#But then I realized the only guy I did so far was Zach (from day 2)
cheezyharu · 9 months
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Pokeddexy 2024 | Day 6 - Fighting (Mienshao)
One of the two masters of our esteemed dojo! Although less people knows of him because of his inactivity... He may seem serious, but he is very lax and easy going!
Even dojo masters needs some rest sometimes! Although, he takes a lot more breaks than what I'd like him to...
First time drawing with phone and finger since... 2022? Jeez controlling the thickness of lines is a lot harder without a pen...
-> Day 1 | -> Day 5 | -> Day 7
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cameronspecial · 11 months
Loving the Zach stuff so far!!!
Could you maybe do something where yn hates his guts, but he is like in love with her and all her sass?? Then they're forced to go on some school trip together or something, and she realizes she likes him and a cute angry love confession, perhaps???
Danke 🫶🏼💐
Thank You, History Class
Pairing: Zach MacLaren x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.2K
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Y/N and Zach have been running in the same friend group since Freshman year, but it doesn’t mean they necessarily get along. Well, it doesn’t mean that she likes him. His sarcasm and puppy dog vibe annoys her cool and distant personality. He’s always asking her how her day is going and trying to make her laugh with his stupid jokes. Zach, on the other hand, fell for her grumpy soul the moment he set eyes on her. Unlike most people, who don’t bother looking deeper into her personality, Zach could see the soft side that she held within and never let anyone see. He would always catch how she would stand up from her bus seat when she saw an elderly person. She wouldn’t let people around her know it was the reason, but she always did. He saw the little bowl of milk she left outside her house for a cat mother and her kittens. Finally, he saw how sweet she was to children whenever they were around her. 
Zach didn’t want to take a history class and he certainly didn’t feel like going on a field trip to a museum. It all felt very high school to him. The only upside about it: Y/N is also taking the same class. When he saw that he needed a history credit to graduate, he definitely didn’t go looking for what classes she was taking this semester to try and be in the same one. The cost was giving Jason access to his bathroom whenever he wanted, but it was worth it. He knows the field trip isn’t mandatory for any marks, yet he knows Y/N is going to be there. As he heads toward the Victorian house, he finds Y/N out front waiting for the professor to show up. Her clothing consists of black and brown colours as usual. Her hair was held back by a shiny black claw clip. 
“Fancy seeing you here,” he grins, coming to stand beside her. She gives him a side eye, “Could you be more cliche? Try something more original, would ya? I still can’t believe you are taking this class.” He doesn’t let her sour mood dampen his energy. “Come on, you know you like having me with you in this class. The only other people in this class are girls who have a romanticized view of the era, or guys, who have a history stick so far up their ass that they think a history degree will take them far in life,” he notes, turning to look at her. She looks him dead in the eyes, “I’m a history major. And I am neither of those things.” “I know, that’s because you are so much better than them. You are far too smart for them,” he flatters. She shakes her head, turning her attention to the professor who has just arrived, “Flattery won’t get you anywhere.” The professor leads them into the museum and begins his lecture. After ten minutes of listening to the man speak, both Y/N and Zach realized that coming was a big waste of time. He doesn’t know what he is talking about and Zach can hear Y/N constantly correcting the older man under her breath. 
He leans toward her, making sure his lips are close to her ear. “Wanna go on our own little tour? This man is getting half of this stuff wrong.” She thinks she has lost her mind because this must be the first thing Zach has said that she thought was a good idea. “That actually sounds kind of fun. They have a Victorian fashion exhibit I want to see, but I don’t think Professor Robo over there is going to take us to,” she whispers back. Her hand finds his and she hates to admit she likes the warmth of his in hers. They round the stairs to the exhibit. She looks delighted when she spots the first mannequin with clothes. Her feet find their way beside a girl about six years old, already looking at the dress. The child’s eyes find Y/N’s face and they smile at each other. “You know, this is an 1843 Evening dress. The bodice, the thing around the chest, is low off the shoulders. And they have lots of other skirts underneath to make it poofy,” Y/N softly explains to the little girl. 
They spent around thirty minutes in the small room. Y/N walks around with Willow and Zach, explaining each outfit to them. She is surprised that Zach seemed honestly engaged with what she was saying and would ask thoughtful questions. Eventually, Willow’s mother, an employee, came looking for her and took the girl to lunch. “Do you want to head to lunch?” she asks. He shakes his head, “Actually, I was hoping we could look at the Victorian sports exhibit. I brought some snacks, so if you are hungry, we can share.” He pulls out a bag of cucumbers shaped like hearts. She has to giggle at the sight because big jock Zach MacLaren likes to have his vegetable cut into shapes. 
“What?” he questions in fake offence, holding out the Ziploc to her. She shakes her head with a chuckle, “Nothing, just surprised your cucumbers look like an inaccurate depiction of a human organ.” “They make them taste better. Try,” he says with a shrug. He hands her a slice and listens to the sweet crunch of her biting into the vegetable. “Okay… I must admit it is more fun to eat it like a heart. I can pretend I’m a witch eating people’s hearts,” she agrees. He doesn’t look disturbed by her macabre comments, instead, he pretends to be ripping out his heart as he hands her another slice. She enjoys him playing with her deadly thoughts.
They spent about an hour looking at the different displays, eating his snacks and taking turns reading the display’s blurbs to each other. As they stand on the steps of the museum, Y/N towers over him from the step above. He looks up at her like she hangs the stars in the sky. “I hate to admit that you made this day pretty fun,” she confides. Her hands find their way behind her back, biting her lip as she looks into his eyes. His mouth turns into a crescent moon, “I’m really glad I did. I like spending time with you.” She takes a moment to think and moves her head away in frustration. Not at him, but at the turmoil inside her mind. Why is his charming smile suddenly getting to her? Why does she want to step into his warmth and let his arms bring her in? “Ugh, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think I’m falling for you, MacLaren. So… would you want to go to dinner? Like on a date,” she confesses with a hint of annoyance in her tone that is just normally there. She is disgusted by the excitement that crosses his face. He gets off the steps, running around the green grass in front of the building. He jumps every so often with a little whoop let out as he does so. 
He rushes back to her, grabbing her around her waist and spinning her around. She finds the sound of her giggles odd but enjoys it nonetheless. “Way to keep a poker face,” she sasses, looking down at him. He doesn’t care though all he wants is a chance to be with her.
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia
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alinathefirst · 3 months
Notes: Y/N - Your Name. Y/F/N - Your Friend Name.
Characters: Zach Tinker x Fem. Reader.
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The girl had been warned that her friend would be having a sleepover with a few mutual friends and a couple of people she didn't know, but Y/N didn't expect to see Zach Tinker among them.
The man appeared to be very active, just as the girl had anticipated when she watched his streams. He chatted with the guys, occasionally inserting ridiculous jokes that everyone laughed at, and often looked in the direction of the girl, cause she was the only one who sat in some far corner and giggled quietly, because she often didn’t keep up with the topic of conversation, and, to be honest, she was just shy of him.
After playing a board game, everyone started to change into their pajamas before watching a movie together. Those who finished first helped with the snacks in the kitchen - putting them on plates and carrying them to the couches and mattresses.
Coming out of the bathroom in a gray ragged t-shirt and homemade pants, Y/N joined the guys. Things were going nice and quiet until Tinker noticed exactly what she had pictured on her t-shirt.
"You love «The Quarry»?! And you didn’t tell?!" Exclaimed Zach, not hiding his surprise.
The girl's T-shirt did have a collage with characters from the game, but only....
"Hey, stop," the man squinted, scrutinizing the print, "Where am I?"
Some of the guys along with him noticed the collage, and also noticed Custos' absence among all the counselors. Y/N, realizing the actor's displeasure, hesitated, standing in bewilderment with a plate of cheesy Cheetos in her hand.
"Oh, I just forgot about Jacob," she admitted honestly, "I wanted to reprint it, but the store said no."
"You forgot? How can you forget about one of the best characters ever!" Tinker couldn't help himself, "I'm offended with you!"
Taking one chip from her plate, he abruptly turned around and plopped down on the couch to the laughter of his friends.
"I'm sorry, Zach," the girl sat down next to him, holding out the snacks, "I'll make a new T-shirt sometime, and it'll definitely have Jacob on it.
"Until you send me the photo report, I will continue to be offended." Tinker replied, smiling kindly.
"It's a deal." Y/N grinned, covering herself with the blanket.
The fact that they were both sitting together on the edge of the corner couch allowed the man to look at the girl without fear of being seen, since the TV playing the movie was on the side, so they had to look away.
Zach didn't remember what was in the comedy that someone decided to turn on, but he remembered the moments when Y/N was laughing, or joking around with her friend. Something about her caught his attention. Something he couldn't explain to himself. Perhaps it was her simplicity and kindness, or maybe it was the fact that she was very sweet and beautiful. Though, perhaps both options were quite weighty to him.
Tinker was one of the first to wake up in the morning. As he was going home, he stopped at the couch, where the girl was still asleep. Her leg was propped up and resting on the blanket she was hugging, half of which had already slid to the floor. After straightening it, Zach headed over to Y/F/N to ask her for Y/N's number and address, telling her that he wanted to surprise the girl in the future.
Amazed by this attention to her friend, she sent him everything in one text message, and made him promise that she would be the first to know the details of the surprise.
It had been almost a week since that sleepover. Tinker periodically wrote to Y/N, jokingly asking about the T-shirt, and every time he got a negative answer.
On her day off, as the girl lay on her bed playing a console, the doorbell rang.
Seeing Zach on the doorstep, Y/N opened her mouth in surprise, unable to say a word.
"Uh... Hi?" The man waved his free hand in front of her face, while the other held some kind of box.
"Oh, yeah, hi." Y/N sagged back, inviting her guest inside.
Before she could ask any more question, Tinker opened the box and pulled out a t-shirt from there. Unfolding it, the girl saw a collage with Jacob printed on the front. And only with him.
"I thought it would be better if I gave you the T-shirt myself." Zach grinned happily, looking at Y/N, waiting for her reaction.
When she realized the meaning of what was happening, she laughed, taking the T-shirt from the man's hands. She couldn't expect such a gift from him. Nor the attention to her person in general.
Running to the other room and quickly changing, Y/N came out in her new t-shirt, showing Tinker how it looked on her.
Glowing with happiness, Zach playfully whistled, unable to take his eyes off the girl.
"I think it's my favorite shirt now," she smiled.
"Yeah, it looks good on you," the man said. He mumbled awkwardly, looking around Y/N's living room. "Are you busy tonight?" Tinker asked, startling the girl even more. "I was thinking maybe... We could go out together?"
"It's actually my day off today, but I was just going to sit at home and play video games..." The girl pointed to the bedroom door. "Going to save the counselors from werewolves for the hundredth time." She grinned. She didn't really feel like saying no to Zach, so she continued: "You can join in, it will definitely be more fun together."
"It'll be your best playthrough ever." Tinker said firmly, not hiding his joy. "But you don't mind going out somewhere with me next weekend?" He added, following Y/N into the room.
"Would that count as a date, or would it just be a friendly get-together?" She handed the second joystick to the man, sitting down on the bed with him.
"I would really like the first option," Zach looked at the girl's blushing face, "But If you're against it, then of course we can go out as friends."
"I think I'll go for the first option then."
They smiled at each other as they pressed the button on their joysticks.
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ycurkxng-a · 2 years
Characters: (Post Mortem) Dean King, Adam, Zach Duarte, Freddy Redwood
No cw/tws
The heat beat down on Dean, he hated the desert, he hated the sand, Jesus Christ, he hated all of this! He was sweating like a whore in church, he'd had to take his jacket off and wrap it around his waist so he didn't collapse and die out here. Adam on the other hand was handling the heat just fine, which confused Dean at first, until he remembered that the guy was a damn demon. It only made sense that he was more resilient to heat, lucky bastard.
He didn't know who they were going after exactly, all he had been told was that they were going after some blacksmith. Whatever a guy like him did to piss off Herobrine this much, Dean wanted to know. Although he didn't think he'd get the chance to ask what the hell he did, who knew though, maybe he'd stop Adam from killing him for a moment so he could grill him for answers.
The village wasn't too far off in the distance, thank Christ. Dean unconsciously began walking a little faster at the sight of it, forcing Adam to move faster as well to keep up with him. "Y'know, this place feels a lot better than all the other spots we've had to go to." The demon commented with a smile, he didn't look up to see the death stare he was now getting from Dean, but he could feel eyes burning into the side of his head.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Dean scoffed, Adams smile twisted further upwards as he did his best to hold in his laughter. "Y-yeah, why Dean? Whats- what's wrong with the desert?" He asked, looking up at his friend. "Oh, nothing! I just love being in a place that makes Hell feel cool!" Dean sarcastically quipped, throwing his arms out and looking around the place. "Its just lovely, I might just move here, see how long it takes before I die of a heatstroke!"
It was clear from Dean's tone that he was taking the conversation more lighthearted than anything, a nice change of pace from his usual roughened demeanor. But the tone had changed enough to push Adam over the edge, and he was unable to control the cackling that ensued.
Dean wasn't quite sure what made him start to laugh, but hearing Adam made him do the same, even if he didn't think anything about the situation was funny. Maybe it was because he was a little out of it, or Adam just had contagious laughter, it didn't matter now. The two practically howled as they moved closer and closer to their destination.
This was something both had needed, Dean especially. The ludicrously high temperature was getting to him, and it was something the other had noticed for the few days they'd been in the desert. Kings replies had become snippier and shorter, those were immediately followed by apologies. The heat was driving him insane, so even this single moment was enough to calm him down a little. Sure, it didn't change the violent sun beating down on them, but it was enough.
Neither had even noticed the fact they both stepped into the village by now, Adam was the one who realized it. The sand they were walking on previously was now smoothed out, and as his laughter halted he looked around. He reached one hand out and lightly hit Dean in the side to get his attention on the situation, almost immediately, Dean's snickering had ceased and his face was neutral.
Adam stopped at the well in the middle of the village, Dean did the same. "So, where would a blacksmith be?" He pondered aloud, he knew the guy was in the village somewhere. But he couldn't be sure of his pinpoint location, that's where Dean came into play. "He's probably right there." The brunette said, stepping forward and pointing at a small structure. "How do you know?" The demon asked, raising a brow.
He didn't entirely doubt Dean, there wasn't really a track record for him being wrong about things like this, but it felt safer to ask anyways. "Well, it's a blacksmiths hut. Just about every village has one, they're all generally the same kind of build. The only things that change about it are the materials that make it up." He explained, Adam nodded. "Let's go then."
Without another word, the two began to make their way towards the hut. As they did so, a man stepped outside of it, and Dean perked up a little. He was expecting them to have to make their way in, maybe catch the guy off guard. But no, he stepped right out. "You!" Dean called out, stepping up the stairs. The blacksmith turned around to greet the duo with a smile, "Hey there folks, what can I do for you?"
"Ask the soul it's name." Adam stated, not looking away from the target, as if he wasn't able to even understand him. "..what's your name?" Dean repeated, slightly irritated by this. "Er.. it's Smith, Smith Blacks!" He proclaimed, waiting a few moments before speaking again. "..hah! Pulling your leg! Its Zach Duarte."
Adam and Dean crossed their arms almost in unison, staring the man down for a few uncomfortable seconds. "Let's just fucking kill it." The demon said, grabbing onto the handle of his diamond sword before taking it out. "Dont gotta tell me twice."
A familiar shock went down Dean's spine as Zach backed up, his eyes darted to an item his hand was reaching for- a horseshoe. The soul wasn't even glancing at Adam, despite the fact he had a weapon. He was staring dead at King, which was fair enough. Unfortunately for him, Dean put the pieces together quickly.
When he grabbed onto the item, Dean ducked down and narrowly avoided a horseshoe to the mouth. Zach took off running, stumbling down the stairs and hauling ass through the village. No words needed to be shared for both the demon and his ally to go after him, while Adam ran straight in his direction, Dean went to the left.
He'd read this son of a bitch like a book, that with a mix of his sixth sense, courtesy of Retalon, had already let him know exactly what the target was planning.
While Dean went around to the left, Adam continued sprinting after the soul. He shouted in the distance, things like "leave me alone" and "what do you want from me?!" Something he'd already heard from souls that ran before, of course they never made it far, it was hard to get away from the two.
Adam shoved his way past villagers who had stepped out to see what the commotion was about, Zach was attempting to shout for someone to help him, but strangely enough, no one was doing that. Maybe no one here liked the guy, he did seem like a bit of a jackass.
The chase seemed as if it was going to reach its end already, the soul was beginning to stumble more as he looked around him, trying to gauge how far away his pursuers were. Unfortunately for him, and fortunately for the pursuers in question, they weren't far off.
He was going towards a house, most likely hoping he'd gotten far away enough that he could block the door off to keep them out for a little while longer. It didn't work though, as Dean finally came back into Adams sightlines, just to tackle the soul to the ground as he got close to the entrance of the home.
Both hit the sand with a grunt, there was an attempt of resistance from Zach that would've gone okay if it had been used on anyone but Dean. And since it was Dean, it just led to him getting more pissed off. He got on top of the soul, straddling him and staying there as he attempted to push off 220 pounds of boiling rage.
"Hey- the hells going on out there?!" A voice from inside boomed, "FREDDY- GET OUT HERE AND HEL- GGK-" Zach was cut off by Adams blade pressing against his throat, "You deal with this fucker. I'll handle his buddy." Dean told him, getting up and cracking his neck side to side. While he did that, Adam didn't waste time, he stabbed the sword through the souls throat and watched as he sputtered and choked on his own blood.
The voice from inside made their presence known quickly, the front door was kicked open to reveal a figure close to Dean's size, their eyes darted to Zachs body, and back to King. "Is that corpse worth losing your life over?" Dean asked, pointing back to the soul. "He's already dead man, you can walk away now."
Freddy chuckled lowly at that, "Afraid I'll hurt you?" They mocked, just to watch Dean shake his head. "No... I was trying to save your life." He explained, before Freddy realized that their fight was beginning, Dean had stepped forward and shot his fist into an uppercut that slammed right into their chin. The hit knocked their jaw up and made their teeth clatter, but he knew that wouldn't be enough.
Dean continued with a straight shot from his left fist, it busted Freddy in the eye and sent them stepping backwards to try and recover from the sudden attacks. He refused to let them get a break though, so as they backed up, he moved forward. He raised his right arm up and slammed it into their throat before pressing down, both pinning them to the wall and choking them at the same time.
His stare was cold, emotionless, as if doing something like this was just another casual day. Luckily for them, they didn't have much time to feel fear, as Dean had grabbed his knife from his pocket with his free hand. Before Freddy could try and fight back, he stabbed it into the side of their head, clean through the temple.
As soon as he'd stabbed in with the blade, Dean pulled it out and wiped the blood off on his sleeve. He stepped back and let the corpse fall to the ground with a thud before looking back at Adam and their target, "..I kinda wanted to ask him a question before you killed him." He snickered.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Next time you're killing a guy, I'll make sure I ask if you want to ask the soul questions." Adam jeered with a smile before holding his hand out above the corpse, the soul flew out from the body and into his hand.
It was still fascinating to watch, if Dean hadn't seen it a few times before this- he'd believe he was hallucinating. Most of the things he was witnessing lately were batshit, but that seemed to be his life nowadays. "C'mon, let's get outta here." Adam said, beginning to walk away while still glancing in the others direction to make sure he was following.
"If you ever have to go back to the desert, you're on your own. Fuck all of this." Dean commented as they walked away from the village, "Yeah, yeah, I figured as much... Maybe we'll go somewhere freezing next."
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semischarmed · 4 years
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My hot roommate Zach is the perfect man. I think I won the cosmic lottery when we got paired freshman year. “Roommates for life!” he shouted, as he wrapped a tone arm around me in a side-hug. I chuckled, of course. Who knew the cutest guy in our dorm was such a dork. I remember that moment vividly, committed every last detail to memory. In what he likely only barely remembers, I recall to the last detail. I play it back often -even moreso, nowadays: The crisp autumn breeze. The filtered sunlight through amber trees, bathing us both in golden afternoon. The warmth of his touch, and the unintended taunt from his arm pulling me towards him and his jacket ever so slightly wrapping over my back. The slight, dense smell of coffee wafting from him and his minty breath cutting through. Thats how I remember him. Warm. Sincere. Safe. Zach would probably say that was the moment we became best friends. I, on the other-hand, would say that was the exact moment when I fell for him.
We did everything together from then on: Ate together, joined the same clubs, signed up to the same classes- that first year we were inseparable. Best friends to a tee. I’m not even sure what he saw in me- the guy was a hell of a lot more sociable than I was. He could literally find anyone else on campus, yet I had the privilege of being his roommate and friend. I commit that wonderful first year to my life. It is my happiest year to date. I commit that version of Zach to myself as well.
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Trouble started early in our second year. He spent all summer back home, hanging out with his high school friends and his brothers. When we finally met back in our new room, he seemed distant. Still, I made the effort, getting closer and closer to him every day. He’d been sending signals too, I think. A stray touch, just a half second too long. A lingering stare in my direction. A gentle smile when I ask him a bout his day. I had to know for myself with certainty. 
So, one terrifying October night, I asked him straight up.The fucker laughed. Cruel, hideous, insensitive laughter. I’d never felt more alone in my life than when he laughed at my confession. That broke something in me. I quickly ran to my bed, crying myself to sleep. Without skipping a beat, Zach left the room to grab a bite to eat, seemingly unchanged by my outright confession. I had never been so humiliated in my life, yet only he would ever know. Still I felt him hold that over me in the weeks to follow like a dark cloud. Of course he’d still offer hangouts. He’d ask for help with some dumb assignment or try to get me to open up by faking some issues about himself. He was mocking me. I felt his sneer, ever-present from behind. Thats when I began researching alternative methods to exact what I needed from him.
Why a private university had a book like this is beyond me. It was a spellbook. A dangerous one, at that. All manner of incantation and processes regarding the human soul. I poured myself the next few weeks on its pages religiously. Translation is a massive pain in the ass but it gets done.
“Love cannot be created by spell,” it stated. Leave it to a fucking book to let me down too. I wiped away stray tears until I caught sight of the last batch of spells. I sighed at its contents. Fine. I couldn’t make him love me through magic, but I could have him the next best way. His body. The final section of this book of spells is, of course, the curses and enchantments required to possess another being.
The preparations have been made. It’s another late, awkward night in our room, where he just passes by, gives me a nod and a grimace and then heads to bed. This night would be different. I chant the words. The price is steep. Half of my body’s lifespan for the ability to take someone over in their sleep. That’s the one I settled on. Of course, there were more permanent spells outlined, but this seemed to be a happy medium.
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The magic is dark in nature, and I feel the cloud over me deepen. I feel myself detach. It’s weightless, but grounded. Makes sense, given the purpose of this spell. I watch my target and lick my astral lips. There he was, happily dreaming without a care in the world. I study every curve, like sculpture. He is muscled, but tone. Zach likes to sleep with his shirt off, so I get to see what powerful chest up close. I watch as powerful lungs, drawn in air before gently dispersing it. Perfection. I watch that beautiful face lie still in a satisfied smile. Angelic. This body is power, incarnate. My power, soon.
I follow closes until I am but inches from his face. I stir around him, slightly. I want him to know it’s me. Bleary eyes open and he gives a weak smile when he sees me. “Dude-” the smile quickly fades to shock. “Wait what the fuck...” in sinful glee I push into my man. He involuntarily absorbs my particles, my spirit. He tries to push me away, to get me off him. Hands are useless to stop me. I phase through them with no resistance. His breath quickens as he begins to panic. This only further brings me into him, as he is forced to breath in the only air around him-me. 
Then, he starts choking, trying to force the parts of me in him out. I am unfazed. Instead, in I keep filling into him until all of me is inside. This is the way we were meant to be. He pulses and convulses and chokes while I align myself into him. I revel in Zach. In being Zach. Despite all the shit he pulled this year, he still is perfection. My perfection, now. 
I command his lips mine. “Invoke me. Become me. Manipulate this body. Explore us. Stay, in me. I want you here, forever.” They’re not words he usually uses. I rile in a frenzy when these phrases leave his lips at my behest. When his voice becomes my own and I make us moan. When his body complies with my every whim. When Zach’s flesh is mine. It is euphoric. Orgasmic even. I intend to follow through, to reward it. To pleasure it. God it feels good being in him. Being him. He may not love me, but love me he will, even if indirectly. Every waking moment I spend inside this man will be a moment of him loving himself, loving me. Now, And then I feel it. I clutch my head in pain. Zach.
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Veins strain in his forehead as he puts every last effort to exorcise me out. Resistance almighty in this body. In tears I feel myself stripped from momentary heaven. He chokes as a dense fog that is me escapes his mouth. He is successful.
When I am kicked out of his body abruptly, I flare in anger. How could he do this? How could he? I look back at my slumbering form. No matter. My resolve is steel. Somehow, somewhere deep inside me, I knew somewhere it had to come to this. I chant the final curse mentioned in the spellbook. The price is the steepest of them all.
I watch as my physical form dissipates. I writhe as I am renewed with newfound energy. Potency. Virility. I’ve put in everything. Everything I ever was into becoming him. Zach would be mine, no matter what. 
Before he can readjust, before he can even think about what had just occurred, I flood back inside my man. Inside my body. My one true body, now, given what I had to sacrifice. I make him smile while he takes me in. Smile in preparation of a new, permanent driver. I thrust my astral form inside its new home. It’s warm. Roomy. muscular. We make this body grin, shout, cry, writhing all the way in its sheets in our battle for control. I’m not even sure he knows what he’s doing when he fights me- but he always was a natural in everything he picked up. I feel our shared muscle contract and relax as it is forced to accept its two masters- soon to be one. Soon to be me. Zach’s soul was strong but no one was a match for the full force of an entire human body-turned-spirit. I feel his soul start to lose footing. Jackpot. Immediately fill take its place. My place.
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I was far deeper in Zach now than I was before. His essence struggles, trying to escape me but I keep us steady, hold us tight. Our minds begin to connect this time around and we sync. The book said this was a necessary step. I blink away our tears into a satisfied smile. Our face is flush from the fight, flush from my greatest victory. “You’re mine forever,” I think to myself, My words. The verbalization of my invasive thoughts in his head- they’re spoken in his tongue. In his jock-like inflection. I even now think in his voice. Of course, it’s relatively minor in the grand scheme of things. Yet it is undeniable proof. The finality of it all. Proof that my body no longer existed in this world. Proof that for me, forever, Zach would be my default. Just one last step to it all. One last push- I’ve already given this much, there was no going back. I would displace Zach as the true owner of this body. It’s as the final line in the book states: “Encapsulate their soul, devour it, digest it, make it yours. Then, true control at long last.”
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Tears stream down our shared cheeks as we both realize the true gravity, the true consequences of my actions. We are synced now, but I haven’t yet completed the process. So, our emotions are a mix. So, it’s bittersweet. He’s mine. We’re one. I’m finally with Zach in a way most intimate. Despite it all, he isn’t fighting back. Why?
I rage inside him, wanting him to be mad, wanting him to hate me, to give me justification my ultimate transgression. He offers none. Instead, I am hit with borrowed clarity. More of his memory floods into me and I begin to cry. 
I watch my every worst moment through his lens, relive the demons of my past and yet, from his perspective they never looked quite as dark or traumatic as I had made them out to be. Even my confession itself, my initial catalyst, had merely been a blip in Zach’s mind. If anything, he had been more concerned that his own nervous laughing was the cause of my spiraling. I quickly realize how much wasted time I spent, building up Zach into this god in my head. My god. In the end, he was human after all.
I feel Zach pull instances of himself from my memories in turn. It turns out he had many, many insecurities as well. Many moments where he needed validation or support. Many moments, even in recent memory, where I had never picked up on on his fear and self doubt. An offhand comment here. Some self-deprecation there. Of course, stupid me always there to respond by telling him to quit joking around. I felt the months of torment he felt in my coldness after my confession. He wasn’t making fun of me or being an ass, he wasn’t even patronizing (well, he wasn‘t trying to at least)- he thought he was losing a friend. The guy was just a bit oblivious. God I was so dumb. Of course, he blames himself for my eventual actions. Poor guy. Zach didn’t deserve any of this- he never did. “Thank you” he cries in new clarity.
In mental tears I begin to undo my connection to him. It’s not something he had the capacity to do himself- I made that a reality when I used my physical form as tribute. I know the price which must be paid, for my greatest sin, born from misunderstanding. There wouldn’t be much left for me- the price for the spell was my physical body after all. It didn’t matter. I made that choice for myself when I recited the spell. But Zach... he had no choice at all. He still had a chance at a life. A life well-lived with knowledge and confidence gained from my memory. It was the least I could give him.
I begin to drift away as I balance the cosmic scales. I detach the last of myself from Zach, ready to give him back his body, ready to return him to his life. It’s merely a reverse of the process from before, yet it all feels lighter somehow. I take it as a sign of karmic justice. Of course, I am scared. Who knows what awaits me? Maybe I can find another body to inhabit. Maybe one in a coma. Maybe i’ll be reincarnated. Maybe nothing. Maybe I’ll just vanish on the spot...
Zach doesn’t give me the chance to find out. I feel his astral hand holding on to mine. His face is sympathetic. Kind. Warm. Like it used to be. Like it always was. His body leans up to pull me into a warm embrace. I start crying in spirit. “You, you don’t have to do this-” 
“I know” he says. He pulls me tighter. “Roommates for life, remember?” Now he’s crying. “There’s no way to go back- we both know that, but you still got a life to live-we both do.” He smiles as he guides me to himself. I reattach to him. We weave our souls as one. “C’mon man, I told you I grew up sharing a room.” I am a complete mess of emotions at this point. Unworthiness, Love, Relief. I feel his mess too. Neither of us knew where to go from here, but we both knew we’d face it together.
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The experience was sobering, to say the least. We cried together that night. We cried at newfound realization. We cried at irreversibility of what I had done. Hell, we even cried at the extra rent that had to now be paid. I had no way of undoing what I did, and Zach wouldn’t let me go. In the end, we decide to just give it a go, a resolve to live as one person. “Zach 2.0,” as he jokingly put it. Dork.
“A happy accident,” is what Zach called the events of that night. He always was the optimist. Although, these days, I’m a bit of an optimist now too. I am Zach now too, after all. All things considered, we’ve done quite well together. Zach 2.0 was everything. We were smart, intuitive, confident, compassionate. We’ve made this body the healthiest it’s ever been. Hell, together we even graduated with honors, something neither of us could ever hope to do alone. Both our parents were real proud of that one- he told mine at my funeral that we had been together and we’ve been in close contact ever since. By no means were we the perfect man though. There was no perfect man. We’ve had our share of fights, struggles, times where one of us would take full control of this body we share, shut the other out.
Once in a blue moon, we both dream of what our lives could have ended up as, had I not done what I did or had he let me disappear that night. In retrospect, I really do think my life had a lot of things going for it. Hindsight is always 20/20, as he likes to say. I saw many an opening, so many areas for improvement that my younger self was blinded by in lust and perceived betrayal. There was so much life I could have lived, had I just not opened that stupid book. I don’t dwell on it too much though. We’re both quite happy sharing this body. I’m living in one body with my crush, whats not to like?
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The first few months were quite jarring. Our friends and family would see us happy and outgoing at one moment and then flip to quiet and reserved on a flip of the switch. Gratefully, they been patient with us, assuming it was the byproduct of a grieving boyfriend. The more years I grow with him, the more alike we have become. Sharing one body and living one life tends to do that. I’ve probably rubbed off on him a little too. He’s just a bit more analytical now, a bit more perceptive, and I’ve learned to let loose every once in a while. Altogether, we make a great team. We’ve even managed a slew of relationships along the way. Hell, he’s even gone out with some guys-no doubt a byproduct of my soul being a part of him. Of course, in the ultimate cruel twist of fate, they never last- he tells me “none ever match me”. Well of course they can’t. I’ve lived every moment with him, felt his every thought, lifted him when he was up, consoled him when he was down. Ironically, in a roundabout way, the spell did end up causing love, causing for him to fall for me- at the cost of us never being able to be a couple in the physical sense. Guess you really can’t have it all.
In the few years we spent together my love for him has only deepened. I know he feels the same way. We are one person, after all. All things considered, it’s not a bad setup. If love on the physical plane happens, it happens, and if it doesn’t- then we still always have each other. Regardless, I’m sure we’ll find someone out there for the both of us, someday-there’s that optimism again. Of course, we don’t pine for it. Our main focus has always been each other. Growing together. We’ve got a whole life yet to live. And he’ll have me with him every step of the way. And we can’t wait to face it all, together.
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Eh, it’s a bit underdeveloped but I’m not a novelist and I didn’t want to spread this out over parts. Going for something a little different with number 14- hope y’all like it!
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pascalscenarios · 3 years
SAFE HOUSE (Dave York)
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Bodyguard! Dave York x Reader
Warning: Mentions of Physical Violence/ Altercation, Blood, Death/murder 
Authors Note: I know the gif is of Zach but lets just pretend it’s Dave LOL ... It’s late I should be doing hw but I needed to write another chapter gahhhh - K
“Dave?” you stood in the doorway of the office space in the safe house. Dave was doing work on the desktop computer. You stood there drying your hair with a towel. You had just taken a shower
“Hmm?” he says not looking at you, his eyes glued to the screen as he types, dragging and clicking the mouse around. 
After breakfast early this morning, Dave went right to work trying to figure out who was after you. He had contacted your father and let you talk to him briefly. 
Dave had sent you away after that so he could talk to your father in private. As for you, you didn’t do much. You explored the different rooms of the house and napped and watched TV. 
You hated that you couldn’t be much help to Dave. Here you are lounging around while Dave does research and investigate. 
You knew he wasn’t going to stop until he found what he was looking for. “You’ve been in here all day”
He didn’t say anything. His focus on the screen, like tunnel vision. 
“I think you should call it a night” you fiddle with the towel in your hand
“I don’t have time for breaks” 
“Dave...You’re going to burn out...It’s starting to get late. I made dinner, come and eat”
“Sweetheart, I’m not going to burn out. I’ve worked long and late hours, days even. I’m fine”
Usually hearing him call you sweetheart, you’d be agitated, but hearing him say it made you feel oddly different this time. 
“I want you to be with me”
That makes him look up at you.
You begin to stutter “ Uh I-I mean like hang out with you...You know, eat dinner...be in each other's company. I know we’re still in the same house but I-” “You don’t wanna be alone” he cuts you off. 
You blush, slightly embarrassed that you need him around you know. The old you would do absolutely anything to be away from Dave. 
This was a bad idea. You gotta suck it up. You can be on your own, Stop being so needy and clingy! you told yourself. 
“Never mind, just forget it. There’s spaghetti on the stove when you’re ready to eat-”
“Wait” He shuts down the computer and gets up from the desk. Pushing the desk chair in. He makes his way over to you, standing in front of you. 
A smile appears on your face. Happy that he decided to call it a night. 
“Spaghetti huh?”
“Yeah, with meatballs”
“Thanks for making dinner. I haven’t had Spaghetti in a while” Dave says as he washes the last dish. You're standing beside him, drying off the dishes he washed.
“It’s the least I could do. You made breakfast for me this morning, so I made dinner” 
Dave hands you the dish. You take the rag, wiping the water off the ceramic. Dave takes the other dishes that you already dried off and placed them in a cabinet. You stand on your tippy-toes as you set the dish with the others. Dave shuts the cabinet closed right after. 
You’re both standing in the kitchen in silence. 
“Do you wanna watch a movie or something?” you asked “sure” 
The two of you made it to the living room. You grabbed the remote to the flatscreen Tv off the coffee table and plopped yourself down on one side of the couch. Dave sat on the other side of the couch. There was a huge space between the two of you. 
You turn on the TV and begin to flip through the channels. You gasped in excitement as you saw a cute little cartoon mouse and a cat wreaking havoc around a kitchen, making a mess as they ran around. 
Dave cringes his face as stays on this channel. He looks over to you giving you a judgemental look “Tom and Jerry? Really? What are you five? Change the channel” He says, leaning to grab the remote from your hands. You move the remote away from him.
“Hey! Stop the Tom and Jerry slander, you hater! I used to watch this all the time when I was little. My grandmother introduced it to me.”
“I’ve never seen it”
“What?! Oh, we’re so watching it! How have you never seen Tom and Jerry? God, your childhood must have sucked ass. Tom and Jerry are hilarious!” 
Dave groans, sinking himself into the sofa. He would rather watch something but if that's what you wanted. He’s gonna have to put up with it. 
The two of you sat there in silence. Here and there your giggle would ring out, laughing at something Tom or Jerry did. Dave liked the sound of your laughter and giggling. He found it slightly cute how something so cheesy could make you lose it. Clearly, your humor was broken. 
Tom and Jerry's relationship sorta reminded me of the two of you. Tom and Jerry had an odd relationship. They didn't get along, always going after each other, but there were moments where they found common ground. And although their relationship was rocky, they did care for each other, whether they like to admit it or not.  
Dave liked where you guys were at, surprisingly. It’s a terrible thing for you to go through what you did. Almost getting kidnapped and killed, but he felt like this ordeal has brought you guys closer. It’s brought you closer in ways both of you can't explain. Something was staring. Neither of you really know what it is yet. But as he told you, it was you and him, in this together. 
“Why are you so far away?” You say. 
“What do you mean?”
“You're on the opposite end of the couch...You can move closer you know. I don’t have cooties”
Dave doesn’t move. He wants to move closer, but he’s almost afraid too. His job is to protect you, keep you safe. Not get all snuggly and cozy. 
Dave sat with his right arm on the backside of the sofa, sitting with one leg crossed. You closed the space between the two of you by moving yourself into his right side. You lean your body, resting your head against his chest, your legs tucked under you. 
Without thinking, Dave moves his arms from behind the couch to your body. His hand slowly rubbing your arm.
It was soothing. Your eyes slowly start to feel heavy. 
He hasn’t realized you were doing it until a little while longer when you had fallen asleep.
Dave grabs the tv remote from your hands, shutting the tv off. He scoops your sleeping body into his arms and takes you upstairs into the master bedroom. He places you down on the bed, the move the covers around so he could get it I’ve your body. 
He whispers your name
“Hmm?” You mumble, slightly waking up 
“I’m going to bed. Wake me up if you need me”
“Okay” you whispered back “Goodnight” …
“Get up!” You heard a voice scream at you. You were dragged out of bed and onto the floor. You didn’t know what was happening, disoriented from being awoken abruptly. The person yelling at you wasn’t Dave. 
You looked up to see one of the masked men hovering above you. Your eyes widen. How did they find you? 
They gripped your arm, yanking you up to stand. This was the aggressive masked man. The one who threatened to put a bullet through your head. 
Your fight or flight began to surge through you. Without thinking, you being to fight your way free from his grasp. 
“DAVE!” You screamed 
“Knock it off!” With the gun in his hand, he hits you in the side of the head. You help out in pain, the force making you drop to the floor. Your hand reaches your head. You pull your hand away noticing the bloodstain your hand.
“Get up! Let's go!” The masked man pulls you up again, pulling you into him. He holds the barrel to your head as he leads you out of the room.
As you stand at the top of the stairs, you see Dave standing right below, pointing his gun towards the two of you. 
The masked man pushes the barrel to your temple
“Let them go!” Dave yells
“You have a two options here pal”
“I’m not playing your fucking game- let them go NOW!”
“Either you let them go with me or I kill you”
“Not happening”
“Shut up!” The guy yells in your ear making you flinch. You felt your tears fall. You hadn’t realized you were crying.
“The choice is yours”
Dave stands his ground. Not moving an inch. He grips his gun tightly.
“Alright guess we’re gonna have to kill you” 
Out of nowhere, you see the other masked man come up behind him.
But it was too late. Two shots rang out. Dave dropped to the floor. He didn’t move. Blood quickly seeped from his head onto the hardwood floor You began to sob, whimpering and calling out to him. You begged him to get up.
You hysterically cried as the man lead you down the stairs. You couldn't peel your eyes away from Dave. You felt so helpless. you couldn’t do anything to help him or save him. He’s dead because of you. 
The man shoved you down. You laid next to Dave. Your lip quivered as his lifeless eyes stared at your bloodshot eyes. The two men stood over you. 
“You’re next”
a pop rang out
You gasp, jolting awake. You frantically sit up in bed, your hands feeling over your body. You look beside you. Dave’s lifeless body wasn’t next to you. You weren’t at the bottom of the stairs like you thought you were. You were in your bed. It took you a minute to realize that it was only a dream. None of it was real. You were alive. You were safe.
You get out of bed, rushing over to your door. You quickly made it down the hall and open the door to Dave’s room. Cracking it open, you see Dave sleeping soundly. He was laying on his side, his body facing you. 
You sigh in relief knowing he was okay. You let yourself in, shutting the door. You made your way over to the bed. You pull back the covers and lay on your side facing him. 
He groggily says your name as he begins to stir awake
“Are you alright? Are you hurt?” his voice was deep and raspy from being asleep for a while. 
You didn't say anything. A tear slid down your face and you sniffled. His hand moves over to your cheek wiping your tears away. “What’s wrong? Talk to me” 
You sniffled again. “I had a nightmare...” He didn’t say anything. Letting you speak at your own time
“They came after us” Dave atomically knew who you were talking about. You didn't need to explain.
“They found us, Dave. They killed you in front of me. They killed me moments after...It felt so real” 
His hand moved down your arm and holds your hand. 
“You’re okay and I’m okay...It was only a dream. We’re safe”
His thumb rubs over the back of your hand, soothing you. 
“Shhh, It’s okay...try to get some sleep. I’m right here...I’m right here”
MT: @icanbeyourjedi @sara-alonso @greeneyedblondie44 @hb8301 @alberta-sunrise @spacenerdpascal @ryleyrooroo @reader-s-cantina @nikkixostan @mindidjarin​ @evyiione​
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andrewmoocow · 3 years
Steven Universe Alternate Future chapter 25: Homeworld Bound (originally posted on September 13, 2021)
AN: Here it is everyone, the beginning of the final part of Steven Universe Alternate Future. Before we proceed, I just want to thank all of you for sticking by my side since December of last year and for all the comments & reviews I've been given. It really means the world to me that I'm getting this much attention. But enough heartfelt thank yous, let's get on with the heartbreak.
Synopsis: Afraid that his out-of-control powers will hurt his friends, Steven sees the Diamonds for help.
Zach Callison as Steven
Sarah Stiles as Spinel
Aparna Nancherla as Lemon Jade
Patti LuPone as Yellow Diamond
Lisa Hannigan as Blue Diamond
Christine Ebersole as White Diamond
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst, Chert
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl, Volleyball, Aubergine Pearl
Kimberly Brooks as Jasper, Flint
Olivia Olson as Citrine
Christine Pedi as Holly Blue Agate
Hayley Kiyoko as Morganite
Charlyne Yi as Navy
Casey Lee Williams as Cat's Eye
Amy Sedaris as Blue Zircon
Ron Perlman as Steven's Inner Voice
The past few minutes have been some of the worst minutes of Steven's life. Not only did he accidentally take a life, but it was a life he was so sure he'd try to change in the past to little success. And now, the death of Jasper would weigh heavily on his shoulders as he dipped the shattered gem he was holding into the essence-infused bathwater.
"I'm sorry." Steven sobbed quietly while his tears dropped into the bathtub below him. Suddenly, as if the tears began reacting to the water, the Diamonds' essences began to glow at once and were absorbed into Jasper's gem, allowing the Gem warrior to regain her physical form and re-emerge in the bathtub.
"You-you shattered me." Jasper gasped while examining her broken horn and the breaks in her stripes before looking straight at Steven.
"I'm sorry, it was an accident!" Steven tried to apologize to Jasper. "I should've stopped, I just wasn't thinking!"
"No you weren't." a voice echoed in Steven's thoughts as Jasper stepped out of the bathtub and took a knee.
"I bow to your strength," Jasper declared while bowing her head in recognition of Steven's strength. "my Diamond."
"No!" Steven gasped in horror at what he's done.
"Ooh, this should be interesting." Steven's intrusive thoughts purred with intrigue at this new development.
"Are you in there Steven?" Pearl asked for Steven while knocking on the bathroom door.
"What's going on?" Amethyst added. "If you got any urges you want to let out, just don't gross Pearl out and make a mess of things."
"Amethyst, read the room." Garnet scolded the small Quartz. "Steven, please come out. We're sorry if you felt like we were intruding a few days ago, but you still need to talk to us somehow."
Just then, the three Gems heard footsteps as someone approached the other side of the door and hopefully cleared the way. But instead of Steven opening the door like they expected, it was instead Jasper.
"Wait, Jasper?!" Amethyst yelled in shock.
"What were you doing in there?" Pearl asked. "And where is Steven?!"
"Right here." Jasper answered, stepping aside to reveal a despairing Steven behind her as she gave the Diamond salute of old.
"Where have you been Steven?!" Amethyst asked Steven as he silently walked away and went up the stairs.
"You can't just disappear for three days and not tell us where you went!" Pearl cried out. "Words could not describe how absolutely scared we were for you! And now Jasper pops up out of nowhere and we're supposed to be okay with this?!"
"My Diamond can do as he pleases, peons." Jasper barked at the Crystal Gems. "He doesn't need you around anymore, just like how you don't need him around."
"Why are you calling him that?!" Amethyst yelled at Jasper before she began following Steven. "Steven!" she cried before shooting the bigger Gem a glare. "Just because we're sisters doesn't mean you're safe from the verbal thrashing I'm gonna give you soon."
"Like I care." Jasper rolled her eyes while the four Gems tailed Steven to the Warp Pad at the conservatory. "You've spent your lives following a liar yet when my Diamond refuses to reveal the truth, that's when you decide you need answers?"
As Steven was about to step on the Warp Pad, the Gems tried yet again to stop him. "Steven, wait!" Pearl yelled.
"You don't need to go." Garnet stated. When Steven decided to finally make a reply, he just sighed as he turned pink and began to form a barrier that separated him from the four Gems behind him.
"What the heck is going on!?" Amethyst screamed in shock before she, Garnet, and Pearl began banging on the shield.
"You guys, I know you want to help, but this is where it's gotta stop." Steven declared. "This whole time, I've been avoiding the only people in the universe that can help me now, so nobody follow me."
"I was right, he doesn't need you anymore!" Jasper laughed tauntingly before her pride soon turned to shock.
"You should stop following me too, Jasper." Steven said to the big Quartz, breaking her heart as she sorrowfully watched her Diamond abandon her yet again. "Go on and do something better with your life."
"Steven, before you go, please remember." Garnet urged Steven with a hand against the pink barrier. "We will always be your family."
"You never were." Steven growled as his shadow seemed to gain a mind of its own before he teleported away on the Warp Pad, the warp stream giving off a strange black aura before shutting off.
"Of course my Diamond doesn't want me anymore." Jasper bowed her head in shame and strolled off, but the Gems weren't done with her yet.
"Oh no you don't Jasper, you got some explaining to do!" Amethyst shouted while chasing after her Gem sister. "What were you doing in the bathroom, and what made you call Steven your Diamond?"
"Don't even bother asking me." Jasper sighed before she began to sing. "I tried teaching him a little tip, just three little words: get a grip. But thanks to him, I finally see, those words really do apply to me." As Jasper retreated into the bathroom, Amethyst and Pearl could barely hear her beginning to cry.
"Never seen her this emotional before." Garnet remarked. "And we've never heard her sing before either."
"I think we should just give her some space for a bit." Pearl suggested and realized what she just said. "Wow, that's the first time I've ever said that about Jasper, of all Gems."
"You think Steven meant what he said about us not being his family?" Amethyst asked as she sat down on the couch.
"I'm not sure." Garnet answered. "But there was something about him that I felt is taking control at the wrong moments, poisoning his mind even. Hopefully, he doesn't let this go out of control."
Far away from the galaxy Steven called home, the Warp Pad took him to the Gem Homeworld, and it was just as wildly different as he had seen it when he came here with the Off-Colors. Walking through the central city, he could see multiple Gems conversing while a propaganda video blared above him.
"Citizens of Homeworld, Black Rutile is still out there!" the familiar voice of Blue Zircon declared to her viewers while playing clips of Black Rutile's evil deeds, from her shattering of a Bismuth to her invasion of Earth. "Friends, lovers, even your own type could be a spy! I want you to report any and all suspicious activity to the nearest authority figure! Remember, Black Rutile will do anything to enslave our race, but my team and I are still working our hardest to find and stop her plans in their tracks!"
As soon as the clips stopped rolling, Blue Zircon herself appeared on screen with her arms folded and turned to the camera. "I'm Blue Zircon, and I approve this message."
The video ended with Blue Zircon striking a dramatic pose and Steven continued on his way, eventually reaching the Diamonds' throne room where a purple-colored Pearl was leading a tour group and a pair of Jaspers were having a conversation.
"I can't believe there are still Gems who think Zircon is a good candidate, even after her approval rating went down hard thanks to Black Rutile." One Jasper said about a poster of Yellow Zircon to her friend before gesturing to one of Blue Zircon. "Now Zircon, that's a face we can still trust!"
"As you can see, this truly was the center of the Great Diamond Authority's empire throughout the first and second eras." The aubergine Pearl stated to her tour group while gesturing to the Diamonds' massive thrones. "When walking through these storied halls, it can be easy to feel like you too are as mighty as a Diamond." As the Pearl began leading her group away, only three stayed behind. "Now then, if you'll follow me to the gift shop."
Steven recognized the three remaining Gems as Spinel, Volleyball, and that one green fusion from the Era 3 ball not too long ago, and they all were happy to see him. "Steven!" Spinel exclaimed with hearts in her eyes before leaping towards the boy and giving him a big, goofy kiss, accidentally setting the boy off.
"Spinel, what is wrong with you!?" Steven yelled angrily as he turned pink and pushed Spinel off of him.
"Oh, you know, the usual with me and my posse here." Spinel answered while gesturing to the other two Gems.
"How have you been since last we met Steven?" Volleyball asked.
"I've just been going through some things lately, especially after Black Rutile. I keep swelling up and turning pink." Steven answered. "Speaking of which, I've heard from Pearl you were forced to spy on us for her. Feeling alright?"
"I've been getting better." Volleyball wiped a tear from her cracked eye. "So what brings you here?"
"I need to see the Diamonds." Steven replied. "Can you take me to them?"
"No kidding!" Spinel exclaimed. "You've barely called or written to them, what gives?"
"He said he's been going through some things." The big green Gem said. "By the way, hi, Lemon Jade. Remember me from the ball when you and your human friend fused?"
"I'm sorry, but I barely remember." Steven admitted to Lemon Jade. "After Connie and I fused, the rest kinda went by so fast before we were thrown in the tower. And I think you were poofed too. Which reminds me, sorry for getting you in trouble."
"It's fine." Lemon Jade said. "Besides, ever since Era 3 began, we've been unbubbled and made a representative of all cross-Gem fusions on Homeworld. So it's been pretty good for me."
"And speaking of big changes." Spinel stated while turning to look at Citrine leading a chain gang of Holly Blue Agate, Morganite, Navy, and Cat's Eye into the throne room, all of them carrying mops.
"Okay you four, I want this floor sparkling by the time the next tour group comes in." Citrine commanded her four prisoners before turning to notice Steven. "Hey Steven, long time no see!"
"YOU!" Holly Blue yelled and tried to lunge towards Steven. "It's all because of you that I'm a criminal to my own kind! Once Black Rutile terminates you, she will set me free and I will finally be loved again!"
"Don't you mean set us free?" Morganite snarked at the Agate.
"Yeah, no need to make everything about you." Cat's Eye agreed with the pink Gem.
"You're one to talk." Navy rolled her eyes with a smirk.
"AAAAAHHHH SHADDUP!" Holly Blue shrieked to her fellow prisoners before Citrine jabbed her in the neck with a punch, causing her to fall over.
"Well, that just happened." Spinel said nervously as she wrapped her three friends with her arm and dragged them away. "So, if you're having issues with your physical form, I know just the Gem to help!"
Before long, Steven was dragged to a massive, yellow-colored workshop by Spinel, where Yellow Diamond was sitting down at a desk as big as she was as she reassembled a shattered Gem by plucking some of its pieces from a bubble containing an inactive Cluster Gem, as a nervous dull orange Gem watched.
"Just one last piece and you'll be good as new." Yellow muttered as she extracted one last piece from the bubble and placed it on a damaged gem, allowing the physical form of a bluish Gem to be restored, albeit with very stretched-out limbs. "Hm, needs a little work."
"Hey, it's okay Flint." The orange Gem comfortingly said to her frightened blue friend.
"Yellow, what are you doing?!" Steven cried out, startling the Diamond before she turned to see him.
"Oh Steven, you startled me!" Yellow said. "I was in the middle of reversing one of my experiments here." She demonstrated her work by picking up the Flint she just repaired and holding her in front of Steven and his three guides. "I couldn't put every piece back together, but here. Observe." With a tap on Flint's head, Yellow's lightning powers miraculously returned the smaller Gem's limbs to a more conventional length and she returned Flint to her friend.
"Look Chert, I'm back to normal!" Flint cheered as soon as she was returned to the desktop.
"Welcome back!" Chert replied and hugged Flint.
"After all the damage I've done these past couple thousand years, I believed the best way to use my powers for good was to fix the Gems I've shattered." Yellow explained to Steven. "Oh, that reminds me, I should make a note to patch up all the Gems making up the Cluster at some point! One more thing, if any of your Quartz friends back on Earth need their horns removed, just send them straight to me. I can permanently change their forms."
"Ooh, do me, do me!" Spinel excitedly ran up to Yellow and held out her arms to be altered while the Diamond reclined with her arm propping herself up
"Hey, I-" Steven tried to speak up, but Lemon Jade quickly cut him off.
"I know you want to speak, but I want to see what she does." Lemon Jade said before Yellow made Spinel's arms overly muscular with her powers.
"She can make my arms really big!" Spinel demonstrated with a flex of her temporary muscles, inciting a giggle from Volleyball. "And she can give me teeny little feetsies too!" Spinel tried to take a step with her incredibly small feet, only to fall over and make Volleyball laugh even louder while Steven got angrier at not being listened to.
"Won't any of you listen to me?!" Steven yelled in irritation.
"Oh sorry, I didn't notice you there Steven." Volleyball apologized.
"Then you have the floor." Yellow declared. "Penny for your thoughts, as Earth says?"
"I think something's wrong with my diamond powers." Steven explained his situation. "I've been turning pink whenever I get super mad, and I sometimes get real big, and I don't know what to do."
"Well, I believe I can help with that." Yellow suggested and held out a charged finger. "Hold still!" She then shrank Steven down to the size of a Ruby.
"No, I don't wanna be small!" Steven cried angrily.
"Okay, then I suppose you want to be larger!" Yellow reiterated before doing just that, angering Steven even more.
"I don't want to be smaller or larger," Steven roared while turning pink and creating a small crater beneath him with a stomp. "I WANT TO BE ME!" His roar sent everyone else in the room falling backwards before he was returned to his normal size by Yellow, who picked up Spinel to return her body to normal.
"What has gotten into you?!" Yellow asked in shock. "If anything's out of control, it's your temper!" She then took a quick moment to joke with Spinel. "Remind you of a certain someone?"
"Yeah, kinda." Spinel agreed with Yellow.
"Classic Yellow, so oblivious to the needs of others." Steven's intrusive thoughts butted in again while noticing the banter between the two Gems before him. "Exactly why your mother left them."
"Will you leave me alone already?!" Steven yelled, but to everyone else, it seemed like he was talking to himself.
"Is something else the matter?" Lemon Jade wondered.
"Sorry, I've also been having, well, it's harder to explain." Steven stated nervously.
"Well, you can be as big or as small as you want to, but your attitude tells me your issues aren't physical." Yellow deduced. "It has to be emotional. In fact, I think Blue Diamond might be better suited for this."
"Blue-Blue-Blue-Blue-Blue-BLUE!" Spinel cheered while zipping around Steven, Volleyball, and Lemon Jade in a circle.
In Blue Diamond's room, there wasn't much furniture to be found in the large glass dome other than many dark blue clouds that Gems were able to relax on, like Blue for instance.
"Your powers have been giving you dramatic mood swings?" the Diamond wondered soothingly. "That sounds awfully troubling Steven."
"You should've seen him with Yellow." Volleyball said. "She was trying to help, but he got really mad because he thinks she misunderstood what he said."
"But you don't seem that troubled yourself." Steven observed the room around him.
"That's because of Blue's new powers." Lemon Jade answered as she let herself sink into one of the clouds.
"Back before Pink came back into our lives through you Steven, I wanted everyone to feel the pain I had suffered." Blue explained. "But now, I realize that I'd rather bring joy to others."
"Oh please, blech!" Steven's inner self metaphorically rolled its eyes and made a gagging sound while Blue brought Steven closer.
"At that moment, my tears vaporized into these clouds, bringing pure joy to anyone they touch." Blue stated.
"They're certainly bringing me joy!" Volleyball moaned relaxedly as she curled up into a ball on one cloud. At that moment, another cloud brushed up against Steven and brought him the relief he was wanting for so long, if only for a few moments.
"She has ended lives all over for years, and only now she wants to actually be nice instead of looking nice?" the intrusive thoughts kept grumbling. "Though then again, there is no stopping you no matter how horrible the person."
"Trust us, just hang on and you'll be feeling the good vibes in no time!" Spinel eagerly advised Steven while saddling up on a cloud.
"I think you'd like it." Blue smiled before she began to sing. "Cold palace walls and empty, endless halls, haunted by echoes of laughter." While the song began, Steven began using his shields to push clouds away on the ground. "You gave a pull, and suddenly they're full. You've thrown the gates open after you."
Despite Steven's efforts, the clouds surrounded and formed underneath him, pushing the boy up into the sky as he smiled from its effects and was lifted into the air.
"And swept in with the throng, comes this wonderful song!" Blue continued singing as she rose through the clouds and looked up with her arms spread wide. "My little reason why, I'll never make you cry. Oh, I have got the sweetest things to tell you everyday." She then made little cloud hearts for Spinel to grab onto before beginning to swing from Blue's finger and hugging her head, while Steven's cloud floated on over to the pair, allowing Blue to hold it in her hand. "My little reason why, you make me want to try loving you."
Despite Blue's soothing number, Steven still felt sad despite all she tried to do and began turning pink again. "No no no, this isn't right!"
"My thoughts exactly." Steven's darker persona quipped. "Does she really think everything will be made better in an instant with some stupid song?"
Just then, Steven began to fall off his cloud and down towards the ground, but thankfully, someone was there to save him in the nick of time.
"Hang in there sunshine!" Spinel cried, grabbing Steven in her arms while using her legs like a propeller to fly him safely down to the ground.
"What's the matter?" Blue asked Steven as her cloud floated towards Steven and Spinel.
"Did the song not help?" Volleyball pondered while getting off her cloud.
"It thought it was very sweet." Lemon Jade added.
"I'm sorry, all of you." Steven apologized. "I know you all want to help, but you can't just magically make me feel better."
"Yes I can." Blue tried to be as reassuring as possible. "It's my new power. Plus, it's been kind of like your power for a long time now."
"I don't want to FEEL better!" Steven reiterated hotly while Spinel turned her hand into a pinwheel to blow on. "I want to BE better!"
"I found happiness," Blue stated. "If you think it's not something you deserve, then it must be a problem with your self-worth." Then, she got an idea. "In that case, maybe you should go visit White Diamond about it."
"Oh, White." Steven nervously repeated, not wanting to be reminded of one of his many near-death experiences.
"White Diamond, eh?" Steven's inner darkness once again butted in. "The Gem who basically got off scot-free for nearly killing you. I must say, did you ever instantly forgive her for all she's done like all the others?"
"No, none of them were instantly forgiven! Now leave me alone!" Steven shrieked back, leaving the four Gems confused at what's going on.
"Is he supposed to be talking to someone?" Blue wondered.
"This happened when we were with Yellow too." Spinel answered. "Either he's got an imaginary friend he really hates, or something worse."
Finally, there was White Diamond, whom Steven found meditating in her quarters when she opened her eyes to find him standing in front of her with Spinel, Volleyball, and Lemon Jade alongside him, and she was delighted to see him again. "Good to see you again Steven, and perfect timing too!" White greeted the son of Pink while standing up straight. "I've just gotten back from my most recent charitable escapades where I gave a voice to the little Gems, got the assistance of other species in repopulating our old colonies, and helped in weeding out Black Rutile's allies."
"Giving a voice?" Steven pondered what the eldest Diamond said.
"She basically lets Gems take control of her now, instead of the other way around!" Spinel explained for White.
"So like, the opposite of what you did to Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Volleyball?" Steven continued asking.
"I think something along those lines." Volleyball concurred.
"Well, why don't I show you?" White suggested before turning to Spinel. "Care to help me demonstrate, Spinel?"
Spinel let out a loud, excited squeal at the prospect of helping White show off for Steven, causing Volleyball to blush and laugh before the stretchy Gem calmed down. "Yes please." Spinel sweetly complied.
The two Gems then shut their eyes while the room began flashing various colors. Steven had no time to comprehend what was happening before White opened her eyes, revealing that her colors had now become just like Spinel's, and she had the playmate's voice too. "GUESS WHO?!"
"Agh, what is this?!" Steven yelped at how unsettling he found Spinel taking over White's body.
"Isn't it great?!" White and Spinel exclaimed in perfect sync. "Instead of taking control of other Gems, we can control her by channeling our thoughts into her body! As a matter of fact, watch this!" The two then launched into a crazy song and dance that began to shake the whole room, annoying and terrifying Steven even more.
"Even I have to admit, this is pretty terrifying." Steven's darker voice remarked in shock at what Steven was seeing.
"You don't like it?" Spinel asked Steven, taking note of his unnerved expression.
"You seem a little creeped out." Volleyball added.
"I-it's fine." Steven muttered before Spinel relinquished her control over White Diamond, allowing the Diamond to regain control of her body.
"Oh, what fun." White said. "Thank you for your time, Spinel. Now, why don't you and your friends leave the room for a moment while I have a word with Steven?"
"Okay then. See you later Steven." Lemon Jade said as she, Spinel, and Volleyball left White's quarters.
"Don't take too long you two." Spinel poked her head back in for a moment before the doors closed on her, while White turned her gaze to Steven.
"Now, what seems to be the problem exactly?" White asked the boy.
"Ever since Spinel first came to Earth, I feel like I've been getting way too powerful for my own good." Steven explained depressingly. "Random new abilities keep coming out of the blue and making a mess of things for me, and it's, it's making me scared."
"Oh Steven, I'm sure many humans of your age would dream to have your abilities, yet it only worries you." White lent a sympathetic ear. "Do tell me more."
"I'm scared that I'm gonna hurt people, though I guess I already have." Steven continued with his plight. "I keep pushing everyone away from me no matter how much they want to help, and I even," He let out a big sniff as he struggled to reveal a recent development to White. "I even shattered a Gem after going mad with power."
"Wait, shattered a Gem?! Seriously?!" White gasped in shock at how Steven of all people could do such a thing. "Which one was it?"
"You remember Jasper, right?" Steven asked.
"Barely, I've only seen her once recently, at the fountain." White answered. "She had her gem on her nose, right?"
"Yeah, I thought she would be a good mentor to help me get a handle on myself, but things only got worse." Steven replied. "After Black Rutile kept on lying to me about how I'll drive Jasper away like I did with everyone else, or something even worse, she kept feeding us more lies to turn us against each other, and then, and then." Steven couldn't compose himself any longer and was about to burst into a crying fit, but a gentle pat on the head from White's massive finger kept him sane for just a little longer.
"Half a Diamond, half an organic." White mused while sitting down and getting closer to Steven. "In all the universe, I don't think anyone else could know what you're going through, except yourself of course." She gave Steven a little poke. "Would you like to take me for a spin?"
"Okay." Steven began to wipe his eyes in agreement.
"Yes, this is what we need!" Steven's evil half declared excitedly. "Perhaps we could give this hag her just desserts."
With another shut of her eyes, White's room began flashing colors again while Steven began to felt himself getting linked to the massive Diamond before she began to turn various shades of pink, symbolizing that Steven was now in control.
"Whoa, this is so weird!" Steven and White exclaimed as they got a grasp on their shared mindset. "I'm, I'm," His excitement soon turned to shock as Steven began to realize what he had become. "I'm a Diamond."
"That's right." Steven's inner voice declared menacingly, symbolized through White's eyes becoming a pitch black. "The very thing you feared for so long. Isn't this what you wanted to see?"
"No, this is the last thing I ever wanted to see!" Steven yelled as he took back control of White. "Why won't you just go away?!" White smashed a pillar behind her with her fist, and the resulting debris nearly crushed Steven. "Don't hurt me!" Steven exclaimed in fear, when he made a haunting discovery. "Wait, she can't hurt me. I'm controlling her."
"Exactly, why are you so afraid?" the darker side of Steven asked as he took back control of White. "She should be afraid of us!"
Suddenly, Steven and White switched heights while the room turned dark and a booming, evil laugh could be heard. Thanks to being under Steven's control, White began cowering in terror.
"Wh-what's going on!?" White yelled in Steven's voice and tried to run, but she was quickly stopped by invisible chains latching onto her wrists and ankles as Steven lifted her up like a puppet.
"You treated your race like puppets for so long, it's time you see how they feel." Steven announced in a deep voice completely unlike his own. "So, what's it like being a mere plaything to the brat you've bullied for ages now?"
"No, stop, I don't like this!" White exclaimed while she was forcibly steered towards another pillar.
"TOO BAD!" the dark side of Steven cackled evilly while forcing the Diamond to grab onto the pillar and hold her head back.
"Let me go please, you're scaring me!" White screamed.
"This is for everything you put me through, and everyone else too!" Steven bellowed as he prepared to smash White's gemstone against the pillar, but there was something in him that held him back.
"Well, what are you waiting for?!" the evil voice within Steven commanded. "END HER MADNESS, END YOUR SUFFERING! DO IT!"
"Neither of you can control me!" the better man within Steven argued against shattering White once and for all. "Just stop this, I'm begging you!"
"Ignorant baby. Your pacifism will be the end of you!" the evil half snarled. "Fine, if no one else does what you want, you have to do it yourself!" Steven's inner voice took full control over Steven once again and prepared to kill White Diamond, letting out a haunting evil laugh as she was about to shatter herself by smashing her gem against the pillar. Unfortunately for him, the link between Steven and White was broken in the nick of time and the two woke back up in her destroyed sanctum.
"Steven, what happened?" White gasped in horror at what Steven seemingly threatened against her. "Who was that voice? And did you just try to-"
"I-I don't know!" Steven gasped just as terrified before swelling up and turning pink, causing him to run out of the room.
"Wait!" White cried out with an outstretched hand. "Please come back!"
As the larger, pinker Steven charged away from White Diamond's room, he happened to pass by the other two Diamonds and Spinel & her friends, who were aghast at his current state.
"Is this what he wanted to talk to me about?" Yellow asked Blue.
"I don't think humans can get tall so quickly." Blue commented while Spinel began to give chase, her legs turning into a figure 8 as she ran behind Steven.
"Yo Steven, did White help you?!" Spinel cried out for her half-human friend, causing him to stop and turn to her, giving Spinel a good idea of what happened by his current appearance alone. "Whoa, not cool, right?"
"Wait a second!" Steven realized as he returned to his normal self before shaking Spinel by the shoulders. "You and your friends were hurt by the Diamonds, how are you so calm?!"
"Oh yeah, they hurt us alright, but it's all pretty good." Spinel chuckled.
"How good exactly?" Steven asked.
"Well, it's all good thanks to Steven Universe!" Spinel beamed and she began to sing a familiar song. "That IIII-III-III, I can make a change!"
"Insipid hypocritical brat!" Steven's inner voice bellowed furiously. "Does she think she can make you feel all better with that same idiotic tune?" The inner voice's question immediately changed Steven's perspective of Spinel. Gone was the looney sweetheart, and right before him, Steven began to imagine the psychopath that poofed all his friends and nearly killed all organic life. "She's just like everybody else you've met! They think everything is okay despite all the horrible things they've done, and you just accept it! Go right on ahead, show her how she made you feel!"
"I can make a promise, I can make a plan!" Spinel kept on singing while Steven continued glaring at her for giving him his own advice. "I can make a difference, I can take a stand! I can make an effort, if I only understaa-aaand!" Once again, Steven's darker half began to take control, making Steven curl his hand up into a fist. "That III-III-I, I can make a-"
Spinel's musical reverie was quickly cut short when Steven punched her square in the face and sent her head flying back for a moment before it returned to the rest of her body in tears. "W-why did you do that?" Spinel sniffled and then began to sob loudly.
"No, it wasn't my fault!" Steven tried to defend himself and began blaming the real culprit "You!" he yelled at his inner voice. "Why did you make me hurt her?!"
"Isn't that what you wanted, to get the payback you wanted?" the voice replied with a metaphorical sneer just as Volleyball raced towards the crying Spinel.
"Oh my goodness, are you alright Spinel?!" the Pearl with the damaged eye asked Spinel.
"Steven hit me!" Spinel kept on sobbing as she pointed at Steven while the Diamonds and Lemon Jade joined Volleyball in comforting her.
"Steven did what!?" Yellow shrieked and glared right at Steven, who turned pink yet again as he ran away. "Steven, you get back here this instant and explain yourself! She just wanted to make you feel better!"
"All of you shut up and leave me alone!" Steven screamed while racing out of the palace, unknowingly leaving behind a sandal on the steps as he left.
"Oh crack, this is Pink all over again." White groaned before she, her fellow Diamonds and Spinel's gang followed Steven out of the palace just as he was about to get on a Warp Pad, where they noticed how eerily similar to the late Diamond he has quickly become.
"Please Steven, let us help you!" Yellow cried out.
"We're your family!" Blue added.
"No, you never were!" Steven cried in a raspier voice. "Just stop following me!"
"Steven!" White exclaimed, but they were too late. The former great authority's pleas fell on deaf ears and Steven finally left Homeworld behind, the warp stream once again revealing a formless black shape before disappearing. "Oh, dear."
"What's going on with him?" Lemon Jade nervously asked.
"I have no idea." Volleyball answered as the doors closed behind them.
"Yeah, it's like he's turned into a different person," Spinel added while drying her tears. "and an absolute jerk too."
"This isn't like Steven to hit someone like this." Yellow said while cradling Spinel in her hand. "Something is definitely wrong."
"I concur Yellow." White agreed with the younger Diamond. "When I allowed Steven to take over my body, I felt a strange presence within him that urged him to try and shatter me."
"What?!" Yellow and Blue shouted in unison.
"This has got to be a result of human growth, I'm sure of it!" Blue paced around the halls. "What is it his father called it again, pub-erty?"
"Something along those lines." White said. "While I've been told young humans undergoing this process do have mood swings, I don't think violent urges are among those moods."
Meanwhile on Earth, Jasper had returned to lying in the bathtub where she was resurrected, and she was now crying her eyes out after being rejected by Steven. Losing her Diamond in battle was bad enough for her, and learning she was Rose Quartz all along thus making everything she worked for all a lie was even worse, but getting her back only to be abandoned once again was the final straw.
"Why does this planet hate me so?" Jasper quietly sobbed to herself. "I was only following orders, what does the rock I was created on have against me?"
Just then, Jasper could barely hear a Warp Pad go off, signaling that someone had come to the beach house. However, she chose not to bother seeing who it was, even as someone opened the door.
"Hello, anyone in here?" Steven, the boy who had basically ruined Jasper's life, asked while poking his head into the bathroom. It was dark in the room, so he could barely make out the shape of Jasper's hair lying in the tub, and he closed the door again.
I apologize in advance for all the heartbreak in this chapter and all chapters going forward. We're gonna get into some intense stuff here, perhaps even more intense than the gaslighting and pet loss of the previous part. And you're all still here for it, you lovable sadists. Anywho, join us next time for Everything's Fine! Oh wait, everything won't be fine.
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13-reasons-ideas · 3 years
Can’t Go Back Part 18
A/N: This chapter got away from me a bit. It’s over 6 thousand words so tuck in guys. I hope you like it. And as I’ve said before, any time a character gets sick in this, it’s nothing more than a flu or common bug. Given this is a Before chapter, COVID didn't exist, but just given the situation currently. I feel like it is important to say that. Just a note on temperature. According to Google 52 degrees F is roughly 11 degrees C. 45 degrees F is roughly 6 degrees C. For my fellow non-USians. Feedback is appreciated as always and much love. -Em
Winter formal was upon us. It was only one day out now. Jeff was still on me about going, like he had been for weeks. I still had no intention of going. And as luck would have it, I had just run into the perfect excuse not to go. I woke up Friday morning to my stomach cramping and churning. Oh god this is awful. I feel like I got hit by a truck. Before I even had time to wake up wake up, I rolled over and grabbed my trashcan. My body shook as I coughed. Sitting up, I flung my legs over the side of my bed. My mom knocked on the door. “Addison? Are you alright honey?”
“Yeah Mom. I’m okay. Just not feeling very well.” She opened the door and peeked inside.
“Let me check your temperature.”
“Can I brush my teeth first?” Mum looked around the room cautiously.
“Of course. I’ll be downstairs. Come down whenever you’re ready.” I nodded and held my stomach.
I went downstairs once my teeth were cleaned and I had rinsed my mouth several times. Mum and dad were in the kitchen. I groaned. The smell of coffee brewing was making me queasy. “I already called the school. You’re staying home today.” Mum said, coming to fawn over me. I waved her off.
“Okay. I’ll call Justin and tell him he needs to get himself to school.” I grabbed a pack of saltines and a Gatorade to take upstairs.
“Feel better.” Dad called after me. I heard him say to mum that it probably wasn’t really that bad. “She should still go to school.” Mum didn’t answer. I changed into a different pair of pyjamas and crawled into bed. My crackers and juice were set neatly on the nightstand by my bed. I grabbed the book I was reading last night. As a last-minute decision, I grabbed my trash can and pulled it closer to the bed.
I called Justin after I got comfortable. “Hello?”
“Morning Justy.”
“Morning Addy.”
“I’m sick.”
“Yeah. You’ll need to find your own way to school today.”
“I can do that. Are you sure you’re sick? Or are you just trying to get out of going to Formal?”
“I have crackers and Gatorade. I wasn’t even out of bed yet.”
“Oh.” He exclaimed. “Um. Yeah. You stay in bed. And remember to drink water. And dry toast.”
“I will. Can you grab my homework? And tell Jeff Atkins that I’m sorry I won’t get to enjoy the magic of Winter Formal tomorrow.”
“Sure thing. Feel better.”
“Mhmm. Love you.”
“Love you too.” I rolled over in bed and tried to get a little more sleep. It was a useless venture. I spent half an hour tossing and turning. I couldn’t get comfortable. It was too hot with the blankets on. It was too cold with them off. One leg out didn’t feel much better. My head was starting to hurt. My stomach was doing flips and cramping. Frustrated, I threw the covers off and went to the bathroom. The bottle of Tylenol was shoved in the back of the medicine cabinet. I took two of the foil packets and went back to bed.
Briefly, my mind went there. I had a flash of another kind of foil packet. And a flash of a calendar. My eyes widened slightly before I counted. Then I remembered that we hadn’t not used a condom, ever. I had an IUD. We were protected either way for…. I couldn’t think the word. We also hadn’t had sex in a month. And I had gotten my period between then and now. I sighed in relief. That thought did make me realize I hadn’t texted Monty yet. I took my phone again and saw that he had texted me about fifteen minutes ago.  
Morning Addison. I swiped left and his message opened.
Morning Montgomery.
You’re up late this morning.
I’ve actually been up.
Oh? Everything okay?
Yes and no.
I’m kind of sick. But it’s nothing to worry about.
You sure?
Yeah. I’m alright. Just need to eat my crackers, drink my juice, and sleep. On the plus side, I can get out of going to the dance without lying to Jeff Atkins.
I can come by tonight if you want.
I’ll think about it.
Okay. A few minutes later he sent me another text. Why do you call him Jeff Atkins and not just Jeff?
I dunno. He calls me Addison Hawthorne. No one else does it. It’s kind of just a thing we do.
Can I call you by your full name?
Not even occasionally?
Is your name Jeff Atkins?
Then there is your answer.
Fine, fine. Feel better, okay?
I’ll try.
I’ll text you later baby.
Mmkay. The Tylenol I took was starting to kick in and my eyelids were getting heavy. Before I could drop it, I put my phone on the nightstand. I woke up again around noon. My stomach was feeling a little better, so I sat up and ate a few crackers slowly. The medicine had worn off by now. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my missed notifications for a bit. Nothing too interesting had happened. I sighed heavily and tossed my phone to the side of my bed.
My book was more interesting than I expected it to be, and soon enough I was almost done. The tri-tone buzz of my phone distracted me. I rested the book in my lap and grumbled to myself. “Who’s texting me now?” It was Jeff Atkins.
Hey Addison Hawthore. Justin tells me you’re sick. I hope you aren’t trying to just avoid the dance.
Jeff Atkins. I would NEVER. I am definitely sick. Doesn’t seem like anything major though. Probably be at school Monday. I trust you will give me a very thorough report on all things Clay Jensen and Hannah Baker?
Glad to hear. Leah says feel better by the way. I’ll find you.
Tell her thank you. Now. I don’t want to be rude, but I’m almost done my book.
See you Monday Addison. I didn’t answer him. I texted Monty instead.
Don’t worry about coming over tonight. I should be fine by Sunday. I’ll see you Monday.
Sounds good.
The rest of the day I lounged in bed. My mum came in to check on me when she got home. Saturday was much of the same as Friday. I stayed in bed. I read another book. I slept. My illness was doing better. Not well enough to go to the dance, but I could handle toast which was a good sign. Justin called me while he was getting ready at Bryce’s.
“Hey Justin, what’s up?”
“Getting ready with Bryce and the guys.” I could hear the boys roughhousing in the background and Justin’s voice seemed far away. He must have had me on speaker.
“Hi boys.”
“Hey.” They called back.
“You stuck me with him tonight.”
“I’m sick Bryce. I would not be very much fun or help at the dance tonight.”
“You say you’re sick.” Bryce kidded back. He must be in a good mood.
“Would you like me to describe to you in detail what I spent my day doing yesterday?”
“Not really.”
“Didn’t think so. Now boys.”
“Yeah Addy?” Justin asked.
“I need all of your attention.”
“We’re listening.” Zach laughed.
“Oh no. Is she going to give us the lecture?”
“What lecture?” Anders asked.
“Yes. She is.” I said. “Please try to keep the shenanigans to a minimum.”
“But they’re fun.” Justin complained.
“So is not getting arrested. Do not add to the population. Remember that is often a permanent commitment.  However, I do support the right to choose. Do not fight anyone tonight. And please, for the love of God, if you are going to drink, do not spike the punch bowl. Do not be that guy. And don’t be messy drunk. I want to hear no stories about messy drunk athletes come Monday. And another thing, do not drink and drive. If you need a ride, my mum is perfectly happy to go get you and take you home.”
“She took the fun out of a dance in two minutes.” Someone grumbled.
“That was not me taking the fun out. I’m more than okay with some shenanigans. I encourage some. Please have fun for me. I just don’t want you getting anyone pregnant. You’re all old enough to go to the drugstore or the corner store and buy yourselves some damn condoms. If I can go do it, so can you. As for the drinking and driving thing, a DUI is bad. Especially when you’re underage. My mum likes Justin. So she will gladly give someone a ride if they need.”
“Wait. Wait, wait, wait. Back up. You have condoms?” Bryce asked.
“I’m not the Virgin Mary.”
“Who could you possibly be having sex with?”
“None of your business. And I swear Bryce if you say Justin.” I laughed. I may have said too much.
“You’ll what?”
“She won’t anything. I will.” Justin laughed.
“Oh! One more thing. Don’t screw up Clay’s night.”
“Fine. We won’t. Gotta go, bye.” Bryce said. I could hear him grumbling before Justin hung up. “Wonder how far she’ll go with Jensen, hey Justy?” I rolled my eyes. How can he go from fun and not horrible to a disgusting pig in thirty seconds flat?
By Monday, I was back to feeling like myself. I grabbed a soft cream sweater from my closet and paired it with a floral skirt. A worn in pair of black combat boots and silver studs rounded out the look. I left my hair down to let it air dry without a weird kink in it. Bounding down the stairs, I smiled brightly at my parents. “Morning mum. Morning dad.”
“Morning sweetie.” My mum laughed brightly. My dad looked at me strangely.
“You’re awfully happy this morning.” My smile faltered slightly.
“Well, I’m not physically sick today. I think that warrants being happy. And it’s the last few days before winter break.” There was a voice in the back of my head I tried to ignore. I was happy. I plastered on a smile and grabbed a packet of oatmeal. Silently, I warmed my milk and stirred my breakfast. My parents were going over their schedules for the day. It was just about grade deadline for mum, so she had a stack of tests and papers in her office. Dad was already prepping for tax season in a couple of months. The office at work was stacked too, I’m sure.
“I’m going to take this to school.” I mumbled.
At school, I grabbed my cup of oatmeal to eat before class. “Peaches and cream. Interesting.”
“Jesus.” I gasped. “Morning Monty.”
“Morning Addy.” I began walking to my locker. He fell into step beside me.
“Did you need something?” I was sure people were watching us.
“No. Just wanted to say hi.”
“Okay? You know we are at school, right?”
“Yes. We have chemistry together. Is it really so bad to walk to your locker together?”
“I don’t know Monty.”
“For all anyone knows, I’m looking for Bryce. Who will probably be with Justin. Who will be at your locker.”
“I guess.” I sighed. I handed him my cup of oatmeal. “If you’re going to follow me to my locker, hold this while I get my spoon.” Pulling my bag around me, I took the spoon from the front pocket. Monty handed back my breakfast for me to eat while we walked.
“Peaches and cream oatmeal.” He muttered.
“Nothing. Just making a mental note.” He smirked. I could see the smile behind his eyes though.
“It was on sale. It was this or plain and plain oatmeal is….”
We made it to my locker, where it just so happened that Justin was waiting for me. With my least favorite white boy in tow. “Hey Justin. Walker.”
“Addy.” Bryce nodded.
“Feeling better?”
“Much. What did I miss Friday?”
“Not a whole lot.” Justin shrugged.
“A better question would be what did we miss?” Bryce asked, looking between Monty and I.
“I was on my way in when I saw her pull in. Figured I’d stop and tell her about what she missed in chem.”
“Which apparently wasn’t much.” I shrugged, scraping the last of my breakfast up. “I need to go to class. I expect a full report on what I missed at the dance at lunch.”
“Jeff will give you one. Don’t worry.” Justin laughed. “You’re awfully invested in Clay and Hannah.”
“I could have been invested in you and Hannah. But….” I looked at Bryce briefly. “Here we are.”
“I don’t think she put out for him, if that’s what you’re wondering.” Monty added.
“Don’t think he would even know how.” Bryce laughed.
“And I’m leaving. Be nice boys.”
My classes were abuzz with talk of the Winter Formal. Mostly talking about what so and so wore, or who such and such was dancing with, or that one song Tony played that went like this or that. Clearly, I hadn’t missed much. Apparently, Jessica had had one or four too many nips off Bryce’s flask. I rolled my eyes internally. I mean, at least the boys weren’t messy. By the time lunch came, I was excited to hear about anything that wasn’t the dance. I knew, of course, that wouldn’t be the case. But still.
Sliding into my usual seat next to Justin, I placed my head on the table. “What’s eating you?” Scott asked.
“Nothing. I’m just bored of hearing about the dance.”
“It wasn’t that bad. And you haven’t heard Jeff’s retelling of Clay Jensen and Hannah Baker’s dance.”
“I want to hear about that. And then nothing else.” He nodded in understanding.
“Seriously though, are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah. Just had a long weekend is all. Guess it knocked more out of me than I thought.” I heard him hum. Jeff laughed jovially as he sat down. How can one man be so damn happy all the time?
“You missed quite the dance on Saturday, Addison.”
“It seems that way. Though, anything would be better than what I spent the weekend doing.”
“Fair. You’re feeling better?”
“Yeah. Just tired now.”
“I bet. Now. About the dance. More specifically, Clay and Hannah at the dance.”
“Yes. And then no more dance talk please.”
“Okay. So, Clay was being a wallflower.”
“As usual.”
“Yes. But he was sitting on the bleachers across the gym from Hannah. And he waved and nodded at her. When I told him to go, he was all ‘I can’t dance’ and so I was like ‘no one can dance. It’s a dance.’”
“Of course. No one likes the ones who can dance.”
“That’s what I said! He was awkward as hell and then they were cute. Danced around like idiots. Had the best time. Leah thought it was fantastic. I was waiting for the slow song that was coming. Or I hoped it was. And then it did. They were awkward again.”
“Right.” I adjusted my position and leaned in to listen to him better.
“Hey gu-.” Justin said, sitting down.
“Shh.” Charlie cut him off. “Jeff is telling a story.”
“They almost kissed.”
“But then Jess….”
“Ah, this part of the story I know. She was messy. And Hannah cleaned it up.”
“Yes. But that was the dance. Good time.”
“I’m sorry I missed it.” The boys around me spent the rest of lunch having their own conversations. Or giving me their own rundown of the dance. I tuned most of that out. It was hard to pretend not to notice the small glances Monty was sending my way. I sent a few his way too.
Christmas break, finals, and January flew by. Before any of us knew it, it was February. Valentine’s Day was fast approaching. Which, if you didn’t know from looking at the calendar, you certainly knew by the annual Oh My Dollar Valentines posters. There were little heart shaped boxes of chocolate at all the stores in town. The price of roses soared exponentially. I rolled my eyes as I passed one the first day of February. Justin tried to get me to buy one that day.
“No. I’m not interested in paying for cheer camp.”
“You’re always on my ass about school spirit.”
“Yeah. Because like it or not, you and your friends run this school. School spirit is not paying for the wonderful cause of sending the squad to cheer camp.”
“Fine.” He grinned mischievously at me. I watched him reach into his pocket as we passed one of the many tables lining the halls. “Two Dollar Valentines please.” My eyes widened.
“Justin. No.”
“Oh but it’ll be fun.” He laughed.
“I don’t care.” I couldn’t help but smile. He held it out to me, but I shook my head. “No way.”
“Suit yourself. I know you well enough to fill it out for you anyways.” Justin grinned and stuck his tongue out at me. You little shit. I reached out to grab the paper from him. I was going to return it. He held it above his head. I tried to grab it again and he waved his arm around.
“Give it to me.” I laughed.
“Nope. Get taller and maybe I’ll consider it.”
“I can’t do that.”
“Well then I guess you won’t be getting the survey.” I huffed at him. He lowered his arms and I tried to take it again. He pushed my hand away and took off running. “It’ll be an exciting surprise.” Justin yelled as he ran.
“Justin Foley!” I yelled back. I love that boy. But sometimes I just want to…. Oh. What am I going to tell Monty?I sighed and turned around, intending to cut Justin off at his first class and steal the stupid survey from him. When I turned however, I collided with someone.
“We should really stop running into each other like this. People might think we are together or something.” Monty said.
“Or they’ll think you have a thing for me. Since you seem to be the one who always approaches me.”
“That is definitely a possibility.” He handed me my keys. “Might need these later. Wouldn’t want someone finding them and trying to use them.” He started to walk away backwards. I followed after him.
“I highly doubt someone would try to steal an ’09 Camry.”
“Never know.”
“Besides. It’s Evergreen County. Nothing ever happens here.”
“True. I’ll see you at lunch?”
“Yeah. I need to have some words with Justin Foley.”
“Uh oh. Trouble in paradise?”
“Maybe.” I rose a brow. Monty gave me a funny look. “I’ll explain later.”
At lunch I stopped Justin in the hall on the way to the cafeteria. Pulling him into an empty classroom, I locked the door. “I need that survey back Justin.”
“Because I have no interest in going on a valentines date with someone. You know I hate Valentine’s Day.”
“It could be fun.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“Well, you have thirteen days to change your mind.”
“What do you mean?”
“I submitted it on the way to second period.” I blinked at him. Did he just say…?
“You what?”
“I submitted it already. You’ll be receiving a list of ‘promising matches’ on Valentine’s Day.” Oh no. Throwing my head back, I sighed very heavily.
“I hate you.” I groaned.
“I love you too Addy.” Justin brushed past me to leave. “I’ll save you a seat?”
“Nope. That’s okay. I need a break from the testosterone today.”
“Okay.” As soon as he was gone, I texted Monty.
Hey. I need to talk to you. Can you meet me in the library?
Yeah. Bring a book?
Please. My locker was on the way, so I grabbed my books for the rest of the day.
There was a table free in the back of the room. I snagged it so Montgomery and I could have some privacy. He found me a little while later. I was pretending to be taking notes. In actuality, I was doodling and trying not to think about his reaction to Justin’s little stunt. Or reactions. “What’s going on?” He asked as he sat down.
“Hi to you too.”
“Sorry. Hi. What’s going on?”
“So don’t freak out.”
“Don’t start with don’t freak out and I won’t freak out.”
“Justin uh,” I paused.
“Justin? What?”
“Justin filled out and submitted a Dollar Valentine for me.” I quickly added, “I didn’t ask him to. He just bought it and did it. I was going to get it back from him at lunch, but he submitted it on his way to second.” I looked up. Monty was staring at me. And he was… what is he doing? And then his lip twitched. He was trying not to laugh. “What?”
“That’s what this is about? That is what was so urgent?”
“The fact that Justin Foley filled out a Dollar Valentine for you?”
“Yes?” I was extremely confused.
“Addison. I really don’t care if he filled out a stupid survey for you. Are you going to go on the date?”
“Of course not!”
“Then I don’t give a shit.”
“You’re sure?”
“That’s good.” I was still a little hesitant to say anything. “Oh. I should probably mention. I hate Valentine’s Day.”
“Really?” He frowned in confusion.
“Yes. Is that really so hard to believe?”
“Honestly? Yes.”
“You’re a romantic.”
“I know. Which is why I hate Valentine’s Day. It’s the least romantic holiday. If you want to do something nice for me, or get me flowers, show me that you like me, do it on a random day. Not when you have to because it’s a Hallmark holiday.” I was careful not to say the word love. It may have been five months, which is a long time in high school, but we weren’t there yet.
“So, you’re a romantic who hates Valentine’s Day. Okay. Coffee date though?”
“Sure. But not because of what day it is.”
“No. Of course not.” Monty winked at me and then got up to leave. “Come find me after school.” I nodded.
“I’m going to stay here and make Justin sweat a little.”
The next couple of weeks passed slowly. I had forgiven Justin for filling out a Valentine for me a couple of days after he submitted it. After school on the thirteenth, I ran to Walplex to get ingredients for macarons. I browsed the aisles in search of almond flour and raspberry flavouring. Before I left the lot, I texted Monty. Turns out you’re worth it after all. He was busy with practice. I didn’t expect an answer any time soon.
At home, I unloaded my ingredients and put the carton of egg whites in a bowl of lukewarm water to come to room temperature without overheating them. “Hey Siri. Play State Champs on Spotify.”
“Playing State Champs.” I sang along quietly while I went about making my macarons. I said very kind and loving things to the batter aloud. In my head, I was swearing at them with words that would make a sailor blush. He really is worth it.
Dad came home while I was piping the batter onto the Silpat.
“Hi. What are you doing?”
“Making macarons for my friends.”
“Because it’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow.” I shrugged. Dad scoffed and shook his head. “What?”
“Nothing.” He snapped. My face didn’t react. Inside, I felt the familiar sensation of becoming smaller and my insides closing in on themselves. Just ignore him. It’s okay. You’re okay.
“Okay.” I replied meekly. Instead of responding, he went and shut himself in the office. I sighed softly to myself and started on my macaron filling while the cookie batter sat on the tray.
Once my cookies were baked and cooled after dinner, I began to fill them. I picked a Wilton number 18 tip, a small star, and piped chocolate ganache around a raspberry on half of the cookies. When they were all filled, I topped each one. Then I carefully placed them in a container and grabbed several napkins. I also put five each in two disposable aluminum containers. One for Justin. And one for Montgomery. “They won’t notice if one is missing.” I muttered to myself. I took a bite, and it was perfect. Not hollow. Still had a chew to it. The outside was crisp. The slightly bittersweet filling complemented the sweetness of the cookie Perfect. I moaned softly. Setting the containers in the fridge so they didn’t melt overnight, I went upstairs to take a shower and get ready for bed.
The next morning it was Valentine’s Day. As much as I hated the holiday, I wasn’t opposed to dressing up. I dug around my closet for something to wear. I had a red circle skirt in mind. I just needed to find something to wear with it. “Hey Siri, what’s the weather today?”
“It’s currently cloudy and forty-five degrees. The high is expected to be fifty-two degrees and the low will be forty-five degrees.”
“Thank you.” Only fifty-two. I can wear a sweater. I pulled out a couple. The red cable knit was too match-y. The plain black was too plain. My last option was a black sweater with white hearts. This is nice. Shrugging it on, I pulled on a pair of black tights to cover my legs. Topping off the look with my favourite diamond studs and a simple charm bracelet, I checked the clock. I had time to paint my nails.
Soon, I was ready for school. I redid my nails in a nice nude shade. Knowing I was going on a date today, I went quite neutral on the makeup. I wanted my skirt and top to be the focus of my look. My parents were putting their breakfast away when I went downstairs. “Morning guys.”
“Morning sweetie.” We exchanged pleasantries with each other. “You look lovely Addison.”
“Thanks Mum. May not like today, but it’s an excuse to wear this sweater.”
“Very true.” She kissed my cheek gently, so her lipstick didn’t transfer.
“Why are there three containers in the fridge Addison?” Oh crap. Uh….
“Because one is for Justin, one is for my friends to share, and the other one is for me when my friends inevitably leave me with none.”
“I see.” He didn’t sound convinced. Or interested for that matter. When does he ever sound interested? He called after me as I was leaving. “Remember your mother and I are going out tonight for dinner and date night.”
“I know.” I smiled at him. “You kids have fun. I’ll see you in the morning.” I smiled brighter when he dipped my mom and kissed her. Gross but so cute.
“I love you, Margot.”
“I love you too, Brooks.” My mom replied.
My friends were waiting at my locker when I got there. “Hey guys. What’s going on?”
“Justin said you were bringing macarons to school.” Charlie grinned.
“Ah yes. You’re here for snacks. Of course. Hey Clay.”
“Hey Addy.” I shooed the boys away from my locker so I could put my bag in and take out the large container.
“These are for sharing.”
“We know. We can share.” Bryce nodded. Sure, you can. I rolled my eyes playfully. Then I set about passing each of the plethora of boys gathered around my locker a napkin. And then I gave them one macaron each. Jeff got two so he had one to give to Leah.
“Why does he get two?” Luke complained.
“Because he has a girlfriend. And I like her. Do any of you have girlfriends I like?” My eyes shifted to Monty minutely. He smirked softly and quirked a brow quickly. No one seemed to notice. “No? Then you get one for now. You can have more at lunch.” The bell rang. The boys began to disperse to their respective classes. I grabbed Justin and gave him his container.
“You’re the best.” He grinned and kissed my temple when he pulled me in for a hug.
“So are you. Now go get educated.” I texted Monty as I walked to class. I’ll give you yours after school.
I think I like being worth it. This is delicious. Why don’t you make these all the time?
Make them with me sometime. You’ll see.
On my way to lunch, I stopped to pick up my Dollar Valentine. “Hey Sheri.”
“Addison! Oh my gosh. When I heard you filled out a survey, I almost didn’t believe it.”
“Justin did it.”
“Oh. At least he knows you. I hope you get better matches than I did.”
“We’ll see.” I waited while she printed out my list. I glanced at it when she handed it to me.
Andrew B.
Cody K.
Daniel R.
Justin F.
Bryce W.
“Oh. My. God.” I laughed.
“I matched with Justin. And Bryce Walker. How the hell?”
“Well, Justin knows you best. And he did the survey for you.” Sheri shrugged.
“Okay fair. But Bryce?”
“I don’t have an answer there.” We both laughed and I left to go to the cafeteria to join my friends. While I walked, I called Justin.
“Hey Addy, what’s up?”
“Hey Valentine. Have you picked up your matches yet?”
“I’m just looking at them now. I was just about to call you to see who you matched with.”
“Well, I think you’re my best match.”
“No one else up to your standards?” I was behind him now.
“Nope.” He turned and hung up. “But I have very important plans tonight, so I’ll need a rain check.”
“No problem. Your annual Bones marathon?” Sure.
“You know it. Next season is the last one.”
“Since I can’t take you out tonight, at least let me escort you to lunch.” He held his arm out to me. I grasped it dramatically.
“Such a gentleman.” We laughed hysterically.
Montgomery loved the macarons. We met at Monet’s after school to get coffee to go because it was crowded. Thankfully no one questioned us if they saw us. They were too wrapped up in their own dates to be concerned about us. Our date was wonderful. There was no chocolate in heart shaped boxes. There weren’t any overpriced roses. Just the two of us spending time together privately. Since my parents were out for the foreseeable future, he came back to my place. We hung out for a bit until he had to leave to avoid my parents. All in all, it was a pretty good Valentine’s Day. He found it hysterical that Justin and I were matched for Dollar Valentines.
Spring had sprung in Evergreen in mid-March. By the time April rolled around, flowers were in full bloom again and it was getting warmer and warmer. On a particularly nice Saturday, I woke up in an unusually good mood. I looked out the window and it was sunny, not a cloud in the sky. As I was sitting in bed, I looked around my room. My camera caught my eye on my bookshelf. Maybe today is the day I introduce Monty to my camera. I got ready but didn’t get dressed. It was still early for a Saturday. And I knew Monty was a big fan of sleep.
After an hour or so of putzing around in my room, I decided to call him. “Morning Addy.” He answered. His voice was still thick with sleep. I smiled.
“Good morning sunshine.” I heard him shifting in bed.
“You’re chipper this morning.”
“It’s nice out. It’s finally spring.”
“It is.” He smiled.
“I was wondering if you had plans today?” I eyed my camera.
“No, I don’t think so. What did you have in mind Bookworm?”
“I thought I could introduce you to my other hobby Casanova.”
He gasped dramatically. “You mean to tell me you like things other than books?”
“Yes.” I laughed. “What do you say?”
“I’m in. When and where?”
“The park by the docks? Say, one o’clock?”
“Sure thing.”
“Wear something comfortable.”
“Okay. I’ll see you in a few hours.”
“Okay. Bye.”
“Bye baby.”
My parents were in the office working. It was ten am on a Saturday. But it was getting close to exam time for my mom, so she was busy. Tax season was ending, so dad was busy. I opened my bedroom door and called into the house. “I’m going out later. I don’t know how long I’ll be out.”
“Okay honey. Have fun.”
“That’s nice.” I sighed and closed my door. After a quick shower I got dressed. I knew I would probably be moving around a lot today, so I picked a pair of leggings and a loose black t-shirt from American Eagle. I really should go get one of these in every colour. They’re the best shirts. I threw a random cardigan on my bed. It was later joined by my wallet and camera.
Sitting down to do my hair and makeup, I decided to just do a quick French braid. It kept the hair out of my face. I contemplated my makeup for a while. I still had plenty of time to spare. Pressing play on my Spotify and it picked up on a random Beartooth song. Artist Radios are always interesting. I hummed and tapped along with the music while I dug through my vanity. I didn’t have an excessive amount of makeup. Maybe I had a little too much lipstick, but it’s my favourite type of makeup. I kept everything but my lipstick fairly light and neutral. My skin was actually nice today so I could just use concealer and set it. With the rest of my makeup done, I dug through my slightly embarrassing amount of lipstick. “I’m feeling bold today. Red?” I asked myself in the mirror. “Red.” I nodded. I was ready to go now. I chucked the tube of lipstick in my wallet.
It was close to lunch so I texted Monty. Did you want me to make a couple of sandwiches or something?
Sure. I went downstairs and dug through the cheese drawer.
I have turkey, ham, and some other white meat. Possibly chicken?
Ham is okay.
Cheddar okay?
Yup. I made our sandwiches. I knew how he liked his sandwiches now. Placing them in the fridge, I ran upstairs for my camera, camera bag, and now my purse. Our lunch was set on top of my wallet. I threw an ice pack in to keep everything cold and food safe. A couple of snacks joined in before I grabbed my keys.
“I’m leaving now. I’ll see you later.” I called.
“Okay.” My parents called together.
At the park, I met Monty over by a tree. He was wearing jeans and a plain white t-shirt. No flannel. That took me by surprise. He looked damn good though. I stopped on the way over for a couple of coffees from Starbucks. “Hey Casanova.”
“Hey Bookworm.”
“Lunch now or later?”
“Now is good. I could eat.” I rolled my eyes. “What?”
“You’re always hungry.”
“I’m a growing boy.” He defended.
“If you grow anymore, you’ll give Dempsey a run for his money.”
“Never know. They say boys grow again around nineteen.”
“Oh god. I don’t know if I could handle you getting taller.” He laughed.
“Might have to. Never know.” I looked down to hide my blush. I didn’t read into what he said. He was right. You never knew where you could end up. We talked quietly while we ate. Monty regaled me with stories of the baseball game I “missed” yesterday.
“Sounds like a nail biter.” I smiled.
“You don’t like baseball, do you?”
“No.” I replied quickly.
“That mean you’ll never come to a game?”
“Quite possibly. I will go to as many football games as I can though.”
“Deal. Now. What did you want to show me?”
“This.” I said as a pulled my camera out of the bag.
“Yes. I told you I like photography.”
“I remember. I’m just surprised it took you this long to show it to me.”
“Good things come to those who wait.”
“Okay. I won’t question you.”
“Don’t worry. I’m not Tyler. I keep my photography to when people know about it and can see it.”
“I kind of figured.” I spent some time showing him my camera. It was the first thing I had spent any big amount of money on. I got it a few years ago. I saved up birthday and Christmas money. I never really got an allowance so that’s what I had to work with. I looked out at the water and stood up. Holding my hand out to my boyfriend, I nodded in the direction of the dock.
“Come on.” Montgomery took my hand and we walked to the railing. I examined the water for a few moments quietly. Then I lifted my camera and started shooting. It was beautiful. “It’s nicer at sunset. But daytime shoots are so fun.” I could feel him watching me. A bird was flying close by, so I snapped a picture. “It’s beautiful.” I said softly.
“Very beautiful.”
We wandered around the park together for a few hours. Occasionally we would stop to sit and just people watch. During one of these stops I noticed Monty had turned to look out over the water. The way the light was hitting his face was perfect. I quickly snapped a photo. I wanted to preserve the peaceful look on his face forever. Lord knows the boy could use some peace. He turned to me when he heard the click of the camera. Luckily it didn’t ruin the shot. He was smiling. I couldn’t help myself. I took a quick scan of the area and kissed him. When we pulled away, he quickly wiped the lipstick off. I laughed and dug around in my purse for a makeup wipe. “Here. Use this.”
“Thanks.” I touched up my lipstick. While I was doing that, he took my camera from my lap and snapped a photo of his own. “I’m not very good at this, so don’t be shocked if it comes out crappy.”
“I’m sure it’s great. Here, let me see.” He handed it back. I scrolled to the photo. It was really nice. “This is great Monty.” He nodded but didn’t say anything. Instead, he threw his arm over my shoulder and pulled me in close to him. I rested my head on his shoulder. Turning the camera around, I snapped a picture of the two of us. It wasn’t exactly a candid, but it was as close as you could get with a selfie. We called it a night around six o’clock. He had to get home for dinner. I had some homework to do. I also wanted to get our photos transferred as soon as possible.
I walked into the house smiling to myself. Today had been a really great day. I felt good. “What the hell is all over your face?” My dad asked. Not a hello. No other acknowledgement.
“What do you mean?” I reached up to touch my face. Is there something on my face?
“You really caked it on today, didn’t you?” Oh. My makeup. I’d forgotten that he didn’t see me before I left.
“I put on a little makeup. I’m trying to use up a red lipstick.” I shrugged. The small feeling had begun to grow again.
“It makes you look like a prostitute.” Wow. That escalated quickly. My good mood vanished. I set my face. I wouldn’t let him see that he had hurt me.
“Thanks Dad. That was my goal today actually.”
“Don’t take that kind of tone with me, young lady.”
“Okay, whatever. Where’s Mum?”
“At the grocery store.”
“Okay. I’ll be upstairs.”
“Take off the paint while you’re up there.” He called after me.
When I reached my room, I closed the door and slid down it. Not wanting him to know I was crying I went to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. I curled up on my bed and sobbed into the towel. I didn’t care that there would be makeup stains on it. My phone buzzed on the floor. Sitting up, I stood to grab it. It was Monty. I want to see those photos baby.
Okay. I’ll send them over when I’m done.
Looking forward to it.
If I forgot to say, you looked pretty today.
Thanks. I wasn’t sure I believed him after what my dad said.
Any other mystery hobbies you want to show me?
Don’t think so.
Not even the art of knitting?
You okay Addy?
Yeah. Just tired.
Okay. I’ll talk to you later then.
Sure. I didn’t answer his next text. It was too much effort to do it now. I just wanted to lay in bed and be sad.
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
Qui Totum Vult Totum Perdit (d.s.) - 12
A/N Narrowing in
Warnings: This story is centered around a murder so there will be graphic descriptions of blood, death/manslaughter, dealing with corpses, possible domestic abuse (physical/verbal), crime/covering up a crime, shock/grief, and other possibly heavy or triggering topics. Please read at your own discretion.
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My mind had been telling me lots of things over the prior twenty-four hours, dear reader, trying to force me to piece together a memory I didn’t remember. But there was something all too familiar about the realization that came over me while sitting on the side of the resort bathtub with Avalon’s hand in my own. I could hear her soft gasp as the glass hit the kitchen floor as clear as day, I even heard it in my mind that morning but the pieces weren’t fitting until now. 
She never threw her glass at me. I never followed her screaming into the studio. Hell, I didn’t even know where the knife set was among the neatly stacked array of wedding gifts until I woke up that morning with one laying next to me.
I vowed to love her until the end of time and, although I couldn’t trust myself at first, it came back to me so obviously that I never would have hurt her - never would have laid a finger on her yet alone took her life - no matter how much we disagreed. 
Jonah returned to the hotel room with buckets of ice to find me sitting in a complete mess of tears on the side of the tub, clutching Avalon’s hand until my knuckles were nearly turning white. He left the bucket of ice on the counter and hurried over to me, setting his hand on my shoulder.
“Hey, hey, what’s going on?” Jonah asked in that gentle voice he could always put on when someone needed consoling.
“I didn’t do it!” I cried, turning to lean into him as he stood beside me. “I-I don’t know who did, but I didn’t kill her! We fought and she went to sleep in the studio and…and I-I should have…I should have fucking followed her…protected her…I’m such a fucking asshole for ever thinking I was ever better than her!”
Jonah simply stayed quiet, rubbing his hand over my shoulder in consolable stripes as I cried out my grief. The fact that he wasn’t correcting my slight self-deprecation was proof enough that he saw my faults throughout the past four years too. Everyone seemed to see them but me, and I only saw them once it was too late.
“I gotta tell you something, bro.” Jonah said softly.
I looked up at him through my tears.
“When I was getting the ice in the lobby…” he licked his lips nervously as if to buy himself time, “The news reported that they found your bloody handprint on the piano in your studio. The missing persons case has been switched over to a homicide investigation.”
The irony of the blood draining from my face was nearly comical and looking back now it truly was. If finding Avalon’s body that morning caused my heart to stop in my chest, the news that the police now thought I did it when I had just pieces together that I was innocent truly felt like I was experiencing death just as strongly. I felt sick. I wasn’t safe anywhere. It was often cases like this locked up the innocent and if my memory served me correctly, the numbers still weren’t on my side.
“I-I didn’t do it though!” I stumbled out.  
“I know.” Jonah said calmly, “Come on. We gotta get her in some ice and then we can decide on our next steps.”
“I…I can’t.” I breathed.
“Daniel, you can’t shut down on me. I know you’re scared and…and sad but…” Jonah raked his hand through his hair as we stared down at Avalon laying in the empty tub. “Shit.”
His own obvious slight panic weighed heavy on my heart.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called you.” I said shakily, “Should have never gotten you into this.”
“No. It’s not your fault. None of this is your fault.” Jonah said strongly. He pried my hand out of Avalon’s, “But we gotta keep moving if we’re going to figure out what we need to do next.”
I nodded. I really had nothing else to say. What was there to say? I could cry and scream and try to point fingers all I wanted but nothing was going to bring her back. She was dead. And I was a widow.
I looked up at Jonah again. The concern on his face was unmissable.
“Why don’t you go lay down? Try and get some sleep and I’ll finish up out here.”
“Where are we going to put the rug?” I asked. I hadn’t even realized I was thinking about that. All the evidence in my car? Nothing was on my side here.
“We can bury it in the desert or something on our way to the lodge tomorrow.” Jonah suggested.
“And the knives too.” I added. I looked back to Avalon but spoke to Jonah again, “What are we going to do with her?”
“I…don’t know. Depends on if you find the person who did this.”
“Fuck!” I swore loudly, balling my hands into fists and held them in front of my face to hide my onset of fresh tears, “I’m so fucked!”
“Okay, Daniel, just go lay down. I’ll take care of it.” Jonah helped me to my feet from the side of the tub and I couldn’t help but fall right into him, throwing my arms around his shoulders and embraced him tightly. He patted my back gently and let me cry into his shoulder, clutching onto the back of his shirt as I let out all the sorrows of the previous hours, the evil mix of grief and relief and fear swirling in my mind.
I didn’t remember getting into bed. Apparently I had a tendency to forget aspects of my days but I woke up in the hotel bed to Jonah turning off the bedroom light and getting into his own bed beside mine. I stayed still to make it seem like I was still sleeping. I wasn’t ready to face in the influx of “are you okay?” questions that I honestly wasn’t sure how to answer.
I stared at the ceiling, wide awake, mind whirling, as I heard Jonah’s breathing eventually fall into a steady rhythm and his soft snores started to fill the quiet hotel room. Sleep felt nice. I envied him a little. I was exhausted but I was not tired in the slightest. The bed felt terribly empty.
I hadn’t slept alone in a long time. Well, not counting the few times Avalon made me sleep on the couch.
I didn’t want to waste one more moment when I could be figuring out how to prove my innocence in this situation that seemed to turn against me so quickly. How could I have been so stupid as to forget to wipe down the piano? The prints were all over the damn place. I was only hoping that whoever was behind this was at least a fraction of as stupid as I was and left some sort of trace behind for the detective team.
With Jonah fast asleep, I slunk quietly out of bed and over to the desk across the room. I turned on the small lamp to light up the corner and sat down with the hotel paper and pen to try and collect my thoughts. The silence of the night was eery and I couldn’t get my mind away from the thought of my wife’s dead body just beyond the thin wall across the room from me. With the paper left blank, I got up from the desk and grabbed my laptop bag from beside the wall, pulling out my phone as well as Avalon’s to search through.
The bathroom was dark and if I listened hard enough I could hear the faint cracking of the melting ice that filled the tub. My heart was beating hard in my chest with nervousness as my hand hovered over the light switch. I felt just as nervous as I had the day I asked her to marry me but now, I was nervous for a whole other reason. I hated nothing more than seeing her like this.
I turned on the light and stalked over to the side of the tub. Her eyes were still closed, and she still looked peaceful and yet a terrifyingly pale.
“Hey, honey.” I spoke softly as if she could hear me. As if it would make this any easier.
I brushed my hand hesitantly over her tangled hair and angled her phone towards her face. The screen unlocked. I hurried to change the setting to keep her phone from locking again before leaning down towards her habitually. I froze a few centimeters from her head but still managed to work up enough nerve to press a gentle kiss to her temple.
Back at the desk in the hotel room, under the light of the single table lamp, I laid out Avalon’s phone, my phone, and the blank pad of paper in front of me. I copied Jonah’s idea with writing each name at the top of the sheet. I started with Jack.
-She was the reason he can’t see his daughter
-She was the reason he was evicted
-She was the reason his business flopped
-Knows the human body, has a collection of scissors and blades
-Has been to our house
I moved onto Zach.
-We took away something important to him, so he could want to do the same back
-Wanted to hurt me
-Knows his way around knifework
-Knows our address
-Seems to have no remorse or empathy for human life
I hovered my pen over the paper for a moment, re-reading my notes so far. I set the pen down and picked up Avalon’s phone to go into her messages. I found Christian’s contact and opened the message thread, seeing only a bunch of unanswered texts from him from just before the wedding to even during our honeymoon. Things such as:
Stay away from Daniel.
Going through with this wedding will be the last thing you will ever do; I swear to God.
I refuse to let you fuck up his life anymore.
You and I need to have a serious talk when you guys get home. I’m not going to tolerate your whiny bullshit about his career just because he’s successful and you’re not.
I set her phone face down on the desk with a shaky inhale, stunned to silence with the few messages I had read. I knew my brother had a dislike for Avalon but calling her out and sending her aggressive texts was a level I didn’t think he would stoop to. And the fact that she didn’t think she could trust me or confide in me enough to tell me what he was saying to her hurt even more.
The pen glided itself across the paper, spelling out Christian’s name under Zach’s list of motives. I continued the list for my own brother:
-Strange hatred for her
-Aggressive and threatening texts
-Clingy in regard to my whereabouts consistently
-Gifted the knives to us and knew where they were
I clicked the pen closed as I scanned the list of three names again. Honestly, I was more than relieved I didn’t have to write my own name but this was far from over. I wasn’t safe until someone came clean…or I forced the truth out of them.
The warm light of the desk lamp glinted off the gold band around my left-hand ring finger. I slid the ring off gently and it came off with ease since it hadn’t been on very long at all. The light reflected along the metal and I turned it over in my hand to see the engraving on the inside, dated with 25/07/20 and her name in soft curling letters beside it. Avalon. My one true love ripped from my hands before I even had a moment to truly appreciate what I had. It’s true, dear reader; you really do not know what you have until it is gone.
I fell asleep at the desk while rereading my list for the nth time, the exhaustion from the day having finally caught up to me. The wedding ring stayed clutched in my hand.
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Detective Team: @jonahlovescoffee​ @randomlimelightxxx​ @stuffofseaveyy​ @hopinglimelight​ @tempus-ut-luceant​ @br4nd1s​ @xkelsev​ @hiya-its-amber​ @sexyseavey15​ @the-girl-who-cried-wolf​
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dc41896 · 4 years
Extra Help
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Pairing: Teacher!Chris EvansxBlack Reader
⚠️: None, all fluff💕!
You weren’t quite sure what to expect when your best friend called needing you to fill in for her at the monthly parent teacher conference. Ronan wasn’t a bad kid by any means, so you doubt that it was about him being disruptive or getting into a fight. Then again, like any 10 year old boy, he could have his moments, bringing you back to square one wondering what would be discussed at this meeting.
Reaching the wooden door, you turn the handle revealing a childlike, decorated classroom brightly lit from the remaining sun shining outside before it was due to set. Various drawings from stick figures to flowers littered the walls along with scholastic posters showing the water cycle and how to use the infamous PEMDAS, just to name a few. There were also posters of superheroes and even some of puppies that made you softly smile.
“Auntie Y/N!,” Ronan smiles hopping up from his desk to hug your legs. “Mom’s not coming?”
“Not this time, she had to work late. Now what did you do that we have to have this meeting?,” you ask eyeing him suspiciously making Ronan giggle.
“Nothing bestest auntie.”
“Bestest auntie? Now I know you definitely did something,” you respond tickling his sides.
“Hi! You must be Ronan’s godmother.” Red plaid button up hanging over his dark jeans, a man who you assume to be Ronan’s teacher emerges from his office with black frames resting on his cheeks and impeccably clean white sneakers on his feet. His gold pendant gleaming in the light only brings more attention to his broad chest, and rolled up sleeves display his muscular arms. “I’m his teacher Mr. Evans.”
His hand envelopes yours in softness and warmth as he greets you with a handshake. The bright smile on his lips not only captures you, but somehow brings comfort even though you only just met. Ronan had told countless stories of his favorite teacher, Mr. Evans, and how he was so cool, funny, and smart.
The figure standing in front of you now compared to who you envisioned then, though, was definitely not the same.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N,” you smile back. “Nina apologizes again for not being able to make it.”
“She doesn’t have to apologize, I completely understand. Please have a seat at my desk and we can get started.” Pulling up one of the bigger chairs for you as Ronan gets one of the student chairs for himself, you both sit in front of the mahogany desk soon meeting with his welcoming blue eyes.
“Is everything okay with Ronan? He hasn’t been any trouble has he?”
“No! No, behavior wise Ronan’s one of the best in my class! He’s polite, always tries to help out, follows the rules.”
“That’s great!,” you smile lightly nudging his arm making him shyly look down to his feet. “And what about his work?”
“For the most part it’s good, but that’s the main thing I wanted to discuss. In his other subjects, Ronan completes his assignments with no problems and participates in our class discussions answering every question I give him. However, I’ve noticed with science he struggles a bit and will kinda close off, not even wanting to try when he doesn’t understand something.”
“Why don’t you ask for help Ro? That’s part of the reason your teacher’s here.”
“I know, but I want to try to figure it out on my own. By then, everyone’s moved on though so then I can’t catch up.”
“Well that’s when you ask for help. And if you don’t want to ask in front of everybody ask after school or during downtime. Or you can always ask me or your mom. Does she already know about his science grades?,” you ask looking back at his teacher who was lightly scratching his thick beard.
“That’s um the other thing I wanted to discuss...”
“Mr. Evansss,” Ronan whines attempting to talk in a hushed tone clearly forgetting you were sat right next to him and could hear every word. “You said you wouldn’t tell.”
“I said I wouldn’t tell your mom bud, not your godmom,” he replies in the same hushed tone nearly making you laugh from their interaction. “If any of the kids have a C or lower, I make a note on their progress report or report card and they have to give it back to me signed. The last report card and past two progress reports Ronan brought them back signed and everything was fine. I ran into his mom at the store one day and she asked why did we switch to having grades online rather than physically handing them out, which confused me until I put it together and realized someone had been forging his mom’s signature.”
“Ronan Michael..”
“You do it all the time though auntie!”
“Yea to send off bills your mom may forget to sign or to get packages for you guys, which she knows about me doing! You signing for your grades is definitely not the same and wrong Ronan, you know that.”
Guilt apparent from his deep brown eyes to his pouted lips, he lightly swings his legs back and forth with hands placed under his thighs. “I was gonna bring my grade up so then I wouldn’t have to do it anymore and then mom wouldn’t know. No harm done.”
“While that’s a nice plan, you still weren’t getting any help though. So what would’ve happened if your grade didn’t get better?”
“....I uh didn’t really think that far ahead,” he answers shrugging his shoulders.
“Okay well since we don’t have a plan for that, here’s what I think. Everyday after school, you meet with Mr. Evans to go over your science lesson and do that until your grades get better and stay that way,” you suggest before once again meeting the soft eyes of his teacher. “But what do you say Mr. Evans? I don’t want to take away from your personal time or home life.”
“I don’t have a problem with it. Plus it’s just me and my dog, who I’m sure wouldn’t mind me not being there to annoy him,” he lightly chuckles making you smile. “And in fact, you and Nina are both welcome in to hear how it’s going so you don’t have to wait outside for him.”
“Thanks, I’ll be sure to let her know. Mostly it’ll be her coming, but the days she can’t make it I’ll be here.”
“Sounds good,” he smiles drumming his fingers on the desk. “Well that was pretty much everything I wanted to discuss. Do you have any questions for me?”
“No, at least not right now.” Scribbling his information down, he peels off the sticky note containing his number and email address before handing it to you.
“If anything comes up just give me a call, or you can email me. I usually respond back the same day if I have time.”
“Thanks, I could’ve gotten all this from Nina though. You didn’t have to waste a stick note on me.”
“Um right,” he sheepishly states, cheeks turning a light pink as he nervously chuckles to himself. “Well one less step then.”
Looking between both your laughing faces, Ronan wasn’t quite sure what was going on between his favorite teacher and bestest aunt, but he didn’t like it.
The weeks that followed, he met with Mr. Evans as he was told usually being joined by his mother who would sit beside him making sure he really understood what was being taught. You would show up sometimes also sitting next to him making sure he got everything, but he couldn’t help but notice Mr. Evans smile a little brighter when you walked in the room. Similar to how he would get excited when his mom would say they were having pizza for dinner. And he was more talkative too, asking about her day which would eventually turn into a random conversation about things they liked or some other topic.
“So, um we’re having a field trip to the planetarium next week and I was wondering if you wanted to come along?,” he asked one day trying to be quiet as Ronan answered his last couple questions.
“To chaperone? I’d love to help out but honestly if I have to look after more than five kids, it’s gonna be a disaster,” you answer making him laugh.
“You don’t have to worry, on paper yea you’re a chaperone but really you’ll just be with me. And since we’re not having class after and the kids can go home as soon as we get back, I was thinking we could go grab dinner at that place I was telling you about.”
You tried to hide your face so he wouldn’t see the giddy smile forming on your lips, but from his own deep chuckle and his fingers briefly grazing yours resting on the table you knew you weren’t quick enough.
“I’m hoping that smile means yes?,” he whispers.
“Done!,” Ronan interrupts before you can answer, quickly gathering his backpack before pulling your hand. “Cmon auntie I’m starving.”
“Hold on Ro, we have to see if your answers are right first then we can leave,” you giggle.
“But I know it’s right! I’ve been doing really well, even Mr. Evans will tell you.”
“Yep everything’s right, and that is true he is doing much better.”
“See? Now time for food! Bye Mr. Evans!,” Ronan rushes pulling you behind him.
“Bye Ronan,” he chuckles before looking at you. “I’ll see you next week?”
“Yea, I’ll let you know if anything changes though.” With a final wave, you feel your heart swell with excitement for your upcoming date as you walk down the hall. Ronan, on the other hand, hoped for anything to stop you from going with his teacher next week.
“Hey what’s up with your godmom and Mr. Evans?,” Sarah, one of friends, asks as they watch the two giggle while going over the constellation map shining on the wall.
After getting all the students organized in their groups with their chaperones, and saying everything he needed to, the both of you had been connected at the hip walking around and exploring everything the exhibits had to offer. Ronan wanted nothing more than to go home so he wouldn’t have to see you two together.
“Because they look at each other the way my parents do. All lovey dovey and cutesy like.”
“They’re just friends,” he answers, a little annoyed by everything going on around him.
“Well if they do get together,” Zach, his other friend begins, “say bye to your aunt.”
“Say goodbye?”
“Yea. It’s like with my older brother, he got a girlfriend and now I barely see him.”
“Ooh and if Mr. Evans becomes your uncle, he’s gonna be tougher on you,” Sarah adds. “My grandma was my mom’s teacher and she said she was so hard on her she couldn’t even make a B and if she did, she got in trouble.”
Ronan knew his teacher and he’d never do that. He was like a friend and friend’s wouldn’t be mean to each other. Plus his godmother would never let him treat her precious godson that way. Watching the two of you walk to another exhibit, he began to think though, what if you forgot all about him now that you had Mr. Evans?
What if his friends were right and you dating him caused all these bad things to happen? He didn’t know how he would do it, but he had to stop this quick before things got worse.
“Did you know Jupiter is so big, 1000 Earth’s can fit in it?,” Chris asks as you both walk through the life size replica of the solar system.
“No, I didn’t know that.”
“And the sun makes up 99% of the solar system’s mass, which is crazy since what can be seen in the sky is just a small dot. And although we know about our own galaxy, there are so many more we’ve discovered, and have yet to, possibly with various planets of their own that have their own unique properties, which just astounds me and-.”
Hearing your slight giggle, he turns to see your brown eyes on him now realizing how you probably felt like you were back in elementary school yourself from his information dump.
“S-sorry about the rambling. I know it’s probably boring, and I’ve been told I really need to stop-.”
“Don’t be sorry, it’s not boring at all! I’d actually like it if you keep going,” you shyly smile holding onto his hand. Thumb rubbing against the back of your hand, he slowly steps closer to you stopping inches from your chests being pressed together.
“Okay well let’s see. Both Neptune and Uranus have rain storms of solid diamonds. And while I’m sure that would be a beautiful sight, it’s nothing compared to what’s in front of me right now.”
Before you can speak, you both hear approaching small footsteps making you separate to find Ronan grabbing his stomach as if he was in pain.
“Ro you okay? Why are you holding your stomach?,” you ask walking up to him with Chris following close behind.
“No, it hurts auntie. I think I need to go home.”
“Well the bus is our ride back, do you think you can hold on until it’s time for everyone to go?”
“No, I think I need to go now,” he groans rubbing his stomach.
“Alright, let me call your mom and see if she’ll come get you.”
“I want you to come too though,” he whines hugging your mid section as you dial your friend’s number.
“Ro your mom can handle it. I’ll come by and check on you later though okay?”
“No, you have to leave when I do!,” he protests hiding his face in your abdomen as you rub his back confused by his outburst and sudden clinginess.
Clearly something else was going on here besides an upset stomach.
“Hey, can you give us a minute?,” you ask Chris, to which he nods his head giving you a sympathetic smile.
“I’ll be outside if you guys need me.” Sneakers squeaking against the tile floor, you wait until he leaves before squatting down to meet Ronan’s red eyes and tear stained cheeks.
“What’s really going on Ro? Is somebody bothering you?,” you ask wiping his tears.
“Yea, Mr. Evans.”
“How is he bothering you?”
“Because he’s gonna take you away and we’re never gonna see each other again. Then he’s gonna be mean to me for making less than an A and-,”
“Whoa whoa where is all this coming from?”
“Well...i-it’s what my friends said,” he responds making you softly laugh.
“Honey no one will EVER take me away from you. Not Mr. Evans or any other guy that may come along. And your teacher would never be rude to you like that, he cares about all of you guys and just wants to make sure you do your best. Look how much he helped you get your science grade back up.”
“Yea but that’s before you get married and he changes,” he sniffles.
“What all do these kids talk about?,” you wonder as you shake your head. “Buddy I can promise you marriage is definitely a far far FAR off topic that isn’t in sight anytime soon,” you softly smile. “But from what I’ve seen, even if we did get married, he would still be that fun teacher you always say is your favorite. You don’t need to worry about that though okay? You keep focusing on being the funny, smart, amazing kid I know and love.”
“Okay, and you promise nothing’s gonna change?,” he asks with those big brown eyes that could turn stone into the softest powder.
“I promise with every breath in my body.” Hugging him close, he giggles as you repeatedly kiss his cheeks squeezing him tight.
“Auntie I can’t breathe!”
“Too bad because I’m not letting you go,” you both laugh as you hug each other.
“Hey they’re about to start loading up the buses soon so we can go back to school,” Chris says walking up to the both of you. “Your stomach still hurt Ronan?”
“No, it’s better now. Just a false alarm.”
“That’s good, if it starts again though let one of us know and we’ll call your mom okay?”
“Okay,” he smiles up at the much taller man. “Um Mr. Evans?”
“Yea bud?”
“It’s okay if you and my auntie like each other. I’m fine with it now.”
“Oh, um, well thank you for your blessing,” he chuckles looking at you softly laughing yourself.
Proudly nodding once, he walks to the door with you and Chris not that far behind.
“What was that about?,” he asks still amused by what he just witnessed.
“I’ll tell you later,” you giggle joining hands as you both walk out side by side.
Taglist: @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicanawrites @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @maxcullen @literaturefeen @damnitaa @curlyhairclub @plokyu23 @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jnk-812 @jojolu @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover @chaneajoyyy @scoop93535 @secretmysteriousperson
If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged but don’t see your name, only want to be tagged for certain people I write for, or no longer wish to be tagged just let me know🤓!
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lifblogs · 3 years
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Fandom: Supernatural Rating: T Pairing: Destiel Word Count: 4832 Summary: Dean is a contestant on the dance show 5678, and this year he has to be paired up with a partner until either one of them gets kicked off. Dean's partner is Castiel, the hot ballroom dancer with the stick up his ass. WARNINGS: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Undiagnosed Eating Disorder, Homophobic Slur
read on ao3
5678. Dean had watched every season of the show, and after years of training in contemporary he’d made it through the auditions, made it through the rounds of disqualifiers, and now he was at the live show. He was living the dream, even if he was working himself to death every week trying to make that dream come true. For this season partners wouldn’t be switched every week to give him a range of dancers to test his mettle with. Nope, instead the network had decided it’d be more interesting for everyone to be paired off, and to gain “diversity points” they decided not all of the couples would be the typical male and female. Dean was kind of bummed. Some of the girls, mostly the ballroom girls, like Anna, and especially Jo, were super hot, and their bodies could move, but he’d been paired up with Castiel, the boy from some small town in the Midwest whose crazy religious parents decided his name needed to sound angelic. He looked like an angel. Smooth skin, blue, blue eyes, like crystals reflected in the light of the sun, dark hair that was always perfectly messy. Castiel was also a ballroom dancer, and he didn’t seem happy to be assigned Dean. He made this obvious because aside from just being a couple on the show, they were roommates. Castiel decided to always get in Dean’s personal space, to stare at him even when he asked him to stop, to give him weird looks when Dean made pop culture references, and he turned him down whenever he asked him to join him for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. And it wasn’t like he was asking him on a date. He just didn’t want to eat alone.
Castiel started spending more time with Zach, and he adopted a rather gruff demeanor, correcting Dean on his dancing, putting him in his place. Yeah, Castiel was the better dancer—he’d had a few extra years of training. But so what? Dean could pick things up fast, which was what got him to the live shows to begin with.
But Castiel was good-looking, and the way he could move was something Dean had only dreamed about. He told stories with his body, painted pictures that transcended reality, and sometimes, just for a few mere moments, during their rehearsals, Dean would lose himself, forget the steps, and just move with him, be with him, and those were the moments where they were the best. Their choreographers noticed it, told them to work on that intimacy. Dean blushed when they brought it up, not sure what that meant. Friendship? Or something more?
They’d finished up for the day, so, Castiel rolled up his sweaty shirt and stuffed it into his bag, pulled on a new one, and hardly gave Dean a look before leaving the studio. Dean shrugged at the choreographers, stuffed his feet into his shoes, and hurried out after him.
“Hey, Cas, that was great!” Dean called to him, speaking over the noise of the crowded city street they found themselves on.
“You need to work on the hits,” Castiel responded gruffly, completely ignoring his compliment.
“What?” Dean asked, jogging a little to catch up, and avoiding people as he did so. “I got too much energy for you, my angel?” he joked.
“Not enough energy.”
“Dude, this isn’t hip-hop. It’s ballroom. I think I’ll be fine.”
“Yes, and ballroom isn’t contemporary. We don’t float around like a bunch of fairy princesses.”
Dean tried to ignore his deprecating comments, and laughed slyly, thinking of the way Castiel could move his hips.
“Oh, buddy, I know.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He shot him a disgruntled look.
Fuck, he looked good like that. Hair mussed, cheeks red, sweaty from a good few hours of creative athleticism. The bored part of Dean’s mind thought of other creative and athletic things they could be doing with their bodies.
It was a stereotype that a lot of dancers got down and dirty when they weren’t on the dance floor, which wasn’t true. Sure, he’d had a lot of girlfriends, and some boyfriends, but other dancers he’d known had gotten almost nothing. Like, Benny for instance. One girlfriend, and he’d only been with Dean a couple times.
“Oh, you know, just that… You know, forget it, never mind. Not important. So, you want to grab some dinner, listen to the song a little more?”
“Dean, that song is stuck in my head. I’ll be lucky if it leaves me after I die.”
“Okay, fair.”
“But dinner, come on. You, me, some burgers, a milkshake.”
“A milkshake?”
“Yeah, two straws?” he joked, wondering if Castiel would pick up on the fact that he was teasing him. “Choreographer said we gotta work on our intimacy.
“And I suppose you think that means we get in bed together,” Castiel responded bluntly.
Dean’s cheeks went red, and he stopped short. Castiel kept walking. It wasn’t long before he lost sight of him in the crowd.
“Hey, wait up!” he called, catching up to him. “No, that’s not what I meant.”
“Look, you don’t like me, I get that, but—”
Castiel suddenly whirled on him, and Dean had to stop before he bumped into him. His partner was squinting at him, which Dean had taken a few days to learn meant he was confused.
“What do you mean I don’t like you?”
“Y-y-you correct my dancing, you get in my space, you stare at me, you don’t want to get food with me. I get it, but we need to win this.”
“Dean, I do like you.”
Dean pulled his head back, surprised.
Castiel grabbed his arm, something that shouldn’t have startled Dean after all the touching they’d done during rehearsal, but it did.
“Come on.”
He walked them back to their room, hand on his arm, leading him the entire time, and Dean liked the way he was taking charge. It was nice to give in a bit. Though Dean was the taller of the two of them, if only by a couple inches, Castiel had been assigned the leading parts so far in their dances, so he supposed this behavior was natural for him. Besides, Castiel was not small. He was actually wider than Dean, and Dean was a big man. He was relieved neither of them had had to do lifts with each other yet, but he was sure Castiel had the arms for it.
They got inside the hotel lobby, and he pulled him aside to a secluded corner, next to a potted plant that kind of looked like a mini palm tree. Was it a fichus? Dean whacked at one of the leaves.
“I do like you,” he told him.
“What? No, you don’t.”
“Yes, I do.”
“I’m just an assignment to you.”
“You are. You were. Look, I like you. I just… I didn’t really have any friends back home, so I don’t know how to do this, and…” He lowered his head, cheeks reddening ��Have you been on Twitter?” he continued.
“Yeah, a bit. Why?”
Castiel pulled his phone out of his bag, tapped on it a few times, and then turned it around to show the screen to Dean.
Dean studied it for a few seconds, scrolling, looking at the blue hashtag that seemed everywhere before asking, bewildered, “What the hell is Destiel?”
“It’s us, Dean. The fans, they… They ship us.”
“Wait, you know what shipping is?” Dean asked, breaking out into a smile when he realized Castiel had used a pop culture term.
His partner rolled his eyes.
“Don’t look so surprised. I had to look it up. It… It looked like it had to do with me, so I wondered, and I spent last night doing, uh, research? The fans, they want us together.”
“So… So that makes things awkward, right?”
“We can be friends though?”
Dean looked at the gorgeous young man in front of him, the desperation in his eyes that he wasn’t sure he’d ever seen before, the kindness. Where had all this come from? Had it been there and Dean had been so wrapped up in himself, in winning, that he just hadn’t seen it before?
“Cas, is this real? You’re not just using me to win?”
“No, Dean. If I’m going to win, it’s because I’m the best dancer, not because I’m manipulative.”
“I don’t know, I feel like you could be pretty manipulative, I mean, with that hair, those eyes…”
“Can we just be friends?”
“Friends, yeah,” he agreed, blushing once more when he realized what he’d been saying out loud. He hoped he could just lie that his cheeks were just flushed from their workout.
“So what is with you?” Dean asked as they rode the elevator up to their room. “You’re so in the moment, so tough. It’s hard to get through that.”
Castiel shrugged. “My dad was away a lot growing up, I didn’t have my mom.”
“Oh, did she leave?”
“I don’t know what happened to her. My dad never talked about her the times he was around. So I was raised by my big brothers, Michael, Luke, and Gabriel.”
Dean grinned at that. “More Biblical names?”
“Luke liked to tell me Dad was part of a cult,” he explained.
The elevator dinged, coming to a slow halt, and then the doors slid open. Dean and Castiel bumped shoulders trying to get out at the same time, but Castiel, still true to his gruff demeanor, pushed ahead and got out first, leaving Dean somewhat befuddled. Maybe Cas hadn’t noticed he’d acted in such a way. Dean tried to not let it bother him, and was instead trying to focus on the fact that this guy was finally opening up to him somewhat.
And he was definitely going to ignore the fact that he didn’t want to open up to him.
No need to tell him about all the nights his dad came home drunk, yelling at him, or the times his dad’s friends used him to put out their cigarettes, or the times his dad called him a faggot for being a dancer. Called Sam that too, even though Sammy wanted to be a lawyer. He hadn’t done as much to him though, especially since Dean had told Sam to keep things to himself to avoid getting hurt, and Sam had listened to him. He especially wasn’t going to tell him about the fire that killed their mom, and burned down their house, and left them moving from place to place, always being the new kids, never staying for too long. And then there were the times his dad would just up and leave, abandon him and his brother, sometimes without money or food, leaving Dean to do what he had to to take care of Sammy.
Dad never told Dean where he went, but he came back angry and drunk, and then they’d move again, so he suspected he’d gotten into trouble with the cops, or maybe some married woman. Sometimes he wondered if he had a sibling or two he didn’t know about.
“Was he?” Dean asked, realizing he hadn’t said anything about the whole “cult” comment.
Castiel shrugged.
“He was never around long enough for me to ask him. He’d kind of just drop in, tell us what to do, make sure we all knew Luke was his favorite, and then leave. That’s just how it was.”
“You have any guardians?”
“No. Michael was old enough by the time dad left. He hates Luke. Luke hates him too. Sometimes I swear those two are gonna kill each other.”
Castiel swiped his card in the lock, the light shone green, and he opened the door to their room. The nice thing about their room was that it was much bigger than an ordinary hotel room. They had plenty of space to move around, a slightly bigger TV, a microwave, a fridge, a coffee machine, a minibar, a table with two chairs, a stuffed chair and a lamp in the corner, and a window with a nice view over the city. The bathroom was pretty nice too. Dean enjoyed the water pressure in the shower. There was also a big dresser between the two beds, and a dresser that the TV was on. The beds were almost too soft for Dean to get used to.
“You’re joking,” Dean said, hoping he was right.
His partner didn’t sound too convinced.
“First shower?” Castiel called, drawing an end to their conversation.
It was a question, but he always did this, so Dean just nodded, and let him have it.
He sunk down onto his bed, not caring that he was sweaty—besides, he figured he might have to be up all night getting those hits right. Dean did okay with their other song, which was a jazz routine, and Cas did too. That one wasn’t so bad. It was a story about two dudes, two roommates who wanted to get takeout but couldn’t agree on where to order from, and the props were numerous amounts of food menus that would get all over the stage by the end of the song. There was also a fake phone involved, with a power cord, and a little bit of tying up, with Dean being the one to get tied up. Go figure. Cas, always the one in charge. It made Dean want to slap him sometimes.
But the way he grew up. It sounded hard.
Maybe they weren’t so different.
“I’ll go.”
“Excuse me?”
Dean had just gotten out of the shower and was in a pair of shorts. It was hot outside given that the beginning of the live show wasn’t that long after summer break started up, and for some reason Castiel had steamed up the bathroom before Dean had gone in. He didn’t really feel like putting a shirt on at the moment, just wanted to lounge around until he cooled off. Castiel was sitting at the table, with his phone out, writing what looked like notes on the little pad of paper provided by the hotel.
“To dinner. I’ll get dinner with you.”
“As friends?”
“As friends.”
Dean sat down and ran a hand through his still-wet hair. “So uh… what ya thinking? Burgers?”
“No, I cut red meat out of my diet.”
“Too many carbs, and you can get bloated from dairy.”
Dean sighed, sitting back in his chair. “Come on, do you ever have fun?”
“I’m just trying to stay fit.”
Dean gestured down at his body. “Look at me, I’m fine, and I eat what I want.”
Castiel scrolled through his phone, frowned at what he found there, and then his lips turned down in a little pout. He placed it down on the table.
“Burgers?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.
“Dude, you serious?”
Castiel rubbed at the table with one finger, and Dean couldn’t help but notice how beautiful his hands were. Well, he’d noticed before. He’d happened to watch Castiel’s audition over and over again, watched the strong hands that moved his partner Hanna, lifted her in the air, twirled her around, pulled her close, pushed her away, told her where to go.
Hanna hadn’t made it, and Dean could see why—her lines weren’t precise enough—but Cas? Wow.
“They’re kind of my favorite. It’s why I cut them out.”
“Oh, dude, now we have to go!”
“Great, grab a shirt.”
“Nah, I was thinking I should go out like this. The ladies love it.”
“But I won’t.”
Dean gave Castiel a knowing look, just to tease, not sure how serious he was being about this. “Come on, what’s not to love about this?”
“Shirt. Now.”
“Fine, but when we get to contemporary, your hands are gonna be all over this.”
Castiel frowned at him, but it wasn’t out of anger. His eyes were squinting in the way he did when he was confused, head tilting. It was… cute.
“Are you trying to seduce me?”
“If I would my bed would be a mess right now.”
A strange noise left Castiel, maybe a growl, and he covered it up by clearing his throat. In a few seconds Dean was nearly one-hundred percent sure he’d imagined it. Nearly.
Dinner with Castiel was… interesting. That was one way to put it. He ate a lot. Dean did too, of course. He always did, which he chalked up to the fact that he was a big dude who spent most of the day working out. It was made worse by the fact that they didn’t talk, both of them looking at their phones. Dean couldn’t help himself and was looking through that tag on Twitter that Castiel had shown him earlier. It was… somewhat terrible.
He placed his phone in his pocket, trying to ignore it, but he was starting to realize something.
“So what you said earlier, about me not getting the hits,” Dean began, “I was thinking of heading down to the studio to work on ‘em tonight.”
“You know you need me for that.”
Dean shrugged. “Figured I’d use a broom.”
“That only works in movies.”
“What? It was gonna be a sexy broom.”
Castiel wiped his mouth on his napkin, and placed it down with a sigh.
“Do you want my help?”
Now Dean was interested in his French fries, and he stuffed a few in his mouth.
He mumbled a response, not sure how he was supposed to explain to his partner that beneath all his joking he was actually nervous about Castiel being better with this dance than him, “No’ rea’y.”
“Dean, you’re not a ballroom dancer.”
“And, do you want to get voted off?”
“Hmm, let me see…” Dean began, taking out his phone again. He opened up Twitter once more, and searched for the hashtag he was looking for. What he found was just as overwhelming as it had been a minute ago, some of it embarrassing, some of it cute, some of it a little too much, and some people needed to get banned from Twitter. “‘At 5678, OMG, Dean and Cass are the cutest! Hashtag Destiel, hashtag season fifteen winners,’” Dean read. “Ha, she spelled your name like ass.”
“Let me see that.”
Castiel grabbed the phone from him, and Dean tried to reach for it, but his partner had already drawn it back. He was hurriedly reading, scrolling with his thumb.
“’Castiel needs to bone Dean, hashtag Destiel’? ‘Cas and Dean equals hashtag Destiel’. ‘Hashtag Destiel for season fifteen winners’ ‘Hashtag Destiel…’ ‘Hashtag Destiel…’ ‘Hashtag Destiel…’ ‘Hashtag season fifteen winners. They do know there can only be one winner, right?”
Dean took his phone back, mouthed, thank you, rather pointedly, and scrolled to one of the Tweets he’d seen earlier, and then showed it to Cas.
He read: “’Hashtag Destiel, pull a hashtag Katniss and Peeta, hashtag Season fifteen winners.’ How would that even work?” he asked.
Dean shrugged, turning his phone around.
“Point is, they want us to go all Hunger Games, so I don’t think I’m getting voted off anytime soon.”
“But we’ve literally just started the show,” Castiel pointed out.
“I don’t know, Cas, people are crazy.”
To Dean’s surprise a small smile alit Cas’ face.
“What? What is it?”
“On Twitter,” he began to explain, “when they call me Cas I hate it, but when you say it… I really like it.”
For the first time in awhile, Dean had no response to that, and he lowered his face to try and hide his blush, especially since he was sure he could feel Castiel’s inquisitive eyes on him.
“Dean, are you sure you don’t want help tonight?”
“I just… when I joined I told myself I could do it all on my own, you know? And now I’m finding out that that ain’t so easy. Hell, you’re not so easy.” Castiel’s eyes were wide when Dean looked up, maybe slightly scandalized, and he realized his mistake. With a laugh that pushed aside some of his insecurities for the moment, he went on, “No, no, not like that. I’m keeping it PG here. For now.” He winked at the last words jokingly, before going on, “But seriously, I want to be your roommate, and your partner, and do the best I can, but… asking for help, especially from the guy who I thought didn’t like me at first—”
“I didn’t.”
“Great, yeah, that helps.”
“But I do now. Very much so.”
“Look, I’m just not used to asking for help. I always had to do everything on my, especially with looking out for my little brother. The partnering thing that we’re being asked to do, that’s new for me.”
Castiel’s hand reached out across the table, and for a moment Dean just stared dumbly at it. What, did he expect them to hold hands?
Cas cleared his throat after an awkward silence, and pulled his hand back.
“You didn’t tell me you had a brother.”
“Yeah, he’ll be starting his sophomore year in high school soon. Kid has barely hit his growth spurt yet. Growing up, I… I was the one really looking out for him. And I guess I really want to win so I could give him that prize money, make his life better.”
“That’s a beautiful reason for winning, Dean.”
“Eh, maybe the other one isn’t so beautiful. I also just want to prove to myself that I can do what I want to do, that I don’t have to be like…” He trailed off, realizing where this conversation was going.
“Like?” Castiel prompted.
Dean shook his head. “Never mind. Look, you done with your burger? Maybe… Maybe I could use a partner tonight.”
The warm smile that Cas gave him had affection Dean wasn’t used to blooming in his chest. “Of course, Dean.”
After paying they headed back to their room to grab their stuff, and then they went to the studio. A few of the other contestants were there, including Benny who was a jazz dancer, and his roommate Zach, a tap-dancer (Dean couldn’t roll his eyes hard enough at that). Zach’s partner Rowena, the ballerina was there as well. All of them were so focused that Dean and Cas didn’t bother saying hi. They just got their own room and set to work.
It was a bit easier to practice without the slight fear that cameras were going to show up at any minute to film some clips for the next episode. Though, they’d already had their time in front of the cameras of course, and then there were the interviews. If Dean relaxed enough he really began to feel like a celebrity. Though despite how fun it could be he still found it easy to stick to his purpose. Win for Sammy, and maybe win for himself along the way.
“Okay, okay…” Castiel called, grabbing Dean’s hips to stop him. “No, just… move with my hands. We can start slow.”
Focused, Dean did as Castiel said, letting his strong hands guide his hips left to right as they counted, and he paid attention to how far out he made them go.
“Good, so bring it up to the tempo, and keep it just like that.”
Feeling what he was supposed to be doing instead of just being told or shown really helped, and Dean found that he was soon really getting it.
They danced till they had the song beating in their blood, till they were sweating, and their bodies were sore.
While they sat on the floor, taking a water break, Dean pat Cas on the thigh, delighted and exuberant from their practice session so far. And it was good to have a partner who he knew had his back.
“You’re really good,” Castiel said. “I think what you want to do for your brother, it’s a really good thing, but you shouldn’t forget yourself.”
Dean slowly put his water bottle down, and found himself meeting his eyes, unable to tear his gaze away. Some kind of odd feeling was fluttering in his stomach, and he felt warm all over, and not just from the workout.
“This kind of show, you don’t just audition because you want money. You want to go through the experience, and really feel what it’s like to be a professional dancer, to do what you love. I can tell this is what you love. So don’t forget that.”
“Wow, Cas, uh… Wow.”
“You can get pretty deep and sentimental, is all.”
“Perhaps one of us has to.”
“Or… or both of us could,” Dean ventured. Castiel was silent now, his full attention on Dean, not even drinking from his water bottle. “I do want this for myself. I do. And the reason is… well, my dad—he never went easy on me. Ever. I’m not sure he even likes me. It… it makes it difficult for me to like myself. I just want to show myself that I don’t have to be like him, that I can do something I enjoy and feel good about. I want to feel good about myself, Cas. But it’s hard, you know? It’s really, really hard. But when I dance, I forget all of that, even for those few minutes I’m up on stage.”
Castiel leaned his head back against the wall. “Sometimes I think I’m just doing this to make my dad proud, or to make myself useful to the family.”
“What was that you said about not forgetting yourself?”
Cas cracked a grin, and gave a gentle laugh, despite the pain etched onto his face.
“Wow, we’re both kind of a mess, aren’t we?”
Dean stood, and held out his hand, “I think that’s the best part.”
Castiel reached up for Dean, even that movement so graceful. When Dean pulled him up, Castiel surprised him by saying, “Hey, I’m a little sick of this dance for now. How about you show me some contemporary?”
“We really should work on ballroom.”
“We have the rest of the week. I know we’ll get it.”
Feeling excitement beginning to bloom in his chest, anticipation ready to burst, Dean went to get a song up. And he kept that feeling inside himself, willing it to spread to all his limbs. He would use that, use what he felt to put it into his body. With his body he could say things he never knew how to put into words.
A slight blush crept onto Dean’s face when the first line started, SYML singing, “Darling, please, take my hand.” With his hand held out, Castiel took it.
Castiel had done some training in contemporary, and he picked up the lesson easily. Before long, Dean was admiring Cas’ extensions even while he did his own work, and then they’d come together again, or push each other apart as the song dictated. They held each other, touched each other, all of Dean’s body understanding what all of Cas’ body was saying, and he was sure it was vice versa.
Time slowed, even as it rushed by in heated motions and achingly precise movements. The song became everything to Dean, and when Cas fumbled, he was right there to pull him close, or to come up from behind him, and hold out his arm or his leg for him, positioning it with the tempo.
When the next song began they still danced in Dean’s style, Cas clearly enjoying it, figuring things out as he went along. The next song was “Can’t Pretend” by Tom Odell, and when the chorus hit Dean was surprised to see Castiel positioned to beckon Dean into a controlled leap that Castiel would carry him through.
Dean wasn’t even nervous that they’d never done lifts before, even though it’d been something that had been itching at the back of his mind earlier in the day. Towards the end of the lift Cas’ arms shook, and he fumbled it, and Dean went down. He laughed, pulling Cas with him. Cas landed on top of him, his face so close to Dean’s as they laughed.
“Oh, feel our bodies grow / And our souls they play / Yeah, love, I hope you know / How much my heart depends / But I guess that’s love, I can’t pretend / I can’t pretend, oh…”
Feeling the music, the moment, laughing as he was trapped on the floor beneath Castiel, his body already starting to throb a bit from the fall, he kissed him.
And Cas kissed back.
“I guess that’s love, I can’t pretend / I can’t pretend, oh.”
For that moment, winning didn’t matter. Only what Dean wanted right here, and right now did, what Cas wanted, the music, the welcoming exhaustion in his muscles, the sweat glistening on their skin. For that moment, Dean was glad to have Cas as his partner. He wouldn’t have it any other way.
8 notes · View notes
popculturebuffet · 3 years
Life And Times of Scrooge McDuck Retrospective: The New Laird of Castle McDuck! “And I’ll Remember It Poppa! There’s Always Another Rainbow!”
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Hello all you happy people! And welcome back to my look at the Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck! And to make up for lost time im’ doing two instalments this month, and with luck and my schedule holding out I plan to finish the main series in September, doubling up again for the last two months to finish this up. 
Background wise there’s honestly not a lot this go round, as it’s less rooted in history and more Don Rosa’s need to settle an annoying flaw with continuity. Man oh man do I relate to that and having read comics for at least half my life, i’ve seen writers do this by the bucketload to fix decisions from other writers. Sometimes for the write reasons and sometimes because EVERYTHING WAS BETTER ON MY EARTH. Don Rosa, like most writers.. has done both. 
Here though it’s for the good and for understandable reasons: Barks had Scrooge’s origin as a poor shoeshine boy from Glasgow.. but also had a rather famous and awesome story, the Old Castle’s Secret, that also gave them a giant ancestral castle. Rosa fixed this by having the McDuck’s having lost it due to a combination of being driven off the land by a fake ghost dog and poor turns of fourtune meaning they coudln’t pay the taxes to live there and were behind on taxes on it, hence the Whiskervilles having taken it over in part one. 
But obviously the Whiskervilles coudln’t KEEP the castle as Scrooge owned it in present day, thus this chapter explains how he got it. It was a stroke of genius plot wise too as it allowed him to open each act in Scotland and using the castle to measure where Scrooge is in life: As a boy dreaming of getting it back, as a young man who while not a success succeeds at this, and as an older hardned man who realizes he simply doesn’t belong here anymore who has to leave his family’s legacy here behind to start a better one in America. 
The only other real story is that a sequence here was based on the film A Matter of Life and Death, and Rosa detailed in his notes his quest to get a copy as the distribution rights here were a nightmare at the time. Thankfully that’s clearly changed as a quick look on Amazon shows both a standard DVD release, mentioned by rosa in the book and a snazzier release by the Criteron Collection are both easily available. He ended up getting a copy from Canada, and while he didn’t get any insight at least got a neat addition to his collection. Admittedly this dosen’t add much to the story, I just thought it was neat. So with all of that settled, join me after the cut as Scrooge tries to buy back his family’s legacy.
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And Scrooge has already arrived in Scotland, having reunited with Downy and Matilda, who as a refresher is more responsible and straightlaced here versus the 2017 incarnation.  Part of me DOES wish they hadn’t glossed over the reunion especially since this chapter is the last time we’ll see Scrooge and his Mom together before her utterly heartbreaking passing a few chapters down the road. But I get why we opened here instead: it’s a captivating open, with Scrooge speeding to the castle, his mother and sister trying to stave the rain off and time clearly of the essence. It sucks you in as we don’t know WHY Scrooge was summoned last time, only that it was bad enough he needed to come home, and thus ratchet’s up the tension until we find out shortly. 
It turns out the back taxes on Castle McDuck are up and the castle is being sold., doing so with some glasses, foreshadowing his iconic specs wearing as the snow and brightness of the praries in various seasons mean his eyes are all done fucked up like mine.  The Whiskervilles are naturally not only the prospective buyer but already trying to take the property prematurely, with Fergus and Jake holding the line, because love isn’t always on time. But Hortense is and when the Whiskervilles mock her daddy and uncle, planning to tear down the castle out of spite, her response reminds us why donald is a ball of rage and badassery...
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Have I mentioned she’s my favorite part of this story? Because she is. Her response to scrooge being back is also just pure adorable. 
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Scrooge does get a big reunion with his dad and uncle, getting a big hug from Fergus, if squshing his cream cheese sandwitch... and yes that’s apparently a real thing. I mean I do love me some cream cheese don’t get me wrong, but it just feels weird to put it on bread as the only thing, but I guess i’m a bit spoiled with crackers and bagels in my day and age or putting it on tosat with salmon and.. saying all of this both makes me very hungry for cream cheese. So I guess i’ts not all bad it’s just weird to me, especially since I don’t think it’d keep all that well unregrigrated but I also don’t know the times that well. Or maybe when your that poor and hungry, it dosen’t matter how good it is and maybe i’m just spoiled by my upper middle class existance. I dunno. The point is i’m going to go get me some cream cheese be back in a minute. Here have some music. 
For all two of you that didn’t clear out, Fergus naturally for the time, turns out to be sexist, insisting Jake get “The Women” home.
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Though Rosa gets a great joke out of it by having Jake wonder if he can even reign Hortense in. And I do love Hortense’s character. Whlie i’ts simple, she’s simply an angrier version of her son without the penchant for half-assed schemes, it works and makes her stand out against the more subdued rest of the McDuck family outside of Scrooge. 
Fergus explains HOW it got so bad to Scrooge: While the McDuck ancestors pooled resources to automatically pay the taxes, eventually only having two poor old men who could barely keep their family fed and a slightly less poor pulp fiction writer somewhere in America meant the taxes piled up and the Whiskervilles are within a whisker’s reach of gettng the castle, something mentioned in part 1. 
It also provides a great payoff to the first part of Scrooge’s journey: while the boy bemoans only having gotten the 10,000 dollar check from the mine sale, and that will only just about cover the castle’s taxes, he feels disheratned as it’s ALL he’s accomplished.. but in a nice moment from Fergus he points it WASN’T all for nothing: Thanks to his work they get their home back. His family can move from the cramped confines of Dismal Downs back to their ancestral homeland like they always deserved. While he may of not achieved his goal of being rich yet.. he still achieved his goal of buying the castle back, the very thing that set him on this path in the first place. It’s telling though that it takes a reminder of that, that Scrooge is loosing sight of the very human, for lack of a better term, reasons he set out: while he’s finally built a better life for his family, if just so.. all he can see is that he’s not RICH. The money is starting to cloud his judgement.. and i’tll roll over him entirely before the series is over. 
The Head of the Whiskervilles shows up with the Sheirff.. whose also a Whiskerville lest you thought unfair and crooked policing was a strictly american thing. But Fergus points out their too early.. and Scrooge flashes his check. And when the Head Whiskerville scoffs at a mcduck having money... Scrooge points out he didn’t believe in ghosts either and brags about his awesomeness in the first chapter, revealing what he did and leaving The SHierff pissed and the older whiskerville ready with a plan: he decide......
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Sadly not with children’s trading cards but with swords, and gets past the legality issue by simply challenging Scrooge’s pride and angering him into accepting. Argus, the head whiskerville whose name I just got from the comic, reveals his plan to the Shierff: While he’s dueling Scrooge Sheirff can snatch the bank statment.. though why Scrooge didn’t you know, cash it before coming and how an american banks tatment is valid in early 1900′s Scotland...
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So the Duel is on.. and like the money he’s made, the Duel is another Marker of how far Scrooge has come and how despite still not having made his fortune yet he’s rich with EXPERINCE. His experince fighting cattle rustlers and pirates means he has the reflexes to easily outfight his opponent.. though him saying he learned how to fight “Injun Style from Buffallo Bill”, i.e. learned how to fight like a native american from a white guy and beat Sitting Bull with it just makes me feel like i’m watching that episode of Saved by the Bell where Zach has to learn not to be racist but then thinks this outfit is acceptable. 
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Scrooge also tracks the guy using the tracking skills he learned from the blackfeet which again feel like the picture above , but send Argus running.. only to lure Scrooge into a fight on the castle battlemnt in the pooring rain and disarming him. Luckily the spirit of Sir Quackly gives the lad his sword back and Scrooge wins the fight.. but promptly gets hit by lighting while celebrating Caddyshack style. 
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No really Scrooge is.. or close as he got knocked into the water and is now in heaven. Sir Quackly naturally doesn’t want to see the last hope of the Clan McDuck dies and goes to talk to the tribunal of McDucks to sort it out hence the Matter of Life And Death connection. 
The Tribunal is made up of former McDucks.. it turns out Scrooge is here because of Quackly: the lighting was SUPPOSED to hit the tower, distracting Argus, and they prepare to write Scrooge off because their more concerned with golf than the fact that their whole clan’s future is on the line.. which I do not get because unless you are Tiger Woods or the Film Caddyshack, golf usually is the boring garbage water of sports and this is from someone who dosen’t like sports to begin with. I do like the Missing Links of Moorshire though so there’s that. And golf episodes of shows are usually good.. the sport itself is just incredibly boring. And I sat through Mank. I know boring. I know wanting hours of my life back. Golf is the Mank of Sports. 
What we get is a pretty tiresome sequence honestly: Quackly points out the tribuanls faults while their just dicks who only care about golf. Which again, Mank of sports. Or if you prefer the Cloud Atlas of sports but with SLIGHTLY less untetionall racisim and sadly much less Tom Hanks and Hugh Grant. The point is golf sucks and while I ilke the REST of this chapter this bit just dosen’t work for me and was clearly funnier in Rosa’s head, with the assholes not thinking much of Scrooge’s achievements and only liking him when they find out he’ll be a tight wad, the only funny joke in these draggy as hell three pages, not counting the start and finish of the sequence which arnet bad, as they send him back to earth with Quackly mentioning the dime, but not giving out WHY it’s important. That he has to figure out on his own and all that good stuff. 
So Scrooge uses his dime to unscrew the bolts and back at the castle while Argus TRIES to pawn it off as Scrooge being a coward and depart with the bank draft.... 
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Damnnnn that’s badass, he gets the bank note back (only knowing because one of his ancestors mentioned it, though with his memory of the dying dream gone he dosen’t know WHY), and has Fergus run into town to pay the taxes tonight before any other shenanigans happen while he keeps the two scheming dogmen captive long enough for Fergus to get too far for them to catch up.  Argus plans to go with plan “Do a murder on Scrooge”.. but fines Scrooge is far from unprotected and not the only badass in his family.. I mean Hortense exists but I mean that ther’es more than two... you know what jut look at the ghost heads. 
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So the two run for their lives..... also they forgot you know Hortense exists.. she’d revenge murder all of them and they both know it. 
So with the land safe and the taxes paid so the Family can implicitly move in, we end on a beautiful sunrise as Scrooge prepares to leave soon. Despite all the setbacks and hardship Scrooge is deterimend to still make it and knows he won’t fail forever. When Fergus mentions Gold at the end of a rainbow, Scrooge takes that, and the golden dawn as a sign. WHen Fergus understandably asks if he’s sure he’ll make it this time.. we get a nice nod to Bark’s best and most notable painting “always another rainbow to close us out”
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It’s a beauitful and inspiring statment.. no matter what you face.. there’s always a light at the end of it. Always another opportunity, another goal to reach, another hill to climb.. and life to live... and it’s one i’ve taken to heart and always will.. and one that will land Scrooge his fortune yet. 
Final Thoughts: This chapter is alright but like I said the two page sequence in heaven dosen’t really work for me. It’s just not funny enough and really shoudl’ve been trimmed down a page so we could get more character stuff with Scrooge and his family> Otherwise it’s a tightly paced thrilling chapter in Scrooge’s life, showing just how far he’s come and how far he has left to go. The DIsmal Downs chapter serve as a good marker of where Scrooge is and where he’s heading as I mentioned earlier, with this one showing that while he’s not hit his goal yet, he still got his family their true home back, beat his enmeis and is a legend to be. Ther’es always another rainbow.. and he just needs to find it. All in all a decent chapter outside those two pages, and a good setup for the next three glorious chapters. 
Next Month on LIfe and Times: One is Scroogey and the other is FLINTHEART GLOMGOLD, as Scrooge meets his arch enemy and rides a motherfucking lion. And if “rides a motherfucking lion” doesn’t make you come back I do not know why you read this.  Next Time On This BLog: What is that, that Freaky Thing? It’s A naked Mole rat as we return to Kauai this time with Kim Possible and Co as Drakken tries to capture stitch and Jumba wonders if Rufus is one of his or not. 
See you at the next rainbow
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holidaywishes · 4 years
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  Requested: 👍
  Summary/Request: i was wondering if you could write one where the reader and freddie are in a secret relationship but then the team find out at a gala and freddie and the reader kinda like «make love» when they get home?
  Warning: Smut (as per request), little bit of fluff because why not?, maybe some angst but I’m not sure yet.
  Author’s Note: I hope this is kind of what you were looking for when you made the request @all-time-fanatic. It’s a little bit different but kind of the same idea, I hope anyway. I’m sorry it’s a little late but I was pretty tired after the birthday party shenanigans, so, here it is. It’s a little rushed and a little short but it’s kinda cute so I was happy to be able to write something like this again!
  the other masterlist
  At first, Freddie would show up at your door at 2 am and you’d give in to his dark eyes and strong hands. He’d hold you and kiss you and act like he loved you but he’d never stick around until you finally told him you deserved better or at least more than the girl he called for a hookup.
  “I don’t think you’d want my lifestyle” he whispered to you as he kissed your neck
  “How do you know?” you replied
  “Can’t this just be simple? Just fun?” he said
  “I want more than fun...” you sigh, pushing him away as you did so, “if you don’t, then fine, but I can’t do this booty call thing anymore.”
  “Do you know what the guys would think?” he yelled
  “Since when does it matter what they think? You’re your own person!” you shout back
  “I don’t think you understand...”
  “Then help me understand!”
  “I’m not the relationship type. At least not to them.”
  “Does it have to stay that way?”
  “Yes!” he shouted and you stepped back in disbelief.
  “Well...” you shook your head in shock, “I don’t know where to go from here then...”
  “I really like you, (Y/N),” he said, sweetly and intently, “but these guys... they’re young and they don’t care about relationships. They expect me to be as available as they are”
  “And you expect me to be even more available...”
  “(Y/N)...” he sighed
  “I want you, Freddie. But I want all of you. Not just the 2 am version of you that I only seem to get.”
  “Okay, well... what if we kept it a secret?” he suggested
  “A secret? Seriously?” you scoffed
  “It could be fun?” he continued, “this way we can be together but not have the judgement from all the prying eyes of the Maple Leafs”
  “How would that even work?”
  “Simple. We go to restaurants in parts of the city where the guys don’t go. Go to plays and movies during the week. Stay in and catch up on Ozark or Game of Thrones or Will Ferrell movies.”
  “And I just never interact with team functions or games or anything?”
  “If you can keep your hands and eyes off me, you can absolutely go. But if you’re going to do anything to give yourself away, then it’s best if you stay away.” His smirk at his final statement made you fall for him all over again and you found yourself agreeing to his terms. This arrangement lasted longer than you expected yourself to allow it but at the end of the day, you couldn’t imagine not spending your time with Freddie; so, it had to be a secret. So what?
  Christmas and New Year’s had come and gone; you and Freddie were still playing your games behind everyone’s backs. You’d thought you could keep this going as long as possible until your friend handed you an invite to the Leafs annual MLSE fundraising gala.
  “Are you going to this?” she asked and you furrowed your brow
  “I don’t know... I don’t really have anything to donate...”
  “Why are you getting an invitation?”
  “My internship. I’m probably still on the list of employees.”
  “That was years ago?”
  “I don’t know, Mads,” you sighed, trying to come up with lies on the spot, “I made some friends in the organization. Maybe they remembered me and thought I’d like to go?”
  “Do you get a plus one?” she asked cheerfully and you sarcastically examined the invitation
  “No.” You stated bluntly and she rolled her eyes before scoffing at you. When the night finally came, you arrived at the hotel where the gala was being held; making your way to the ballroom where you were met by all kinds of glamour you didn’t expect.
  “Hello..” a woman’s voice greeted you as you stood in the doorway, she smiled at you when you finally met her stare, “can I help you find your table?” She asked politely and you nodded shyly, giving her your name so she could find where you were sitting; she outstretched her arm to direct you to your table where you saw a few familiar faces
  “Thank you” you said with a smile, sighing as you made your way over to the table
  “(Y/N)!” Mitch called out while Freddie sipped his champagne
  “Mitch!” you greeted in return while Zach pulled out your chair for you to sit down, “thank you.” You said shyly to him and he smiled before taking his seat next to Alannah
  “When we sent out the invitation, we didn’t think you’d show...” Auston added
  “You guys sent me the invitation?” you asked, glancing at Freddie who’d barely made eye contact with you yet
  “Of course!” Morgan exclaimed, “we liked having you around and we thought you’d have fun!”
  “Well, I guess I owe you all a thank you,” you smiled, “but I probably mostly owe it to Steph, don’t I?”
  “Yes. Yes you do” she laughed. The rest of the night, you tried getting Freddie’s attention. “Accidentally” losing control of your fork and flinging food in his direction, laughing loudly at Auston’s jokes (which were awful and not funny at all,) getting up to go to the washroom and brushing your arm against his shoulder as you walked by; nothing. He wouldn’t budge or acknowledge you and it was driving you insane. His words from when the arrangement began echoed in your mind, ‘If you can keep your hands and eyes off me, you can absolutely go. But if you’re going to do anything to give yourself away, then it’s best if you stay away,’ and all you could think was that this was some kind of test.
  “Would you like to dance?” Willy asked from behind you and you turned to him before smiling in agreement. Making your way to the dance floor with Willy felt strange, like your younger cousin had asked you to dance to appease his mom, but you still hoped that Freddie would see and get jealous.
  “How’s it going, Willy?” you asked awkwardly and he smiled at you before dropping his eyes to the floor
  “Good, good. You?” he replied and you furrowed your brow. It was then that you realized something was going on and you smirked to yourself
  “What do you know?” you sighed
  “What do you mean?” he answered your question with a question, forcing you to roll your eyes
  “Willy... Why did you ask me to dance? What’s your angle?”
  “No angle. Just wanted to dance with you...” he was avoiding eye contact now and you knew he knew something so you watched where his eyes went and followed them back to your table
  “WILLY!” you whispered to grab his attention and he jerked back to you, “tell me what you know!”
  “I-- I really don’t know what you mean...” You huffed as he spun you once, bringing you close to him again
  “I know you’re hiding something. What I don’t know is why...” you tried not to give yourself away but you feared you’d already failed at that.
  “I’m not hiding anything,” he smiled, “this is just my face.” he replied and you laughed at his choice of words as the song ended; he kissed your hand before walking back to his table and you made your way to the bar
  “Can I just get a Gin and Tonic please? Thank you”
  “You’re going to blow our cover” Freddie said, walking up to the bar and standing as close as he could to you
  “He speaks” you whispered as the bartender handed you your free drink and you put some cash in the tip jar
  “I told you that we couldn’t give ourselves away...”
  “If you think not talking to me is helping keep this a secret, you’re wrong. You’ve talked to me before in front of these guys. You not acknowledging my presence here is just going to catch their attention.”
  “What did Willy say?” he asked suddenly
  “Nothing. Does he know something?”
  “I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking you what he said”
  “This is ridiculous Fred...” you whispered, turning your body to him while he continued to face the bar, “they don’t care. They’ll care that we tried to hide it but come on. They don’t care that we’re together. So just hold my hand and dance with me...” He rested his arms on the bar top, taking a second before finally turning his head to look at you, letting out a sigh when he saw the pleading in your eyes; choosing to walk away instead of say something. You grabbed his arm before he got too far away and he wrapped his arms around you to dance so you didn’t garner the wrong kind of attention
  “Don’t do this...” he whispered
  “Are you embarrassed of me? Is that what all of this has been about?” you whispered back, leaning your head on his chest lightly before he made you look up at him
  “I could never be embarrassed of you. I just didn’t want you to get hurt.”
  “This is hurting me,” you said, gesturing to the two of you and the table, “not telling them is hurting me. Hiding is hurting me. I don’t know what you want from me. You say you like me but you’re too scared to actually be with me.”
  “I’m not scared...” he countered
  “Prove it then! Tell them”
  “Or kiss me.” The words left your tongue quickly and you couldn’t take them back. Freddie didn’t move. Didn’t speak. Didn’t look away. You weren’t sure what he was going to do or how he was going to act, so you braced yourself for whatever reaction would come next, surprised when he smirked at you and leaned down to capture your lips. Your table broke out in cheers and applause as they watched you and Freddie finally embrace, leading you to laugh against Freddie’s lips.
  “We were wondering when you would finally do that... or something like that” Auston laughed as the group walked over to you two
  “What?” Freddie questioned
  “Oh come on, Fred,” Alannah smirked, “did you really think we didn’t know?”
  “I see (Y/N) regularly,” Stephanie added, “she went from moody and tired to... well, happy.”
  “Yeah and we saw that you were happy, almost giddy, too. When I would talk to Steph,” Mitch said, gesturing between him and his girlfriend, “it didn’t take long for us to put the pieces together. But you two were just... never public”
  “We thought we’d respect your privacy,” Zach added, “if that’s what you wanted.”
  “It’s not like any of us had any proof anyway” Willy chimed in from behind you
  “But we never thought you’d keep it a secret for this long. So, we never got our proof and we didn’t want to say anything in case it would...” Morgan said, “ruin everything”
  “Well well well...” you said triumphantly, “who was right all this time, Andersen?” He growled at you
  “You’re never gonna let this go are you?”
  “What? That I was right?”
  “Yeah that...” he sighed and you smiled, wrapping your arms around his waist and he kissed the top of your head. You spent the remainder of the night attached to Freddie, with his big arm hanging over your shoulders or wrapped around your waist, the two of you barely separated. With all the commotion of the night, no one seemed to notice that the two of you slipped away or they just didn’t care enough to stop you, “let’s get out of here...” he whispered and you smiled before popping yourself up on your tip toes to kiss him
  “I’d love to”
  “I wanna get you alone” he smiled, making you laugh. He had been grazing the skin of your inner knee with his thumb the entire ride home and you had been imagining the many ways he’d make you moan. You held onto his waist as the two of you walked to his apartment but the anticipation was almost too much to bear. Once you got into the elevator, Freddie pushed you against the back wall, placing sweet kisses along your neck and you giggled at the feeling of his beard ticking your skin.
  “Freddie...” you moaned, “did you press the button?”
  “Hmm?” he said absentmindedly
  “Are we moving?” you giggled and he seemed to snap out of it. Stretching his arm back to press the button while still keeping his lips attached to yours, groaning when you moved to remove his suit jacket. 
  “We’ll be there soon, love, just wait” he teased, lips trailing your neck as he spoke
  “Too long. Can’t wait.” You replied, moving his face up to yours so you could kiss his lips. He quickly moved you to the elevator doors so he could pull the emergency stop button on the panel, the small space soon filled with heavy panting from the two of you. You pushed Freddie’s jacket off and you proceeded to undo the buttons on his shirt before the fabric hit the ground; moving from kissing his lips to marking his torso with little bites as you made your way down to his belt. Undoing the buckle without taking your eyes off of his, watching him bite his lip as you pulled down his pants and began pumping your hands up and down his shaft before taking him in your mouth. He lobbed his head back against the wall where he stood and moaned at your ministrations, encouraging you to move your mouth faster as your hand followed in sync. 
  “Fuck, (Y/N),” he growled, “that feels so good.” You smiled to yourself as you took him out of your mouth, messaging his length with his precum, taking care to catch his gaze as you licked his tip. It didn’t take long, after you took him back in your mouth, for his warm juices to fill the back of your throat; you wiped the corners of your mouth as you swallowed and he stood you up. You thought, for a minute, that he was going to trail down your body and take his time moving his tongue across your folds but when he crashed his lips onto yours, you knew he had other things in mind. He lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his hips as he pressed you against the wall, his fingers slowly trailing down your chest until they reached your core. His lips feverishly connecting with yours distracted you from his finger entering you quickly but once you noticed it, you melted into him; moaning his name as he worked his finger inside you, adding another when he wanted you to moan louder.
  “Freddie!” you moaned, panting into his mouth when you tried to kiss him once more, “oh god, fuck!” Your arms fell over his shoulders and you leaned to whisper in his ear, “fuck me Freddie.” Your words were met by an unflinching Freddie, who didn’t need to be gentle with you today. He entered you swiftly, his thrusts harsh and fast, your body hitting the wall forcefully with each thrust and you could feel bruises forming on your sides. You lobbed your head onto his shoulder, whining his name as he bit your shoulder to stop himself from being too loud
  “Fuck!” he finally let out and you scratched his back as his movements became deep and your whole body begged for friction
  “Freddie...” you whined but he didn’t move, only kissed your jaw as you moaned into the air, “fuck, baby. Fuck... Fre-eh-ddie...” When your breath hitched in your throat, he began moving again but this time he was slow and stayed quite deep in you. His moans overcame him and he began to pump into you faster than he had before, bringing him closer to his orgasm with every move he made
  “Fuck” he whined, capturing you in a kiss to contain himself
  “Scream, baby,” you coaxed, “I want to hear you scream my name.” You bit his ear lobe as the words exited your mouth
  “Fuck, (Y/N)! God damn, shit, fuck, baby.” He practically chanted, forcing a smile to make it’s way onto your face. He moved his hand back down to your core to bring you to your climax, Freddie biting your jaw as your body writhed underneath his powerful frame. He made sure you came first and he kissed you as he came down from his high, putting you down gently so you could fix yourself. You knelt down to pull his pants up for him, reversing the order that this had all happened in, and he laughed at how duteous you were being.
  “What?” you giggled
  “I just think you’re cute” he admitted as you button his shirt for him and handing him his tie
  “You’re not too bad yourself” you smiled, stumbling a little when you went to pick up his jacket from where it had been thrown; not realizing how little feeling you had in your legs at the moment. Freddie caught you as you made your way back to him, “thanks” you laughed, kissing him deeply as he hit the emergency stop button once more to allow the elevator to move. You helped him put on his jacket just as the doors opened and you were met by an older couple who gave the two of you a sly smile; leading Freddie to push you out of the elevator and hold you in front of him the entire way to his door.
  “Do you think they knew?” he asked, kissing your cheek as he got his key out
  “God, I hope not.”
  “He sure seemed like he knew.” You hit his chest and scoffed at his remark, crashing onto the couch after he’d let you in.
  “I’m glad I’m not a secret anymore,” you admitted, drifting off to sleep, “I like you too much.”
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hopinglimelight · 4 years
The Night We Met pt. 2 (D.S)
Ah, the long-awaited part two. Or as I just affectionately nicknamed it “the chapter of (maybe) tears” Anything italicized is lyrics that come from the song, but some had to be changed to make sense. 
TW: A few swear words and an extremely sad theme. Death of a Major character/ after more mentions of the death. Insomnia and implied depression.
“it’s one in the morn-“
“Luna.” There was something in his voice that made me snap my eyes open, suddenly awake.
“Corbs, are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
I put my phone on speaker before leaving it on the bed. “What’s wrong?” I walked over to get myself a pair of socks, and by the time I sat back down on my bed, he still hadn't responded. “Corbyn?”
“It’s Daniel.” 
I sucked in a deep breath at his whimper. I knew deep down inside that I had to keep my calm. “Where is Dani, Corbyn?”
He let out a long deep sob, and then there was the rustling of the phone. 
“Hey, Luna.”
“Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich. You tell me where Daniel is right the instant.”
“He’s at the hospital and he’s been asking to see you. You know the one, right?”
“Yeah, Jonah… is there something that you guys aren’t telling me?”
He sighed. “Just hurry and get down here, please?” 
I grabbed my keys and hopped in my car. I turned on the radio and drove in silence. I was expecting something minor. A broken wrist or maybe his appendix was acting up. I didn’t expect the look I saw in the receptionist’s eyes. I didn’t expect to see all four of the boys crying in the waiting room. 
“Guys?” I asked, voice cracking. My heart completely jumped out of my chest and landed with a splat on the floor. That’s where it would remain. 
“He wants to see you. He got in a bad car accident.”
“Jack, I don’t know if I can.”
“Please, Luna.” The bloodshot eyes of Zach met mine, and that was the moment I knew. This wasn’t some minor injury. This was serious. So serious, that they don’t know if he’ll make it out of this hospital.
“Miss Grant?” I nodded. “I’m Dr. Casey. I’m here to update you on Mr. Seavey’s health. From everyone’s understanding, he was driving and got hit straight on by another car. Then, he ended up running into a telephone pole, or another vehicle, on the driver’s door before flipping his vehicle. He is suffering from extreme internal bleeding from the level of severity of the crash. Be careful around his abdomen, as that’s where the blood is going. I’m sorry, but there’s nothing that we can do for him. We don’t expect him to make it through the night.” 
The doctor confirmed my thoughts. My best friend, the love of my life, is going to die. Dr. Casey offered me a sad look, and I swear I could see a tear in his eye.
“Don’t you, you guys want to. Anyone want to see him?” I stumbled over my words.
“No, we already said-” Zach couldn’t even say it. The dreaded word. Goodbye.
So I turned away from them and sucked in another deep breath. Without crying, I walked into Daniel’s hospital room.
“Hey, Lunar Eclipse.” he perked up as much as he could when I walked in. His ribs were wrapped up, I assume to keep him comfortable. I hate to say it, but I was kind of thankful so then I didn't have to see his abdomen. 
I internally winced. “Hi, Dani.”
So we sat in silence. I felt guilty. He was dying and I didn’t even have the balls to talk to him. I looked over and saw him staring at me.
“What do you need Dani?”
“Nothing, just admiring how beautiful you are.”
“I broke up with Jessica.” He cut me off. “I realized how much of a wedge she put between us. I realized I couldn't lose you. I Love you Luna Noelle Grant and I hate myself for the fact that I took me dying to tell you.”
I scooted my chair closer to him. I leaned in and pressed my forehead on his. “I love you too Daniel James Seavey. I have loved you since that first night, and I will love you forever.” 
I disconnected our foreheads, grabbing his hand. The skin was starting to go frighteningly cold, horrible in contrast to the warm, lively skin he once had. Silence. New, comfortable silence. We watched the sun come up. He made it through the night. Even the doctors were surprised. They said my presents brought out something in him. I was the reason he made it this far. However, I knew we didn't have much longer, and he seemed to know that too.
“Please. Can you play that song? Do you know the one? From way back to the night we met.”
So I did. I took out my phone and gave my lover his last dying wish. As the words of Ed Sheeran filled our ears, I put my forehead back on his. I ignored the deadly cold. As the last lyric rang out, Daniel used his last bit of energy and kissed me. The short, weak, kiss meant the world to me. The first and the last given to me by Daniel. With one last “I love you, Luna,” my angel flatlined. 
That's when I finally started crying out my tears of grief and frustration. My lover came and went. I was alone, Daniel was gone and I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do.
Months passed, and everyone started getting better. Except me. I never slept, I had to see a therapist. I refused to move on. 
My eyes flicked behind my therapist's head. His soft brown hair rested on his forehead, just like the first time I saw him, his eyes visible through the gaps he left. “I see him again,” I told her one day. 
“Luna, that's just your conscience. He’s not really there. Ignore him.”
I tried to listen, but I couldn’t. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get the memories of Daniel out of my head. I was told that it was from the insomnia I developed. I think it's his actual ghost and that kills me.
“I don’t know what I'm supposed to do when I'm being haunted by the ghost of you,” I told him one night.
I often thought back to those few times the night he died To the subtle times when the night was full of terror and our eyes were filled with tears. To the time before our kiss, when he had not touched me yet. The first time I ever saw Daniel was probably the best night of my life. There was something different about him. He wasn’t like any guy from the past I'd dated. I had fallen and the night I knew I had done so? That was the night we met. I just wish we could go back, to relive the positive memories. Only a handful of times did I wish to go back so that I could tell myself not to ride along with him. That I just went straight into my home the first time. So then I wouldn't seem like the only traveler on the trail of life to not be searching for a trail to follow, again. I am the only one who has not repaid their debt to Daniel. I am the reason he died. He was coming for me that night. I was the one to blame. I spent so much more time begging. I’d look at the sky, my therapist, my family, anyone. I’d ask the same thing every time.
“Please, take me back to the night we met.”
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thedragonastrid · 3 years
Jachary creates chaos
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Jack's POV
after telling Zach my theory
J: yes it true I heard it with my own ears
Z: ok let's assume that your theory is true but why would Corbyn kill Christina
J: simple remember yesterday when Corbyn mentioned a girl named Astrid we don't know who she is but it seems like Christina does that is why she got angry and took Corbyn to a corner and had a fight
Z: Ok I suppose that makes sense but what About Jonah why would he murder someone and specifically Sabrina
J: simple because she embarrassed him in front of the whole headquarters
Z: true but Dani and Franny what about them
J: Dani did mess up big time because he knows that she had a bad past with alcohol and she hates it and Franny had a fight with him in front of all of us and as far as I've known Daniel he really cares about his reputation and at the party, all his Juniors were there
Z: OK now I am getting worried but we cannot arrest them without any evidence
J: so what do we do
Z: maybe we can prevent them from conducting the crime but alarming the victim
J: 🤨🤨 Meaning
Z: meaning we write a letter to all of them, warning them letting them know that their lives are in danger
J: that's a pretty good idea, I"ll get the pen and paper
after a while
J: ok done
Z: let me see
the letter
dear Ma'm
your life is in danger, you are going to be killed but the only
Corbyn Besson/ Daniel Seavey/ Jonah Marais
( each letter for the three in order)
Z: alright phase 1 is done now time for phase 2
J: ahh Question what is phase 2
Z: * slaps the back of his head* diverting the letters duffer
J: oh *realizes * sorry
Z: let's go
(skip after they gave the letters to the girls )
Authors pov
Jack and Zach delivered the notes but while delivering the notes Zach got a msg from Corbyn that Corbyn needs them. So because of the rush, they mixed up the notes so Christina got the letter that says that she was going to be killed by Jonah which was suppose to go to Sabrina, Sabrina got the letter that says that she was going to be killed by Daniel which was meant for Franny and finally the letter which was supposed to go to Christina which said that she was going to be killed by Corbyn was reached to Corbyn
Zach's pov
I reached Corbyn's cabin where I find that Jonah was already there
Z: Good Afternoon Sir * while saluting*
C: Good Afternoon Zach nice of you to join us
He said while laughing
Z: Sorry sir got held up in the traffic
C: Ahhh I am just teasing ya, OK so back to the point I got a call from my spies that there is a terrorist named Jhoja the Terminator. He is planing on bombing the city so our Job is to make sure he doesn't. We have to find him in the lockup for good. GOT IT
J&Z: YES SIR! C: And Jonah Can you go to a florist and get Christina a bouquet of roses for me and say that I am sorry please I really don't wanna die today maybe she'll listen to you
J: Yeah sure no problem
( Meanwhile, when to girls got the letter)
Christina's Pov
AHH, there is another mail shit I might have forgotten. I walk over to the mail on the door to get it, I walk inside and look at the envelope it was assigned to me I thought that I was from the job I was applying for but what was written inside shocked me to the death. It said that I was going to be murdered by non-other than Jonah Marais the one who I thought as a brother to me was going to kill me, and I am pretty sure that he was doing it because Corbyn said so he was too angry on me just because I got jealous. After all, he was talking which seemed more like he was flirting with her ex on our anniversary party I mean like every girl would do that am I right. OK, I am going to rant on later, but I first got to close all the doors of my apartment.
just then the doorbell rang
Sabrina's pov
I was busy dreaming about the love of my life, my boyfriend Joshua Bassett
then I realise that I haven't read today's mail
I go over to the bundle of mails and start checking them
junk, junk, junk, junk
then my eyes caught a letter that was handwritten who still sends handwritten letters nowadays but let's just read it
dear Ma'm
your life is in danger, you are going to be killed but the only
Daniel Seavey
haha like what a police officer why would he kill me
get then the doorbell rang
Franny Pov
I was going through the mail when I saw a handwritten letter so I decided to read it but when I read what was inside it I was shocked it said that I was going to be murdered by non-other than Corbyn Besson but why would he murder me what have I done to him. but I need to protect my life so I decided to call the Police
Author's pov
Franny's call was sent to the Headquarters but what she didn't know was that her request was sent to Corbyn himself
Jonah's Pov
Ugh this Corbyn If he wasn't my head I would have killed him I mean if he is scared of her killing him that doesn't mean that he goes on and tell other people to do his work for him and he sits in an AC cabinet
anyway I reached his house I knocked on the door but she didn't open it I wonder why
Christina's Pov
I saw Jonah outside I am freaking out now Ugh what do I do now. Ugh I can't believe this but it seems like I have to call Zach I mean he is his partner right maybe he can help me .... somehow
Zach's Pov
I get a msg from Christina saying that the killer is at her house I call Jack and raced to her house to find Jonah outside the door telling her to open the door. I walk over there
Jo: Oh thank god you're here look at this Christina isn't opening her door for some reason
Z: hey don't fear when I am here. Let me talk to her.........  Christina, please open the door see it's me Zach I am here
Ch: no I am not opening this unless and until Jonah is out of here, he is here to kill me
Jo: wait me I am here to kill you nonono there has to some mistake I am here to deliver the flowers personally to you which were sent by Corbyn as an apology to you
Ch: but the letter says that your here to kill me * as she opens the door*
I quickly recognize the letter, It was written by me which was suppose to be for Sabrina
I turn my toward Jack to see a guilty look on his face as I give him a death glare
Ja: sorry that was a mistake
I thought of something really quick to cover this up
Z: hahahahahaha that means someone played a prank on you Christina
Ja: yeah these types of pranks are really becoming popular these days
Ch: yeah u guys are probably right btw did you say that Corbyn sent me flowers
Jo: yes yes he did he wanted to come here by himself but couldn't so he sent me
Ch: awww that's so sweet of him tell him that I accept his apology
Jo: will do
then we left
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booksonablog · 5 years
Zachary Levi Imagine - Being Best friends - Turned Lovers Would Include
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Being best friends - turned lovers with Zachary Levi would include:
- The two of you being early childhood best friends
- Since elementary school, you always called him “Z”
- As kids, you guys mainly only had each other as far as friends go, the two of you did everything together, from creating forts to making up imaginary worlds in the backyard
- He would occasionally come over to make a fort with you and watch cartoons in your living room while your mom made you guys cookies
- Sometimes you would go over to his house where his dad taught the two of you how to play baseball
- The two of you actually joined a little league team and he was your biggest fan, always jumping and hollering every time you made a good hit
- Both parents adoring how close you little rugrats were
- One time, when you guys were little, the two of you were bike riding when he fell off his bike after running over a rock, causing two neighborhood kids to point and laugh at him while he remained on the ground, so you grabbed the rock and chucked it at their heads. Which you later got in trouble for, but while you were sent to your room, he would be outside your window creating a skit to make you laugh
- As teenagers, you guys were chill yet adventurous, always exploring if you weren’t watching movies
- Some nights you’d be hanging out in one of your guys’ rooms and watch movies all night till you had to go home
- other days,  he would insist that you’d follow him to a new place he discovered, which would sometimes be an arcade, a record shop, a comic store, a cool place in the woods or a lake
- Sometimes you guys would go into this hidden lake he found, and swing off a rope where you could dive into the lake, but eventually stopped going because soon other people found the lake and it lost its hidden coolness
- The two of you went to different schools, sometimes he would get out early, so you would see him waiting for you, biking or walking around, sometimes a basketball in hand or a bag of candy
- You guys would spend most of the day together and he would always walk you home
- The two of you were goofy together and always very affectionate
- He would give you piggyback rides, sometimes for fun and sometimes when you just didn’t want to walk anymore, you were always hugging him or playfully hitting him, he, on the other hand, was very playful and annoying, poking you and running away after telling him to quit so many times, mushing food on your face and running off, throwing pillows at you to start a war or holding your nose so you had no choice but to talk in a funny voice - sometimes you'd come home just to find him on your bed, laying there, or in your kitchen eating your food, "your mom let me in." Sometimes you'd walk in and find a note beside a nerf gun loaded with foam bullets and the two of you would break into war - on hot days you guys would have your own water balloon fight - neither of you had a pool, so to beat the heat, you guys would try and sneak into a private community pool - rarely you guys would go to the beach, there were too many students you guys didn't care for so if you went you guys would stay under the pier, barely going in the water if at all and then get ice cream and walk around the local shops - on rare occasions, the two of you would sneak onto his roof and sit there, watching the stars and the environment below, talking about life, joking around and occasionally enjoying the comfortable silence as you rest your head on his shoulder - as the two of you got older you started to date other people, each of you coincidentally not being too fond of the others' partner, needless to say, boyfriends and girlfriends came and went - you can recall a time when he dated this two-faced psychotic girl who would be nice and sweet while he was there but once he left, she was incredibly nasty to you  - for example, the time when the three of you went to a diner, this is the first time meeting her and she seemed okay, nice, but as soon as he went to go to the bathroom she whipped her head at you and told you bluntly to stay out of their relationship. You were confused, you didn't even nudge your head towards their relationship, but before you could defend yourself he came back.   - another time, she had already shown her true colors to you but you bit your tongue, not wanting to butt into their relationship, the three of you were leaving the theater when he left to get her jacket she "forgot," she threatened you that night to leave him alone, that the two of you couldn't be friends anymore, she didn't like that you guys had inside jokes, that when something funny happened he would look at you first, that you guys would laugh at the same stupid things in a movie, or even say the same thing simultaneously. This time, you told her politely that the two of you had been best friends for a very long time and it would remain that way and that you were again, no threat. She, however, protested and said that he agrees with her, to which you laughed and said he would never say that and that she wouldn't dare ask him, being the clever person you are. She yells in your face, "watch me," as she marches towards him, he was just walking out with her jacket in his hand, watching her yell at you. After she repeats her words he grew upset, but remained calm when telling her that you were his best friend that posed no threat and you wouldn't be going anywhere. In a fit, she threw her soda at you, you were cold, embarrassed and angry, but before you had a shot at her he took her jacket, dabbed off all the soda and handed it back to her before the two of you walked away laughing. - once he got his first car, the two of you drove everywhere, from a chill late-night car ride with the windows down and melancholy tunes playing loud to exciting mini adventures - the first time he scratched his car he told you   - "we've got a problem." "Lemme guess, you caused it." "no! I mean...barely, doesn't matter! Dad's gonna kill me if he sees this so you gotta help!" - it was soon after he started driving, that he realized he had deeper feelings for you   - one of the first realizations was when you had called him crying, when he answered the phone he could hear your sniffles followed by a "can you please come and get me?" He had sped all the way to you, where you waited inside a diner, soaking wet and alone. He gave you his hoodie to change into. He offered to buy you something hot but you insisted on him taking you home. On the drive home he listened to what had happened, your then-boyfriend was supposed to take you out for a nice date and everything went okay till he decided you weren't good enough for him. You cried, understandably so, he was ignorant and you were strong and more than good enough but it was just disappointing to you. In the driveway, one of the things Zachary told you was, "you deserve someone who values you." The two of you had stood staring at each other, till a light came on from your front porch and you had to thank him before hurriedly going inside - as you guys started to become young adults, he could recall your first long term boyfriend and him getting into a huge argument when he had gotten upset about you going out, especially with him.  - the two of them were arguing in the kitchen while you were gone, "Z" was arguing at the fact that you had your own life and could hang out with whomever you wanted, that he shouldn't be demanding and jealous and couldn't steal her away from everyone else. What's funny is he actually liked the guy but was starting to notice some red flags. The guy retorted, saying how that you guys were boyfriend and girlfriend and he wanted time alone with you, to which Zach said: "We need to spend time together too!" To which the guy ended it with, "She's not yours!" This had shut Zach up, an odd realization that the narcissist was right. He knew the guy was wrong about a lot, but he was right about that, you weren't his. He began to wonder if he was jealous, but he never mentioned it to you. The guy soon became your ex after realizing a few red flags yourself - boyfriends and girlfriends, though they came and went, had created quite the stir between you and "Z." Some painful things said from different occasions include:   - "All he ever did was use you, why can't you see that?!" - Zach   - "It was a mistake coming here!" - Zach   - "you said you'd always be there for me...so how did this happen...why weren't you there? - you   - "you were ready to abandon me for her!" - you   - "fuck you!" Both of you, on different occasions - As you grew into adulthood, the two of you guys had spent significantly less time with each other as that was life - However, you managed to talk every day, phone call, text, a rare facetime, and even scheduled days to see each other - one time, you guys had finally met up and had brunch together, catching up on adult things and he had said with a smile, "I miss this." It left a familiar butterfly flutter in your tummy, it reminded you of the secret crush you had also developed for him a long time ago - the two of you made an effort to start seeing each other more, eventually seeing each other every other day at the least - one day you went straight to his house from a terrible day at work. As soon as he opened the door you immediately started crying, he brought you to his chest, "shh, it's okay, come inside." He made you tea as he listened to you ramble on about your terrible day, afterward, he drew you a bath. When you got out he told you that you could spend the night at his place since it was already late, and so you did. You fell asleep in his arms that night. - soon, the two of you were on and off again as you each started dating other people, never dating at the same time and being equally unhappy deep down. You can recall many accounts where you would sob at night, you were in love with him, but it seemed it wasn't meant to be, little did you know he would have similar nights - as you eventually made your peace, or attempted to do so, he decided he'd put his foot down and lay his cards out   - one rainy night alone, you got up to make yourself tea before bed when you heard a knock on your door, making you jump. You checked the peephole, shocked to see your best friend. You opened the door, "Z-" "I'm in love with you." He panted, interrupting you and putting you in a state of shock. " I've been in love with you since we were kids and I didn't realize this till high school, I know I should have told you sooner, and I'm sorry if this is terrible timing but I have to tell you Y/N because I'm afraid I might die if I don't. I can't live without you, without thinking about you, hearing from you and seeing you - you're everything to me and I am so deeply in love with you." He left you stunned, watching as he panted, leaning in your doorway, hair dripping with rain. "Please, say something." You shook your head out of shock, his heart sinking to his stomach. You could barely form words, and somehow "I'm in love with you too" just wouldn't cut it, so you grabbed his face, pulled him down and towards you and kissed him with all the passion you had hidden away for years. He leaned into the kiss, wrapping his arms around you tightly, only breaking the kiss for air and a grin before happily confessing how long he'd been waiting to do that ♡
Writer’s Note: I had so much fun writing this! I hope you guys enjoyed it just as much ♡
Tags: @booklover2929​ 
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