#Marijuana ordinance
detroitography · 10 months
Weed Maps in Detroit
Detroit’s City Council pushback on marijuana (marihuana) dispensaries has taken years to resolve. Council first approved recreational marijuana licenses in 2020 with a “likely unconstitutional” preference for Detroit-based businesses. A revised ordinance was passed in 2022 and took effect in April 20th. Based on WeedMaps.com it would appear that not many businesses still have engaged in the…
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reportwire · 1 year
Simsbury to vote on ordinance banning marijuana retail sales for 18 months - Medical Marijuana Program Connection
SIMSBURY, Conn. (WTNH) – The town of Simsbury is holding a public hearing on an 18-month ordinance banning marijuana retail sales Monday evening.  The meeting will be inside town hall at 6pm.  The town was considering an adult-use dispensary in the area of Route 44. At previous town hall meetings hosted by the zoning board, some neighbors were worried about addiction and teens using…
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The mood at the Sankofa Cultural Arts and Business Center on Chicago’s west side was celebratory on June 25, 2019, as hundreds gathered to watch Illinois make history.
With the stroke of a pen, Gov. J.B. Pritzker made it legal for adults in Illinois to possess up to 30 grams of marijuana without fear of arrest. When sales began in 2020, legalization was expected to be a financial boon for the state, but the promise went deeper for some supporters.
“Today, we're hitting the reset button on the war on drugs,” the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Kelly Cassidy, D-Chicago, said to applause. “Today, we begin the process of undoing the harm of the war on drugs.”
People who had been arrested for, but not charged with, low-level cannabis offenses would have those records erased automatically. Pritzker pardoned thousands more who were convicted of possession of less than 30 grams. Anyone who had been prosecuted for possession of up to 500 grams – a little more than a pound – would be able to petition the court to have those records expunged.
“Today we're giving hundreds of thousands of people the chance at a better life, jobs, housing and real opportunity,” Pritzker said.
Around a third of Americans have some kind of criminal record by the time they are 25, said Daniel Kuehnert, a staff attorney in the western office of Land of Lincoln Legal Aid, a nonprofit serving a swath of Illinois from the Metro East to the Quad Cities. While it may just be an arrest record, “those records are consulted by basically all sorts of entities for important life decisions,” he said.
“And particularly with employment, we see employers who have better jobs doing the heavier criminal background checks,” said Megan Kinney, the managing attorney at Land of Lincoln Legal Aid’s central office, which serves clients in six counties in southwest Illinois. “So it really is not only a barrier to employment, but it's a barrier to good, well-paying, stable jobs with benefits.”
Land of Lincoln Legal Aid was one of 18 nonprofits that joined a coalition called New Leaf Illinois. The state funded the initiative, which provided free legal representation to people who wanted cannabis convictions off their record.
Christopher Bradford was among thousands helped by New Leaf. He was in his mid-20s when he was convicted of felony possession in 2003, giving him a criminal record that potential employers would not overlook.
“And I just felt like, that wasn’t right,” he said in a video posted to New Leaf’s website. “I felt like I was being singled out from others because I had a felony conviction.”
New Leaf helped Bradford clear his record, which allowed him to get a job as a kitchen manager at a restaurant in Springfield, Illinois.
“I’m working, I’m providing for my family, so you know, I’m happy,” he said.
The law wasn’t perfect.
The word “automatic” was a misnomer, said Kinney. An individual with a criminal record for marijuana had to take an active role in the court system to make that record go away, and every single court in the state is its own entity.
"You have to file a petition in every single county in which there was a charge and arrest or conviction,” Kinney said. “There's not just some magic button that someone can press and all these records just go poof, and they go away.”
The law also failed to address local restrictions on marijuana, said Kuehnert. While some counties were willing to expunge those ordinance violations, “we’ve been encountering some counties where the Judge is like, ‘Oh, hey, wait a minute, this law doesn't say anything about ordinance violations.’”
Despite those complications, Kuehnert said, Illinois generally gets high marks nationwide for how its law is structured.
“It’s been pretty good at helping people get their records cleared, helping folks move forward in their lives and helping heal some of the damage to both individuals and our communities from the war on drugs,” he said.
When advocates for recreational marijuana in Missouri drafted their ballot measure, they made sure to include expungement provisions as well.
All nonviolent marijuana offenses, except for operating under the influence or sales to a minor, were to be automatically removed by the court, said John Payne, the campaign manager for Legal Missouri 2022.
While there was no formal organization like New Leaf Illinois in Missouri’s initiative, the campaign coordinated with groups like the ACLU and Empower Missouri, Payne said.
“A government program is never 100% accurate the first time,” he said. “We've talked to attorneys from some of these organizations and other attorneys who are just not necessarily affiliated with them but who have said, we'd be happy to help assist.”
Misdemeanors were supposed to be expunged by June 8, while the deadline to remove felony records is Dec. 6. But experts told KCUR those dates did not take into account how time-consuming and complicated it can be to expunge even a misdemeanor case. And while the courts asked for additional money from the state, lawmakers have not provided the assistance.
“I do know that they're making a hell of an effort because I know that the clerk's offices have hired extra people to come in and help,” Stephen Sokoloff, senior counsel for the Missouri Association of Prosecuting Attorneys, told KCUR. “In some places, I think retirees have been asked to come back and help.”
The law does not outline a penalty for missing the expungement deadlines.
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frosteezcannabis · 2 months
Frosteez Cannabis Dispensary Billings, MT
Frosteez is an award-winning recreational and medical weed dispensary in Billings, Montana. We pride ourselves on being compliant with state ordinances and local city laws.
We provide only the highest-quality cannabis products in Montana, offering the widest selection of marijuana products in the state at competitive prices, and the best customer service so you can stay frosty!
We are happy to answer any questions about all our weed products. We provide only the highest-quality cannabis products in Montana, from Marijuana Flowers: Cannabis / Buds, Concentrates, Edibles, Pre-rolls, Cannabis Vapes, Sinfuls, Tinctures, Topicals, and so much more.
We make it easy to purchase our products at our dispensary or to buy them online.
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
An Atlanta city councilman was briefly detained by a police officer earlier this month for possessing marijuana. 
Antonio Lewis was pulled over while driving a 2019 Chevrolet Malibu at approximately 9:21 a.m. Feb. 2 for a suspended registration, according to an incident report from the Atlanta Police Department. 
During the traffic stop, the conducting officer "noticed the smell of raw marijuana coming from inside Mr. Lewis's vehicle," the report states. The officer made the scent known, and Lewis handed over a blunt containing four grams of marijuana. 
Body camera footage obtained by FOX 5 shows how the encounter went down.
"I’m going to be honest with you, I smell marijuana coming out of your vehicle," officer Kenneth Wilson says in the video. "So you got two options here: you can either give it to me, and we'll be cool. I'll just give you a ticket for it, or I’m gonna bring dogs and all that s---, and I’m gonna find all of it."
"Yes sir," Lewis responded before handing over the unsmoked blunt. 
Atlanta's city council unanimously decriminalized the possession of marijuana up to an ounce in October 2017, according to FOX 5, making the severity of the offense reduced from an arrest to a simple citation. 
Georgia law says the punishment for possession of less than one ounce of marijuana is up to one year behind bars, up to a $1,000 fine, or both, but the Atlanta ordinance reduced the penalty to just a $75 fine.
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Sailing Part 38
If only we could all enjoy this beautiful sunset. This incredible orange glow dipping low towards the horizon; - the heavens blue of the ocean seem to melt into the pastel purple clouds fanning across the sky. Instead; we all rock endlessly back and forth on this makeshift blow-up inflatable raft and all we can see is the black darkness that slowly awaits us – nightfall and the never-ending numbing chill that’s going to come with it.
‘I think [Y/N] was right,’ Tony says, his voice grim. ‘They’re not coming for us. Nobody is.’
‘We can’t think like that, Tony.’ Ziva said. ‘We have to stay positive, they’ll come soon.’
It’s as if Tony doesn’t hear Ziva at all. ‘If the Coast Guard has our co-ordinates, don’t you think that they would’ve been here by now?’
‘Yeah, something’s wrong,’ says [Y/N]
‘Yeah, something’s definitely hinky,’ Abby cut in and Tim nods in agreement.
‘Listen, all we can do right now is to stay right here and wait for them to come,’ Ziva said and she knew it’s not the exact most persuasive argument she’d ever made. It succeeds for a reason she didn’t intend and all because she said wait.
Her boyfriend Tony stares down at her leg. He looks back at her – his eyes do all the talking – there’s one thing that can’t – most definitely, not much longer. There’s nothing like an open grade-IIIB tibia fracture to change the subject we’re currently on.
‘It’s time to do something about that; isn’t it?’ he finally asks her, glancing down at her leg again. ‘Yeah,’ Ziva said, nodding. ‘I’m going to need some help with it, though.’
‘You can count me out, for one,’ says [Y/N] immediately. ‘I’m sorry, Ziva.’ [Y/N] said as Tony shoots her a look. ‘Oh; C’mon. After all you’ve been through today, and you’re the one telling me you’re fucking afraid of a little broken bone?’
‘When it’s a bone I can see? Yeah, Tony – that’s what I’m telling you.’ [Y/N] replies, squeamish.
‘Its okay, Ziva; I’ll help,’ offers Tim.
He says it in a way so incredibly sweet Ziva wanted to cry. Still, cramming a bone back into her exposed flesh, setting it isn’t something for someone to experience, no matter how mature he is.
‘Thanks, Tim for your offer but I only need your brother for this,’ Ziva explains to him while watching Tony dig into his shorts. Their clothes have been dry for hours now; Ziva thought I’m thinking that whatever Tony’s got in his pocket must still be a wet mess.
That is, until she sees the plastic bag and the Bic lighter that Tony dangles from his fingertips in front of her, giving a shake before smiling. ‘Hey, what do you know, dry as a bone.’ he exclaims.
‘Tony!’ she exclaimed. ‘You were supposed to give all of it to your dad.’
‘I Know. I know but what can I tell you? I always carry a spare doobie,’ he says. He removes the already rolled joint and hands it to her. ‘Just think of it as medical marijuana. It’s perfectly legal, right?’
A few seconds pass as all she can do is stare at the joint. Am I really about to smoke my boyfriends’ pot? That’s when Ziva gazed down at her leg again considering the god-awful pain that awaits her. It’s amazing how much your world can change in one day. She muses. ‘Hand me the lighter.’ She tells Tony.
The pot works –kind of – it does reduce the pain somewhat. Instead of sheer agony, it’s more like a mild form of torture.
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hemp-pot · 2 years
HEMP.gg : Kosciusko leaders to vote on medical marijuana ordinance - WJTV
Kosciusko leaders to vote on medical marijuana ordinance  WJTV source https://www.wjtv.com/news/local-news/kosciusko-leaders-to-vote-on-medical-marijuana-ordinance/
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lamilanomagazine · 3 days
Brindisi: deve scontare 2 anni di reclusione per detenzione e spaccio di stupefacenti. Arretato
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Brindisi: deve scontare 2 anni di reclusione per detenzione e spaccio di stupefacenti. Arretato. Sotto il coordinamento del Comando Provinciale Carabinieri di Brindisi, i militari della Compagnia di Francavilla Fontana hanno incrementato i servizi di controllo del territorio e di prevenzione dei reati. In particolare, i militari della Stazione di Oria hanno eseguito un ordine di esecuzione di espiazione pena detentiva, in regime di detenzione domiciliare, emesso dall'Ufficio Esecuzioni Penali del Tribunale di Brindisi, nei confronti di un uomo del posto il quale dovrà scontare la pena residua di 2 anni di reclusione, per reati in materia di sostanze stupefacenti, commessi in Oria tra il 2021 e il 2022. Nello specifico, nel luglio 2021 i Carabinieri del Nucleo Operativo e Radiomobile della Compagnia francavillese lo avevano denunciato poiché era stato trovato in possesso di alcune dosi di hashish e marijuana, di un bilancino di precisione, di materiale per il confezionamento dello stupefacente e della somma contante di circa 3.700 euro, ritenuta illecito provento di attività di spaccio. Nel gennaio 2022 invece, sempre il medesimo individuo era stato arrestato in flagranza di reato dai Carabinieri della Stazione di Oria che lo avevano sorpreso proprio nell'atto della cessione di 6 grammi di marijuana verso un giovane acquirente. Bloccato sul posto, l'uomo era stato sottoposto a perquisizione domiciliare, durante la quale erano stai trovati altri quantitativi di marijuana e cocaina, oltre ad un libretto con appunti riportanti nominativi di acquirenti e la contabilità riconducibile all'attività di spaccio di droga. Inoltre i militari del Nucleo Operativo e Radiomobile, a seguito di un controllo alla circolazione stradale, hanno denunciato un giovane sorpreso alla guida della sua autovettura in evidente stato di alterazione psico-fisica dovuta all'abuso di sostanze alcoliche; i Carabinieri della Stazione di Villa Castelli, nel corso dei controlli in materia di possesso di armi e munizioni, hanno denunciato un uomo per omessa denuncia di detenzione di armi e munizionamento.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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brookston · 1 month
Holidays 5.4
Alice Goes Down the Rabbit Hole Day
Anti-Bullying Day
Battle of New York Anniversary Day (The Avengers)
Bird Day (US)
Cassinga Day (Namibia)
Cinco de Cuatro (in “Arrested Development”)
Coal Miners Day (India)
Compliment Someone's Smile Day
Dave Brubeck Day
Director’s Day (India)
Dodenherdenking (Remembrance of the Dead; 2 minutes of silence observed at 8 pm; Netherlands)
Firefighters’ Memorial Day (UK)
45 Day
Frustrating the Fairies Day (Ireland)
Greenery Day (a.k.a. Midori no Hi; Japan)
Hoary Shrubbery Stock Day
International Day of the Forest Firefighter
International Firefighters' Day
International Payroll Day
International Respect for Chickens Day
Journalistic Discrimination Awareness Day
Kent State Shootings Remembrance Day (Ohio)
K.I.N.D. Day (Kids in Need of Diapers)
Literary Day (China)
Maynard Ferguson Day
Memorial Day (Curacao)
Milan Rastislav Štefánik Day (Slovakia)
National Bialy Day
National Black Authors Day
National Day of reason
National Fitness Day
National FPIES Awareness Day
National Kids Fitness Day
National Library Legislative Day
National Portfolio Day
National Self-Employed Day
National Weather Observer's Day
Petite and Proud Day
Ramune Day (Japan)
Relationship Renewal Day
Remembrance Day for Martyrs and Disabled (Afghanistan)
Remembrance of the Dead (Dodenherdenking; Netherlands)
Renewal Day
Silkworm Day (French Republic)
Star Wars Day (a.k.a. Luke Skywalker Day)
St. Florian's Day (patron saint of brewers, coopers & barrel-makers)
TFMR Awareness Day (UK)
Waltzing Mathilda Day
Work At Home Day
World Give Day
Youth Day (China, Fiji)
ZZ Top Day (Texas)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bourbon Independence Day
Candied Orange Peel Day
National Orange Juice Day
1st Saturday in May
Beer Pong Day [1st Saturday]
Big Brew Day [1st Saturday]
Bladder Cancer Awareness Day [1st Saturday]
Childhood Stroke Awareness Day [1st Saturday]
Clun Green Man Festival begins (UK) [Saturday before 1st Monday in May]
Fête de l'iris (Brussels Region Day; Belgium) [Begins 1st Saturday]
Free Comic Book Day [1st Saturday]
Global Marijuana March Day [1st Saturday]
Green Up Day (Vermont) [1st Saturday]
Holland Tulip Time Festival begins (Michigan) [1st Saturday]
International Bags Day [1st Saturday]
International Drone Day [1st Saturday]
International Female Ride Day [1st Saturday]
International Women’s Mountain Biking Day [1st Saturday]
J-Day (Dunedin, Scotland) [1st Saturday, from High Noon until 4:20]
Join Hands Day [1st Saturday]
National Auctioneers Day [1st Saturday]
Kentucky Derby Day [1st Saturday]
Learn to Ride a Bike [1st Saturday]
Lemonade Day [1st Saturday]
Mariachi Day [1st Saturday]
National Auctioneers Day [1st Saturday]
National Bombshells’ Day [1st Saturday]
National Candied Orange Peel Day [1st Saturday]
National Childhood Strike Awareness Day [1st Saturday]
National Explosive Ordinance Disposal Day [1st Saturday]
National Fitness Day [1st Saturday]
National Front Yard Cookout Day [1st Saturday]
National Herb Day [1st Saturday; also Last Saturday in April]
National Homebrew Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
National Scrapbook Day [1st Saturday]
National Virginia Diverse Business Networking First Saturday [1st Saturday]
Pilates Day [1st Saturday]
Print Day in May [1st Saturday]
Satyr's Day (Silenus, Greek God of Beer Buddies and Drinking Companions) [1st Saturday of Each Month]
Start Seeing Monarchs Day [1st Saturday]
Wildlife Community Preparedness Day [1st Saturday]
World Ankylosing Spondylitis Day [1st Saturday]
World Beer Pong Day [1st Saturday]
World Fischbroetchen Day (Germany) [1st Saturday]
World Labyrinth Day [1st Saturday]
World Naked Gardening Day [1st Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 4 (1st Week)
National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend (thru 5.5)
Independence & Related Days
Ilagan Day (Philippines)
Klitzibürg (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Latvia (from USSR, 1990)
Natal (Proclaimed British Colony; 1843)
Rhode Island (from Great Britain, 1776)
Festivals Beginning May 4, 2024
Alive! Expo (Atlanta, Georgia) [thru 5.5]
Baltimore Kinetic Sculpture Race (Baltimore, Maryland)
The Bloody Mary Festival (Seattle, Washington)
Blues, Brews, and BBQ on the River (Historic Yorktown, Virginia)
Bodega Bay Fisherman's Festival (Bodega Bay, California) [thru 5.5]
Brighton Festival (Brighton, UK) [thru 5.26]
Brixton Disco Festival (London, UK)
Brussels Iris Festival (Brussels, Belgium) [thru 5.5]
Castroville Chamber Beer & Wine Fest (Castroville, Texas)
Chinoteague Seafood Festival (Chinoteague, Virginia)
Maifest (Amana Colonies, Iowa) [thru 5.5]
Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival (West Friendship, Maryland) [thru 5.5]
Medieval Market in Kungsträdgården (Stockholm, Sweden) [thru 5.5]
Mill Creek Spring Beer & Wine Walk (Mill Creek, Washington)
NW Indiana & Interstate Chili Cook-off (Merrillville, Indiana) [thru 5.5]
Oyster Feed (Ocosta, Washington)
Rochester Sweeps Festival (Rochester, UK) [thru 5.6]
Rouketopolemos (Rocket War; Vrontados, Greece)
Spring Town Point Virginia Wine Festival (Norfolk, Virginia) [thru 5.5]
Strawberry Festival (Lahaska, Pennsylvania) [thru 5.5]
Tennessee Renaissance Festival (Arrington, Williamson County, Tennessee) [thru 5.27]
Texarkana Twice as Fine Wine Festival (Texarkana, Texas)
Tulip Time Festival (Holland, Michigan) [thru 5.12]
Virginia Herb Festival (Middletown, Virginia) [thru 5.5]
Wein & Saengerfest (New Braunfels, Texas)
Wild Bacon Wine Trail (Hermann, Missouri) [thru 5.5]
Wine & Herb- May Weekend (Cayuga Lake , New York) [thru 5.5]
Wine on the Fox (Oswego, Illinois) [thru 5.5]
Feast Days
Andrew Dasburg (Artology)
Bona Dea (Old Roman odes of Women's Mysteries)
Cadi Haf (Celtic Book of Days)
Catherine of Parc-aux-Dames (Christian; Virgin)
Ceferino Giménez Malla (Christian; Saint)
Chewie the Cookie (Muppetism)
English Saints and Martyrs of the Reformation Era (Church of England)
Fairy Day (Everyday Wicca)
Fairy Ring Day (Giving; Shamanism)
Feast of the English & Welsh Martyrs (UK)
F.C.D. Wyneken (Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod)
Florian (Christian; Martyr) [Austria, barrel-makers, brewers, coopers]
François Gérard (Artology)
Franklin Carmichael (Artology)
Frederic Edwin Church (Artology)
Godehard (a.k.a. Gothard; Christian; Saint)
God of Medicine Day (Taiwan)
Gotthard of Hildesheim (Christian; Saint)
Gregory of Verucchino (Christian; Saint)
Ilmarinen’s Day (Pagan)
José María Rubio (Christian; Saint)
Judas Cyriacus (a.k.a. Judas Quiriacus; Christian; Saint)
Keith Haring (Artology)
Ma Zu (Birthday of Goddess of the Sea; Buddhism, Taoism)
May the 4th Be With you (Jedi Church)
Michal Giedroyc (Christian; Saint)
Monica of Hippo (Christian; Saint)
Pelagia of Tarsus (Christian; Virgin & Martyr)
Philopoemen (Positivist; Saint)
Sacerdos of Limoges (Christian; Saint)
Space Pirates Day (Pastafarian)
Star Wars Day (Pastafarian)
Thomas Dewing (Artology)
Tiberius Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Venerius of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Orthodox Christian Liturgical Calendar Holidays
Easter Saturday (Orthodox Christian) [Day before Easter] (a.k.a. ... 
Good Saturday (Cyprus)
Great Saturday
Holy Saturday (Georgia)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [27 of 71]
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (Trade Organization; 1927)
Accidents Will Happen, by Elvis Costello (Song; 1979)
The Avengers (Film; 2012)
The Barkleys of Broadway (Film; 1949)
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (Film; 2012)
Bloodline, by Sidney Sheldon (Novel; 1978)
Busy Buddies (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1956)
Cheese It, the Cat! (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
The Daily Mail (UK Newspaper; 1896)
The Death and Life of Great American Cities, by Jane Jacobs (Science Book; 1961)
The Final Problem, by Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes Story; 1891)
Finnegans Wake, by James Joyce (Novel; 1939)
Fun House (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1936)
Good Thing, by Leon Bridges (Album; 2018)
Happy Together (Film; 1990)
Hawaiian Pineapples (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1930)
Hot Turkey (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1930)
Hush My Mouse (WB LT Cartoon; 1946)
If You Had My Love, by Jennifer Lopez (Song; 1999)
The King’s Daughter (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1934)
A Lamb in a Jam (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1945)
Land of Lost Watches (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1951)
Leisure: The Basis of Culture, by Josef Pieper (Philosophy Book; 1948)
Luther (UK TV Series; 2010)
The Martian Chronicles, by Ray Bradbury (Novel; 1950)
Mother Goose Nightmare (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1945)
The Mummy Returns (Film; 2001)
The Naked and the Dead, by Norman Mailer (Novel; 1948)
Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story (TV Mini-Series; 2023)
RBG (Documentary Film; 2018)
Rid Of Me, by PJ Harvey (Album; 1993)
Sixteen Candles (Film; 1984)
The Skies of Peru, by Anne McCaffrey (Novel; 2001)
Spider-Man 3 (Film; 2007)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Animated TV Series; 2021)
Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! (Film; 1990)
Wampeters, Foma and Granfalloons, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (Essays; 1974)
Today’s Name Days
Florian, Guido, Valeria (Austria)
Cvijeta, Cvjetko, Florijan, Iskra, Silvije (Croatia)
Květoslav (Czech Republic)
Florian (Denmark)
Roosi, Rosalie, Saale, Saali, Sale (Estonia)
Roosa, Rosa, Ruusu (Finland)
Florian, Sylvain (France)
Florian, Guido, Valeria (Germany)
Melia, Pelagia (Greece)
Flórián, Mónika (Hungary)
Ada, Ciriaco, Efisio, Porfirio, Silvano (Italy)
Flora, Florians, Viola, Vizbulīte (Latvia)
Dargailas, Florijonas, Mintautė, Monika (Lithuania)
Mona, Monika (Norway)
Florian, Grzegorz, January, Michał, Monika, Paulin, Strzeżywoj (Poland)
Pelaghia (Romania)
Florián (Slovakia)
Florián, Godofredo (Spain)
Mona, Monika (Sweden)
Alvina, Eunice, June, Palahna, Una (Ukraine)
Mona, Monica, Monika, Monita, Monique, Web, Webb, Webster (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 125 of 2024; 241 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 18 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 21 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 26 (Wu-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 26 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 25 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 5 Magenta; Fryday [5 of 30]
Julian: 21 April 2024
Moon: 16%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 13 Caesar (5th Month) [Polybius]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 47 of 92)
Week: 1st Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 15 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 1 month
Holidays 5.4
Alice Goes Down the Rabbit Hole Day
Anti-Bullying Day
Battle of New York Anniversary Day (The Avengers)
Bird Day (US)
Cassinga Day (Namibia)
Cinco de Cuatro (in “Arrested Development”)
Coal Miners Day (India)
Compliment Someone's Smile Day
Dave Brubeck Day
Director’s Day (India)
Dodenherdenking (Remembrance of the Dead; 2 minutes of silence observed at 8 pm; Netherlands)
Firefighters’ Memorial Day (UK)
45 Day
Frustrating the Fairies Day (Ireland)
Greenery Day (a.k.a. Midori no Hi; Japan)
Hoary Shrubbery Stock Day
International Day of the Forest Firefighter
International Firefighters' Day
International Payroll Day
International Respect for Chickens Day
Journalistic Discrimination Awareness Day
Kent State Shootings Remembrance Day (Ohio)
K.I.N.D. Day (Kids in Need of Diapers)
Literary Day (China)
Maynard Ferguson Day
Memorial Day (Curacao)
Milan Rastislav Štefánik Day (Slovakia)
National Bialy Day
National Black Authors Day
National Day of reason
National Fitness Day
National FPIES Awareness Day
National Kids Fitness Day
National Library Legislative Day
National Portfolio Day
National Self-Employed Day
National Weather Observer's Day
Petite and Proud Day
Ramune Day (Japan)
Relationship Renewal Day
Remembrance Day for Martyrs and Disabled (Afghanistan)
Remembrance of the Dead (Dodenherdenking; Netherlands)
Renewal Day
Silkworm Day (French Republic)
Star Wars Day (a.k.a. Luke Skywalker Day)
St. Florian's Day (patron saint of brewers, coopers & barrel-makers)
TFMR Awareness Day (UK)
Waltzing Mathilda Day
Work At Home Day
World Give Day
Youth Day (China, Fiji)
ZZ Top Day (Texas)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bourbon Independence Day
Candied Orange Peel Day
National Orange Juice Day
1st Saturday in May
Beer Pong Day [1st Saturday]
Big Brew Day [1st Saturday]
Bladder Cancer Awareness Day [1st Saturday]
Childhood Stroke Awareness Day [1st Saturday]
Clun Green Man Festival begins (UK) [Saturday before 1st Monday in May]
Fête de l'iris (Brussels Region Day; Belgium) [Begins 1st Saturday]
Free Comic Book Day [1st Saturday]
Global Marijuana March Day [1st Saturday]
Green Up Day (Vermont) [1st Saturday]
Holland Tulip Time Festival begins (Michigan) [1st Saturday]
International Bags Day [1st Saturday]
International Drone Day [1st Saturday]
International Female Ride Day [1st Saturday]
International Women’s Mountain Biking Day [1st Saturday]
J-Day (Dunedin, Scotland) [1st Saturday, from High Noon until 4:20]
Join Hands Day [1st Saturday]
National Auctioneers Day [1st Saturday]
Kentucky Derby Day [1st Saturday]
Learn to Ride a Bike [1st Saturday]
Lemonade Day [1st Saturday]
Mariachi Day [1st Saturday]
National Auctioneers Day [1st Saturday]
National Bombshells’ Day [1st Saturday]
National Candied Orange Peel Day [1st Saturday]
National Childhood Strike Awareness Day [1st Saturday]
National Explosive Ordinance Disposal Day [1st Saturday]
National Fitness Day [1st Saturday]
National Front Yard Cookout Day [1st Saturday]
National Herb Day [1st Saturday; also Last Saturday in April]
National Homebrew Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
National Scrapbook Day [1st Saturday]
National Virginia Diverse Business Networking First Saturday [1st Saturday]
Pilates Day [1st Saturday]
Print Day in May [1st Saturday]
Satyr's Day (Silenus, Greek God of Beer Buddies and Drinking Companions) [1st Saturday of Each Month]
Start Seeing Monarchs Day [1st Saturday]
Wildlife Community Preparedness Day [1st Saturday]
World Ankylosing Spondylitis Day [1st Saturday]
World Beer Pong Day [1st Saturday]
World Fischbroetchen Day (Germany) [1st Saturday]
World Labyrinth Day [1st Saturday]
World Naked Gardening Day [1st Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 4 (1st Week)
National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend (thru 5.5)
Independence & Related Days
Ilagan Day (Philippines)
Klitzibürg (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Latvia (from USSR, 1990)
Natal (Proclaimed British Colony; 1843)
Rhode Island (from Great Britain, 1776)
Festivals Beginning May 4, 2024
Alive! Expo (Atlanta, Georgia) [thru 5.5]
Baltimore Kinetic Sculpture Race (Baltimore, Maryland)
The Bloody Mary Festival (Seattle, Washington)
Blues, Brews, and BBQ on the River (Historic Yorktown, Virginia)
Bodega Bay Fisherman's Festival (Bodega Bay, California) [thru 5.5]
Brighton Festival (Brighton, UK) [thru 5.26]
Brixton Disco Festival (London, UK)
Brussels Iris Festival (Brussels, Belgium) [thru 5.5]
Castroville Chamber Beer & Wine Fest (Castroville, Texas)
Chinoteague Seafood Festival (Chinoteague, Virginia)
Maifest (Amana Colonies, Iowa) [thru 5.5]
Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival (West Friendship, Maryland) [thru 5.5]
Medieval Market in Kungsträdgården (Stockholm, Sweden) [thru 5.5]
Mill Creek Spring Beer & Wine Walk (Mill Creek, Washington)
NW Indiana & Interstate Chili Cook-off (Merrillville, Indiana) [thru 5.5]
Oyster Feed (Ocosta, Washington)
Rochester Sweeps Festival (Rochester, UK) [thru 5.6]
Rouketopolemos (Rocket War; Vrontados, Greece)
Spring Town Point Virginia Wine Festival (Norfolk, Virginia) [thru 5.5]
Strawberry Festival (Lahaska, Pennsylvania) [thru 5.5]
Tennessee Renaissance Festival (Arrington, Williamson County, Tennessee) [thru 5.27]
Texarkana Twice as Fine Wine Festival (Texarkana, Texas)
Tulip Time Festival (Holland, Michigan) [thru 5.12]
Virginia Herb Festival (Middletown, Virginia) [thru 5.5]
Wein & Saengerfest (New Braunfels, Texas)
Wild Bacon Wine Trail (Hermann, Missouri) [thru 5.5]
Wine & Herb- May Weekend (Cayuga Lake , New York) [thru 5.5]
Wine on the Fox (Oswego, Illinois) [thru 5.5]
Feast Days
Andrew Dasburg (Artology)
Bona Dea (Old Roman odes of Women's Mysteries)
Cadi Haf (Celtic Book of Days)
Catherine of Parc-aux-Dames (Christian; Virgin)
Ceferino Giménez Malla (Christian; Saint)
Chewie the Cookie (Muppetism)
English Saints and Martyrs of the Reformation Era (Church of England)
Fairy Day (Everyday Wicca)
Fairy Ring Day (Giving; Shamanism)
Feast of the English & Welsh Martyrs (UK)
F.C.D. Wyneken (Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod)
Florian (Christian; Martyr) [Austria, barrel-makers, brewers, coopers]
François Gérard (Artology)
Franklin Carmichael (Artology)
Frederic Edwin Church (Artology)
Godehard (a.k.a. Gothard; Christian; Saint)
God of Medicine Day (Taiwan)
Gotthard of Hildesheim (Christian; Saint)
Gregory of Verucchino (Christian; Saint)
Ilmarinen’s Day (Pagan)
José María Rubio (Christian; Saint)
Judas Cyriacus (a.k.a. Judas Quiriacus; Christian; Saint)
Keith Haring (Artology)
Ma Zu (Birthday of Goddess of the Sea; Buddhism, Taoism)
May the 4th Be With you (Jedi Church)
Michal Giedroyc (Christian; Saint)
Monica of Hippo (Christian; Saint)
Pelagia of Tarsus (Christian; Virgin & Martyr)
Philopoemen (Positivist; Saint)
Sacerdos of Limoges (Christian; Saint)
Space Pirates Day (Pastafarian)
Star Wars Day (Pastafarian)
Thomas Dewing (Artology)
Tiberius Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Venerius of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Orthodox Christian Liturgical Calendar Holidays
Easter Saturday (Orthodox Christian) [Day before Easter] (a.k.a. ... 
Good Saturday (Cyprus)
Great Saturday
Holy Saturday (Georgia)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [27 of 71]
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (Trade Organization; 1927)
Accidents Will Happen, by Elvis Costello (Song; 1979)
The Avengers (Film; 2012)
The Barkleys of Broadway (Film; 1949)
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (Film; 2012)
Bloodline, by Sidney Sheldon (Novel; 1978)
Busy Buddies (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1956)
Cheese It, the Cat! (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
The Daily Mail (UK Newspaper; 1896)
The Death and Life of Great American Cities, by Jane Jacobs (Science Book; 1961)
The Final Problem, by Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes Story; 1891)
Finnegans Wake, by James Joyce (Novel; 1939)
Fun House (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1936)
Good Thing, by Leon Bridges (Album; 2018)
Happy Together (Film; 1990)
Hawaiian Pineapples (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1930)
Hot Turkey (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1930)
Hush My Mouse (WB LT Cartoon; 1946)
If You Had My Love, by Jennifer Lopez (Song; 1999)
The King’s Daughter (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1934)
A Lamb in a Jam (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1945)
Land of Lost Watches (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1951)
Leisure: The Basis of Culture, by Josef Pieper (Philosophy Book; 1948)
Luther (UK TV Series; 2010)
The Martian Chronicles, by Ray Bradbury (Novel; 1950)
Mother Goose Nightmare (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1945)
The Mummy Returns (Film; 2001)
The Naked and the Dead, by Norman Mailer (Novel; 1948)
Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story (TV Mini-Series; 2023)
RBG (Documentary Film; 2018)
Rid Of Me, by PJ Harvey (Album; 1993)
Sixteen Candles (Film; 1984)
The Skies of Peru, by Anne McCaffrey (Novel; 2001)
Spider-Man 3 (Film; 2007)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Animated TV Series; 2021)
Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! (Film; 1990)
Wampeters, Foma and Granfalloons, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (Essays; 1974)
Today’s Name Days
Florian, Guido, Valeria (Austria)
Cvijeta, Cvjetko, Florijan, Iskra, Silvije (Croatia)
Květoslav (Czech Republic)
Florian (Denmark)
Roosi, Rosalie, Saale, Saali, Sale (Estonia)
Roosa, Rosa, Ruusu (Finland)
Florian, Sylvain (France)
Florian, Guido, Valeria (Germany)
Melia, Pelagia (Greece)
Flórián, Mónika (Hungary)
Ada, Ciriaco, Efisio, Porfirio, Silvano (Italy)
Flora, Florians, Viola, Vizbulīte (Latvia)
Dargailas, Florijonas, Mintautė, Monika (Lithuania)
Mona, Monika (Norway)
Florian, Grzegorz, January, Michał, Monika, Paulin, Strzeżywoj (Poland)
Pelaghia (Romania)
Florián (Slovakia)
Florián, Godofredo (Spain)
Mona, Monika (Sweden)
Alvina, Eunice, June, Palahna, Una (Ukraine)
Mona, Monica, Monika, Monita, Monique, Web, Webb, Webster (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 125 of 2024; 241 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 18 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 21 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 26 (Wu-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 26 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 25 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 5 Magenta; Fryday [5 of 30]
Julian: 21 April 2024
Moon: 16%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 13 Caesar (5th Month) [Polybius]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 47 of 92)
Week: 1st Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 15 of 31)
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bethany-thinking · 1 month
Why All the Fear about Background Checks?
The other day I was peacefully browsing the internet. Okay, maybe not. I was on Christian Twitter and that's always a bit of a train wreck. While reading the feed, I came across a link to this article titled Reasons to Oppose Background Checks in the PCA written by a SC teaching elder, Christopher Brown and published by The Aquila Report. Since I have a horrible habit of reading things that I probably should just ignore, I clicked the link. After all, I was a bit curious, what could possibly be the reasons why you wouldn't want background checks. I mean background checks are a base level check and fairly standard for any place that employs people that are going to work with minors or other at-risk individuals. Plus, it's becoming more obvious from the news each day that churches need to be more careful who they hire and allow around minors. So, are you curious about what the reasons are for believing that "'requiring' background checks for elders and deacons is both unwise and unbiblical"? Also, note that the populations most at danger from sexual assault criminals (women & children) have no voice or vote on this decision. That makes articles like this even more dangerous. Reason #1: "Background checks do not indicate a man's Christian character or fitness of ministry." Brown's reasoning starts with the premise that while some in the PCA believe that background checks are helpful in determining whether a man fits the qualifications listed in 1 Timothy or Titus that because these qualifications are "spiritual" and "moral" but not "legal" and because they only determine the "past" and not the "present" that they aren't biblical. In fact, after creating a scenario about a man who has a marijuana record from seven years ago that might cause him to experience "prejudice, Brown then compares this fictional character to the Apostle Paul. I would love to meet the person that thinks that background checks are going to be a fully adequate way to ensure that someone is safe and a good fit to be a pastor. Background checks are just one way of gaining potential information that someone is not safe. Of course background checks should be combined with intensive interviews, attention to red flags in the interview process, and character references, plus policies and education in order to recognize abuse or harmful people in the church. It's interesting that Brown chooses marijuana instead of the many non-debatable reasons why churches should conduct a background check such as checking for recorded domestic abuse, violence, sexual assault, theft, or any other crimes that could place a church's members in danger. The Paul illustration is dangerous because there are countless stories of churches ignoring facts about people's past such as allowing people with known accusations of sexual assault access to minors. Churches love stories of people with a checkered past coming to Jesus. This point though makes you wonder if Brown thinks it's best if the church just doesn't know what exactly the past is and that should scare all of us.
Reason #2: "The use of background checks can lead to entanglement with the civil magistrate in approving ordained leaders."
There is only one paragraph here because it starts this point with saying the consequence is "clear". This clear consequence???? "the civil magistrate becomes involved in the church’s vetting of elders and deacons." I feel sort of odd even trying to rebut this because I think the average person understands the difference between the church requesting a bit of documentation as part of the hiring process and the church asking the state to approve it's ordination. According to Brown, a background check means "the church must necessarily involve the magistrate, however indirectly, in the ordination of leaders". Even the word "indirect" in this point is a stretch. Reason #3: "Rationale given for mandatory background checks is tenuous, at best."
This is Brown's longest point. Seriously, after those first two tenuous points telling you the other side is tenuous is where he decides to invest his energy. He first points to Ohio Presbytery's justification of the background check to further bolster looking at the moral character of candidates. Brown argues that a background check doesn't do this. In a way, Brown is right. Nobody should perform a background check and if it comes back clear just assume that is a stamp of good behavior.
I think it's safe to assume thought that the average person would actually like to know if their potential new pastor hire has a sexual assault or violent crime record before hiring them. A background check is just information that a person should be disclosing in the interview process anyway.
Brown then says that a background check wouldn't reveal an abusive leader because past actions can't tell us whether they would be abusive (again pointing to the apostle Paul). I would like to ask Brown if he thinks that the church should be gathering any information about someone's past. You can still judge someone in the present while taking into account their past.
Brown then makes a point about spiritual exams not having legal consequences and background checks having legal consequences. I'm not sure I understand his reasoning on how conducting a background check affects someone legally but maybe I'm just not following Brown there.
Then he states that the Ohio's insistence on binding ministers to a background check is unbiblical because we are only bound to only the Word of God. Martin Luther gets pulled in as dying for this principle to give a little extra punch to this point. Is the PCA a bunch of Baptists now? Presbyterians love rules and binding people to stuff outside the Bible like The Westminister Confession of Faith. Brown interestingly gives the example of the Book of Church Order as something that can err in contrast to the Word of God. Last I checked, that was binding for the PCA.
His last points are that requiring background checks is an effort to "please the world and state". A rhetorical question asking if there is any data that the PCA leadership is full of people with criminal pasts, and then a admonition that we are to be "separate from the world". He does also state that if the church did their job with church discipline background checks would not be necessary. Based on his article though you are left with the impression that Brown doesn't really consider abuse to be an issue in the church that needs to be watched for and guarded against.
My big questions:
How is learning about something in someone's past more dangerous than choosing to not even look to see if there is something in their past?
Why would anyone want our way of distinguishing ourselves as Christians to be not performing base level security processes especially for people that interact regularly and in private settings with the elderly, vulnerable adults, and children?
Why all the fear about background checks? What do they think these background checks are going to reveal? Brown made a point that he doesn't really think the church has the types of people in leadership that would flag so why is he so worried.
The real question should be not if the church should have mandatory background checks, but what else the church should be doing to try to weed out abusive and dangerous people from being in church leadership.
The real danger is not mandatory background checks, it's thinking that mandatory background checks are enough.
0 notes
Over six months ago, Denton voters passed a proposition that would put an end to arrests and citations for certain marijuana possession cases. Tonight, the Denton City Council chose to ignore the will of the voters.
On Tuesday night, the city council finally faced a vote that would address marijuana possession in relation to the investigation of felony-level narcotics cases designated as high-priority or involving violence.
More than 30 people spoke before the vote including several Denton police officers who say marijuana possession cases lead to searches which helps combat illegal guns and gang activity.
But supporters of marijuana use say it's harmless and that there are legitimate and therapeutic applications for both clinical conditions and stresses of modern life.
Ultimately, the council voted 4-3 against adopting the ordinance that would have decriminalized marijuana in Denton. The Mayor insisted that police officers still have the discretion not to cite or arrest for marijuana possession but advocates want more assurance they won't be prosecuted.
11 notes · View notes
koosweed · 1 month
Same-day Cannabis Delivery in New Jersey
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koos Dispensary
The advent of same-day cannabis delivery in New Jersey marks a significant milestone for both medical and recreational users in the state. With the legalization of recreational marijuana, residents can now enjoy the convenience of having their preferred products delivered right to their doorstep. This service not only simplifies the purchasing process but also ensures privacy and compliance with state regulations. In this article, we'll explore the intricacies of New Jersey's cannabis delivery services, the ease of ordering for same-day delivery, and how to navigate the online ordering systems, among other aspects.
Key Takeaways
Same-day cannabis delivery services in New Jersey offer a wide range of products, including flower, edibles, pre-rolls, concentrates, and vapes, with the promise of convenience and discretion.
Residents of New Jersey can easily order their cannabis online or via text or call, and track their delivery in real-time, ensuring a hassle-free experience.
Legal requirements for cannabis delivery include being over the age of 21 for recreational use and possessing a valid medical card for medical patients.
Delivery services are expanding across New Jersey, with cities like Atlantic City, Jersey City, and Newark among those currently offering these services.
Ensuring a safe and secure delivery experience is paramount, with verification and ID checks, privacy measures, and customer support being integral components of the service.
Understanding New Jersey's Cannabis Delivery Services
New Jersey's cannabis delivery services offer a convenient way to purchase marijuana legally within the state. The process is straightforward and designed to comply with local regulations. For those eligible, it involves selecting products online, tracking the delivery, and receiving the order discreetly at your doorstep.
How It Works: Begin by entering your address or zip code to find local cannabis delivery options. After placing an order, customers can track their delivery status until the final step of accepting the delivery, where ID and payment will be required.
Legal Framework: New Jersey has established a legal framework that allows for the delivery of both medical and recreational cannabis. Notably, the state's recreational cannabis law harmonizes with federal law, ensuring that local ordinances, such as the 2021 ordinance allowing cannabis retailers and delivery services, do not conflict with national regulations.
Service Providers: A variety of service providers operate within New Jersey, offering a range of cannabis products. These providers adhere to state guidelines, such as the limitation of delivering no more than one ounce of usable cannabis per transaction, as stipulated by N.J. Admin. Code § 17:30-15.2.
While the availability of recreational weed delivery is expanding, medical marijuana delivery is already accessible in numerous cities across New Jersey. This service enhances the accessibility of cannabis for those who need it, whether for medical or recreational purposes.
The Convenience of Same-Day Marijuana Delivery
Ordering Process
In New Jersey, the process of ordering cannabis for same-day delivery is designed to be straightforward and user-friendly. Customers can browse a variety of products online, including flower, edibles, and vapes, and place their order through a dispensary's website or by direct communication via text or call. The ease of ordering is complemented by the convenience of having products delivered directly to your door.
Visit the dispensary's website or use their app
Select the desired cannabis products
Add items to your cart
Submit your order
Delivery Tracking
Once an order is placed, customers can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with real-time delivery tracking. Dispensaries utilize advanced systems to keep you informed of your order's status from the moment it leaves the facility until it arrives at your doorstep. This transparency ensures that you are always in the loop and can plan your schedule accordingly.StatusDescriptionOrder PlacedConfirmation of order submissionIn TransitDelivery is en route to your locationDeliveredOrder has arrived at your destination
Discreet Packaging
Discretion is a key aspect of cannabis delivery services. Providers ensure that your privacy is maintained by using unmarked packaging that gives no indication of its contents. This allows for a worry-free experience, especially for those who prefer to keep their cannabis use private.
Packaging that blends in with regular mail
No branding or labels that reveal contents
Secure packaging to protect your order
The best part? Your order will be delivered safely, efficiently, and discreetly to your door… all in the same day!
Navigating the Online Ordering System
How It Works
The online ordering system for cannabis delivery in New Jersey is designed to be user-friendly and efficient. Customers can easily enter their address or zip code to start shopping for cannabis delivery. The process typically involves browsing a menu, selecting products, and proceeding to checkout. Here's a simple breakdown:
Enter your address or zip code.
Browse the menu and select products.
Add items to your cart.
Proceed to checkout.
Legal Framework
New Jersey's cannabis delivery services operate within a strict legal framework to ensure compliance with state laws. Customers must be 21+ with a valid ID to place an order. The legal disclaimer is clear: nothing is for sale on the website, and no payment or transaction is done online.
Service Providers
Several service providers offer cannabis delivery in New Jersey, each with its own unique menu and special offers. For instance, customers in Belleville, East Orange, and Newark can order cannabis online from local platforms that cater to their area. It's important to choose a reputable service that provides fast delivery of marijuana, prerolls, CBD, edibles, and vapes.
When selecting a service provider, consider their product range, delivery speed, and customer reviews to ensure a satisfactory experience.
Medical & Recreational Cannabis: Delivery at Your Doorstep
Patient Requirements
In New Jersey, patients registered with the state's Medicinal Marijuana Program (MMP) can enjoy the convenience of having their prescribed cannabis delivered directly to them. Patients must provide valid identification and a valid MMP card to place an order. The process is designed to ensure that only qualified patients receive their medication in a timely and secure manner.
Adult-Use Deliveries
Adult-use cannabis consumers, who are 21 years of age or older, can also benefit from same-day delivery services. A valid government-issued ID is required to verify age and eligibility. The state permits a certain quantity of cannabis to be purchased and delivered, ensuring that all transactions comply with New Jersey's cannabis regulations.
Delivery Eligibility
To be eligible for cannabis delivery in New Jersey, both medical patients and recreational users must meet minimum order requirements, typically around $75. Additionally, they must be physically present to receive their order, with payment and ID on hand. It's important to note that delivery areas may be limited, so checking with local service providers for availability is crucial.
The ease of ordering online and the anticipation of a delivery arriving at your doorstep has made cannabis delivery an increasingly popular option in New Jersey.
Order Online: Enter your address or zip code to begin.
Track Your Delivery: Stay informed about the status of your order.
Accept Your Delivery: Be ready with your payment and ID.
Remember, if you're not home when the delivery arrives or if you encounter any issues with your order, customer care teams are available to assist you.
Exploring Local Cannabis Delivery Options in New Jersey
Cities with Delivery Services
New Jersey offers a variety of cities where cannabis delivery services are operational. Medical marijuana delivery is widely available, and efforts are ongoing to expand recreational weed delivery statewide. Notable cities with such services include Atlantic City, Camden, and Jersey City, among others.
Atlantic City
Jersey City
Toms River
Choosing the Right Service
Selecting the right cannabis delivery service is crucial for a satisfactory experience. Look for services that offer fast, same-day delivery like Doobie in Lakewood, and ensure they cater to both your medical and recreational needs. It's also advisable to consider cash-only options like EZA for convenience.
Special Offers and Discounts
To attract customers, many delivery services provide special offers and discounts. Keep an eye out for deals that can make your purchase more affordable. Signing up for newsletters or alerts from your preferred dispensaries can keep you informed about the latest promotions.
Remember, only an adult aged 21 years old or older can place an order for weed delivery in New Jersey, and medical marijuana patients must have a valid medical card to place a medical cannabis delivery order.
Comprehensive Guide to Products Available for Delivery
Flower and Pre-Rolls
Cannabis flower and pre-rolls are the most traditional forms of marijuana and remain popular for their simplicity and variety. Customers can choose from a range of strains, each with its own profile of effects, flavors, and potency. Here's a quick look at the options:
Sativa: Known for its energizing effects.
Indica: Preferred for relaxation and sleep.
Hybrid: A balance of Sativa and Indica traits.
CBD-dominant: Less psychoactive effects, more therapeutic benefits.
Edibles and Concentrates
Edibles and concentrates offer a discrete and potent alternative to smoking. Edibles come in numerous forms, including gummies, chocolates, and beverages, while concentrates are available as oils, waxes, and shatters. The table below summarizes their characteristics:TypeOnset TimeDurationPotencyEdibles30-90 min4-8 hoursModerateConcentrates5-15 min2-6 hoursHigh
Vapes and Accessories
Vaping has become a popular method of cannabis consumption due to its convenience and reduced odor. Vape cartridges come pre-filled with cannabis oil, available in various strains and potencies. Accessories such as batteries, chargers, and carrying cases are also available to enhance the vaping experience.
Remember to always verify the compatibility of your vape accessories with the cartridges you purchase.
Ensuring a Safe and Secure Delivery Experience
Ensuring the safety and security of cannabis delivery is paramount for both customers and service providers in New Jersey. Verification and ID checks are a critical step in the process, ensuring that only eligible individuals receive their orders. Customers should be prepared to show valid identification upon delivery to confirm their age and eligibility.
Verification and ID Checks
Present valid government-issued ID
Confirm order details match ID information
Age verification for compliance with state laws
Privacy and Security Measures
Service providers in New Jersey take privacy and security seriously, implementing measures to protect customer information. Packaging is often discreet, and transactions are handled with care to maintain confidentiality.
Discreet packaging to maintain privacy
Secure payment methods
Data protection protocols
Customer Support
In case of any issues or concerns, robust customer support is available. Customers can reach out for assistance with orders, delivery tracking, or any other inquiries related to their cannabis delivery experience.
Accessible support channels
Assistance with order and delivery issues
Proactive communication regarding delivery status
Ensuring a seamless delivery experience involves multiple layers of security and support, reflecting the commitment of New Jersey's cannabis industry to uphold high standards of service.
The advent of same-day cannabis delivery in New Jersey marks a significant milestone in the state's cannabis industry, offering unparalleled convenience and accessibility to consumers. With a variety of services providing discreet and efficient delivery of a wide range of cannabis products, from flowers and edibles to concentrates and vapes, residents of the Garden State can now enjoy the benefits of legal marijuana without the need to visit a dispensary. Whether you're a medical patient or a recreational user, the seamless process of ordering online, tracking your delivery, and receiving your products at your doorstep ensures a hassle-free experience. As the network of cities offering these services continues to expand, New Jersey sets a precedent for the future of cannabis consumption and distribution.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is same-day cannabis delivery available throughout New Jersey?
Same-day cannabis delivery is available in many cities across New Jersey, with services expanding as regulations permit. It's best to check with local providers or online platforms like Leafly and Doobie to see if your area is covered.
Can both medical and recreational cannabis be delivered in New Jersey?
Yes, both medical and recreational cannabis can be delivered in New Jersey. Medical marijuana patients must have a valid medical card, while recreational users must be aged 21 years or older.
How do I order cannabis for delivery in New Jersey?
To order cannabis for delivery in New Jersey, you can shop online through various dispensaries' websites, use apps, or contact them directly via text or call. Enter your address or zip code, select your products, and complete the checkout process.
Are there any delivery fees for cannabis delivery in New Jersey?
Delivery fees for cannabis in New Jersey vary by service provider. Some offer free same-day delivery, while others may charge a fee. It's important to review the delivery terms before placing an order.
What types of cannabis products can I have delivered in New Jersey?
In New Jersey, you can have a variety of cannabis products delivered, including flower, edibles, pre-rolls, concentrates, vapes, and accessories. Availability may vary by delivery service.
How is my privacy protected when ordering cannabis delivery in New Jersey?
Cannabis delivery services in New Jersey take privacy seriously, offering discreet packaging and secure online shopping experiences. They also adhere to verification and ID checks to ensure safe and legal delivery.
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absmarchive · 2 months
Beto O'Rourke visits campus, 'proud of Denton' for marijuana ordinance
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ballynews420 · 3 months
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In a Facebook post Sunday, Township Council Vice President Margot Harris wrote, "the cannabis ordinance is being removed from the agenda in order for the committee members to do a deeper study into the concerns of the residents."
In an email, Harris said the Council wants to re-examine locations for proposed dispensaries.
Previously Edison decided marijuana establishments would be permitted in the area of Raritan Center, southeast of Woodbridge Avenue between Amboy Avenue and Mill Road, except for areas zoned for any class of residential use or within 1,000 feet of them.
Marijuana businesses are prohibited in all other township zones.
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vegasgogreen · 4 months
Lumberton leaders approve medical marijuana ordinance - WJTV
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