#Mason Hewitt Appreciation Week 2024
wolfboy88 · 6 months
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Moodboard: Mason Hewitt as DC Comics Duke Thomas/The Signal
For @masonhewittappreciation week 2024 Day 7: Free Day
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wolfboy88 · 6 months
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After years of separation, Boyd and Mason, who had long believed they were only children, come together to unravel the mystery of their missing sister, Alicia. Searching for any lead, they find themselves at the eerie Motel Glen Capri, where memories flood back and a breakthrough occurs.
Their journey takes a pivotal turn in the peculiar town of Beacon Hills, where a visit to Eichen House introduces them to Lydia, a patient with psychic abilities. It is Lydia who unveils the crucial information that Alicia was taken by the mysterious Dread Doctors.
For @teenwolfrarepairevents character of the month and @masonhewittappreciation week 2024 Day 5: Parallels or AU’s
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