ant-rescue-log · 1 year
Friday, August 25, 2023
I woke up around 6 and it was too dark for me to do anything, so I waited until 7ish to finally get up, feed the cats, then start rescuing. Once I fed the cats, I set the scooper & shirt up and immediately started scooping ants. After a few days of being a no show, I FINALLY saw Callie. I was flicking ants onto the shirt as I greeted her. Around a quarter of the way through, Maybear came up and said hi. I gave her a quick pet, then it was back to work. Halfway through, I started putting active ants in the scooper to keep them from going inside my shirt. A few minutes later, I got all of the ants onto the shirt then I patted them dry. Afterwards, I started putting them in the scooper. When I got done with that & making sure no ants were in my shirt, I put the ants on the patio and went inside.
I was early enough to rescue everyone without casualties.
Personal thoughts: I'm so happy to see Baby Callie. I thought something happened to her.
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momotech764 · 1 year
google photos just showed me this memory of my cat from 5 years ago
you've hard of booboo wheel, now get ready for...
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maybear cube
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iuwon · 2 years
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mew-cake · 3 months
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Had some old fanime feelings recently. Drew some of them.
First we have Autumn from Maybear's series Supernova/TokiDoki Brigade! The designs from this were so simple but SO so good. Perfect for animation~ I know instead of a fanime it's written on AO3 and I gotta find it and read through it all.
Secondly, Slammfire's characters from Tokyo New Mew. I lowkey stalked her deviantart page and there's SO much stuff that was never on the youtube channel. I have my own theories about where the story was gonna go. I wanted to show off some of the lesser known characters~ Such as Snowball and Mysterious Alien Boy
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tyunni · 2 years
maybear it’s not bullying riki literally just texted me telling me the news i’m sorry i hope ur neck heals soon🙈🙈 karma for stomach sleepers idk
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meadowscarlet · 2 years
hi pookie
maybear 🫂
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Name: Mayleene Cameron.
Age:  24.
How well do we know each other?: We sort of live together in the hotel.
Do you have a pet name for me?: Guppy.
Do I have a pet name for you?:  I hope you do.
Are you attracted to me?: You're sometimes batshit crazy and that's fucking hot when it's involving crimes against nature.
Why do you want to marry me?: Since you do have a huge fish stick.
Big wedding or Small wedding?:  Smal and Comfortable.
Do you see children in our future?: ...If that's possible between a sinner and a human.
Baxter slams a stamp on her application naked ACCEPTED, red faced the entire time he read it. “Accepted! Accepted! B-but maybe not just yet, Maybear,” he chuckles as he stares at his girlfriend.
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bloopington-indiana · 5 years
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ant-rescue-log · 1 year
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
I woke up at around 9:30 and after completing some chores, I went outside. I set the shirt up and started helping ants. Thankfully, there weren't that many who needed help. Maybear came up to me at the beginning of the rescue and started loving up on me then she started eating. Once all of the ants were out, I started patting them dry. The ones who recovered were trying to get off the shirt, so I helped them. As I was cleaning up, Tux came up and did the unthinkable. He was loving up on me! I was shocked. He's never done that before but I was going to take full advantage of the situation. Petting him, I saw Ice Cream playing around in the leaves. After a while, I laid down on the porch because I wanted to see if he would lay with me like Maybear did when she & I first met. He did, a few times actually, and he even started biting my hand as though he was playing with it, being careful to not draw blood. Eventually, I realized I needed to go inside because I was about to fall asleep outside. So I went in, with a smile on my face, and realized I was outside for almost an hour! After washing my hands, I got in bed and I went back to sleep.
Unfortunately, we did lose 15 regulars. They were at the bottom of the bowl so there was nothing that could be done.
Personal thoughts: In total, I think the rescue itself took 15 minutes and the rest of the time was spent playing with Tux. Sorry this was barely about the rescue. Tux shocked me greatly and I just had to tell you guys.
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url change
maybear to itsjustmayos
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puddycats-blog1 · 8 years
@maybear talk to grandma lyn you made her sad you haven’t talked to her in 2 days! 2 days may so talk to her
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songalaa · 11 years
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Finally finished this!!! It's been, what--like 2 months? Urgaahhhhh
Anyway, this is Maybear's oc Haru from her fanfic, SUPERNOVA.
Haru is my favorite, she's just too adorable~~ 
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ant-rescue-log · 1 year
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
I woke up at around 6:40 and after taking my dog out, I fed the outdoor cats and was greeted by Scarface. I looked in the water bowl and saw a lot of ants who needed help. Immediately, I scooped one up but then realized I forgot the shirt again, so I went inside and grabbed it. After setting up the shirt, I started flicking ants onto it. All the while, I was trying to reassure Scarface that it was okay to eat with Ice Cream. When I was 1/4 of the way done, I patted the ants then started putting the ones who recovered in the food scoop, so that way, they didn't crawl all in my shirt. A few times, I lost focus, just forgetting what I was doing. The first time it happened, Two-Face came up to me and greeted me. This rescue took longer due to me losing focus. As I had finished getting everything cleaned up & was about to head inside, Maybear came & greeted me. I pet her for a few minutes, then I went inside. A few minutes after the rescue, I was trying to get back to sleep and I just felt an ant crawling on my face. I released it then went back inside to try to get back to sleep.
Unfortunately, I think 8 regulars drowned.
Personal thoughts: This is the second time an ant has hitchhiked on my face. I forgot to mention the first time, now, I don't even remember what day it was.
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ant-rescue-log · 1 year
Monday, August 21, 2023
I woke up at around 8:30 and after I let my dog out and I went to deal with my guinea pigs & my personal stuff, I went outside with the cat food and fed Maybear. I realized after the chaos that happened in my bathroom, I forgot to grab the shirt so I quickly grabbed it then went back outside. There weren't many ants to rescue, so I got to scooping them out. After scooping all of them out, I patted them dry and I put them on the patio.
Unfortunately, because of the chaos in the bathroom, I was too late to save 13 regulars from drowning.
Personal thoughts: If you're curious about what the chaos was, I made a Reddit post, describing what happened. Though, if blood creeps you out, do NOT go reading it.
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ant-rescue-log · 1 year
Sunday, August 20, 2023
I woke up at 9 and I saw many ants needed help. After setting up the shirt and being greeted by Maybear & Callie, I started scooping ants then flicking them. As I was scooping, I saw some weird clear film on the surface of the water. I started working quicker because I had no clue if that film was dangerous. Occasionally, I stopped to pat the ants dry. During the first pat down, I saw Maybear & Callie eating out of the bowl at the same time. Once I finished patting the ants, I scooped more ants then flicked them on the shirt. After a while, I gave the second pat down and I saw Big Nuts coming up the stairs with Ice Cream sitting on them. When I got done greeting Big Nuts & Ice Cream, I got back to work. Once I finally got all the ants out, I picked up a Big Chungus ant and was looking at the film on it, trying to figure out what it was. Ant Chungus was not having any of that so it tried biting me. Thankfully, it didn't hurt but I still felt the large mandibles trying to get a grip on my thumb. Putting it down, I gave the ants one more pat down, just to be sure. I removed all of the survivors then counted the ones we lost. As I had started cleaning up, Angel came over and was just looking at me, nervously. After saying "hi", I watched them jump off the patio, then I went inside.
We lost 11 regulars, unfortunately.
Personal thoughts: I have no idea what that clear film was but I'm going to ask a friend of mine about it. As for A gel's gender, I'm not sure if I saw balls when they were jumping down. One of their ears aren't clipped so I assume they aren't fixed. I'll have to keep watch.
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ant-rescue-log · 1 year
Saturday, August 19, 2023
I woke up at 8 this morning, only to realise I had to pee really bad. Afterwards, I took a few minutes to find my menstrual cup and put it in. Once I did, I went outside, only to be surprised that not many friends needed help. After greeting Callie & Maybear, I got to work on the flick/shirt method. After rescuing all of the ants, I saw a weird friend that needed help so I helped it out. Thankfully, I did manage to get pictures but it was only because I finished rescuing everyone. Afterwards, I saw Angel & Scarface sniffing each other before Angel hesitantly came up to eat.
Unfortunately, 18 regulars didn't make it. 2 of them were floating.
Personal thoughts: The flick/shirt method worked very well, though, I'll need to test it with a lot more friends to see if it truly works. As for Angel, I think they're the most timid cat I've ever met. They went up to Scarface and sniffed him then started backing away once he started moving.
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