#Maybe we should do fics like that for bebe and kenny
kennys-parka-jacket · 8 months
I was looking for moments where bebe and kemny interact and i was reminded that SHE KILLED HIM TWICE!!!!!!!! 😭
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mixed-verse · 5 years
[For Mobile Users] Compiled Info
(everything in the links is re-posted here!)
Season 2 Information
Here we go again...
“Here we go again…”
Welcome back to Mixedverse!
The previous server ended awhile back, but due to prolonged interest in the AU and people wanting to do more for it, we’ve rebooted it! It’s a bit different now, though.
When we began the last server, most people didn’t really understand how things worked or exactly what was happening. Our biggest misunderstanding was assuming that MV (Mirrorverse) characters were being brought into the NV (Normalverse) world, rather then them both being merged into a middle ground.
Although that is still our official lore for this AU, we decided for the RP server we would go along with it! So…
For our AU, it’s the opposite of that.
The characters from the NV world have been sucked into the MV world, while going about their business. All you have to do to get there is blink.
Other Changes:
The most important changes have been to the application and muse receiving processes.
Applications for the most part have stayed the same, however there’s a new concept called muse lock that we’re using.
There are short periods where muses are unlocked. You may claim characters, trade characters with other people, and whatever else you wish to do with them during this time. However..
When you are muse locked you may not claim any new characters or obtain new characters in anyway. The only thing that you can still do is drop muses, however they may not be replaced with a new one until the next time that muses are unlocked.
Well, what are the times that muses are unlocked? What does that mean for joining?
Sadly, another thing that we’re going to be including is that you can only join while muses are unlocked. However, we will be accepting applications at any time! They’ll just only be approved once new muses can be taken. This also gives us time to look over everything and make sure that everyone has a fair shot at getting the muses that they want.
We are currently accepting applications!
The next time muses will be unlocked: July 1st - 4th 2019 ---------------------------
Mixedverse AU Information
Welcome to Mixedverse
Two verses merge, they’re similar but the people that reside in them are.. very different.And no one knows who’s who.
“Two verses merge, they’re similar but the people that reside in them are.. very different. And no one knows who’s who.”
Welcome to the Mixedverse AU! It’s a Mirrorverse AU where MV characters and normal characters (Normalverse) have been introduced to a similar, middle-ground verse.
At first, they might not notice anything at first. Maybe they only run into people from the same verse at first- But then, they notice that one of their friends is actually COMPLETELY abnormal. Slowly but surely they’ll eventually realize that something is wrong.
This is a good opportunity to explore different types of relationships! As well as have a slightly over-arching plot over the entire story.
Mirrorverse Info
Mirrorverse is an AU that was inspired by the Spookyfish episode of South Park, where a mirrored version of Stan, Kyle, and Cartman came into the world. It’s most commonly known where it was represented in a Kyman fanfic, as well as artwork from sleepyeule. You do not need to have read this fic.
The basic premise is that the characters are.. well, mirrored. That doesn’t mean they’re complete opposites, but some of their most important traits are removed. The best example of this is with Cartman. Mirrorverse Cartman has his general horrible and selfishness removed- Which leaves him kind, empathetic, but he’s still pretty gullible and manipulative like he is normally.
[Note; if anyone is shying away from taking an MV character because they either don’t know how a character would act or haven’t done it before- I suggest taking a muse you normally wouldn’t do since they’re going to be mirrored. As well as, ask for help if you’re having trouble at all.]
Normalverse Info
Normalverse is a weird thing to call it, but it’s basically just the canon world! The characters are just as you know them, and there’s nothing too big to note.
(Tumblr is ran by Teal)
Rules for the Discord group!
1. Have common decency. I’d prefer not to have multiple rules just telling you to be a chill person and respect people. No harassment, bullying, shaming people, etc. Just be reasonable, you don’t have to get along with everyone or be completely unconditionally nice, obviously, but be civil!
2. If you’re uncomfortable, tell someone. This goes hand in hand with the first thing, but if you have drama going on with someone, if you’re being harassed, or if you have a problem with someone, tell a mod or the owner. They’re there for a reason: to help you!
3. Stay in character. Keep in character, there will be a bit more lee-way for Mirrorverse characters than for Normalverse characters since they’re up to interpretation. There will still be standards for them, though, and expectations for how they should act in a mirrored sense. Relationships shouldn’t be changed entirely and characters shouldn’t have sporadic personality changes.
4. Whatever’s in the show is okay. South Park uses slurs constantly, is generally inappropriate and gross, and if you’ve watched the show then you should expect this. I’m completely up for helping people feel more comfortable if they do have things that really upset them, but I’d like to make it clear that I want people to be comfortable using what’s been aired on public television.
5. Minors are allowed. We’re more selective when it comes to people that are underage, but we do allow them! There’s no NSFW allowed, and be aware that some of the people you might interact with could be under 18.
6. Roleplay etiquette. Basically, follow the basic, more well-known roleplaying rules. No god-modding, auto-hitting, mary sues, self-inserts, match post length, try to keep from really small posts if you’re doing literate RP.
7. IC =/= OOC. If a character says something mean to a character in a roleplay, that’s from a character to another character. It’s not to you personally, and those things should be entirely independent of each other.
8. Please be active. If you know you have issues with activity, which is perfectly fine, please inform someone and try to take a role that’s not going to require you to be there constantly. IE, someone playing Stan and only being here once a week could be a problem, but someone playing a character like Pip or a kinder would be completely acceptable.
9. No ship drama. Please, don’t force-ship, don’t shame people for certain ships, for liking things, for not liking things. Shipping is really subjective and some people are different. However, on that note, pedophilic and incestuous ships aren’t accepted in this server in any respect.
10. Characters can die. Muses can be seriously injured and even killed! If a muse is killed, they will never be brought back.
11. Joining? To join the Discord server, submit an application to this Tumblr using the application. If you know someone that’s already in the server, it’s generally easier to get in.
We are accepting applications at all times!
We will be approving applications and letting people join the server through July 1st - 4th 2019.
A list of all characters, available and unavailable.
[There are separate lists for Mirrorverse and Normalverse, scroll past the Normalverse list for the Mirrorverse one.]
Main boys:
Eric Cartman
Kyle Broflovski
Stan Marsh
Kenny McCormick
Butters Stotch
Craig’s group:
Craig Tucker
Clyde Donovan
Jimmy Valmer
Token Black
Tweek Tweak
Annie Knitts
Bebe Stevens
Ferrari (Raisins Girl)
Heidi Turner
Jenny Simon
Jessica Rodriguez
Leslie Meyers
Lexus Martin (Raisins Girl)
Lisa Berger
Mercedes (Raisins Girl)
Millie Larsen
Monica Ryland
Patty Nelson
Porsche (Raisins Girl)
Rebecca Cotswolds
Sally Darson
Tammy Warner
Wendy Testaburger
Henrietta Biggle
Pete Thelman
Vamp Kids:
Allison Mertz
Annie Bartlett
Katie “Bloodrayne” Gelson
Mike “Vampir” Makowski
Ryan Ellis
Conner Davis
Dave Harrison
Filmore Anderson
Ike Broflovski
Sally Bands
Other kids:
Baahir Hassan Abdul Hakeem
Bill Allen
Blanket Jefferson
Bradley (Cartman Sucks)
Bradley Biggle
Bridon Gueermo
Chris Donnely
Christophe Delorne
Corey Lanskin
Damien Thorn
David Rodriguez
Dogpoo Petuski
Douchebag (Stick of Truth)
Dougie (General Disarray)
Estella Havisham
Fosse McDonald
Gary Harrison
Gregory of Yardale
Herbert Pocket
Jessica Pinkerton
Josh Myers (TP Kid)
Karen McCormick
Kelly (Rainforest Schmainforest)
Kevin McCormick
Kevin Stoley
Kip Drordy
Kyle Schwartz
Larry Feegan
Mark Cotswolds
Pip Pirrup
Romper Stomper
Scott Malkinson
Scott Tenorman
Shelly Marsh
Terrance Mephesto
Thad Jarvis
Thomas (Le Petit Tourette)
Timmy Burch
Trent Boyett
Tricia “Ruby” Tucker
Main boys:
Eric Cartman
Kyle Broflovski
Stan Marsh
Kenny McCormick
Butters Stotch
Craig’s group:
Craig Tucker
Clyde Donovan
Jimmy Valmer
Token Black
Tweek Tweak
Annie Knitts
Bebe Stevens
Ferrari (Raisins Girl)
Heidi Turner
Jenny Simon
Jessica Rodriguez
Leslie Meyers
Lexus Martin (Raisins Girl)
Lisa Berger
Mercedes (Raisins Girl)
Millie Larsen
Monica Ryland
Patty Nelson
Porsche (Raisins Girl)
Rebecca Cotswolds
Sally Darson
Tammy Warner
Wendy Testaburger
Henrietta Biggle
Pete Thelman
Vamp Kids:
Allison Mertz
Annie Bartlett
Katie “Bloodrayne” Gelson
Mike “Vampir” Makowski
Ryan Ellis
Conner Davis
Dave Harrison
Filmore Anderson
Ike Broflovski
Sally Bands
Other kids:
Baahir Hassan Abdul Hakeem
Bill Allen
Blanket Jefferson
Bradley (Cartman Sucks)
Bradley Biggle
Bridon Gueermo
Chris Donnely
Christophe Delorne
Corey Lanskin
Damien Thorn
David Rodriguez
Dogpoo Petuski
Douchebag (Stick of Truth)
Dougie (General Disarray)
Estella Havisham
Fosse McDonald
Gary Harrison
Gregory of Yardale
Herbert Pocket
Jessica Pinkerton
Josh Myers (TP Kid)
Karen McCormick
Kelly (Rainforest Schmainforest)
Kevin McCormick
Kevin Stoley
Kip Drordy
Kyle Schwartz
Larry Feegan
Mark Cotswolds
Pip Pirrup
Romper Stomper
Scott Malkinson
Scott Tenorman
Shelly Marsh
Terrance Mephesto
Thad Jarvis
Thomas (Le Petit Tourette)
Timmy Burch
Trent Boyett
Tricia “Ruby” Tucker
Application: [OOC Info] Name: Age: Pronouns: Extra: [IC Info] Name: Verse: (Mirror or Normal) Age: [Main four are 17-18] Gender + Sexuality: Height: Appearance info: Extra: Personality: Headcanons: (Around 5 total) Roleplay sample: (Paragraph) [Don’t worry about formatting, formatting will be fixed after submission.]
(Use the submission option to send this!)
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mokocchii · 6 years
The Kyman Fanfic Ultimate Guide (or in other words, how to be a kyman hoe)
So lurking in Kyman fandom for awhile people would ask, what do you recommend reading? Well, after much searching I conjured up a list in what I believe to be the best Kyman fics. As well since this is Kyman week might as well fellow fans read some good shit during this fabulously gay week.
Remember folks, my list is incredibly biased HOWEVER from reading countless kyman fanfics and engaging with fellow kyman fans, this is solely based on what I consider to be strong kyman fics in terms of story structure, writing style, characterization, and overall enjoyment.
we don't sleep when the sun goes down
by izzybusiness
“Okay, will someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?” Cartman finally yells, clearly at the end of his tether. “So, what, everyone here got struck by lightning and now you’ve got superpowers like some kind of all-gay Justice League?” Misfits AU.
By cigarettestainedeyes
Kyle's being introduced to a whole new side of himself, the panicked side, the scared side, and he doesn't much care for it. Support comes from the last place he expected.
The Rules
By Creatortan
South Park has many rules. 
1) don’t try to get involved with Kyle Broflovski. You will face the wrath of Eric Cartman. Plus Kyle just isn’t interested, even if he pretends to be.
2) don’t try to get involved with Eric Cartman. You will face the wrath of Kyle Broflovski. And Eric isn’t interested and doesn’t try to hide that. 
3) don’t try to get in between Cartman and Kyle. It never ends well. Just let them get it out of their systems.
Cant we just try?
By shortstackedchessecake96
If Eric had his stubborn way, he'd deny his feelings forever. But Kyle's not going to let that happen.
Higher, Higher
By Sweeticing
Bebe tries to use a love potion on Kyle, but the plan goes wrong when the potion makes him fall for Cartman instead. Good thing Cartman hasn't been pining for Kyle for eight years or anything crazy like that.
Cartman Gets bored
By sorrowfulJoy
Cartman gets bored at 11pm and tries to get his friends to come and spend time with him, texting fic
By SnyapticFirefly
Cartman does what he does best: peer pressuring impressionable Jews the only way he knows how.
Keep Your Enemy Closer
By guineabees
A story about what happens when a superhero and their rival have been living under the same roof without realising it.
I Won’t Fall For You
By shortstackedchesscake
Just when Kyle thought turning up alone to a wedding - that was starting to feel like a college reunion - couldn't get any worse, it turns out Eric Cartman is invited too. But Eric may just be his saving grace, and Kyle decides to run with his inevitably crazy plan even if he thinks he knows better. But Kyle is a lot smarter than his college friends, he won't fall for Eric that easily... will he?
the coriolis effect
by briwookie
"There's nothing wrong with being attracted to the same sex." Kenny would say, but Eric Cartman had always thought otherwise.
It just surprises him that it takes Kyle Broflovski getting drunk at a bar with another man to prove him wrong
Sunday best and broken glass
By cherryvanilla
Cartman doesn’t do nervous. He’s done plenty of fucking public speaking, public singing, public anything but tonight – tonight, he’s nervous. Maybe it’s because this stupidly means more than any of those other times, even though he wishes to fuck he could deny that. Because he actually cares this time. It isn’t based around some manipulation. Maybe it’s because Stan’s up there right now singing and playing electric guitar to Sweet Child O’ Mine like a lame-o, but he’s actually fucking good and all Cartman’s got is a dumb emo love song and an acoustic and a future bill for rejection.
Between love and hate
By izzubusiness
“Fuck you, whore!” Cartman yells, getting to his feet and stomping over to the other end of the room. “What the fuck are you even doing in my house?” 
“What were you doing with Kyle’s tongue in your mouth?” Wendy counters back, and if Stan’s head wasn’t about to explode under the weight of everything going on, he thinks he might have high fived her for that wicked burn.
I said I wouldn't by I did
By captaindude
In which Cartman is whipped and he doesnt even know it. but mostly sex though.
Redéfinition de l'individu
By Kymanlvr
Kyle Broflovski is tired of his dull, unchanging life. But after he returns from being away from South Park for the summer, things start to spiral out of control, and everything falls apart. Mainly Kyman. Strong language and references to sex.
Don’t Touch Me
By Soul Flash
When your life hits an all time low, things can't possibly get any worse, right? Not for Kyle Broflovski. Slash, Kyle/Cartman.
Respect My Authority
by Soul Flash
There's only one thing you can do when a Jew tries to mess with your mind: play some mind games yourself. After all, all's fair in love and war. Kyman, slash. Cartman's POV. Companion fic to Don't Touch Me.
By cutie pie 9335
Cartman finally crosses the line that Kyle had so carefully drawn. Kyman, amongst other pairings.
Afflictions and Affections
By PartiPooper
When Kyle is sick, as per usual, Cartman pays him a visit. He even so much as looks after him, in his own bitter-sweet way. (Fluffy Kyman One-Shot; Rated T for profanities.)
The Sorry Struggle
By Partipooper
When Cartman does something bad to Kyle, he tries to say sorry - "tries" being the keyword. AKA, How Not To Say Sorry To Your Boyfriend. (Slightly Silly Kyman One-Shot; Rated T for profanities, slightly sexual scenes, and the follies and flatulence of youth.
if I didn't believe in you, we’d never have gotten this far
by orphan_account
Kyle and Eric are both getting tired of the 'no strings attached' asterisk attached to their relationship.
The Stag Prince
By Synaptic Firefly
A Swan Princess parody. Grand Wizard Prince Eric and High Elf Prince Kyle are roped into an arranged marriage. Honestly, who thought this was a good idea to start with? Eventual Kyman, slight Stenny, and poor Butters is a paladin.
By Soul Flash
“Goddammit, Jew...” Cartman breathed as he furiously began to work on Kyle's belt buckle, “Why'd you have to wear a goddamn belt today...?” Kyman. Graphic lemon. Contains whipping, rimming, frottage, dirty talk, masochism, and more.
How Long Till You Surrender?
By wettmark
Stan is self destructing, Craig Tucker might be gay, Butters can't handle Cartman's wiener, and Kyle just wants to get out of South Park without losing his mind, his best friend, or his virginity.
A Series of Left Turns
By ScribbleSibly
Kyle, now 17 and preparing to be a responsible adult, is drowning in the stress of his mundane life. Until Cartman gets an idea. Kyle POV. Heavy swearing and smut later on.
By shortstackedcheescake96
Kyle appreciates Eric's praise perhaps more than he really should. It is rare, after all. (All characters are 18+)
Backseat Confession
By psychelelicgoolash
It was moments like these he wondered why he let that Jewish son of a bitch ensnare him like he did. How Kyle could just wrap him around his finger as he rolled onto his back, allowing Cartman full access to his unfastened jeans. Aged Up. Kyman. Smut.
By NocturnalLament
Unable to sleep due to 'unfortunate circumstances', Kyle finds solace in the form of Cartman - but as is inevitable with these boys it's not as simple as a mere sleepover, and Kyle gets more than he'd bargained for. This fanfic is based on the events of the incredible blog 'Ask The Main Four' on Tumblr, and is totally canonical to the universe. NSFW Kyman smut, first time and delicious grinding warning.
By NocturnallLament
The card game was enjoyable at first, but it very soon became clear Cartman had much bigger ambitions for is 'alone time' with Kyle - despite his parents sleeping in the room down the corridor. Unable to resist, Kyle tries to contain himself and stay quiet... but it's much easier said than done, especially when the sex is THIS good.
Mission Accomplished
by NocturnalLament
Concerned about the imminent yearbook photographs, Kyle is intent on staying clean of hickeys - much to Cartman's displeasure. But Eric has never been one to back down from a challenge, and if he can help it the feisty auburn wont stay reluctant for long. Yummy smut with hints of fluff at the end. Kyman One-shot.
more than words can say
by NocturnalLament
After an innocent slip of the tongue, Kyle can't help but wonder if he'd put their relationship in jeopardy. After a summer of strange behavior and evasiveness from Cartman, Kyle wants answers... but the truth is something he never had expected.
One word to describe myself
By confunded
"Because he was mine, and in a way he always had been. He just didn’t know it. Yet." Your standard love/hate oneshot featuring our favorite frenemies. Established sort-of-relationship, Cartman wants more and Kyle is a tease. Fighting ensues. Super smutty, but maybe there's more to it than just some porn. Maybe.
By SchwiftyJerry666
At parties, when everyone's usually too high or drunk to notice or care, two enemies find that the line between love and hate is a very thin one indeed.
Express Love
By BookishTea
Kyle misses his husband after a long and boring business trip.
Baby, Now you do
By charmzz
Five years ago, Eric Cartman was hunched over him, with a fat hand on Kyle’s throat and the tip of a knife pointed between his eyes.
might last a day (minus forever)
by cherryvanilla
At twenty-five, Kyle Broflovski thought he had his life all planned out. He was living in Denver with Stan with a nice apartment and a decent job. Suddenly, his world is turned upside down when Stan breaks up with him and he loses his job all in the span of a few months. Now Kyle is back in South Park, living with his parents, and trying to figure out where he goes from here. Enter Eric Cartman, who always got under Kyle’s skin as a kid, and who was now about to do so again, in more ways than one. (A story about reevaluating yourself and your life. Or, How Kyle Broflovski Got His Groove Back.)
Go on, take everything (I want you to)
By cherryvanilla
In retrospect, Kyle should’ve seen it coming. In retrospect, he really didn’t. Sequel to might last a day (minus forever).
Fake it so real
By cherryvanilla
In which there is a party and seven minutes in heaven.
 I am beyond fake
By cherryvanilla
It’s been exactly 24 hours since Kyle was in seven minutes in heaven with Cartman and he hasn’t thought of anything else but the feel of his lips and the press of his body. Sequel to Fake it So Real.
Disintegration (is the best album)
By dont_take_me_im_seriously
Kyle's Sunday morning began with an appalling marriage proposal and only got stupider from there. Now he's on the run from the government, stranded in a post-apocalyptic wasteland and contending with the idea that Eric Cartman might just have a heart to break after all.
Tough Luck & Tough Love
By kylebiased
Cartman bets he can break his previous bike-jumping record. Kyle bets he cannot. Cartman bets that if he can make said jump, Kyle will have to own-up to his end of their old fourth grade bet, and give him head. Kyle accepts this bet, since he obviously, cannot lose.
Cartman wins and now Kyle, is totally, screwed.
...Only thing Cartman never betted on, however? Finally realizing he's got actual feelings for Kyle.
Now, they're both screwed.
Put out the fire on us
By I_Already_Forgot
Cartman cheats at a bet he'd made with Kyle and when the other refuses to pay him Cartman decides to get creative. Kyle knows not to let Cartman goad him into anything, but in the end his ego wins out and through a series of poor decision making they find themselves stranded in the woods all night, handcuffed together, bruised and battered. They have to work together in order to make it through and the near-death experience forces them to talk in ways they haven't before. The ordeal sheds new light on their friendship, and Kyle wonders if things will ever be able to go back to the way they used to be, or if he even really wants them to.
By Kymanlvr
There are people in this world that would, upon first glance, have looked at them and called them enemies. A story about Kyle and Cartman, and how a series of events bring them closer together. Kyman.
Hiring Hope
By Partipooper
Cartman has a job interview to attend, and Kyle has worrying about him to do. (Fluffy & Smutty Kyman One-Shot; Rated M for profanities and sexual scenes.)
Time Bomb
by sweeticing
Cartman got therapy, Kyle has a hard-on, and New Year’s Eve remains a cause for celebratory champagne even if you’re locked in a bathroom with your worst enemy.
In my office, now
by mokocchii (yes i wrote a fic too)
Working for Mr. Cartman hasn't been easy. (Or has it?)
HONORABLE MENTION (If already a kyman fan you’ll get the joke)
Kyle in Chains
By DanniDinmont
Kyle has a problem, and it seems that there's only one solution to it. Slash, Kyle/Cartman.
I also wanna give a shoutout to these kyman authors, cherryvanilla, shortstackedchessecake96, partipooper, ScribbleSibyl, synapticfirefly, and NocturnalLament for their surplus of quality quantity fics. They’ve written more than what I mentioned on this list, so I highly recommend to read ALL their work regarding Kyman. I suggest to check both their AO3 and FF.net accounts for the full archives of their work. 
Happy Kyman Week everyone! 
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