Sold. Part six
Reader is bought by Dabi and he is not what she expected.
@babayaga67 ♥️
W! Dark Themes. Blood. Death. Mentions of death/abuse. Yandere themes.
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Dabi had known Hawks for a long long time. They use to hangout , some even said they were friends. They spent the days together hiding from the Commission and just eating food on rooftops or picking up girls. Everything was going great until it wasn't.
Hawks had this .. thing about rejection. He didn't like it. But then again who does? He would sometimes get annoyed with it and follow the girl around and Dabi had to reel him back, calming him down . It was not pretty unfortunately. Some of the girls turned up weeks later bruised/ injured or worse… Dabi knew it was Hawks . And no matter how hard he tried , he could not pull him out of his set ways. Hawks was the one who showed him the add on you. His gloved hand shaking in anticipation along with his wings.
“This one. This one.!!!” The paper creaked . “Remember this one?! She .. she said she wasn't interested but ..!! I could b.. bb…” he was starting to stutter he was so excited. “Buy HER! She would be mine , mine mine mine…”
Dabi took the paper reading it over then glancing at Hawks, all his feathers had fallen out in excitement. “I wouldn't have to kill this one.. she.. id own her i…”
“ i even have a place ! Wanna see?!?”
He didn't want to, really didn't want to , but it would be good to know where he keeps these poor souls. ..
Hawks was the Number Two Hero and everyone adored him, no one would suspect him to own an old unfinished building with chains on the walls and blood on the old stone floor. ..
The whole atmosphere was off .. the smell was horrid.. foul even; dried blood , rotting ceiling and a musky smell.
Dabi was starting to question if he really was the villain and Hawks was the Hero..
It took Dabi a day to get the money together but when he did he set up a little goosechase for Hawks so he could get to you first. Lucky for him everything in the city was flammable.
The room was still unsettling and still smelled of dried blood and now fresh blood. He tried not to look at the newly dead body staring up at him.
Hawks walked over hugging his friend squeezing him for a minute. “Dabiiii my good friend, im happy you could make it.” Beamed the bird letting go of him. “Excuse the mess, she was a brat.”
“ what do you want Hawks. Im not here to chit chat with you” He wanted to be with you, he had it all planned out dammit. Take you to the League and hangout with everyone.. Toga would love you instantly and it would warm everyone else up to you , hopefully Shigaraki would like you enough to offer you the Leagues protection too. But no, he had to be here, the happiest place on earth.
“So you got to her before me , did you start that fire?”
“Me? No . I haven't set anything on fire. What color were the flames?”
“Mm red. I guess you're right. But it made me miss the sale !!!”
So it was a smart idea to use matches.. Dabi eased up a little knowing he was safe from suspicion. “Hawks this has been going on too long don't you think. You can get help, hell, the best help your a Hero .”
Hawks tapped his chin thinking about it as he made his way around the room stepping over chains and sliding bodies out of his path with his boot till he got to his chair. He swung it around and pushed a body out of it and sat down getting comfortable. His voice was… eery and unpleasant. “Help with what? Dabi…?” The smile he gave his friend sent a chill all the way down The villain's spine. Dabi stepped back feeling the door for the knob grabbing it, swinging the door open and walking out and not saying a word.
“Ill pay you 10x what you paid for her!!” He heard from the room. But he just kept walking. Fire forming over his fists.
Dabi went back to the League to see everyone still on the couch only now you and Toga were there too. You both looked like you were reading a magazine about fashion. Shigaraki saw him come in and Dabi gestured for him to follow. The Leader rolled his eyes, setting his switch down to follow Dabi into his room.
He explained everything to his boss as calmly as he could . Shigaraki could smell the burns on Dabis hands as soon as he walked into the Hideout, must be really upset he thought. “So what do you want me to do about it?” He asked, looking around the room with an annoyed look on his face , taking him away from his switch for this …
“Make sure she has the Leagues protection”
“Oh I thought that was your job?” Shigaraki asked, tilting his head.
The burned man took in a deep breath for a minute then exhaled very slowly. He put his hands together bowing. “Please, boss.”
Shigaraki took a step back , his fingers twitching at this sight. He groaned very .. very loudly and waved his hand around. “Put our numbers in her burner phone, ash tray.”
Everything was settled and calm after that, Dabi was not anxious and Shigaraki agreed to his request. The two returned to the couch where Shigaraki was reunited with his Switch and Dabi with you.
Dabi picked you up out of Togas grip and brought you to his room even though you were not happy about the sudden interruption. He shut the door and got in his bed with you holding your hips tight.
“Excuse you!”
“Puppy shh..” he closed his eyes
“No we have multiple things to discuss , first you just left me?? Here ?? Without saying goodbye??? Second you did not introduce me to anyone and i for one -“ he opened an eye and placed his thumb over your lips glancing down at you.
“I had to take care of something important, that's why i left without saying anything. Someone is after you and I needed to confirm that was true. “
You sunk into the pillow parting your lips slightly so Dabis thumb slipped in your mouth resting on your teeth. “Uhm i.. is it a bad person?” You asked him.
“You wouldn't think he is if i told you, but yes, very bad. I brought you here so Boss would take you under the Leagues protection. “
“Do i .. want to know why they are after me?”
“No. No you don't. They were the one who told me about the add on you.” He moved his hand to your cheek rubbing it slowly woth sadness in his eyes. “When they told me what would happen to you I had to get there first. I couldn't let it happen.”
You placed a hand on this man's cheek running the tips of your fingers through his hair slowly. You had never seen Dabi like this before , it must be very serious. Maybe you should ease up on the act a little.. and let him in . You gave him a nod and a ‘ok’ , letting him know he had your trust.
He pulled you close, digging his fingers into your scalp telling you how he would keep you safe, no matter what.
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Sold. Pt 1
W/fem Reader
Warnings: leash, public play. Smut
Everyone is 23
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“Look at you.. so cute” he cooed down at you.
You rolled youre eyes scanning all around the empty cold park, it was midnight and Dabi just had to go out. At midnight. You were on all fours in front of him , you could hear the camera on his phone snapping with every step you took. He had you in one of his white t shirts and youre pink panties. Hopfully the walk would be over soon you though, you could only go around so many times before Sabi got bored.
The yanking of the leash brought you back to reality, you grunted feeling the leash grind against youre folds and between youre breast. You looked back with a raised eyebrow and an angry look. Dabi leaned down teasing you.
“Oh what is it? Bored? Didint like that? Maybe youre father should of thought of all this before he sold you to me, gotta pay off that gambling debt somehow.” He stuck his tongue out strolling to the bench to sit down.
Youre father was the cause of this.. first he sold possessions.. and now you. Just to pay his debt. And to a villain no less...
Dabi yanked you over to him making you blink and stumble into his knee. He fished his hand through youre hair lifting youre head up to look at you.
“Im sure you know what comes next.. dollface”
You sat down criss cross between his legs with youre arms folded. “Can we leave after?”
“Hm?.. did you hear something?” He asked looking around
“Can we leave after... Master”
He smiled down at you petting youre head. “Sure, why not. Wouldint want anyone to see you “
Yes he would, he didint care who saw you.
He pat his thigh and you rolled youre eyes unzipping his pants. Slowly you reached in and Dabi placed his open palm on youre head guiding you to his cock. You shut youre eyes tight as the head slipped into youre mouth, you licked all over sucking gently . Dabi purred up at the night sky pushing youre head further and further.
Youre jaw was beginning to ache around his cock , you could feel him start to put pressure on youre head and you moved back and forth as best you could.
“Dont forget to lick dollface..”
You placed both youre hands on the ground bobbing youre head and licking all over his cock , his breathing was getting staggered and the grip on youre head was getting tighter. You watched his chest rise high and sink low with each breath.
You pulled back a bit to suck on the head and Dabi groaned digging his fingers into youre head. He thrusted his hips a couple times before pulling you off to finish on youre face.
“Hey!!!” You sat back rubbing youre face
Dabi pet youre head laughing.
“Best 300 bucks i ever spent, ready to go to youre new home? Dollface?”
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Sold pt 3
W/ fem reader
Summary. Reader has been bought by Dabi and he is not what she expected.
All parts under the MasterDabi tag !
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You woke up around 10 o clock to the smell of eggs and toast. You groaned rolling over onto youre stomach hugging the pillow. You felt a hand pat youre head abd a door close.
Wait. Did he just leave? Did he just leave you by youreself?!? What kinda...
You shot up looking around not to see Dabi. Instead you saw a cheap pre paid phone and a note and a plate of breakfast on the desk next to you. You sat criss cross grabbing the plate and the note.
‘Puppy, ill be gone most of the day, villain work. Be good okay? I dont care if you leave the house. I dont care what you get up too, just come home before dark to me. The phone is for you if you run into a problem. ~Dabi ‘
You shoved the food in youre mouth reading the note over and over and over. He did leave you by youreself, did he trust you? You could leave so.. You jumped off the bed and got half way down the hall too stop and look back at the messy bed and empty plate.
You went back to the bed fixing it up and grabbing the plate. You washed it in the sink and hopped in the shower.
Dabi was at the hideout watching the little tv on the bar with Shigaraki and Twice. The reporter was talking about a new bank that opened up in the city and a ceremony for the Heroes being held today.
“Twice you want to hit up the bank with me?” Dabi asked pouring himself a drink .
“Sure but WHY DO WE NEED TO” he asked , arms folded .
“For his new toy.” Shigaraki clicked his teeth
“jealous?” Dabi asked leaning over to the Leader.
“Dont make me laugh” Shigaraki shook him off . “Youve had youre eye on that add for awhile. “
“Mmm soo?”
“So youre using her in a way i didint expect”
“Well maybe im not looking for that, mostly.”
Shigaraki got up waving his hand. “Dont tell me youre looking for .. feelings “
Dabi got up making a ‘ehh’ motion with his hands. “Wouldint you like to know, Mop Head. Lets go Twice”
Twice followed the villain out of the hideout leaving the Leader to ponder his thoughts.
You had changed and put on clothes you had found , you grabbed the phone and headed outside into the sunny day. It was perfect outside, not cold, just warm enough to feel like a hug was surrounding you. What to do what to do-
“Ack!! Fuck watch where youre...” you looked up to see Todoroki.
“You alright? Sorry i bumped you.”
“Im fine!!!” You ran down the street and Todoroki continued his patrol.
“What the fuck.. damn heroes.” You wandered to the park to see the ceremony starting. You glared up at these ‘Heroes’ . Protect the people my ass.. none of them saved youre dad from his gambling addiction. You didint know what the add said about you but you knew it was put out publicly.. Did the Heroes see it? Did they care? Would Dabi know? You sat down on a bench watching this ceremony unfold.
Bunch of losers.. these Heroes. You only watched half the ceremony till you could not handle any more of it. You got up walking down the street. This whole situation gave you a different look on life. On Heroes and Villains, you were going to ask Dabi about the add tonight. A nearby store caught youre eye , it had some people around it watching the tv in the window.
“Did you hear? A couple villains broke into the bank”
“Really? Oh my god so its true?”
“Yeah it was burned down”
“Scary.. they got away before the Pros got to em “
You blinked and ran back to the studio apartment . Was it Dabi?! He said he had villain work to do.. you ran all the way there pushing the door open to see Dabi smoking on his bed watching tv with his hands behind his head. A bag of money was on the floor too.
“Hey Puppy, wheres the fire?” He smirked blowing smoke
“I.. i saw on a tv.”
“News travels fast huh? Worried about me?”
“What? No! No.. hmph” you crossed youre arms
He chuckled extending an arm to you point at the bag. “This should last us awhile.”
You went over to the bag then to the bed looking down at him.
“Yes puppy?”
He sat up gazing up at you with tired lazy eyes. “You really want me to tie you up huh?”
“No i dont!!! I just dont understand..”
He placed his hands on youre hips rubbing in circles while he talked. “Am i so wrong for wanting to give you a better life? Do you want me to rape you? Use you? Do you want me to bring you to the League? I trusted you to go off on youre own today , i even made you breakfast.”
“Just because im a Villain does not mean im a awful terrible person.”
“Im sorry..”
He flashed you a lazy smile and blew smoke up at you. “Come cuddle me puppy. I had a hard day”
You sat down next to him and Dabi wrapped his arms around youre waist bringing you down on the bed with him. “Mmmm... much better yes?” He asked pulling you to his chest, he blew smoke up at the celing .
“The add.. can you tell me about it. Did anyone else show interest.”
“I wont tell you what it said but , Stain, Hawks, Endeavour, “
You shivered at his last name. “Why?!?”
“Im sure you can figure it out puppy. Stain wanted you so he could get you to purge with him, Hawks was just bored and did it for fun”
You squeezed him and he ran his fingers though youre hair. “Still think im a bad person?”
“I dont think that... Master.”
He chuckled rubbing youre cheek with his thumb. “I didint think so, puppy”
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Sold. Pt 5
Summary. Reader is bought by Dabi and he is not what she expected.
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You fell asleep in Dabis arms after the fighting. Leaving him awake to be angry at himself . He lit a cigarette puffing with a grunt . Dammit. He thought he got rid of the damn add the night before bringing you home . Maybe youll feel better at the League. Atleast he hoped you would. He placed his cigarette in the ash tray and was about to fall asleep when his phone went off.
“God dammit.” He felt around the bed throwing a pillow to find his phone.
‘so you got to her before me?’
Dabi turned his phone off dropping it on the bed . He rolled over with you in his arms squeezing tight
In the morning you woke up to Dabi poking your forehead. You squinted at him and rubbed your right eye groaning lightly. You saw Dabi smiling at you, moving the hair from your face lightly . Okay you admit it.. it was nice waking up to Dabi... even if he smelled like cigarettes . His smile had some kind of hold on you , you loved it . Even if he was a villain , he treated you better than anyone ever did.
“When are we leaving.. are you sure i can.. go.”
“Yes puppy, and when you get that cute butt up we are -oof.” You crawled ontop of him squeezing tight.
Dabi ran his fingers down your back talking low. “Aww.. is my puppy still upset?”
Dabi sat up with you on his lap cupping your cheek. “No need to be upset. I promise”
You leaned into his warm palm staring into his blue eyes. His smirk pissed you off to no end. So sure of himself. So confident in everything he did. Before you had been baught by him you always heard the news talking about him, his quirk, how mysterious he was and how dangerous he could be. Dabi cooed at you rubbing the edge of his nose against yours breaking you out of your trance.
“What cha thinkin bout?”
“Mmmmhm. “
“Can we just go.”
“I told you puppy. Once you get that cute butt up.”
You wiggled out of his grip getting up giving him your back, arms folded. Dabi smiled laying his head on your butt sighing. “Mmm. Maybe 20 more minutes.” He poked at it. You rolled your eyes groaning , a smile on your face.
You had to hold onto Dabis arm on the walk to the hideout so no passing villains would grab you and take you away from him. Every step made you anxious about the League. Would they like you? What did they see you as ?
Dabi stopped at the door of the hideout to wrap his arms around your waist and kiss your neck. You tilted your head for him feeling a smile creep up against your neck .
His kisses were tingly, sending a nice warmth from your neck down to your chest. His fingers traveled up to the hem of your pants dipping under lightly. Dabi nibbled at your ear while lightly scratching just above your panties . “Oh puppy...”. He scratched lower hitting you panties making you gasp and wiggle out of his grasp hitting the door.
“ aww... puppy.”
You shot him a look feelimg around for the doorknob twisting it and going in. Dabi rolled his eyes following you walking infront of you to open the second door. It was not what you expected.
Kurogiri looked up from behind the couch, he seemed to be watching Shigaraki play on his switch. Toga looked up squealing. She jumped over the bar going straight to you pulling you in. Dabi rolled his eyes closing the doors. “Hey hey im here. “ he said slowly, making his way to his Leader.
“Did you get my text?” Shigaraki asked not looking up from his switch.
The talking fadded from your ears as Toga dragged you to her room sitting on the floor with you. You glanced all around her room seeing lots of knives and blood viles, a bed with a pretty blanket a dresser and a mirror.
“Hi!! Im toga!!”
“Uh.. pup-y/n. My name is y/n . Your hair is really pretty.”
Toga got red in the face hugging you tightly. “Eee thank you so is yours!! Wanna do each others hair?!?”
You leaned into her chuckling . “ sure, ive never had a girls day before.”
Toga pulled you up bringing you to her bedand grabbing some hair stuff wiggling behind you. For a villain she was not so bad. A very happy girl she seemed. She asked what it was like to live with Dabi and if he was nice to you. You shrugged while Toga braided your hair .
“Yeah. Id say so. He got me girly body wash so ..”
“Aww!!! He was so excited to bring you home!”
“He..? He was?” You looked back.
“Yep!! I think hes lonely. Me now!” She wiggled to your front sitting on your lap.
You undid her hair buns and began to work on her hair. Dabi was... lonely?
“Did you get my text?”
“No my phones off.” Dabi said sitting down with a groan and pulling a pack of smokes from his pocket.
“Well can you read it?” Shigaraki asked looking up.
Dabi lit a cigarett with his thumb . “Cant you tell me? Im here.”
“I dont feel like it”
Dabi rolled his eyes biting into his smoke to reach into his back pocket fetching his phone.
“Yes Giri?” The phone flashed on
“How have you been since you took that girl in”
“Better. “He glanced down reading the text. “Its just information on a job mop head.”
“Dont lose it.” Shogaraki spat out looking back down at his switch.
Dabi rolled his eyes seeing a +1 on the mail screen. He tapped it and bit down hard on the cigarett.
‘Lets talk. Maybe i can buy her from you. Ill be at the usual place.’
Dabi got up shoving his phone in his pocket. “Ill be back. Keep an eye on my puppy for me.”
“Do i have to take her for walks?” Shigaraki mocked
“Nope. Thats my job. “ he left without saying goodbye to you, a angry look on his face.
Dabi did not want to see this guy. He was bad news, but no one knew that side of him. Everyone saw him as a Hero. He hid it well. But Dabi knew, he knew of the things he had done. He was actually the one who showed Dabi the add on you. After hearing what he wanted to do to you, unspeakable things. He had to get to you first. He had seen what this Hero had done to helpless girls, where he kept them. He couldint let that happen again.
Dabi slipped into a old run down building , no furture, just chains hooked to the walls in rows of three. The walls were cracked and stained with blood giving off a unsettling mood. He made his way down the hallway following the feathers to see a lazy boy arm chair and big red wings facing a window. He could hear crying but it was quickly silenced with a feather. A groan came from the body getting up out of the chair. He turned to face Dabi , spreading his wings.
“Hey Dabi, glad you could make it. Excuse the .. mess” he gestured to the girl on the floor.
Dabi stepped back trying not to look. “What do you want Hawks.”
“Oh im sure you know.. lets talk business”
@bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love some shiggy bb.
A/n. Holy crud i finally updated this
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Sold pt 4
Summary. Female reader is baught by Dabi and he is not what she expected
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You still had the thoughts about the add running around in youre head. You wanted to know what it said . What twisted things youre father put on it . You squeezed Dabis shirt and he looked down from the tv to see youre eyes shut tightly and youre arm twitching. He moved his hand from behind his head laying it on youre shoulder, lightly warming his palm and rubbing his fingers all around youre skin till you stopped shaking . His other hand dug his ciggaret in his ashtray, he curled up around you going to sleep.
In the morning Dabi woke up first , he sat up stretching with his knees up . He looked out the window watching the sun come up a little more. You felt around the bed not feeling anything, you opened youre eyes to see Dabi sitting up lighting a new ciggarete, blowing smoke out the window.
“Smoking is bad for you..”
He smiled blowing more smoke out the window .”lots of things are bad for me puppy, id say this is pretty low on the list.”
You sat up rubbing youre eyes while you talked. “Whats the first thing on the list?”
“The Pro Heroes are my number one.”
He felt a hand on his back and youre chest . You must still be sleepy because you rubbed youre chest on him. He purred looking back to watch you. You were cute when you woke up, so innocent .
“Any plans today puppy?” He asked looking out the window again.
“Uhm.. laundry. Because who knows the last time you washed these blankets and sheets”
“Gotta go to the laundry mat then.”
You looked at his sleepy smiling face. “Seriously..”
“Yep.” He made a kiss face at you .
“Fine.. what are you doing?”
“Villain stuff.”
“Oh how scary” you waved youre hands around getting out of bed and going down to the restroom to shower.
“Just for that you can wash clothes too puppy”
“Then get it all ready for me! .. please.” You closed the restroom door
Dabi chuckled slipping his smoke in his mouth and getting out of bed . He stripped it and dunked the sheets and clothes into a bag zipping it. He left soon after.
When you got out of the shower and dressed the studio was empty and a basket of laundry was waiting for you. You rolled youre eyes slipping the bag on youre shoulder then staring at the bag of money.
You kneeled down looking at the very big stack of money all taped up so nice and neatly . Youve never seen so much money. Scoffing you grabbed a 20 and left the studio to go to the laundry mat.
At the hideout Dabi was sitting at the bar with Toga who was asking so many questions about you. Youre favorite color, youre hair color, youre favorite food. Dabi only knew a few answers and that was not good enough for her she he offered to just bring you by.
“REALLY!!!” She jumped out of her seat
“Is that okay Mop Head?” Dabi asked looking over his shoulder at his Leader who was playing his Switch on the couch.
“I dont care.” He said not looking up.
“Yep really” Dabi answered
Toga was so excited she couldint form words. Dabi got out of his seat going to the door with Toga following.
“What are we doing today!” She asked skipping
“Setting things on fire, Setting UA on fire”
“Good luck” Shigaraki said
“Come with us Mop Head”
“Yeah Please Tomura!!!!”
Shigaraki put his Switch down and followed the two out all huffy, his arms folded over his chest.
Meanwhile you were at the laundry mat playing on youre phone . Well not exactly playing. It had no games and was a flipping flip phone . It did have everyone in the Leagues contacts though. You were curious as to why you needed everyones numbers though. Youre stomach growled and you groaned kicking youreself . You didint bring enough money for food..
You crossed youre arms staring at the dryer. Almost done. Suddenly everyone ran out if the laundry mat and you looked out the big window to see a crowd pointing to the right. You sat on youre knees turning around to see fire trucks zooming past and Pro Heroes rushing by .
“UA is on fire!!!” Someone said.
You blinked getting up looking out the door to see just that. The hill was in flames and everything was catching fire. Blue fire you might add. You shook youre head and went back inside to gather the laundry into youre bag . You were about to leave when you saw everyone left their bags in the laundry mat.
Quickly you checked the crowd and tip toed to everyones bags taking the money out of their wallet.
“....miiiineee...” you sneaked out going to the grocery store.
You got home first . With food and clean everything . You put the food away first. You had no idea what this man ate but if he didint like it he didint have to eat it.
Next you made the bed , which was a chore. The ned was to heavy and you had to pull it to the side to get the sheet on. When you got the sheet on something slipped put from under it . It looked like a paper . You threw the blanket on the bed and kneeled downing picking the paper up reading it. Youre heart sank.
F/n l/n
Female . 19
Highest payer
Phone number
And a photo of you
You stood up shaking in youre skin. The paper fell from youre hands and you held youreself trying to pretend this wasint happening.
Dabi came home soon after funny enough. He had a annoyed look on his face. Guess his plan failed. He saw you holding youreself sitting on the bed and went over sitting with you.
“You ok puppy?” He put his arm around you and you flinched. He blinked watching youre face, you looked terrified.
“The add..” you pointed with a shaky hand.
He looked and shot up cursing . He grabbed the paper setting it on fire. Turning it into nothing in his hand.
“Why do you still have that..”
“Because i forgot to get rid of it “ he didint turn to face you.
“So you know im a..”
“Do you think that matters?” He snapped making you flinch looking up at him. He turned to face you. “Do you think i bought you to just pop so innocent girls cherry?”
You rubbed youre eyes shaking youre head, crying lightly. Dabi rolled his eyes going to you wrapping his arms around you causing you to fall back with him on you.
“I baught you because i wanted to give you a better life, ive told you this puppy. “
“I know..”
“Good. Tomorrow we are going to the League to hang out.”
“Ok..” you dug youre fingers in his hair and he groaned squeezing you. “I bought food..”
“How much money did you take?” He asked looking up seeing youre slightly happy face.
“I stole.. money from the laundry mat.. everyone was distracted so..” you blushed
Dabi laughed loudly and pulled you ontop of him wiping youre eyes. “Thats my good little puppy”
/ @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love . Some Shiggy ♥️
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👀 can you make a part 2 on sold
Sold. Pt 2 w/Fem reader
Everyone is 23 .
I made a tag for this too. ! Part one is under the MasterDabi tag
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Dabi made you walk back to his home with his mess still on youre face, it was funny to him. You didint care though, the sooner you got there the sooner you could clean up and put on real clothes.
“Hey” you said
He turned his head back at you with a ciggaret in his mouth, the blue flame shining in the dark night. “Hmm..?” He purred.
“Am i sleeping in a cage or what. How does this work . Ive never been sold against my will before”
He shook his head showing off his white teeth , he turned his head forward talking slowly.
“I mean.. if you want that, i could provideee.. but i was thinking a bed , sorry if that disapoints you.”
His words confused you, not even 15 minutes ago he was shoving his cock in youre mouth, and before that he baught you. And now he was being.. cutesy ? With you?
“A bed is fine..i prefer that.”
“I thought so Puppy, we are here.”
He stopped at the house bringing you inside , you stepped in looking all around . It was more of a run down studio than a ‘house’ . He crept up behind you breathing on youre neck , he had one hand on youre hip and the other was traveling up youre chest to youre leash. He snapped it off dropping it to the floor, he lifted his head whispering in youre ear.
“Home sweet home~ , why dont you go get cleaned up, ill bring you some clothes.”
“This is not a house..”
“Aw Puppy, what do you expect? Im a villain i dont have a mansion. And to think i spent all day cleaning it up just for you” he nibbled at youre ear dropping his hand to youre hip squeezing lightly.
“Its ..clean i guess.” You shook him off and wandered the house looking for the restroom.
He purred watching you leave his grasp.
When you found the restroom it was... actually very clean. You closed the door and opened the curtain to see ... girly shampoo and conditioner?
“Tropical Mango...Body wash.” You shook youre head undressing getting in. The shower felt very nice. Better than the always broken shower at home.
What time was it? The sun was not coming up yet so maybe 1AM? . You washed up and washed youre hair. You heard the door open and you covered yourself . The door shut again and you peaked out to see folded clothes on the sink. You tilted youre head so far you got water in youre ear
“Ack!! Fuck..”
Once you got the water out you got out dressing in the new clothes, did he guess youre cup size? It was a little big on you but it fit. The panties matched too, they were a pretty blue. The clothes were a button up long sleeve pj shirt with sheep on them , with matching pj bottoms.
You stepped out peaking to hear a tv , you walked back to the main room to see Dabi on his bed smoking a new ciggaret watching a old small tv on a box. He saw you and waved with his index and middle finger. You went over with youre arms fded over youre chest sitting on the bed.
“Come cuddle me Puppy.” He held his arms out to you
“A half hour ago you were gloating and shoving youre dick down my throat”
“Yeah?” He purred blowing smoke
“What gives. Why are you being so nice”
He placed his ciggaret in his ash tray and moved over to you whispering in youre ear.
“Because if you knew about the add youre father put up for you, what it said, you would be a crying mess. “
You shivered
“The other villains that wanted to buy you? Im a saint compaired to them. Now whats it gonna be. Do you want me to tie you up and make you my ona hole? Or do you want to watch tv with me hm??”
You looked back seeing his smug happy face
“ of course ill want a little more than my dick sucked but i want you to want it too Puppy”
“Fine.. thank you.”
He cackled under his breath wrapping his arms around youre waist bringing you to bed with him. He put his cigarette back in his mouth and flipped through the channels.
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Would you guys want Sold to be a series ?
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Summary. Reader has been bought by Dabi and he is not what she expected
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