#Maya hart is my favorite charater ever
silver-inked · 2 years
What is a ship you hate that most people like?
Josh and Maya from girl meets world. And now, yes I am a lucaya shipper, but this is totally separate to that.
I don’t think Josh and Maya had good chemistry, it always felt forced and the whole “for the long run” thing never sat right to me because Maya is a character with trust issues and at that point in her development the last thing she needed as a freshmen in high-school, was a promise from a guy entering college. Maya deserves better than that, because she would have waited (or at least for a while) and she deserves to find good relationships out of that.
I personally hate that arch in GMW, I think the whole “Maya has become Riley” is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. (Excuse my language but it’s true).
I love GMW and have rewatched it more than I’d like to admit, and that arch was a mistake because of how it handled the love triangle but most importantly how it treated Maya’s character.
Maya from the very beginning is a very confident person when it comes to her friends and who she portrays herself to be because she uses it to hide her insecurities. She learns to open up, to trust herself and to trust others throughout the show. Riley is her rock just like she is Riley’s rock. And yea, Maya starts to use different clothing and stops going off the railings after a good while, but isn’t that the point of her development? Maya uses clothing that literally everyone in her class uses, everyone in her age group, it’s also not extremely weird of her to use it. And yea Maya calms down, and yes starts to ignore her feelings and suppress them, which is bad, but the way the show handled it was horrible.
Yea, the arch with Maya having to think back on who she was to connect to who she is and wants to be is a good arch in concept. I would have loved to see it done better. The mural scene is iconic and fits perfectly with her development. The potencial of this love triangle / identity arch is so big, and it was waisted.
But comparing both girls by braking them into stereotypes only pushed back Maya’s development. Because up until now Maya has been learning to open up (about everything but her crush), but then she is not only being told her feelings aren’t valid, but also that she’s become her best friend and that’s infuriating to me. Because that cuts the growth in her figuring herself out, it creates a wall between both girls and also makes Maya question herself more than she needs to. Because a lot of what she was doing wasn’t odd, maybe a bit out of character and that should (and was addressed), which I think is important, but the method was so bad.
There is room for Maya development in the area they were aiming but telling Maya her feelings are just a replica of Riley’s is so messed up.
I am not convinced she was more into Josh than Lucas. Joshaya never seemed like an endgame it always seemed like a childhood crush, and the fact that they treated it like an endgame made me so sad because Maya deserves better than that.
Maya doesn’t need to end up with Lucas, I’d be fine with that, as long as Joshaya wasn’t end game.
Because Joshaya being end game means that Maya will have to “wait for him” which is messed up in itself. But also she would never address her feelings (or previous feelings if your not a lucaya shipper) for Lucas and instead deny them for the sake of all her friends. It’s a big miscommunication issue bound to explode later in life and it would be angry and destructive by then:
Because Riley should not have said Maya was Riley. Even if it’s true that Maya wanted what Riley had, it’s so out of character for Maya to become her, and in my opinion she didn’t, instead Maya lost her own motives and goals because she was trying to make Riley happy. Maya hid her feelings for years, and then when they came to light she did everything to try to minimize them, and by the point she was accused for being Riley, the lines were to blurred and messed up for both Riley and Maya. Maya always does everything to make Riley happy, and this was just a sad example of that.
Plus, and most importantly I hate so so so much that Lucas had no say in who he liked. Both girls sacrificed their feelings for each other. Then Riley decided Maya’s feelings were a confusion and then Maya decided to back off and “wait for the long run” and Lucas never got a say in the very end.
So I hate Joshaya because it does Maya so dirty and that final arch had so much potencial but instead in my opinion it was an emotional disaster.
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