#Melon is asexual (and later demisexual) so he fits for this month.
sociopath-analysis · 3 years
Sociopath Profile: Melon
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From the manga series Beastars (2016-2020) and its anime adaptation[1] (2019-present[2]) Requested by @fusrodahmn​ [1] He has been shown in a cameo. He has not been presented as a proper character yet. [2] Valid as of early June 2021
Melon is a leopard-gazelle hybrid who is also a crime lord in the Back-Alley Market. He is an interesting case that shows both antisocial and narcissistic tendencies, but from how he grew up and his unique biology as a both a herbivore and an carnivore, it was difficult for him to turn out any other way.
Due in part to his carnivorous heritage and partially due to the abuse and bullying he suffered, Melon has violent tendencies. Since he feels no desire to eat others, he resorts to killing them instead. These tendencies are something that all carnivores have to grapple with to function in society, but this is usually due to the instinct of eating. Since Melon doesn’t have this up until he sees Haru, he commits violence for the sake of violence rather than a survival instinct.
He’s also very superficially charming and has a rather convincing mask of sanity (as well as a regular face mask to hide his leopard spots). Melon is able to get into jobs that require a lot of jobs in respectable positions such as a college professor or a therapist. No one suspects that he’s a bloodthirsty killer. He can come off as affable, playful, and even possessing childlike curiosity. All of it can be dropped on a dime when he decides to show his true colors.
Melon is able to use that to manipulate others. When he commits a murder, he manages to convince other animals that he wouldn’t do it since he doesn’t even eat meat. Therefore, why would he kill for it? It usually works. With his additional knowledge of psychology, that also aids in getting people to do or think what he wants. He is able to get Legoshi to attack him in front of cameras so it looks like a wolf is attacking a defenseless gazelle.
He does have a need for stimulation due to his hybrid biology. This is why he’s a masochist since pain is the only way he feels alive since he is unable to taste and his carnivorous and herbivorous sides send him conflicting sensations. It’s one reason for his tattoos other than to cover up his leopard spots. The fact that he kills also to satiate his carnivorous side lends to this idea as well.
And when your upbringing involves being shunned for being a herbivore/carnivore mix and being sexually abused by your mother, it can be a bit difficult to develop a sense of empathy. Even when he was young, he threw a kid off the top of the school when he dared him to jump. No one was able to catch him for this and he never regretted it since. He runs an illegal ivory tusk trade, which inherently hurts other animals. Yet he is willing to profit off of that. Not to mention the whole “randomly murdering others” thing. Even his own underlings aren’t safe from this since he slashed Dolph’s throat in a showcase of power and to spread lion scent everywhere. Melon was genuinely surprised when he was still alive.
When Melon is cornered by Legoshi and defeated in battle, he shoots himself in an attempt to end his own life. While he survived the two shots thanks to getting medical attention, he still attacked the people helping him since he wanted to die. While this may be due to his resentment of his hybrid status (specifically since he was gaining more leopard traits and he desperately wanted to distance himself from his mother), it also shows a lack of remorse or responsibility for his actions. If he can’t win, then there’s no point in staying around. Plus, it would be a way of avoiding being prosecuted for his crimes.
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