#Matt Engarde
knightsickness · 9 months
will powers being in universe a big ugly hairy guy (funny to a western audience who without fail go ‘hugh jackman !!’ upon first seeing will powers) in a show about fighting and his trial unmasking him and making him unpalatable as a male lead and getting him fired by global studios and then him being replaced within the year by a significantly younger public-facing pop idol whose show is about a love triangle is incredibly interesting to be an almost totally unremarked upon background event. same for investigations indicating that global studios went full scorched earth on nickel samurai after the engarde scandal not only dropping the character completely and going back to the steel samurai but turning to kaiju movies instead. creator of four hour ‘the nickel samurai: the boom and bust of a franchise’ video essay about how the lead being a murderer was really the least of the show’s problems revealed to be edgeworth wearing a steel samurai mask and using a voice changer after gumshoe walks through the back of a shot
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handsometimr · 5 months
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that thing where you look like your pet
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dipndotz · 1 month
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i love my wife phoenix wright umm matts here too i Guess
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autisticsupervillain · 4 months
Someone needs to do a thing about Phoenix Wright becoming a Tumblr celebrity/meme in universe, getting treated in a similar way to how we treat Hbomberguy irl. You cannot tell me that Tumblr wouldn't see a lawyer solve a fifteen year old cold case by cross examining a parrot and not immediately declare him our king.
On trial rn and my defense attorney seems to be lowkey flirting with the prosecutor and it's really killing the mood ngl.
OP, your attorney is Phoenix Wright. He's been married to that Prosecutor for fifteen years. I even credits him for inspiring him to take up law in the first place.
Aw, that's actually really sweet.
Didn't that guy once solve a fifteen year old cold case by cross examining a parrot?
Newbies discovering the pure insanity that is Phoenix Wright's career will never not be funny. Your trial is gonna be legendary.
Did you really not do any research on your attorney before hiring him?
Doing research rn. This guy's career is insane. Listed in no particular order, my attorney, Phoenix Wright has apparently:
Needed to have evidence law explained to him mid-trial
Proven the existence of ghosts to win his trials(?????????)
Defended an orca in court.
Only lost three times in his entire career (absolutely fucking insane if you know how Japanifornia's legal system is. Tbh, defendants are screwed in our current system.)
Successfully proven that the prosecutor committed the crime his client was accused of by checking him with a metal detector.
Claims to have a magic necklace that can let him see lies??????
Was once nearly taken out by the mafia.
Once got impersonated by a dude with a cardboard badge.
Repeatedly been assaulted by witnesses and even prosecutors? Like, one of them straight up tazed him and he was once apparently whipped unconscious in court???
Survived getting hit by a speeding car and being sent flying, falling through a burning bridge, and all the times he got assaulted.
Also, that description of his relationship with the Prosecution really doesn't do any justice. Apparently, Phoenix only started practicing law so he could meet this man in court again.
Who gave this indestructible homosexual a law degree? He clearly has too much power.
Actually! Phoenix Wright is a fraud who got disbarred for forging evidence! I'd really appreciate it if we stopped ignoring all the bad things he did just because he's gay.
#anti-pw #freekristoph #antijurorsystem #anti-matt engarde
Of all the Gavins, why'd you decide to simp for the one whose a creepy lawyer serial killer? The other one's the one with the band ya know.
Your name is literally Engarde-Simp.
Wasn't Phoenix blackmailed into that trial and that's why he lost.
Yeah, apparently Matt hired an assassin to kidnap his girlfriend or something.
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Googled it. Apparently it was his co-council. They're just friends from what I can tell.
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Got declared not guilty btw. Apparently the real killer was the Judge.
Official Phoenix Wright post.
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wowowwild · 1 month
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The acest of attorneys (and friends)
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apricotmayonaise · 9 months
hey rember the aa meme series on my old account
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runby2 · 3 months
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thats so mean why would he say that
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small-spanish-face · 7 months
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New monthly(?) textposts yayyy
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turnaboutinkstains · 1 year
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The phrase 'ass foto' has been stuck in my head for days help
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midnightbrightside · 1 month
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i made a bunch of villain emotes as a stretch goal for @aabadendingzine last year! there are 8 little guys you can save from this post or this download link to use however you like!
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if-i-eated-soaps · 1 year
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don’t know if any of these have been done before… but i have SO many of these i’ve made and now i can share them on tumblr
there will definitely be more coming soon
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knightsickness · 1 year
really enjoy that engarde asks to call his lawyer while talking to phoenix and that when he does and phoenix’s phone rings he picks it up and says ‘hello?’ as if he’s expecting someone else and then they just continue the conversation over the phone while looking at each other. especially enjoy that he does this bit twice and that phoenix goes along with it both times. obviously indicative of something deeply wrong with engarde but arguably even more of something wrong with phoenix
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bet you guys thought i was done huh? well im not. happy almost apollo justice day
similar posts: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
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pauladrawsnstuff · 1 year
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Just drawing some Ace Attorney villains. Now I only know the baddies from the first four games, so please don't ask why I didn't include so and so from AA Bladdeyblah 2: Electric Boogaloo. I'll get there. Maybe.
Also if anyone wants to know my thoughts on Kristoph, this was the original drawing in my sketch version. Man, Fuck Kristoph, what a useless turd. 
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hyperfixatinator · 8 months
Hey, do you guys ever think about the "Not Guilty" option at the end of the Engarde trial? Shelly De Killer released Maya from her kidnapping. Phoenix's hands are no longer tied. He could've said "Guilty" and sent Matt Engarde to prison where he would await the death penalty.
Instead, though, he continues fighting to get his client acquitted. Only this time, it's not an act of mercy. It's an act of revenge.
Phoenix knows De Killer has made Engarde his next target. He knows Engarde would face a worse fate should he be sent free. Phoenix isn't being a savior here. He's throwing Engarde out to the wolves. He was about to pull Engarde out of the frying pan to shove him directly into the fire for what he did to Maya.
It's one of those brief glimpses into Phoenix's humanity that's both unsettling and sobering. His savior complex and heroic reputation make it easy to forget just how far he'll go when the right lines get crossed.
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dxntloseurhead · 10 days
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i’ve done it again :3
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