#Micah the Mienshao
cheezyharu · 9 months
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Pokeddexy 2024 | Day 6 - Fighting (Mienshao)
One of the two masters of our esteemed dojo! Although less people knows of him because of his inactivity... He may seem serious, but he is very lax and easy going!
Even dojo masters needs some rest sometimes! Although, he takes a lot more breaks than what I'd like him to...
First time drawing with phone and finger since... 2022? Jeez controlling the thickness of lines is a lot harder without a pen...
-> Day 1 | -> Day 5 | -> Day 7
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cheezyharu · 8 months
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Pokeddexy 2024 | Day 18 - Water (Dewott)
"Still training?" The sister asked as she watched one of her dojo's most esteemed students practicing a distance away. "Yep." Her twin brother sat nearby, still sipping on his tea "If only you have the same attitude on martial arts as him" She nudges at her twin "You're one of the masters of this place, at least try to keep your image up!" "Yeah sure." He answered nonchalantly, much to his twin's dismay.
... Probably one of my favorite mid evolution starter outside of Grovyle, maybe the BW anime rubs off on me more than I thought it would.
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