#Melty magic
shuttershocky · 1 year
Nobody, not even Wada, ever drew Tamamo again like Takeuchi originally did.
This is Wada's Tamamo, from her first appearance in Fate/Extra to her most recent design in the Fate/Extra remake
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Now this was Takeuchi's original designs for Tamamo:
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Hardly any Tamamo art in the years since, fan-made and official alike, has recaptured her.
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afteryesterday · 1 month
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Magical Amber (Kohaku.) Drawn for a Magical Girl collab hosted by a mutual on IG.
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itsfantasticac · 5 months
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Arcade game fanart submitted to Arcadia magazine, for Christmas '08.
Arcadia magazine no. 104 (Jan. '09), pg. 124-125
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timidxtempted · 7 months
Some nights my need to touch him is overwhelming.
I need to touch him with soft intent. With lightness; with gentle flutterings of fingertips on skin. With calm, centering caresses. With deep, massaging strokes. With every touch he's ever needed, or has never felt.
Willing my hands to translate all the things I can't find words for. Pouring back into him all of that which he gives to me.
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swashbucklery · 1 year
kit and jade as jocks who ALSO have intense opinions about best gardening practices
kit and jade as competing farmers. jade as a local nonprofit farmer and kit as the heir to a big ag company who does not agree with what they are doing but feels helpless to stop their merger with another big ag until she meets a VERY angry farmer at a public hearing.
as;dlfj;akfsd okay LOOK because I am slowly toying with the bones of another AU that tackles post-canon without a threesome, if I can bring myself to do it. But one of the definitely-not-short-enough-to-write-in-two-weeks concepts I had spun around was like. Not Jade joining the legion or Jade going back to the Wildwood but a secret third thing where Jade ends up getting the kind of knighted where suddenly she has to manage some kind of feudal agriculture smallholding and gets distracted dismantling the patriarchy.
(I don't think it works fully, because the instant Jade is given an estate I think she'd just give it away and start a commune? But I did think tenderly about Jade with her sleeves rolled up, clearing away the overgrown hedges of a long-dormant stately home because she was too stubborn to hire a gardener, and it warmed me deep in my soul.)
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peachtanuki · 1 year
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ヤター\(´ω` )/››‹‹\(  ´)/›› ‹‹\( ´ω`)/ ヤッター!
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kunstmull · 9 months
Pleasure Land
Me listening to the remastered version of Pleasure Land on Aku no Hana: how the HELL were Buck-Tick sounding like this in 1989? Even My Bloody Valentine and Spacemen 3 weren't sounding this shoegazey in 1989? I don't think the technology for this length and depth of digital reverb even existed in 1989?
Me listening to the original version of Pleasure Land on Aku no Hana: Oh. It didn't. It sounded like jingley-jangley psychedelia a la The Church when they originally recorded it in 1989
Those bastards remastered their album in 2015 with more modern processing technology to make it sound more woozy and deep psychedelic shoegaze, didn't they?
Revisionist history, Mr Hoshino! Revisionist history!
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milks-thoughts · 11 months
︳Question: ❔❓❔
Do you have a persona? Or an main oc?
Please answer! I wanna draw you! <33
Oh! I have like 30 ocs lmao, so I rolled a wheel and you got the choice between a few! (because Nilima is a bit complex and I couldn’t choose)
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annieartist03 · 2 years
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fuyuesu · 1 year
my mom just came into my room and started questioning me on my future career choices ???? ? what brought this on
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studentofetherium · 2 years
the problem with adding Mash or Saber to TL is the same issue as with Universes Beyond in MTG. it’s adding crossovers for the sake of crossover appeal, hoping that fans from the other thing will look at your thing and think “this has a thing i like in it, so i will check it out”
the problem with that is by adding these elements from other series can take away from the appeal. in the case of both Melty Blood and Magic, they’re broad game systems that can be mapped to a variety of flavor. but in both cases, they have a specific thing they go for (Tsukihime fighting game and high/low fantasy, respectively). for Magic, seeing an opponent play cards from the Walking Dead or Stranger Things is a break in that flavor which is such an appeal for the game
and with Melty Blood, which has such a small cast, these crossovers come at the cost of actual Melty Blood characters and actual Tsukihime characters getting added, so it’s not just a break in the established flavor, but their existence actively comes at the cost of things fans would want more
i wish companies would stop trying to cross-pollinate everything and just make individual things good for being themselves 
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shadowthing250 · 2 years
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So this took forever to do
Mostly due to the fact I decided it’d be a good idea to draw the galaxy eyes myself instead of using a png.
I can’t draw galaxy- ;3;
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whathappenshappens · 4 months
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magicalgirloftheday · 9 months
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✧・゚:*Today’s magical girl of the night is: Nanai Natalesion Neinharten from Melty Lancer!✧・゚:*
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formlessminutiae · 7 months
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Magic Blue
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cryptotheism · 5 months
Thoughts on Tulpas?
Really interesting concept, magically speaking.
Ever heard of French tacos? They're heavily inspired by north African cuisine, but for some damn reason, they're called tacos. They are not tacos. A taco is a single, small, corn tortilla, cooked directly on a grill, often topped with meat, specific sorts of melty Mexican cheese, raw or pickled onions, cilantro, salsa, lime juice, etc. They are small dishes, street food, where you are supposed to order two or three.
Whereas a French Taco is closer to a shwarma wrap made wih tortillas and cooked in a panini press. They are large, filling, affairs, stuffed with two types of meat, rich-as-fuck French cheeses, sauteed or grilled vegetables, and rich-as-fuck French sauces (including an east-asian inspired sesame based sauce called "samurai sauce").
They're damn good, but they are certainly not tacos.
Basically, in 1905, a theosophist named Annie Besant traveled to Tibet and studied with Vajrayana monks. She came back to the West talking about "Sprul-pa" and "nirmanakaya" and "emanation bodies" all of which are fascinating theological concepts, but concepts that don't really work outside of specific branches of esoteric Buddhist theology. So, the idea of the "Tulpa" was interpreted through a specifically western esoteric lense, to fit theosophist western esoteric metaphysics.
They're damn cool, but they're certainly not an authentic Tibetan Buddhist concept. But that's okay. Mexican tacos are dope. French tacos are dope. Just don't mistake French tacos for Mexican tacos, and for the love of God don't consider French tacos to be "Authentic Mexican cuisine."
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