#Meanwhile i wont tell anyone about anything i like unless i know they share the interest or they ask me but even then i try to be brief
mrfoox · 2 years
Uuuh, I love unapologetically passionate people. People who tell me about what they do or enjoy without being embarrassed
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survivoraqualand · 4 years
EPISODE 4: Bring On The Chaos
Oh boy, this was a big one.
Immediately after Sea Council, the castaways were given their next reward challenge - a mythological Wikipedia race which Rose and Linden would eventually win - along with a TEAM SWAP ANNOUNCEMENT! Everyone was added to a joint chat, at which point they could speak with anyone in the game until the teams were divided via a schoolyard pick, with the team captains chosen by MJ because he intercepted a signal from the watchtower shortly beforehand. The choices were made very quickly, and our new teams were [MJ, Logan, Jenna, Marg, Rose, Alyx and Zoe] on New Proteus versus [Jessica, Katie, Linden, Rhea, Jessie, Linus, and Allyn] on New Ceto, picked in that order.
A few hours into getting settled onto these new teams, Logan decided to mosey down to Submere 3 and let out Proteus’ monster. He was warned that this would be made public to the team yet still proceeded anyway... and was rewarded with a hidden immunity idol but punished by sending his team automatically to Sea Council. He was told this decision would be posted after the immunity challenge.
Meanwhile on Ceto, Katie made the same choice just a few hours later - which meant she also got an idol, and also sent Ceto to Sea Council, thus triggering a Double Sea Council round where only one was originally planned. 
To make this all the more delicious, this round’s immunity was a temptations challenge, in which each player had to decide whether to follow the instructions of Persnickety Pete to give up powers in the game in order to win points and keep their team safe. (Contrary to Katie’s speculations within her alliance chat, this was in fact the original planned challenge for this round, not specially chosen because of the monsters.) With about half of each team having been informed about the automatic Council, most players did not give much up, although Rose went almost all in on Proteus and Linden went rather OTT on Ceto firmly believing that everyone else was going to take all the temptations alongside her.
After the reveal of the monsters’ double release, almost everyone in the game was exiled from the team chats and unable to communicate with each other for 5 hours, as for some reason this was the one temptation everyone wanted. After the time-out was up, however, plans began quickly coming together on both sides to shift votes onto the outliers, which meant Alyx/Rose on Proteus and Linus/Jessie on Ceto. For the latter, there didn’t seem to be much to do besides campaign against one another at the mercy of the majority vote; however, on Proteus, Alyx had a couple tricks up his sleeve. Thanks to a newly forged alliance with Logan & Marg as well as his discovery of a Sapphire Idol in suite 2D at the Hotel, the idoled-up threesome were able to concoct a plan to make sure the majority votes were split between Alyx and Rose, so that those two would be saved by the Sapphire Idol and could decide who went home with a minority vote.
Due to their poorer performance in the immunity challenge, Proteus went to Sea Council first, where Rose had an extra vote cast against her from Persnickety Pete, six out of seven players had their vote publicly revealed (good thing Marg kept theirs secret!), and Alyx went through with his plan to play his Sapphire Idol, sending Zoe home in a 4-3-1 turned 1-0-0 vote.
At Ceto’s Sea Council, things were a bit less spicy, but not by much. The votes ended up being incredibly close, with Jessie being sent to walk the plank in a 3-2-2 vote. 
Uhhhh it's super awkward when you definitely probably know who voted for you at Seat Council. Guess I know where I'll be voting next time maybe?
[HOST NOTE: It was Pat. The person who got voted out. There was one vote for Linden and the rest were for Pat.]
I love my new team! I'm ready to have more active teammates who will be more involved in things. I hope we can get along well and not have too many issues with old alliances and the sort. Or maybe we can and make it more dramatic!? Who knows!
my life is in katies hands
also i have an idol lol but i seem to be like way worse at searching than like other people so like how many people have an idol?? whats the tea
I'll do a quick written confessional rn. At surface level I'm happy with the swap. But I think I'd feel safer if I was with Katie. I'm soooo glad I'm with Logan, but I'm worried we're gonna be targeted. I know MJ could easily flip the team on us for being close. And Zoe would most likely follow. But Hopefully that won't happen. I would love to stick with MJ. I'm not sure where Logan stands with everything, so right now my closes people would be Katie, MJ, and probably Allyn. Logan is working with Marg and I don't mind trying to work with them, so I'm trying to talk to them a bit. Zoe still isn't super responsive so not sure where we stand, but as long as MJ doesn't decide to go against me and Logan it should be okay. I hope Katie is okay on the other team. I'm assuming Jess will work with her. Anyway, gonna see what Logan has found in the hotel later and prob share with MJ so he knows I'm not just gonna ditch him for Logan.
Yay: Jess is here! Cries in the club: Jenna is gone.
i really am just having so much fun in my first ever org. my heart is full trying something new <3 lot's has changed since my last confessional. a swap happened!!! i am now on Proteus with MJ, Logan, Jenna, Rose, Alyx, and Zoe. i was a little nervous going into the swap just because i don't know anyone, but i'm actually feeling ok! both Alyx AND Logan found idols in the past 24 hours which is WILD. i feel great knowing that all three of us have something and i feel a sense of security knowing where stuff is. i'm not sure how many advantages Ari put into the game, but i feel like there shouldn't be many more idols than that?? 3 feels like a lot. ANYWAYS, literally all three of us from Ceto have idols, so i'm feeling ok right now! Alyx and Logan both only told me about their idols too, so i feel like i'm in a good spot between the two of them. i made an alliance chat for the three of us and i am trying to bring the two of them together. hopefully it works and we can figure something out whenever we go to sea council next!! i'm also trying to branch out and meet everyone from the original Proteus team. i really am loving meeting everyone and getting to know each other! i have talked to Jenna the most out of the people new to me. she's really easy to talk to, and i would love to work with her! i hope we can make it happen. i think it would be fun, and i'm here for fun!!! my biggest fear in this game is being delusional or not really understanding what is going on. i think i have some agency in the game and don't just follow people who have played in orgs a bunch??? i want to have a mind of my own and play to win. i think i'm doing that? i hope i'm doing that? i'm really just trying to focus on social bonds so that people want to work with me. gosh i just reread everything and i sound so optimistic. i'm ending this confessional before something bad happens. bye!
I know we have already lost this challenge because Katie let the monster out. Tempted to take an auto self vote so I can avoid the drama..... but I know people would find this SUSPICIOUS!
I really hope I can convince everyone to go along with the wild plan to take all the options. Allyn, Katie, and I have all said yes for sure in one on one chats! Linus and Jessica are both maybes and Jessie is also hesitant. Rhea is very busy with her mouth but I really think we should go for it!!! I just have to get everyone to trust one another for a brief moment.
The number of times I have googled "aquaman" while trying to visit this blog is astounding. Anyways... I love Linden that is it that is all that is the confessional. I saw this challenge (and the option to self vote??? Amazing) and I didn't take it because I was like oh no, Jessie and Linden need me and I can't risk them going home. I come back and Linden has said don't worry, I took every single thing because I think it's funny. I could never achieve this level of being iconic. 
I think what actually happened is Katie told everyone on her side we automatically are losing so none of them are going to take anything. That's fine by me honestly! If Linden is self-voting, I think I will make this go to rocks. But not just any rocks..... I think I'm gonna try and do this: - me, Jessie, Linus: vote Katie - Katie, Allyn, Rhea: vote me - Linden: is not voting at all Then if it ties, Katie and I are safe from rocks and everyone else does it. This seems really fun so I hope it works. However, I think Linus might mess up a plan like this so who knows what will happen. 
i can't believe both monsters got out and i hope it was NOT intentional bc if it *was* logan has a LOT to answer for! this was very unexpected and i'm definitely a little worried about whether i gave too much up in this challenge. our team only got 18 points, which means that some of us did NOT make the sacrifices we all agreed upon
Episode Title: She Did The Monster Mash 
I released the monster and I would do it again and again and again!!!!!! I found out Rhea has the missing mask and can mutiny after sea council... I had a plan to take said mask and jump to the other team to then release their monster, but no such luck because LOGAN LET IT GO!!!!!!!! 
I am also the holder of all pearl information and am excited to watch who unleashes the curse first-- its between Jess or Jenna... I don't really do reward challenges unless I get to draw a picture so I know I wont have enough hotel trips to figure out the curse myself so now I watch and wait. Someone has the f5 item from the vending machine and I am being CONSTANTLY LIED TO about who has it... thats my next goal 
I tried to tell my old team members not to give anything up but nobody listened and now I'm the only person not exiled and alone in the team chat. It's amazing~
That's right. I was shook. I was also almost picked last which I don't know how to feel about. At least I ended up on the team I wanted to be on. Jessica, Linden and me are hoping we can snatch up Linus because apparently he was in the minority on the other team and Linus passed my vibe check so I am fine with that. Us Canadians must stick together ? Yeah that sounds good I kind of  like the sound of that lol. 
Anyways I did not take all the punishments for this round and no regrets because both teams lost. Katie let pancakes free of course Pancakes was going to cause some trouble. So we go to council tomorrow most people have punishments so I should be okay this round. The public vote? Not as scary as not getting a vote or getting an extra vote to your name. I can do damage control if need to. I just got to believe in myself. 
*insert some quote about hope and despair from danganronpa* 
I will also be staying up so I can start strategizing when we all get added back to the chat after this lovely chat exile break. Anyways at this point I will probably be voting Rhea due to lack of bonding but who knows what plans later tonight or tomorrow will bring? I sure don't know. But I am ready. Bring on the chaos <3
So I actually meant to talk about something else in this confessional but I'm dumb and forgot about it so I'll type it out. Playing with Logan reminded me to chill out a little more and have more fun and not take everything too seriously. I remember this book I was reading where this team did something that would make them lose for sure but then they would learn from it, and if you're not willing to take risks and go outside of your comfort zone and fail then you're never going to grow as a person. You're not gonna win all the time because if you do you never actually learn all that you can and so I wanna have fun and cause chaos and not be afraid to lose because I'm growing and that's good! Life is a lot more fun if you're not focused on being the best and just having a good time with good people and taking steps in the right direction. Eventually you become the best anyway, so I'm really glad Logan helped put that in perspective. I'm still gonna try! But I wanna take more risks, like releasing that curse! Maybe the game will be harder but I'll be having fun on the way.
Team switch is actually going okay! I am still with Rhea and Linus who are my number 1 and 2, and Katie is being trustworthy at the moment so that is good.  I am also with Jessica, who I've been friends with for 6 years and I definitely want to align with her eventually (she's a beast in person and in Survivor), it's just I don't know why she doesn't want Jessie out.  I'm hoping telling her to go for Linus won't hurt us in the long run, because she is definitely a person I want to work with.  Katie is controlling and mean (sorry, just what I have witnessed) and she's good for our votes at the moment, but I definitely want her out soon.  She completely ignored my all my ideas and input on the rule making challenge, and it was just not very fun to work with her.  (Jenna has confirmed, wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy)  Linden is so sweet and I love her, (we are Bellingham buddies and I wish she still lived here) I just don't think the numbers are there for her to stay too much longer :( Pretty sure we're all good for Jessie to go tonight!
nice meeting you all <3 lots of love, no hard feelings.
I had a lot of fun this season and I’m glad I played ! Good luck to everyone left :)
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dndfuckhouse · 4 years
session 29 - High Tension Situations
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> 🎵  Rogue Encampment / Diablo 2 OST
Cracking open the entrance again as they were taught by Ezra, the group all head down into the cave system remembering the codes and the traps, Keva taking point. They eventually make their way back through the underground, reaching the large dark humid cove again.
Peering about as they come down they see a lot of boats on the waters strangely, as well as lights peeking through windows scattered about the buildings in the dark. Heading into the area proper there looks to be plenty of hustle and bustle down here as well strangely enough. Cloaked and shadowed individuals and groups are walking about quickly and some places look even more boarded up, or are in the process of becoming so. This is probably the loudest they’ve ever heard the place, sounds of hushed muttering and arguments being heard echoing around all the buildings and carved roads.
Finn and Han take their time peering around, it seems as if the people here are emptying out or holing up inside places as quickly as they can. Listening in as they walk by they get whispers from people gossiping about the business upstairs with the lockdown, every now and again hearing words about corpses. They also hear some whispering about disguised royal guards being spotted down in the area earlier. The rest of the party doesn't seem to take as much notice however, simply noting the place looks busy.
Han: "seems like that lockdown is affecting here too... and there could be guard around" Plum: im not worried about no cops Rokka: rokka huddles a little closer to whoever is next to him
Psalm: jesus
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Finn: psalm be like sorry im granblueing rn Plum: he has his phone out Psalm: OH FUCK I MISSED STRIKE TIME AGAIN
Rokka waltzes around in his Chris RokksworthTM disguise while Finn keeps his heavy daytime garb on in the cove, the others dont bother too much with disguising themselves aside from pulling up their hoods. 
The party decide to head over to Renny’s, noting it as the last place they saw Cole and Ezra. They all walk down and around to the centre area of the cove, making their way back to the same dingy looking building and cramped alleyway. They manage to find the right road before getting too lost, recognising the familiar heavy wood door indicating the front of Renny’s inn.
As they enter the area they note that it doesn't look too busy around here, on the way notice a couple heated conversations and busy buildings, but nothing sticks out in particular. 
Sidling up the door, the group give it a good knock, it takes a minute or so before they hear any sound behind it indicating that anyone’s even around. After some shuffling the thin slit in the door slides open and a familiar pair of eyes peer back at the party. It roves over the group for a moment, Han bending over and waving in response. It soon slides back shut and the party stand around listening to a series of unlocking sounds.
Finally the door swings open and there they see Renny, once again holding a pipe in one hand, as she moves to lean against the door frame.
Renny: “ol’ friends of ezra’s in need somewhere to hide out again? seems like you’ve got someone new with you though” she breathes out a wisp of smoke as she levels a long stare at finn Rokka: "Hello again!" Renny: "....hello again darlin" Han: "we're looking for him. you happen to know where he went?" Keva: "a direction would be good" Finn: he stares back, unsure what to say to this lady or if its even important for her to know who he is. Renny: "I haven’t seen the guy since he left the place with that tiefling girl after the other one, if I didn’t know him id worry he was skipping out on his tab” she snorts, but keeps staring at finn expectantly
Cimmorro: slaps finn's back like "pst introduce yourself" Plum: im going to swat finn and tell him to say covertly Rokka: nudges finn Finn: he feels more than uncomfortable. he doesn't need to make it known the barvottes crawl around places like this. switching a few times between looking at cimmorro and rokka before looking at renny. "i am called finnian." he then looks away and pulls his hat down more. Keva: cowboy tilt your hat finn Finn: vargonia culture Renny: she turns as u respond "nice to meet you there finnian, names renny, bit of common courtesy's appreciated" Finn: he nods back, acknowledging the acknowledgement before peeking at renny from underneath the snufkin hat. "my apologies" Renny: she smirks at you Finn: this milf... her aura is overwhelming, finn looks at cimm if he did it right. Cimmorro: cimm looks at u with a nod of acknowledgement Finn: i feel like turning to cimm for social advice is awful Cimmorro: OIJGIAOPJGWOPIAJGIAJIWG I HATE YOUG
Keva: she mumbles "why did...." then louder as she watches the others nudge at finn "...do you know which direction they were headed?" Han: "and did they say anything as they left?" Psalm: "I think we should just cut to the chase about why we're looking for them no? We have good enough reason to believe that they're in danger." Rokka: "and we came to save them!" Renny: "danger huh.... seems to be the trend around here. not really, think he went after that other friend of yours you popped in with. i’m no one to pry into what my patrons get up unless it’s going to disturb others or myself, understand me?” she takes another puff of her pipe and turns her head at you rokka "nice of you" Keva: "other friend?" Renny: “white haired fellow”
Chip: [han nat 1 insight check] renny would never lie to you.... perish the thought Han: tru milfs wont lie to me they love me Chip: so true
Getting a sense the conversation isnt really going anywhere, Cimmorro takes a step back to cast sending to cole while the others continue chatting along with renny, though renny gives him a curious glance.
Keva: "did you notice anything weird with the other guy when he left?" Han: [nods at keva’s q] Renny: "hmm...seemed tired, like he was in a daze. didn't ask"
Cimmorro: "it's cimmorro. do you have any clue where you are right now? any clue at all. keep it brief, this spell cant hold." Cole: after a second or two you hear a response in coles voice in your head "ahuh- is that you cimm?? whoa where are you....were underground uh...some huge group jumped us. um uh...in the bone somewhere higher up-" before it cuts off Cimmorro: just face palms at cole's rambling before getting everyone's attention "hate to break the chat but it seems like they're 'in the bone somewhere higher up,' cole said" Han: "...so like..." han points upwards to shorewater Rokka: "please don't tell me its the cult again ugh..." Psalm: [to renny] "If you don't mind, do you have any idea what 'higher up' would mean for down here?" Renny: "could mean one of the taller buildings or scaffoldings that crawls up the cove walls. or could just mean up north, theres a bit of a slant that lets you see over the rest of the cove from back there" she shrugs "doesn't really narrow down your search radius though i think, could ask around, more foot traffic lately"
Han, Psalm and Finn both think to themselves if they know of any particular big groups that may have targeted the two down here. Psalm and Finn come up with nothing, the latter having gotten most of his information from his uncle. Han thinks a bit longer but nothing immediately pops into her head outside trading groups ferrie told her about. Cole could be talking about a big gang but she gets the feeling there's plenty of those down here and she doesn't know any of them by name.
The group think amongst themselves, deciding they should split up to search, one group prowling the rooftops of the rickety buildings while others search and ask around on foot. 
Han: she goes "well, thanks for your time" and gives renny another 5 gold Renny: she raises a brow and takes it "well thank you, if ya spot him down the line let me know. finding myself a little curious now" Han: "will do ma'am" ^_^ Renny: she waves and shuts the door behind her as you all chatter amongst yourselves, you hear the door lock four times behind her
Finn: "psalm you may not be going to the roof but ill give you my grimnir raid id while youre still here, its my strike time you see...” Psalm: "Yeah no problem I can mvp" Finn: "It's '00568E33, thank you psalm. your fire is invaluable to my raids." Rokka: BAN GBF Chip:
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Rokka: he fidgets at the thought of leaving ground team alone "I'll...go with the ground..."  Han: ;LK;LKHSDALKHFKWELKRD 🥺
The groups split into two teams [ Han, Finn and Keva ] to explore the roofs and [ Psalm, Cimmorro, Plum and Rokka ] to ask around on foot. They decide to all meet back up again in about an hour’s time at Renny’s to share their findings.
The ground group decide to make their way to Nickel to see if they can get any useful information out of him. In the meanwhile the rooftop group sidle up to the nearest looking short building. Han offers to help the two up but Keva quickly climbs up and ahead of the other two on her own.
Han: "yes, i give boost, no problem" Plum: forgot han sounds like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iW1Nff6jgjo
Finn: "ive no need for any such thing. a vampire can scale any surface." Han: "so can i, am i vampire now" Finn: "no you cannot! i can climb anything! you cannot." he crosses his arms. Han: "... yes i can" Finn: finn furrows his brows. "you are so foolish that it truly escapes me how you've made it this far." Han: han crosses her arms at finn "what? why?" Finn: finn is exasperated. "insufferable." he scoffs before turning his back to han. Han: "what, you think i cant? ill prove it" Finn: "prove it then." he says in a snotty tone
Han casts spiderclimb on herself before immediately running up the side of the wall like naruto, laughing in victory from the rooftop. Though once she reaches the top she realises she does not have darkvision and cant really scope the place out at all. She can see many small lights peppered around the cove, but on the roofs? there are no lights on the roofs. its going to be easy to trip up here. In the meantime Keva attempts to peer out for anything suspicious, though she comes up empty, slightly distracted by the two behind her’s antics.
Han: “....balls” Finn: he stares for a good moment. but then he shakes his head and tsks, despite han not being able to hear. foolish goliath. she had to cast a spell to do it! how foolish! [he then climbs up effortlessly after her] Keva: she just, pulls her hood down lower and goes toward the higher nearby building mumbling "i'm not dealing with this"
The group make an effort to stealth themselves once they get up, Keva doing so well that Han loses track of where she went as the former climbs higher up on the building next to them.
Han: han is like "you take ages" Finn: "perhaps you ought to take your time too, might draw fewer eyes to you." finn checks out his gloved nails you know how. its about the vibes it gives off 💅 Han: han is like >:/ MAYBE SO.................
In the meantime the other group make their way over to the location of nickel’s familiar storefront, Han having quickly shouted them directions from the last time she was down here. As the group approach they see a good number of boats near the shoreline and the building, it appears a group of people in similar uniforms as Nickel are hauling crates and barrels onto them.
They walk over to the tented side of the building to find nickel where they last spoke to him, though as they make to dip their heads inside a hand comes up in front of their faces shooing you back out, on the other side of it they hear nickels familiar drawl 
Nickel: “sorry pal, closing up for the moment, trying to shift out our stock around like everyone else so-“ he sticks his head out from the flap at the tail end of his spiel “oh you lot again? surprised you’re down here again after all the chatter I’ve been hearing flow through” he gives your group a lazy smirk. Psalm: "Eh... that got sorted out, but we're not here to shop." Plum: "yo, you wouldnt happen to know about any big gangs in the area would you" Han: SUCH AS YOURS, O FAIR NICKEL? Cimmorro: "what's the hullabaloo about actually?"  Nickel: "wow fun question, whyre ya asking" he gives an awww at the no shopping comment before turning to cimmorro "hmm? figured you'd have heard about the big bad royal guards skulking around down here, among other things"
Plum: “...” i'm gonna turn to cimm and psalm and be like "is it a good idea to tell him why" Psalm: "I don't see how we can avoid that if we want to get the most information out of him if he knows something but... we can try?" Plum: "that's what i think, and it's not like he's the most trustworthy person ever, well okay” Psalm: "As far as I know the Dark Blues are a merchant group and not in the business of kidnapping people, so i want to say i doubt he’d be involved”
Plum: "fine, well, some friends of ours got kidnapped" Cimmorro: cimm just gives a "ah, just curious if there'd be more to it than that" also just nodding to psalm and plum rn Nickel: "everyone here’s a little paranoid yknow? well myself included, so you can imagine anyone who’s drifting through is leaving and everybody else is boarding up their doors and digging their holes” he puts a hand to his chin “ ahhh the city feels a little scary these days don’t it valued customers?” he says while theatrically scrunching up his face in woe before turning to you plum "sad story there friend, not uncommon a thing to hear round here" Plum: "sure, sure, but have you heard of any group like that is what i'm asking, like lets say its not just some random thugs" Nickel: "oh plenty down here, but you'll want to narrow down the list unless you want to stand here and listen to me drone on for an hour" he folds his arms and smiles "and its not very in my nature to give things away for free" Plum: plum puts their fingers to their head in annoyance and says "i'd rather listen to you drone on than be doing this right now" Nickel: he goes ^__^
The group relay to him what Cole told them, about being higher up somewhere within the bone, specifying she probably meant somewhere in the northern area rather than above their heads. They also state they’re looking for Ezra, remembering Nickel encountered him the first time they met the drow so he may recognise him, they also bring up rickert’s name additionally.
Cimmorro: "oh hum... does rickert sound familiar to you?"  Nickel: "hmmm...somewhat, pauldrun...?" Psalm: "Elf, short hair, missing his right eye. Scar on his face. Has probably never smiled in his life. Ringing any bells?” Nickel: he nods his head and shakes his hand "ah yes yes i know of him, hes fond of grinning i hear actually" Cimmorro: "the one with us was the opposite of that yeah" Rokka: "wonder why he doesn't grin with us 🤔 " Psalm: "Well hearsay and reality tend to be two very different experiences 😇" Nickel: he laughs at that Psalm: score Han: ARE YOU IN A DAITNG SIM A;LKDSFHRLKW3EFDS
Cimmorro: "SO.... if you two are done flirting... any clue of their possible whereabouts or no" Nickel: he smirks at you cimm and continues "him and his motley crew? i know where they like to hang around the most at least" Cimmorro: 😳 ".... and i assume you want compensation for that information?" cimm exhales  Nickel: "well since you're not buying anything..." he smiles
Psalm: "I wouldn't put it past them to kidnap people... 🤔" Cimmorro: "yeah especially if it's ezra lol" Psalm: "That aside, remember what they were up to when we first ran into them." Plum: "unfortunately, it's not too farfetched that it could be them" Cimmorro: "they sure like their ropes!" Rokka: "Makes sense"
Cimmorro: looks at nickel unamused "what's your offer then?" Nickel: "hmmm lets say 70 gold" Rokka: Psalm quick eldritch blast Psalm: i want to be able to shop here later...
Cimmorro: i huddle towards the others "not particularly skilled in haggling so if one of you wants to try... either way, we can also pool for it" Plum: "i'm also not skilled at haggling" Rokka: ok rokka pulls out 70g and dumps it on nickels hand "that good sir?" Nickel: "oho thank you kindly sir"  he pockets into one of his pouches with a smile while giving you a knowing glance
Nickel: he turns to address you all now "if you want to find rickert i suggest you look for a bar called the Cracked Skull, its where him and his gang like to idle around when they're down here. if they aren't on a job in any case, they’re probably busy with people leaving or piling in so you’re bound ta’ find someone whos seen him recently" another smile Psalm: "What are the directions from here?" Nickel: "head around the east dive, its where most of the livelier bars are, place has a big skull drawn on the front of it, hard to miss"
Plum: "oh last thing, when are you reopening your shop after all the, uh-" gestures to people moving around Nickel: he looks down at you "hmmm well right now were relocating our storage and whatnot so..." he thinks for a beat "if nobody comes snooping for us specifically we'll probably be open our doors again within the week, eager to see you then of course" Plum: "right" and then in a more deadpan voice plum says "see you then" Rokka: "thank you good bye!" Psalm: "Thank you kindly." Cimmorro: cimm just leaves fr Nickel: he gives you all a cheery wave "see you again soon"
Plum: theres no way rickert's gotten to level 5 within  a week lets beat his ass Cimmorro: little did u know he fought a dragon and got to lv 20
Cimmorro: once we're out the store i'm gonna nudge rokka "i'll pay a part of that gold later. i have no change on me right now" Rokka: rokka looks at cimm "huh? what? no! no, it's fine don't worry about it!! thank you though..." Cimmorro: :/ "it's a group effort right now and i'd like to do my part. nothing more nothing less" Rokka: "i mean...if you insiiiisstttt...." rokka nods and looks around for a bit before looking back at cimm "no rush though!"
The belowground group make their way over towards the Cracked Skull. Back with the rooftop group both Keva and Finn attempt to peer out into the cove for anything of note nearby but both ultimately come up with nothing. Finn finds himself distracted by Han nearly tripping over the roof in the dark while Keva stares back down at the two from her higher vantage point, throwing a small rock at Han’s leg to get the twos attention.
Finn: "looks like you cannot climb anything, the way i do. time to admit it, no?" Han: "i just proved i can climb it easily, what the fuck are you on about" Finn: "tripping over yourself like the oaf you are, ha. you are not just foolish, but also amusing." Han: "i cant see in the da-(VERY MUFFLED SQUEAK OF SURPRISE)" [tracks where the stone came from] then punts finn and goes "whatever, come on" Finn: finn holds a hand over his mouth in fake shock and rolls his eyes. "sure."
The group set out to start snooping around the taller buildings near Renny’s as opposed to just looking out over the streets. Keva manages to keep quiet and not alert people inside as she peers through cracks, she sees quite a few shady dealings occurring but nothing that seems to be related to Cole or Ezra. Finn ends up much the same as Keva, thinking to himself ‘wild that people live here’ as he stares at some guy randomly sleeping on the floor. 
Han has less luck than the other two, coming across heavily boarded windows, and even when she can peer through the cracks its too dark inside for her to notice anything. As she stomps about the outside she also gets an ugly glare from one window from an occupant inside. She quickly gives a peace sign and slides down the wall back to the ground while the eyes glare at her all the while.
The three regroup a little dejected, han pouts.
Keva: "maybe we're thinking about this the wrong way" Han:  han looks at keva like go on Finn: "i am not sure myself. i wonder if the other team is making any more progress than we are." Keva: "i don't know, there's like uptown and downtown in cities right? maybe there's different part of the withered bone" Han: "renny said it could be north where theres a scaffolding... north should be that way (points), we could try heading there" Finn: cant I fact check on that being north [it is] "let us do that then. I do not see any other leads that we could possibly follow instead."
They decide to make their way over to the northern side of the cove, hopping over the roofs in the dark as they go (han with slightly less reckless abandon). Once arriving in the northern area they split and once again get to searching around the outside of the buildings from the roofs. 
Finn comes up empty, these people really like to board their windows shut...it was annoying before but it is also annoying now. Han and Keva have slightly more success, managing to look into a few more rooms, but nothing obvious. Han gets a few more eyes glaring at her every time she passes by some windows, at one point even feeling a knife chucked into the boards at one point in her direction as a response to her unstealthily snooping.
The three regroup with a huff as they discuss their findings, staring about the area. They take note the western side of the cavern wall that they’re now near. It appears to have these spidering scaffoldings heading up to smaller buildings built higher into the walls, but they cant really tell how to get there.
Han: "should we...attempt to go there?" han points to the cavern wall scaffoldings Keva: "do we got time?" Han: han is like ehhhhhhh Keva: "okay well, i'll go back to meet up with the others then to tell them where you are, since we're almost out of time" Finn: "think we'll be fast enough?" finn raises an eyebrow @ han Han: han looks uncertain for a sec but then is like "ye, course" Keva: "right well don't be idiots on the way" and keva's gonna head off Finn: "hmph." finn shakes his head briefly. "let us waste no time."
Keva makes her way quickly back to Renny’s inn and waits outside on the roof, keeping an eye out for the others. The other two begin looking for a way up the scaffolds. Surprisingly in the dark Han finds the leisurely pace she's able to take with the spiderclimb works in her favour, she gets in some reconnaissance. Lower on the ground she sees a few figures in black hoods with gold trim siting at the entrance to the scaffolds keeping watch near a lantern, letting people pass up occasionally every now and again. 
Finn slightly less successful simply peers up at the scaffolds, he guesses he could climb up there....its probably fine.... Before he can try anything Han stops him and points at the entrance, indicating if they wanted to climb up they should start further down and away from the guards at the entrance. She leads the two of them out of earshot and the two begin climbing, han switching to her climbers kit halfway through.
They seem successful for a time, though as the two get close to the scaffolding they hear a loud whistle suddenly in their ears. Peering up at the scaffolding they see someone in a similar hood to those at the entrance holding a crossbow staring down at them. Their face shadowed, they aim the crossbow at the two of them and wave it downwards, motioning for them to go back the way they came as a warning.
Han: han whispers "could u keep climbing quietly" Finn: finn looks at her briefly but nods, and keeps climbing up. Guard: the guard looks at you finn and shoots an arrow into the wall above your head
> 🎵  Pyrates Beware / Assassin's Creed IV OST
Soon after the guard shoots their crossbow Han pulls her piston gear out and goes into freefall, pulling out her own bow and taking two shots at them. One hits, striking the guard in the shoulder before she plummets, the guard grunts out a cry of pain before whipping their glare in finn's directions seeing her now drop.
Psalm: somehow this is still less risky than us sending rokka to go talk to henrick while rickert is there Han: JHFGJTFHDRETRKYGLHUK
Quickly the guard brings a hand up to their mouth again and lets out a longer loud whistle, along the wall suddenly Han and Finn both see lanterns lighting up one by one as she falls. Han quickly cats feather fall on herself before she hits the ground allowing her to land on her feet.
Across the cove Keva in the distance looks out towards the western cavern wall in the dark, there she can see one by one lanterns quickly lighting up across the scaffolds strangely. She quickly jumps to her feet running over the roofs as fast as she can.
Han: everyone playing with me 
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Soon after she hits the ground Finn stops in place out of fear, seeing the lanterns light up he drops right after her. She ends up catching him in her arms easily enough.
Han: curses under her breathe in a language u dont understand and then says "time to runnnn" Finn: finn glares at you han. "i should have known better than to count on you for a plan! imbecile!" he also curses in a language you dont understand and hops out of your arms to run himself Han: "i SAID could you get UP THERE qUIETLY and YOU! said YES!!!!!!!!" Finn: "you reassured me youd distract him! ugh! i wouldve expected you to take that lowly guard out swiftly, but no! you are nothing but an oaf!" he grunts
Han skids to halt and attempts to deck finn for the insult but he quickly dodges out of the way as they run.
Finn: finn gasps, offended by your attempt. "you...!! ive no words! baseborn scum!" he cusses at her quite unrestrained and bolts again. Han: "YOU LITTLE UNGRATEFUL, SHIT FOR BRAINS TWIG MAN" Finn: "SUCH A BLOATED BODY BUT NO SPACE FOR THE MOST VITAL ORGAN!"
The two continue bickering until Han spots an alleyway while they're running, tackling Finn into it with her successfully. She grapples him in her hands, whapping a hand over his mouth and casts pass without a trace. He begins shouting grumpily but she quickly tells him to quiet down so the two can stay hidden from the now approaching guards. He reluctantly settles down in her grasp fighting the urge to bite her hand.
The two go deathly quiet, listening in they hear yelling and chatter near the scaffolding begin to ramp up, after a minute or so they hear footsteps run past the alleyway, noting the familiar hoods it appears that they haven’t noticed their hiding spot. After a moment Han releases her hand from Finn’s mouth and makes a shooshing motion, though she still keeps a grip on him as they wait for the guards to disperse.
Han: finn feels hans heart pounding kya Finn: KYA finn just goes wow havent felt one of those in forever
After a time it seems the guards roaming around on the ground have moved on from their area, though the scaffolding is still lit up, seems they're still alerted up higher. Keva also quickly arrives in the area, looking around she sees people in hoods holding lanterns hunting around, though not much else.
Han: han lets u go completely after the noise dies down and says " dont stray too far from me." and starts going making way to rennys Finn: finn tsks at you once again, but is no longer in the mood to start arguments, for once. he follows you.
Keva stares at the group roaming about trying to discern anything about them but they seem pretty covert, she can tell for sure that they're guarding the upper scaffolds down here, and that there seem to be a good number of them. Seeing nothing to do she sighs and heads back over to Renny’s the same time Finn and Han do.
In the meanwhile the other group make their way over to the east dive from nickel's storefront, its easy enough for them to find their way as they remember heading to the area to check out Sammy's abode. As they look around they find what seems to be a populated area of sorts and a few crowded buildings.
Nearby they spot a rickety wooden building with a white skull painted across its front, in front of if a few figures huddled on the front stoop, sounds of chatter and laughter coming from inside. It appears they’ve found the place.
The figures huddled near the door don’t really move as the group approach so they find themselves having to step over and around them to get into the building.
> 🎵  Bridge to London / Vampyr OST
Entering the busy bar they see a number of seedy looking individuals peppered about, hooded figures and the more overt looking cutthroats and mercs, as well as any other wayward traveller nursing a drink looking for somewhere to lay low. Looking about they don’t recognise most of them, noting a stocky looking bartender behind the bar and a few hired guards standing at the doors, though in the corner of the room they see a smaller group huddled around a table.
Staring closer they recognise them as Rickert and part of his gang, four people sitting around with what looks like nothing better to do, including Henrick. from this distance they can see Rickert angrily arguing with one of the goonies while holding them in a headlock, Henrick looks on wearily taking a sip of a drink while him and the other one try and play cards.
Nervous about talking to Rickert out of disguise, the group all nominate Rokka to head over and get Henrick’s attention so they can talk to him instead while Rickert’s not around. He nervously walks over in his disguised form whistling as the others watch from across the room.
Cimmorro: everyone watches rokka miserably Psalm: miserably is right we owe him the 70 gold after this
Rickert: as you approach you see rickert's head turn up in your direction and squint along with the goon in the headlock. the other two at the table also peer in your direction "...what do ya want?" Rokka: his whistling dies down like those cartoon sounds of a falling missile "uh.......... i uh........... " he looks between rickert and henrick "i saw my old bud henrick!!!!!!! hey!!!!!! henrick!!!!!!!!!"
Psalm: oh yknow i have invisibility we could've gone about this a completely different way how did that slip my mind Plum: I WILL KILL YOU Cimmorro: AOIGJAIWJGAJGADG Plum: you could've whispered surreptitiously in henrick's ear and changed the whole genre of this encounter Psalm: suddenly the rating goes up
Rickert: he glares at you before whipping his head in henricks direction Henrick: he stares at you utterly confused before his eyes widen a fraction, but then he looks confused again "uh..?" Rokka: nervously laughs "HAHA....long time no see buddy!!!" rokka moves to give him a big unintentionally tight hug and whispers in his ear "im psalms friend pleaase come with me emergency" he laughs again when releasing him "MIND IF I BORROW THIS RASCAL FOR A DRINK?" Henrick: he grunts with surprise at the crushing hug, trying to hold onto the cards in his hands "uh-!" he listens to you whisper in his ear and whispers back a "...w-who...?" Rickert: across he lets out a cackle "wow didnt know you actually had friends henrick" Rokka: nervously laughs again and slings his arm around henricks shoulder and gives tight squeeze "YEAH!!! he and i go WAYYY back! thought i would never see him again!!" he begins to pulls henrick away "ANYWAYS!! I'LL BRING THIS GUY BACK TO YA ASAP!! ILL EVEN BUY U A ROUND OF DRINKS!!! LATER!!" moving => henrick Henrick: he lets you drag him away confused "uh- guess ill fold for this round guys" and lets you drag him away from the table, you see rickert look at his hand after he places it on the table and he lets out another cackle
Rokka: quickly says everything in one breath bc hes scared rickert will call him back "remember that tall red tiefling with the group w the lupin and goliath? im the lupin we need ur help please just come im so sorry" and quickens our pace to the grounders Henrick: he nods at you confused as you drag him along "....sure but why are y-" then he turns as hes presented before you all "oh...hello..?" Rokka: heaves a sigh of relief once reaching the group and lets go of henrick "i........brought him.........." Plum: 'yeah, somehow that mess actually worked! good one" Cimmorro: raises a hand like a weak greeting
Rokka: mumbling like "i need a drink" Psalm: "We can do that after, right now maybe we should step outside for a bit?” Rokka: sighs again and slings his arm over henricks shoulder and moves him towards the exit Psalm: "Cheer up Rokka, once we're done with all this you can get me that drink you owe me." Rokka: "aww man i thought you forgot about that!!" blows raspberry Psalm: “you wish” 
Henrick: he tilts his head and looks back at rickert scratching his neck “sure though i dont know why…seeing you guys a lot lately huh” his eyes back towards psalm “you just here to hire us again for something?” he yelps as rokka pushes him towards the exist and goes Plum:  "hell no" Psalm: "You free for hire? Although my friend's right, not really here for that right now. Kind of on an urgent mission right now actually." Henrick: he tilts his head "ah yeah rickerts always doing whatever pays, i figured you'd know because of your friend here" and he points at cimmorro Plum: "cimm, the fuck does that mean?" Cimmorro: cimm just looks like this O_O???? "excuse me???" Henrick: he squints in confusion “the other day at the pier, you uhh” and he points at cimmorro “hired us to move some crates round the caves, didn’t really know if was you though till we got paid at the end of it though” he gives cimmorro a curious look “was kinda funny to see the boss’ reaction… are bounty hunters fond of hiring people they’re out to grab for odd jobs like that or is he not on the radar anymore…that’d be nice for a number of reasons…..” and he kind of looks away scratching his neck Psalm: Psalm just looks at Cimmorro wide eyed like HUH? Cimmorro: cimm JUST LOOKS AS SURPRISED AS YOU ARE "DONT GIVE ME THAT LOOK. I WAS WITH YOU GUYS THIS WHOLE TIME???"
Plum: "the other day? do you remember how many days ago or so?" Psalm: "Wait you're saying he hired you? *points at Cimm * You're absolutely sure you got a good look?" Cimmorro: "loathe as i am to remember the fact that i've done nothing but hang out with you all but by the goddess" Psalm: "Ok that bits just unnecessary although I get it."
Henrick: he stares at cimmorro and psalm's confused reactions "uh...same day i saw you again actually, kinda strange?" he gives cimm a good stare at your request then turns back to psalm "uhh...yep not many people look like him frankly" Cimmorro: cimm just pinching the bridge of his nose rn Psalm: just pinches his eyes like i have a fuckin headache rn "Mind telling me where you moved the crates?" Henrick: he taps his fingers nervously on his arms "im getting the feeling.... somethings weird here huh" he turns to you psalm "it was somewhere in the caverns, looked pretty nondescript but then so are all drop off points...?" Psalm: "Yeah just a little weird. I'm guessing you don't know what was in them?" Henrick: he shakes his head "nah they were nailed shut, clients can tell easy if you mess around so we didn't bother, though i was curious" Cimmorro: "where were these drop points?" Henrick: he scratches his head nervously "uhh i dont really remember, like i said in the caverns, its a popular place for smugglers to make deals so i dont think much of it" he looks more anxious as the conversation goes on Psalm: “Maybe we should head back inside and see if boss man will know? Amazing, this isn't even what we wanted to find out and yet here we are."
Han: gg henrick u were an unknowing assistant in the plot to turn the whole city to zombieland Psalm: imagine being that guy Plum: moe through helplessness
Attempting to move on from the revelation from Henrick about Cimmorro’s doppelganger, the group then get about to asking what they dragged him over for in the first place.
Cimmorro: "guess i can just waltz in there for a chat later huh.... in any case we're looking for an elf man, pretty large scar on the face? any clue?" Psalm: "Missing a right eye also, was with a blue tiefling before they went missing." Henrick: he tilts his head and thinks "i know a few guys who match that description honestly" as you keep talking his face kinda goes still “….uh….” he starts nervously tapping his hand on his leg “right that guy from the other day….i didn’t get much of a look at him when our base got busted but I guess he’s with you, makes sense…” Cimmorro: "so have u seen him recently... down here?"  Henrick: he looks away to stare at the street "uh...dunno, you'd be better off asking rickert..." Cimmorro: STARTS SLOUCHING AS I HEAD TOWARD THE BAR Psalm:* picks you up and throws you into the ring * Henrick: he watches you go nervously and puts a hand to his face with a woeful expression, following after
The group all stroll their way back into the bar as a group and head over to rickert's table, as they do he turns his head in cimmorro’s direction
Rickert: “aha would ya look at that, this ones come slinking round again” eyeballing cimmorro “need us again big boy? the hell d’yall need to transport round caves anyway” as he speaks he takes a sip of his drink Cimmorro: BIG BOY HE SAID Psalm: i hate rickert more than anything
Cimmorro: "haha yeah it's nice to see you too... listen, i'm looking for someone. you remember that elf with a face scar from your base's basement? have you seen him recently down here?" cimm trying to not look as strained as he is rn Rickert: at that his face seems to light up with a wicked glee “the other bounty hunter who chucked that vial of acid right into my beautiful face? hah! yeah i’ve seen the bastard recently actually, though I dunno if I wanna tell ya why or where” and he leans back on his hands whistling “whats in it for me?” Plum: just say i'll make it worth your while Han: do a blowjob motion at rickert Psalm: hhuhuGHURJAF Finn: what happened to cimm usually being so easy going huh, just do the blowjob motion coward
Cimmorro: "aha of course, you son of a gun. you know little ol' me. i'll make it worth your while" Rickert: he hmms to himself before scratching his chin “so charitable of ya, you know i know just the thing, beat me in a game of cards and I’ll tell ya everything you’d ever want to know free of charge, thieves’ honour” he gives you all a smirk as he leans across the table “you lose then you pay me, considering how important this information seems to alla’ you …..lets say 350 gold?” he spits the terms out while smiling Cimmorro: "does it have to be me? i... don't really have to time for cards right now" Rickert: he leans back into the booth lazily "doesn't have to be you, can be any one of your friends, two of you, well go best of three playing kings gambit, you against me and one of my boys. if you're too busy then i guess ya can buzz off and quit wasting my time" he leans forward with a grimace Cimmorro: i look at the rest of you like "well... anyone wanna play cards? guess i'll play if we have no other choice" Psalm: "I'll play as well."
The group however quickly tell Rickert to wait a moment before shuffling over to another end of the bar to figure out how theyre going to cheat, leaving Rokka alone with the gang again. Rickert snorts into his drink with disinterest watching them shuffle off. Rokka quickly looks for an excuse so he can shuffle off as well briefly.
Rokka: yeah honestly rokkkas like hahha...........time to fetch those ales!!!!!!! ahahha crying at his wallet
Cimmorro: [casting guidance] Psalm: "Ok, obviously losing 350 on this guy is a waste, so we're gonna need your help to cheat." Plum: "right i think i can guess what you have in mind' Psalm: "Great, saves having to explain." Plum: "just tell them i went to go report back to some friends wed be late returning to our meet up point or something, if they asked where i went i suppose" Psalm: "Wow you read my mind. As for how to cheat.. well I'm sure you can think of something." Plum: "er... i'll try Psalm: "I guess we can come up with a system for you to check their dice for me." Plum: "maybe i can just draw the number on your palm or something" Psalm: "Fine with me."
Psalm: "Ghester you want to help me cheat here?" Plum: "what the fuck is a ghester" Cimmorro: plum and cimm looking at psalm like elaborate... Now Ghester: you hear ghester laugh in your head psalm "i could only focus on one of them but perhaps if they aren't too quick with their hands" after a minute you hear a voice in your head cimmorro and plum out of nowhere "hello again" Plum: "did one of you just say something?" Cimmorro: "ohhh!!! it's you!!" Ghester: you hear the voice continue cimmorro "yes me" Psalm: "Great, so out game plan can be Ghester you focus on whoever's playing that isn't Rickert, Plum you can take Rickert and maybe write the number in Cimmorro's hand instead of mine. Ghester can just tell me the other guys numbers if.. he can. We can just figure it out like that." Plum: "ghester is that voice i heard just now?" Psalm: "I'll explain after we finish this. But yes." Cimmorro: "you have a lot of explaining to do after this but sure that sounds dope"
The three continue to discuss their means of leverage while Rokka attempts to buy a round of drinks for Rickert’s gang, the chatter and boisterous activity of the bar booming around them. ---
🐺 Rokka handed 70g to 👛Nickel
The Western Scaffolds are on alert... 🔎
「 King Gambit 👑 」 Rules
King’s Gambit has a buy in bet of 5 gold, though in this game with Rickert you'll be using chips. 
Each card player rolls 1d8, keeping the die hidden. each player has the chance to raise the bet, call the bet (meet it), or fold. This continues when all bets are equal.
Then each player rolls a 1d6, keeping it secret as well. A final chance to raise, call, or fold. Each remaining player rolls 1d4. They then all reveal the 1d8, 1d6, and 1d4, adding them all together.
The person with the highest total dice number wins the round and takes all the chips. by the end of the three rounds the person who has won the highest amount of chips is the ultimate winner
0 notes
hey so i love your fe stuff! its soo good! but ive noticed that most of it is either gen or takes place after the relationships have gotten together (which is fine, i love that) but it did make me curious if youd be willing to share some of your headcanons (for odin/niles/leo, camilla/beruka/selena, and xander/laslow) for how they got together/developed feelings for one another? im very curious about your take on it bc i love your characterization! thank u so much for writing such beautiful fics
Aww, thank you, anon!! FE13/14 isn’t as popular as it probably once was and I definitely joined the writing fic for it part of the fandom pretty late, so I’m so pleased to hear that you enjoy my fics! Thank you!!
Secondly, anon….This is gonna be mega long and I hope you’re prepared for that, lmao (Also if you had any other questions or anything, don’t be afraid to send another ask!)
I don’t know if I have any “set in stone” headcanons for how any of these three pairs get together because I’m a multishipper who loves AUs, but if we’re talking about canon FE14 universe, I definitely have some thoughts as to how that’s going to go.
I’m gonna blabble a lot now
I actually feel like Odin would have the easiest time accepting dating people anyone, even if they’re a prince or a coworker or two people at once or he feels he has to travel to another dimension in a few years.
Like, he’s very? Pragmatic? Not necessarily 24/7 (because he loves to tell tales and exaggerate and roleplay) but Big Decisions. Like in Hidden Truths DLC, when Laslow and Selena are questioning where they should go when it’s time to leave Nohr–their home dimension with their family’s graves or to return to the world where their parents are still alive–iirc, Odin is the first one to say “We can worry about this later, we just have to deal with this now.” It’s not that he doesn’t care as much, because he super does, but I think he like? Compartmentalizes a little more? In the FE13 Future Past DLC, when he and Inigo are stuck on one side of the bridge and Brady and Yarne are on the other, Owain talks through what’s going to happen if they try to cross the bridge until he gets to the conclusion, “If you go and I stay behind, the most people in this scenario live and we still succeed, even if that means my death.” When Inigo cuts the brige with both of them on one side, Owain says, “We don’t both have to die!” Now part of this is Owain/Odin’s dramatic personality and the (probably unhealthy) self-sacrificing tendencies he almost certainly had during his years before jumping through time and even some time after, even Inigo acknowledges that Owain’s plan was probably the best way to get the gemstone to Ylisse (though not the best plan for Owain’s life.) He’s also the one who adjusts most to living in Nohr, by which I mean his homesickness and memories of Ylisse seem to weigh on him the least. While he admits to Selena in their Supports that he also is unable to sleep at night from his memories, Selena and Laslow’s Supports with him are more about their problems with missing home and he has become a kind of shoulder to lean on between the three of them.
Anyway all of this is basically evidence to say that Odin is pretty reasonable and levelheaded when not indulging in his imagination (which was almost definitely a coping mechanism of some kind in his younger years, though it may have become a bit more of an innocent hobby by the time he’s in Nohr… though I don’t want this to get dark, OTL)
ANYWAY! I think Odin is has the easiest time adjusting between all three of the Time Travel Trio, but I don’t know if he’s necessarily the one to make the first move in anything? If anything, it would have to be all three make a move at the same time (through some circumstance) or Niles/Leo get together first (even though Niles thinks his purpose in life is to “serve” Leo until he dies via their Supports and Leo probably wouldn’t want to put anyone in a weird position considering his status). I’ve written past stuff where Odin gets confident and does something bold like sit in Laslow’s lap and kiss him while Laslow bemoans never having a first kiss, and while I think Odin could catch onto moves being made on him and be down for it, I don’t think he’d be as likely to do something as bold as that for Niles/Leo like he would for someone he’s known years and years, like Laslow or Selena.
The thing about Niles is that… Idk, I don’t think he views himself as garbage? (Unless there’s a support I don’t remember.) But he definitely thinks of himself as “lower” than Leo, who he views as having saved his life and literally is the start to “good” memories in Nile’s mind. I’m not sure he’d ever make a move on Leo and compromise that relationship he values so highly unless it was something he felt Leo needed or something out of his control. (Like doing something to save Leo’s life and Leo is like “Hey do you have Feelings for me” and Niles, broken out in a cold sweat, hands shaking, answers “I mean Yes, but it doesn’t have to be weird…. unless u want that.” 
For Leo, I don’t think he really thinks about love unless it’s right there in his face. Either because he’s thinking about marriage for political reasons/someone else is getting married or because Niles/Odin is hanging around a lot and he’s like “What is this Feeling, it’s highly inconvenient but I cannot deny it exists”. (Also another thing about him is that he’s probably a little uncomfortable with Nile’s… Pedestal, I guess? For him. Like, he knows Niles values him a lot and vice versa but when Niles is like “You’re the reason my life is good and I will serve you until I Die For You,” Leo is like “I don’t know what to say but I guess ‘Thank you’ is the right response.” So he probably wouldn’t want to take advantage of Nile’s feelings either.)
(The thing about all the Royal Nohrian Sibs is that they are under the watchful eye of Garon for most of their life, and that’s a huge influence on what they are or aren’t willing to do in terms of romance until the Big Slime is no longer an issue for them. So that’s a major factor as well.)
I think Niles and Odin make a great team, but Niles is initially very suspicious when Odin/Selena/Laslow show up out of the blue and even when he trusts Odin later on, he does use that suspicion as a little jab on Odin’s origins in their C-Support when they’re having an annoyed argument. They both apologize to each other later with Odin conceding that Niles was right and his actions weren’t out of line, and while Nile’s is like, “Aw, I shouldn’t have done that, Lord Leo trusts you and that’s enough for me,” the secretiveness of Odin’s past is like. An undercurrent in their relationship on both their parts for a long time. (While meanwhile Leo does not give a single fuck what you did or who you were before you met him so long as he knows what kind of person you are now.)
So with all this I can absolutely see Niles and Leo getting together and Odin being supportive from the sidelines for a Long Time as Niles/Leo either pine a little secretly (maybe separately) or they don’t really realize their own feelings for Odin or the idea all three of them could be a thing until later. (Bc Odin is not gonna intrude on something he feels he shouldn’t and when it’s a better idea not to.) (However, if that opportunity appears and everything is Chill, Odin is absolutely Hell Yeah, down for it.)
(This didn’t really come up anywhere before but? Leo and Odin’s supports?? Are so Much????? Like, Leo doesn’t want to send Odin out on any more “adventures” he used to because according to Leo: “uh that was to be a dick to you and I literally Cannot imagine living without you now because you’re so Valuable to me, so you can’t go on any Mega Dangerous missions, sorry.” He says he wont’ keep Odin from being his own person and leaving Nohr but that he honestly wishes Odin would stay and if he does leave, all the victories afterwards will be a little “bittersweet” without Odin there. Also if Odin does leave, Leo asks that he use his title as Leo’s retainer still so there will always be that “connection” between them. 
Like??? Holy shit??
It was here that Leo struck me as the type of person to want Niles and Odin by his side literally Forever in whatever form that relationship may be, even if nothing romantic ever comes from it.)
My girl!! Selena!!! I love her!!!! I’ve probably written the least about Selena (I have like one unfinished Selena/Laslow/Odin fic on my computer and that’s probably it besides maybe a tiny Selena/Noire thing I wrote 2 sentences of and never finished either) but!! I think about her a lot and I love my girl!!
I rambled a lot with Odin/Niles/Leo so to cut to the chase here a bit more, Camilla/Beruka/Selena probably comes from Selena’s need to be validated and prove that she’s the Best. Camilla always reassures Selena that she’s “darling, powerful, and obedient,” which are qualities Camilla values a lot in a retainer. I think Camilla, for all her ruthlessness, also has a lot of love in her heart and so she is a little smitten with Selena (and Beruka) from the start because of these qualities they share. Camilla gets melancholy when she thinks about how Selena might leave her one day and wants Selena to know she is Camilla’s. I don’t think Camilla would ever do or say anything about her feelings while under the watchful eye of Garon because she’s not stupid and she knows what will happen if she tries to get too close to anyone while he’s within reach, but she’s not lying. When she says she loves Selena and Beruka, she really does mean it, even if her meaning gets lost in the context of all the other times she says she loves Corrin and Elise and her other siblings and such. 
(As a side note, Camilla and Selena’s C-Support is so fucking funny to me because Selena is like “hey I’m your favorite, right?” and Camilla is straight up like “I would rather murder you than you leave” and Selena’s like “that’s not….what I wanted you to say…”. Camilla is so fucking Extra??? I love it. Though she’s honestly very scary too, so that element of humor is one I’m taking with grain of salt because Camilla is also truthful in her violence. Their B-Support is similar.)
This same drive to be the Best is what causes Selena and Beruka to butt heads in their C-Support, but they show they understand each other well by calling out each other’s complexities and flaws while arguing. Later, they show they care about each other by apologizing in the B-Support, and it’s shown for all her emotionless attitude, Selena can get Beruka to smile the tiniest bit while supporting her and telling Beruka that she should do the things she loves, even if that thing is work, and that Selena is her friend. (Beruka’s questioning of “Should I really bury myself in my work?” also shows that she took Selena’s earlier words of “What even makes you You if all you do is your work/only do things for money?”. So Selena’s views do impact Beruka.)
I’m rereading their A support right now and?? It’s so sweet? Selena wants to get matching jewelry for all three of them as a symbol of their connection (and for when Selena leaves) and Beruka accepts this, despite Selena requesting she not get something that doubles as a weapon, and also says she wouldn’t wear the matching jewelry if Selena were gone because it would be “lonely” and she’d only wear it if Selena were there so she wouldn’t lose it. Like? They value each other a lot. Beruka indulges Selena in this and by extension says she’s “enjoying” herself as well–something Beruka rarely does at all. 
Beruka is a little more hesitant around Camilla, but that’s likely a response to Camilla being her employer and Beruka placing so much value in her work. It’s a complicated situation for someone who isn’t as casual as Selena or Odin are with their Lord/Lady. Beruka admits she would betray Camilla if offered something better from another employer, but that possibility is so unlikely because she doesn’t think she could find anyone she trusts as much as Camilla. For an assassin, trust is a big deal. Camilla is a huge part of Beruka’s heart even if Beruka doesn’t recognize it the same way someone else might. Camilla, on her part, is pleased but orders Beruka not to throw herself away in the process because Beruka means a lot to her. Their relationship is a bit different than Camilla and Selena’s or Selena and Beruka’s because of their unique dynamic and how seriously Beruka takes herself. Camilla is somewhat less affectionate when alone with Beruka, most likely because it makes Beruka uncomfortable. The affection is still there; Beruka just doesn’t yearn for it as much and so Camilla backs off a bit. Beruka is very truthful about the realities of life–both Beruka’s job and how she’ll probably stick with Camilla forever, even if she doesn’t explicitly say so. They’re good. 
I’m getting off track again, sorry. I love character analysis. ANYWAY!
Camilla/Selena/Beruka would probably get together all at the same time because Camilla wouldn’t want anyone to misunderstand or feel left out (even if Beruka would insist she didn’t feel anything about it, she probably would.) Selena would probably push about being the Best Retainer again and Camilla would say something like, “Oh, but I love you both equally” and pull Beruka and Selena close. Selena would probably grumble something like “but do you really?” or “but who do you love more?” or something, letting a little jealousy take hold. Camilla probably wouldn’t stand for this, both on the basis that she loves them equally and that this has been probably going on for years. 
To be honest, I could see them kind of… falling into it. Like Camilla kissing Selena’s forehead or cheek, leaving a big lipstick mark behind and while Selena sputters, face red and brain reeling, Camilla does the same thing to Beruka.
“Wha–What’s that supposed to mean?” Selena asks, eyes rolling in her head and steam coming from her ears.
“I told you,” Camilla says simply. “You are both my precious, darling retainers.”
Beruka, eyes closed in thought: “Hm.” 
And before anybody can do anything else, Camilla’s like, “okay, chop-chop, we have things to do, people to kill” and they just go about doing their daily jobs and fighting battles. And anytime Selena or even Beruka tries to question it, Camilla’s like, “I told you, I love you both” and kisses their cheek again. Eventually maybe Beruka and Selena talk a little among themselves, but honestly I really see them falling into it after that. Kissing their foreheads every time they separate (never the mouth in the beginning, unless Selena or Beruka initiate because this isn’t supposed to be a pressured thing). Selena and Beruka heading off to their own rooms at night and Camilla telling them they can stay with her if they want. Selena’s a bit rowdy, but I think she’d be content with starting off like this just because it’s Camilla. (She might confront someone if anyone else tried to pull this move.)
(I take most C-A Supports for all party members as having really happened in-game eventually, so this might even be after Beruka’s support with Odin where he tries to help her understand her own emotions through mimicking facial expressions and looking within herself and stuff via lying about magic spells. So Beruka might discover a bit more about herself here too, like “Hmm, is this what love feels like? It must be.” Even though she’d probably been feeling it for a while and not recognizing it.)
The thing about Xander/Laslow is that while Camilla and Leo have varying levels of more freedom between the two of them, Xander is The Crown Prince. He’s the one to take the throne. He has do what’s best for the people, and he’s always going to put Nohr before himself. On the flipside, Laslow is a flirt but he knows how fickle life can be and often laments the fleeting connections between people as they only have a short time in this world (he gets super melancholy in some of his supports; he hides his sadness a lot but it’s there), and I don’t think he’d want to jeopardize his relationship with Xander or put him in a bad position either. Plus, he’s super-duper homesick, so he wouldn’t want to start anything he felt he couldn’t finish either. 
I really think there’d have to be a big catalyst for their relationship to begin. One of two things probably has to happen.
1. Something really relieves Xander of his pressures as King and makes him relaxed enough to maybe request a kiss or courtship from Laslow one day, if/when Laslow ever feels he wants it, no pressure (though I don’t know what this event would be; Xander feels LOT of responsibility. Duty chains him more than anything. Even if he feels mentally exhausted by everything and restraining his feelings on top of that, he’s always going to be stuck unless something forces him to move or slackens that grip.) (Laslow, in turn, is also chained by what he feels is his obligation and memories to return to Ylisse some day, so he’s stuck a bit too.)
2. Like in Home (Is Where The Heart Is) (spoilers), Xander realizes if he doesn’t do something, he will lose Laslow forever In This Moment, Right Now and (as this is a huge fear) Goes For It via Kiss of Life or pouring his feelings out. (I really think Xander is the type of person to make huge declarations of devotion and love while Laslow melts into a huge blushing puddle in the corner while crying from being overwhelmed.) 
They would mutually pine. A Lot.
I’ve written a lot less for them but I’ve written so much already and I think at least one of these two events are really the needed qualifications for a Xander/Laslow relationship to happen in canon universe. (There are other AUs on ao3 that are super good and probably do a better job of imagination than I will here, so :p)
All three relationships probably have an undercurrent of Devotion For My Lord/Lady because they are all retainers/royals first and foremost and jobs come first, but that’s an interesting dynamic to work around in itself. 
Even if were only friendship between them all, I really like how Odin/Selena/Laslow are so willing to say, “MY Lord/Lady is the best one!” (I’m mostly thinking of the Beach DLC where everyone fought for that beach trip, whether or not their Lord/Lady wanted it.) They love the Royal Nohrians so much, no matter the context. 
(RIP Me, this is super long and I just spent the last 2 hours writing it. If there was anything you wanted me to expand on, let me know! I’m a blabber mouth.)
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tellytantra · 5 years
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Munna says we came to change his mind here but he won over us. Sameer asks them if they know someone who has contacts in Bombay. Naina nods. Anant Sir told him to meet him when Sameer reaches Bombay but it is better to have more acquaintances. Munna and Pundit have spoken to many people already in this regard. Munna says my in-laws live there after all. Everything is set. Sameer says it does not look right. Mama ji enters just then. He speaks to them in his usual sarcastic style. I heard that Sameer is going to Bombay to become a hero. It looks better in movies only but you are used to dreaming. It does not cost anything after all! Kanji brings food for them. Mama ji asks him to click their photos asap. He will become a superstar after reaching Bombay and you can show off who your boss was! It will boost your resume too. Munna says a shayari for him taunting Mama ji. Mama ji says you think I will be jealous of Sameer. He is like my son. Pundit advises him to bless his son then. Mama ji nods. I have to give some lecture before that as I am elder after all! He tells Sameer that hero and zero sound strangely similar. You aren’t hero but zero but it is your call after all! Are you selling this house or locking it down? I can find a buyer for you if you want to sell it. I can do this much for you. Sameer thanks him with folded hands. Mama ji tells Sameer to stand quietly in front of him in a similar manner when he will return dejected to Ahmedabad. I will understand everything! He sings a song to bid adieu to them. Naina wonders who told him. Munna says it does not matter. Pundit tells Sameernot to focus on Mama ji’s words but Sameer says I am sure of what I want to do because of him now! Sameer and Naina have come to Anand’s house. Rakesh says I know they have realised that this wont work. I knew it already. Sameer shares that both of them are going to Mumbai. We have decided to sell everything here. Rakesh is extremely angry but Anand holds him. Sameer tells Anand he accepts his every condition except this one. Mama ji came home today and taught me the difference between hero and zero. He said I will return here dejected. I am closing all the doors of my return. I will return with a story of success. Bela tells him to think through. I will bring sherbet for you. Rakesh adds that she should pour it over his head to calm him down. Sameer says it wont help. Chacha ji kept that condition as even he thought I will return. I want your blessings that I should never fail! Bela nods at Anand who steps forward. I wont stop you if you have made up your mind. Sameer thanks them and takes their leave. Please don’t tell Naina what I have decided. I will tell her in my style. I promise I wont disappoint you ever. You will be proud of my decision. Voiceover – Sameer:I only took two decisions of my life with determination – to marry Naina and to leave Ahmedabad to become a hero. I had a doubt on my second decision but I dint show it to anyone! Sameer excitedly tells Naina that both of them are going to Bombay now. She hugs him out of happiness. Kanji comes there hearing the commotion. She steps away from Sameer. How did you pacify Chacha ji? Sameer says it is my charm. Now we will go together. Kanji asks them if they both are going. Naina nods. What about the boutique? Anyways, our dream is bigger than boutique. She tells Kanji to take care of the house in their absence. Sameer arranged everything with love and hard work. She gives him n number of instructions. Voiceover – Sameer:I wanted to cry badly but I held myself back somehow. I calmed myself by singing a song. Bollywood songs have a solution to every problem! Sameer recalls what he had told Anand at Agarwal House. Rote Rote Hasna Seekho song plays as all the memories of the new house flash before his eyes. Meanwhile, Naina keeps talking to Kanji. She hugs Sameer once Kanji leaves. Naina and Sameer are sitting quietly in their room. She says we will miss Ahmedabad very much as everyone is here. He asks her if they shouldn’t go. She denies. I want my hero to become the hero of the world. It will be amazing to see your posters with the biggest actresses! He calls her his real heroine and hugs her. We will shift everything to Bombay. She says we will keep coming back. He says it wont be an easy task. Let’s make the remaining time here memorable. She smiles. Sameer’s friends chase him downstairs. Munna asks him how he dare sell the house. We got this house for Bhabhi. How did you even think of it? You could have told us if you want money. Sameer says it is about fulfilling our dream. We have to do this to soar high in the sky. Pundit asks him what Naina said. Sameer shares that she knows nothing about it now. Naina asks them why they dint go to work. Munna says Rewa’s relative is a special friend of Anant Sir. Show this letter to him and everything will be fine. He also shows an article to them which mentions that Anant is looking for a new hero for his film. Anand says there is a difference of only one alphabet in hero and zero. It can take anyone up or down! Bela says the kids are pepped up. Don’t worry unnecessarily. Anand is worried that they will be alone in Bombay. Rakesh says Preeti is there. Tell her MIL to find a house for Naina and Sameer in their locality only. Anand likes the idea. Munnna and Pundit wonder how they will live without him. Sameer says even we will miss you. Sameer tells his friends not to tell anything to Naina. She asks them what she shouldn’t know. They say it is a surprise. She does not mind unless it is a shock. There is a problem in our plan of going to Bombay. No one gives work to married couples. They never get any fans! I have heard and read it many times. She shows the newspaper article to them. This is one of the reasons why Aamir Khan hid the news of his marriage for years. What if Sameer does not find a role for himself because of this? We must think of something. Voiceover – Sameer:It is about the days when hero and heroines used to hide about their marriage but nowadays it is breaking news! Hum Na Samjhe The song plays as Sameer stands there quietly. Precap: Naina tells her family that they need to hide about Sameer’s marital status. Anand says you both will stay together and roam everywhere together after all. Naina suggests that Rakesh should also stay with them. Sameer spits his tea by mistake and coughs. Update Credit to: Pooja
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