lean0mar · 1 year
Conexión sin Fronteras
Entre tú y yo hay kilómetros de distancia, pero el amor que nos une traspasa la distancia. Nuestros ojos se encuentran a través de una pantalla, pero la conexión que sentimos es real, no es una falacia.
El tiempo puede pasar, pero mi amor por ti no cambia, mis labios anhelan tus besos, que tu deseo me abrasa. Aunque a veces mis inseguridades me atacan, sé que tus abrazos y tus besos pueden calmarlas.
La lejanía puede ser dura, pero el amor nos guía, nuestra conexión es más fuerte que cualquier distancia. Tus rasgos, cada uno, me hace suspirar, tu sonrisa, tus ojos, tu piel, tu mirada, son mi debilidad.
Y aunque a veces la distancia nos hace sufrir, nuestro amor es fuerte y siempre podemos resistir. Pues nuestro amor es una llama que nunca se apagará, y mientras nos tengamos, todo será posible alcanzar.
M. L. Morpheus
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gutachter · 1 year
Marzlinger baut 250 Jahre altes Barockstadel wieder auf - Halten die historischen Balken?
Marzlinger baut 250 Jahre altes Barockstadel wieder auf – Halten die historischen Balken?
Marzling: „…„Wir sind Geschichten-Bewahrer.“ Die großen Buchstaben prangen auf dem rund 15 Meter hohen Zelt, das da an der Freisinger Straße in Marzling aufgebaut ist. Wer zum Kern der Geschichte gelangen will, muss den gut versteckten Eingang ins Innere finden. Dort wird, geschützt von der Außenhülle, in eisiger Kälte ein rund 250 Jahre alter Barockstadel wieder aufgebaut. Eine der zahlreichen…
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marzling · 1 year
(wow marzling talking about something other than marauders thats crazy)
thinking about how Martins introduction in tma s1 was so funny. like the whole time Jon was talking about how much of an annoyance Martin was and I was picturing this guy who literally didn't care about his job,, only for the most wonderful human to be introduced
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battlekilt · 2 years
Lil'Fox, Mace's Clone Kit... and his menagerie
Reminder: Mace Windu has an affinity with dangerous animals. It adds more contextual layers about why he was so sympathetic but cautious about the Zillo beast.
Also explains why when all the other little CC Clones are picked up by their respective Jedi, Mace ends up taking Fox home. Night after, after night.
"Guess it is you and me, you maniacal little menace," Windu softly grumbled. He already had a hand on the top of Fox's curly head. The little Clone looked up at Mace with eyes that were too big, too dark, and blinked his lashes that were too thick. But, he moved easily with just a nudge of Windu's hand. Soon, they had passed through several halls in the labyrinthine Temple. "Don't forget to take Zilly out before bed, you lil'vermin. Last night, conveniently fell asleep before you did it," warned the Jedi Master to the runty Clone, who seemed excited as Mace went through his lexicon of 'Things To Call Fox, Who Is A Terror'... pet names. As long as he looked straight ahead, then the little guardling wouldn't see his smile of contentment; any night that putting Fox to bed wasn't a battle of wills was always a good night, even if it meant Windu had to stand out in the gardens while the monster's little beastie walked in circles, only to do her business in the first spot she sniffed. Fox skipped excitedly, but asked accusingly, "Did you watch the feeds today? If you didn't and Zilly broke out of her crate or if Sally tried to eat Master Mundi's Tooka, don't blame me." "You know, I have more things to do than babysit your pets while you're being babysit." "Then don't babysit other Jedi's pets." "We don't keep pets—though, you certainly count as one. Besides, Mundi's Tooka is old—" "Like you?" "More like The Frog—" "Anyway, the old Tooka should stop trying to eat Sally. Maybe you should tell Marzle that," Fox had a loud, squeaky voice, and sounded too smart for his own good or Mace's sanity. "I should have stolen the blonde one. You two look more alike than the others. Think if I color your hair, Skywalker will notice? You're still the same size as the Captain." "I am not telling General Skywalker that I have toes nor am I going to let him—" Fox stopped, scrunched up the center of his little face, "—snuggle me like a sock stuffie." The little Guardling just didn't understand how Rex tolerated the excessive affections of Skywalker; he couldn't wait for his friend to grow out of it—Rex had stopped letting everyone know he had toes a long time ago, but the Jedi STILL talked about it like it was the cutest thing ever. The indignity! At least, Rex had the remorse to blush brightly when reminded of his past sins. "You're about the size of one," Windu wasn't going to compliment the boy's ability with words so young, though it had been proven to be a common trait among the Clones. "No, I'm not!" Clones were undeniably smart, and Fox was one of the brightest—he and Skywalker's certainly were, and if Obi-Wan's was definitely smart enough to recite the entire Jedi Code—no wonder his name was Cody. Their smarts were half the problems they gave the Jedi, and most of Windu's with Fox—with a sizable pinch of the kid's poor impulse control. Though, Mace had long suspected that it was less a matter of unwillful poor control and more that... Fox just didn't care. A thought entered his trickster brain and off he went. "No, I'm not! Take that back or I'll bite!" The kid paused, stared at one of the stain glass windows dimmed by the last rays of sunlight. "Will Zilly be old enough to come with me during the day?" Force, he loved the little runt. "Soon, Li'Fox. We want for her to be better trained than you before we start that. "Okay," Fox bubbled without insult. "I'm not the others, Fox. You know that I've been bitten by creatures that are actually worse than you," Windu had moved his hand to the back of the boy's neck., "And I'll bite you back. Come on, Sally is probably trying to lure Marzle in reach of her tentacles.
ZILLY—a small, cloned Zillo Beast made at the Kaminoan facilities as part of their recompense for the 'disastrously faulty products' the Clones turned out to be; they weren't supposed to revert to younger ages. Zilly turned out to be a defective one, so Mace snatched it up to be Fox's little companion. At this point, she's a 'puppy.' Fox likes to pick her up and carry her around like one. At this point, Grizzer and Zilly don't know what to make of each other. Mace is gonna let those two figure it out.
SALLY—Originally another one of Hound's strays/rubbish Grizzer found in a patrol. Sally is a psuedo-sarlacc.—not a sarlacc, but easily mistaken as one; might be a very, very distant cousin. About the size of a house cactus and lives in a terrarium, she is incredibly smart, surprisingly affectionate (to those she likes), and remarkably interactive. She requires her terrarium to be rearranged frequently or else she gets "blind" to her toys. With the Force, Mace helped Fox explain to her what worms NOT to eat, so she'd leave the soil worms alone—now she plays with them, much to their horror. She prefers her moister to come from condensation. Sally also likes to torment the Temple's Tookas for funsie. He used to feed her vegetables, until she got sick and nearly passed on him—he was so scared, cried and cried and cried, and Windu was honestly worried about what would happen if Fox lost Sally. That's why they got Zilly, so Fox would have two companions. Fox has had her since before he got his Phase 2 armor. Riyo helped explain the creature to Windu, who had never heard of one before. (There is a much longer backstory for the early adventures of Sally.)
LIST OF PET-NAMES FOR FOX, by Windu, aka Things To Call Fox, Who Is A Terror: Runt, Maniacal Menace, just plain Menace, Guardling, Terror, Monster, Vermin, Beastie, Brat, Not Ponds, Most-likely To Be The Death Of Me... the Little Clone who stole my heart.
When no one took Fox with them and the noisy runt was standing alone, this was what Windu saw in his eyes:
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After some time, this is what Fox looks like to Windu:
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Nothing but EYES. Might be cute if he squinted.
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coolvistobueno · 1 year
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Aeropuerto de Palma de Mallorca
Foto Antonio Íñigo 2023, 20 de marzl
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freising · 11 months
Heinrichs Immobilien - Immobilienmakler Freising
Heinrichs Immobilien ist ein etablierter Immobilienmakler in Freising. Mit langjähriger Erfahrung und Expertise auf dem Immobilienmarkt bietet das Unternehmen seinen Kunden professionelle Dienstleistungen rund um den Kauf, Verkauf und die Vermietung von Immobilien.
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Heinrichs Immobilien legt großen Wert auf Kundenzufriedenheit, Vertrauen und Transparenz. Sie stehen ihren Kunden während des gesamten Immobilienprozesses zur Seite und bieten eine umfassende Beratung und Unterstützung. Von der Bewertung der Immobilie über die Vermarktung bis hin zur Verhandlung und Abwicklung des Verkaufs oder der Vermietung sorgen sie für einen reibungslosen Ablauf.
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Ob es um den Kauf oder Verkauf von Wohnimmobilien, Gewerbeimmobilien oder Grundstücken geht, Heinrichs Immobilien ist ein vertrauenswürdiger Partner in Freising, der seine Kunden kompetent und zuverlässig unterstützt.
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Unser Einzugsgebiet: 85386 Eching 85354 Freising 85411 Hohenkammer Hallbergmoos, Germany Marzling, Germany 85391 Allershausen 85777 Fahrenzhausen Freising Paunzhausen Neufahrn bei Freising 85356 Freising Pulling 85354 Freising Vötting 85354 Freising 85406 Zolling Haag an der Amper Tuching 85356 Freising Neustift 85356 Freising Kranzberg 84104 Rudelzhausen
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kulturell · 3 years
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getoutsideanddraw · 6 years
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My New Year’s Eve Sketch created in the lobby/restaurant at the hotel in Marzling, Germany.
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biriland · 4 years
Quick Character Profile: Ezle Dallokit
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Age at start of story: young adult
Gender: doean (trans woman) with androgynous leaning (not uncommon mice are p androgynous) (Uses she/her pronouns)
Attraction: Hates being Attached to Anyone so it’s hard to say but she does like Bryn. (Ace lesbian)
Mother: Tillow Dallokit 
Father: Morvol Dallokit 
Mizle Dallokit (older sister) 
Ruzle Dallokit (older brother) 
Marzle Dallokit (older brother) 
Frezle Dallokit (older sibling)
All of her siblings are from a previous litter, Ezle is the runt and only survivor of the second litter.
Childhood home: Gevinest, a somewhat well-off barrown (village) to the North-East of Magnoritt (Edorim Capitol). Her family nest was fairly small and crowded, but well-kept.
Personality: distant and addled, but otherwise determined. Very passionate about history, truth, and justice. Somewhat self sacrificial.
Feel free to ask questions about her or the Biriland setting!
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Unbekannte setzen Verkaufshütten in Brand
Unbekannte setzen Verkaufshütten in Brand
FREISING, MARZLING IM LKRS FREISING. Zwei, bei Erdbeerfeldern stehende Verkaufshütten, setzten bislang unbekannte Täter in der Nacht von Samstag auf Sonntag in Brand.
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lean0mar · 1 year
El sonido de mi felicidad
Ella es mi canto suave, mi arpegio de amor, mi acorde más hermoso que toca mi corazón.
Es el compás de mi vida, la que marca mi sentir, la que alegra mi existencia y me hace feliz al vivir.
Ella es mi brillo en la noche, mi estrella en la oscuridad, la que me da esperanza y me hace soñar en realidad.
Con ella todo es más fácil, todo es más bello y especial, pues ella es la música que suena en mi corazón sin cesar.
Es mi poema, mi canción, mi melodía más querida, mi amor, mi razón, mi compañera de vida. M. L. Morpheus
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gutachter · 2 years
Einzigartige Rettungsaktion: Spatenstich in Marzling für Barockstadel
Einzigartige Rettungsaktion: Spatenstich in Marzling für Barockstadel
Marzling: „…2011 hat ein Marzlinger den ältesten datierten Stadel im Landkreis Freising davor gerettet, Brennholz zu werden. Elf Jahre lang hat er die Einzelteile sorgsam gelagert. Jetzt soll das historische Baudenkmal wieder aufgebaut werden – mit großen Plänen. Jahrzehnte hat Günther Kriegelsteiner auf diesen Moment warten müssen, doch jetzt ist er seinem Traum ganz nahe. In einem…
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glamgalmaxwell · 7 years
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Mari! Mars! Mario Cart! Marzle! Barzle! Marzeline! Super Mario! Mari Bari! Maribelle! Marino! Mar! Mars! Hey! Happy birthday! #happybirthdaymari #happybirthday #sisters #littlesister #bdaywishes #youold #loveyouboo #mars #babysis
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whereisemil · 7 years
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Off to #Moosburg... #roadtrip #Bavaria (at Marzling)
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funnygeekmetalthings · 11 years
Slayer - Disciple - Drumcover by Marzl
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lean0mar · 11 months
Bajo el Manto Estrellado
En la ciudad nocturna, bajo el manto estrellado, una cita se despliega, un encuentro soñado, donde tu esencia resalta, como joya brillante, entre las sombras que danzan, encanto fascinante.
Tu mirada, lucero que guía mi camino, refleja destellos de un universo divino, en cada parpadeo, secretos se revelan, mientras los astros susurran versos que enciendan.
Tus labios, carmesíes como rosas en la noche, invitan al deseo, a saborear su derroche, en cada sonrisa, encantos se dibujan, una melodía que en mi corazón se escucha.
Tu cabello, noche oscura adornada de estrellas, se entrelaza en mis dedos, sedas más bellas, un enigma enredado en hebras de ébano, que me envuelve en su magia, un universo en mi mano.
Tus pasos, como susurros sobre el asfalto, dejando huellas invisibles en el recorrido alto, y en cada callejón, sombras te acompañan, danzando al compás de la luna que te baña.
Tu figura, escultura que el viento acaricia, curvas que se entrelazan en una danza exquisita, esbozo de arte, misterio dibujado, que se desvela en la noche, sin ser revelado.
La ciudad se viste de gala, en honor a tu esencia, sus luces resplandecen con celestial presencia, y en cada rincón, un tributo a tu hermosura, que se funde con la noche en perfecta sinfonia.
En esta cita mágica, tú eres la protagonista, donde la noche y tú se entrelazan en armonía, un poema meticuloso, describiendo tu grandeza, y el universo entero celebra tu belleza.
Así, en la ciudad nocturna, bajo el cielo estrellado, nuestra cita se convierte en un cuadro inspirado, donde tu encanto resplandece, sublime y sin igual, y la noche misma se rinde ante tu ser celestial.
M. L. Morpheus
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