#Marinete is Tony Stark's Kid
agentofscifi · 4 years
Super Genius Ch. 3
I march my way through the complex, ignoring the stares off all of the Avengers. My Dad is biting into a bagel as I stop next to him. He swallows quickly. “Happy Birthday Kiddo!”  
I feel my eye twitch. “Peter, Peni, Miles, Anya, and Gwen have all been bitten by radioactive spiders. MJ and Ned seem to be some sort of Superhero backup. Riri and Harley recreated your tech in garages. Are any of these kids normal?”  
My Dad flushes. “How’s you find out?”  
“Peter got surprised, jumped, landed on the ceiling and then stayed there! This is not normal!”  
My Dad opens and closes his mouth. “I can explain!”  
I raise an eyebrow. “Explain what? How every one of your new interns is either helping a superhero, is a superhero, or is on their way to being a Superhero? What is this, the Junior Avengers?”  
My Dad rolls his eyes. “I haven’t coined a name yet, and don’t you mean everyone but you?”  
I raise an eyebrow. “Maybe.” It didn’t matter as much now. My parents in France were told about me being Ladybug after I became the Guardian. The kids all already knew. Harley had looked in my bag for my charging cord last night only to find Tikki. This would be when Peter freaked out and got stuck on the ceiling. Giant talking bugs were not normal in New York, according to Peter. Either way, my superhero ID had already known to the rest of the kids.  
My Dad does a double take. “What does “maybe” mean?”  
I shrug. “Maybe means that I was given a pair of magical earrings with a tiny goddess that’s attached to them when I was 12 and that I’ve been fighting a magical terrorist for the past 3 years while in Paris.”  
Everyone is looking at me once again. My Father is blinking rapidly. “This is a joke, right?”  
Tikki suddenly pops up in the air next to me. “Hi, I’m Tikki! I’m the Ladybug Kawami.”  
A disheveled Clint looks up from his cup of coffee before slowly grabbing a newspaper and rolling it up. “Stark, don’t move. There’s a giant floating bug.”  
I reach forward and snatch the newspaper from his hand. “She’s a goddess.”  
Clint closes his eyes slowly. “So, no huge bug bites from the giant floating bug goddess?”  
I resist the urge to facepalm. “No, there won’t be any bug bites. Drink your coffee.” Clint nods and slowly starts to sip on his coffee again.  
My Dad clears his throat. “Magical terrorist?”  
“Who uses evil butterflies to possess people.”  
My Dad stares at me then looks to the ceiling. “FRIDAY? Is my daughter on drugs?”  
“No, Mr. Stark. Further research has turned up a few blogs and news articles speaking of Ladybug, Chat Noir, and several other heroes fighting a Hawkmoth and Mayura.”  
My Dad furrows his brow. “Is Paris on drugs?”  
I roll my eyes. “No, Dad. This is not the point. Are you, or are you not, starting some kind of Junior Justice League?”  
My father gives me a playful glare. “Mari, you know me. I’m just mentoring.”  
“So you are starting a Junior Justice League.” I throw my hands into the air. “You have got to be kidding me!”  
“Marinette!” My Dad is whining now, like a child.  
I roll my eyes and decide to skip out on the rest of my questions involving my Father’s collection of teenage superheroes. “Dinner with Pepper, Rodney, and Happy tonight?”  
He smiles. “Of course, at your favorite restaurant!”  
I peak him on the cheek. “Love you Dad!” I twist around on my heels and hit the button for the elevator.  
Sam blinks as I step into the elevator. Tikki waves at Sam, who hesitantly waves back. “What’s with the floating giant bug in the elevator?”  
“The tiny goddess attached to Tony’s kid’s earrings that she used to fight a magical terrorist in France that’s possessing people with butterflies.” Natasha leans back in her seat, sipping on a cup of coffee.  
Sam rubs his eyes and looks back at Tikki, who is still waving cheekily. “I’m going back to bed.”  
The elevator door closes as Sam turns back around to go to bed.  
A few seconds later I end up back in the Teen living room. Harley looks up as I walk back in. “So, are we the Junior Justice League?”  
“Yup. You guys ready for today?”  
Ned briefly throws his hands up in the air. “5 Days of Star Wars in less than 24 hours!”  
MJ rolls her eyes as she finishes up the shopping list. “It’s 7 days Ned. We need to sleep.”  
“Sleep is for the weak!” Peni sitting on top of her robot, her spider resting on her shoulder.  
Anya sighs and runs a hand over her face. “I cannot believe I am doing this.”  
My mouth splits wide open. “Doing what Anya? Adding an AI to the Avengers Tower, freeing ourselves of the Baby Monitors, and rebelling form the man upstairs.”  
Gwen looks over the back of the couch with a raised eyebrow. “Is the man your father?”  
“Yes and if he was in my shoes, he’d be doing the exact same thing.”  
Gwen shrugs. “Probably.”  
“I’m sorry!” Peter looks around at all of us. “Are we all just going to go with the tiny goddess living in our...apartment, the girl with magical earrings, and the terrorist in Paris with magical butterflies possessing people?”  
“Peter,” Miles looks up from the sketch book in his hand. “There's a wizard with a semi-sentiate cape living in New York. The tiny goddess makes more sense than the cape. The evil butterflies, I’ll give you that. That’s just weird.”  
I click my tongue. “Says the kid who developed invisibility after being bitten by a spider. That’s weird.”  
Miles holds his hands up. “Agree to disagree.” He reaches down and holds up his paper. It was done in colored pencil, but was drawn as if it was spray painted. It was a large yin-yang symbol, however, a spider sat in the Yin circle of the Yang side and the arc reactor symbol sat in the Yang circle of the Yin side. “What do you think?”  
“I think we need to add spray paint to the shopping list. We have our symbol of rebellion.”  
Harley shrugs again. “Or the symbol of our Junior Avengers?”  
Riri glares up at Harley. “Way to ruin the moment, country boy.”  
Back in Paris  
Lila’s POV  
Alya squeals as Miss. Bustier smiles before the collection of students. Technically, Lycée was out for the year, but after months of fundraising and paperwork, the Akuma Class of Lycée Françoise Dupont was attending the International Technology Showcase in Washington D.C. in 2 months. A sizable anonymous donation was sent to the school. I had already spun a story telling all of my sheep that Tony Stark sent the money so that we could see the Showcase in D.C.  
Max had already planned on attending the showcase this summer, as he was showing off a computer program of his. With the announcement that the school would be covering the rest of the trip, several other students in the class were considering adding their own inventions to the showcase. I would have to whip something up and then maybe I’d be able to catch the eye of someone at the showcase. Science wasn’t where I wanted to end up, but winning some award at a huge competition for a bunch of nerds would look great on my portfolio.  
I give a loud sigh. “This sounds great, but unfortunately, my designs went missing. I had this amazing idea that I worked out with Tony Stark. The equations and blueprints disappeared out of my bag on the last day of school.” 3, 2, 1, and!  
Alya gasps. “I bet it was Marinette, just like your laptop Lila!”  
“Did you ever go to the police, Lila?” Rose is giving me one of those obnoxious smiles.  
“I tried, but since I didn’t have any proof, they said they couldn’t do much. Marinette must have reset the tablet.” I give a few sniffs as the class tries to comfort me.  
“You know, I bet if we told Marinette’s parents they’d believe us!” Alya stands up from the benches just outside the school. “I bet they’ll force Marientte to give back Lila’s laptop.”  
A brief wave of shock rolls over me. That was something I hadn’t considered yet, turning Ms. Goodie-Tooshoe’s parents against her. The iPad idea might not work alone, but with all the other stories I had made up, I could probably convince them. “Well, if you think it’s the best thing to do.”  
The whole class makes their way over to the bakery, Alya at the lead. I let the class escort me over, as if I didn’t want to be bothering the two bakers.  
Alya slams open the front door, the bell’s ring catching the attention of the two people behind the register, as well as the woman attempting to order. Both of Marientte’s parents give the class smiles, however, they seem hesitant. “Hello kids,” Marinette’s mother waves to us. “I’ll be with you in a second.”  
Alya, instead, marches her way towards the counter and pushes the woman aside. “Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, we have something important to talk to you about!”  
Said woman’s smile falls instantly as the other woman rubs her side. I immediately knew this wouldn’t go to plan. I’d have to adapt to get things my way. “Alya, I’m with a customer. It will have to wait a few minutes.”  
Alya rolls her eyes. “This is more important. Where’s Marinette?”  
Mrs. Dupain-Cheng crosses her arms over her chest. “Marinette isn’t here. What is this all about?”  
“Mari’s been bullying Lila!” Alya points back to me and I give a small wave. “She’s stolen things from her, called her a liar, has sent mean texts, and just a few days ago, she took Lila’s iPad and some tech plans Lila worked out with Tony Stark.”  
Marinette’s parents share a look before her mother bursts out laughing. Alya rears back her head in shock and I can’t even hide my surprise. Mrs. Dupain-Cheng looks back at us. “Marinette didn’t steal any tech plans. She doesn’t need to.”  
Alya opens and closes her mouth a few times. “What! Of course she does! She’s a complete scatterbrain.”  
Mrs. Dupain-Cheng’s eyes darken. “My daughter skipped a year of school and still had the best grades in your class, hell, in your year. She managed to have these top grades while juggling her class’ work, class representative duties and all of your outrageous requests that were usual last minute and always free.”  
Several of my classmates are red or pale after those words. This was not going my way at all. I give Marinette’s mother a big smile. “Well, that’s what friends do, they help each other.”  
Mrs. Dupain-Cheng raises an eyebrow. “Right. I suppose this is why my daughter spent countless nights and hundreds of euros on fabrics for commission she was never paid for. Or, why Marinette was told she’d be babysitting three little kids for free while their older siblings went on dates with the money their parents gave them for babysitting. Or why she was told she was being selfish everytime she tried to ask for help.”  
I let my smile fall. This was not going to plan at all. “She stole things from Lila!” Alya has a look of disbelief on her face. “She stole important work. So what if Marinette’s a year ahead. Max still has way better grades than her. You’ll see next year when we restart classes.”   
Max’s chest puffs out in pride. I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes. Mrs. Dupain-Cheng just raises an eyebrow. “Go to the police then, if my daughter has stolen something. As for next year, Marinette graduated Lycée last week after years of working ahead. She’s attending MIT in the fall.”  
This could not be happening. Adrien looks at Marinette’s mother with shocked eyes. “Why didn’t she tell us?”  
At the same time Alya screams. “What!”  
The eyebrow is raised even high. “Because you told my daughter that you weren’t friends with her anymore. Now, you had barged into my shop, pushed a client, and rudely interrupted a sale. Please leave!”  
“Now!” The class scurried out the door, me along with them. Marinette’s mother looked truly angry.  
We all stand outside the shop, several of my sheep looking completely confused. Since when was Ms. Goodie-Goodie smart enough to graduate two years early?  
I huff and I slowly make my way up the staircase of the Dupain-Cheng home. I need something for this showcase and if Marientte is as smart as her mother says she is, then she’d have something. I managed to pick the lock of the bakery and make my way up to the attic that Marinette called a room.  
It was bare. That was the best way to describe the room. All of the walls were empty of decorations. The desk had nothing on it either. All that was left was the basic furniture and the sheets on the bed. I try all of the desk drawers and even under the bed, nothing. Then, I remember it the board Alya told me about. The schedule of Adrien’s that Marinette had kept.  
I rooted around at the edge of the bed until I found it. The edge of the board. Smiling, I pull it all the way down. It was several layers of plans on top of each other. There were details about several apps, some green projects and well as some super resistant fabric for firefighters. What really caught my eye was the equations and blue prints for a small device that would wirelessly charge any device in a 50 radius. I snap photos of all layers of plans. If I could get this stuff out there, I could make thousands, and all with the help of Marinette. The only issue would be if Marinette came after me for stealing her work. Who was I kidding, that wouldn’t be an issue. I’d just shed some tears and tell everyone about Marinette’s bullying. I had school records to back me up. It’s not like anyone would believe her if she said she did the work.  
New York City
Marinette’s POV
I click my tongue as a notification pops up on my phone. After Chloe had broken into my room I’d set up security cameras and motion sensor alerts in case anyone else tried something. A good idea seeing as Lila was currently picking at things in my room. I raise an eyebrow as she pulls down my chart and starts to take photos of my inventions on there.  
“Everything alright?” Riri stops at shoulder and looks over at the phone. “What is she doing?”  
“She is taking photos of my ideas. The coding for a few apps, blueprints for some green energy things, the information required for my super resistant firefighter fabric and an invention I got a patent back on last week. It goes on sale in a month with Stark Industries.”  
“Cool. How does she expect to get away with this?”   
“Didn’t you hear!” I pick up an overly fake fangirl tone of voice. “It’s Lila Rossi! She’s Ladybug’s best friend, she saved Jagged Stone’s kitten, she does all kinds of environmental charities with Prince Ali, she helps the Avengers and all while having arthritis, sprained ankles and wrists, and tinnitus that switches ears every few hours.”  
Peter stops in the middle of the living room, a look of complete confusion on his face. “I thought Jagged Stone had a crocodile?”  
“He does Peter.”  
“Since when does Tinnitus switch ears?” Peter is still confused.  
“Since she saved Jagged Stone’s cat from an airplane.”  
Harley snorts from the edge of the kitchen. “This sounds like fantasy.”  
I groan. “You’d think, but my class all believes her. Max made a freaking A.I robot, with emotions, but believes that a paper napkin could cut his eye. He wears glasses.”  
“What did Hawkmoth lower your class’ IQs or something?” Anya settles down into the nest we had made in the past hour.  
“A leading theory.”  
The phone rings with a facetime request. I hit the accept button and my father’s face pops up with a stack of papers in his hands. “What is this?”  
I raise an eyebrow. “You got our declaration of independence.”  
My father looks unimpressed. “What is this?”  
Riri is grinning next to me. “Our declaration of independence.”  
“What does that mean?” I can’t but laugh at the confused expression on my Dad’s face.   
Harley pops up on my other shoulder. “No baby monitoring protocols!”  
“Junk food all day!” Miles yells from his spot.  
“No bedtime!” Peni is cheering. Sometimes I forget how young she is.  
There’s laughing in the background from my father’s end. “Tony, are the kids beating you up?” I recognize Bucky’s voice in the background.  
My father ignores the comment. “How did you block FRIDAY?”  
“Simple, I added in my own AI. I left the backdoor open years ago.”  
“You have an AI?” My father’s face is torn between confusion and pride.  
“JADA. Junior Avengers Defying Adults.”  
“Mari!” My Dad is whining again.  
“You have 5-6 days to review our Declaration, we will be occupied during this time. We have a lawyer, for the record.”  
“Do I want to know what you’ll be doing?”  
“Star Wars marathon. All 12 movies, along with all 7 seasons of Clone Wars, the first season of the Bad Batch, all 4 seasons of Rebels, and the two seasons of The Mandalorian. If we don’t sleep, it’s roughly 7711 minutes of Star Wars, which is 128 hours and 31 minutes or 5 days and eight hours. So, when you see us again is entirely dependent on how long we can go without sleep.”  
“I worry about you sometimes.”  
“ I’ve got to go. Ned just put in the first film.”
“Just one question. What is on the floor behind you?”  
I looked over my shoulder at the nest that had been put together over the past hour. Riri was settling into her spot. “That’s 6 mattresses, 19 blankets, and about a dozen pillows.”  
“Couches are boring.”  
“Ok, now I’m worried about all of you.”  
“Goodbye Dad!”
Before ~~~~~~ Next
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