it would be most practical if I tarried long enough to hear the announcement.” He twisted around again, flashing rows of those wicked teeth. When he spoke again, there was a playful lilt in his tone as though he knew. “I do believe you will be seeing me around.”
Kaito felt his heart drop. He was not looking forward to it.
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cainconfessionals · 1 year
Gospel Truth
He stands against the sky, tall, proud, and majestic. His spires pierce the clouds and His foundations drive deep into the ground. His stony skin is elaborately carved, painstaking intricacy swept up in a living facade. The cold limestone eyes of His protectors see all, warding off evil.
Over His threshold, through His looming wooden doors. Careful, quiet steps are taken on His gleaming marble floors. Every surface is polished, smooth, pure. Intention and reverence in every last detail. His towering columns seem to disappear into the shadows, beneath a roof as wide as heaven itself.
What little light filtering through His stained windows falls in steep red hues, mottled with golds and blues. The figures within watch, frozen and paralysed. They replay the same scenes over and over – standing victorious over the dragon, suited in armour and burning at the stake, lighting their candles and standing vigil. Captured in that moment of time, bearing witness week in, week out.
They watch, rapt with attention, hollow heads filling with the gas bellowed by His pulpit. They have read this script before, silently anticipating what is to come. Sacrifice is nothing new, is simply the next scene in this weekly act. And the preacher is already setting the scene. The saints and angels watching in the windows are nothing compared to the stillness on His floor.
"He was sent as the perfect Man, the unblemished, sacrificial lamb. He was unstained, untainted. Even as a human, he acted in perfect accordance with the will of the Father. And that is the example we must strive to emulate! He says! My yoke... Is easy... And my burden... Is light! Do you know why? Because he understands us! Fully! Perfectly! He has gone through suffering, as a human, caused by humans, that we cannot even begin to imagine! He knows your pain. He sees your brokenness... And He loves you even through it! He loves you in spite of everything you have done! By His blood you can be washed clean!"
Thunderous applause rings out through His house. It fills the space, beating against ears and swallowing up anything else the preacher might be saying. It crescendos to a deafening volume, until nothing else can be heard, making the silence that follows all the more blatant.
It runs down in dripping rivulets, rolling down his aisle like a carpet. And as it sinks down, absorbed by His polished, gleaming floors, the marble runs red over and over again. In a room meant to echo and reverberate, the only noise comes from the laboured breaths of the boy on His altar.
First stripped, then flogged, crowned with thorns and mocked with praise. In the scene that follows they will lie him down on the cross, drive their nails through his flesh and bone and prop him up like the wooden structure is his skeleton.
And when that cross stands they will look to it as their redemption, their hope, their salvation. They will fall to their knees, weeping and begging for forgiveness.
And in the grand finale He will look away. He will turn His eyes from the boy. He will shut His doors and shutter His windows. His already dim cavern will grow thick with darkness. Justice served by injustice. They will ask, and it will be given.
And all the while, the boy will hang lifeless, corpse cold where the marble floors are warm with blood. They will never be eye-to-eye, never stand face-to-face and see their reflections in his glassy pupils. They will not notice the blank confusion, the resigned stare.
Yes, the greatest gift, meant to come and be one of them, to experience fully what they experience, to understand them and save them from their own sins. But in order to save them, he had to be perfect. In order to understand them, he had to become one of them.
And here, of course, lies the first crack in His marbled floors. For if His son was truly one of them, he could not be perfect. And if His son was not perfect, how could he have truly saved them?
But this week, they will shut their eyes and bow their heads. Their pleading will drown out the cracking of the tiles beneath them, the cobwebs gathering in every corner. They will ignore the shattered spider-webbing of the windows all around them, will miss the splintering of the double wooden doors.
And when the curtains fall and they have received, they will get up and leave. Their hands, good for nothing more than clasping and trembling, will wash themselves of this play. They will wipe the memory, until the time comes to crucify him once again. They will leave the stains on the marble, let them seep into the cracks. They will leave the boy to hang, to rot, to fester. They will abandon him just as the flies buzz and maggots swarm.
And as they trundle out under the crumbling arches, chattering on about the quality of the acting, the genius of the script, His protectors will hang their heads and know they have failed.
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sethistones · 7 days
Why Kota Stone is the Perfect Choice for Homes
When it comes to choosing the right material for flooring and décor, Kota Stone stands out as a durable, stylish, and cost-effective solution for Indian homes. Known for its strength and earthy charm, Kota Stone has been a favorite in Indian architecture for centuries, offering timeless elegance that blends perfectly with both traditional and modern spaces.
In this blog, we’ll explore why Kota Stone is the ideal choice for Indian homes, its versatile applications, and how Sethi Stones, a trusted supplier of premium-quality Kota Stone, can help transform your living spaces.
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What is Kota Stone?
Kota Stone is a type of fine-grained limestone quarried in the Kota district of Rajasthan, India. Its natural beauty, durability, and affordability make it a popular choice for various construction and design purposes, particularly for Kota Stone flooring and Kota Stone tiles.
1. Durability for High-Traffic Areas
Indian homes often experience high foot traffic, whether in bustling kitchens, busy living rooms, or outdoor courtyards. Kota Stone’s natural toughness makes it an excellent choice for such spaces. It is resistant to wear and tear, able to withstand heavy use without losing its appeal. This durability is why Kota Stone is frequently used in high-traffic .
2. Weather-Resistant Properties
India’s climate is diverse, with scorching summers, monsoon rains, and cold winters in different regions. Kota Stone tiles have excellent weather-resistant properties, making them ideal for both interior and exterior applications. They can endure extreme weather conditions without cracking or fading, making them a preferred material for terraces, garden pathways, and outdoor seating areas.
3. Aesthetic Appeal and Versatile Design
Kota Stone’s natural colors—ranging from bluish-grey to greenish hues—lend a unique, earthy elegance to any home. Its subtle shades and smooth finish make it an excellent option for those seeking a minimalist and natural aesthetic. Moreover, Kota Stone design options are versatile, with polished, rustic, or honed finishes available to suit various tastes and interior styles.
You can use Kota Stone in several areas of your home:
Living Rooms and Hallways: Add a sleek, modern look with polished Kota Stone flooring.
Kitchens: Opt for rustic Kota Stone for a cozy, traditional vibe.
Bathrooms: Kota Stone tiles work perfectly for moisture-prone areas, creating a spa-like experience.
Outdoor Spaces: Use textured Kota Stone tiles for patios and garden walkways, enhancing the natural beauty of your landscape.
4. Affordable Elegance
Compared to other natural stones like marble or granite, Kota Stone is significantly more affordable without compromising on style or durability. It provides an excellent return on investment, giving your home a premium look at a fraction of the cost. This affordability makes Kota Stone an excellent choice for homeowners who want to beautify their space while staying within budget.
5. Low Maintenance and Long-Lasting
One of the most significant advantages of Kota Stone is its low maintenance. Once sealed, it becomes resistant to moisture, stains, and scratches, making it easy to clean and maintain. Regular mopping and occasional resealing will keep your Kota Stone flooring looking pristine for years.
Unlike other natural stones, Kota Stone does not require frequent polishing, making it perfect for busy homeowners who want an attractive floor with minimal upkeep.
6. Eco-Friendly Choice
As a natural stone, Kota Stone is an eco-friendly material. It is quarried with minimal energy use, and its longevity reduces the need for frequent replacements. For homeowners conscious of their environmental footprint, Kota Stone offers a sustainable alternative to synthetic materials.
7. Slip-Resistant for Safety
Safety is a major concern in Indian homes, especially in areas like bathrooms and kitchens where water is often present. Kota Stone tiles are naturally slip-resistant, providing a safer option for families with children or elderly members. This feature makes Kota Stone a practical choice for wet areas without compromising on aesthetics.
Why Choose Sethi Stones for Kota Stone?
When selecting Kota Stone for your home, it’s essential to choose a supplier that provides high-quality materials and reliable service. Sethi Stone is a leading supplier of Kota Stone in India, known for offering premium products that meet the highest standards.
Here’s why Sethi Stones is your go-to source for Kota Stone:
Wide Range of Designs: Sethi Stones offers an extensive selection of Kota Stone design options, including polished, honed, and rustic finishes to suit any style.
High-Quality Materials: Sethi Stones ensures that only the finest Kota Stone is sourced and processed, guaranteeing durability and long-lasting beauty.
Customization Options: Whether you need specific sizes, patterns, or finishes, Sethi Stones provides customization services to meet your unique project requirements.
Expert Guidance: With years of experience in the industry, the team at Sethi Stones offers valuable advice on choosing the right Kota Stone flooring or tiles for your home, ensuring you make the best decision for your space.
Final Thoughts
Kota Stone is the perfect choice for Indian homes, offering a blend of durability, affordability, and timeless beauty. Whether you’re designing a contemporary living room, a traditional kitchen, or an outdoor patio, Kota Stone tiles and flooring can transform your space with elegance and strength. And with Sethi Stones as your trusted supplier, you can be assured of top-quality materials and expert service to bring your vision to life.
Choose Kota Stone for your home and experience the perfect balance of style, durability, and value.
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The Timeless Luxury of Marble Countertops
Marble countertops have long been synonymous with sophistication and timeless elegance. Renowned for their classic beauty and unique veining, marble surfaces can transform any space into a luxurious haven. Whether you’re considering a renovation or designing a new home, here’s a deep dive into the allure of marble countertops and why they continue to be a favored choice among homeowners and designers.
Unmatched Aesthetic Appeal
Marble’s intrinsic beauty is perhaps its most captivating feature. Formed from metamorphosed limestone, marble is characterized by its stunning veining and color variations. Each slab of marble is unique, with patterns ranging from delicate, subtle striations to bold, dramatic swirls. Classic colors like Carrara white, Calacatta gold, and Emperador brown add a touch of opulence to any room, making marble countertops an ideal choice for those who want to make a striking visual impact.
Timeless Elegance
Marble has been a symbol of luxury and refinement for centuries. Its use in historic monuments, sculptures, and palatial homes underscores its enduring appeal. When incorporated into modern design, marble continues to evoke a sense of grandeur and sophistication. Whether used in kitchens, bathrooms, or other spaces, marble countertops impart a timeless elegance that complements both traditional and contemporary aesthetics.
Durability and Strength
While marble is known for its beauty, it is also a durable material. It is more resilient than some other natural stones and can withstand daily wear and tear. However, marble is softer and more porous compared to granite, which means it is more susceptible to scratching and staining. To maintain its pristine condition, it’s crucial to seal marble surfaces regularly. Despite its susceptibility to stains and etching, many homeowners find that the visual appeal and luxury of marble outweigh these concerns.
Maintenance and Care
Proper maintenance is key to preserving the beauty of marble countertops. Regular cleaning with a pH-balanced cleaner and immediate attention to spills can help prevent staining. Unlike granite, marble is more sensitive to acidic substances, so it’s important to clean up spills from citrus, vinegar, and wine promptly. Periodic sealing of marble surfaces can also help to protect against stains and maintain the stone’s luster.
Value Addition
Marble countertops are often associated with high-end design and can significantly enhance the value of a property. The luxurious appearance of marble makes it a desirable feature for potential buyers, and its historical significance adds to its appeal. Investing in marble countertops not only improves the aesthetic value of your home but also ensures that your space remains stylish and sophisticated.
Marble is incredibly versatile and can be used in various applications beyond countertops. It’s a popular choice for backsplashes, vanity tops, and even flooring. Its natural beauty allows it to seamlessly integrate into different design themes, from classical to modern. Whether you opt for a sleek, polished finish or a honed, matte look, marble adapts beautifully to your design vision.
Environmental Considerations
Marble is a natural material, and its environmental impact can be influenced by factors such as quarrying and transportation. Opting for locally sourced marble can help minimize the carbon footprint associated with its transport. Additionally, sustainable quarrying practices are being adopted by many producers, which helps to reduce the environmental impact of marble extraction.
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realgranito · 15 days
Maintenance Tips for Commercial Tile Floors
Tile floors are a popular choice for commercial spaces due to their durability, aesthetic appeal, and low maintenance needs. However, to ensure that these floors retain their charm and functionality over time, proper maintenance is key. Whether it's a retail store, an office building, or a restaurant, tile floors in commercial settings face high traffic and wear. This article offers practical advice to keep your commercial tile floors looking great for years while maximizing their lifespan.
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1. Regular Cleaning Routine
A well-structured cleaning schedule is the first line of defense in maintaining tile floors. Regular cleaning prevents dirt, grime, and debris from settling into the tile and grout, which can lead to discoloration and damage over time.
Daily Sweeping or Vacuuming: High-traffic areas should be swept or vacuumed daily to remove loose dirt and dust. Debris left on the surface can scratch and dull the tile finish over time.
Weekly Mopping: Use a damp mop and a pH-neutral cleaner to clean tiles weekly. Avoid harsh chemicals or acidic cleaners, as these can damage the surface, particularly for natural stone tiles. Make sure to rinse thoroughly to remove any soap residue, which can attract more dirt.
Pro Tip: Use microfiber mops or soft bristle brooms to avoid scratching tile surfaces, especially on polished tiles.
2. Grout Care
Grout is often the most vulnerable part of a tile floor. If neglected, dirty grout lines can detract from the overall appearance of the floor, even if the tiles are spotless.
Sealing Grout: Grout should be sealed to protect it from moisture, staining, and mold growth. Depending on traffic levels, it may need to be resealed every 1-2 years.
Deep Cleaning: Use a grout cleaner or a mixture of baking soda and water to scrub grout lines. For heavily stained areas, a mild bleach solution can help restore the original color, but always test on a small area first to avoid discoloration.
Pro Tip: Steam cleaners are excellent for deep cleaning grout without the need for harsh chemicals.
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3. Address Spills Immediately
Accidents happen, and spills are inevitable in commercial environments, especially in restaurants or areas with frequent customer interaction. It’s essential to address spills immediately to prevent staining and potential damage to both the tiles and the grout.
Water and Moisture Control: Water can seep into grout and subflooring, leading to mold and mildew growth. In cases of spills, mop the area immediately and ensure proper drying.
Acidic Substances: Spills from coffee, soda, and acidic cleaners can etch tiles, especially natural stones like marble or limestone. Wipe these up promptly and neutralize the surface with water if necessary.
4. Use Protective Mats and Runners
High-traffic areas, such as entrances and corridors, are more prone to wear and tear. To protect tile floors in these zones:
Entrance Mats: Place entrance mats both outside and inside doors to trap dirt and moisture before it reaches the tiles. This reduces the amount of dirt tracked onto the floor, which can act like sandpaper and wear down the surface.
Runners and Rugs: In areas with constant foot traffic or where heavy furniture is used (e.g., office chairs), place rugs or protective runners to cushion the impact.
Pro Tip: Use non-slip backing or underlays for mats and rugs to prevent accidents and damage from slipping mats.
5. Protect Against Furniture Damage
Furniture in commercial spaces can cause significant damage to tile floors if not properly handled.
Furniture Pads: Place soft furniture pads or glides under table legs, chairs, and other heavy furniture to prevent them from scratching or chipping the tiles.
Rearranging Furniture: When moving furniture, lift instead of dragging it to avoid scratches. For large items, use moving dollies or furniture sliders.
Pro Tip: Routinely check and replace worn-out furniture pads to maintain protection.
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6. Schedule Professional Cleaning and Maintenance
In a commercial setting, routine professional cleaning can significantly extend the life of your tile floors. Professional services not only deep clean but can also help spot potential issues before they become major problems.
Tile and Grout Sealing: Professional sealing services can apply the right type of sealant for your tile type, ensuring maximum protection.
Buffing and Polishing: Polished tiles can lose their luster over time. Professionals can buff and polish tiles to restore their original shine and remove minor scratches.
7. Watch for Cracks and Chips
Over time, tiles can crack or chip due to heavy impact or natural wear. These small imperfections can lead to bigger problems if not addressed promptly.
Replace Damaged Tiles: If you notice a tile is cracked or chipped, replace it immediately. A broken tile is not only unsightly but can also lead to injury or further damage to the surrounding tiles.
Caulking: In areas where the tile meets other surfaces (walls, baseboards), inspect the caulk regularly. Replace any cracked or deteriorating caulk to prevent water damage and tile shifting.
Pro Tip: Keep a small stock of matching tiles on hand for easy replacements when necessary.
8. Use the Right Cleaning Products
Using the right cleaning products is crucial for the longevity of your tile floor. Incorrect products can wear down the tiles’ surface or damage grout.
pH-Neutral Cleaners: Stick to pH-neutral cleaners designed specifically for tiles. Avoid harsh chemicals or acidic cleaners, especially for natural stone tiles like granite or marble, as these can cause irreversible damage.
No Oil-Based Soaps: Avoid oil-based soaps or wax cleaners that can leave a sticky residue and attract dirt. Over time, these can also create a dull film on the tile surface.
Pro Tip: Always test new cleaning products in a small, inconspicuous area before applying them to the entire floor.
9. Consider Epoxy Grout for High-Traffic Areas
In high-traffic areas where wear and tear are unavoidable, consider using epoxy grout, which is more durable than traditional grout.
Stain Resistance: Epoxy grout is highly resistant to stains, moisture, and chemicals, making it a great solutions for commercial kitchens, restrooms, or other areas with frequent exposure to moisture.
Longevity: Although more expensive upfront, epoxy grout requires less maintenance and lasts significantly longer than traditional grout, reducing long-term costs.
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10. Schedule Regular Inspections
Regular inspections can prevent minor issues from becoming major, costly repairs. This is especially important in commercial settings where downtime for repairs can affect business operations.
Look for Early Signs of Damage: Check for signs of grout deterioration, tile cracks, and loose tiles. Catching these issues early can save time and money in the long run.
Moisture Control: Ensure that areas prone to moisture (e.g., bathrooms, kitchens) are inspected regularly to prevent water damage, which can lead to mold, mildew, and tile displacement.
Pro Tip: Keeping a detailed maintenance log can help track when different parts of the floor were cleaned, sealed, or inspected, ensuring you stay on top of necessary upkeep.
Proper maintenance of commercial tile floors is essential not only for preserving their appearance but also for ensuring safety and longevity. By implementing a regular cleaning schedule, using the right products, and addressing issues like spills and cracks immediately, you can significantly extend the life of your tile floors. Whether you manage a retail store, office, or any other commercial space, these maintenance tips will help keep your tile floors looking pristine for years to come.
By following these maintenance tips, businesses can protect their investment in floor tiles while ensuring a safe and visually appealing environment for customers and employees alike. Regular attention to detail and professional care will keep your commercial tile floors in optimal condition, offering long-lasting performance and style.
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flooringhut · 15 days
A Guide to Stone Flooring
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Introduction Stone is a natural product that has been used for flooring since the roman empire. Stone floors are celebrated for their beauty and durability. Traditionally used in kitchens, stone flooring can be used in other rooms in a home and in commercial spaces too. This article aims to explore the types of stone floors available, the benefits and drawbacks of stone, and how to maintain this natural flooring type.   Types of Stone Flooring - Marble: Marble is a luxurious stone that has beautiful veins running throughout it. Bear in mind that marble is porous (contrary to popular belief) and will need sealing to prevent staining. - Granite: Granite stone is very durable and resistant to stains, which makes it ideal for high traffic areas. Granite has a beautiful speckled design and can be used in both residential and commercial spaces. - Limestone: Limestone is softer than marble and granite, but has a warm tone. Limestone is porous so requires sealing and will need careful maintenance due to its softer nature. - Slate: Slate has rich and deep colours and has a textured surface, which prevents slips. Often used in kitchens and bathrooms, slate can a touch of sophistication to any space. - Travertine: Travertine flies in under the radar in the world of natural stone flooring, but this porous stone offers lovely warm colours and textures, which creates a rustic charm. This softer stone will require more careful maintenance. - Sandstone: Sandstone is a soft stone that offers warm, earthy tones and texture underfoot. Its softer nature means that it is not suited to high traffic areas and will require more careful maintenance.   Advantages of Stone Flooring - Durability: Stone is naturally a durable material. Some stones, such as marble and granite are more durable than softer stones, such as limestone and sandstone. When compared to other flooring types, stone floors tend to be more durable. - Aesthetics: Each stone tile is unique in terms of colours, texture and pattern. When arranged with other stone tiles, you can create a visually beautiful floor that is timeless, sophisticated and unique. - Increase Property Value: Installing stone flooring can actually raise the value of your property, usually by a value greater than the cost of the flooring itself. You could view installing stone floors in your property as a long-term investment. - Heat Conductivity: Stone is a thermally efficient material, which means that it can store and radiate heat well making it ideal for use with underfloor heating systems. - Hygienic: Stone floors do not harbour allergens, dirt, pollen or mould spores making it a hygienic flooring for any space.   Disadvantages of Stone Flooring - Cost: Stone flooring is quite expensive to purchase. Furthermore, stone is difficult to cut, so often requires a professional floor fitter to fit who will also charge a fee. Overall, this makes stone flooring one of the more expensive flooring options available when you consider the cost of materials and installation. - Weight: Stone is a heavy material, which means that you need to check the subfloor carefully to ensure that it is strong enough to support your stone flooring. This is particularly true for older buildings or installing stone in multi-storey structures. - Coldness: Stone can be cold to touch underfoot. This can be addressed by installing underfloor heating below the tiles. - Hardness: Stone is also hard underfoot, which means that it can be hard on joints. This is particularly true for elderly people and pets. - Staining: The porous nature of stone flooring means that it is susceptible to staining. This can be addressed by sealing your stone floor periodically. - Slippery: Some stone floors, such as polished marble and granite can be slippery when wet. However, other stones, such as limestone, sandstone and slate are textured and are therefore less slippery, even when wet.   Maintaining Stone Floors Different stone floors require different maintenance and cleaning routines. All stone floors benefit from a regular sweeping routine with the occasional mopping using a stone floor cleaner. Remember to use a damp, not dripping, mophead. The softer and more porous stone floors, such as sandstone and limestone will need periodic sealing to improve its stain-resistance and water-resistance properties. On the topic of stains, if a spillage occurs then quickly spot cleaning your stone floor. First, dab the stain dry, then clean the affected area using a stone floor cleaner. If a stone tile is damaged beyond repair, then you can replace the tile itself.   Conclusion There you have it – a guide to stone flooring. There are many different stone floors available (marble, granite, limestone, etc…), which have many advantages (durability, aesthetics, hygienic, etc…). However, there are some disadvantages associated with stone flooring to be aware of (cost, weight, coldness, etc…) and some maintenance requirements (sweeping, mopping, sealing, etc…). Ultimately, stone flooring is a fantastic natural flooring choice and we hope you enjoy your beautiful stone floor for years to come! Read the full article
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jkstones123 · 17 days
Bathroom Renovation Ideas: The Benefits of Stone Flooring and Wall Cladding
When it comes to bathroom renovation ideas, selecting the right materials can make a significant difference in both the aesthetic appeal and functionality of your space. One of the most timeless and luxurious materials you can incorporate into your bathroom is stone. Whether you choose stone for flooring, wall cladding, or both, this natural material brings a unique blend of elegance, durability, and versatility. In this blog post, we will explore the numerous benefits of using stone in your bathroom renovation, focusing on how stone flooring and wall cladding can transform your bathroom into a stylish and functional retreat.
Why Stone is an Excellent Choice for Bathroom Renovations
Stone has been a favored building material for centuries, prized for its natural beauty, strength, and resilience. When considering bathroom renovation ideas, stone stands out for several reasons:
Durability: Stone is incredibly durable and can withstand the daily wear and tear of a bathroom environment. It is resistant to moisture, heat, and heavy foot traffic, making it an ideal choice for both flooring and wall cladding.
Aesthetic Appeal: Stone adds a touch of luxury and sophistication to any bathroom. Its natural variations in color, texture, and pattern create a unique look that can range from rustic to modern, depending on the type of stone you choose.
Versatility: Stone comes in a wide variety of types, including marble, granite, travertine, slate, and limestone, each offering different colors, finishes, and textures. This versatility allows you to customize your bathroom to match your personal style and the overall design of your home.
Increased Home Value: Investing in stone for your bathroom renovation can increase the value of your home. Potential buyers often see stone as a premium material, making your bathroom a standout feature when it comes time to sell.
Stone Flooring: A Durable and Stylish Option
One of the key bathroom renovation ideas to consider is upgrading your flooring to stone. Stone flooring is not only beautiful but also highly functional in a bathroom setting.
Marble Flooring: Marble is synonymous with luxury. Its smooth, polished surface and elegant veining make it a popular choice for bathroom floors. Marble comes in a variety of colors, from classic white to deep black, allowing you to create a timeless and sophisticated look. While marble is slightly porous and may require regular sealing to prevent staining, its undeniable beauty makes it well worth the effort.
Granite Flooring: Granite is one of the hardest natural stones, making it an excellent choice for high-traffic areas like bathrooms. It is resistant to moisture, scratches, and heat, ensuring that your bathroom floor will remain in pristine condition for years. Granite comes in a wide range of colors and patterns, allowing you to create a custom look that complements the rest of your bathroom design.
Travertine Flooring: Travertine offers a warm, natural look that adds a touch of rustic charm to any bathroom. This stone is available in earthy tones such as beige, brown, and gold, with a variety of finishes, from honed to polished. Travertine is slightly softer than granite or marble, so it may require more maintenance, but its unique texture and natural beauty make it a popular choice for those looking to create a cozy, inviting bathroom space.
Slate Flooring: Slate is a durable and slip-resistant option, making it ideal for bathroom floors. It comes in a range of colors, including shades of gray, green, and rust, with a textured surface that adds depth and character to your bathroom. Slate’s natural slip-resistant properties make it a safe choice for bathrooms, particularly in households with children or elderly individuals.
Stone Wall Cladding: Elevate Your Bathroom Design
Incorporating stone wall cladding into your bathroom renovation ideas can dramatically enhance the look and feel of the space. Stone walls add texture, depth, and a sense of luxury that is hard to achieve with other materials.
Marble Wall Cladding: Marble wall cladding creates a seamless and elegant look in any bathroom. Whether you choose to clad an entire wall or create an accent wall behind your vanity or bathtub, marble adds a touch of opulence that is both timeless and sophisticated. The reflective surface of polished marble also helps to brighten the space, making it feel larger and more open.
Stacked Stone: Stacked stone wall cladding offers a more rustic and textured appearance. This style involves using small, irregularly shaped stone pieces that are stacked together to create a three-dimensional effect. Stacked stone is perfect for creating a feature wall in your bathroom, adding a natural, earthy vibe that complements a variety of design styles, from contemporary to traditional.
Granite Wall Cladding: Granite wall cladding is another excellent option for those looking to add durability and style to their bathroom. Like granite flooring, granite walls are highly resistant to moisture and staining, making them a practical choice for a bathroom environment. Granite’s natural variations in color and pattern also add visual interest, creating a striking backdrop for your bathroom fixtures.
Limestone Wall Cladding: Limestone offers a softer, more understated look compared to other stones. Its muted tones and smooth texture create a calming and serene atmosphere in the bathroom. Limestone wall cladding is perfect for those who prefer a minimalist or spa-like design, as it adds warmth and subtle elegance to the space.
Benefits of Combining Stone Flooring and Wall Cladding
While stone flooring and wall cladding each have their own benefits, combining the two can create a cohesive and luxurious bathroom design. Here’s why you should consider using both in your bathroom renovation ideas:
Cohesive Design: Using the same or complementary stone for both flooring and wall cladding creates a seamless and cohesive look. This approach allows you to tie the entire bathroom together, creating a harmonious and balanced design that feels intentional and well thought out.
Enhanced Durability: Stone is one of the most durable materials available, and using it for both floors and walls ensures that your bathroom will stand up to the test of time. Stone’s resistance to moisture, heat, and wear makes it an ideal choice for a bathroom, where these elements are constantly present.
Luxurious Atmosphere: There’s no denying that stone adds a sense of luxury to any space. By incorporating stone flooring and wall cladding into your bathroom renovation, you can create a spa-like retreat that exudes sophistication and elegance. The natural beauty of stone elevates the overall design, making your bathroom a standout feature in your home.
Easy Maintenance: While stone does require some maintenance, such as sealing and regular cleaning, it is generally easy to care for. Stone surfaces are resistant to mold and mildew, which are common concerns in bathrooms. By choosing stone for both flooring and walls, you simplify your cleaning routine and ensure that your bathroom remains fresh and clean with minimal effort.
Maintenance Tips for Stone Surfaces
To keep your stone flooring and wall cladding looking their best, it’s important to follow some basic maintenance guidelines:
Sealing: Most types of stone, including marble, travertine, and limestone, are porous and require regular sealing to protect against moisture and stains. Be sure to use a high-quality stone sealer and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for application.
Cleaning: Use a pH-neutral cleaner specifically designed for stone surfaces. Avoid harsh chemicals, bleach, and acidic cleaners, as they can damage the stone. Wipe up spills immediately to prevent staining, especially with substances like wine, coffee, or oil.
Preventing Scratches: Use mats or rugs in high-traffic areas to protect your stone floors from scratches. Be cautious when moving heavy furniture or bathroom fixtures to avoid damaging the stone.
Incorporating stone into your bathroom renovation ideas is a surefire way to create a space that is both stylish and functional. Stone flooring and wall cladding offer a perfect combination of durability, luxury, and timeless appeal. Whether you choose marble, granite, travertine, or slate, stone adds a unique touch of elegance to your bathroom, transforming it into a personal oasis. With the right maintenance, your stone surfaces will remain beautiful and pristine for years to come, making your bathroom a standout feature in your home.
By following these bathroom renovation ideas, you can create a stunning and cohesive design that not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your bathroom but also adds lasting value to your home.
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tikkoproducts · 21 days
Ds21 Intensive Stone Cleaner is an alkaline-based cleaner designed for deep cleaning all types of natural stone. It effectively removes oil, grease, and ingrained dirt without stripping the polish from shiny floors. It provides a thorough deep clean and is suitable for use with a mopping system.
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royalindianstones · 24 days
Beauty and Versatility of Indian Limestone : Applications and Design Inspirations Indian limestone, renowned for its classic beauty and toughness, has a plethora of options for diverse uses. With its vibrant colors, distinctive patterns, and innate charm, this natural stone has the ability to completely change environments, whether it is used for flooring or architectural facades. We will delve into the fascinating world of Indian limestone in this blog article, highlighting its many uses and offering design ideas that highlight its elegance and adaptability.
Exquisite Finishing In both home and business settings, experience the timeless beauty of Indian limestone. Honed: A perfectly smooth, glossy surface with distinct borders. Tumbled: Having rounded edges and an old, weathered, and bleached appearance. Polished: A sharply edged, glossy, reflecting surface. Brushed: A rounded off edge and a smooth, textured surface that preserves more of the natural color of the tile than tumbled. Half Honed & Tumbled: This is a hybrid of the two finishes, with the exception that only a portion of the surface is completely flat (honed), leaving the remainder undulating and worn-looking. This is exclusive to limestone tiles from India.
Gorgeous Wall Cladding Any room that has a limestone wall has an amazing feel. Limestone walls may be used to create a whole space, like a luxurious bathroom, or they can be used to draw attention to a single limestone wall in the living area. There will be an impact on outdoor areas as well. External wall cladding requires little to no upkeep and shields a structure from outside harm. After the wall cladding is installed, it won't need the same frequent inspections or maintenance as other weather protection methods do, saving time and money. If you're looking for a natural stone for interior wall cladding, limestone is ideal for your home's style. It comes in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors and is both elegant and multipurpose.
Countertop Elegance Natural stone like limestone is suitable for almost every area of the home, including kitchens, baths, and bedrooms. It is widely known for its strength and beauty; in addition to being stain- and scratch-resistant, it is also simple to clean with a moist cloth or mop. Because limestone is somewhat more permeable than marble, moisture will not be withheld as effectively. Limestone will need more sealing than marble since it absorbs more sealant and will therefore "drink" more sealant. Before making final decisions about limestone tiles, consider the color pattern, texture, size, and shape of the tiles carefully to ensure that they complement the rest of the components of your kitchen or bathroom.
Outdoor Oasis The beauty of Indian limestone in outdoor settings, such as patios and garden walks makes them look astonishing. The limestone's ability to resist slippage makes it perfect for outdoor entertainment spaces and pool decks, which makes it feel comfortable,safe and gives a gorgeous look forever. The landscape designs that use limestone for garden borders, stairs, and retaining walls blow the mind with their look. The limestone's endurance in inclement weather and ability to hold its beauty throughout time makes it eminent and eternal.
Striking Hearths and Fireplaces The natural beauty and warmth of Indian limestone in hearthstones and fireplace surrounds amaze the place. The varied colors and textures of limestone that go well with different types of interior design. Make sure which type of limestone suits the place better When the limestone is combined with metal or wood it creates eye-catching focal pieces for fireplaces. Limestone have been used for fireplace from ancient times Limestone is a porous and delicate material. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals on your fire surround, as these can damage the limestone surface and leave unsightly scratches and scuffs.
Sculptures & Artistic Installations The Indian limestone's creative potential with custom installations and sculptures have taken the heart of millions of people from ancient times. The Limestone is easy and adaptable to work with, when crafting elaborate and striking patterns as compared to other types of stones. There are multiple instances of renowned public art installations and limestone sculptures from India and other countries. For eg : In sculptures – It easily mixes with clay and due to its white color, it is used in making sculptures. It gives them a bright white color as well. The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the seven wonders of the world. Its outside covering is entirely made up of limestone. Conclusion: Indian limestone has a wide range of uses that may turn areas into elegant and beautiful retreats because of its alluring hues, distinctive patterns, and lasting strength. Its adaptability is unrestricted, whether it is utilized for outdoor features, wall cladding, floors, or counters. One may unleash their creativity and produce unique, eye-catching creations that last throughout time by learning about the many uses for Indian limestone and being inspired by its ageless charm.
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Brick cleaning Adelaide-Anti slip flooring Adelaide
Stone Shield Surface Solutions is your go-to provider for premium surface protection and maintenance services, dedicated to enhancing and preserving the beauty of your property. We offer a comprehensive range of services designed to cater to both residential and commercial clients, ensuring that every surface remains in pristine condition while being safeguarded against wear and tear.
Antislip Sealing: 
One of the primary concerns for property owners is the safety of their walkways and floors, especially in areas prone to wet conditions or high foot traffic. Our antislip sealing service is specifically designed to mitigate the risk of slips and falls by enhancing the surface's grip. Using high-quality, durable sealants, we create a non-slip surface that is ideal for bathrooms, kitchens, pool surrounds, and outdoor pathways. This solution not only improves safety but also preserves the surface's appearance and longevity.
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Brick Acid Washing: 
Brick surfaces, whether on the exterior of a home or in a commercial building, can accumulate dirt, grime, and efflorescence over time, detracting from their natural beauty. Our brick acid washing service effectively cleans and restores these surfaces, removing stains and discolorations that ordinary cleaning methods can't handle. This process prepares the bricks for any subsequent treatments, such as sealing or painting, ensuring a uniform and aesthetically pleasing finish.
Tuffskin Surface Protection: 
Protecting high-use surfaces like kitchen countertops and bathroom vanities is essential to maintaining their look and functionality. Our Tuffskin surface protection is a state-of-the-art solution that shields these surfaces from scratches, etching, and staining. Tuffskin is a transparent, durable film that does not alter the stone's natural appearance, providing an invisible layer of protection that enhances the surface's resistance to everyday wear and tear.
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Natural Stone Sealing: 
Natural stone surfaces, including marble, granite, limestone, and travertine, require specialized care to maintain their natural beauty and durability. Our natural stone sealing service involves applying advanced sealants that penetrate deep into the stone, providing long-lasting protection against moisture, stains, and UV damage. This process not only enhances the stone's natural color and shine but also extends its lifespan, making it easier to clean and maintain.
Pressure Cleaning: 
Over time, exterior surfaces such as driveways, patios, and building facades can become covered in dirt, mold, and algae. Our pressure cleaning service uses high-pressure water jets to effectively remove these contaminants, restoring the surfaces to their original condition. This service is particularly beneficial for preparing surfaces for sealing or painting, ensuring that the treatments adhere properly and last longer.
Additional Services: 
In addition to our core offerings, we provide a range of specialized services designed to protect and enhance various surfaces. These include non-slip surface applications for increased safety in wet areas, anti-graffiti coatings that make it easy to remove unwanted graffiti without damaging the surface, and paver sealing that protects against the elements, prevents weed growth, and enhances the color and appearance of pavers.
Acid Wash and Stone Restoration: 
Our acid wash service is ideal for deep-cleaning stone surfaces that have become heavily soiled or stained. This treatment removes contaminants and prepares the surface for sealing, ensuring a fresh and clean appearance. For surfaces that have suffered from extensive damage or wear, our stone restoration service can bring them back to their original beauty. This process involves repairing chips and cracks, polishing the surface, and applying protective treatments to prevent future damage.
At Stone Shield Surface Solutions, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional service and outstanding results. Our team of experienced professionals is equipped with the latest tools and techniques to handle any surface protection and maintenance challenge. Whether you're looking to enhance the safety and aesthetics of your property or preserve its value, we offer customized solutions tailored to your specific needs.
We understand that every project is unique, which is why we take a personalized approach to every job. From initial consultation and assessment to the final application of treatments, we work closely with our clients to ensure that their expectations are not only met but exceeded. Our commitment to quality, safety, and customer satisfaction sets us apart as a leader in the surface protection industry.
If you're in South Australia and in need of professional surface protection and maintenance services, look no further than Stone Shield Surface Solutions. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you maintain the beauty and functionality of your property's surfaces for years to come. Visit our website at Stone Shield Surface Solutions to explore our full range of services and request a consultation.
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ctmpolishing · 2 months
CTM Polishing
CTM Polishing
Elevate Your Space with CTM Polishing Services: Comprehensive Flooring Solutions
When it comes to flooring, the right choice can transform any space, adding value, durability, and aesthetic appeal. At CTM Polishing Services, we pride ourselves on offering a diverse range of premium flooring options and services. From terrazzo to hardwood, marble to concrete, our expertise ensures your floors are not only beautiful but also long-lasting. Here’s a comprehensive look at what we offer and why CTM Polishing Services should be your go-to for all your flooring needs.
Our Flooring Solutions:
1. Concrete Flooring
What It Is: A versatile and durable flooring option used in both residential and commercial spaces.
Benefits: High durability, low maintenance, and a variety of finishes available.
Services: Polishing, sealing, staining, grinding, and epoxy coatings.
2. Terrazzo Flooring
What It Is: A composite material poured in place or precast, consisting of chips of marble, quartz, granite, or glass.
Benefits: Extremely durable, low maintenance, eco-friendly, and highly customizable.
Services: Installation, polishing, sealing, grinding, and epoxy treatments.
3. Marble Flooring
What It Is: Luxurious natural stone known for its elegance and unique veining.
Benefits: High aesthetic value, durability, and a cool surface ideal for warm climates.
Services: Polishing, sealing, grinding, and restoration.
4. Limestone Flooring
What It Is: Natural stone flooring that offers a soft, earthy appearance.
Benefits: Versatility, durability, and a unique, natural look.
Services: Polishing, sealing, grinding, and maintenance.
5. Sandstone Flooring
What It Is: Natural stone known for its warm, rustic appearance.
Benefits: Durability, slip resistance, and natural beauty.
Services: Polishing, sealing, grinding, and maintenance.
Why Choose CTM Polishing Services?
1. Expertise and Experience With years of industry experience, our team possesses the skills and knowledge to deliver impeccable flooring solutions. We stay updated with the latest trends and techniques to ensure top-quality results for our clients.
2. Comprehensive Services From initial consultation and design to installation and maintenance, we offer a full suite of services for all types of flooring. Our holistic approach ensures that every project is completed to the highest standards.
3. Premium Materials We source only the best materials to ensure durability and aesthetic appeal. Our commitment to quality means you get a product that not only looks stunning but also stands the test of time.
4. Customized Solutions Every project is unique, and we take the time to understand your vision and requirements. Our team works closely with you to create custom designs that reflect your style and preferences.
5. Customer Satisfaction Our clients’ satisfaction is our top priority. We take pride in our meticulous attention to detail and our ability to exceed expectations. From the initial consultation to the final polish, we ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience.
Our Process
Consultation: We start with a thorough consultation to understand your needs and preferences.
Design and Planning: Our team collaborates with you to create a design that aligns with your vision.
Installation: Using state-of-the-art equipment and techniques, we install your flooring with precision and care.
Finishing Touches: We polish, seal, and finish the floors to enhance their beauty and durability.
Maintenance and Support: Post-installation, we provide maintenance tips and support to keep your floors looking their best.
Contact Us
Ready to transform your space with stunning flooring solutions? Contact CTM Polishing Services today for a consultation. Let us help you create a timeless and elegant flooring solution that will enhance the beauty and value of your property.
By choosing CTM Polishing Services, you are investing in quality, expertise, and exceptional customer service. Trust us to deliver flooring that not only meets but exceeds your expectations.
For more information, visit our www.ctmpolishing.com.au or call us at 0415 998 571.
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deathifu · 2 months
Discovering sandstone exporter in India
Basalt Stone Exporter From India Historically, limestone has been prized for its versatile applications across civilizations. Since ancient times, limestone has played a crucial role in construction, architecture, and art. For instance, Runjhun Export, a prominent name among limestone exporters in India, highlights its enduring use in monumental structures like the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Parthenon in Greece. These iconic landmarks exemplify limestone's durability and aesthetic appeal, showcasing its role as a preferred building material for millennia.
Aside from monumental architecture, limestone has been used in everyday structures such as dwellings, forts, and temples due to its abundance, simplicity of quarrying, and workability. In medieval Europe, limestone was commonly used in Gothic cathedrals because of its capacity to be intricately carved into elaborate façade and decorative sculptures. The Renaissance period saw a resurgence in its use for palaces and public structures throughout Europe, indicating a return to classical architectural traditions.
Furthermore, limestone's utility extends beyond construction; it has been used in lime manufacturing for mortar and plaster, extending the life of structures by aiding in waterproofing and stability. Its use in the production of lime-based paints and pigments has also left an indelible effect on art history, with limestone serving as a foundation for the brilliant colors found in ancient frescoes and Renaissance paintings.
Sandstone Exporter In India, a famous limestone exporter in India, deals in several varieties known for their diverse compositions and applications. One typical variety is chalk, which is distinguished by its softness and high calcium carbonate content. Because of its powdery consistency, chalkboards, and agricultural lime are frequently made from it.
Marble, another notable variety, is formed by recrystallizing limestone under extreme heat and pressure, resulting in a polished surface suitable for sculptures and architectural features.
Travertine, which is typically found in natural springs and caves, has a porous structure that makes it ideal for building facades and floors.
Oolitic limestone is distinguished by its characteristic spherical grains, which form in shallow, warm sea waters and are utilized as a decorative or construction material.
Finally, fossiliferous limestone contains visible fossil remnants, providing insights into ancient marine life and serving as an intriguing choice for ornamental and educational exhibits. Each species of limestone differs not only in look and texture, but also in suitability for certain industrial, artistic, and architectural applications, making limestone a diverse and important natural resource worldwide.
Indian basalt stone exporters like Runjhun Export offer a variety of customization options to meet diverse customer needs and preferences. These options typically include:
Limestone is a sedimentary limestone that is widely used in many different industries and construction projects around the world.
First and foremost, a lot of structures, roads, and bridges are constructed using limestone. Because of its strength and resistance to weathering, it's perfect for building long-lasting facades and foundations.
Limestone is an essential component used in the creation of cement, concrete, and mortar. Its high calcium content gives it vital binding qualities that support these materials' stability and strength.
In the steel industry, limestone is also essential for cleaning molten iron and eliminating impurities during the refining process. This improves the finished steel product's strength and quality.
Limestone is also highly valued in agriculture because it helps to balance acidic soils and gives crops vital elements like calcium, which enhances crop quality and productivity.
Runjhun Export, a well-known limestone exporter from India, specializes in providing premium limestone that satisfies exacting international criteria for strength, purity, and uniformity. Their knowledge makes them a dependable partner in the international market by guaranteeing trustworthy sourcing for industrial and construction projects everywhere.
In conclusion, limestone's adaptability in steel production, building, manufacturing, and agriculture highlights its significance as a basic resource promoting sustainable growth and economic development across industries.
Limestone Exporters In India Customers can typically define the dimensions and shapes of basalt stones they need, ranging from standard sizes to custom cuts and profiles. Runjhun Export, for example, can handle demands for a variety of dimensions to meet specific project specifications.
Finish: Exporters offer different finishes such as polished, honed, brushed, flamed, or natural cleft surfaces. This allows customers to choose the desired texture and appearance of the basalt stone, ensuring it complements their aesthetic preferences and functional requirements.
Color and Pattern: While basalt stone typically ranges from gray to black, exporters such as Runjhun Export may offer variances in color intensity and pattern within the stone. Customers can use this customization to select stones that complement the design theme of their project or to create unique visual effects.
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