#Martin Keymer
ernaehrunghandbuch · 3 years
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Warum ganzheitliche Gesundheit nur mit einer gesunden Ernährung möglich ist
Der wichtigste Faktor gesunden Lebens ist die gesunde Lebensführung. Weicht ein Mensch davon ab, so wird sich früher oder später Krankheit einstellen.
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scitechman · 7 years
Butter for My Honey
Butter for My Honey
More than 80% of all land plants live in so-called arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses with fungi that colonize their root systems. The fungi take up inorganic nutrients from the soil – mainly phosphate and nitrogen – and pass them on to the plant. According to the prevailing view, the host provides its benefactors with energy-rich organiccompounds – specifically carbohydrates – in return for this…
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tannertoctoo-blog · 7 years
July 19, 2017
Environmental Ethics, Vol. 38, #4, 2016 Erkenntnis, Vol. 82, #4, 2017 FPQ: Feminist Philosophy Quarterly, Vol. 3, #2, 2017 Journal of Nietzsche Studies, Vol. 48, #2, 2017 Journal of Philosophical Logic, Vol. 46, #4, 2017 Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 113, #12, 2016 Journal of Practical Ethics, Vol. 5, #1, 2017 Journal of the History of Philosophy, Vol. 55, #3, 2017 Mind, Vol. 126, #502, 2017 Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics, Vol. 6, 2016 Philosophy Compass, Vol. 12, #7, 2017 Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 95, #1, 2017
Environmental Ethics, Vol. 38, #4, 2016 News and Notes Features Tom Dedeurwaerdere, Benjamin Six. Toward a Broadened Ethical Pluralism in Environmental Ethics: From Bryan Norton’s Discursive Ethics to William James’ Experiential Pluralism. Lantz Fleming Miller. Individual Responsibility for Environmental Degradation: The Moral and Practical Route to Change. Discussion Papers Lawrence E. Cahoone. Is Stellar Nucleosynthesis a Good Thing? Vincent Blok. Thinking the Earth: Critical Reflections on Quentin Meillassoux’s and Heidegger’s Concept of the Earth. Brendan Mahoney. Engaging the Sublime without Distance: Environmental Ethics and Aesthetic Experience. Neall Pogue. The Religious Right’s Compassionate Steward and Conservationist: The Lost Philosophies of Pat Robertson. Book Reviews Steven Fesmire reviews Bryan G. Norton's Sustainable Values, Sustainable Change: A Guide to Environmental Decision Making. Bernard Daley Zaleha reviews Lucas F. Johnston's Religion and Sustainability: Social Movements and the Politics of the Environment. Jeremy Bendik-Keymer reviews Steven Vogel's Thinking like a Mall: Environmental Philosophy after the End of Nature. Referees 2016 and Index. Back to top
Erkenntnis, Vol. 82, #4, 2017 Original Research Daniel Enrique Kalpokas. Experience and Justification: Revisiting McDowell’s Empiricism. Colin R. Caret. The Collapse of Logical Pluralism has been Greatly Exaggerated. Christian Lowe. Boltzmannian Immortality. Jesse R. Steinberg, Alan M. Steinberg. A Multiply Qualified Conditional Analysis of Disposition Ascription: Mapping the Conceptual Topography of Ceteris Paribus. James DiFrisco. Time Scales and Levels of Organization. Jan Almäng. An Argument for Shape Internalism. Gregg D. Caruso, Stephen G. Morris. Compatibilism and Retributivist Desert Moral Responsibility: On What is of Central Philosophical and Practical Importance. Joshua Spencer. Counting on Strong Composition as Identity to Settle the Special Composition Question. Sander Verhaegh. Blurring Boundaries: Carnap, Quine, and the Internal–External Distinction. David Alexander. Unjustified Defeaters. Gil Sagi. Contextualism, Relativism and the Liar. Lorraine Juliano Keller. Against Naturalized Cognitive Propositions. Back to top  
FPQ: Feminist Philosophy Quarterly, Vol. 3, #2, 2017 Symposium on Catharine A. MacKinnon's Toward a Feminist Theory of the State Articles Lori Watson. Introduction: Symposium on Toward a Feminist Theory of the State, Twenty-Five Years Later Catharine MacKinnon. Feminism, and Continental Philosophy: Comments on Toward a Feminist Theory of the State—Twenty-Five Years Later. Natalie Nenadic. 'We Must Find Words or Burn': Speaking Out against Disciplinary Silencing. Susan J. Brison. On the Politics of Coalition. Elena Ruíz and Kristie Dotson. Judging Women: Twenty-Five Years Further Toward a Feminist Theory of the State. Clare Chambers. Response to Five Philosophers: Toward a Feminist Theory of the State Some Decades Later. Catharine A. MacKinnon. Response to Five Philosophers: Toward a Feminist Theory of the State Some Decades Later. Back to top  
Journal of the History of Philosophy, Vol. 55, #3, 2017 Books That Shaped the Historiography of Philosophy Paul Guyer. The Bounds of Sense and the Limits of Analysis. Articles Carlo Davia. Aristotle and the Endoxic Method. Ruth Boeker. Locke on Personal Identity: A Response to the Problems of His Predecessors. Lawrnece Pasternack. Restoring Kant’s Conception of the Highest Good. Christopher Yeomans. Perspectives without Privileges: The Estates in Hegel’s Political Philosophy. Colin Koopman. The Will, the will to Believe, and William James: An Ethics of Freedom as Self-Transformation. Fabio Gironi. A Kantian Disagreement between Father and Son: Roy Wood Sellars and Wilfrid Sellars on the Categories. Book Reviews David Ebrey reviews The Possibility of Inquiry: Meno's Paradox from Socrates to Sextus by Gail Fine. Jakob Leth Fink reviews Levels of Argument: A Comparative Study of Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics by Dominic Scott. Stephen D. Dumont reviews On Being and Cognition: Ordinatio by John Duns Scotus. Mary Sirridge reviews Nicholas of Amsterdam: Commentary on the Old Logic by Egbert P. Bos. Erik De Bom reviews Truth and Irony: Philosophical Meditations on Erasmus by Terence J. Martin. Andreas Blank reviews Julius Caesar Scaliger, Renaissance Reformer of Aristotelianism: A Study of His Exotericae Exercitationes by Kuni Sakamoto. Yitzhak Y. Melamed reviews The Influence of Abraham Cohen de Herrera's Kabbalah on Spinoza's Metaphysics by Miquel Beltràn. Michael A. Rosenthal reviews The Collected Works of Spinoza by Benedictus de Spinoza. Kristen Irwin reviews Bayle, Jurieu, and the Dictionnaire Historique et Critique by Mara van der Lugt. F. Scott Scribner reviews Fichte's Addresses to the German Nation Reconsidered ed. by Daniel Breazeale and Tom Rockmore. Lawrence J. Hatab reviews Nietzsche's Earth: Great Events, Great Politics by Gary Shapiro. Andrew Bowie reviews Adorno and Existence by Peter E. Gordon. Books Received Back to top  
Journal of Nietzsche Studies, Vol. 48, #2, 2017 Abbreviations and Citations of Friedrich Nietzsche’s Works Proceedings from The North American Nietzsche Society Paul Katsafanas. NANS Editorial Note. Christopher Janaway. On the Very Idea of “Justifying Suffering”. Beatrix Himmelmann. Nietzsche’s Ethics of Power and the Ideas of Right, Justice, and Dignity Matt Dill. On Parasitism and Overflow in Nietzsche’s Doctrine of Will to Power. Akshay Ganesh. Nietzsche on Honor and Empathy. Daniel I. Harris. Nietzsche and Aristotle on Friendship and Self-Knowledge. Patrick Hassan. Does Rarity Confer Value?: Nietzsche on the Exceptional Individual. Book Reviews Interanimations: Receiving Modern German Philosophy by Robert B. Pippin, and: Nietzsche, Psychology, and First Philosophy by Robert B. Pippin. Review by Christopher Fowles. Nietzsche and The Birth of Tragedy by Paul Raimond Daniels. Review by Vinod Acharya. Nietzsche, Tension, and the Tragic Disposition by Matthew Tones Review by Elisabeth Flucher. Nietzsche nella Rivoluzione conservatrice ed. by Francesco Cattaneo, Carlo Gentili, and Stefano Marino. Review by Selena Pastorino. Nietzsche and Dostoevsky: On the Verge of Nihilism by Paolo Stellino. Review by Christoph Schuringa.  Back to top
Journal of Philosophical Logic, Vol. 46, #4, 2017 Original Papers Nicholas Asher, Soumya Paul, Antoine Venant. Message Exchange Games in Strategic Contexts. Richard Booth, Jake Chandler. The Irreducibility of Iterated to Single Revision. Ken Akiba. A Unification of Two Approaches to Vagueness: The Boolean Many-Valued Approach and the Modal-Precisificational Approach. Andrew Tedder. On Structural Features of the Implication Fragment of Frege’s Grundgesetze. Elisa Paganini. Vague Objects within Classical Logic and Standard Mereology, and without Indeterminate Identity. Back to top
Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 113, #12, 2016 Articles Wade Munroe. Words on Psycholinguistics. Andrea Iacona. Two Notions of Logical Form. New Books Back to top  
Journal of Practical Ethics, Vol. 5, #1, 2017 Articles Lea Ypi. Structural Injustice and the Place of Attachment. Stephen M. Gardiner. Accepting Collective Responsibility for the Future. Masaki Ichinose. The Death Penalty Debate: Four Problems and New Philosophical Perspectives. Back to top
Mind, Vol. 126, #502, 2017 Articles Donovan Wishon. Russellian acquainatace and Frege’s Puzzle. Luca Incurvati; Julien Murzi. Maximally Consistent Sets of Instances of Naive Comprehension. Igor Douven; Lieven Decock. What Verities May Be. Daniel Waxman. Deflationism, Arithmetic, and the Argument from Conservativeness. Jack Spencer. Able to Do the Impossible. Stephan Krämer. Everything, and Then Some. Anil Gomes. Naïve Realism In Kantian Phrase. Discussions Jake Chandler. Preservation, Commutativity and Modus Ponens: Two Recent Triviality Results. Richard Bradley. Supporters and Underminers: Reply to Chandler. Hans Rott. Preservation and Postulation: Lessons from the New Debate on the Ramsey Test. Book Reviews The Logical Structure of Kinds, by Eric Funkhouser. Review by Joseph Laporte. The Possibility of Inquiry: Meno’s Paradox from Socrates to Sextus, by Gail Fine. Review by David Bronstein. Aesthetics as Philosophy of Perception, by Bence Nanay. Review by Ophelia Deroy. Persons, Interests, and Justice, by Nils Holtug. Review by Tim Campbell. Between Probability and Certainty: What Justifies Belief, by Martin Smith. Review by Kelly Becker. Back to top
Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics, Vol. 6, 2016 (located on Tanner New Journal shelf) Acknowledgments // List of Contributors Introduction by Mark Timmons Articles Stephen Darwall: Taking Account of Character and Being an Accountable Person. Claudia Card: Taking Pride in Being Bad. Kate Abramson: Character as a Mode of Evaluation. Jack Woods: The Normative Force of Promising. Hallie Liberto: Promissory Obligation: Against a Unified Account. Susan Wolf: Two Concepts of Rule Utilitarianism. David Schmitz: After Solipsism. Barry Maguire: Extrinsic Value and the Separability of Reasons. Kenneth Walden: The Relativity of Ethical Explanation. Paul Hurley: Two Senses of Moral Verdict and Moral Overridingness. Erich Hatala Matthes: Love in Spite of. Gilbert Harman: Moral Reasoning. Index Back to top
Philosophy Compass, Vol. 12, #7, 2017 Naturalistic Philosophy John Turri. Experimental work on the norms of assertion. Marco J. Nathan and Guillermo Del Pinal. The Future of Cognitive Neuroscience? Reverse Inference in Focus. Philosophy of Religion Michael Almeida. Theistic Modal Realism I: The Challenge of Theistic Actualism. Michael Almeida. Theistic Modal Realism II: Theoretical Benefits. Bronwyn Finnigan. Buddhism and animal ethics. Back to top
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 95, #1, 2017 Articles Peter Millican. Hume’s Fork, and his Theory of Relations. Ryan Wasserman. Vagueness and the Laws of Metaphysics. Simon M. Huttegger. Inductive Learning in Small and Large Worlds. Jonas Åkerman. Indexicals and Reference-Shifting: Towards a Pragmatic Approach. Weng Hong Tang. Transparency and Partial Beliefs. Una Stojnić. One's Modus Ponens: Modality, Coherence and Logic. Book Symposium : Outside Color Mazviita Chirimuuta. Précis of Outside Color. Joshua Gert. Outside Color from Just Outside. Anil Gupta. M. Chirimuuta's Adverbialism about Color. Mohan Matthen. Realism, Relativism, Adverbialism: How Different are they? Comments on Mazviita Chirimuuta's Outside Color. Mazviita Chirimuuta. Replies. Back to top
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ernaehrunghandbuch · 3 years
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Warum ganzheitliche Gesundheit nur mit einer gesunden Ernährung möglich ist
Der wichtigste Faktor gesunden Lebens ist die gesunde Lebensführung. Weicht ein Mensch davon ab, so wird sich früher oder später Krankheit einstellen.
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ernaehrunghandbuch · 3 years
Tumblr media
Warum ganzheitliche Gesundheit nur mit einer gesunden Ernährung möglich ist
Der wichtigste Faktor gesunden Lebens ist die gesunde Lebensführung. Weicht ein Mensch davon ab, so wird sich früher oder später Krankheit einstellen.
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