#Maybe if I bribe myself with it as a reward for writing new chapters of the other two...
phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Rewatching the final aizen and Ichigo fight (spectacular as always) and my little brain was shooketh at the bit where aizen was monologuing about hado 90, Black Coffin (I ain't tryna spell the Japanese off the top of my head).
"A full incantation Black Coffin performed by one such as me, who has transcended hollow and soul reaper, its power unleashes enough gravity to warp time and space!"
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ninthfeather · 7 years
@ladynorbert tagged anyone who was bored, so I took her up on it, though I queued the post, so this shouldn’t show up for until a while after hers.
Is there a snack you like to eat while writing?  
When I’m super-into working on something, I have a tendency to zone completely and forget the food is there, which is a problem since sometimes I write near dinnertime and it gets cold.  If I’m not quite that focused, sweets are good, especially things that aren’t sticky or crummy so they don’t interfere with typing.
What time of day do you usually write?
I work 9-5 during the week, so only in the evening on weekdays.  On weekends, it’s still usually late afternoon, since I tend to try to run errands or go on outings during daylight when I’m not sick.  Sometimes inspiration just happens in the morning though.
Where do you write?
Dining room table, almost always.  My computer lives there.  (I live alone, so no one else is bothered by this.)
How often do you write a new fic?
A few times a year at least, if you don’t count very small false-start WIPs.
Do you listen to music while you write?
A lot of the time.  Especially when I was younger, I would make fic playlists to get into the mood for writing a certain story.  I still do that to some extent, but I’m also more at peace with my tendency to just sometimes need to loop a specific song for a few days.  Also, I get migraines more now and sometimes I am okay enough to write but maybe not enough for music.  (Especially since I really like high-pitched techno which is, as you can imagine, not the best for migraines)
Paper or laptop?
Laptop!  I like being able to write and rewrite a sentence rapidly if the first phrasing doesn’t work right.
Do you have a special pre-writing ritual?
Nooooope.  I write for my job, too (professional/technical writing there, though), so I’ve gotten used to just plunging in.  I pretty much I just clear my head of anything that might be distracting me, focus on what I wanna write, and go.
What do you do to get into the writing?
Maybe put on a playlist, possibly read through the last bit of the fic I wrote if it’s a WIP.  I have friends in various fandoms who also enable my ideas that sometimes help with this process.
What do you always have near the place you write?
My kitchen table is a mess, so: my phone, 1-2 potholders, a DVD case, some mail, all the medications and vitamins I take, some pencils, and a cup. None of these particularly help with the writing process, I’m just bad at cleaning.
Do you have a reward system for word counts?
Not for word counts; I have word quotas at work, so that would be distinctly stressful.  I have occasionally bribed myself to finish chapters with snacks and/or the chance to watch anime, but that’s usually only in cases of “this fic is more than a week behind the update schedule.”  For me, the writing I do at work is work, and creative writing is recreational, so if it’s not at least somewhat fun, then I just stop for the night.
Is there anything else about your writing process your readers don’t know?
I usually have one or two scenes clearly in mind when I start a fic, and I often sketch them as part of the prewriting process. I usually don’t clean up and post those sketches since often they aren’t very neat or done on paper that is meant to scan well, and also sometimes the fact that I rarely use references for them means that I actively screw up the character designs.  
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