hostageofeurope · 3 months
🎥 Subjected to severe starvation and neglect outside the UNHCR office, my failed appeals for urgent aid through reception and ignored complaints to the Inspector General drove me to engage passing staff on June 25th, 2024. Despite clear desperation, captured footage shows my pleas to agents and a Kurdish interpreter for immediate assistance were ignored, with staff evasively avoiding engagement. Watch 👆
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hostageofeurope · 5 months
🎥 UNHCR's assertion sharply conflicts with documented Ministerial and Embassy communications, which establishes UNHCR referrals as mandatory for Resettlement applications to be reviewed by prospective host nations, a fundamental UNHCR obligation to refugees not bound by geography. Watch 👆
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hostageofeurope · 5 months
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📸 Despite the exertion of persistent efforts over several weeks in challenging weather to revive awareness of UNHCR’s pledges post our unresolved dialogue on May 19th, 2023, it was only on the evening of February 07th, 2024, that a reply from the organization finally materialized.
Nevertheless, the correspondence was merely an invitation for a later meeting in the following week away from their headquarters with the Head of Field Unit, as opposed to the High Commissioner’s representative, Maria Clara Martin, or any of the other relevant parties as previously specified.
Additionally, their correspondence alleged unprovoked aggression on my part, omitting their decade-long imposition of harsh conditions near their office and their 2014 delivery of deceptive information, resulting in my undeserved 2015 deportation from Sweden.
Read my extensive article below for more details: 👇
👉🔗 https://chng.it/SDZvH5yhwP
Please sign the Petition now, Donate and share. 🙏💔 🆘
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hostageofeurope · 5 months
📖 Despite assiduous efforts to re-engage UNHCR post-May 19th, 2023, inconclusive dialogue, a response only surfaced on February 07th, 2024, merely proposing a future meeting with the Head of Field Unit, rather than with Maria Clara Martin or other specified officials. Read more: 👆
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hostageofeurope · 6 months
The UNHCR's apparent neglect to meet its May 19th, 2023, commitments, as per my requests, required multiple follow-ups and direct contact attempts.
Nevertheless, the receptionists’ obstructive behavior, in addition to adding complexity and fatigue, significantly hindered my efforts, necessitating lengthy waits in adverse weather to await passing staff, ultimately resulting in unproductive encounters and once even culminating in an unnecessary police warning against non-existent physical contact.
Additionally, UNHCR personnel besides disregarding my primary entreaty for an audience with the High Commissioner’s delegate, Maria Clara Martin, also dodged explaining the reasons behind the inaccessibility of the main entrance to me, their deliberate use of the building’s rear entrance, and their attempts to evade interaction with me near my shelter.
Read more details here: 👇
👉🔗 https://chng.it/SDZvH5yhwP
Please sign the Petition now, Donate and Share. 🙏💔🆘
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hostageofeurope · 6 months
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Following the inconclusive talks with the UNHCR on May 19th, 2023, and despite their commitment to reconnect post-arranging additional participant attendance for another meeting—on my insistence—their lack of communication has required multiple follow-ups throughout 2023 and 2024.
Moreover, despite enduring persistent derogatory treatment and unwarranted adversities at my refuge, my latest attempts to contact them directly from January 15th to February 7th, 2024, whether via the reception desk or by approaching their staff members in transit past my shelter, have proven unsuccessful.
Additionally, it is essential to recognize that despite repeated requests, the UNHCR has yet to implement meaningful actions to alleviate my ongoing famine-like conditions or improve the dreadful circumstances I endure near their establishment.
Read my extensive article below for more details: 👇
👉🔗 https://chng.it/SDZvH5yhwP
Please sign the Petition now, Donate and share. 🙏 💔 🆘
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