#Meanwhile Dustin’s like: Did you not tell Eddie about the demodog
morganbritton132 · 9 months
Eddie, posting to Tiktok: i just remembered this one time when Steve was on tour with me. He was moving around the bus, not really awake.
Eddie: I was letting him do his thing, monitoring the situation because I’m the best boyfriend - now husband - ever but I could tell he was getting agitated
Eddie: So i said, “Stevie, you’re safe. What’s the worst that’s ever happened to you on a bus?”
Eddie: And that was the wrong thing to say
Eddie: Something bad happened to him on a bus!
Eddie: I don’t remember if he told me but if I find out a jock had something to do with it…
Eddie: Well, I’m rich now and I’ll pay a kid in your neighborhood to slash your tires every day of goddamn week. Tommy.
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