#Mayor Buckman x Fem!Reader Drabble
Mayor Buckman x Fem!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: You have a little crush on the mayor, so you let him teach you how to ride horseback 🐴🐴🐴.
Warnings: Ehhh, unedited.
Tagging: @marinerainbow and @masqueradeball . Yes an Englund character that is not Jim or Inkubus!, here we goooo. ^^
When you learnt, while you were 'gathering intel' about him (Just chatting with him), that Mayor Buckman preferred to ride horseback then to sit in the back of a carriage, your first thought was to how much a him thing, that seemed to you. Old fashioned and hands on- and you were sure that he had been a cowboy or a ranger in another life so this was perfect.
Then, secondly you realised- that you could use this.
And oh, he was so easy to convince to spend a day with you (Or maybe more if you're really hopeless. Really lucky, more like), teaching you how to ride. You were hopeless at it, after all- which wasn't all-together a lie (you truly hadn't ridden since you were a child and your father took you out for the day. Honest-to-god, you hadn't even touched a horse since then) but it didn't hurt that you bat your eyelashes at him and pleaded your ineptitude a little bit. The Mayor's ego got inflated as expected and he was more then happy to set up a time and a place to meet with you the next day, excited to flex a skill he enjoyed and telling you to dress comfy- you don't wanna get a rash. The rubbin' can be hell, trust me.
For a moment you weren't sure if you were allowed to laugh at that, after all most men think a woman who laughs at dirty jokes is untoward- and did he really mean for it to sound the way it did??- but he seemed to wait a moment for you to 'catch up', an intrigued grin on his face, so you cracked a grin and that earned you a shoulder squeeze that gave you butterflies before he bid you goodbye. For the rest of your day all you could think was God, you liked him.
The next day, Buckman met you in the centre of town looking pleased as punch to see you and offered you his arm. You would walk to the stables together from there, and while you strolled together you got a chance to get a look at what he was wearing. And you were confused.
"I thought we were supposed to dress sensible, Mr Mayor??" You ask, fingers slipping into the nook of his arm.
He was just wearing his usual yellow and green clothes, just with the new addition of a cattleman hat to protect him from the sun (Perpetuating your belief that he's a cowboy in some universe somewhere), which seem heavy and restrictive to you for an activity such as horse riding. Was he?.. not?... going to ride?... Shrugging his broad shoulders, Buckman flashes you a charismatic grin. "Aw, it doesn't bother me none anymore! I could ride in anything, I was only worried about you- those dresses a yer's sure are becoming," Here he pats your hand peering out from the crook of his arm and your heart damn near flies up into your throat. "-but I don't think you'd have a good time on the back of a horse wearin' them. Which reminds me- " He turns his head fully to you, your faces closer then every before due to your linked arms. His one-good-eye flickers so obviously up and down your body, and yet- you don't feel uncomfortable. "You look absolutely lovely today, too. Its not often ya see a girl in pants- but I'm sure you know ya make 'em look better then any man."
... You swear. If this man truly does not know what he is doing to you then he is the densest son of a- "... sure, of course I know. "You shrug, a playful smirk playing at your lips despite the hurricane of butterflies raging around inside you at his words. "But it doesn't hurt to hear it."
"Well- I'm happy to take the responsibility." He winks.
"Alright, now- I gotcha some stairs so you can get up on Annabelle here nice and easy, how's that sound?"
"Very thoughtful." That was a concern of yours- how you might look struggling to push yourself up onto the horse today. Of course, you imagined that Buckman may have to put his hands on your waist in order to help you, which wouldn't be such a bad thing- but this is better. With the little stairs by Annabelle the sweet saddle horse, you don't make a fool of yourself at all! Which is definitely preferable.
Besides, he still holds you hand as you step up. He doesn't let go a few moments after he needn't have been touching you anymore, also, and that makes you grin to yourself as you take up the reigns.
"I thought so. Now!" Buckman gives a clap of his hands, as if to say lets get to it. You take in a deep breath, tightening your grip on the reigns. Here we go... "Annabelle here is one of our nicest beasts, real friendly. Mostly wants t' spend her days grazin- not a big racer. So I thought she might be perfect for you today, hm? Don't be afraid to pull on those reigns though darlin; if she decides to stop and have a munch; you ain't gonna hurt her I promise."
"Mhmm... " You hum, leaning carefully over Annabelle's beautiful, thick auburn neck to give her a pet. Oh, she's so lovely! "Still seems rude... how old is she?"
"Hmm," Buckman screws up his nose in thought and lord you cant help but think he is equally as lovely. "I think Bella has gotta have been with us for uh... maybe around 25-30 years?"
"And what's the lifespan for a sweet thing like her?"
"Probably about 35 years, I think. Whydoya ask, darlin'?"
"Well then I think she's earned some grazin' time, dontcha think? Pretty girl's on the homerun, and this grass looks delicious." Eyes shifting from Annabelle's pointed ear and her big eye and her long, long eyelashes to Buckman; you straighten up again and flash a grin. "I guess if she stops to take a munch, we'll just have to stop too and entertain eachother!.. Can ya handle that, sir?"
Theirs a mischievous twinkle in his eye and a grin slips across his ridiculously handsome features and you feel its a good thing you're on a horse- otherwise you might've lost feeling in your knees seeing it. "Oh I sure can, don't you worry."
Your interactions with the mayor went on much like that for the rest of the day; you would make a hint towards this being a little more then a riding lesson and he would give you that grin and agree- but nothing was every actually said. No admittance was uttered, by either of you. He was being frustratingly opaque and keeping his thoughts on you to himself.
You were being driven mad. The day was lovely, and you felt butterflies basically the whole time (Especially whenever he would touch you- which he seemed to take every opportunity to do. Reaching over from his horse to balance you on yours or help you lead Annabelle in a certain direction, guiding your hands to hold the reigns properly, and giving you those good job shoulder squeezes. Those even turned into hand squeezes the later in the day that it became and the bolder he became)- but you were being driven mad, all the same.
When finally it was time to get off of the horses, Buckman jumped off of his - Thomas, - first and quickly tied him up while keeping up conversation with you. Then he tied up Annabelle and then rounded the horse to where your legs were hanging.
He looked up at you and held out arms. "Well? Come on, off ya hop. Lets go. I'm gonna buy ya dinner, for doin' so well today."
Ordinarily you would be thrilled that he wants to take you to dinner now, but- is he suggesting you literally jump off?? A 14-15 hand-tall horse?? "You want me to- what about the steps??"
He shrugs, and you can tell he's enjoying this- there's an evil twinkle in his eye now. Almost a matching smirk on his mouth, too. "Dunno where they went. C'mon, I promise you'll be fine."
"I'm gonna break my legs springing from a horse like this." You exclaim incredulously, trying not to laugh at the ridiculousness. "You sur, are gonna get my legs broken." All day he's been messing with you like you're a fun toy and and now he's going to get you broken.
This man!! He's so lucky he's cute.
"I'm not tellin' ya to spring off the horse, darlin'. No, no, no... Slide, like a banister."
"A living, banister."
"Exactly. C'mon- I promise, ya wont be hurt."
He is not budging. Oh lord- he's serious.
Chewing on your bottom lip, hands on the saddle on either side of you, you peer down at how far away the ground is and analyse the distance. The chances that you'll misstep and twist your ankle. How you can use this man to break your fall-
Finally after a few moments, and a reassuring look from Buckman, you take a deep breath and release your bottom lip- you don't want to accidentally bite it off when you land. "Alright... but if I trip, I'm taking you down with me. I don't care if you are the Mayor."
"Of course. Wouldn't think any less of ya."
Giving a little, concerned whimper, you carefully pushing yourself off the side of Annabelle. The fall is swift and before you even land, he's caught you; hands on your waist and easing you carefully the rest of the way to the ground so your feet make contact with the dirt softly. Huffing from the short exhilaration of that experience, you drop your hands on his shoulders and, after momentarily gathering yourself, give him a half-amused, half-perturbed look. "... well, thank you."
Under the shade of his cattleman you can see his face clearly despite the glare of the late-day sun, and the 'innocent' look he has pasted there. He gives a shrug and a sigh, and doesn't move his hands off your waist. "Oh, I wouldn't let a lady like yourself get hurt Y/N, come on now. Gimmie some credit, here."
Rolling your eyes, you don't move to step away from him at all either, like you maybe should have. If you were a respectable lady. Standing this close to a man might get you pregnant, after all- depending on the man- "Hm. You're right, I-... " Realising that this is the perfect moment, alone and relaxed, you stop talking. Should you?... should you ask?... "Buckman?" You ask, looking down and chewing on the inside of your cheek.
"Darlin, you can call me George."
"Alright, George... " You take a deep breath, and drag your bottom lip through your teeth before looking up at straight at him; tilting your head to the side. "... look, are you ever going to admit you like me?" Immediately he opens his mouth, but you hold up a finger to stop him. "As more, then a friend."
... for a few moments then he doesn't say anything. And you think for a split second that he's still not going to admit it, and you're wondering why the hell- When a grin spreads across his face.
"Well, I was plannin' to see if you'd like me to court ya at dinner tonight, but- I suppose this moment's as good as any."
"You- what??" Immediately your eyes fall open wide. He was what?? He was going to- He had plans??
"Should I take this as a yes, then, sweetheart?? Hm?... "
"I-... I... " You cant believe it. Yes, he should, but- words. God, words!! They're gone-
Suddenly your close proximity is more comfortable then before, Buckman - George!! - letting go of your waist in order to touch your face, instead. Curling most of his fingers back behind your neck but touching his thumbs to your cheeks; holding you close to him so the brim of that cattleman nearly brushes your forehead. "You are adorable, sweet pea. You take your time takin' this in; I can wait. I'll be right here. But remember," he takes on of his hands off your skin, in order to boop your nose, and winks. "Granny's place closes in a couple a' hours, hm? So if you're hungry... yamight wanna think fast."
Your lips part, still racking your brain for the right words to top him after this- but coming up empty. "... for gods sake." Giving up on words, finally, you take his wrists in your hands and get up on your tip-toes; closing your eyes and kissing him for the first time.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Masterlist: Mayor Buckman
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🔞 = Smut || 🔂 = Poly || * = Requested
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Blurbs: How Self Conscious are they in Order of Most to Least.
Blurbs: Most Delusional Yandere's to Least.
Blurbs: Most Possessive to Least.
Blurbs: Period Sex 🔞.
Blurbs: Shovel Talk.
Blurbs: S/O thinks they Smile 'Too Much'.
Blurbs: Unsolicited Dick Pick.
Drabble: Horror Villain Apocalypse.
Drabble: Mayor Buckman x Fem!Alive!Reader- Sleepy Meetings.
Drabble: Mayor Buckman x Fem!Bartender!Reader- Here for you.
Drabble: Mayor Buckman x Modern!Reader- Let me leave.
Drabble Set: MultiVillains x Reader- Addicted.
Drabble Set: MultiVillains x Reader- Inspired by the song According To You by Orianthi.
Drabble Set: MultiVillains x Reader- Sick You.
Drabble Set: Platonic!Horror Villains x Reader- Bonding.
Drabble Set: Platonic!Horror Villains x Reader- Bonding Part 2.
Headcanons: Awkward Moments.
Headcanons: Dating Horror Villains things Dump.
Headcanons: Horror Villains x Reader- Six; The Musical AU.
Headcanons: Horror Villains x Reader- Types of Kisses.
Headcanons: Horror Villains x SunshineIncarnate!Reader.
Headcanons: Horror Villains x Reader- You Almost Choosing Another.
Headcanons: Supernatural Villains Soulmate Marks.
Horror Villains and: What they would Put in the (7MinsInHeaven) Hat.
Imagine: Being too Late to Save Them.
Oneshot: Granny Boone and Mayor Buckman x Fem!PleasantValleyResident!Reader- Throuple.
Oneshot: Hewitts / Pleasant Valley x Reader- The Multiverse Theory and the Horror Fandom.
Oneshot: Mayor Buckman x Reader- Hell.
Oneshot: Poly!Mayor Buckman and Granny Boone x Fem!Undercover!Singer!Reader- Haunted.
Oneshot: Yandere!Mayor Buckman x HarpersFiance!Reader- Preachers Daughter.
Slashers / Horror Villains As: Animated (Children's) Movie Villain Songs.
Reactions: Horror Villains x Reader- Love Potion.
Reactions: Horror Villains x Reader- Finding out you're a Virgin 🔞.
Reactions: Older!Horror Villains x Younger!Reader- Them Getting Confused for your Grandparent.
Would They or Wouldn't They?: Abandon You After Their Own Orgasm 🔞.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Masterlist: Granny Boone
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🔞 = Smut || 🔂 = Poly || * = Requested
---<- 🥀🥀🥀 ->---
Blurbs: Period Sex 🔞.
Blurbs: Shovel Talk.
Blurbs: Unsolicited Dick Pick.
Drabble: Bisexual!Granny Boone x Lesbien!Reader- You and her Beard.
Drabble: Horror Villain Apocalypse.
Drabble Set: MultiVillains x Reader- Sick You.
Headcanons: Awkward Moments.
Headcanons: Dating Horror Villains Things Dump #2.
Headcanons: Supernatural Villains Soulmate Marks.
Horror Villains and: What they would Put in the (7MinsInHeaven) Hat.
Imagine: Being too Late to Save Them.
Oneshot: Granny Boone and Mayor Buckman x Fem!PleasantValleyResident!Reader- Throuple.
Oneshot: Hewitts / Pleasant Valley x Reader- The Multiverse Theory and the Horror Fandom.
Oneshot: Poly!Mayor Buckman and Granny Boone x Fem!Undercover!Singer!Reader- Haunted.
Reactions: Horror Villains x Reader- Finding out you're a Virgin 🔞.
Reactions: Older!Horror Villains x Younger!Reader- Them Getting Confused for your Grandparent.
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Mayor Buckman x Fem!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: I honestly dunno what it is. Its not nice. Not the usual. Its just Buckman being horrible and you standing up for yourself- to destructive ends.
LOOK- sometimes we wanna scream at horror villains, and that's good. 🤷 Haha
Warnings: Abusive relationship, sexism, abuse in general (Emotional and physical), non-sexual choking, mentions of racism and homophobia. Also this was very quickly written before bed.
"Jesus christ!" Your head is about to explode. How big can this mans ego possibly be? You didn't think it was possible for him to get any more obnoxious but tonight has properly corrected that meagre scope. Eyes blazing, you stop walking away and whip back around on him; Both your faces twisted in anger. "You really think you're king of something, don't you?! Well you're not. You're the mayor of a tiny little town the world forgot about a century ago that's just holding onto existence by stealing scraps from the bottom of the bin!"
"We're thriving, young lady- "
"Don't call me 'young lady'! And don't use that tone- UGH!" You turn around again, bolt a few steps, scrape the tips of your fingers back over your scalp, then turn around again. "You aren't thriving. You're selling your dignity, what very little of it all you sick, backwards hicks had in the first place, to survive. Because you think its going to take you to where you're supposed to be but guess what? There's no promising that what you're looking for- The afterlife, your daughter- " Buckman's eyes flash with animosity at that part, the maddest you've ever managed to make him, and you gain a generous rush of victory at unlocking it. "Even exists. Maybe everyone that dies just gets stuck here in this miserable place, like you. And its great big cosmic prank, telling you different. So you just get to spend the rest of eternity working towards something that never was."
You know that must have occurred to him, as his hand shakes as he raises a finger at you. "You better hush up, now. For your own good. I took you in- I can kick you out, too."
"Please!" You scream, throwing your arms into your chest; Begging. And you're absolutely sure that everyone else in town can hear the two of you now if they weren't already pressing their ears up to the walls when you rushes out of the pub in a huff minutes ago; The mayor you were mad at following at your heels, equally mad. "God- Please! Release me! I'm done, here!" You are so done, here.
When he had asked you to stay all that time ago, you thought you loved him. That was a falsity. Now if he asked you again, and you got another chance- you would turn around and run.
He was a monster, to his roots. And you were so sick of it!
"You know I cant do that." Buckman's shoulders lower, along with his voice, causing your anger to nearly dissipate, you nearly close your mouth again and cease to say what's the truth- but then you think back to all his faults again and you're furious once more. Like molten lava is burning up your insides and the only way to cool it down is to scream and let the air in. Your glaring eyes worsen, deepening into an ugly scowl as he steps forward and reaches out- and his fingers clench around your forearm like iron; Yanking you forward before you realise what he was doing. A yelp escapes you, falling towards him. His voice almost comes out comforting, you would believe it was to make you feel better, truly... if it weren't for that unmistakably patronising tone. Like he were talking to a disobedient 5 year old at the store. "You're just being hysterical, Y/N. Come on home, I'll make you some tea and give you some attention. Would you like that?"
Your stomach rolls- because yes, a part of you would. You would like for him to just be the person you thought he was; Charismatic, chivalrous, sweet. You could allow yourself to sink into his arms and let his voice lead you; Be a quaint little house wife for him- you really could. You could go for that.
And you had.
But now you'd seen, and heard, too much. You had been here too long. He was racist, homophobic - didn't even realise his son was as straight as a fucking spring, - , sexist, egomaniacal, and manipulative- Unapologetically so. And you couldn't turn a blind eye to the bullshit, not anymore. You were already going to hell, it seemed, for how long you had.
So your stomach rolls, and you wrench you arm viciously and gracelessly out of his familiar grip. "No!"
"Y/N, darlin'- " His tone is threatening when that once, all-too-lovely pet name slips out, and his eye glowers at you. His face says shut up and get in the house, or I'll make you regret it.
"Or what!?" Throwing your arms out to either side of your body, you widen your eyes at him. "'No more Mr Nice guy'?? That's a little much, even for you. Don't you think!? Besides I think that has sailed." You hiss the last part out between grit teeth.
Gritting his own teeth, Buckman comes forward towards you this time; Grabbing you by your upper arms to hold you in place and you don't move to throw him off but your horrible glare does intensify, feeling as if it might be able to throw him off you on its own if only he would take it seriously. "Listen to me- you're makin' a scene."
You could not give a flying fuck. "You're sad!" You suddenly blurt, realising that its futile to argue with him, so all that comes to mind and to mouth is all the nasty things you want to say to him. That you want him to know about himself. The things that hurt you, because you wish he could be different. "You're ridiculously sad, and pathetic, and- just- broken. And I have to get the hell out of here before you make me the same- like you did the rest of these thugs!"
A cruel smirk spreads across his mouth. "Oh sweetheart... if I am, then it has already rubbed off on you. Its far too late for escapin'. Whatever high ground y' think you have is nothin' but the heels on the boots I gave you." Raising his chin, looking down on you in pride, Buckman's fingers clench tighter around your arms tighter and you gasp; Wincing and looking away from him for a moment, holding in a cry.
But only for a moment- before you look back to sneer and glare right in his face; Because you aren't wearing anything he gave you, today. Which is the reason he was frustrated in the first place, earlier. You were wearing what you came to this horrid little town in; Your jeans, your Halloween T-Shirt, and your runners. So you sneer, and watch that smirk on him turn into a frown full of hatred. "Oh sweetheart, I don't think so." You tell him gently, calmly, even though a storm rages on in your eyes and burns at your chest.
"I should've thrown those in the fire."
"Well, hind sights a bitch."
Then a hand wraps around your throat and you take a deep breath, lifting your chin to escape his new confining grip- This wont be the first time he's done this though, hand straining and getting comfortable in its place around your neck. His eyes darken impossibly. "I still could."
"Burn me, throttle me, drown me, break me- nothings going to change the fact that you have no control over me." You narrow your eyes at him. "None."
After half a damn moment, the bastard perkily tilts his head to the side. "And yet!" Is all he says, before smiling - a horrible, spiteful, evil expression, - , and promptly increases the pressure around your throat.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Mayor Buckman x Fem!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: (This is set right after the events of the last drabble, Bisexual!Granny Boone x Lesbian!Reader except this is a completely different reader and we follow Buckman after he left that drabble) You multitask running a bar on a Friday night, fending off Hank (An OC I guess?) who’s self-proclaimed love for you can be a real hassle, and comforting the mayor on a bad night.
Warnings: Reader gets harassed, but its not a threatening kind of harassment. Hank’s just annoying and you can handle it.
“Hank, go home.”
“But love! - love, stop wiping down the tables. St- Stop it. I- I’m trying to profess my love to you baby!” The man falters, as you continue to finish wiping off a table and move on to the next empty one to take the empty glasses. “Come, come on… “
“No time, Hank.” You roll your eyes, getting back behind the bench, putting the glasses by the sink and, just as the man raises his finger as if asking to talk again you drop down to your knees to grab a new rag. “Very busy!”
“Honey, I love you!”
“So, so, busy!” For god’s sake, Hank! Get the hint!
“But! -“
“Excuse me Hank, thank you. Y/N, rum if you please?”
Hank looks unsure, stepping back and letting Mayor Buckman sit down in the stool he was blocking as you get up and flash the harasser a ‘Oh, what can I do???’ kind of smile and shrug combo. Hank looks at the mayor, looking almost defeated. He’s been up to this business all day, it’s about time he gives up! “Mayor!”
“Coming right up, Mr Mayor.” Quickly turning to get the bottle off the shelf and a clean glass, you ignore whatever Hank’s now doing for a moment. You’re sure he’s looking wounded again and mopey but that’s not really your problem, now is it? Finishing up pouring a nice big pint for the mayor, you turn around and see both men doing the exact same thing- the picture of vanquishment. Two sad sacks sitting side by side with their elbows on the bench. Hank, holding his pounding head and Buckman rubbing his eyes.  
It honestly makes you want to laugh a little bit; But, you’re a professional. And as bartender, you are also the town therapist.
“Your rum.” You set down the drink in front of Buckman and he quickly wraps his hands around it, dragging it towards him. Staying busy, you start washing the dirty glasses from before with no need to plan your next movements table-wise. You’ve been doing this for years, so you have a system. In a moment, you’ll hit tables 2, 4 and 6 to ask if the parties there need refills, then see off tables 7 and 5 who were just having dinner and then have nothing much to do since all the parties are going to need are refills from then on.
So plenty of drunk therapy time.
Drying the glasses, you turn around back to the bar to see Hank drop his face into the wooden bench and Buckman finish his drink and push the glass back, tapping the rim for more. Well, I know whats wrong with Hank… Sighing, you tilt your head at him. “What’s up, Mr Mayor? Paperwork getting you down again?”
“No… “He rubs under his nose. “Just… ah… women troubles, I suppose… “Buckman rolls his eyes
Hanks sits up straight, pouts with a splinter in his nose and hits the bench. “Talk to me about it, brother.”
“Calm down there Hank.” You deadpan, before tapping your nose and looking meaningfully at him and returning to your mayor as Hank finds for the splinter and winces. Your furrow your eyebrows sympathetically to Buckman as you put down the glass you were drying and pour him more rum. “Sorry to hear that sir. Granny Boone and you are having trouble?”
“Nothing that we haven’t always had.”
… Oh.
OH. Oh.
You clear your throat, trying not to give anything away to Hank who’s listening. You know all about Boones lover; you should have known it was about her. The lady comes in here every now and then to drink and she let slip once about what’s going on between the 3 of them, and it was big news for you to hear - still is, actually, -, your jaw nearly hit the floor when she said it, but you moved on. Such is your creed as a barkeep; Besides, that was definitely not the craziest, and most certainly not the most horrible secret, that you’ve ever had the misfortune of hearing about in this post.
“Uhm, you mean, the other woman?” Buckman’s eyes blow open and he opens his mouth to shut you up as Hank raises an eyebrow in surprise and curiosity. You wink and smirk when Hank is looking at Buckman instead of you, leaning on the bench and hoping he gets the hint. “Theodosia? Your perfect purebread? Gorgeous, silky black main?”
Hank makes an ‘Oh’ face and nods; That makes more sense, doesn’t it? A horse. Horses are always getting between wives and their husbands. And its not a surprise at all that, with a horse like Theodosia, Buckman would show favouritism. Right?
Hm. I’m so clever.
Feeling Hank calm down beside him, Buckman relaxes also and looks at your cautiously, cradling his glass again. “Yeah, Boone just doesn’t get a man’s relationship with his horse. There ain’t nothin’ I can say to explain it to her.”
You shrug, getting out a glass and holding it out to Hank, raising your eyebrows. He nods and smiles widely at you, so you pour him some rum as well and slide it over to him. “Well, I myself don’t understand your predicament truly- I mean, I’m not involved. But I am sorry for it.” What do you say in a situation like this? ‘Tough break, bro’? “Sucky, truly, ah…” Nope, that’s worse. “Sucky… “Don’t say it again! “Uhm, I mean… Tough… tough break, bro?”
Oh my god.
You take a deep breath and compose yourself, holding the bar. When you open your eyes to give Buckman a half smile so he knows its okay to laugh at you, you’re surprised to see he doesn’t look ready to make fun of you at all. He’s looking at you rather kindly, actually- maybe not like he feels much better about his situation because of your words, but maybe like the effort you made was cute.
Smiling, he pats your hand. “I appreciate the effort, Y/N.”
You grin brightly back. “No problem!”
Hank looks between the two of you a couple times, mouth setting in a firm frown and a look of displeasure deeply creases his forehead. Leaning forward, he sticks himself right close to Buckman so their arms touch and he’s definitely within the little bubble you the Mayor found yourselves in. Buckman doesn’t move. “Hey Y/N.”
“Yes Frank?”
Oh right! Rats. Back to life. Wake up, Y/N! That breaks you out of the moment. You turn and smile apologetically at Hank, pouting and just all around looking completely mopey about the situation. “Oh! Sorry Hank, haha. Another drink, is it?”
Damn the mayor and his cuteness- Because that’s all that was. A moment of appreciation.
You blow air out of your cheeks as you turn for the rum again without an answer from Hank, widening your eyes at the same time. Better be, at least…
“Uh, yeah, sure darlin’! And, to remind you sweetheart! -Of our date! Tomorrow! I made us plans I did, at Granny Boone’s bed and breakfast! We’ll have brunch- all fancy like. OH! Sorry, Mr Mayor, should I not talk about her?” You roll your eyes, laughing just enough that air puffs out of your mouth and your shoulders jump once at Hank’s lack of subtlety. Turning around, you even catch the boy looking wide eyed, with high concerned eyebrows at Buckman, grabbing his arm. Buckman’s giving him a pinched smile, peeling his hand off of him and assuring him its absolutely fine.
At least, you think. He’s not on Buckman’s lap anymore.
Or pulled the mayor up onto his lap. You make a sudden sour face, pouring rum yet again, and shudder. Ugh, you’ve been there, unfortunately. Its not the most pleasant place to be. Or maybe that extra lump was just for me… God almighty Y/N, stop thinking about Hank’s lump, it’ll give you nightmares.
“Here you go, Hank.” Crossing your arms on the bench on leaning on them, you wink. “And don’t you worry; There’s no need to get all to get all bent outta shape over George- I’m just, appreciating the view.”
Hank’s mouth drops open and at your use of the mayor’s first name, jumping to conclusions that you knew he would, making you start to laugh. But you grin and have to look away to protect your face - your blush, -, at Buckman’s reaction to your words. Your, what could be, possibly, if you s q u i n t, flirt. His eyebrows have risen in surprise, but there is nothing innocent about how he’s smirking. “’George’?!-“
Immediately you sober up, cutting off the flirty attitude before you lose yourself, or say something you, and Buckman would regret. You take a deep breath, yank your rag off your shoulder with a finesse the practise of something unbelievably mundane over and over gets you and head towards tables 2, 4 and 6. “And we’re not going on any brunch tomorrow Hank, Jesus. Get it together.”
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