#Medical colleges in Serbia for indian students
komal7676 · 1 month
MBBS Admission in Serbia: A Gateway to Quality Medical Education
A career in medicine is a dream shared by countless aspiring doctors around the world. With its renowned medical facilities and affordable education, Serbia has become an attractive destination for international students seeking mbbs admission in Serbia. This blog explores the benefits of studying medicine in Serbia, the admissions process and key considerations for prospective students.
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Quality medical education:
Serbia has a long tradition of excellence in medical education. Its universities are internationally recognized for high academic standards and rigorous training programs. Medical faculties in Serbia are equipped with modern facilities, advanced laboratories and experienced teaching staff. The aim of the curriculum is to provide students with comprehensive theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for a successful career in medicine. In addition to classroom learning, students have many opportunities to gain hands-on clinical experience through internships and rotations in well-equipped hospitals.
Affordable tuition fees and cost of living:
One of the most important advantages of studying MBBS in Serbia is affordability. Tuition fees in Serbian universities are relatively lower compared to many other European countries. This makes it an attractive choice for international students looking for a quality education at a reasonable price. In addition, the cost of living in Serbia is significantly lower than in many other European countries, so students can manage their expenses more comfortably.
Admission to MBBS programs in Serbia usually includes the following steps:
a Eligibility Criteria: Prospective students must meet the requirements set by each university, which usually include a minimum academic level. result of high school or equivalent exams. b. Application: Students must submit their application form and required documents, including academic transcripts, copies of passports and a letter of intent. c. Entrance Test: Some universities may require applicants to take an entrance test to assess their aptitude and knowledge in relevant subjects. d. Language skills: To study in Serbia, knowledge of the Serbian language is essential. International students may need to demonstrate their language skills through standardized tests, such as the Serbian as a Foreign Language test.
e Visa and Travel Arrangements: Once accepted, students must apply for a student visa and make the necessary travel arrangements.
Considerations for prospective students:
Prospective students should consider the following factors before studying medicine in Serbia:
Accreditation and recognition: make sure that the chosen university and its medical program are approved by accredited and recognized medical institutions and organizations.
b Language limitation: Although many universities offer English language courses, learning Serbian can be useful for effective communication with patients during clinical practice.
c. Cultural adaptation: Learn about the Serbian culture and lifestyle to facilitate a smooth transition and integration into the local community.
d. Grants and Financial Aid: Learn about scholarship opportunities and financial aid options available to international students to ease the financial burden.
e Student Support Services: Assess the availability of support services such as housing, extracurricular activities and student associations that can enhance your overall learning.
MBBS admission in Serbia offers international students an excellent opportunity to obtain a quality medical education at an affordable price. With its well-established medical facilities, experienced faculty and hands-on training opportunities, Serbia has become a sought-after destination for doctors looking to start a successful medical career.
For more information read this blog also: Exploring Iran's Finest Medical Universities: A Hub of Excellence in Healthcare Education
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mbbsblogsblog · 3 months
MBBS in Bosnia: Encapsulated Ideas That Are Necessary to Know
 MBBS aspirants who are looking for pursuing MBBS overseas, MBBS in Bosnia may prove to be beneficial for them. Every year many Indian students have expressed their interests for studying MBBS in Bosnia. There are many medical universities that offer MBBS degrees which are globally accepted.
Bosnia is the ideal place for international students because of its friendly atmosphere and multicultural cultural landscape. The medical universities of Bosnia lay emphasis on in-depth knowledge, practical training and internship programs.
Why studying MBBS in Bosnia Proves to be Effective for Indian Students:
·         The country provides affordable tuition fee
·         The medical universities of Bosnia offers advanced teaching-learning process
·         The curriculums of the universities are of international standard
·         The medical universities of Bosnia provides excellent professors and modern facilities
·         Language of teaching will not be a barrier for Indian students because lessons are taught in English
MBBS in Bosnia: Facts to be Noted:
·         Graduates of Bosnia’s medical colleges can practice their profession anywhere in the globe.
·         It's also necessary to qualify the National Eligibility and Entrance Test (NEET) for studying MBBS in Bosnia.  
·         Completing exams like the TOEFL or IELTS may be required to prove English language competency.
·         Entrance tests may be required by certain medical universities of Bosnia
·         Students should confirm that they satisfy the prerequisites of the University of their Choice before applying.
Applicants must fulfil specific requirements, choose a suitable university, complete the application process, possibly face entrance exams or interviews, demonstrate their language proficiency, receive an acceptance letter, secure a student visa, and register upon arrival in order to be accepted into an MBBS in Bosnia. To ensure accurate guidance, it's imperative that you research and follow the specific requirements of the university you have chosen.
 People of Bosnia are very friendly and supportive. Indian students can feel safe in Bosnia. In Bosnia Indian students must be enchanted by its breathtaking natural beauty, lakes, rivers, mountains, and amazing landscapes. The Dinaric Alps offers you superb opportunities for outdoor pursuits including hiking, skiing, and mountaineering. The stunning Kravica Waterfalls, the Neretva River, and the Plitvice Lakes National Park are a few prominent natural monuments are the attractions of Bosnia. Bosnians are renowned for their friendly demeanour and gracious hospitality. Travellers are generally struck by the people's sincere friendliness and kindness, which adds to the country's overall trip experience.
About Bosnia
·         The Balkan Peninsula is home to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Most extensive in the Mediterranean Sea.
·         There are two regions that comprise the nation. In the north is Bosnia, while in the south is Herzegovina.
·         The Dinaric Alps and other mountain ranges abound in this nation. At 2,386 metres, Mount Maglic is the highest summit.
·         Its neighbours include Croatia, Serbia, and Montenegro.
·         Sarajevo is the capital city.
·         Serbo-Croatian is the language in use there.
·         The religion is a synthesis of Croatian Christianity, Bosniak Muslims, and Serbian Eastern Orthodox Christians. Any religion can be practiced freely there.
 If you want to study MBBS in Bosnia contact Ria Overseas, a leading consultant agency providing you with practical guide for joining MBBS overseas. 
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nirmalatiwari · 3 months
MBBS in Philippines
Since the era of the Industrial Revolution, the Philippines has been under the control of Spain and later the USA. As a result, the English language is widely spoken alongside the native languages. The country is an archipelago comprising numerous islands, with major cities like Manila and Cebu. With a population of around 98 million, the Philippines boasts a climate similar to that of India.
For Indian students seeking an MBBS program without the necessity of learning an additional language, studying in the Philippines has been a popular choice. This is particularly appealing as compared to MCI-recognized medical colleges in European countries such as Georgia, Serbia, Russia, or China, where knowledge of the local language is required. One of the primary reasons for the popularity of MBBS in the Philippines is its status as an English-speaking nation, with over 95% of the population fluent in English. Additionally, the favorable climatic conditions in the Philippines, which are not as cold as those in European nations, have contributed to its appeal. After the NMC regulations, the MBBS/MD program in the Philippines became a valid option, meeting the criteria of the FMGE Regulation 2021.
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mokshconsultant · 4 months
Why are Private Medical Colleges in India losing ground to European Med Schools?
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The allure of European medical schools is eclipsing India’s top private institutions for several reasons. Firstly, European schools offer cutting-edge facilities, advanced technology, and innovative teaching methods, surpassing traditional Indian models. Secondly, the global recognition and accreditation of European degrees and lower tuition fees and living costs make them increasingly attractive to Indian students. Thirdly, the multicultural environment of European campuses fosters diverse perspectives and international networking opportunities. Finally, stringent entrance exams and limited seats in Indian colleges drive students to explore alternative options abroad. As a result, European medical schools are rapidly gaining ground over their Indian counterparts.
Countries for MBBS in Europe
Czech Republic , Lithuania , Spain , Poland , Serbia , Latvia , Romania , France , Bosnia , Slovakia , Bulgaria , Albania , Italy , Macedonia , United Kingdom
Countries for MBBS in East Europe
Russia , Moldova , Belarus , Armenia , Georgia
Benefits of Studying MBBS in Georgia for Indian Students
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Studying MBBS in Georgia presents numerous benefits for Indian students. Firstly, Georgian medical universities offer affordable tuition fees and living expenses, making quality education accessible. Secondly, the curriculum is taught entirely in English, eliminating language barriers for international students. Additionally, the medical programs are recognized by global bodies like the World Health Organization (WHO) and Medical Council of India (MCI), ensuring graduates can practice in India after passing the screening test. Moreover, Georgia provides a safe and welcoming environment with a rich cultural experience. Overall, pursuing MBBS in Georgia offers Indian students a cost-effective, high-quality education with promising career prospects.
What is the Integrated American Program?
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The Integrated American Program is designed to prepare students for the USMLE exam and to practice medicine in the United States. Students in this program start preparing for the USMLE Step 1 exam right from the first year of their MBBS studies. The USMLE exam prep course is integrated with the standard MBBS program, and students typically take the Step 1 exam at the end of their third year of MBBS. USMLE Step 2CK exam preparation begins in the fourth year, and students typically take this exam in their fifth year.
Finally, in their final year of MBBS, students complete a US hospital clerkship and all of the requirements for applying for ECFME certification, which leads to residency applications for their medical PG course in the USA.
Top Med Schools in Georgia
Univ of Georgia (Integrated American Program)
Tbilisi State Medical Univ
Teaching Univ Geomedi
Ilia State Univ
Georgian National Univ
Georgian American Univ
David Tvildiani Medical Univ AIETI
Caucasus Univ
Alte Univ
Akaki Tsereteli State Univ
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State Univ
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State Univ
Petre Shotadze Tbilisi Medical Academy
New Vision Univ
Kutaisi Univ
Grigol Robakidze Univ
European Univ
Caucasus International Univ
BAU International Univ
East European Univ
How to Apply for MBBS in Georgia
To apply for MBBS in Georgia, first, research accredited medical universities. Then, gather required documents like academic transcripts, passport copy, and proof of English proficiency. Next, fill out the online application form provided by the chosen university and submit it along with the required documents. Some universities may require additional entrance exams or interviews. Once accepted, obtain a student visa by submitting the acceptance letter, visa application form, and other necessary documents to the Georgian Embassy or Consulate. Finally, arrange for accommodation and make necessary travel arrangements. Be sure to check deadlines and requirements specific to each university.
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trecblog · 4 years
Black People’s Contributions To The UK: A Very Small Sample
Phillis Wheatley
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From West Africa.Sold as a slave to a family called the Wheatleys. Named after the family to whom she was sold and the vessel that transported her to America–‘the Phillis’.Wrote her first poem at 14 years old.First volume of poetry published in 1773.Moved to England at 20. Contributed to the anti-slavery movement. Read: Poems by Phillis Wheatley
Mary Seacole
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From Jamaica.Traveled to England in 1854 with the intention of an onward journey to Balaclava, Ukraineto assist the soldiers fighting in the Crimean War (1853-1856).  War Office denied her request.  Made her own way and established a boarding houseto successfullylook after the wounded British soldiers using traditional medicines.She then traveled relentlessly.Returned to England and is now buried at Saint Mary’s Catholic Cemetery, London.
Fanny Eaton
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From Jamaica. A model for the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and their circle between 1859–1867.Public debut was in Simeon Solomon's painting ‘The Mother of Moses’, which was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1860.
The Mother of Moses - Simeon Solomon (1840-1905)
1860 Oil on canvas
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Lilian Bader
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From Liverpool.The first black woman to join the British Armed Forces where she was: Canteen Assistant, Instrument repairer, Leading aircraft woman, and a Corporal. On receiving her degree from the University of London, she became a teacher.
olive Morris
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From Jamaica.A member of the Black Panther Movement.Campaigned for rights of black people in Manchester and South London.Whilst at university expanded her activism to an international stage, visiting China and publishing an article from that visit. Founding member of Organisation of Women of African and Asian Descent (OWAAD) and,the Brixton Black Women's Group.
Margaret Busby
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From Ghana. Youngest and first black female book publisher.Founded the publishing company Allison& Busby in 1967, alongside Clive Allison.A campaigner for diversity in publishing –co-founded Greater Access to Publishing (GAP).
Malorie Blackman
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From London of Barbadian parents.Qualified as a computer scientist. Writer of children and young adult novels.Author of the Noughts&Crosses series.Eight Children’s Laureate–first black person in that role.Awarded an OBE in 2008.
Dr. Shirley Thompson
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From London of Jamaican parents.Professor of Music at the University of Westminster.Recently named "one of the most inspirational Black British women" by the newspaper Metro.The first woman in Europe to conduct and compose a symphony within the last 40 years,composed to mark the Queen's Golden Jubilee in 2002, -New Nation Rising.A 21st Century Symphony.Named on the Evening Standard's Power List of Britain's Top 100 Most Influential Black People in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016.
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From Jamaica. Barbara Blake-Hannah was the first ever black person to appear in a news role on British television in 1968. She paved the way for Moira Stuart, Trevor McDonald, and others.She was an on-camera reporter and interviewer on Thames Television’s Today programme. Since returning to Jamaica she has had a career in film making and written five books, including one in 1982 about the Rastafarian religion, which is her faith.
Dr. Youmna Mouhammed
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From Mayotte, a small island off the coast of Southeast Africa. Dr Mouhamad has a PhD in polymer physics and is currently a Technology Transfer Fellow at SPECIFIC in Swansea University and is working on industrial coatings.She is pushing to improve the representation of black women within STEM, the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.She is the leader of the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) students in Engineering Network, formed in 2019. This network aims to progress racial equality by raising awareness of the challenges that BAME students and staff experience, then suggest interventions or strategies that investigate how to overcome the challenges.
Ignatius Sancho
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Born on a slave ship. Ignatius Sancho was an influential figure in the arts and is the first known black British voter. He is known for his plays, poetry,and music, and had a shop in London, where other creative people like him would meet up. He spoke out against the slave trade. Read: Letters of the Late Ignatius Sancho: An African
Oluada Equiano
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From Southern Nigeria. He was a slave but managed to buy his freedom and moved to London.Became very involved in the abolition movement. His book about slavery is one of the earliest accounts about what it was like to be a slave and it is one of the best-selling books on the topic. His autobiography (1789) ‘The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa, the African’ was a seminal piece to those working to abolish slavery and its sales made him a wealthy man.
George Bridgetower
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From Biala Podlaska, Poland-Lived in England for much of his life. Virtuoso Violinist Year of birth vary between 1778, 1779 or 1780.The son of an African father and a Polish mother. Said to be the older of two brothers, with his younger brother being a cellist. George was a student of composer Joseph Haydn and (once) a friend of Beethoven. Whilst friends, Beethoven dedicated a violin sonata to him, which was so hard to play many gave up.
Ira Aldridge
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From New York – moved to the UK. Believed he stood a better chance of accomplishing his ambitions to become a brilliant and recognised actor.He became an important actor in plays at the theatre and was one of the highest paid actors in the world.He also became well known across Europe as a brilliant Shakespearean actor. Aldridge first toured to continental Europe in 1852, with successes in Germany, where he was presented to the Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, and performed for Frederick William IV of Prussia; he also performed in Budapest. An 1858 tour took him to Serbia and to Imperial Russia, where he became acquainted with Count Fyodor Tolstoy, Mikhail Shchepkin and the Ukrainian poet and artist Taras Shevchenko, who did his portrait in pastel.
John Edmonstone
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From British Guiana. He was born into slavery but gained his freedom. Becoming skilled in taxidermy John Edmonstone was a very important figure in the world of scientific research.He taught at Edinburgh University in the 19th century with Charles Darwin as one of his students.  It is said that Darwin’s theories on how humans have developed throughout time resulted from the teaching of John Edmonstone.
Samuel Coleridge Taylor
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From London. Studied at the Royal College of Music in London.He partnered with several talented musicians, worked across continents and wrote many beautiful pieces of music enjoyed all over the world and still being enjoyed today. He died at the age of 37 from pneumonia. Compositions included: The Song of Hiawatha, Hiawatha Overture, Violin Concerto in G Minor. Read:The complete poems of Samuel Coleridge Taylor
Sir Learie Constantine
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From Trinidad.A member of  West Indian Cricket team who settled in Lancashire. Became England’s first black peer due to his political work which included relentlessly fighting for racial equality. Described as a cricketer, statesman and advocate of racial equality. Read: Colour Bar (1954) and, Learie Constantine and Race Relations in Britain and the Empire By Jeffrey Hill (Author)
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From Grenada.The second peer of African descent to sit in the House of Lords, He was the longest serving Black Parliamentarian.  He was described as a revolutionary politician. He was a medical practitioner in Trinidad on completion of his studies (Edinburgh University). His involvement in politics was twinned with his medical practice. He was a funding member and leader of the West Indian National Party. He returned to the UK and lived in London. As a member of the House of Lords, he played a leading role in campaigning for the Race Relations Act 1976. He was outspoken on issues such as immigration policy, and in a debate on 24 June 1976 he noted, in part: "...it is a myth, that the fewer the numbers [of black immigrants] the better the quality of race relations. That is a myth, and it is a myth that has inspired the 1962 Commonwealth Immigrants Act, the Immigration White Paper of August 1965 and the Immigration Acts of 1968 and 1971. It is designed to placate the racialists, but it is a fallacy; for to the racialist or the anti-semite the only acceptable number is nought....(Immigration Policy debate, Hansard, vol. 372, 24 June 1976.)
Stuart Hall
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From Jamaica. One of the Windrush generation and an Oxford graduate he was responsible for pioneering theories of multiculturalism and the first cultural studies course in Britain, which was offered by the University of Birmingham. The Observer referred to him as “one of the country's leading cultural theorists". His ideas and books, which included The Hard Road to Renewal: Thatcherism and the Crisis of the Left (1988), Formations of Modernity (1992), Questions of Cultural Identity (1996), and Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices (1997), inspired a whole new generation of multicultural academics and advocates.
Paul Stephenson
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From Essex. Paul was Bristol’s first black social worker. As an equal rights campaigner he worked for the Commission for Racial Equality and the Press Council to ensure minorities were both working in newspapers and being covered fairly by them.He spent his life leading campaigns to change the way black people were being treated and it is said that his work played a part in Britain’s first Race Relations Act in 1965.
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classyfoxdestiny · 3 years
Coronavirus live | Biden announces measures to vaccinate Americans
Coronavirus live | Biden announces measures to vaccinate Americans
Reserve Bank of India will do everything to make the economy recover in a non-disruptive manner, its executive director Mridul Saggar said on September 9. He said that the COVID-19 pandemic shock is not unprecedented. It is just that no such crisis occurred in recent times and therefore it has taken some time for businesses, households as well as State responses to adjust to the crisis.
Meanwhile, more than half of India’s adult population has received at least one dose of anti-coronavirus vaccine while 18% got both the shots, the Union government said on September 9 as the total number of jabs administered in the country crossed 72 crore.
You can track coronavirus cases, deaths and testing rates at the national and State levels here. A list of State Helpline numbers is available as well.
Here are the latest updates:
New Delhi
CM announces ‘grand’ Ganesh Pujan; live telecast from 7pm
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced a “grand” Ganesh Pujan this evening, which will be attended by him and his ministers and telecast live from 7 pm, saying the festival is a blend of patriotism and spirituality.
The Delhi government has banned public celebrations of the Ganesh Chaturthi festival in view of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the chief minister invited people to join the live ‘arti’ this evening. -PTI
Covid vaccines highly effective in preventing hospitalisations, emergency visits: U.S. study
Complete vaccination against COVID-19 is highly effective at preventing hospitalisation, emergency department visit, and intensive care admission due to infection with the virus, according to a study involving data from nearly 200 hospitals around the U.S.
The real-world evidence, published in the New England Journal of Medicine on September 9, was gathered from electronic health records (EHRs) which demonstrate that the vaccines provide high levels of protection for populations disproportionately affected by the virus. -PTI
Active cases fall to 3,90,646
India logged 34,973 new coronavirus infections taking the total tally of COVID-19 cases to 3,31,74,954, while the active cases declined to 3,90,646, according to the Union Health Ministry data updated on September 10.
The death toll climbed to 4,42,009 with 260 fresh fatalities, according to the data updated at 8 am.
The active cases comprise 1.18% of the total infections, while the national COVID-19 recovery rate was recorded at 97.49%, the ministry said. -PTI
Ganesh festival begins under COVID-19 cloud for 2nd year; ‘darshan’ goes online
Devotees welcomed Lord Ganesh in their homes and public pandals on September 10 as the 10-day festival dedicated to the elephant-headed God began in Mumbai and other parts of Maharashtra with focus on online ‘darshan’ amid the coronavirus pandemic and looming threat of a third wave.
For the second straight year, the pandemic cast a long shadow on festivities with the Maharashtra government placing a slew of restrictions to avoid gathering and processions.
The Maharashtra government has banned physical ‘darshan’ of Lord Ganesh at community pandals (marquees) and said only online ‘darshan’ or telecast from pandals would be allowed. -PTI
Joe Biden announces sweeping measures to vaccinate Americans
A file picture of U.S. President Joe Biden   | Photo Credit: Samuel Corum
  U.S. President Joe Biden has announced wide-ranging measures to push Americans to get vaccinated. Some 100 million people or two-thirds of the American workforce will be covered by the new executive orders and rules on vaccinations.
While over 170 million Americans (just over 50% of the population) have been fully vaccinated as per official data, almost 80 million are yet to have their first shot, resulting in what Mr. Biden called a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”. Many of the countries intensive care units are overrun with unvaccinated COVID-19 patients – with over 101,000 COVID-19 patients in hospitals across the country.
Student leaders demand reopening of college, university campuses
Student leaders from different institutes of the country on September 9 demanded the reopening of college and university campuses, which have been shut since last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a statement by the Students Islamic Organisation of India said.
The activists, including from Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), also urged the Centre and State governments to provide concession in fees to students who are facing financial constraints due to the pandemic. -PTI
Tamil Nadu
RGGGH takes up study on virus pattern in inoculated patients
An analysis of the immune status, mortality and morbidity patterns post-vaccination among persons who tested positive for COVID-19 and hospitalised is being conducted at the Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital (RGGGH).
Having treated the highest number of patients with COVID-19 in the State — approximately 57,000 people since the start of the pandemic — RGGGH has taken up an analysis of 970 patients admitted in COVID-19 wards in the last four months.
Hospitals see an increase in other respiratory ailments
Although COVID-19 cases are on the decline, the city is now under the grip of fever, upper respiratory tract infections, and seasonal influenza. Doctors attribute this to fluctuations in weather and intermittent rains.
Hospitals and telemedicine specialists are seeing a number of patients with lower and upper respiratory tract infections, viral fever, and other related infections. At least six out of every 10 patients are reporting with complaints of sore throat, fever, runny nose, cough, allergic bronchitis, asthma, and middle ear infection.
  Tamil Nadu
COVID threat looms as Metro trains see rush
Back on track: Commuters have urged the CMRL to run more trains to enforce COVID-19 protocol in Metro trains.   | Photo Credit: JOTHI RAMALINGAM B
  After several months, the number of commuters travelling by Metro trains touched 1.02 lakh on Wednesday. A few commuters said physical distancing norms were not followed on some trips with trains running jam-packed.
For the past few weeks, there has been a steady rise in the number of people travelling by Metro trains. From about 85,000 passengers in the last week of August, the number rose to one lakh on Wednesday. Before this, in February, when the phase I extension project from Washermanpet to Wimco Nagar was opened, the patronage crossed one lakh, as against the pre-COVID level of 1.25 lakh a day.
  New Delhi
‘Processing over 6,700 applications for ex gratia to kin of COVID victims’
The Delhi government informed the High Court on Thursday that it is processing over 6,700 applications for releasing ex gratia of ₹50,000 each to the families of persons who have died due to COVID-19 or related problems.
A Bench of Justice Vipin Sanghi and Justice Jasmeet Singh was informed that the Delhi government has prepared a list of around 25,000 persons who may be entitled to receive ₹50,000 ex gratia on account of death within the family due to COVID-19 or COVID-19 related issues.
  New Delhi
Teachers visiting homes to help with COVID relief
Around 1 p.m., clutching a temporary identity card from the District Magistrate’s office, 33-year-old Chitra Suyal, a primary school teacher, rang the doorbell of a house and took a step back.
As an elderly woman half opened the door, Ms. Suyal said, “We are from the SDM (Sub-Divisional Magistrate) office for the COVID compensation scheme. We had talked to your son.”The elderly woman returned to the door with son Navneet Singh, 36, and invited them inside. However, there is one thing that stood out: The family had never applied for the scheme.
Hundreds of teachers like Ms. Suyal are hopping from house to house to get people registered for a scheme to provide compensation for those whose family members have died due to COVID-19.
  Tamil Nadu
Govt to hold mega COVID-19 vaccination camp on Sept 12
The Tamil Nadu government on September 9 appealed to people to make use of the mega vaccination camp scheduled to be held on September 12 in the State, saying such an event was essential to attain Covid free status.
Minister for Medical and Family Welfare Ma Subramanian said as part of the mega camp, 40,000 booths would be established in primary health centres, government run hospitals, noon meal centres, schools and other vital locations in the State. -PTI
EU removes Japan, five other countries from safe travel list
The European Union has removed Japan and five other countries from its list of safe travel destinations, meaning visitors or people returning from those countries are likely to face tighter controls such as COVID-19 tests or quarantine.
Following a review, the governments of the EU’s 27 member states agreed to drop Japan, along with Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Brunei and Serbia, the European Council said on September 9. Uruguay has been added to the list. -REUTERS
Moderna working on combination COVID-19 vaccine booster and flu shot
File photo of a Walmart pharmacist holding a vial of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine   | Photo Credit: REUTERS
  Moderna Inc said on September 9 it is developing a single vaccine that combines a booster dose against COVID-19 with its experimental flu shot.
The company hopes to eventually add vaccines it is working on for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and other respiratory diseases as an annual shot. -REUTERS
All Indian players in U.K. test negative, fifth Test likely to go ahead
All the 21 players of the Indian Test squad have tested negative for COVID-19, a development that clears the decks for the fifth Test against England to proceed as scheduled from September 10 after the uncertainty triggered by a positive case in the visiting contingent.
The entire Indian group had to undergo RT-PCR tests after assistant physio Yogesh Parmar tested positive for COVID-19 on September 9. -PTI
Covid vaccine effectiveness in preventing mortality 96% after 1st dose, 97% after 2nd dose: Govt
The effectiveness of anti-coronavirus vaccine in preventing mortality is 96.6% after the first dose and 97.5% after the second dose, the Centre said on September 9, citing data from a ‘COVID-19 tracker’ developed by synergising data from three platforms. -PTI
Italy approves booster COVID-19 shots for vulnerable groups
Italy’s medicines agency AIFA on September 9 approved the use of a third dose of COVID-19 vaccines for vulnerable groups of the population, a source close to the matter told Reuters.
The agency approved the so-called booster shot for those likely to have weaker protection from the conventional two-dose inoculation schemes – immunocompromised people, those over eighty years old and nursing home residents. -REUTERS
EU boosts Pfizer vaccine supply with German site approvals
The European Union’s drugs regulator on Thursday approved an increase in manufacturing capacity for the COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer/BioNTech , which would help produce up to 50 million additional doses this year. -REUTERS
Tamil Nadu
Ban on festivals, political, religious gatherings to continue till October 31
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on September 9 announced the extension of the existing ban on festivals, political, social and religious gatherings in the state till October 31, as part of a stringent measure to prevent the spread of Coronavirus and to safeguard from possible third wave.
Insisting that the occasion calls for stricter protocols, he said events like festivals, political, religious and social events could turn into “super spreaders.” Tamil Nadu on August 30 had announced the closure of beaches on Sundays for the public apart from extending the ban on religious places of worship on weekends and also holding religious festivals due to the COVID-19 pandemic till September 15.
Cooperation on study of SARS-COV-2 origins important aspect of fight against Covid pandemic: BRICS
The BRICS nations on September 9 noted that the cooperation on study of origins of SARS-COV-2 is an important aspect of the fight against the Covid pandemic and expressed support for science-based processes, free from politicisation or interference, to strengthen international capabilities to better understand the emergence of novel pathogens.
In the Delhi Declaration, adopted after a summit between leaders of the member states of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, the grouping also noted the ongoing discussions in the WTO on a COVID-19 vaccine Intellectual Property Rights waiver, with South African President Cyril Ramaphosa strongly emphasising the proposal for it. -PTI
80% kids in 14-18 yrs in India reported low levels of learning during Covid pandemic: UNICEF report
Offline classes have resumed after a gap of five months as schools were closed due to the second wave of COVID-19.  
  At least 80% children in India between the age group of 14-18 years reported lower levels of learning during COVID-19 pandemic than when physically at school, according to a UNICEF report.
Noting that repeated school closures have led to alarming inequities in learning opportunities for children in South Asia, the report by the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) pointed out that 76% of parents of students aged 5-13 years reported drop in learning levels during remote learning. -PTI
SC to hear suo motu plea on extension of limitation period for filing cases on September 16
The Supreme Court September 9 fixed September 16 for consideration the suo motu case in which it had extended the period of limitation for filing appeals from courts or tribunals by litigants until further orders on April 27 keeping in mind the “alarming situation” that had emerged due to second wave of COVID-19.
The direction on listing of the suo motu case on extension of limitation period for hearing on September 16 was issued by a bench headed by Chief Justice N V Ramana when a plea of Election Commission came up for consideration. -PTI
Govt develops COVID-19 vaccine tracker to give vaccination-related information
The Centre has developed a COVID-19 vaccine tracker by synergising data from three platforms to give information on various aspects of vaccination like effectiveness post inoculation.
Speaking at a briefing of the Union health ministry, ICMR Director General Balram Bhargava said the vaccine tracker has been developed by synergising data from CO-WIN potal, National COVID-19 testing database and COVID-19 India portal. -PTI
South Africa
South Africa launches high-level COVID-19 vaccination drive
The South African government has launched a project to boost COVID-19 vaccinations amid increasing anti-vaccination campaigns fuelled by fake social media messages.
Deputy President David Mabuza, who is leading the mass vaccination drive, was joined by leaders from the political, business, cultural, sporting and creative arts sectors at the launch of the social mobilisation campaign titled ‘Return to Play – It’s in your Hands’ on September 8. -PTI
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New Post has been published on Attendantdesign
New Post has been published on https://attendantdesign.com/experts-working-to-globalise-ayurveda-research-and-education/
Experts working to globalise ayurveda research and education
COIMBATORE, AUG 8: International scientists along with professionals from the Arya Vaidya Pharmacy and Research Foundation are running on coverage guidelines toward globalizing and standardizing Ayurveda studies and training across countries. The outcome of the deliberations might be submitted to the authorities for similarly perusal, stated P R Krishnakumar, head of AVP organization of establishments
Stating that the AVP organization has been spearheading important studies and academic activities in Ayurveda for over seven a long time, the AVP Group Chief said that there was the extraordinary impact of the research both within and out of doors India.
“It is one of the few conventional clinical systems with written manuscripts and files in contrast to others,” he brought.
Highlighting the findings of studies front, he said that among 2003 and 2008 the AVP Hospital here was worried in a National Institutes of Health (NIH), the USA looks at for scientific evaluation of Ayurveda. “This changed into carried out in collaboration with the University of Los Angeles, California and University of Washington, Seattle. The have a look at proved that scientific validation of Ayurvedic scientific practices is feasible with present day medication”.
“AVP inked a research agreement with Latvia University and the Ministry of AYUSH to facilitate research on diabetes. Extensive research is deliberate in diabetes inclusive of regional collaboration with the Avinashilingam University right here to study Ayurvedic Diabetic wound management in collaboration with a European University.”
“The basis has, in association with Molecular Diagnostics, Counselling Care and Research Centre, Coimbatore and the University of Milano, Italy undertaken a examine on control of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (an unprecedented disorder situation that reduces the existence expectancy of affected individuals to simply 26 years) via Ayurveda.”
On the impact on Ayurveda education, he stated that the World Health Organisation had set benchmarks for professional training in Ayurveda in 2010. “We delivered it in accordance with the WHO and Swiss Regulatory directives in 2013. Today, traditionally established Ayurveda remedies want to show their efficacy not, but venture individuals who are skeptical approximately it to prove their non-efficacy.”
“The institute’s MoU with Latvia University facilitated implementation of a brief term direction there, and helped in established order of clinics in Latvia, Sweden, Turkey, Hungary, Slovenia, Estonia, Germany, Bulgaria, and Serbia.”
The AVP organization has set up clinical facilities in Malaysia and Singapore.
Agreements exist between businesses in Russia and CIS international locations, Japan, Thailand and New Zealand. The AVP studies basis is poised to signal agreements for a behavior of joint training programs inside the US – with South California University, and in Korea via Indo-Korean collaborators.
“We are already engaged in complementing governmental tasks to put Ayurveda as a smooth power,” Krishnakumar said.
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Adult Education
There were so many adults who were not educated but require education in every respect so as to get a prestigious image. For such a purpose government had started the programs for adult education. The age group of 15-35 years comes in this category. The numbers of adult education centers were 2.7 lakhs which had increased the literacy rate in 2001 to 65.38. These programs are mainly the part of rural areas.
Science Education
Indians are very intelligent in the field of scientific inventions and discoveries. To develop new strategies and technologies we require the complete knowledge of science. After independence, there were so many schools which provide education with respect to science. The financial aids are being provided with respect to teaching materials, teachers or professor, laboratories and science kits etc.
Educational  Experts Institutes globalize  education
In ancient times there were not enough schools, colleges, and universities in India. After independence, there are ample of schools, colleges, and universities in India. The number of universities in 1951 was 27 which had increased to a number of 254 in 2001.
Thus, India had seen so many developments in the field of education after independence in order to gain the level of excellence to a great height with a view to facing each and every challenge.
In India, you can see lots of colleges. They all provide one of the best facility and environment for the student. The participation of females in had become common.
India is a developing country with zeal to excel in every field. This country had seen so many sorrows and pain at the time of British rule. But in the influence of Britishers Indians learned a lot of new inventions, technology, and strategies. After independence, it possesses a developing scenario in every field and education is one of the fields whose development is at par. The country had got updated only by this tool of education. Now we will visualize the educational development of India after independence in the following manner.
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komal7676 · 1 month
Pursuing MBBS in Serbia: A Gateway to Quality Medical Education
Medical education is the lifelong dream of many aspiring doctors. As the demand for quality education increases, students are exploring international options to complete their MBBS degree. One such destination that is growing in popularity among students worldwide is Serbia. Known for its excellent medical infrastructure, experienced faculty and affordable tuition fees, Serbia offers a promising opportunity for students seeking a well-rounded medical education. In this blog post, we will cover the key aspects of studying MBBS in Serbia, highlight its benefits and provide valuable insights to prospective students.
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Quality education and accreditation:
Serbia has a strong medical education system recognized worldwide for maintaining high academic standards. Medical universities in the country are accredited by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, which guarantees the quality of education. These institutions follow European standards of medical education and are affiliated with renowned medical bodies such as World Health Organization (WHO) and Medical Council of India (MCI). This accreditation ensures that the MBBS program in Serbia meets international criteria, allowing graduates to apply for a medical license and practice medicine worldwide.
Multilingual programs and language requirements:
Serbia offers medical programs in English and attracts a wide variety of international students. This removes language barriers for non-Serbian speakers, making it easier to adapt to the curriculum. However, students are encouraged to learn Serbian in order to effectively communicate with patients during clinical rotations. Some universities also offer language courses to help students acquire basic Serbian language skills. Proficiency in English as demonstrated by standardized tests such as IELTS or TOEFL is usually required for admission to an MBBS program.
Affordable tuition fees and cost of living:
Compared to other European and Western countries, Serbia offers very affordable tuition fees for international students. The cost of obtaining an MBBS degree in Serbia is significantly lower, making it an attractive option for students with limited financial resources. In addition, the cost of living in Serbia is relatively cheap, including accommodation, transportation and daily expenses. This affordability factor combined with the quality of education makes Serbia an ideal destination for students who want to become doctors without the burden of excessive student loans.
Multicultural environment and student support:
Serbia promotes a multicultural environment and welcomes students from different countries. A diverse student community promotes cultural exchange, broadens perspectives and promotes global understanding. Serbian universities offer comprehensive support services to students, such as academic guidance, counseling and assistance with visa and residence problems. Faculty are known for their approach and commitment to student well-being, ensuring a smooth transition and an enriching academic experience.
Clinical exposure and research opportunities:
Serbian medical universities emphasize practical training and clinical exposure, allowing students to gain hands-on experience. The curriculum includes rotations in various departments, providing a comprehensive medical education. University-affiliated hospitals are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities that provide students with a dynamic learning environment. In addition, Serbia encourages research and innovation by offering opportunities for students to participate in medical research projects under the guidance of experienced faculty. Participating in research strengthens critical thinking and opens doors to future academic and professional opportunities.
Studying MBBS in Serbia is an attractive option for doctors who want a comprehensive medical education. With quality education, affordable tuition fees, multicultural environment and rich clinical exposure, Serbia offers a favourable learning environment for students from all over the world. Prospective students considering international medical education should explore opportunities in Serbia and begin an enriching journey towards their dreams of becoming medical professionals.
For more information read this blog also: Pursuing MBBS in Iran: A Gateway to Excellence in Medical Education
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komal7676 · 2 months
Exploring Opportunities: Medical Colleges in Bosnia for Indian Students
Choosing the right destination for medical education is an important decision for students in India. In recent years, Bosnia has become an attractive choice due to its affordable tuition fees, quality education and multicultural environment. In this blog, we explore medical colleges in Bosnia for Indian students.
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Affordable price and quality education:
One of the main reasons why Indian students are increasingly considering studying Medicine in Bosnia is the affordability of education. Compared to many other countries, medical schools in Bosnia offer significantly lower tuition fees. This makes it an attractive option for students looking for a cost-effective way to fulfil their dream of becoming a doctor.
Despite the situation, medical schools in Bosnia also offer quality education. Many institutions in Bosnia are recognized by international bodies such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Medical Council of India (MCI). These accreditations ensure that the education offered meets global standards, enabling Indian students to receive quality medical education.
Multicultural environment:
Bosnia offers a multicultural environment that promotes diversity and offers a unique learning experience to international students, including from India. The country has a rich history and a diverse population, which creates an inclusive atmosphere where students can interact with peers from various backgrounds.
Studying in a multicultural environment not only improves cultural competence, but also promotes personal growth and broadens perspectives. This enables students to develop a global mindset and prepare them to work in a variety of healthcare settings in the future. Additionally, the opportunity to interact with local patients during clinical rotations helps Indian students develop their communication and interpersonal skills, which are essential for medical professionals.
Curriculum and Clinical Exposure:
Bosnian medical schools follow a well-structured curriculum in which theoretical knowledge is combined with practical with training. The curriculum aims to provide students with a strong foundation in basic medical science and clinical skills. The emphasis on practical experience ensures that students are well prepared for their future medical careers.
Clinical exposure is an integral part of medical education in Bosnia. Students have the opportunity to gain practical experience working in hospitals and healthcare facilities. This exposure allows them to apply their theoretical knowledge to real scenarios, develop clinical thinking skills and understand the practical aspects of patient care.
Application Process and Eligibility:
The application process to medical schools in Bosnia may vary slightly from institution to institution. Generally, Indian students must submit their academic transcripts, a completed application form, a valid passport, proof of English language proficiency and other documents required by the relevant institution. Some universities may also conduct entrance exams or interviews as part of the selection process.
For Indian students who want to pursue a career in medicine, Bosnia offers an excellent opportunity to get quality education at an affordable cost price. The combination of affordable tuition, quality education, multicultural environment and rich clinical exposure make Bosnia an attractive destination. By considering medical colleges in Bosnia for Indian students can embark on a fulfilling journey towards their medical aspirations.
For more information read this blog also: The Best Medical University in Serbia: A Gateway to Excellence in Healthcare Education
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