#May 7th 2023
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Lionel Ritchie performed at King Charles III Coronation Concert
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Goodbye, Sweet Memories
The abridge has obviously been dead for a while but i feel it’s necessary to finally say it. Sorry guys. I honestly miss what this used to be and everyone involved. I hope everyone is having a good life. Good luck and goodbye.
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elkian · 1 year
Oh yeah something that occurred to me, I don’t remember if the reason was explicitly stated in the comic, but Rose burning her wizard fic MEOW:
She says the Horrorterrors told her to. It wasn’t relevant in the doomed offshoot but is now. One could interpret this as the HTs trying their damnedest to prevent Bec Noir’s advent (that’s definitely the source of at least one doomed timeline, MEOW being completely destroyed forever).
BUT, the Horrorterrors like... know how Sburb/Sgrub work. They should be fully aware of the Alpha Timeline at least as a concept, right?
So here’s my thoughts: they told Rose to destroy it, because that means the only existing copy is now in Dave’s hands (in the Alpha timeline; there must be one where he didn’t copy the journals). Dave has time travel: Rose does not.
What happens when Dave tries to follow Rose’s lead and burn his copy of MEOW?
He fucking dies.
But Dave is the Time player. He sees his own poor corpse, and does not try to go back and stop DD again, ensuring that MEOW is in DD’s hands, along with the Beta CDs I just realized this is a dual-pronged decision-
Without MEOW, there’s no Bec, there’s no Bec Noir, there’s no Alpha timeline. Without the Sburb Beta, there’s no discs for Jade, which means Dave doesn’t even get in (and neither does she!), which also can’t be the Alpha timeline.
When Rose goes off to destroy The Green Sun, DD comes after her, and Dave follows to protect her (because he has good reason to be scared of DD, after all, even if he didn’t realize who killed his alt self back then). It’s reasonable to assume DD was at least something of a threat to Rose at this point, at the top of her Echeladder if not armed.*
Which means he absolutely was some kind of threat when he first went to get MEOW.
The thing about Dave is that his Aspect makes him inherently expendable in a way (and boy is that fun for him and himselves!). He had a life to spare - Rose would not.
I think the Betas probably took higher priority, but I also think Dave making the journals and having the sole remaining copy was crucial at directing DD towards someone with that spare life. And I think the Horrorterrors knew that when they told Rose to burn it, or at least knew it was important to the Alpha timeline.
*I want to be clear that we’re all aware Rose is an absolute badass I just don’t want her to have had to fight him at that point at the very least.
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bryan360 · 1 year
Looks like there’s more to continue of my friend’s 30th birthday til a very end. Kudos to every artist after sharing their work to ever give to him. I’m very proud that they’re good friends to remember for a special day. 🥳🎂
Also, not bad to grab a bite at the Tokyo Tokyo Restaurant. Same goes of having hush puppies for his most approval. At least the burger were decent to take taste with. 🙂👍
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celstialmusings · 1 year
i need to do /something/ but i don’t know what that something is... you feel me? 
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May 7th, 2023
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“And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”
Ephesians‬ ‭4‬‬:‭32‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
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irecordmywordle · 2 months
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rv-there-yet · 1 year
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May 7th 2023 - on to the fuel tanks!
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Could everyone please have the victims of the allen shooting in your thoughts (or prayers if you're religious)?
It's just... all of this is so fucked up. Like, I shopped there and drove by it so often, and now there's little kids and families that died there. How many innocent people have to die for the gov to take it seriously?
ik i don't post about personal stuff a lot, but i just can't not talk about it.
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•Sunday • May 7th 2023• Oracle
“Sometimes it’s ok to leave the rivers and the lakes that you’re used to. Many times you must. To chase the Waterfalls they’ve all warned you about is a journey filled with doubt. Not many make it to the top, as the give up on the climb, except you. You know what you need to do, stay the course, take the road less travelled even if it gets lonely. You are the stuff of legends, a tale unknown, just yet to be told. There is no blueprint for life outside of the safety zones, no dream life that can be advertised or sold. So keep going and stay the course and you will find love and a life of gold, that which all goes beyond your life’s biggest remorse.”
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charlatte1989 · 1 year
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!!! MORE TOUR DATES !!! I got tickets for Christmas, and Im super excited. which date are yall going to be at? 
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Pravý divinovy kotlíkový guláš
Meninova Guláš Párty
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static-scribblez · 2 months
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“Our senses restored, never to be the same, whisper to us. They existed, they existed. We can be. Be and be better. For they existed.” - Maya Angelou, ‘Where Great Trees Fall’
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lexosaurus · 1 year
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