banannabethchase · 6 months
Merry Christmas Indeed
December prompt challenge day 22: Holiday lingerie. Also an outtake from Set the World Alight :) I can't let go of my Mattygirl and I never will.
Mox knocks on the door of Matty’s house, frowning. There aren’t any cars in the driveway, which usually bodes well, but only if Matty actually answers the door.
He hears footsteps stumbling down Matty’s bedroom. And then the door opens.
“Hi,” she says. Her face is a little pink, and not because of the blush Mox has learned to find and compliment. She doesn’t usually wear this much makeup when it’s just the two of them. His jeans become very suddenly uncomfortably tight. “You’re early.”
Mox checks his phone. “Yeah. By, like, ten minutes.”
Matty shifts her weight to one foot and rolls her eyes, and Mox is staring. “Early enough,” she mutters. “So, I want to show you what I got myself for Christmas.” She steps aside, and Mox has to exhale carefully as the sleeve of her too-big hoodie touches his arm.
“You, um,” he asks. “Are you wearing anything under that?”
Her smile goes a little devious. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
Mox practically skips up the stairs, excitement coursing through his veins. They’re at the same school, yes, but they don’t have as much time together as he’d wished.
He’s waiting for the right moment to casually suggest for them to get an apartment off campus with some friends next year. Probably on a day when his blood is more in his brain.
Matty follows him up the stairs.
“What did you get yourself?” Mox asks, glancing at Matty’s desk. “I don’t see anything.”
“Oh, nothing, over there,” Matty says.
Mox looks over to her bed, adjusting the blankets and pillows. “Is it in your closet?” he asks. “I don’t see it.”
Matty huffs, and Mox begins to wonder what he’s missing.
“Look, baby,” he says, turning toward her, “I’m gonna need a…” He trails off. He may have forgotten how words work, as he takes Matty in. All words other than, “Wow.”
Matty’s face splits into a giant grin, eyes sparkling, as she swings her hips. The sheer lace does absolutely nothing to obscure just how beautiful she is under the fabric. “You like it?” She starts playing with the white faux fur at the bottom of the negligee. “Willow said she thought the fur was a little too on the nose, but it’s Christmas.”
Mox nods, incapable of speech. He reaches out to Matty.
She raises an eyebrow. “Going a little caveman.” She licks her lips.
“I forget how to speak,” Mox whimpers. “You look so good.” He frowns. “I need to up my Christmas gift.”
“Hey!” Matty giggles as Mox walks up to her and settles his hands on her hips. The warmth through the lace is making his brain boil. “This is for me, not you.”
“Yeah?” he asks, brushing her hair off her shoulder. “Call it a double gift.” He leans down and kisses her, gently. He doesn’t want this to go by too fast. “When, uh. When do your parents get home?”
“Nick’s got a game with a scout coming,” Matty says, trailing her fingers along Mox’s sides. “Gonna be hours, probably.”
Mox leans down and kisses her. When he pulls away, they’re both breathing heavily. Almost a year and she still gives him butterflies. “Good,” he murmurs, “because we’re gonna take our time when you in that outfit.”
Matty shivers, full body, while she beams at him, and Mox is the luckiest guy in the world.
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banannabethchase · 6 months
Study Break
December prompt challenge day 15: Mistletoe
Matty’s in the middle of glaring at her computer screen when she hears somebody clear their throat.
“Busy,” she says, chewing on the end of her pen.
“You sure about that?”
She turns around, staring at Mox. “You,” she says, as firm as she can get it, “are not supposed to bother me during finals week.”
He smiles down at her. “You have one more paper to write and the whole night to do it.” He spins her chair back around to face the computer and peers over her shoulder. It’s an unfair attack. “Look, you’re over editing. Probably done already.” He kisses her cheek. “You have so much time.” He presses his lips to her neck.
“Unfair,” she sighs, tilting her head so he can kiss a little more. She feels his fingers push aside hair that had escaped from her disaster of a bun. She only manages to open her eyes when she hears clicking. “Hey!”
“I saved it. I promise,” Mox murmurs, lips still against her skin. “Look. Mistletoe.”
Matty rolls her eyes as she looks at the screen. “A photo of mistletoe.”
Mox picks the laptop up and holds it over their heads. “Rules are rules, baby.”
Matty sighs, like it’s a hard decision to take a break to take advantage of the empty dorm room. “Oh no,” she says as Mox sets the computer down. She winds her arms around his neck as she stands. Mox hauls her in. “I have to abide by the rules of mistletoe.” She stands on her toes to kiss Mox a little better and kicks out a leg to shut the dorm door. “Whatever will I do?”
Mox grins at her before picking her up and throwing her on her bed. She giggles as she bounces. “I got an idea.”
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