#Mention 2Bdamned and Phobos
Auditor, Phobos, 2BDamned and Sanford with a reader that overworks themselves. Prioritizing work over mental and physical health, pushing themselves to their breaking point, skipping meals and only getting a few hours of sleep. I just need these four in particular to tell me to take care of myself and care about me argggh
Overworked reader
Audi, Phobos, Doc, Sanford
CW: bit of a mental spiral on San's end, ends well tho.
Burnouts a bitch man, don't wear yourself thin over shit, y'hear?
"Are the chef's meals not to your liking?" You nearly jumped out of your seat when Auditor's ghostly whisper filled your ear. Casting your aching, tired eyes from your paperwork at the once hot meal, still arranged with care on the plate, completely untouched from the moment it left the kitchen.
"Oh, no. Of course not. They're good, don't worry." You offered him a weak smile. "I'll have it later, I just need to finish this up." Audi's eyes narrowed as you gestured meekly to your desk, piled high with reports, cloning records, casualty tallies, and other such boring admin work.
"It's cold." He grumbled, spinning your chair to face him, hands on his hips. "You're going to really hurt yourself and burn out if you keep pulling these awkward hours. Don't think I haven't noticed you slipping from our bed to come back to this. Did you forget how light a sleeper I am?"
Audi's stern demeanour dropped as your features fell, already feeling low because of how your body was struggling, now having your boss/lover add to that. "I just need to be able to keep up with you. What use am I really if I can't handle a fraction of the work you do?"
His hand rested under your chin, thumb delicately stroking your cheek. "You could never keep up with me, my flame, I was made to handle this. You're just a delicate mortal, you do more than enough without stressing yourself trying to level with me. Allow me to finish this later, mea vita, you are going to get a hot, fresh meal while I draw a bath for us, and after you will get the rest your body needs. That's an order, from your employer, understood?"
"Yes, but-"
He cut you off. "No 'ifs, ands, or buts,' You are going to hurt yourself, and I refuse to allow anyone to hurt you, even self inflicted pain. I, as your partner and boss, will clear this burden for you. When I asked for your best, I meant the best you can consistently handle, not this. You're not yourself, and I command you seek out that old self that I fell for and bring them back to me instantly."
Being the director's lover had essentially no downsides, nobody spoke a bad word around you, people helped you far more than before, not to mention the adoration of the most powerful figure in the physical realm. However, that same man would often breathe down your neck, commanding you to stay by his side constantly.
Phobos relished in you, watching you, listening to you, being around you. He wished to be adored equally in return, however your work proved to be a distraction from him. He was... a tad obsessive, but how could he not be? He's a god, it was only right you'd devote yourself to him and him alone.
"Leave that alone will you? Your god requires your attention." A large clawed hand rested on your shoulder, the other pulling down his bandages from his mouth. "Your recent neglect of me is not going unnoticed, dear."
You rubbed your aching eyes, staring at a computer screen all day and most of the night irritated them. "I'm sorry Bo, but there's a lot of work that needs reviewing, I've got weeks of backlog to go through, and Christoff, Crackpot and Gonne have all submitted new reports today with pages and pages of intel to go through."
His hands wrapped around your middle, he lifted you up and took your place on the chair, resting you in his far more comfortable lap. "Bah, they're not worthy of your time. I'll command someone else to do it, the short fat one, whatever his name is. He enjoys paperwork and the like."
"Hofnarr is no doubt as swamped as I am." He took your face in one of his hands, his cracked and damaged lips pressing against your cheek.
"Someone else then, if it pleases you. Whatever it takes for you to spend time with me." You leaned into him, your back pressing against his chest, and he emitted a deep purr. "I am a god amongst men, dear, I don't beg for what I desire. I take it. And yet I allow you this honour. So please..."
Your stomach rumbled against his hand. "Harumph! Neglecting yourself as much as you've neglected me?! How dare you, enough is enough. I command you take care of yourself!" Phobos picked you up with ease, holding you level to his eye. To anyone else, he'd be holding them by their collar, or neck to meet his gaze, but with you, he was softer. A hand under your rump and the other on your back, supporting your weight comfortably.
"You are the lover of a god, think how pitiful it would look if I can't even take care of my equal? You stand above others, the right hand of my throne. Your duties have changed, lesser beings will take charge of them. Your only priorities are yourself and me, and the family we will create." Phobos snapped his fingers, and one of the guards at the door came forward.
"See to it that the chefs prepare your God's favourites, find someone to take their duties on and allow them to be truly indulged as they should be." Phobos looked back to you, his eye narrowing. "I will tear this world asunder for you, and build it up as you desire. I will give you anything your heart pines for, never again shall you be run ragged like this."
Phobos was self assured, a god of the highest order, surrounded by weaker, lesser beings. And yet here he was, begging at your altar. He wished you'd devote yourself equally to worshipping you as he did, and he would make damn sure that happened.
3 AM. Doc was in the kitchen, boiling some water over the stove. Hank has smashed the coffee maker earlier in the day, said he'd accidentally dropped the thing, yet couldn't explain the crowbar in his hands. Doc gritted his teeth, damn Wimbleton, making his hard job harder with their stupid thoughtless actions.
He had no doubt the fool had burned themselves on the machine and gone overboard against the poor helpless thing in revenge. Now here he stood, using the stove to make both his coffee and his snack. Instant noodles, his saving grace in the world. Easy to prepare, quick to eat, and filling.
With bleary, tired eyes, you wandered into the dim kitchen, hearing Doc grumbling to himself about 'Getting that moron to find another working machine or he'll have his spine inserted upside down next time.'
"Hey sweetheart." Yawning and setting your tablet down, you wrapped your arms around his midriff and leaned your face into his back. One hand pulled way from the stove, running down your arm before resting atop your hand, feeling the ring around your finger.
"You should be asleep, love." Doc murmured, his animosity towards Hank gone in the wind. You inhaled deeply, basking in his familiar scent.
"I could say the same to you, Kyle." He let out a soft 'Hm.', agreeing without agreeing. You were right, of course. "Debugging with Dei was going well, till he nodded off. San came by on one of his usual bathroom breaks and picked him up."
Doc poured the water into his noodle cup. "You want some coffee?" He took your favourite mug out of the cupboard.
"I thought you wanted me to sleep." You teased tiredly.
"You're my spouse. I know you well enough to know that's not gonna happen anytime soon, even if I would like it if you did." He tossed some powdered milk into the cups along with the beans. "We don't have any sugar left I'm afraid, or sweetener. It's become so scarce these days. Ration packages can't even supply a tiny packet anymore."
"I can get sugar anytime I've got you around." Doc smiled and turned off the hob, turning around to pull you into his arms. "Can I get some now?"
As far as you two were concerned, nothing else existed, everything except what was in both your arms was null and void. He tilted his head down slightly, lips catching yours softly. Butterflies fluttered in your tummy, they flared up every time your husband kissed you.
You rested your head on his chest, it was rare you two had a truly private moment together, as much as you both tried. Being enemies of the state was hard work, who'd have thought?
"You should really lay down dear." Your eyes fluttered open, and you looked up to him. You hadn't even realised you'd started dozing off in his arms.
"No, I've got work to do." You yawned, and Doc chuckled softly.
"You're really stubborn sometimes, you know that?" He picked up both coffees and his noodles. "Tell you what, grab your tablet and we can get cosy in bed together. Work can wait until later, I think we've overdue some private couple time."
Nestled in the crook of Doc's arm felt like the safest place in the world, even with coffee in your system, you couldn't help but fall asleep with him. Trust and love deep rooted, he was your sanctuary.
And damn it, he was going to get you into a healthier sleep routine.
It'd been a couple weeks since you'd seen Ford, Doc had sent him off on recon work with Deimos and a splinter group from a faction allied with the SQ, they'd been on the other side of Nevada having heard whispering of something dangerous settling out there.
Two weeks of silence left you anxious, pacing around often, skipping meals and staying up into the early hours of the morning. Longing makes the heart sick, and a sick heart makes the body weak.
The only think you could do to keep your mind occupied was cleaning out the gun stash, checking over the stocked rounds repeatedly, despite the numbers never changing, cleaning already dirt and grime free steel.
A scrubbing brush in hand, you scraped at one of the many swords Hank had salvaged, violently jolting the bristles back and forth over either rust, or really crusted on blood just above the hilt.
Doc usually kept you in the loop of long jobs, sometimes you'd even be in walkie talkie range of your partner and could hear his voice. He could be hurt, he could be dead, you'd be none the wiser, and that was maddening.
Of course you weren't needy and dependant on him, that'd be too much, but just a sign he was okay would've been enough to give you peace of mind. It's the not knowing that drove you to dark places.
You jumped in your seat as the front door slammed. "Baby, you here? I'm back." Dropping the blade, you got to you feet and rushed to the door.
"Sanford, you're okay?!" You leaped into his arms, and he caught you easily. Oh sweet security, your world had come home to you safely.
"Yeah babe," San leaned back slightly to get a good look at you, his loving gaze turning to concern. "uh, hope you don't mind me sayin' doll/stud, but you look like hell." His hands brushed over your hair. "...When did you last shower?"
Suddenly you felt rather embarrassed, it'd been a.... couple days at least. Probably about a week since you'd stopped properly taking care of yourself. Swapping meals out for multiple junk snacks, a fucked up sleeping schedule consisting of occasional naps but mostly anxious pacing and activity.
"Uhm..." That was an answer enough for him.
"Baby," Sanford rubbed his cheek, clearing off some dust from his face. "you need to take care of yourself." He sighed and took off his sunglasses. "Have you even been eating properly?"
You didn't meet his gaze. "Okay. Tell you what," He took off his dirty tank top and tossed it aside. "I'll pull out something from the freezer, shove it in the oven while we get a nice shower, and then we can eat and get some rest." Just being near him, hearing his melodic voice again was enough to bring you to a sense of normalcy.
Sanford was fine, he was alive, he was here.
"Things have just been a bit... off without you." You sighed, clinging to his frame, almost afraid if you let him go, he'd run off for another two weeks, or longer. "Sorry, it's just been a lot to deal with, not knowing where you were, if you were safe... It's been hard."
"I get it. I do, I really do," Sanford had his own experiences with deep depression, despite being the large stoic type, the horrors of war, what he and his friends had to do to get an advantage against everything haunted him. "fight, flight, freeze is a real thing, but you can't just shut down baby. You gotta keep fightin, keep yourself in good shape 'cause it's a scary world out there."
"I know. It's easier said than done though." Sanford pulled out a tray of his legendary frozen mac n cheese, you hadn't checked the freezer since he'd left, otherwise that would've been long gone. You didn't know how he did it, but it was godly each time he made it.
"I get that." He shoved the tray into the oven, flicking switches to heat up the frozen dish. "You gotta change how you think, baby." You watched him take off his bandanna, revealing his hair. Or lack thereof.
"You shaved your head?" Usually he'd grow out his hair, style it into long locs and keep them tied back and under his bandanna, but once in a blue moon he'd get bored of maintaining them, and shave it off to start again.
Sanford ran a hand over his scalp, feeling the small curls starting to reappear. "Yeah, easier than trying to keep it clean out there. Dusty as hell." His hands came to rest on your shoulders, turning you to the bathroom. "No bother, I've got your hair to care for now. I'mma spoil you rotten."
Years of caring for his baby siblings had taught the beefcake that just telling someone what to do usually didn't help, but doing it along side them helped solidify the action. He'd help you get cleaned up, get back to eating proper food and getting proper sleep.
He needed to fall into the routine too, sleeping rough in trucks was a pain in his back, and access to his comfy old bed would do him wonders to getting decent sleep again. A full belly and his favourite person in the entire world cuddling into his pecs definitely helped too.
Yes, he needed this just as much as you did.
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Character tags:
(🥷) Hank J Wimbleton
(🪝) Sanford
(🚬) Deimos
(💉) 2BDamned/Doc
(🔥) The Auditor
(🗡️) Phobos
(🤡) Tricky/Dr Hofnarr
(💫) Jebus/Jebediah Christoff
(🧪) Dr Crackpot
(👓) Dr Gonne
(⭐) Sheriff
(✖️) Arena Mode Player
(🕶️) Victor
(🧔) Bossman
(🚁) Chopper Dave
(🔫) Quartermaster Bert
(🧑‍🍳) Chef Pava
(💊) Skinner MD
(🍔) Burger Gil
(✨) Garrett Goyle
(🌌) Maker
(❓) Others
(⭕) Random
^ (confessions that don't mention any characters will go under this tag)
Fanmade characters:
(🤍) White Hank/Wank
(🩷) Pink Hank/Pank
(🌈) Happy Hank/Skittles
(I love those characters enough to make tags for them shush)
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comfysofti · 7 months
Good morning!!!
Starting my day with my rambling about Phobos' and Auditors relationship in one of timelines in my au, because i just love their dynamic there <33
(part 1 out of gods know how many, of me talking about dynamics and relationships between characters in my au)
And today im talking about Phobos and Auditor in neutral timeline!!!
In neutral timeline shortly speaking, after 2BDamned got imporability drive, halo and employer core(in short: they're basically employers hearts and contain employers power)he decided that he'll get revenge on Phobos and Auditor for all the harm they did to him, and make a personal purgatory for them
They were trapped in there for two weeks. The thing is tho, if one of them dies, another would follow, although not immediately but will. They had no idea how much time has passed since they were trapped there, and for all they knew 2BDamned could've trapped there for months, until he gets bored of seeing them suffer, desperately trying to survive
Since 2BDamned wanted to make sure they feel how he felt, he made sure that in this purgatory they would feel powerless, small, constantly running to survive
But it doesn't mean that Phobos didn't died a few times. Quite literally. How did the two even survived then, if Phobos died? MULTIPLE TIMES? Well, in my au employers have ability to heal others by giving them, their body parts(and no it doesn't hurt employers, it only can make them tired, but that's all) which Auditor was doing the whole time, to keep Phobos alive, because while Auditor still had some power in this "prison" Phobos was completely powerless, so he had to deeply rely on Auditor to survive. In the end Auditor had to "fuse" with Phobos for both their safety and to keep Phobos survive and to speed up regeneration of some of his organs(like heart, lungs, brain that got damaged which led to his death a few times)
Generally speaking, despite their relationship they were still trying to work together to survive, and learned to be dependent on eachother(in this specific timeline yes)and not just in this purgatory but also outside it, since Auditor had no idea how long it'll take Phobos to fully heal, especially since he couldn't do much about how the regeneration of his organs would go
Also, as a small detail, gonna mention that Phobos broke there mentally rather quickly, while Auditor didn't, he was the exhausted one in the duo, while Phobos was constantly panicking, because of what Auditor had to comfort him almost all the time, in those very rare moments of peace they had there, but i do mind you he didn't had to do that, yet he did!(maybe he just has feelings for Phobos, who knows/j)
Maybe it was just empathy, maybe something else, hard to tell
But in this timeline, their dynamic is: "enemies" dependent on eachother for survival. And also: "villains getting the taste of their own medicine"
Although the whole experience left both of them traumatised in their own ways, despite it's ending sooner than later, they still stayed dependent on eachother, like this rule "one dies, another follows" still works even outside that purgatory they were trapped in. They don't have to be dependent on eachother, but now they just have this nagging fear of experiencing all over again
So yea, did 2BDamned succeeded in making them feel how he felt? Absolutely. Did they were left deeply traumatized for the rest of their lifes? ABSOLUTELY
Not sure what to add here about the two, so that's all, unless someone has questions :33
(i will make separate posts about Phobos, Auditor and 2BDamned soon, because ya know, i might as well, if I started talking about them)
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d34d-r0s3 · 2 years
In the spirit of Halloween, it's favorite horror/spooky/Halloween special movie headcanons for the MadCom + Mandela funkers (Including some OCs because I feel the need to)
Starting with MadCom:
2BDamned/Doc !!
I feel like his favorite movie would be something like Frankenweenie or TNBC, his favorite characters being Victor and Finklestein of course. Silly Frankenstein makers y'know.
Hank J. Wimbleton !!
Probably a slasher film like Friday the 13th, he'd root for the villains though, obviously. They wouldn't even flinch at any of the jump scares, it'd just be a happy lil' film for them. But don't let that fool you, he would definitely snuggle up close to Doc on the couch with a nice blanket n' get comfy.
Deimos !! + Tricky (?)
I'm going to be blunt here. The SpongeBob SquarePants Halloween specials. They would fucking love those. I'd like to think it's one of the one things they'd get along with. They'd sit down on Doc's carpet shoveling candy in their mouths with Sanford, watching the screen quite intently. Tricky would probably lay on its stomach on the carpet and kick his feet like a child, but everyone would be happy watching that silly little cartoon together. Even if it was a bit boring for everyone but Dei n' Trickster.
Sanford (mentioning Deimos again for this one)
I think Sanford would enjoy subtle horror much more. So, he and Deimos would stay up after everyone goes to sleep, quietly looking through obscure horror videos on YouTube on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and a few sodas, mostly Dr. Peppers and cherry colas. Just enjoying their quiet time together, cuddling in the dim living room, (a probably stolen) dimmed tablet being some of the only light keeping them awake. I don't think Dei would handle jump scares very well, so he'd end up snuggling up close to Sanford and falling asleep not too much later.
No. Horror is a big, fat "No" from him.
Stygian, Conductor, Deliberator, and the Auditor.
They all love watching low budget horror films and laughing at the cheap scares the creators tried to pull. All in all, there's not much that'll scare them in those, but they still have fun watching them anyways, especially since it serves as a nice break for all of them.
Church + Jorge
They don't quite *understand* horror media. In fact, it's like showing The Conjuring to a toddler. They'd be paranoid for a while, which is quite hilarious for G0L3Ms like them.
Burger Gil + Dr. Skinner
They watched Night of the Living Dead on a small projector in the break room on Gil's break probably, so now it's a comfort movie for both of them, now that Nevada is practically its own form of hell. They probably crack jokes at the fact that they're both "the living dead" in their own right, along with most of Nevada's population.
Phobos + Dr. C. (for reference, his name is Corvis in my AU !! c: )
Phobos was never quite a fan of horror, actually he found it boring and cheesy. But the director never really was a fan of much o' anything in reality, he was too interested in achieving his godhood or whatever his twisted mind was set on with Project Nexus at his disposal. But when Corvis showed him some of chirp's favorite movies, he couldn't help but adore them. The simplicity that seemed to make his little love bird so happy. Something that ViVi was so infatuated with that it was almost as high on feather's list of things he held dear as the director himself was, that his room was full of movie posters and memorabilia. It was such an insignificant thing in Nevada's vast ruins and dusty plains, but it made Cor' happy. So, it made that demented man just a bit happier himself.
He loves all of the classics, honestly. (Because he's old.) They make him feel more comforted and nostalgic, which puts him in a nicer mood when he needs a pick-me-up.
They fucking love Halloween specials and horror of any kind. They probably watched a lot of low budget movies with the Auditor, trying to stay on his good side after many misdemeanors against its agency. But they definitely have more fond memories of watching movies with their work partner.
They barely remember their real name. However, they have faint memories of Dr. Skinner and their main caretaker at the asylum showing them different movies. Of course, they barely registered those, so it'd be a lost cause for them to try and pick a favorite unfortunately.
Anything with clowns in it, so IT is a no-brainer.
Gooey Hank
Surprisingly not much of a horror fan, but he's starting to give horror a try :]
Webcore Hank
All the movies he tries to watch are too corrupted for glitch to enjoy, unfortunately.
Desperador/Bandit !
He's not a horror fan, he much prefers thing that lean into romance.
Mandela Catalogue !!!
Cesar Torres + his alt - for some reason ??
I feel like Cesar would've been a fan of The Nightmare Before Christmas or Corpse Bride if he'd lived to see them. Out of actual horror movies, I could see him being a big fan of Pet Cemetary. Alternate Cesar however, Honestly, I doubt it has many opinions on horror movies. They just think it's pathetic that humans are scared by those things and their cheap scare tactics.
Mark Heathcliff
Horror movies...yeesh...he doesn't handle those well. Even if they aren't made that well, they tend to make his paranoia run wild so he'd rather avoid them. Cesar definitely tried to stay up to watch horror movies with him at a sleepover when they were kids, only for him to hide under his blankets and, honestly - probably cry about it. He is, in fact, not a horror fan.
The Intruder
Horror movies? HA! He IS the horror movie. I'm serious.
Gabriel + Toonbriel !
"N0W WH4T !N H3LL'S N4M3 !S 4 H0RR0R M0V!3??" Toonbriel does not enjoy horror movies, but rather that one really odd movie about the squareass pumpkin. You know the one.
Cat alt ... It's a cat.
Adam Murray + Jonah Marshall
I bet Adam would like A Nightmare on Elm Street. No reasoning for why, he just seems like he would. So, he and Jonah would've watched it together in the van, which would turn into them going down a classic horror movie rabbit hole that ends with them falling asleep halfway through one and someone waking up in the middle of one'a the loudest scenes possible like "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING-"
Jack O. Spice
He was literally born for Halloween - or well, on Halloween. Show him any horror media, he's bound to enjoy it. In the real world he was quite the horror enthusiast.
Tarrant Thistle
Silver Bullet. That's his favorite, because the priest just happened to be the villain. He found it quite amusing.
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biancatronic · 2 years
More of my weird ideas...
I was imagining making a fanfic novel with Sonic 2006 art but it's madness combat with my Oc (who is a magical girl and princess), the story will be told with three events.
Tricky Story:
Tricky arrives in the Hestellar Empire with the purpose of causing chaos, while the festival of celebration of the princess is about to ignite the festival when suddenly the troops of AAHW and Nexus appear around terrified the subjects and the hosts of the festival to be alone around the princess . Phobos arrive announced his arrival and talk to princess I came with him to solve some business that is unfinished with her kingdom and with Nexus, but Princess Bianca is brave and responds that the Hestellar Empire will never be bow to Nexus, Tricky enters the scene killed the Agents and Go3lm's the hosts around the princess get closer to her when Tricky pushes them at an inhuman speed he grabs the human princess and says to Phobos "Sorry Cyclops but prize I come first Hahaha" and jumps out of the festival and runs away with With their incredible speed, Phobos sends his high-ranking Agents to shoot at them but with Tricky's speed they are passed unnoticed far and wide.
Hank Story:
2Bdamned sends Hank to investigate the unfinished business that the former king of the Erylus empire sends the main trio on this mission. When they arrived before the festival went to disaster Sanford went with Hank to make sure he didn't attack anyone, Deimos got some information with guards and the people of the kingdom. Hank and Sanford enter a museum where he tells the story about Hestellar, Hank suggests they need to break in but their session is interrupted after they hear screams from desperate people outside they both went outside to see and saw the AAHW units and Nexus Sanford prepares his sun and Hank prepares but a distorted wave Hank feels and sees that Tricky arrived at the party and already taking the sovereign of the empire, Hank says he's going to solve some unfinished business with him.
Jebus Story:
Jeb has a mission to do which is to protect the ruler of the empire from Nevada's sinners, so he decides to go to the empire to stop Phobos and Tricky before it's too late. He arrives at the festival near the ceremony pedestal and sees the Nexus and AAHW cars and trucks coming, so he starts to counterattack with enemies, when Phobos arrives announced for princess, Jeb sees he needs to act when Tricky appears to take the princess and goes away with her, Jeb goes after them after they are nearly hit by dissonance bombs, Jeb arrives and hides and sees Tricky and the princess sitting on the floor confused that he saved her, the two strike up a conversation until Tricky pulls out his iconic plaque and he was about to do something with the princess when Jeb steps in and interrupts before it's too late and Tricky calls jeb by name and jeb mentions his old name and it looks like a battle is about to start.
Then I make some concepts of how this story will be.
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vinnival · 3 years
Hello, I'm sorry that there are many requests again, there is still a request for a Russian reader. But I would really like to see main 3 + 2bdamned + Phobos x a very seriously ill reader. The fact is that I have heart problems and will soon have an operation, where I might end up, I would like to see the reactions and actions of my favorite characters in Madness. Thanks.
Get Well Soon <3
Honestly wants to never leave you alone because they're worried you'll die while they're away
So he just stops going on missions and stays planted by your side
2B, being the doctor-ish man he is, also checks up on you to keep you healthy totally because he's not being threatened by hank to do so
Sometimes he'll try and hum you a song, though it's rather scratchy and very quiet, since when Hank tries to use his voice, it usually sounds like that
But he'll push through the pain to make you happy
They know they can't lay in bed with you but the temptation.... the temptation.........
If there's anything you need, he's off to get it as soon as you mention it, and is already back as quickly as he came
When you go through pain and intense bouts of struggle to stay alive, I really do believe this is when Hank would truly feel fear- for the first time? Who knows...
Once you manage to get through your condition, he's ALLLL over you
Won't let go of you unless you have to go to the bathroom harhejfjfk
He will always stay as close as possible to you when you're recovering
Even then, he still feels a teensy tiny bit of fear; you're so frail, and very prone to dying at any moment
So yes, he's very overprotective of you
Even towards his own allies
Would probably chill in your room and talk with you to unwind
If you were able to talk back, that was nice, if you weren't? Well, he can find a way to continue conversation. He's just like that
Polishes his many hooks while with you
He worries about you, yes, but 2B always stays at home during missions when someone is injured so he can go comfortably without worrying about you
But of course as soon as he returns home he's back in your room, ready to tell you about the poor grunt that got thrown at Hank by a MAG, plus other stories from the day
And man this man has a lot of stories.... it's kinda surprising
But you're not complaining really
He loves making you laugh, seeing your smile on your tired face made him feel better, that he was helping you through the pain in some way
Unfortunately when you were in your more worse for wear moments, he had to force himself to leave the room as 2B went hard at work to keep you alive
It scares him to hell and back but he won't admit it
While you recover, he'll volunteer to stay home for the next few missions to help you get around the place for yourself again
He's such a softie, I swear 😩😩😩
love this man.... the sand fort
"Can't get in the bed?" He says, and immediately ignores that rule
He's all over you with the most gentle demeanor he's ever had
Head on your rattling chest, arm draped over your stomach that constantly growls for food other than applesauce and mashed potatoes ("to avoid the chunks of other foods to get in my way while working" 2B says)
Speaking of 2B...
Deimos is always peeking over his shoulder at you, disgusted but slightly fascinated at when the doc works on your organs
He'll leave you for missions, albeit with lots of hesitancy
He knows you're in good hands but... he overthinks sometimes
When he notices you're nearly on death's bed from time to time, he'll frantically leave the room and shout for 2B
And again, he's right over 2B's shoulder as he works on your struggling body
And let's be honest he probably started crying
Poor boy :(
He sticks to your hip when you're ready to start recovering
Never leaves you alone, gotta go to the restroom? He'll turn away! Too uncomfortable with that? Alright, he's standing right outside the door! <3
Will make you a little robot friend-- roomba? robodog? you name it, he makes it in record time
Just wants the best for you 😌
Ah yes this man is terrified of taking care of you
He knows he's the only man capable for the job, and he knows what he's doing, at that- he's put together and taken care of many people now, sometimes multiple times over, too (a heem heem.... hank....)
But... what if he screws up? What if he makes an incision in the wrong place? What if he suddenly moves his hand too much and damages a vital organ?
These factors scare him to no end when working on you, and yet... again... he's the only man possibly cut out for the job in the base
He doesn't even care that he's ordering around the most dangerous man in Nevada, he WILL tell Hank to be your bodyguard when he has to make a supply run
He sits in your room and keeps a close eye on you from a chair across from you
Sometimes he forces himself to stay awake to make sure you're okay, always gotta be on the clock for a sick patient yknow?
When you start struggling he's already all over it, ready to take down the hindrance in your body
He may or may not have an anxiety attack while doing it, though... poor man keeps worrying that he'll screw up hhh
Luckily, his mind doesn't muddle his hands and he's usually as calm as can be
It takes a lot out of him though
You'll gesture for him to lean down to you, and you'll sit up the best you can to place a kiss on his cheek with a gentle "thank you" when he's done with these situations
It always makes him determined to beat back this disease
While you recover, 2B knows exactly what you'd need and when you'd need it! He's been taking care of you for so long, its like the back of his hand by now
And he's always willing to do it ofc, with lots of reassuring kisses on the cheek to show his affection :)
Knowing him he'd probably try and avoid you as much as possible
Phobos? Worrying about another person? How.... below him
But of course he loves you so... there's no way around it
Visits you when no one else can see him do so
And even then, he locks the room
The first time he did this, you raised an eyebrow quizzically at him
He immediately noticed the look and got offended, "What is that look for?! I can come into any room without question, if you didn't know."
"Then... why are you coming in when no one is around to see you do so?"
He sputters and ultimately doesn't respond
Will never admit he's worried about you, even while sat directly beside you and talking to you about stupid stuff
Otherwise, he has the best doctors in the facility working on you when you need it
No matter how much he denies it, though, it's clear to everyone that Phobos definitely has... favorites
That favorite being you
He spoils you with all the guilty pleasures of DESSERTS
"Mmmm! I haben'fhhad ish cream in sho long!!" Your mouth is full of ice cream as you say that
Phobos had to turn around to hide his excited expression and blush
"Ahem- hm. Just hurry up and heal. I need you back in my forces."
When you have those near-death moments, he's literally STRICKEN with fear at the sight of you writhing in pain as your IV speeds up at alarming rates
Like, he's frozen in place
It took you desperately pointing to the emergency call button for him to snap out of it and make a mad dash for it, nearly tripping over nothing in his haste
While the doctors worked on you, he was pacing in his quarters for so SO long
Well I mean-- it FELT long... for him...
After you were saved, he rushes back to your room, doesn't even care that people can see him entering now, he just does it
"Are you okay?" He coolly asks
You cough weakly and nod your head, "For now," you rasp out
He sighs with relief, but the nagging feeling of him being frozen while you suffered earlier plagued him
Eventually you recovered from your disease, and Phobos moved you to his quarters to keep a close eye on you and to make sure you have a speedy recovery with walking again and stuff !
I don't know if you got the surgery yet but, I wish you luck rostyy! Here you go <3
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bleedingcoronation · 3 years
its 2 am and im thinking about madcom characters' fashion choices
this is gonna be long. all of it will be under the cut
// hank //
- belts. lots of them
- all black, of course
- shoes look like they're made of meat grinders or are the meat grinders
- long black gloves or fingerless arm thingies covered in belts/chains
- spikey masks
- and goggles of course
- psychological need
// deimos //
- gamer merch? gamer merch.
- really casual but in a sick and twisted way
- dyed hair
- kinda boring otherwise. not much energy to dress properly, just do her job and that's it
// dedmos //
- this is where it all goes wrong
- fuck
- what
- usually only dyes her hair greys and meat colors now
- chains everywhere
- never let this woman near a window
// sanford //
- boring like deimos but he has fun sometimes, mostly with glasses
- likes jewelry, though
- especially the fucked up stuff
- despite being less pain tolerant than the others, has a ton of piercings
- it's complicated
- really likes whatever the hell this is
// doc/dissenter/2b/2bdamned//the song with five names //
- a very specific shade of yellow
- yellow/black plaid and leather jackets
- gloves, but not as long as hank's
- heart ring but it's actually an anatomical heart
// jesus //
- despite having the second most menacing boots ever , mainly wears really long flowy white dresses
- loves mirror sunglasses a lot
// hoffnar //
- weird ass sweaters/hoodies
- end section
// tricky //
- neons, neons, neons
- but only as accents
- everything else is dull as fuck
- except the checkerboard patterns
- mismatched shoes
- honestly she's just all over the place
- but also she looks better than anyone else in the state so is she really losing here
// auditor //
- elegant and gorgeous but also incomprehensible
- red and black
- evil
- but also you want to grab them just to see what it would feel like
- you know, like how they are without the clothes
// scrapeface //
- hear me out here
- white gowns but with bloody red accents
- also, hands
- anything that looks like torment or pain but in a bloody way
- medical stuff also fits (cw for medical + implied eye trauma)
- one more example
// phobos //
- ok i dont know that much about this guy but he totally wears shoes that can't be walked in just to flex
- and normal shoes sometimes i guess
- really frilly stuff whenever he gets the chance
- did i mention that everything is gold accented
- doesn't wear a shirt just to show off that he's invincible to bullets (is he? i don't actually know)
anyway thanks for reading. it is now 2:30 am, good use of time
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shyflameweasel · 3 years
Heya, have you got any domestic Grunt headcanons, paticually regarding black Fridays? Thank you and once again, I love your work! 😊
I know that I did touch on this subject from my first domestic grunts so I'll be excited to expand on it further.
So for one I'm pretty sure that the madcom fellas will definitely need an explanation as to what the event is.
Some of them are just not going to be down for the event thinking it a waste of time or just beneath them.
So this counts out: Auditor, Jeb, Phobos, and 2BDamned (depending on the sale)
Auditor is rich and wouldn't care, Jeb would just see this as mindless fervor, Phobos rich and would not accept mingling among the peasants, 2BDamned just gives a deadpan look and lists off injury and death statistics afterwards just saying to by them online.
However for the ones that are down for it, its gonna be really freaking interesting or just strange.
For one most of these dudes look absolutely terrifying and I'm pretty sure that that is gonna give you dudes a wide berth.
Deimos just parkours off people's heads to get where he needs to go with less chance of getting trampled. Someone tries to call him out on it to the security? Oh sorry the video feed has gotten corrupted at that point and can't be used as evidence.
Sanford is either using those muscles of his to get some breathing room or just swinging with his hook from the ceiling. This is definitely gonna make people stop for a second as they see this shirtless guy just pulling a Tarzan while you hang on his back like a monkey.
Bringing Hank is definitely not a good idea. While they would give you a wide berth from the crowds, whoever tries squaring off to Wimbleton has guts that may get splattered around the store, there's a good chance of death.
Sheriff is one of the two who'll react semi-normally. If there's specific things from one or multiple stores he has his workers stalk out the places to get what he needs. Is also probably the least likely to pick a fight unless its something like really personally important.
Torture...do I really need to say anything. I’m pretty sure the place is gonna be abandoned when they see the giant with spikes in his head walk up. Like sir please, there is no way for you to enter the-just casually tears a hole in the wall. He is strolling along with you in his hand pointing out what you came in for.
Tricky is a toss up, alive!Tricky would probably not be too much of a hassle to deal with. Zombie Tricky however is a whole other mad story and is far more amusing. Nerfing the Improbability Drive for a second they’re gonna be zipping and zooming all over the place. Someone tries to pick a fight? Clown is engaged.
Now I mentioned that Sheriff is one of the two who’ll react semi-normally. The other is 2BDamned, like I said it would have to be something very specific that would make him want to go out. Man is tired of everyone’s shit constantly so going here he’s just going to deck the first guy that pisses him off in the face and walk over his unconscious body.
Now I think the ante would be way upped if it was for like a present for their partner. To the point that maybe even those who don’t like black friday will join if its like exclusive limited edition. They go straight into mission mode and its honestly terrifying for anyone standing in the way of their mission.
Though I would say without a doubt that the day after black friday is just for late thanksgiving cause there is no way any of them is going to miss out on good food.
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dirt-str1der · 2 years
YOU GUYS ARE INSATIABLE okay i have said all this before or idk i dont remember but the first thing you need to know about dr christoff is that hes literally gay and trans and he beats up people who say shit like christians hate gays because he literally has anger issues and also a strong sense of justice (messiah complex) which is a really amazing combination of traits to have in a gigantic man because he will fucking come at you if youre a bitch but if youre getting bullied god knows he will send someone flying for you youre fucking welcome also stop crying its unsightly. Jebster is extremely hotheaded and full of himself as you all knew already, he likes to think of himself as a guardian of sorts, and keep people from digging too deep and unleashing horrors beyond their wildest imaginations re: him keeping the keystone fragment out of undesirable hands
2BDamned on the flipside is nevadas first homosexual bicycle , he is also extremely transsexual and can unlock your secret gay thoughts just by looking at you. This isnt very relevant but just know that hes kind of a big deal. Hes in love with the unspeakable and extremely hungry for knowledge, and is perhaps the only person sensible enough to use it correctly unlike bozos such as the employers or director phobos. 2b never loses because he always plays for both sides (re: guess who revived both both jeb and the sheriff LOL and guess whos been reviving hank) , hes no stranger to unlikely / tentative alliances because he knows what people want and knows how to give it to them or at least how to help them get it. In this manner hes been almost singlehandedly puppeteering his side of nevada (SQs name has a lot of weight), when an incident occurs if docs not directly involved he’d still find a way to Know about it. His network is expansive and his goals are kind of sinister
Anyway with docs control freak tendencies and jeb’s self appointed role of nevada’s “saviour” its no wonder they find each other repulsive. Jeb’s been somewhat traumatised after seeing what dictators tend to become after achieving ‘godhood’ and he knows that 2b has no intention of letting sleeping dogs lie once he gets his hands on that power. Doc is Extremely frustrated at the fact that jeb could be a very useful piece on the board if he would. Just. Listen. For ONCE, but noooo because hes convinced himself that 2b is the worst evil ever hes never going to listen to him unless hes absolutely sure hes not being used , which is never. So they circle each other endlessly, jeb wanting to trust doc but knowing he cant and 2b having to play 5D chess to get jeb to do whate he wants anyway. Go figure
Also they have sex sometimes. This is the curse of being a gay man pushing sixty (most virile age range) youre going to meet the most annoying person in the world and then realise theyre irresistibly sexy. Disclaimer: I <3 toxic relationships. Jebs so dramatic about it too, hes always like i cant believe im doing this with you , people our age would have settled down by now and 2bs like (smoking afterglow blunt) if thats your way of asking me out youre going to have to try harder. Also 2b is jeb’s T dealer if i forgot to mention that earlier , jeb doesnt want to buy from anyone else because again he has no friends and would like to pretend that he and doc are friends
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