#Mark Sokol
starr-finn · 8 months
Payday 2 yandere HCs: Sokol
Warnings cuz we need them: Kidnapping, mentions of abuse, Vague hints at murder, hints at a forced relationship, mentions of manipulation, drugging, mentions of amputation, manipulation
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once again, carried away, just assume I did for all of them
Sokol is manipulative
He'll make you love him before he kidnaps you
He's such a sweet and loving boyfriend
Spoils the hell outta you
But behind the scenes, He's a stalker, obsessive, and possessive
Treats you like a goddess
Hides his possessiveness behind protectiveness
gives damn good cuddles
literally worships you
now onto the part you came for
Sokol kidnaps you by drugging you on a date to a bar and takes you to his house instead of yours
ties you up and waits for you to wake up
he gets a bit more violent now, but more so in threats
your his and his alone, and he'll make sure you know it
he does also cling to you
he holds you so tightly it's crazy
he just wants you with him all the time
holds your hands a lot
has killed all of your friends and cleared out your team of co-workers
has threatened to remove limbs, but would never do that
but he's so sweet it might give you a toothache
buys you one of his old hockey jerseys
buys you a bunch of cute stuffed animals too
bites at your neck a lot, it's a possession/marking thing
tries to make you feel as loved as he can out of guilt from kidnapping you
he will never hurt you despite his threats
he likes kissing your neck, forehead and jaw
texts you 24/7
calls you his baby, regardless of gender
sweet but deranged
will kill anyone for you
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Preparations for the Anaconda 23 Exercise in Poland TARNOBRZEG, NOWA DEBA, POLAND - MAY 06: United States Army M1A2 Abrams tank is seen during a military high-intensity training session of Anaconda 23 at Nowa Deba training ground, on May 6, 2023, in Nowa Deba, Poland. The Anakonda-23 exercise kick off in Nowa Deba, marking the pinnacle of the Polish Army's training calendar this year. From F-16 aircraft to W-3 SOKOL helicopters, GROM missile systems, RAK self-propelled mortars, KRAB howitzers, SPIKE anti-tank guided missiles, and LANGUSTA launchers used during the exercise. (Photo by Artur Widak)
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Payday 2 soulmates AU where the name of your soulmate appears tattooed on your body when you hit age 13.
Some cultures usher in the soulmark quietly, the gatherings intimate and family-only, while others turn it into a week-long celebration of colour and dancing and song.
Sokol never got to know the name of his soulmate.
It was a great Russian tradition to celebrate the appearance of the soul mark. As the sun set, Sokol's family watched in eager anticipation as his soul mark appeared. Sokol stood, shirtless, eyes dead ahead in quiet anticipation - he was excited, he was nervous, he was ready.
He felt it - like a tickle tracing over his sternum.
Then the whispers started.
Before he could so much as glance down, wondering what the hell was wrong, his father had snatched him by the arm and hauled him back to the house. His father spat foul curses that made Sokol want to cower and flee, but his father's grip on his wrist was like an iron manacle that kept him chained to the spot.
His father waited until the iron was blazing hot before pressing it into his son's flesh.
Sokol writhed and screamed, his every nerve ending ablaze in an agony so intense he collapsed to the floor, vision failing as he lost consciousness.
His father never treated him the same way after that. Whenever Sokol tried to ask about his soul mark he was hushed & reminded by his mother's wide, pleading eyes not to mention it around his father.
It hurt to think that his father's pride was more important than his soul-given right to the knowledge he was entitled to.
Many years later when he joined the Payday gang, the subject came up and Sokol revealed what had happened to him, raising his shirt to show off the discoloured scars.
Hoxton swore beneath his breath. Chains' eyes narrowed and he shook his head. Dallas stared for a long time, then asked casually whether they should help Sokol to get revenge against his father.
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moonwatchuniverse · 1 year
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42 years ago... Soyuz 39 and Intercosmos Mongolia The March 1981 Soyuz 39 flight marked the eighth Intercosmos mission, this time with research cosmonaut Zhugderdemidiyn "Gurr" Gurragcha, the very first cosmonaut from Mongolia. It was the 2nd spaceflight for cosmonaut Vladimir Dzhanibekov as the crew stayed onboard the Salyut-6 space station conducting scientific experiments during a 7 days 20 hours mission. Note that Vladimir Dzhanibekov wore an Omega Speedmaster 861 chronograph underneath his Sokol spacesuit, a wristwatch he received in late 1973 as a support cosmonaut for the historic ASTP Apollo-Soyuz Test Project. (Photo: TASS/Roscosmos)
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cokon · 8 months
sergei never met his father, only raised by his mother. they struggled financially his whole life, but he will never admit to this. his stealing habits originated from his mother using him to steal necessities throughout his childhood; raising him to be a thief where if he was ever caught, most would feel pity for him.
he's a carbon copy of his mother, down to the beauty mark on his chin. to this day, they still look quite similar, aside from the fact he is 30cm taller.
his mother is surprisingly small & frail despite having a strong attitude — she is not very old, having had him at a young age, but bad habits have aged her.
when sokol showed EXTREMELY PROFICIENT hockey talent, his original job in the KHL ( Russian equivalent to the NHL ) was seen by his mom as a way for him to support her. she begged him for money for years before his disappearance.
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xumoonhao · 1 year
what i read in april 2023 💖
(entries marked with an * indicate favourites!)
*My Decade of Temporary Homes by Rachel Heng | Esquire
Calvinism and the American Conception of Evil by Douglas Giles, PhD | Medium
*How Snails Cross Vast Oceans by Thom van Dooren | Nautilus
J. Crew and the Paradoxes of Prep by Hua Hsu | The New Yorker
*Inside the Secret Working Group That Helped Push Anti-Trans Laws Across the Country by Madison Pauly | Mother Jones
*‘iPhones are made in hell’: 3 months inside China’s iPhone city by Viola Zhou | Rest Of World
The Giant Arcs That May Dwarf Everything In the Cosmos by Jasmin Fox-Skelly | BBC
The Unbelievable Zombie Comeback of Analog Computing by Charles Platt | WIRED
Astronomers Dig Up the Stars That Birthed the Milky Way by Lyndie Chiou | Nautilus
How a Chicago Dive Bar Exposed Corruption and Changed Journalism by Paula Mejia | Atlas Obscura
A Brief (But Complicated) History of Coffee and Tea by Michele Debczak | Mental Floss
Why the Animal Kingdom Is Full of Con Artists by Elizabeth Kolbert | The New Yorker
The Novelist Whose Inventions Went Too Far by D. T. Max | The New Yorker
America Doesn’t Know Tofu by George Stiffman | Asterisk Mag
He Spent 25 Years Infiltrating Nazis, the Klan, and Biker Gangs by Paul Solotaroff | Rolling Stone
The Pirate Radio Broadcaster Who Occupied Alcatraz and Terrified the FBI by Jacob Pagano | Narratively
The Thoughts of a Spiderweb by Joshua Sokol | Quanta Magazine
The Gambler Who Beat Roulette by By Kit Chellel | Bloomberg
How Susan Kare Designed User-Friendly Icons for the First Macintosh by David Kindy | Smithsonian Mag
A Turkish Bookshop's New Chapter On a Remote Island by Alexandra De Cramer | Courier
Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea by Barbara Demick (2009)
*Beautiful Country: A Memoir of an Undocumented Childhood by Qian Julie Wang (2021)
*When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi (2016)
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artcupcakes · 2 years
Yo could you give me some advice on Clover's character (how she speaks, how she acts, etc)? It's for a project I'm working on.
Also if you have the time, could you give advice for Houston too?
I can do that however I must put one disclaimer before I go into it: I am not the biggest Clover fan(I don't hate her, and she's a fun character, I just like some of the other characters like Hoxton or Bonnie more) thus I might be the best for advice. I will try my best but @vieridebitchtits has a better feel and passion for the character. So I imagine they might have better answers/answers I might not be able to give! 
As for Houston, well Houston's probably one of my favorites but I started hyperfixating on something else on a different blog(The reason for the delay in the response) so I won't do him now, but I might come back and comb through his character.
With that disclaimer I will try my best under the cut.
Heads up here's how I'm going to organize things so you can just skip and skim to what you might need.
I'm going to start of with telling you how I go about preparing/researching. Understanding the reasons how I did it might be useless to you, but I'm doing it just in case you need context as to how I did certain things. Really I do this before I write any piece surrounding those major characters; and I use said research to make more grey area conclusions. Both about the character's personality and background as well as certain skill sets I can extrapolate from it. This is of course can be seen as a more general tool that can be applied to any character. 
I'm not saying that this way is the best, it's just what I do. If you find this style of research is too much or simply not worth it than try to find something that better works for you. 
Each person's brain is different and not everyone can hyper-focus on a task like this.
After that I'm going to do the thing that you actually asked for aka not my rambly nonsense aka an actual breakdown analysis of Clover. I hope said analyses helps with your understanding of the character. The idea is the more you understand how she works, you can begin to put her in new scenarios based on such. Like plugging in numbers in a math equation!
If any of this seems unnecessarily excessive, that's because it is!
I will make sure to mark each section clearly.
Research Method
Typically I will start with the character's Wiki page. Paying close attention to the FBI file both for things to extrapolate from canon(Though note they are shaky with the gang doing everything to lie, hack, and manipulate information about them. So take them with a grain of salt), from there I go into the character's history section and pair it against the Prior to PAYDAY 2 section.
From there I look through the Trivia as there you can find things highlighted from multiple area's. A good example being the trivia section highlighting crossover characters places in the world and how it connects to their own original continuities canon.
Then I go into the Quotation page.
However keep in mind that the Quotation page often does not have every single voice line and are often missing some due to the amount of voice lines in game(Sokol's page is still missing a voice line that goes along the lines of "Heartbreaker and drag her nails into you, that is pain") thus it's better to listen to all the voice lines in one of the many voice line videos. I personally use this playlist(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDcDPHGUZDo&list=PL20G3IYPDSS0c4NbXUVwo85mTYp1pQ0oC&index=7) myself but there are other options, and you might need other options if you're looking for Bain, Locke or any other such non heister voice lines. 
Of course listing to the voices also helps me personally recognize the character style of speech, or more accurately helps me see how they emphasize words and how they're accent affects their speech. Plus I personally try to imagine their voices reading the lines I write, but I know that not everyone can do that as that is an aspect of imagination. And well not everyone has that nor does everyone have it to that extent/those uh "skills".
From there I go to both other heister's quote pages.
This is to see if they have any sort of character related stuff in order to help visualize the relationships between the characters. You can find surprisingly a lot. Especially the safe house quotes as that also gives you an idea of what they're like outside of their stressful jobs that can pull out their hyperbolic worst and best versions of themselves.(Funfact: Both Dragan and Bodhi seem to have a close enough relationships to Houston to give him advice[that seems unsolicited btw]. This that can really only be seen from the safe house lines).
After that goes the more final deep dive which is outfit and weapon descriptions. Though the latter I rarely do, the outfits do have a good bit of lore. (A good example of this would be the The Vicious, Pasadena Buzzbomb telling us that Sydney, knows Russian, and has given Vlad a bloody nose.) 
If I'm feeling super venturous I might check out their area in the safehouse as people's area's can tell you something about them.(I still want to know who the people hugging are in that framed picture above Dallas's desk).
And that's how I usually go into writing about a character. 
Of course as I said to each their own and don't be upset if this so obviously mentally ill way of doing things doesn't work for you ;).
Either way here's what I've noticed about Clover and Houston using this method.
Clover Character Analysis
According to the FBI files, Clover favors the L-95 assault, something that's only issued to the military. 
You could extrapolate this as a possible background but given her age of joining the Payday Gang at age 24 shows that it's very unlikely. UK minimum Military Service Length might not be the US's hefty 8 minim years(4 active years followed by 4 reserved) but it still something when it comes to Clover's past. As she could've only served after she turned 18. But we also know that she spent a good bit of time mentoring under Hoxton, so her squeezing in those times of service seems unlikely. And of course this is assuming she's from Northern Ireland aka part of the UK's Military derestriction. 
This is of course a lengthy reasoning and debunking of a reasoning that can be occom razor’ed: We know for a fact when she left Hoxton high and dry she stole a lorry full of L-95s. Thus she probably got it there while she and Hoxton did some level of gun smuggling and/or peddling.
These actions also suggests a level of paranoia, disrespect for bounties, and a level of initiative. Combine that with her spy cam room and it's very clear other's failures such as Hoxton's imprisonment has only compounded her issues.
Speaking of initiative based on what we know Rochelle here seems to have been called Clover long before joining the gang, meaning that at least back across the sea, people recognize her name. Her alias and her mask also show a deep pride for her cultural heritage as well as having a lot of colloquialisms. So due your research on Ireland, as it seems to be a big part of her identity unlike say Wick who's got others things that are more important to him as a character. 
Of course her speech patterns match more like Hoxton with her sunshine nicknames and marriage towards the word fuck, amount other things. Her irish accent just like all accents leaves to modifying letters. I would give an example but then again based on where you are you might interpret the verbalization of accent’s via text to be different. Thus making any attempt outside my qualificationgs.
So like measurements in an old recipe, you just gotta feel it out and hope you pass the vibe check.
As seen in The Diamond Heist trailer her care for legends is clear and their are implications that she questions and has a paranoia toward possible history revisionism, though tbf considering what happen to the Irish, that's pretty fair.
Though her fear goes far beyond just paranoia, she’s very guarded. She hates being seen or others that are fearful and weak, which implies some level of self loathing she refuses to show. From constantly threating civis, to trying to play off her pain, to her lines when dealing with downed crew members. She has a tough guy act that unlike Hoxton or Rust doesn't seem to let up even in moment's by herself.
This is probably something that has been with her in childhood due to growing up in a "rough house on the rough part of town in a traditional fighter's family" which also means that she has actual background in fighting unlike some who might just be street styling it or mimicking what they saw in action movies. And she clearly has a love for it. 
Fighting and being in the action, maybe it grounds her, but it's most likely the pure sadism she shows both towards her enemies and allies.
Even still she very much lives in her head, doubts about everyone around her and maybe even herself are scattered all through her words, both light heartedly and not so much. She also is one to gush about her passions, clearly all excited to show off her surveillance system once it's all upgraded. 
This could also be seen as her looking to impress as well.
Of course until you do upgrade her area she is full of classist comments, perhaps hating things that remind her of her own rough up bringing. She also has some more casual anti-Russian views, something she has in common with Houston(though Houston's dialogue clearly implies that thanks to his friendship with Sokol, he's starting to move on from those beliefs)
While not as major to her character at it's core more simpler things about her is her love for comics, as shown with her referencing both The Walking Dead, and Captain America(Which she calls Dallas thus continuing her clear nicknaming habits). She also is a whiskey drinking suggesting using the John Wick method of reliving pain while you revive her. She seems to take the most pride in her killing of dozers and shields, she also seems to scream in fear at them.
Now let’s talk work relationships:
Her major friendships seem to be Hoxton and Bonnie. 
With Hoxton she still shows signs of that old mentorship but now with a jokingly flirty dynamic added. Though interestingly this is only on Clover's side, which is funny because Hoxton is clearly while soft shows more of a prideful older brother/father style dynamics and that's if you stretch what is clearly just a normal long time friendship/mentor dynamic(unlike whatever the hell is up with him and Wolf). 
Meanwhile her and Bonnie seem to have a more destructive drinking buddy enabler dynamic. Both of them causing trouble for everyone else. With their equal levels of craving chaos and being very nosey means that they most definitely are a horrible combo to be a victim of.
Interestingly enough she seems to have some sort of banter friendship with John Wick or at least something friendly enough to make Wick be the one to start and engage in conversation, making a joke by saying "Irish Luck huh?". This could also be a culture inquiry since Wick as shown in his movies seems to have an imply fascination for learning such new things.
Other than that though there's not much to gleam from her relationships with anyone.
And just like her relationships, she doesn't have any clothing lore either, I was hoping there would be something but hey beggars can't be choosers.
All in all, Clover is a very guarded character who opens up just enough for banter but is very allergic to everything else. 
Or at least that's what I could find. I hope this helps! :D
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andronetalks · 8 months
FBI agents visit scientists building flying saucer at Falcon Space lab in New Jersey - and reveal they are part of 'X-Files like' government UFO investigation
Daily Mail News UK By JOSH BOSWELL FOR DAILYMAIL.COM PUBLISHED: 13:54 EDT, 26 October 2023 | UPDATED: 15:47 EDT, 26 October 2023 FBI agents visited a New Jersey lab where scientists are trying to build a flying saucer – after they received a report of dangerous uranium being used on site. Mark Sokol, founder of the Falcon Space laboratory in Hawthorne, New Jersey, told DailyMail.com he was…
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volleytimes-com · 9 months
Austria: 2023/24 season started today with lot of upsets! 3 points for Hypo Tirol, Hartberg, Ried, Graz and Klagenfurt
🇦🇹| 2023/24 season started today with lot of upsets! 3 points for Hypo Tirol, Hartberg, Ried, Graz and Klagenfurt. 🏐| Powerfusion Austrian Volley League 2023/24 - Round 1 • VBK Wörther-See-Löwen Klagenfurt - VBC TLC Weiz 3-0 (27:25, 25:15, 25:11) • Hypo Tirol Volleyballteam - VCA Amstetten NÖ 3-0 (25:17, 27:25, 25:17) • TJ Sokol V/Post SV Wien - UVC McDonalds Ried/Innkreis 3-0 (22:25, 17:25, 24:26) • Union Raiffeisen Waldviertel - TSV Raiffeisen Hartberg 1-3 (20:25, 18:25, 25:21, 21:25) • UVC Holding Graz - SK Zadruga Aich/Dob 3-0 (25:21, 25:21, 25:20) Read more on #volleytimes_com 👇🏼
Powerfusion Volley League started today, on Saturday 30th September! In the opener, VBK Wörther-See-Löwen Klagenfurt celebrated a straight sets win against VBC TLC Weiz, struggling only in first set, partially 27:25, 25:15 and 25:11, led by Noah Neunhoeffer, top scorer of the game with 15 points. Mark Kremer scored 13 on the losing side. Another success fot Supercup winner HYPO TIROL volleyball…
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starr-finn · 1 year
ahem- can i get a sokol x gn!reader oneshot [or hcs if you prefer] where the reader is a stubborn little fuck who gets flustered easily but denies it ? a tsundere basically
could we also get it spicy as well ? i read ur sokol hcs and went 👁👁
literally just spicy Sokol HCs (Sokol with an easily flustered but stubborn S/O)
These will 100% be shorter than normal, mainly because i have no motivation or ideas rn, sorry Crispy-
Sokol thinks how flustered you get is super cute
He bites at your neck and shoulders a lot
He'll tug at the necktie or choker to bring you closer to fluster you
Sokol laughs every time you get flustered by anything he does, He finds it so funny
He often will flirt with you just to see your face get red
Sokol likes getting in your face just to fuck with you
He'll growl in your ear, in English or Russian, cuz he knows it fucks with you
He often leaves bite marks on the base of your neck or shoulders, in places he know he knows they won't be seen
He likes pulling you into his lap and biting at your collarbone
He always smirks and says "yeah sure" every time you deny being flustered
if he feels like it, he'll pin you against the wall, and just, smirk at you, before walking off, leaving you flustered and confused behind him
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visual-aggressor · 7 years
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manekinoodle · 2 years
Jacket speaks. But only to Sokol.
It started when they were the only two left in the safehouse basement. Sokol was sweeping his rink (could Dragan NOT just get muddy footprints all over it?) while Jacket slowly emerged from his room.
They locked eyes.
"Nobody will ever believe you."
Sokol just stood there.
As Jacket left, he tripped on flat ground and let out a massive "FUCK!". This marks the day Jacket started speaking.
It's always when the two are alone in the basement. Sokol was lying down on his rink. Jacket stood over him.
Sokol frowned.
"Sergei," Jacket repeated. "I had to use Dallas's bathroom today."
Sokol didn't answer. Jacket continued, unfazed.
"I started seeing curly hairs in the sink. I don't know what they are or whose they are. It could be beard hair but I'm scared. Dallas's bathroom is always cleaner anyway, so I snuck upstairs while he was out heisting."
"Dragan plucks fucking eyebrows, Jacket," said Sokol. This wasn't a lie. Dragan never locked the door of the bathroom unless he was using the toilet. Sokol had burst in with a bleeding forehead to see Dragan plucking his eyebrow hairs over the sink. "Why you care so much you have to go upstairs? You don't even shower."
"The water pressure's better upstairs."
The Russian held back a snicker. Sokol could never get comfortable with being spoken to like this. It was plain creepy. But sometimes, he felt like he didn't mind.
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cokon · 7 months
cold, sender places their jacket over receiver's shoulders.
THEY WERE STAKING OUTSIDE OF A BUILDING,   looking through the long - range scopes of weapons  —  PRAYING  for some kind of movement.   sokol had insisted that he didn’t need anything to bear the cold.   he was from russia  —  he didn’t get cold as easily as  americans from the south;   or so he said.   shivering so hard that the barrel of his gun swayed,    he couldn’t get a clear look at the target any longer.    all that he could hope was that jacket was able to get a better look.  if anything happened,  they would have to either trust their shot or move in.    preferably the  first option,  it would save them a lot of trouble.
feeling warmth  —  paired with the smell of cigarette smoke —  wrap around his shoulders,   he now knew that neither of them was watching their mark.    lifting his gaze up with a scowl,   he wanted to claim that he didn’t need the other’s help,   that he was perfectly warm in his t - shirt.   it would fall upon the least expressive man that he had ever met,  but it would still make an effort to get his point across.  ❝  you think sokol was cold?    this is hardly anything compared to moscow winter.   hands just got a little tired is all.   ❞  dropping the barrel of his gun down as if that would prove anything.   the fact alone that he was not taking off the jacket proved that he was bullshitting that he didn’t  want it. 
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usafphantom2 · 3 years
Russia’s ‘Ground-Breaking’ MiG-31 Fighter-Interceptor Aircraft To Be Heavily Modified Amid Tensions With NATO
MiG-31: Russia has given a big boost to its combat capability by upgrading the Foxhound or MiG-31 fighter jet. This development comes shortly after Moscow unveiled a medium combat aircraft ‘Checkmate’ while projecting it as a game-changer, and signed a deal with China to develop a heavy-lift helicopter.
Two Russian MiG-31 interceptors, early this year, flew over the North Pole, marking an important milestone for the country’s navy.
The MiG-31 Foxhound has made several world records. It reached an absolute maximum altitude of 37,650 meters in 1977, and set a time-to-height record of 35,000 meters in 4 minutes, 11.78 seconds, both of which were set by the famous MiG test pilot Alexander Fedotov.
Needless to say, Russia has been making consistent efforts to modernize its air power and the MiG-31 upgrade is the latest effort in that direction.
The country is now carrying out trials of the upgraded MiG-31 fighter-interceptor with a fly-by-wire control system, managers of the Sokol Aircraft Plant told Deputy Defense Minister Alexei Krivoruchko during his visit to the facility on November 25.
Krivoruchko inspected the unit’s production capacities and checked the pace of work on repairing and upgrading MiG-31 fighters. He also held a meeting on completing the defense procurement plan, as part of his working trip to the Volga area.
“There is an option of upgrading this aircraft where we switch from the mechanical to the fly-by-wire control system, which yields a host of computers mounted on the plane,” said Sokol Aviation Enterprise.
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A MiG-31DZ
A MiG-31DZ A MiG-31DZ in flight over Russia, 2012. (Wikipedia)
The fighter’s onboard equipment will be totally replaced; the combat plane will also be examined for flaws in order to replace corrosion portions that could account for 15 to 50 percent of the total weight. The fighter’s canopy, as well as all of the wiring and rubber parts, will be entirely overhauled.
Sokol’s main duty now is to carry out substantial repairs on the MiG-31 fighter-interceptor, as well as a heavy upgrade to the MiG-31BM level, which has been a work in process since 2007.
The modification of MiG-31 high-altitude fighter-interceptors will improve the efficiency of their operations, particularly in protecting Russia’s northern borders in the backdrop of other countries’ growing interest in the Northern Sea Route, said Major-General Vladimir Popov, a top military pilot and defense expert.
With the tensions between Russia and NATO countries growing in the region and Moscow announcing that its radars intercepted about 40 spy planes and drones in about one week of tensions, this announcement comes at a very appropriate moment.
In March this year, two Russian MiG-31 Foxhound supersonic high altitude interceptor aircraft had flown over the North Pole marking a significant milestone for the country’s navy.
MiG-31s In Russia’s Fleet
Introduced in 1981, the MiG-31 is a long-range, two-seater supersonic interceptor aircraft. Day or night, the MiG-31 can operate well in any weather situation while adhering to visual flight rules (VFR) and instrument flight regulations (IFR). The MiG-31 was the first Soviet fighter plane to be capable of genuine look-down and shoot-down.
In July 2020, Russia’s Defense Ministry revealed its intention to invest in a MiG-31 Foxhound interceptor modernization and life extension program. The MiG-31 features a streamlined and aerodynamic fuselage that allows it to fly at high speeds and low altitudes. The aircraft is designed to track several targets at high altitudes at the same time.
One of the most potent variants of the MiG-31 is the MiG-31BM. It is a multifunctional long-range fighter aircraft with high speed and the ability to kill both air and ground targets.
Upgraded avionics, hands-on-throttle-and-stick (HOTAS) controls, liquid-crystal color multifunction displays (MFDs), a robust on-board computer system, digital data linkages, and phased array radar are all included in the variant. It has the capability of intercepting 24 targets at once.
24 MiG-31BM fighter jets commissioned for the Russian Armed Forces
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Mig-31BM (via Rostec)
The MiG-31 is equipped with four long-range Vympel R-33E air-to-air missiles. The R-33 can be launched in inertial navigation mode to shoot at the target from a long distance.
For initial acquisition and mid-course updates, it can be directed in semi-active radar homing (SARH) mode. The Cold War-era warplane was designed to take out huge, fast targets like the American SR-71 Blackbird, B-1 Lancer bomber, and B-52 Stratofortress.
The aircraft is also equipped with four short-range R-60MK missiles and two Bisnovat R-40TD1 medium-range missiles. A six-barrel 30mm internal cannon (Ghs-6-23M) is installed above the starboard main landing gear bay of the aircraft. The cannon contain 800 rounds of ammunition and can fire at a rate of over 10,000 rounds a minute.
MiG-31BM can accommodate the AA-12 Adder missile and various Russian air-to-ground missiles (AGMs) such as the AS-17 Krypton anti-radiation missile (ARM).
The N007 Zaslon phased array radar aboard the MiG-31 is the world’s first electronically scanned radar. It’s also known as the SBI-16 Zaslon (Flash Dance), and it’s controlled by a weapons system officer (WSO) from the back cockpit. Early warning radar (EWR) and aerial warning and control systems can send signals to it (AWACS).
Zaslon can scan a distance of 200 kilometers. The radar can track 10 targets and engage four of them at once in the aircraft’s immediate vicinity (behind and below the aircraft).
According to one count, there are 252 MiG-31s in the inventory of the Russian Air Force. Moscow began modernizing its Foxhound fleet to the MiG-31BM and BSM variant starting in 2010 with plans to have 100 upgraded by 2020.
The 35-year-old MiG-31 is expected to serve until 2030. Moscow says that the MiG-41 or PAK-DP, a dedicated “Mach 4” interceptor, will be developed to replace the Foxhound in the air defense role.
This is puzzling, given that the Kremlin has only funded the manufacture of 10 advanced PAK-FA stealth aircraft thus far, raising the question of whether it can afford to deploy a significantly more specialized platform as well.
How Will Upgraded MiG-31s Help?
The combat efficiency of MiG-31 fighter-interceptors will increase threefold following substantial repairs and upgrades, claims Sokol.
“Meanwhile, the upgrade, in which the onboard radio-electronic equipment is fully replaced with advanced technology envisages using the latest air-launched weapons, which will boost the plane’s combat efficiency by about three times,” the Sokol management said.
The MiG-31 is one of Russia’s most widely deployed combat aircraft, with several hundred more in reserve.
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Russia’s MiG-31 fighter jets (via Twitter)
New variants of the Foxhound, according to Aleksandr Osokin, head designer at the Sokol Aircraft Plant, where MiG-31s are repaired, are around 2.6 times as capable as the original Cold War-era planes.
The aircraft were meant to intercept not just all types of enemy aircraft, from bombers and observation planes to fighters and airborne early warning jets, but also missiles, with the aircraft being particularly capable of intercepting low-altitude cruise missiles.
Now with the latest upgrade, the capability is expected to rise manifold. The fly-by-wire systems are computer-controlled. The “hands-on” design allows pilots to get a clear, tactile sense of how the aircraft handles aerodynamic forces as it flies. This will enhance the combat power by restricting the number of manual controls that the pilot otherwise has to perform.
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Sakshi Tiwari
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moonwatchuniverse · 3 years
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40 years ago... Soyuz 39 and Intercosmos Mongolia The March 1981 Soyuz 39 flight marked the eighth Intercosmos mission, this time with Gurragcha, the very fist cosmonaut from Mongolia. It was the 2nd spaceflight for cosmonaut Vladimir Dzhanibekov as the crew stayed onboard the Salyut-6 space station conducting scientific experiments during a 7 days 20 hours mission. Note that Dzhanibekov wore an Omega Speedmaster 861 chronograph underneath his Sokol spacesuit, a wristwatch he received in 1973 as a support cosmonaut for the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project. (Photo: TASS/Roscosmos)
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starr-finn · 1 year
Could you write some dating hcs with Sokol?
General dating HCs with Sokol
Absolutely! Hope you enjoy this one! also don't worry everyone! I'll bring back anon asks soon! completely forgot I turned it off, love y'all!
Authors note: So this is just general dating/romance HCs because I love Sokol more than anything. I used male terms of endearment, but reader is GN, very VERY light spice, mainly just mentions of biting, marking, and Sokol liking chokers, cuz I think he does
Sokol enjoys flirting with you, he will take any chance he can to try and get you flustered
dude does that thing where his voice goes all gravelly and he just whispers something in his native language (Because Russian sounds hot asf)
He calls you stuff like милый (honey), дорогой (sweetheart), ангел (Angel), and зайчик (Bunny)
He likes holding your hands a lot, he just always likes having his hands on you at all times
he likes kissing you on your hands, palms, wrists, and forearms
he likes having you lay on him, on his lap, chest, stomach, so on, he thinks it cute
If you kiss him literally anywhere, bro will go entirely quiet until he can figure out how to get back at you
He really likes biting at your neck and shoulders, for marking reasons, he feels like he's marking his territory
he's an asshole in terms of teasing, dude smirks every time you get all flustered
he knows how to use his accent AND voice to his advantage
anyway enough spice I'm losing it if y'all want actual spice fics for payday lmk
He likes going on morning runs, he may drag you out of bed on Sundays for a 5 am run
if you don't wake up he'll just shrug and give you a kiss on the forehead before leaving
and he'll always take a good long shower before he gets back in bed and cuddles with you
dude will teach you Russian a few months after you get together
if your a heister like he is, bro is super SUPER overprotective over you
if not, Sokol will keep you so far away from his job you don't even really know what the payday gang is
dude fucking spoils you, if you're both out together and you look at something and even remotely seem interested, bro will buy it for you
This guy is 100% the kinda guy that will buy you jewelry, like rings and necklace
i know i said no more spicy stuff but like, dude has a thing for chokers, especially tugging on them when your wearing them, THERE I SAID IT
ok now I'm done-
dude doesn't really play video games or watch sports, but hey if you play either he will watch you and listen to you ramble about anything you're interested in
he finds you adorable if you're shorter than him, if you're his height or taller bro falls even more than before, but he adores you either way
he loves kissing you all the time, dude just loves the way you react every time he kisses you anywhere
bro just fucking adores you tbh
Sokol got some headcanons now! we love him
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