#Meryn is my personal name for Y/N in my mer fic‚ for anyone wondering
moonliched · 3 months
Hello pretty
I remember you talked about the bad ending of 3th chapter where Moon would successfully lure Meryn under the water ( rip, very sad alternative universe, glad we are in the other timeline) what would happen if Meryn didn't survive the first encounter with Sun? If they didn't retrieve their breather? Would Sun realise sooner than Moon? Would they drown? If they did would Sun even realise? What would he do? Would he hide it from Moon? Or swimed searching, for him terrified with what happened? How would Moon feel? Would he blame himself for keeping Meryn a secret? After all maybe if he told Sun about them, that they are different, can't breathe like them, that wouldn't happen. What would Bon-Bon feel? I think it would hit him hard, not only his only friend is gone, but their last conversation was an argument. It really hit me how badly for everyone it could end if Meryn wasn't sneaky and smart.
Sorry for angst lol just curious after I read about Moon really drowning reader
Good thing they both know now <3
Also can Meryn digest more things than normal human can? Are they more resistant to food poisoning? Like could they eat raw meat without worrying about anything?
Also did Moon realise after some time ( for example after he bit reader ) how badly he hurt them during their first encounter? Rereading the fic I see by his standards and world view ( him having scales and thinking Meryn does too, therefore them being tougher) he handled them pretty well and softly you can say, considering situation they were in. But after learning how soft their scaleless skin is did he had the realisation moment? Like he is in his nest just thinking and bam, he realises how hurtful it had to be?
Love yaaa sorry for rambling
ehee hiii bby, kicks my feet <3
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this turned out long so it's under the cut✂️
sadly Meryn would have absolutely drowned in that scenario😭 Sun had noticed enough to hear that any sounds they were making were coming from behind the breather, but he only realised its purpose after Meryn retrieved it from him in the fic.
in this alternate timeline, after they drown he might not entirely understand how they died - from his POV, they would have been fighting and struggling, then weakening, then limp and unconscious/drowned. maybe he'd consider the mask and put the dots together.
he would have tried to wake them up and failed. keeping them in the water runs the risk of other creatures eating the body, and he wouldn't want to bring a corpse back to the nest, so Sun would likely place them above water (plenty of air bubbles in this fic.) he would wait for Moon to return and gradually become more and more frantic and agitated, blaming himself and panicking. he'd check back on Meryn in the hopes that some miracle has revived them, and tug painfully at his head fins. he'd be too frightened to leave the warm environment.
around this time Moon is only returning home to rest and drop off supplies he has hunted, so Sun would have a hard time catching him. when he finally finds him, Sun would lead Moon to Meryn, hoping he can do something to fix this. he'd be babbling too hard for Moon to immediately understand what had happened, and Moon might even jump to conclusions that Meryn has done something dumb to scare his partner, and get annoyed with them. sneaking around, entering his home without asking - his human is so much trouble!
then he'd see the body and feel so much worse.
Moon would definitely blame himself for not communicating with Sun. he'd turn it around and around in his head, considering everything he could have done differently. he'd try to revive Meryn in any way he can, but eventually have to give it up. Sun would feel even worse - not only has he killed the first chance of outside contact they've had in a long time, but it's someone Moon has already formed a bond with. Moon would be tempted to keep the body, but ultimately the mers would return them to the platform. the decision would take a while.
BON-BON would react very badly. the body showing up would extinguish all hope that Meryn is somehow alive out there, waiting to be rescued. his friend is gone in exactly the way he always feared, and he would take it out on the team by manipulating the building and the robots. he would also become extremely aggressive and mistrustful of the mermaids, and utilise the facility's external machinery to scare them off if they ever return (e.g. the subs.) eventually, his behaviour would grow so abrasive and overt that he would be discovered as a sentient AI.
hope that was fun, a bit more angst for you :3c
Meryn is a mixed bag! they can eat some things regular humans can't, but also other things aren't suited for them - like dairy. they're a lil lactose intolerant, and the ice creams they feed Moon don't contain actual milk. they could absolutely eat raw meat, but they're intensely aware of how badly people react to that sort of thing😣 however, i don't know if that makes them less susceptible to food poisoning - since this is future sci fi fic, some of the food they eat is alien in origin, so there isn't a blanket answer on that :0
Moon is now aware that Meryn is softer and more fragile than a mermaid, and has gentled his actions to accommodate. biting them definitely kickstarted that realisation, and he felt bad after thinking over their past interactions later. buuuut he still doesn't fully understand, as of chapter 13. mermaids heal quicker than humans, and his bite has permanently scarred Meryn's shoulder. he hasn't had the opportunity to see that... yet :)
thank you for the big ask, mwah mwah mwah❤️❤️❤️ ppl like you make me feel so happy, you're thinking about my story and theorising! hugs u😋
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