#Mickey Garcia x oc
floydsglasses · 6 months
𝙒𝙖𝙮 𝙊𝙪𝙩 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 - Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia (A Quiet Place AU)
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Pairing: Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia x AFAB Black!OC/Jasmine
SUMMARY: Monster's aren't the only thing that survivors of the quiet world have to worry about now, the people though they are hunted are the biggest threat of all. Two survivor's out of options agree to help each get out of the vacant city to safety.
Tags: Mention of blood/wounds, post apocalyptic setting, use of ASL, Alien creatures. Drug Use,mentions of death, Stranger's to lovers, Implied Smut, Angst, Swearing, Fluff,
A/N: I based this loosely off the Lord Huron Song, Way Out There, check it out when you can its so good.
ALONE,That’s how he felt. Everything was gone and he is one out of many survivors, sometimes he thinks he is the last survivor. He will be walking through an abandoned neighborhood, seeing the ruined car’s and nature taking over it will make him miss everything he had taken for granted, and being able to make a sound.
He missed people, talking to them. He was a person who thrived off social interactions. Always finding a way to include people in the conversation even if it was a small conversation. The only thing he talked with now was the voice in his head, which sometime’s was loud enough that it made him think that it was someone there.
He had no real plan, he just wanted to make it to the next sunrise. Having been living in anywhere that seemed stable till he got bored or had to move. It was lonely spending each day wondering and not having any idea of what to do.
Today was a ‘moving day’. He left a motel six he had been walking since the sun had risen, he thought it would be nice to try and live in one of the high rise’s by the marina. He passed the turned over car’s, vine’s growing into the tire’s and out of the engine.
That was a nice car, he thinks. He bet if he went back to the naval base the F18’s will be overgrown with nature. He looked down sadly, he missed his job, and his RIO. His flat shoes crunched softly, the bottom’s worn out from the use.
He stopped, his hand resting over his knife holster. His brown eyes scanned around him, his heart racing in his ear’s searching for the cause of the sound.
CLINK! He panted as he ran to the other side of an overturned car, his back pressed firmly against the hood of the car, he unsheathed his blade from his leather holster. He inhaled deeply to slow his heart rate. The clinking noise came again.
He bit his lip, hoping that whatever made the noise stopped soon. He didn't know what exact noise the monster’s didn't like. He licked his lip’s gulping. A few minutes later, the noise had gone away at least he thought.
He stepped on the sidewalk, continuing his walk past abandoned shop’s and firm’s, not sure which part of San Diego he was in. He could see some factorie’s, he guessed that he was close to the sea from the gull’s crying.
A sharp pain shot throughout his entire body. He gasped as he fell back into the brick wall, clutching his shoulder, he pant’s stifling a scream that desperately wanted to leave his mouth. He snapped his head, a short black stick with a neon green end stuck out of his shoulder.
“Shit.” He mouthed.
CLINK, he snapped looking up. Two men wearing bandanas covering their faces carrying crossbows in their hand’s look at him. He grunted holding his shoulder as he started to run.
The tip of the arrow dug deep into him as he bolted, their footsteps not far behind him. His backpack weighed him down, slowing his escape from the masked figure. What did they want from him?
He turned a corner down an alleyway. He gasped as he forced against something, a clothed hand clamped down over his mouth, he grunted against the stranger’s hold on him. Stop it, they whispered.
His shoulder ached as he moved his arm’s. A cold metal touched his temple, his brown eyes widened at the circular pressure against his forehead, the stranger's grip on his mouth tightened as the two men ran past.
The warm body of the person behind him warmed his back, what were they gonna do with the gun? Shoot him, or shoot up leaving him as monster bait. The stranger grunted as they removed the cold metal from his forehead, their hand clamped tight over his mouth.
They leaned to their left moving him with them, their free hand gripped a glass bottle tossing it down the alleyway with a shatter. His eye’s widen as a inhuman roar filled the air. Sorry for this, the stranger whispered in his ear before his world turned dark.
A MUFFLED sound filled his ears. He groaned softly as his eye’s slowly opened, his arm still ached with a sharp pain. He could make out he was surrounded by brick’s, a factory-like place. He grunt’s softly grabbing at his shoulders. 
“Shit thought you were out longer.” A voice grumbled in a whisper. He pant’s in fear as he move’s his arms, a hand stops him.
“Don't move.” They whisper to him, he grabs at their hand. Their face covered by a floral bandana, their hair tucked inside of a baseball cap. Their brown eyes being the only part visible to him.
“Ow.” A female voice muffled by the cover say’s. 
He raised his brows. “How?” He signed, she pointed up at the ceiling.
“Three foot concrete they cant hear.” She signed her motion’s fast, he only knew basic asl. 
“What?” He signed, she shook her head.
“They can't hear,we are too far underground.” She whispered to him, she moved his jacket sleeve off his arm. He furrowed his brow. 
“What are you doing?” He whispered, she didn't answer. He shook his head irritated, his finger’s pulled down her bandana. Her eyes widened at him.
She glared at him as he stared at her for a moment. He hadn't seen another person in so long it was comforting to see someone, especially someone as pretty, what he did not expect was the look of anger. 
“Am I gonna have to handcuff you?” She fumed, she pulled his hand away from her.
“Sorry.” He apologized, she pulled out a needle,thread, alcohol,. 
“What are you doing?” He asked her again, and she looked up at him. “Sewing you up.” She says bluntly, she leaned over grabbing a white rag, his hand pat around his shoulder where the arrow used to be. 
“You removed it?” He asked her. She shrugged, soaking the rubbing alcohol into the rag. 
“Yeah now I'm gonna have to sew you back up.” She  tells him. His brown eyes widen in fear.
“What.wha sew me up?” He stammered. 
“Yes, Unless you would prefer to bleed out.” She joked with a dry laugh, he shook his head. She grumbled under breath, she at him. 
“You don't happen to have vodka on you, do you?” The girl asks him.
“What?” He said, confused, she shook her hand. “What about bleach?” She ask’s. He shook his head. 
“No, What are you talking about?” He wonder’s, she bit her lip, she poured the alcohol into a plastic butter container.
“I'm almost out of alcohol so look’s like I'm using the rest on you.” She says to him. 
She set the thread in the liquid, leaning over to him. “Can you roll this out of the way?” She asks him, gesturing to his gray long sleeve shirt. 
“You want me to do it for you?”She wondered. He shook his head. He groaned as he slowly pulled his sleeve down, lifting it up over his head, his black curl’s falling back down. She flicked on her bright pink lighter with a duck on the side. 
She removed the sewing needle from her bag, moving the flame under her needle. “What are you doing?” He asked, his heart racing. 
“Sterilizing it.” She state’s, he leaned back. He wasn't sure what he was even laying on, just that it was safe for him to talk.  “If blood loss doesn't kill you, infection will.” 
“No offense but.” He gulped as she threaded the needle. The sharp end made his heart drop to his stomach. 
“Your bedside manner suck’s.” He chuckled weakly, she rolled her eye’s. “My exe’s might think differently.” She mumbled under her breath, she got on her knees to his side. 
She inhaled deeply.”I'm gonna tell you now this is not gonna be pretty.” She warns him, he nodded his head. 
“You can hold my hand if you want.” She suggests to him, he whipped his head looking at her. She picked up his shirt, wrapping it tightly and handing it back to him.
“Bite down on this.” The girl ordered him. He pants, taking it from her, putting the gray henley in his mouth, gritting his teeth against it. She grabbed the warm needle hovering over his wound. 
“Take a deep breath.” She says, she closed her eyes as she prepared herself. She winced as she began to thread through his skin. He screamed in agony, his cries muffled from the cloth against his mouth. 
Hot tears escaped his eyes flowing down his face,she winced at the man in pain. His finger’s gripped against her free arm as she continued to work to patch him up. 
HE PANTED, staring at the concrete above him. The pain in his shoulder diminished thankfully, though he could still feel it. She walked between the wood table set against the wall, she pulls out a shirt from her milk crate. She walked back over to him.
“Should fit.” She tells him, lightly tossing him a dark green henley shirt. He grabbed at it, slowly sitting up against the carseat, he groaned pulling the shirt over his head, being mindful of his patched up wound.
“Who were those guy’s?” Mickey wonder’s, she pulls her plaid shirt close to herself.
“San Diego bandits.” She answers. He furrowed his brow’s. “Who?” he ask’s.
She sighed irritated. “You don't know do you?” She says, she crossed her arms turning around to look at him.
“Their a group of radical’s killing anyone in the city who makes a sound.” She explained to him, he raised a brow. “Why would they do that?” He wondered, she shook her head.
“Because they think that by silencing anyone, they are appeasing god and that he will take the monster’s back.” She explained.
“So that’s why they tried to kill me, to stop me from making noise?” He ask’s her, she shrugged.
“That or they were gonna auction you off.” She says, his heart dropped. “Auction me? Like fucking cattle?” He ask’s, she shrugs.
“In a way, yes.” She answered. She puts her hand on her hip’s. “Some people they keep alive, other’s they drag out, and leave them as a sacrifice.” She explains.
He shook his head. “How do you know so much about them?” He wonder’s
“Because I used to be one of them.” She tells him. She sighed leaning back. “That was two months ago.” She clarifies. His brows furrowed.
“I've been in the city for two years, and never met them.” He tells her, and she shrugged again.
“They did not form till a year ago, and they didn't become violent till six months ago.” She informs him. He shook his head in shock. He was lucky they hadn't found him yet. They could have killed him at any chance.
“And I have some bad news for you.” She speaks up. He looked at her, she inhaled through her nose. “This thing isn't over for you.” She tells him.
“What? What are you talking about?” He ask’s her.
“When they dont silence someone, they will do everything they can to make sure you don't come back.” The girl explained to him, he ran his fingers through his curly black hair, his heart began to race.
“Are you serious?” He ask’s her, she nodded. He swore under his breath as he began to pace back and forth. “But.” She started, he crossed his arms looking at her, not expecting something good.
“I won't let them get to you…if you help me.” She says to him. His mouth parted agape. “Is that why you saved me?!” He wondered, he took a step forward.
“Just because you need someone to help you?” Mickey ask’s, she shakes her head.
“I saved you because I'm not an asshole.” She state’s bluntly.
“Really?” He says with a brow raised. “So you holding a gun to my head makes you less of one.” He remark’s rolling his eyes. Her jaw dropped, shaking her head.
“You mean me holding a car lighter to your head.''The woman tells him. She shook her head again.
“Baby the closest I have ever gotten to being violent with another human was when I held my hand over your mouth.” She declared, he wiped his mouth, regretting his choice of words.
“Look if you wanna go back out into that city and risk the chance of actually losing your life.” She sneered, she gestured up. “Be my guest.”
She step’s forward, her eye’s darkened as she glared at him. “But if you wanna get out of this god forsaken city..then you will help me.” She stated.
He takes a deep breath, collecting himself. “Fine.” He conceded.
“Okay then.” She smirked, she turned around grabbing a small blue book in bold font, San Diego County Map, tabbed with different colors. She placed the book on top of metal table.
“A month ago, I went down to the old coast guard sector, I tried to get on one of their boat’s to work.” She explains opening the small book, opening a map part of the book, pointing at the word’s in sharpie.
“As you can see it clearly didn't work, and I sure as shit dont know the first thing about fixing boat’s.” She admit’s with a weak laugh. “And what makes you think I know how to fix a boat?” Mickey wonder’s.
She reached into her front pocket, a jingling of metal peaked his interest. From her finger’s dangled a chain with a small metal plate at the bottom. He held out his palm as she placed the cold misc on it.
He turned the plate over, reading. Mickey Garcia, Fanboy. US NAVY.He looked at her in shock. “You went through my bag?!” He exclaimed in anger, she shook her head.
“It fell off your bag.” She says, she shook her hand. “You were in the military? So you have some type of knowledge about mechanic’s right?” The girl wonder’s.
He stammered for a moment. “I mean yes, I flew onto boat’s I didn't.” He stuttered, she shook her head.
“Yes or no, can you help me?” She asks him. He sighed, rolling his eyes. “Yes I can help you.” He tells her, her lips formed a thin line.
She extends her hand out. “Shake on it.” She ordered.
“I always shook hands with client’s, it's a sign of trust.” She explains to him, he nods his hand. Gripping her hand in a hand shake. “You have a name?” She ask’s. His brow rose.
“Don't you already know it?” He wonder’s, she shrugged. “I do but you should tell me it yourself.” She admits.
“Mickey.” He tells her. She smirked, impressed. “Jasmine, my friend’s called me J.J.” She says to him, she takes her cap off her head, her curly pixie cut shaking it off.
“I'll take you to the depot in the morning, it's about a three mile walk.” She list’s off to him, she bent down to the plastic crate by her legs pulling out a can of beefaroni. “I'm gonna heat this up,and you.” she points at him.
She rummaged through her pink crate, pulling out a red book. She grunt’s tossing it over to him. He read the title. Sign Language for Everyone: Basic Course.
“There is a safety shower in that back corner, it has only one setting that is lukewarm, I have another hammock you can set up.” JJ tell’s him.
“Oh I don't wanna be a bother.” He told her, and she shook her head.
“Trust me you dont wanna sleep on that seat.” JJ say’s to him. “Okay then.” He says, she smirked turning around, grabbing a chisel popping the can open.
THE BOAT gently rocked back and forth. She sat at the back of the response boat, gripping her large knife. She covered her face with the bandana again, her short curly hair hidden away in her green baseball cap.
Her brown eyes scanned all over for any threats. Conversation between the two was limited, only because he didn't know ASL as well as she did, and that he was busy fixing up the mistake she had made with the boat.
When she first found it she had tried to find the owner’s manual, she guessed the military didn't leave that out in the open. She sighed bored, she claimed she was an introvert, she usually preferred the comfort of her underground fortress.
Even before the world ended she was happy to be left alone in her crowded apartment. There were point’s where she practically thrived off of how quiet things were now, before the world was to be overrun with noise.
Now actually talking with someone after so long, made her think. A soft grunt’s pull’s her out of her thought’s. She looked up at him, his curly black hair pulled back into a tight ponytail.
“How is it?” She signed fast. His lips parted as he thought of what she might have said. She shook her head standing up carefully getting up walking inside the cabin. She grunted unhooking a whiteboard.
Day’s without an incident, 28 days. She quickly wiped away the black dry erase getting on her purple windbreaker.
“How is it?” She write’s down, he nodded his head taking it from her, wiping away her previous words.
“Should be fine. Some parts are missing though, do you know where I can get parts?” He asked her, and she bring;s out her book from her jeans pocket. Flipping through finding a directory.
She takes the whiteboard from him. “There’s a hardware store one mile up the road.” She tells. She pretends to write on her arm.
“Make a list.” She sign’s, he nodded his head understanding, he took the whiteboard from her, holding it back up.
“Did you break something in there?” He ask’s.
Her eyes widened, embarrassed. She leaned over taking it from him. “I got mad and kicked the panel.” She write’s.
He covered his mouth to stifle his laugh, She rolled her eyes at him. “I'm sorry.” He signed to her, she shrugged.
“What did you do before this?” He asks on the whiteboard. She smirked, taking from him, drawing a stick figure of a man with a gavel and robe.
“You were a judge?” He write’s.
She shook her head. “Lawyer.” She corrects him. He nodded his head, so that’s what she meant when she said client’s. He thinks’.
“What were you?” She asks him, he smirks, taking the whiteboard from her. “Fighter Pilot.” He tells her, she nodded impressed.
“Have you ever shot a plane down?” JJ asked him, he took the board from her quickly writing down. “I have.”
“How did you get the name ‘’Fanboy’?” She wonder’s, he rubbed the back of his neck, looking at the cabin of the boat.
He take’s the whiteboard from her. “I will tell you later, I can't explain this way.” He says, she shrugged.
“Cool, are you almost done for the day?” She asks him, he leaned back thinking. “A few more checks, should be good.” He write’s.
“Get to it.” She signed, he furrowed his brow at her signing.
She sat up pointing to the cabin again, he nodded his head standing up walking back inside. She sighed again. She glanced over her shoulder, catching a glimpse of his henley slowly moving with his muscle’s. She cleared her thoughts quickly looking away.
THE BIT OF stray sunlight shines above the steel mill, the small amount of lights dim lit the basement. She marked off on her notebook, sitting on the bottom half of a bucket. She kept a mental note of which tool she would have to take with them tomorrow.
He laid down on the car seat, boredly reading through his ASL book. He had at least memorized ten word’s, the silence air between the both of them was gnawing at him. She wasn't the most talkative person, he could tell.
He sighed loudly. She shook her head, as she returned her attention to her writing. He dropped the book on his chest, dropping his head looking at her. She drops her pencil, turning around looking at him.
“Alright pretty brown eyes, what do you want?” JJ teases him. He resists a smirk at her nickname, he sits up closing his book.
“I'm bored.” He says bluntly.
She shrugged. “Find something to do.” She gesture’s around, he shakes his head.
“Do what? I don't know what this place is,or even who you are.” He point’s out, she crossed her arms over her chest.
“Look I just..want something to do, and I will leave you alone till then.” He proposed.
Her brows furrowed as she thought. She sighed defeated. “Fine, you want something to do?” She repeated his answer, he nodded.
“Follow me.” She orders him, standing up quickly at a fast pace down the hall.
“Come on pretty boy.” She urged, he got to his feet following her down a hallway. She unclipped the flashlight from the wall as the light from above faded away. She pulled her arm’s closer to herself as they kept walking.
“So what is this place?” He asked her, she inhaled.
“Ryan & Edward’s steel mill, founded in 1939, at the tail end of the depression when World War || was starting.” Jasmine explained to him.
“Ran until 1988, Steel Crisis shut them down for good, and it didn't help that the place was a walking death trap at point’s.” She explains, he nodded listening to her smooth voice. She stops at a room with cabinet file’s and a desk.
“If it’s such a death trap why are you here?” Mickey wonder’s leaning against the door frame. She chuckled weakly.
“I don't think I really care if inhaled spores kill me, it would be better than..well you know.” Jasmine admit’s, she shivered as she walked in the office.
She walked over to the desk, pulling on the cabinet with a tug. She grunted, it didn't budge. She peaked over the desk.
“Can you help over here?” She asked him, he dropped his arm’s getting next to her, his grip on the desk handle tight.
“Ready?” He asked. The both of them grunt in effort, the draw came unloose. She stumbled back against him, she put her hand against his chest stopping herself, she cleared her throat turning around, getting on her knees digging through.
“What are we looking for?” Mickey ask’s, she holds the flashlight in her mouth, mumbling to him.
“What?” He ask’s, she rolled her eyes pulling it out.
She wiped the back off, handing the tool to him. “I came in here a month ago, it was late and found these old journal’s down here.” Jasmine tell’s him.
“I found a lot of thing’s down here too, kid’s used this place as a hangout so there is stuff littered here from each decade.” She explains to him, her arm’s covered in goosebumps as she rummages through the drawer.
“Look in one of those file cabinets, you can find some old stuff.” She tells him, he nodded his head, he easily opened it digginging through the past.
“You don't mind me asking.” He speaks up, he looked over his shoulder at her.
“How do you know so much about this place?” He wonder’s.
“Well on top of being a partner with a law firm, I had to study up on lawsuit’s.” She recall’s to him, he furrowed his brow.
“What happened here then?” He asked.
“Funny enough, it was a guy smoking, and reading a porno magazine on his break, he fell over the railing breaking his leg, and he sued his foreman.” She tells him, he shook his head with a smirk.
“That is so dumb, how did it end?” He ask’s, she shrugged again. “They settled out of court for 6, 000, which in the 1950's was a lot I guess.” She chuckled.
She pulled out a bundle of photos, and a journal. “Find anything?” She asked him.
“Old magazine’s, couple photos and…. no way.” He gasped in surprise, he pulled out a plastic baggy with green twigs and dirt, she raised a brow as he smiled in excitement.
“How old do you think that is?” Jasmine ask’s him. He flipped the bag examining it. “I don't know.” He is excited.
“You wanna find out?” He challenged, she shook her head, his shoulder’s slump.
“Oh come on, please.” He pleaded with her.
“It's probably not even good.” She tells him. He steps forward, a cockeyed smile at the edge of his lip’s. “Won't know till we try it.” He says.
“Oh so it’s we now?” She wonder’s. He shrugged, with a soft grin. She inhaled looking away from his stare.
“Okay, if I find paper, we can roll one.” She tells him, he smirks. She turned around, opening the sliding desk top. Basic supply’s of an office, a rectangular object catches her attention.
“Huh?” She says out loud. Mickey raised a brow.
“What is it?” He wonder’s leaning against the filing cabinet, she holds it up. On the paper line of the tape written in faded marker. Hollywood’s Classic Mix, and some more. she smirked.
“I found a radio.” She says to him.
Oh fuck yeah.” He agreed, she chuckled softly at his excitement. He walked out of the room with an extra step in his pace. She picked up the journal and photos following him out of the room.
THE TWO OF them laughed, after she had cooked up an old can of beef broth with carrots, the both of them rolled a joint sharing it. She scrunched her nose as she slowly inhaled the plant, she no doubt knew it was gonna stink up the space they occupied with their cots. 
“Ugh this stuff suck’s.” Jasmine coughed, leaning over handing it back to him. He chuckled at her reaction. 
“So where are you from?” Mickey asked her, she chuckled looking down at her feet in her Tom’s.
“West Virginia.” She answered. He nodded his head. 
“Alright, how does a girl from West Virginia get in a place like this?” He teased, she smirked, she messed with the coils at the back of her neck. 
“My parents.” She says. 
“Were they lawyer’s too?” He wondered, she shook her head. “Mom was a doctor, Dad was an auto mechanic.” She tells him 
“Yeah really broke the mold on that one.” She remark’s, he inhaled the joint. Coughing holding his chest as he handed it back to her. 
“What about you, pretty boy? Where are you from?” JJ asked him, he smirked. 
“Florida.” He answered. She scoffed. “Not surprising.” She tells him. He raised a brow. 
“What does that mean?” He wonder’s, she shrugged. “You seem like the kind of person who lived in ‘Happier State’.” She states. He smirked, his cheek’s growing warm. 
“Right there.” She point’s, his smirk turned into a grin at teasing.
“What?” He ask’s between his laughs. 
“That..that..your million dollar smile, like how do you do that?” She wonder’s, her lips parted trying to stop her smile. 
“The world has ended, and you still are smiling like everything is good.” She admits. 
He shrugged. “I don't know..I just always smile.” Mickey guessed, she shook her head. 
“They may have taken our sound..but they can't take away our smile’s.” He state’s, he chuckled lightly. 
The soft glow from the barrel fire illuminated an orange hue on his face, his teeth practically shining in the light. Her lip’s formed a soft smile as she gazed on him, on his face she could see smile lines at the edge of his lip’s. 
She looked down. “You're kind of right on that one.” She mumbled, she inhaled on the joint again letting out the same cough.
She leaned over the car seat to him, giving him the joint. She shivered, bringing her arm’s closer to herself. It was March outside, the cool would creep down on some night’s from the shaft above that gave access to the soundproof basement. 
She gasps from surprise at the sudden feeling of someone hand on her skin, goosebumps flooding her arm’s as warm cloth wrapped around her. On both of her shoulders, a navy blue zipper jacket laid unzipped. She glanced at him, he smiled softly.
“Thank you.” She whispers while signing to him. He moved hand back and forward, and away from his chest. Jasmine smirked impressively at the man.  Your Welcome
“Your signing is better.” She commented, he looked away as his face no doubt became redder at her complimenting. He looked down at the joint in his hand. 
“Are you even feeling anything from this thing?” He wondered, looking at her brown eyes, she looked down at herself. She shook her head.
“80’s weed sucks.” He remarked, he tossed it into the fire. 
The both of them leaned back in the car seat, the soft sound of the fire cracking blending with music that slowly played from a radio beside her feet. She closed her eye’s, she fought against the tiredness in her body desperately, she couldn't sleep, she needed to take watch. 
“Fuck.” She mumbles, rubbing her eye’s. He glanced at her, the warm light bringing out her dark features. “What?” He whispered. 
She shook her head.  “I'm trying not to sleep.” JJ admits her voice is quiet.
“Why?” He whispered, she looked over at him. Her dark brown eyes soften.
“I’m supposed to be on watch, remember to protect you.” She tells him, he sits up. 
“You can sleep, I’ll take the first watch.”Mickey reasure’s her, she shook her head.
“No, you're my responsibility.” JJ state’s, his heart skipped a beat at her determination. 
He shook his head. “Well you can't protect me if you are tired.” Mickey chuckled, she shook her head no again. 
“I'll be fine.” She reassured him, stubborn. She stands up to her feet, walking past him. “Jasmine.”
He says, his calloused hand reaching out grabbing her wrist. Her stomach went wild at the warm contact from his hand, his touch gentle as he looked up at her. 
"Sorry.” He apologized, her breath hitched in her throat as she looked at him.
“You've done enough..just sleep.” He says to her in a whisper. Her heart began to race as he pleaded with her, his soft brown eyes practically beginning to concede. She pant’s nodding her head. 
“Okay.” She says. She grabs at the jacket around her shoulder, handing it to him.
“No, you take it for tonight.” He assured her. She smiled softly. 
“Um..good night then.”JJ say’s to him, tripping on her word’s. She walks away slipping her arm’s through the hole’s of the dark clothing item. She lays on her cot that is laid across from his, she brings her nose to the navy fabric of the jacket.  
Deeply inhaling the scent, she could smell hints of the earthy and bit’s of what she thought was apple, she smirked against the cloth as she nuzzled herself into her sleeping bag. Her mind raced with many thoughts.
SHE STUCK her arm out bored as she walked along the dock. The last two days she had been playing guard to him as he fixed the coast guard boat. She was also doing the most she could to not share the same room with him for as much as she could.
She had been wrestling with herself over the obvious crush that was forming. She knew exactly why she was growing feelings so fast and she hated it. The world had ended and she had been starved of human contact for so long, and clearly anyone who was as lonely as she was would enjoy the company of someone happy like him. 
She spun on her heels, walking back. She twisted her wrist with a knife. The boat rocked back and forth as he walked out of the cabin. He leaned over, lightly tapping the wood making her turn around to face him. 
“What’s up?” She sign’s, he smirked, glancing back into the captain’s cabin. She raised a brow at his grin. He was always smiling. This time was different.
“Is it done?” She asks him. 
He nodded his head. She put her knife back into her sheath, she excitedly walked back to him, being mindful of the noise her feet would make if she jumped onto the boat. She reached out her hand for him to help. 
He guided her onto the docked boat. She gasped as her foot slip’s off the edge, almost touching the water. She sighed in relief, thankful he had a hold of her arm’s. She glanced up at him, quickly looking away as the heat rushed to her face. 
He led her inside. “It should work.” He signed slowly, she nodded impressed.
He reached out to touch the ignition key, her eyes widened as she gripped his hand tight. He whipped his head around, confused at her action. 
“Too Loud!” JJ signs, his lips parted nodding his head. “Sorry.” He says she released her grip on him. 
“Tomorrow.” She promises him.
“We leave tomorrow.” She swears, he nods his head. 
“Let’s get out of here.” JJ signs, he furrows his brow again. He watched her leave, picking up her backpack as she pulled herself back up onto the dock, he smirked to himself. 
They quietly walked next to each other, looking around at the desolate San Diego. She looked down sadly passing by shop’s that were overgrown with vines and leaves. She had moved to the city when she was fourteen, she hated her parents for it. 
She couldn't stand the crowdedness of the inner city, and she hated how close they were to the ocean. Did Not help people made fun of her for being from the south, and how she looked. She guessed the joke’s on them now since she is still alive. 
He tap’s her shoulder. “You okay?” Mickey asked her, she nodded her head. 
“Just thinking.” She signed slowly, gesturing to her head.  “About?” He ask’s her, she shrugged. 
She grabs the whiteboard from her bag, writing with the expo quickly. “How everything is gonna change soon.” She writes. 
He took the whiteboard from her. “Where are we going?” Mickey wonder’s. She bit her lip at the use of we, sighed, taking it back from him. 
“There is an island, rumored to be filled with survivors, about five mile’s south of the marina.”  She wrote in bold, his brows furrowed at her explanation. 
“Is it true?” He write’s, she shrugs, taking it back from him. “I don't know.” She admitted. 
“We are gonna find out right?” JJ asks him, her question mark on the end big for him. He smiled warmly at the use of we. “Yes.” He signed to her. 
SHE DUG THROUGH her bag, rolling her eye’s frustrated, they had finished off the final can of spaghettios she had. He looked up from his book over at her, his brow rose. He sit’s up placing his book on his knee. She grunted frustrated, as he kept digging.
“What are you doing?” He ask’s her, she looks over her shoulder at him. She sat on the dirty floor showing her backpack.
“I'm looking for something i was saving for a rainy day.” JJ tell’s him.
“You have better weed in there?” Mickey teased, she rolled her eyes playfully.
“No pretty boy, I have alcohol in it.” She says bluntly, his eyes widened at her snark.
“I was saving it for when I.” She stops mid-sentence, she pat’s her leg. “When I got out of here.” She stammered, he nodded his head.
She looked at her plastic container on the ground, she could see the orange lid covering the top of the brown liquid. She smirked.
“Found it.” She whispered. She ripped out a bottle of whiskey, the labeled ripped half way that he couldn't tell what brand it was.
“I thought you were kidding.” He laughed at her, she shook her head.
“No, I've been saving this bad boy for two month’s.” She says excitedly.
“Bad news is we have to share it, so don't expect guests.” JJ tell’s him. She grunt twisted the cap breaking the seal of the liquor. She leaned her head back as the ripe fruity taste went down her throat.
She scrunched her nose up. She pulled the dark green button down closer as she walked over to him, sitting on the opposite side of the car seat, handing the drink bottle over to him.
The radio softly played the mixtape she had found. Occasionally a voice would play from the tape, saying who requested what song and why it's there.
“Ill take my chances.” He tell’s her, he leaned his head back taking a swig of the fruity drink. His nose scrunched up closing his eyes. “Wow.” He say’s.
“How old is this?” He ask’s her, she shrugged taking it from him. “How far into the apoulpse are we?” JJ ask’s him.
“Two years.” He guessed, she smirked. “Two years old.” She remarks, she laughs as she takes another drink.
She gagged, holding her mouth. “You know what, don't know why I thought this was a good idea.” She grumbled, handing the drink back to him.
“So Fanboy.” She speaks up, drawing out his callsign. He perked up
“Enlighten me, how did you get a name like that?” She ask’s, he rubs the back of neck licking his lips.
“Thought you would have figured it out?” He says, she shakes her head, running her fingers through her curly hair.
“I'm not that smart.” She admits.
“Bullshit!” He exclaimed with a laugh. Her face grew red at his compliment. “Sorry.” He apologized to her.
“I kind of have a tendency to get loud.” He explains, she raised a brow.
“Like I'm the one who gets everyone hyped up.” He tells her, she smiled nodding her head.
“That makes sense, I mean you can't even talk up there, and you say so much.” She say’s to him, she furrowed her brow. “Hope that makes sense.” JJ mumbled.
“It did.” He says. He leaned his back again taking a swig of the alcohol. He groaned holding his mouth. Jasmine laughs at him.
“What about you?” He ask’s her, her heart skipped a beat. “What about me?” She wonder’s, he sits up handing it over to her.
“What were like before this all started?” Mickey wondered, she shook her head.
“I was quiet, I never really went out, I only hung out with some friends.” Jasmine recall’s.
“Actually, funny enough my favorite people to hang out with were my parent’s.” She chuckled warmly, biting her lip.
“My dad was always good with people and my mom, she was funny.” She recall’s.
“Aren't all mom’s?” He wonder’s. She shook her head.
“I guess but they weren't my mom.” She says to him, she looks down as her arm’s become cold. She sighs heavily.
“What about you? What were you like?” Jasmine wonder’s, she takes the drink from him, taking a swig from the alcohol.
“How was your family?” She asks him. He laughed and leaned back against the car seat. The Radio playing a soft rock song filling the air.
“Honestly..I wish I was able to stop, like there were point’s everyone told me to shut up.” Mickey admit’s. He sighed, his eyes looking down at the cold concrete.
“But I didn't used to be that way.” Mickey says to her, she listens intently at his confession.
“Believe it or not, I wasn't everyone’s favorite person in middle school.” He recall’s.
Her eyes widened at him. “No way.” She says, he nodded.
“Yeah I was either too loud or too quiet, it really messed me up.” He says to her. She looked down sadly.
“And girl’s didn't want to go to the dance with the boy who rode the bench all year.” He recalled.
“My a’ma though, you would have liked, she was always good with people, and making them happy.” He smiled softly. Her lips began to form a smirk at seeing him, a glint of a tear in the corner of his dark brown eyes.
“She had this crazy horse laugh, and she was so tough but she always meant well.” His voice broke at the end, his breath shook as he leaned over taking the alcohol from her. His face mute as he took a swig from it.
“You know what fucking suck’s about this world now?” His voice grim, she looked down at her finger’s as cold wash over her body. He shook his head as his lip’s formed a thin line.
“I have never felt so alone in my entire life.” He admitted, turning his head to face her.
“This world is so goddamn lonely… it’s suffocating.” His breath shook at his last word’s.
She hadn't thought about it. How it must have been for someone like him, to go from having everyone to having no one. Living in a world where you once thrived off social interaction and now all that’s left is living to die.
The radio scratched over as a voice began on the other end.
“This next song Slider suggested, who knew he was the romantic type?” A male voice teased, static on the radio play as grunt is heard on the other end.
“Shut up Hollywood.” Another voice scolded me.
“I'm just saying you have taste, don't be so harsh.” The man proclaimed. A soft piano began to play as the voice on the other end faded out. A soft old motown song she recognised from the moment she heard it. Bring It On Home To Me.
Jasmine look’s to the man on her left. His smile was gone as he stared down the bottle in his hand. She sighed, getting to her feet.
“Dance with me.” She says to him, her voice clear. He looked up at her, his brow’s furrowed.
“What?” he asked, confused. She took a deep breath. “I'm giving you what middle school you didn't get.” She says to him, extending her hand.
“Now get your ass up.” Jasmine teased him. He sighed in defeat, extending his hand, she pulled him up from his spot. He sat the bottle down.
She smirked, placing her hands behind his neck. His hand’s practically engulfed both sides of her waist, her heart raced in her ear’s as the blood rushed to her face at his actions. The both of them began to sway gently to the music.
it didn't seem like danger was near. It was just the both of them,that what only mattered was this moment with the two of them. The heat of the barrel fire illuminated their shadow’s onto the factory pillar’s. The figure’s on the wall are copying their slow movement’s.
“So this is what I missed out on huh?” He teased in her ear, vibrating against her skin. She scoffed softly.
“More or less.” She whisper’s.
He removed one of her hand’s from his neck, taking it his own. Leading their dance away from her control. She could swear her heart almost stopped.
“Alright Swayze, you got move’s.” Jasmine teases him softly. She chuckled, the feeling of his finger’s laced with her own sent shockwaves through her. Smile peaking through, radiating with a sense of peace.
“Oh I've got a lot move’s, baby.” He flirted, she bit her lip shaking her head. He took their tangled hand, spinning her around. A laugh left her as she twirled back to him.
“You are so lying about not going to a dance.” Jasmine say’s between her laugh’s. He shook his head.
“I didn't say I stopped dancing.” He point’s out, their chest touching as the song slowly began to end. Their brown eyes locked, Her breath hitched in her throat as goosebumps flooded her body.
His eyes glanced at her lip, his gaze so soft it made her stomach flutter. His hot breath peppered her face as the gap between them started to diminish. She panted as she slowly pulled away.
“Should be sleeping.” She whispered to him, clearing her throat. The heat rushed to her face as she rubbed the back of her neck. His black brow’s furrowed, puzzled.
“Long boat ride tomorrow.” She chuckled weakly.
“Yeah.uh, I should get to it.” Mickey say’s, copying the same false laughter as her. She picked up the bottle from the ground, putting it back in her crate.
You are such a coward, she scolded herself. She shook her head as she put away stray objects, and grabbed her knife from her holster. She changed her clothes in the corner she deemed her makeshift closet with her clothe;s hung to dry. She slipped her black shirt over her head, pulling her adida’s sweatpants that had been ripped at the knee.
Of course a guy who clearly wanted to kiss you, you didn't even kiss him. Her eye’s closed as she shook her head. She walked back to where both of their cot’s lay near one another, their sleeping bag’s unmade from the night before.
She sighed as it creaked with the weight of her body, she tucked herself into a sleeping bag, holding her arm’s close to herself. Still wearing the jacket he gave her, basking in its sweet earthy smell. She closed her eyes as she tried to shut her brain off.
The sound of light scratched across the floor fill’s the dead air, the familiar creaking of the cot made her heart race in chest. Heat began to rise against her spine, the warmth made her shiver. She turned her body over, her brown eye’s fluttering open.
They stared at each, neither daring to state the obvious between the both of them. His hand caressed her bare arm slowly trapsing to her face.
Her heart dropped as she finally leaned in, closing the gap between them. His hand gently held the side of her face as their lips moved with one another.
Jasmine inhales deeply as her fingers toy with small hair she could feel. His hands began to wonder at her body .
She ran her fingers to the hair tie that held back his curls. His hands gripped both sides of her hip's, pulling closer to him.
She finally pulled away, panting as she tried to catch her breath leaning her forehead against his. She could feel him smiling.
Jasmine looked him in his eyes, his hot breath peppering on her face. She unzips her sleeping bag, crawling over to him.
His hand holding her as her legs staddled his waist, he sits up the cot creaking with their weight shift. She inhaled deeply as she continuing to kiss him, their body's rocking with each other.
Jasmine's hand snagged the tie in his hair pulling it out with on hand. Running her fingers through his dark curls, gently pulling at them.
His hot breath grazed her as his lips began attacking her neck. She gasped closing her eyes as he held her with both his hands.
Her fingers ran down his back down to the hem of his grey t shirt, trying pull it over his head, he pulled back for a moment removing it for her. She contained her shock at his shirtless appearance.
She had seen him without it before, only she tried to be respectful as she was trying to patch up his wound. She caressed his face as she brought lips back to his.
Her heart raced in her chest. She bit her lip stifling a moan he worked down her neck, sucking on the loose skin of neck, for sure leaving a hickey.
His hand snuck under her shirt, his touch sending shockwaves through her. She pulled back, quickly as she could pulling her shirt over her head, leaving her in a purple brallete.
He looked her up and down. His brows furrowed as he looked at a dark pink fragment on her side. An almost perfect bullet. She panted glancing down seeing where is eyes were looking.
"How..did? He whispered, she shook her head. "it doesn't hurt." She reasures him.
His thumb grazed across the scar. "Are you sure..I don't wanna do if you-" She cuts him off by bringing her lips to his.
Quickly pulling back. "I'm okay." She says, him. His brown eyes are dark with a glint of danger.
"Just don't stop." She orders him with a mischievous smirk. With the go ahead he followed her commend. The fire still illuminated their shadows.
THE SUN gleaned down at the entwined couple. He held her from behind with his arm draped across her waist, his grip had been iron tight before he fell asleep. She had been awakened before he was, her mind racing with the night’s event and what was happening today. She sighed.
She moved her hand to remove his from her waist, trying to roll to her own cot. He mumbled into his pillow, she pulled his arm off her again as she tried to get away again. His grip tightened as he pulled her back to him.
“Five more minutes.” He mumbled. She shook her head, her finger’s grazing him. “The Sun is out.” Jasmine whisper’s to him.
“So?” He asked, his voice vibrating her shoulder. She bit her lip.
“We are gonna lose daylight, and that's not good.” Jasmine say’s, he grumbled some word’s into her shoulder.
“Why do we have to leave now? Can't we just stay here?” Mickey wonder’s, his voice deepened from sleep. She sighed sadly. “Not if you're being hunted, remember.” She says.
He sighed defeated. “It's a nice thought though, but this isn't a home.” She reminds him.
“Make it one then.” He suggests, she shook her head, she took his hand in her own, kissing his knuckles. “You are kind of cute like this.” She comment’s.
“Kind of? What is that supposed to mean?” He teased, his hand snagged the end of her hips, she flinched from the tickling of his fingers across her bare skin.
“Stop please.” She begged between her laughs.
“Mick, I'm serious.” She playfully elbowed his chest. He groaned. “Fine.” He whispered in her ear, she grinned as he kissed her shoulder.
The weight of the cot shifted as he got up, she could hear him shuffling around, the sound of his clothes being pulled over him. Jasmine brought her nose to his pillow, inhaling his scent as much as she could from the cloth. Her skin felt like it was buzzing from the nights event’s, she had gone a while without the comfort of another human it was like she was awakened.
She sits up, shuffling around for her bra and underwear. She pulled her henley over her t-shirt, her black sweatpants slid up over her legs. She looked over to her makeshift table, he stood over the wooden table, his shoulders tense as stood looking down.
She stood up, holding her arm close to herself as she strided over to him. “Are you making breakfast this time?” She ask’s him, he didnt respond.
Her brow’s furrowed. “Mick?” She speak’s up, chuckling. He didnt speak up, simply sighing deeply.
“Mickey?” She ask’s, he turns around leaning against the table. His face stone cold as he stared her down, his brown eye’s dark in anger.
“You lied to me.” He spoke, his voice flat. Her heart dropped at the venom in his words. He holds up a single piece of paper, in the middle was a hand drawn image of herself with the word’s underneath. Wanted Dead or Alive, Murder.
Her heart sank to her stomach. His breath shook as he lowered his hand, his jaw tensed.
“Mick, I can explain.” She stammered, he shook his head.
“Who did you kill?” He demanded, she lifted her hand’s up. “I.I didn't kill anyone.” She stuttered.
“Then why does it say that? Why is your face on a wanted poster?” He asked, his voice angry. She shook her head. “Have you been lying to me this whole time, who is looking for you?” He ask’s.
“My ex-fiance!” She exclaimed, his mouth parted agape at her answer. She crossed her arms as her body grew hot.
“The leader of the bandit’s.” She tells him.
“What?” He whispered confusedly, she nodded her head. “Yeah…and the person I ‘killed’ ..he was the one who did it.” She confessed.
“So yes, I am a liar.” Her voice was flat with anger.
“Sorry to disappoint you, pretty boy.” She smeared. She turned around to walk away.
“Wait!” He says, she stopped at the sound of his voice breaking.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered to her.
“Tell me everything.” He says, she turned around facing him. His face had softened as he gazed at her.
“Please.” He pleads with her, she sighed as her arm’s tightened. They both walk over to the car seat that serves as a couch. She sat opposite side of him, her breath shake as she runs her fingers through her hair.
“A few months ago my parents and I found this group of survior’s lead by a preacher.” Jasmine starts off, she leaned back against the seat.
“And it was fine, we all lived in this nice community of people, we were happy.” She recall’s.
His brows knitted as he listened to her. “Until the man leading it began to say that the alien’s were sent from God, and that we failed him.”
“My Fiance, before this world he was someone who was easy to anger, and he proposed the idea of appeasing them.” Jasmine admits, his brows furrowed.
“Appeasing.” He say’s.
“You mean sacrificing?” He corrected, and she nodded her head. His heart skipped a beat as his blood ran cold.
“I thought he was just saying it because he was terrified, saying what he thought would be right.” She tells him, her chest heaved as her heart dropped.
“The leader of the group refused, and the next day, Ronan found him hanging in the courtyard.” She tells him.
“Did he do it?” Mickey ask’s, she shakes her head.
“Honestly I don't know.” her voice shook.
“Ronan became the leader, and he started making good people do terrible things, corrupting them and twisting their mind’s.” She says, her brown eyes grim.
“They started to round up survivors, some they would take and auction off, people would become a part of the killer’s, some entertainer’s.” She tells him, she licked her lips, wiping her face.
“Other’s they would take out and leave for bait, drag them out to the river, and force them to scream so the monster’s would hear them.” She sighed, he blinked in disbelief.
He was counting himself lucky he never met them before she saved him. What they would have done to him if they found him.
“That's awful.” He says, shaking his head. She wiped away a tear. “I wanted to leave, and so did my parent’s.”
“And I didn't fully agree with the idea of leaving until he…auctioned off a child to become a sacrifice.” Her voice broke, his fingers laced with her as he held it in comfort. She gulped as she counted on.
“My parents rounded up a group of survivors, and we left in the middle of the night heading for the marina. My mom had heard talk of an island run by a naval man.” She recounted.
“Right when we got to the water, Ronan and his cronies found us, he forced my father and I on our knees.” She looked up at the dirty ceiling, the sunlight reflecting the tears that were starting to fall.
“He forced my mother to choose between us, if she chose my father then I would be forced to stay with Ronan and be compliant with everything he asked of me.” She bit her lip, making it bleed. The copper tasted filling her mouth.
“Or choose me, and my dad would be auctioned off, mostly likely as a sacrifice.” Her heart pounded as a lump formed in her throat.
“And my mom she was always so selfless.” She recall’s, the past tense of her word’s made chill’s run down his spine.
“She turned around and told everyone to run before she..” Her voice broke again as tear’s stained her brown cheek’s. She licked the blood away from her lips.
“Before she screamed.” Mickey’s jaw dropped agape. She covered her mouth as she held back the tears that flooded her.
“That’s not even the worst part.” She croaked.
“Me and another girl, we were running together away from him, and he shot her with an arrow right through the heart.” Jasmine’s pant’s as her mind flashed with image’s.
“He shot me too, but I got away after I made a noise.” She wiped her eye’s again, the tear’s didnt stop. “So they aren't hunting you Mickey.” His name rolled off her tongue.
She turned to face him. “They are hunting me.” She admits.
His arms wrapped around her bringing her into a tight embrace. His finger’s held the back of her curl’s as another arm held her shoulders. His body radiated with warmth as he whispered soothingly into her ear. The tears fell from her face dying his shirt.
“I’m so sorry.” His voice says softly in her ear. She sniffled, Ronan had not shown her that comfort in so long, she had forgotten what it was like for someone to care about her.
“That's why you need to leave.” She whispers to him. His brows knitted in confusion. “What?” He pulled away holding her shoulders.
“You should leave me, take the boat, leave me to deal with Ronan.” She state’s, he shook his head.
“Not happening.” He declares.
“You stay with me, you will die, and I can't let another person die because of me.” She stated, he shook his head.
“Jasmine I'm not leaving you.” He says to her, he is filled with determination.
“I made a promise to you, I will get you out of here.” He stated.
“I swear on my life.” Mickey start’s.
His hands running down to arms.” Nothing or nobody will fucking lay their hand’s on you.” He promised her, her lips parted as she embraced him once more. Both holding each other as the morning sun shone.
THE BOTH OF THEM WALKED next to each other, their backpacks filled with everything they could carry. She carried most of her own thing’s to make it easy on him. He writes on the whiteboard hold it up to her.
“How was it?” It read, she furrowed her brow’s in confusion. “What?” She asked.
He smirked, writing down more. “What we did last night.” he wrote, her face grew red.
“The sex?” Jasmine asked him, he nodded his head. She rolled her eyes at his question.
“That’s really what crossed your mind?” She jokingly asks him. His brows furrowed
He write’s again. “Good or bad?” He wondered, she shook her head. She takes it from him. “You're a dork.” She write’s. He smiled, taking it from her.
“It was that good then.” He Jokes, she rubbed her face. She fought the smirk on her lips. She was almost thankful he found her wanted poster, the weight on her body was gone and she didn't feel like she had to hide again.
She took it from him. “Dork.” She wrote in bold letters, his face grew red as he took it from her.
Before heading to the boat they needed supplies from a boat shop right by the marina, only a swim from their boat. She wasn't sure how much gas was in the boat. She knew it would take a good amount of gas to get to the island.
Her feet scraped to a stop, the water rocked softly against the concrete. Jasmine turned to look at him, taking the whiteboard again.
“Look for anything that we can use.” She orders him, he nods his head.
“What about you?” He signs, she smirks in approval at his signing.
“Find what I can.” She says to him, he nod’s walking inside. She walked on the other side of the garage letting her hand traipse across.
He grabbed a bottle of lighter fluid, tucking it away into his bag. Items left behind were still on the shelves. He guessed that people didn't really care about supply’s in the apocalypse, he hoped that he could find a type of radio to play music for her again. Seeing it was something made her happy, he liked seeing her smile at least.
A creaking sound pulled him out of his thought’s, he looked around him, his finger’s grazing over the leather of his knife holster. He slowly walked into the store, the hair’s on his neck raising as light footsteps patterned around him. Didn't sound heavy enough to be Jasmine.
He unsheathed his knife, looking down at the concrete, the shadow of someone casting through the isle’s. He pant’s as rounded the corner ready to face someone. His brown eyes drifted down to a smaller teen, their face hidden behind their long hair. Holding their knee’s close to their chest as they rock back and forth.
Mickey’s brow furrowed in confusion. They whispered to themselves continuing to rock. He couldn't ask if they were hurt, he sat his knife back in his holster. Bending down to their level.
“Hey, it's okay.” He whispers softly, they didn't look up. He put his hand on their shoulders to comfort them. “Are you hurt? He wonder’s.
Their blue eyes meet his, a smirk paint’s their face. He gasped for air as something around his throat restricts his breathing. He clawed at his neck as a tight scratch object tightened more and more forcing him up.
Jasmine’s ears perked up at quiet choking noise. She bend’s down hiding behind an aisle, seeing silhouettes casting above onto the metallic ceiling, the choking growing closer to her. She rolled onto her knees, sliding across the floor.
Hiding against a rack of scent tree’s, she peaked her head around the corner. Her heart stopped as she watched the scene unfold in front of her. His neck wrapped with a rope, being held back by three men, another circling him like a lion to its food.
He grunted against the rope. Jasmine turned around, holding her heart as it raced in fear. She looked around her fearfully. Mickey panted as his brown eyes widened fearfully, the three men’s mouth’s covered by bandana’s hiding their identities.
“Where is she?” Red Bandana asked him, he could only understand the last half. He shook his head pretending to be confused. He could see the fabric move from a smirk underneath.
“Ronan isn't gonna be happy, you and his wife.” Red tell’s him, he grunted in anger at the last word. She wasn't anyone's, not even his.
“What do you fella’s say we do?” He asks the three men, they look at their hostage and their mock leader.
“Kill? Or take it to the boss.” He asks them.
“He laid with his woman, he won't take that.” Blue banana sign’s. He towered over most of them, holding the rope tightly with one. Yellow bandana raised his hands.
“What use is he then?” He wonder’s. Red bandana shrugged in response. “Fucking nothing, we kill him, find the wife.” He order’s.
“How?” Blue wonder’s, red look’s to the water behind them, he gestured with his hands around the post. He nod’s as he pulls the black haired man to the ground, Mickey grunted as he fought against the tightrope that drug him to the water.
Blue wrapped the rope around a post. He picked up the former pilot by his shirt collar. He smeared at his helplessness. Mickey grunt’s as he leaned his head back colliding it with the head of the man who held him back. Blue stumbled back holding his nose as crimson flowed from it.
A bottle rolling on the ground catche’s their attention. Yellow furrowed his brow, walking over picking up the bottle examining it. A Hiland milk bottle, the white liquid beginning to fizz up in his hand, furrowed his brow.
It pop’s for a moment, it combusts in his hand with a boom sending him back, yelling in agony as his skin burns, his crie’s cutting with an inhumane cry that filled the once dead air. Blue bandana stumble’s back holding his eye in pain, in his blind stumbling he colluded with the tied up man, he yelped as he fell back into the cold water.
He grunted as he flayed his arm’s in the water, he choked as his lung’s ached for air. The sound’s above are muffled from the water. He panicked, kicking against the water, his chest aching as he fought desperately to kick to the surface. Pain shot through his entire body as the rope dug deeper into throat, he jolted as the strength began to leave him, slowly the sunlight that reflected on him disappeared as the world turned black.
MUFFLED GRUNTING fills the air, he could feel a pressure on his chest, plea’s from a person. His eye’s shot open as he coughed up water, gasping for air. He coughed water as the world around him began to form. Metal that rocked softly back and forth.
“Your okay, your okay breath.” A voice soothed him, she sat him up. Her curly hair soaked with water, her henley clung close to her body. She glanced back and forth between him and the cabin of the boat.
“Don’t move, I'm getting you out of here.” Jasmine order’s him, she grunt’s holding her side as she stumbles to stand up.
“Are you hurt?” he whisper’s weakly, she groans in response walking back into the cabin. JJ grunt’s as she fumbled with the gear’s of the boat, putting it reverse. Holding her side as she got herself out of the bay as fast as she could, she grunted as she turned hard.
The wind whipped against the boat as she got further away from the city. She looked at the mirror seeing him leaning back against the seat. He coughed as he looked up at the sky that raced away. He held his side trying to catch his breath.
“Come on, Come on.” She mutters under her breath. The city began to fade from her view, she sighed thankful. She removed her hand from her side looking down at her hand’s, her fingers covered in blood, she grunt’s placing her hand back.
The boat began to sputter. Her brown eyes widened in annoyance. “No, No no please no.” She begged for the machine. It groaned and sputtered coming to a stop, Jasmine exclaimed, hitting the wheel.
She limped out of the captain cabin, she slid next to him. She groans holding her side as she let out a sigh of relief.
“What happened?” He ask’s her, and she blinked slowly. She looked over at him, her chin cut up with blood leaking.
“They tied you up, I made a bomb.” She recall’s, his brow’s furrowed. “You made a bomb?” Mickey asked her, and she nodded her head.
“I took AP Chem for fun, it came in handy now.” She chuckled weakly. He shook his head, pounding from the impact of falling in the water. “Are you okay?” He ask’s her.
“Yeah, I'm fine.” She assure’s him, with her free hand she laced her fingers with his. Leaning on his shoulder. “I’m sorry.” she whisper’s.
“I didn't know they were watching us, we should have filled up yesterday.” Jasmine says to him, he shook his head. “You didn't know, it's okay.” He tells her.
“No it's not because we are now stranded.” She points out, gesturing to the boat. “Better than dead.” He reminds her, she scoffed.
“Well you were technically dead.” Jasmine tell’s him, his heart dropped at her words. “What?! I was dead?!” He exclaimed.
“You were under the water for a whole minute.” She tells him. His mouth parted agape, he couldn't recall much after he passed out in the water.
“The alien’s took two of them out, and tried to get me when I was getting you.” She explains, he looks over to her side, her hand held tightly on her side. Bit’s of crimson shining off of her hand.
“Did they hurt you?” Mickey asked in concern, she shook her head. “Its a flesh wound.” She grit’s, he shakes his head.
“You're bleeding, you're not okay.” He says to her, she shakes her head again. “I've been through worse.” She assure’s him.
“We..we shouldn't be far from the island, I think.” She mutter’s, she shuts her eyes as she slowly sits up straighter. “We can fire a.” She sway’s,
“Jasmine.” He says in concern, she lets go of his hand, standing up slowly. Holding her side tightly. “I'm fine.” She lie’s.
He stands up watching her, she grunt’s limping into the captain’s cabin. Pulling out a white first aid box, removing an orange gun.
“Fire the flare gun.” She mumbled, her eye’s rolling in her head as she swayed around. He quickly got to her side, catching her as she fell over. Gently laying her on the chair, he takes the gun from her hand.
“Jasmine you got to stay awake, okay, eyes on me.” He soothed her, her eyes opened and closed, struggling to keep up. “It’s okay.” She whisper’s.
He grabbed the first aid kit, pulling out gauze and wraps. He lifted up the hem of shirt, ripping off the cover. A long straight gash the size of his middle finger, blood leaking down staining her jeans. He holds the cotton to her wound, holding it tightly.
He takes her hand putting on her own wound. “Hold that there.” He says to her.
“Okay, how did you know that bomb was gonna work?” Mickey asked her, she leaned her head back, her eye’s on the verge of closing. “Hey!” He speaks up, his voice clearer.
“How did you make that bomb?” He wonder’s, she grunt’s. “It was milk and chlorine.” She answers. He chuckled.
“You just carry that on you?” He ask’s, she shrugged.
“Doesn't every girl.” She laughs weakly. He grabs the medical tape, ripping it off with his teeth. Placing it around each square of the bandage. She groaned, gritting her teeth in pain, he looked her up and down. She panted, closing her eye’s.
“Hey, don't do that.” He soothed, lightly patting her face. She shook her head, he smiled softly at her. “You don't get to die on me not now.” He declared, she smirked faintly.
“Didn't plan on it fanboy.” She tells him, he nodded his head. She squinted her eye’s looking out at the water. He turned to see what she was looking at, a faint shadow in the distance, the silhouette of what seemed like two people.
He grabbed the flare gun from her side, taking three of the flares placing one in his pocket.
“I’ll be right back, keep pressure on that.” He ordered her, he brought his lip’s to her forehead. He stood up walking back outside. He aimed the orange weapon up at the sky.
As he pulled the trigger it popped as the flare launched high in the sky, illuminating the midday overcast. His brown eye’s fall to the shadow in the distance, two bright light’s flash in his direction. He smirks. He turned around, getting to her side holding her hand as the shadow slowly got closer to the two survivors.
NO PRESSURE Tagged: @cowboysandpilots @bobfloydssunnies @sugarcoated-lame @sorchathered @fairyheart @swiftsgirlfriend @nouis-bum @senawashere @cottagecori @sebsxphia
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bobfloydsbabe · 8 months
thinking about my fanboy fic and how cute this couple is 🤭
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attapullman · 5 months
Do I suddenly have inspiration to write Whodunit?
Or am I just daydreaming about Mickey and Waitress together?
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There's Nothing I Wouldn't Do
Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia x Nadia Garcia (OC)
A/N: I wrote this to go along with a series being written by mayhemmanaged and cassmitchell called Gunpowder & Lead! Update as of 01/31/2024: This story is no longer connected to anything being written by the two accounts mentioned above. They are reworking this story. This is MY HARD WORK AND EFFORT and I will not be deleting it just because this character is no longer included in their story.
The character of Attie Blake is @dakotakazansky's. Fern belongs to @desert-fern. Obviously all of the Daggers are the property of Paramount. The only characters who are mine are Nadia 'Nova' Garcia and Alex.
Disclaimers:Female!Reader, and all the warnings below!
Warnings: Abuse, Recovery from Abuse, Assault
As a reminder, everyone’s experiences are different. Everyone’s experiences are valid. This is a fictional story.
My Masterlist
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It’s just past noon on a sleepy Wednesday in Austin, Texas. The afternoon sun beats hot against my face. I grab onto the hood shrouding my features and tug it up a bit higher to make sure nobody can see me. You see, I’m not supposed to be here. The only reason why I am is the baby boy in the carrier strapped to my front. Alex. My son and the only good thing I have in my life. 
So why am I standing in front of a tiny flower shop named Hera's Orchard in one of Austin’s winding streets of small businesses with my baby in my arms and everything important to me in a bag at my side? There's a rumor, a rumor floating around on the dark web talking about this place. Rumor says that if you walk in and ask if they have any asphodel in the back, they'll help you, no questions asked.
I inhale deeply, trying to breathe despite my bruised, aching ribs and broken nose. I have to do this. For Alex, there's nothing I wouldn't do. I can take any and everything Arthur, my husband, lays on me. But the minute he turned his hand on our son, I'd had enough. The bruised ribs and broken nose, they're what I'd gotten for standing in his way. They're also the final straw. The tiny bell above the door jingles and as I walk in, the humid air stinks of soil and the heady perfume of the thousands of blooming flowers lining the walls. I feel a little bit like I've walked into a jungle. But automatically, instantly, it feels a bit easier to breathe.
Alex seems to like being in Hera's Orchard too, his chubby little hands grasping for the bright colors he can see even as his big eyes go wide at the onslaught of new sensations. I cuddle him closer, kissing his downy head before boldly forging my way to the counter I can see in the back.
There's a sign on the petal strewn countertop, proclaiming, "Ring the Bell for Service! Someone will be out shortly!" Right beside the sign is a bronze bell, like the kind they have on hotel concierge counters. I press it just once, and then have to drag a few petals from Alex's little fingers. If I hadn't caught them, they would've gone right into his mouth.
"Buddy. Alex! No, honey. Those do not go in your mouth." My son is ever vocal, babbling very seriously back at me. I'm having an oh, so serious conversation with my baby when an amused mock cough catches my attention. While I was conversing with Alex, someone walked out from the back and came to stand behind the counter. 
She's beautiful, her shoulder length brown hair is tied up into a knot at the back of her head and green eyes bore right through me. She's small and slight, but when she folds her arms across her chest, the muscles bulge with hidden strength.
"Hi, welcome to Hera's Orchard. I'm Fern, how can I help you today?" I can't hide my nerves as I slide the hood off, finally revealing my face to Fern. Her piercing eyes soften, seeing the bruises rising up vividly across my face.
"Hi, Fern. I'm Nadia," I make Alex wave with his little hand, "and this little guy is Alex. I read online that you just got a shipment of some rare asphodels into the store? I was hoping to purchase one as a gift." My throat is dry as I catalog the expression on her face. Fern's serious and stern. The sweet, slightly goofy grin she'd leveled at Alex just moments before is gone.
"Come with me." I grab my bag and follow her into the back. "Hey Charlie! Can you take over in the front? I've got a consult on a custom flower arrangement here!"
Charlie, a teenage boy, thin and gangly with the wildest curls I’ve ever seen, levels Fern with a lovestruck expression before walking out to man the counter. I know what he's so struck by. Have you ever been in a room with someone and been captivated by them? That's Fern's energy, from head to toe. I follow her into a small, plant covered office. Just as we sit down, Alex begins whimpering and gumming at my fingers.
"Sorry, he's hungry. D'you mind if I nurse him while we chat?" I can't believe I'm asking a stranger this question. Arthur would cut me down on the spot if he knew. Per his rules, babies are to be bottle fed only when other people are present.
"Of course. Feed the little guy. Take your time. I take my custom arrangement consultations very seriously." Her smile is soft as I situate Alex at my breast, heaving in as deep a breath as I am able as he begins to nurse hungrily. 
"Now that he's eating, do you want to tell me a little bit about the person you'd like to gift this special arrangement to?" Fern's got a little sketchpad in front of her and she begins to sketch bloom after bright bloom as I explain what I'm looking for.
"So, you're looking for an arrangement that is subtle and beautiful to gift your husband?" There's something dangerous in Fern's eyes as she uses a knife to cut the sketch free and hand it to me.
"Yes.” I trace over the thin wispy lines of the sketch, before murmuring, “This is beautiful. How soon can you have it ready?" 
I can't believe I'm doing this. Can I poison my husband? That’s the catch about Hera’s Orchard. It is a flower shop, one that has rave reviews and an ever growing list of clientele, but it’s true clientele is a bit shadier than housewives who want a fresh bouquet for their dinner table. ‘Asphodel’ is the key word in those situations. 
"Come with me." Rather than answer my question, she leads me to a small doorway in the back of the shop. She unlocks it with a key and grabs my bag. With Alex in my arms, I walk through the door, pausing only so Fern can latch the door behind us. Fern stops at the end of the passageway, knocking on the door. A small window opens, looking us over before the door opens and we're let through. 
"This, Nadia, is the Underworld. This is Persephone and Songbird. They run this place and are my closest friends." The women I see arrayed before me are beautiful and strong. Are they the salvation I've been looking for? Can they save Alex, and by extension me, from more suffering?
"Hey, Bruiser!" It's Persephone, her tone musical even as she wiggles her fingers at Alex. "What's up, Buttercup?"
"Seriously, Seph?" Fern's disgust at the nickname is palpable but I can tell it's a play at disgust more than the real deal. "This is Nadia Wilson. She walked into the Orchard looking for an asphodel."
Those seem to be the magic words. Before I can blink, I'm pulled to a table with Fern on my right and both of the other women in the room seated before me.
"I'm Persephone," Her voice is soft as she looks at me with Alex snoozing in his baby bjorn after his lunch. "Bruiser mentioned that you needed some help?"
At my confused look, she's quick to assure me, "Hey, you can talk openly here. We've got the entire Underworld locked down. Nothing leaves this room. I can assure you of that fact. We got the best hacker we know to build our anti surveillance gear."
As much as that intrigues me, if only because I just built an anti-surveillance setup myself,  I desperately need their help more. So I let the whole tale spill. How I emigrated to Texas as a young girl and taught myself how to code. How I'd fallen in love with the green beauty of the city and the hills surrounding it. But sadly that wasn’t all I’d fallen in love with. Arthur Wilson had swept me off of my feet. He seemed like a gorgeous man who had money and seemed to adore everything about me. So I hadn't hesitated when he asked me to marry him.
"Alex," you explain to the women, "is the only reason why I’ve stayed in my marriage for as long as I have." 
My breathing is ragged as I stare at the wall behind their heads. "Arthur, my husband, has hated Alex since before he was born. My husband hated how my body changed with the baby. He hates how I'm not back to my pre-baby weight or body type yet. So he takes it out on me." 
"At first it was just with his words. A probing comment here, a harsh word there. Then he started hitting me. I worked so damn hard to lose weight, to go back to what I looked like before, and it still wasn't enough. He's been hitting me more and more frequently."
"Then to top it all off, there is something else too. He's been cheating on me, I know he has. I've found red hairs on his clothes and he stinks of a perfume that's not what he buys me and insists I wear. But I could stand all of that. Last night, he tried to hit Alex. He's only three months old!" Your voice breaks and a tear slips down your cheek as you sob the words out. "He's just a baby, after all. Babies cry!"
"I can't let him hurt my baby. I can't live like this. Not anymore. Please help me. Please." My broken tones echo in the room around me as I make pleading eye contact with Persephone and Songbird in turn.
"Of course we'll help you, sweetheart! We're the Furies. It's what we do." I can't help my sobs as I let myself fall apart at their words.
3 weeks later
I wasn’t sure what to expect as the outcome from that first meeting at the Underworld, not at all. But whatever it was, it definitely wasn’t this. It’s 3 AM and red and blue lights blanket the front lawn of the suburban home I shared with my husband up until a few hours ago. That’s when I’d come downstairs with Alex in my arms and found Arthur and his newest side-piece, the red-head whose hairs I’d noticed on his suits, dead on the lounge chair in his study in various stages of undress. Like any dutiful wife, I’d screamed until our housekeeper found me and stayed by her side until the police arrived.
My pain and fear are all too real. Since I met with Persephone, Songbird, and Bruiser, it seems like Arthur turned all of his attention on me. I’ve been under a microscope ever since. He’s added a potentially broken wrist, two black eyes and a twisted ankle to the broken nose and bruised ribs I had the day I’d left Hera’s Orchard with a gorgeous flower arrangement under my arm. So the tears I cry as I clutch Alex to my chest in front of the sweetest Police Sergeant I’ve ever met are real. His face has been continually distressed since he first found me and I can’t believe how good he makes me feel.
“Sergeant Mickey Garcia,” he’d said, smiling at me as I tried to settle Alex from when the baby had been startled awake at the sirens of what seemed like the entirety of the Austin Police Department spilled onto our front lawn. “Pleased to meet you, ma’am.”
I’d stammered back my own greetings and let him lead me into the kitchen.
“C-can you tell me what happened?” He’d blushed crimson when I tried nursing Alex to get him to settle down. His face had only grown more and more serious the more I spoke. I found myself spilling the entire tale to him, captivated by the curls spilling over his forehead. 
“Sergeant Garcia,” his superior, a man with arresting green eyes and dark blonde hair calls Mickey over to him. All night I’ve been getting appraising looks from the men of APD. Either I look like shit with a squalling baby in my arms or they’re trying to figure out if I have the courage to turn black widow on one of the Police Department’s biggest donors. I do, but they won’t ever know. I look like a beaten down, broken woman, but I’m far from it. I’m a professional woman. I build custom computers and security protocols for corporations around the world. It’s my true passion and calling, one which Arthur had never cared to know about.
As Mickey briefs his superiors, the looks I get go from being evaluating to pitying. I know I look a sight, bruises turning blue and green on my tan skin and with bags so dark under my eyes they’re purple. Add to that my pajamas, bedhead, and a squalling baby and I’ve successfully slipped under APD’s radar. They’re sure to have pulled the security footage, the footage my paranoid husband always had recording, by now, the footage which shows me asleep in my bed or sleep-walking to Alex’s room when my collicky baby wakes me up in the middle of the night. Alex is a sleeping weight against my chest before Sergeant Garcia walks back to me.
“We’re going to get you into an ambulance Mrs.Wilson and get you and Alex to the hospital and check out. If you’d like, we can call someone to come stay with you while you’re there and who can take care of Alex while we wait?” His voice sounds like sex and smoke. Were I not so recently a widow and not so injured to boot, I would have jumped him on the spot.
“Yes, I have someone I can call. I’d like to change and grab a bag for Alex if I can first though?” At his nod, I limp my way upstairs, putting together a bag for Alex before handing the Sergeant both the bag and Alex at his insistence. Arthur never once held Alex like that. When I step out of the bedroom in a pair of jeans and t-shirt, Alex is happily drooling against Sergeant Garcia’s chest and he looks too comfortable for this to be the first time he’s holding a baby.
“Wow.” My voice is quiet. “This is not the first time you’ve held a baby, is it Sergeant?”
His chuckle is bashful and shy. “No, actually. My sister in Miami has three kids. I’ve held them all.”
“D’you have any babies of your own, Sergeant?” I don’t know why I’m asking that question, not now of all times.
“No, I don’t. But I’ve always wanted to.” He clears his throat before helping you into the ambulance and handing Alex to you. “Now let’s get you in touch with who you wanted to call. Who’d you like to call?”
My voice is all fire as I say, “Attie Blake. She’s a friend and my lawyer.”
4 months later
Arthur’s sister and mother had put up a perfunctory fuss when they found out he was dead, accusing me of murdering him and any other depraved things that came to his mind. They even tried to sue me. But even their high paid team of lawyers couldn’t stand up to Atlas Blake. With Attie’s help, I managed to win the case and secure all of Arthur Wilson’s fortune into a trust fund for his son. Mickey’s been by my side ever since as well. It was almost too easy to fall in love with him. Especially when I saw how easy it was for him to accept Alex as a part of the package deal. Mickey helped me scope out the location so I could buy the small shop near Hera’s Orchard which I made into a net-cafe and officially introduced me to Birdie Floyd and Emory Seresin, who I only knew so far as Songbird and Persephone.
Since then, my life has never been better. The Furies are the closest friends I have, and the shop, named Daedalus’ Automata, is the perfect place for me to do my thing. What’s my thing, you ask? Before my marriage, before Arthur demanded a trophy wife, I was in cyber security. Give me any network and a computer and I could tell you how secure the network is and at least four ways that I could make it better. I also make custom computers and anti-surveillance hardware. It’s how I continued making money under Arthur’s nose. Now, it’s how I’ve been paying back the Furies for helping me. I keep any mentions of the Furies out of the internet and away from the Task Force’s attention. The best part is how Mickey doesn’t care when I come home smelling like grease with Alex in my arms. How I wish I’d met Miguel Garcia first. 
It’s late when I stagger through the front door late on a Friday night. It’s date night and I’m so late that I’m sure any excuses I have will be flimsy at best. Mickey had grabbed Alex from Daedalus when he got off of his shift, so I don’t have the baby with me when I walk through the door. The entire house is filled with the most delicious scent, and as I look at my watch, I know I’m at least an hour late for dinner.
“Mickey?” My voice is soft as I toe my shoes off and walk through the house. “I’m sorry I’m late, vida. I had this absolute wreck of a computer get dropped off for repairs.” In part that’s true, I did have a wreck of a computer dropped off for repairs. But that’s not why I’m late. The Furies were running an op tonight, one for which I was on comms, making sure my girls were safe as they were running around doing what they do best. I walk through the kitchen, my heart dropping at the sight of the candles on the dining table, the wax nearly melted away.
“Mickey?” My voice drops to a whisper when I walk into the study and see all of my computer screens fired up, filling the entire room with their cool blue light. On the screen flash three dossiers, my own, Fern’s and Ranger’s in addition to the blueprints for the facility we hit tonight. It was a strict information gathering op, but so important. How could I have been so stupid that I hadn’t locked that information down before I left this morning?
“I think you’ve got some explaining to do, amor.” I’ve never heard Mickey sound so serious. “I love you, and I promise I’m not angry, just worried. Tell me what’s going on.”
I can’t resist melting into his embrace, inhaling the musky warm scent of his cologne as he squeezes me tight.
“I love you, Miguel. I just need to have you sign something first. Then I promise I’ll tell you everything.” Then I reach for my phone and speed dial Attie. 
“Hey Attie, I’m going to need an NDA here.” I can’t help looking at Mickey over the next half an hour we wait in the kitchen. I’m puttering around nervously, barely able to stomach the stew Mickey made while I finished up at the shop. Mickey’s not much better. He eats too, but he keeps stealing these searching glances of me, and the tension enveloping our small kitchen is nearly too much to bear. He tries to speak a few times but each time, stops short. I can’t help wondering what this means for us, for Alex who already has heard us both refer to Mickey as dad or daddy.
It’s the doorbell ringing which startles me out of the pensive way I’ve been glancing into Mickey’s eyes. It’s Attie at the door with Bradley right behind her.
“Hey Nova.” She’s smiling, which should provide me with a sense of relief. But I can’t help the dread pooling in my gut or the bad portents which my mind is constantly bombarding me with.
“Hey, Attie. C’mon in.” I hug her for a few minutes before leading her and her six-foot shadow into our kitchen.
“Hey, Roos.” Mickey sounds exhausted and I can’t believe it’s because of me. “So you’ve been read into what the girls are doing too?”
It breaks your heart when he folds into one of the chairs at the kitchen table and runs his fingers through his curls. 
“How bad is it, Bradshaw?” At Bradley’s lack of response, I can see Mickey’s jaw tighten and worry cloud his features even more.
“It’s alright, Mickey.” It’s Attie who takes control of the situation. “Read over this, sign it, and then Nova and I will tell you what’s going on.”
Mickey gives the document a cursory look over, scrawling his signature where required before pushing it to Attie and leveling me with one of his intense panty dropping looks. It’s with my heart in my throat that I let the whole tale of my introduction and involvement in the Furies spill. Anger glints in his eyes as I finish. 
“I need a drink. Whiskey, Roos?” He can’t even look at me. I understand needing a bit to process, but Mickey’s never processed like this before. Please let him understand. Please let this not be the end. I share a scared look with Attie before standing to grab a tumblr for her, too. I don’t drink, not a drop, and while I’ve never minded Mickey or our friends drinking, tonight the sight of the alcohol slipping down his throat just fills me with dread. Maybe it’s residual PTSD from Arthur, who’d beat me if he got too drunk, but it’s just as likely to be the tense situation I’ve found myself in. 
“So where do we go from here?” Mickey’s looking right at me as he says the words. “I know you know this, amor, but I’m on the task force hell bent on finding Persephone and the Furies. To stop them. How can I protect my family? The woman I love, the woman I wanted to ask to marry me tonight, when she’s on the other side of the work I’ve devoted my life to?”
My smile is tremulous as I launch myself into his arms. Relief floods my veins, maybe this isn’t the end!
“You wanted me to marry you, Miguel?” I can’t hide my sobs as I bury myself into his skin. His arms are strong and secure as they automatically wrap around me.
“Course, amor. I’ve wanted to ask you to marry me since the day I met you.” I can’t help the clumsy, salty, kiss I press to his lips. “I’ve wanted you and Alex from first sight. This doesn’t change anything, not between you and me. It’s going to change everything at work, though.”
I get lost kissing Mickey for several more long moments, until the baby monitor on the counter chirps, spilling Alex’s cries into the room.
“I’ll get him,” I murmur in Mickey’s ear. “Attie will join me. Talk to Bradley, vida. He knows, so does Bob.”
Attie’s a silent shadow behind me as we walk into the nursery and I change the baby’s diaper.
“It’s going to be okay, Nov. The entirety of Mickey’s loyalty is with you and this little guy. They’ll figure out a way to keep us safe. And we’ll do our part to keep them safe too.”
Mickey looks relieved when I walk downstairs once Alex is back to sleep. It’s looking at his face and the home that we’ve made together that I make a vow I’ll keep if it’s the last thing I do. I’ll protect my fiancé, protect his friends and protect our son. If someone finds out about the Furies, it won’t be because of me. Nobody I love will ever get hurt again, not if I can stop them. 
It’s that righteous vision that fills my veins when Mickey and I get married in a small courthouse ceremony a few weeks later surrounded by our friends. It’s a hurried engagement, but necessary, especially since spousal immunity can only help when in our situation. He adopts Alex too. Attie checked, Mickey adopting Alex does not void the Wilson trust fund. Things seem to smooth between Mickey and I. Our two week honeymoon in Miami is the most fun I’ve ever had in my life. Not to mention, the most time I’ve spent naked in one stretch. Mickey didn’t let me out of bed for the first 48 hours we were there. 
When we get back, life sinks into its own balanced pace. My new normal, punctuated by the gorgeous solitaire diamond on my left ring finger, is full of promise. But as things pick up and I start hearing more and more about a new king-pin taking over Austin, the more I worry about what’s to come. But I’m able to put my worries aside for the most part, staying vigilant. I do what I can to help the cause, sending the young boys and girls who need help to Cora’s Bakery down the street for pomegranate scones. After all, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and that’s all of us. It’s why we do what we do.
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@dakotakazansky @cherrycola27 @thedroneranger @desert-fern @sarahsmi13s @hisredheadedgoddess28 @roosters-girl @roostette @bobby-r2d2-floyd @footprintsinthesxnd @genius2050 @angelbabyange @djs8891
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callsignspark · 11 months
soft-tober | 17 | Mickey Garcia
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soft-tober is about experiencing the joys of October with loved ones. each day is a fall-related one-shot for one of the couples from my Dagger, Sword & Shield universe, plus a few extras! today is Mickey and Carlee with “Quit trying to scare me! I know that’s you!” from this prompt list.
If you’d like to be tagged for soft-tober, please send an ask!
word count: 1.9k
soft-tober masterlist | main masterlist | divider credit here
warnings: plane crash (no description, mentioned in a flashback), leg amputation (no descriptions), a little suggestive/implied smut
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callsignspark disclaimer: my blog is an 18+ space; minors do not interact - you will be blocked. I do not consent to my work being copied, run through an AI generator, translated, or posted elsewhere. I do have an AO3, where I eventually will be cross-posting my works.
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17. "Quit trying to scare me! I know that's you!"
It’s a cold and rainy Friday evening in October when the power goes out, rain viciously pelting the siding. The storm gets louder without the soft background noise of sports highlights playing, the wind whipping even faster as thunder rumbles nearby. The eerie quiet of the house unsettles Mickey.
He’s always hated storms, and after the horror movie marathon Fritz hosted last week, he’s even more on edge. And it doesn’t help that Carlee has been messing with him. His lovely wife taking advantage of his jumpiness just to make herself laugh.
She’s used her phone to flicker the smart lightbulbs when she’s not home. She’s snuck into a room and moved things on him, feigning innocence when he asks. Her favorite so far was when she scared him without even trying; she was just standing in the kitchen, and he hadn’t expected her to be home. The undignified squeak he let out had her snorting in laughter.
They’ve been harmless and funny pranks so far, but turning the lights out during a storm is too far.
“Quit trying to scare me! I know that’s you!” Mickey yells from his spot on the couch, rolling his eyes when Carlee doesn’t respond.
He stays on the couch, knowing that she’ll give up soon enough if he doesn’t react, and checks the weather report, hoping it’s changed. It hasn’t. The worst storm of the year, and it’s now predicted to go all night. He jumps a little when lightning flashes, branches slamming against the windows.
“Carlee, just flip the breaker back on; I want to finish watching the highlights from the Mexico match!”
Mickey waits for a minute, straining to hear movement over the rain and groaning when she doesn’t listen to him. His annoyance grows when he stands up and sees the Clarks still have power across the street.
“Why tonight of all nights? She couldn’t do this when it’s sunny outside?” He grumbles, searching through the junk drawer to find the good flashlight before making his way to the garage.
“Seriously, Carls? This is just not fun-” He cuts himself off, almost tripping through the doorway in surprise as he shines the light around the garage. Shocked to only see his car, realizing that his wife isn’t home.
“Shit, I guess the power really did go out.” He mumbles, hesitantly shuffling down the steps into the conjoining garage.
Or it’s a serial killer like in that movie, his brain adds.
“It’s not a serial killer; it’s just the storm. It’s not a serial killer; it’s just the storm.” He chants, feeling less confident about his decision to investigate alone. “Fuck! This is how white people always die in horror movies!”
“What are you talking about?”
Mickey is forty-six and a Captain in the United States Navy; he’s defied death a hundred times, watched the love of his life almost die in front of him, and seen atrocities play out all over the world. He is a brave man, and he has the chest candy to prove it. So, needless to say, he isn’t exactly proud of the high-pitched scream he lets out. Or the way he chucks the flashlight towards the voice, wincing as it clangs off something metal.
“When did you get home!”
The married couple yells at each other, one laughing so hard that tears are forming, the other hunched over, trying to regulate his heart rate.
“I just got home!”
“Why didn’t you park in the garage?!”
“Baby, the power is out on our side of the street. I can’t open the door right now.” Carlee explains through poorly muffled giggles. “I parked in the driveway and came in the front door.”
“Our side of the street?”
“Yeah, the grid must be split down the middle.”
“Stop laughing!” He demands. “I think I’m having a heart attack!”
“You are not having a heart attack, you big baby.” She stands beside him, comfortingly rubbing his back even as she laughs at him.
Mickey straightens up after a few minutes, his heart rate mostly normal, and he happily accepts a kiss. Tugging his wife closer to deepen the kiss, he hums when her nails scratch the back of his head. His hair is too short right now for her to grab the way she likes.
“Don’t you wanna know what you hit with the flashlight?” Carlee murmurs against his lips.
“Hmmm… what did I hit?”
“My leg.”
“Oh, fuck! I’m so sorry, Carlee!” Mickey drops to a knee, using the beam from the discarded flashlight to guide him as he rolls her pants up. “Did I hurt you?”
His strong fingers gently brush over her skin, looking for signs of injury as goose bumps erupt across her body.
“It was the other leg, Mic.” She cups his cheek as he finishes examining her right leg, her heart fluttering at the way her husband looks on his knees for her. Big brown eyes looking up at her, filled with concern and love.
“Well…” He trails off, pressing a kiss to her stomach as he unbuttons her slacks. “Better check this one, too. Just in case.”
Mickey slides her pants off, a slight fumble as they realize her shoes are still on, but it doesn’t ruin the mood; the garage suddenly warm despite the dreary weather outside. He loves the way her professional button-up looks dangling around her thighs. How it gives him a glimpse of her blue panties underneath every time she shifts.
He carefully examines her left leg, starting at the titanium ankle and working his way up to her knee. He treats the prosthetic limb the same way he did her other leg, genuinely checking for dings in the metal. Mickey’s heart clenches when he kisses the skin of her knee, still scarred after all these years. It’s been almost two decades, but he still can’t think about that day. About how many times they almost lost each other.
If he lets his brain go there, he can still feel the heat of the flames licking at his skin through his flight suit. The smoke stinging his eyes as Carlee yells at him to leave, to save himself.
Fanboy! Go!
No! Not without you!
You have to go! There’s nothing you can do!
I am not leaving you!
Miguel, you have to, or we’ll both die!
Then we’ll both die! I’m not leaving you! I’m getting you out of here!
And he did. Pulling her from the wreckage of what used to be their plane and to safety mere seconds before it completely blew apart. Everyone kept touting the accident and subsequent rescue as a miracle. The malfunction that took down their plane was a wide-reaching issue, but it was something that could be fixed before it hurt anyone else. And Mickey was hailed as a hero, willing to sacrifice himself to save his pilot.
It’s a miracle you were able to get to her, was the praise Mickey received over and over again, even as he was getting reamed out for not following protocol.
It’s a miracle you’re alive, came the chorus as Carlee was honorably discharged from the Navy. No one seemed to care that she was still in a coma.
It’s a miracle, was the party line, as everyone ignored the negligence and failure of the software company that didn’t account for everything.
The two of them seemed to be the only ones who knew it wasn’t a miracle.
It was pure luck.
Luck that Mickey was able to drag her out from under the mangled metal. Luck that the tourniquet in the medical supplies was unharmed. Luck that it was only one of Carlee’s legs that was hurt.
The real miracle would be if she ever woke up again. The medically induced coma the doctors put her into after the amputation surgery was complete meant that they had no idea how about her brain function. If she had been deprived of oxygen too long in the wreck.
The slight damage to Mickey’s lungs from smoke inhalation gave them a clue of the best-case scenario. But Carlee had been in the thick of it for a while before he had been able to reach her. He could only hope that he had been quick enough. Hope wasn’t enough, though, so from his post at her bedside, he did something he hadn’t done in years.
He prayed.
Prayed for a miracle.
In the end, he’s pretty sure it was the doctors who saved her, and whatever higher power he begged to save his pilot tucked his request for a miracle away for a day when it was needed more. For a day that allowed him to live and put him on a path that would reconnect him with Carlee. That day of the uranium mission was the catalyst for Act II of their story, this half with a happy ending.
“Mickey… It’s okay, we’re okay.” She hums, wiping the tears that have begun dripping down his cheeks.
“I know, I know, amor.” He kisses his way up her thigh, his words muffled against the crease of her hip. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
He pulls back, face damp as he takes in her smile, bright in the darkness. “Well, as a medical professional, I can safely declare your legs free of injury from the dastardly flashlight.”
“Oh! Thank you, doctor! Whatever would I have done without you?” Mickey laughs as she throws a hand over her eyes, playing up her Georgia drawl as they move past the heaviness of the moment.
“Well, now, ma’am. I was only able to look at your lovely legs. I still need to complete your full body examination to give you a clean bill of health.”
Carlee tugs him up, smiling as he wraps his hands around her waist. “Is this a thing you wanna try, or are you doing a cheesy bit.”
“Cheesy bit, I don’t think I could keep up the doctor thing without ruining the mood.”
“Good, otherwise it would be a waste of a cute set.”
“Oh… are you planning something special for tonight, Mrs. Garcia?”
“I am. Now, if you’re a good boy and pull my car into the garage, I’ll show you what I had in mind up in the bedroom.”
She’s planted a quick kiss to his lips and gathered her clothes before his brain can even begin to catch up, distracted by the sway of her hips as she heads toward the house.
“Is this some kind of trick so you can scare me?”
Carlee cackles from the doorway, her shirt mysteriously unbuttoned to confirm that she is, in fact, wearing a matching set. “Are you still gonna come upstairs, even if it is?”
“Yeah, course.”
It’s at that moment the power comes back on, and he stares at his wife. Admiring the way her figure is backlit by the kitchen light. Her dark skin glowing as she smiles at him, short-circuiting his brain.
“I’ll see you upstairs then, baby.”
The wink she sends him as she saunters away gets his heart racing, in a good way this time, and Mickey can’t even bring himself to care that he’s getting soaked as he pulls her car into the garage or that she’s definitely going to scare him. He gets to fall asleep next to her, which is something he never thought would happen.
That’s more than enough. That’s all I need.
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@gretagerwigsmuse | @hangmanapologist | @hangmanbrainrot | @princessphilly | @hangmanssunnies | @thesewordsareallihavetogive | @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby | @katieshook02 | @hellojameshowyadoin | @aristotles-butthole | @atarmychick007 | @whatislovevavy | @kmc1989 | @sometimesanalice | @laracrofted | @yuckosworld | @mika-darling | @bradshawsbaddie | @bobblebobsbae | @ohtobeleah | @withahappyrefrain
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joaquinwhorres · 1 year
3 WIPs Tag Game
Rules: post snippets/screenshots/etc. from three of your WIPs! art or fic! tag as many people as you like! (created by @limetimo)
Thank you to the four amazing writers who tagged me in this and shared snippets from their WIPs. I highly highly recommend everyone who stumbles across this check out the posts from @demxters, @sylviebell, @bobfloydsbabe, and @ereardon.
kiss it better -- Javy "Coyote" Machado x Reader (but there's also an OC version with Audrey Herrera on AO3 & FFN) 
"Now's when normal people would say thanks back," he prompted. The flickering of concern you'd felt in your chest sputtered out completely as you leveled Javy with a flat look.  "For allowing me to save your ass in a fight that you started?" you asked, raising an eyebrow as you crossed your arms. "Or for showing the barest amount of basic human decency?"  "Yeah, that's about right," Javy muttered to himself, and his voice seemed to gain some strength back. He apparently did too as he pushed himself up off of the ground to stand in front of you. "Why are you even out here?" "I was sent to apologize," he answered, hand returning once more to his throat. "Sorry, by the way."
Tailspin (Ch. 5) -- Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia x OC
She hardly made the decision before her palm touched his cheek turning him towards her, and then she was pulling him into a kiss as the people around them exploded in cheers. Mickey shifted, hand falling to the other armrest as he bent closer to her. The cheers died as the camera feed refocused back on the pitcher, ready for the first batter, but Mickey's lips remained on Caro's. It was another moment more before Caro pulled back from him. "We're still not dating," she clarified.  "Of course not," he breathed.  "I just didn't want everyone to boo you." "You're very kind," he said, moving a piece of hair out of her face. 
hey baby -- Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader
You realized belatedly that there was no way he was talking to you. His partner had to be sitting a few stools down behind you or something. Your face grew warm with embarrassment as your mouth closed. Before you could tear your eyes away from him and focus on the asshole before you who looked absolutely pale and spindly in comparison, the stranger reached out and drew you into a quick one armed hug, pressing a quick kiss to the side of your head.  "Sorry I'm late; debrief went long." Holy shit. What the fuck. What the actual fuck. "Think you can forgive me?" he asked, offering a sheepish grin, even as he winced in preparation for an emotional blow.
NO PRESSURE TAGS: @tongue-like-a-razor, @rae-gar-targaryen, @veetlegeuse, @asirensrage and anyone else who wants to do it. If you've already done it, please ignore this!
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hangmansgbaby · 10 months
Puck Around and Find Out
Meet the Daggers
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Avalone, William “Billy”(#23) : Right Defense
Bradshaw, Bradley (#8): Right Wing, Alt Captain
Fitch, Reuben (#33): Left Defense
Floyd, Robert “Bob” (#30): Goalie
Garcia, Michael “Mickey” (#27): Left Wing
Lee, Logan (#18): Left Wing
Lenox, Bingham “Bing”(#6): Left Defense
Machado, Javier “Javy” (#11): Right Defense
McConnell, Jonas (#45): Goalie
Seresin, Jacob “Jake” (#12): Forward, Captain
Vikander, Neil (#4): Right Wing
Cain, Chester: Goalie Coach
Kazansky, Tom: Head Coach
Mitchell, Pete: Assistant Coach
Coleman, Bernie: Equipment Manager
Hodge, David: Equipment Manager
Elliot, Kirsten: Team Nurse
Finley, Evangeline “Eva”: PT intern
Phillips, Deacon: Team Doctor
Thomas, Layne: Director of Physical Therapy
O P E R A T I O N S / M A N A G M E N T
Bates, Solomon: Operations Manager
Mitchell, Penny: Public Relations
Monroe, Jessica “Click”: Social Media Manager
Simpson, Beau: General Manager
St James, Beatrice “Bug”: Team Photographer
St James, Riley “Racer”: Ice Girls Captain
The Seresins : Jake & Kingsley
The Machados: Javy, Natasha, Trace, & Jules
The Mitchells: Pete, Penny, & Amelia
The St James: Riley & Beatrice
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Actions Speak Louder Than Words- Part 5
Summary: It’s dog fight football day how will Mute and Ramble handle it? Will feelings be hurt on the sunny california day? 
Pairing: Romantic!(slow burn) Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia x Afab!OC
Warnings: Swearing, tattoos, drinking, anxiety I think that’s it. As always if I missed anything please let me know. 
Word count: 2995
Masterlist  Series Masterlist
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Jane and John had both eaten a quick bowl of cereal and some fruit for breakfast as they had slept in and were running slightly late for their afternoon plans. They got dressed quickly. Jane opted for black biker shorts and one of John’s shirts because she wanted one that had a bigger fit today. John put on a pair of athletic shorts and a t-shirt. They both wore gym shoes. 
The car ride over was filled with the duo singing along to one of John’s playlists. It bounced between the Black Eyed Peas to Britney Spears to Three Doors Down. They talked about when they were going to order the stuff for the home theater. Ramble brought up Fanboy to which Mute blushed and told him to drop it. They pulled into the parking lot of the bar both excited to play dog fight football for the first time. 
They saw that some of the others had already arrived and that some of them weren’t there yet. Jane was the first one out of the car this time. But John was quick to meet her on her side of the car. He opened the back door and reached into their beach bag for the sunscreen. He sprayed down Jane and then she returned the action. He grabbed the bag as Jane went to the trunk grabbing out their chairs just in case. 
Mute had a really good feeling about the day. After the week with the crew she was finally starting to feel like she fit in. The final point was what Mickey told her last night. How they were all her friends and that they loved having her here. More importantly, he was her friend. 
As they made their way behind the building they heard music coming from inside. As they rounded the building they saw Fanboy, Payback, Halo, and Hangman already on the patio. Fanboy and Mute made eye contact over Hangman’s shoulder and Mute put a finger to her lips telling him to be quiet. She carefully made her way behind Hangman. Once she was about a foot away from him she let out a loud “boo” which had the pilot jumping in the air screaming. 
He whipped around seeing the duo giggling behind him. Mute had a giant triumphant smile on her face. “Fuck Mute you’re just as sneaky as Bob is.” He told her, shaking his head. Mute made her way up the stairs gaining high fives from Payback and Halo. 
“Hi Fanboy.” Mute said to the back seater and he decided he’d never get tired of hearing her say his callsign. 
“Hiya Mute, have a good drive in?” He asked her with a friendly smile on his face.
“We did, even though I had to listen to John’s absolutely terrible singing the whole time.” John smacked the red head's arm at that. 
“Hey don’t be rude, I’m the best fucking singer you’ve ever heard.” He told her with a pout. 
“Oh yes I’m so sorry forgive me oh amazing one.” Mute said, trying hard not to laugh. Fanboy just stared at her, happy to see her calmer and more relaxed than when she left the night before. He hoped he could see her like this everyday. 
“I’ll forgive you this time. But only because you are just too damn cute not to.” John said as he tapped her nose with his finger giving her a beaming smile. She swatted his hand away in return before giving him an equally happy smile. 
“Where’s everyone else at?” John asked the group of aviators. 
“Omaha decided to stay home because his wife isn’t feeling well today. Fritz and Rooster are inside helping Penny, Mav and Hondo with something. Bob and Phoenix are on their way.” Halo replied to the taller man. 
“Where’s Coyote at?” Mute asked Hangman, the blonde seemed mildly surprised at the question. The only time she had spoken to him was in the air. 
“He had to run by the store to grab a case of water and some chips for lunch. He should be here soon though. Then we’ll see how good you play.” He responded to her sending a wink her way at the end of the sentence. 
“She’s gonna whoop your ass bagman.” Phoenix spoke up from behind him as she and Bob rounded the corner. Mute gave her a fist bump as they made their way onto the patio. 
“I’m gonna run the food inside. Then we can head out to the beach and get our chairs set up.” Phoenix said to Mute as she passed her, Mute gave her a nod in reply. Phoenix was quick running the food in and was out in less than a minute. As the two front seaters started down the stairs Mickey, John and Bob joined them. 
They had finished setting up about 15 minutes ago. Chairs, umbrellas, coolers and bags all lined up. Natasha, Bob and Mickey had explained the rules of dogfight football and now they were all sat talking getting to know each other better. Mute stood up and announced she was going to run up to the bar and asked if anyone needed anything. They all told her they were fine. 
Then she was on her way to the building. She passed by Coyote on the patio who must've gotten there while they were setting up. She gave him a nod in greeting before slipping into the building a wave of cool air hitting her as she entered. Right before the door closed she heard Hangman speak up. 
“Have any of you heard her talk as much as she did this morning when she got here?” He asked the group but Mute didn’t stick around to hear their reply. She rushed to the bathroom as anxiety flowed through her.
She had finally felt like she was fitting in. She was hoping she could find a group where she was comfortable. But now she was regretting talking so much. She should’ve known better, thoughts of her childhood flowed through her mind. All the times kids, teachers and her parents told her she talked too much. How the kids would tell her to just shut up already. How her parents would reprimand her when teachers would write on her report cards that she was talkative. 
She had decided when she graduated high school and started the academy that she wouldn’t talk to anyone unless it was a superior. John was the only one she had opened up to in ages. He had wormed his way into her life no matter how much she silently protested. Now her heart broke as she realized it was like high school all over again.
She quickly went to the bathroom before slipping back outside and walking down the beach. Everyone was gathered around near the water so she hurried her steps until she was stood by John. He flung his arm over her shoulders and pulled her into a side hug continuing his conversation with Maverick. She noticed a beautiful woman she hadn't seen before standing and talking to Rooster about something. As their conversation died out Mav turned to Mute. 
“Hey Mute.” He greeted her with his usual Maverick smile then he gestured towards the woman that had been talking to Rooster. She wasn’t standing next to Rooster anymore she was right next to Mav. Mute must’ve zoned out because she didn’t see her walk over. 
“This is my fiancé Penny, I don’t think you’ve met her yet. She was out the two nights you guys came this week.” Then Maverick was nodding towards Mute and Ramble. “This is my new two seater team I was telling you about. Jane and John or otherwise known as Mute and Ramble.” 
“You are the pair that got tone on him Monday aren’t you?” Penny gave a beaming smile before extending her hand to shake the aviators. 
“That would be us.” John replied quickly with a proud smile on his face. 
“He needs his ego knocked down sometimes so thank you for that.” Penny said back, sending a wink towards Maverick. He gave her a playful shake of his head at that. 
“Alright old man, are you ready to get your ass kicked?” Rooster said as he came up behind Maverick and slapped him on the back lightly. 
“I’m gonna kick your ass sounds more like what’s going to happen.” The captain replied. 
“Let’s get this party started, aviators.” He yelled out to the group. 
“Rooster, Fanboy, Fritz, Mute, Phoenix and Coyote on a team. Halo, Bob, Ramble, Hangman, Payback and myself on the other.” He said as everyone gathered around the footballs. Hondo blew a whistle and then they were off. 
Mute was having a great time, she had gotten the hang of the game pretty quickly. The thoughts of what Hangman said earlier were cleared from her head as she was passed the ball by Fritz. She could see Ramble coming towards her from the corner of her eye. She sidestepped him quickly as he came up on her. The wind rushed across her face as she ran past her backseater.
She was on cloud nine as she weaved through the aviators until she was scoring with the ball. Her team cheered her name as they all came up on her. Rooster and Coyote picked her up as Phoenix gave Hangman a middle finger. Fanboy and Fritz were hollering at her patting her legs. She had a wide smile on her face when her eyes connected with Fanboys. He gave her a beaming smile, a look of pure happiness in his eyes. 
As she was set back down on her feet John came running over. He dramatically fell to his knees before bringing his head down to the ground. His arms were stretched out towards Mute hands grasping sand. He brought his head back up. The sand he gathered in his hands slipped through his fingers as he brought his outstretched arms towards the sky. Mute giggled at her best friend's antics realizing he was bowing for her. 
“All hail the powerful Jane.” He spoke out in an announcer's voice. Then like dominos all the aviators around her fell to their knees. Bowing dramatically at her feet. 
“All hail the powerful Jane.” They all spoke out through their laughter. The scene before her reminded her of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. The scene was so similar to when Bridget was playing soccer and her friends bowed for her. Then Mute was flashing back to before the game started. The words Hangman spoke flowing through her and her mood soured again. Even though Fanboy said they were all her friends she was now having a hard time believing it. 
They all slowly stood up but then John was tackling her down into the sand. They both laid there as John rolled off her. They were breathing heavily as they looked upon the clouded sky. Jane fixed her sunglasses that were knocked askew when John tackled her. The other aviators moved away from the duo as Mav called for lunch. 
John grabbed her hand and squeezed once a silent ‘Cammineremo’. He could tell something was wrong when she hesitated to squeeze back. Her silent ‘Saremo Potenti’ came as two weak squeezes back. He turned towards her and saw the solemn look on her face. He had seen that look before. She got that look when she felt as though she was alone again. That look lived on her face when they became friends all those years ago. 
“What happened?” John asked her quietly not wanting anyone else to hear their conversation. 
“Hangman made a comment about how much I was talking this morning.” She replied, turning her head to look at him. She thought about not telling him and trying to act as though she was fine. She wouldn’t have been able to though, he had always been able to read her. 
“Do you want me to go and say something?” He asked her, already moving, to get up. But he stopped as she shook her head. 
“It’s alright John, I’m okay.” She told him with a weak smile. “Let’s go and get something to eat. I'm starving since I cleaned the floor with you in that game.” 
“Okay hotshot let’s go and get you some food.” The wso said as he stood up pulling her along with him. He had decided to talk to Hangman anyways. 
They had eaten lunch and played a few more games. They had all taken a swim afterwards to cool off. John and Jane took turns dunking each other under the water. The group played a few pool games. Categories, racing, who can hold their breath the longest and a few rounds of chicken. Now they were all sitting around a bonfire a couple yards away from the Hard Deck. They wanted to be far enough away to avoid the crowd. But also close enough to go and grab drinks if they wanted. There was a faint breeze that would occasionally wash over the group of navy personnel. 
Idle chatter flowed about the group. Mute sat listening to the group talk to each other. Ramble kept a hand on her leg occasionally stroking his thumb along her knee. Hangman stood up from his spot in the sand. He announced to the group that he was going to go grab some drinks from the bar and asked if anyone wanted anything. Everyone responded with a yes or a no. 
“I’ll go with you and help.” Ramble said as he stood up striding towards the blonde as he walked away. Mute didn’t think anything of it. But John had a plan forming as he and the aviator walked together. 
“Did you say something about Mute talking too much this morning?” John asked Jake bluntly, wanting to get straight to the point. Jake looked stunned for a second before responding. 
“What are you fucking talking about man?” He asked the taller man. 
“She went to the bathroom this morning and she was fine. She came back and she was acting a little upset. When I asked what was wrong before lunch she said you made a comment about her talking too much. So did you make a comment about it or not?” Jake stared at John for a second then went to defend himself before a look of regret popped up on his face. 
“Fuck, I said something this morning about how I had never heard her talk as much as she was this morning. She must not have heard the rest of what I said. I told them how great it was to see her coming out of her shell. I’m so sorry man, I really didn’t mean anything by it I swear.” Jake said with a slight pleading look on his face. John narrowed his eyes at him. 
“It’s not me you should be apologizing to. When we get back to the group I expect you to apologize to her.” Jake nodded his head bringing a hand up to his neck sheepishly.
“I really didn’t mean to offend your girlfriend. I’ll apologize when we get back.” John laughed at that. 
“She’s not my girlfriend.” He told the blonde.
“So you’re both single then?” Jake asked him. 
“Yes we are both single.” John said reluctantly, Jake wasn’t the one he wanted Jane with. Fanboy would be perfect for her if either of them got up the guts to actually talk to each other. The conversation was dropped at that.
Once they got back to the fire Jake asked Jane to go on a walk with him. She looked at John with a curious look and he just nodded his head. So she stood up and walked towards the blonde. He let her lead him down the beach. Then he apologized to her. Back at the fire, they were sitting around talking when Nat asked John about his tattoo. 
“Hey John, I noticed a tattoo on your chest earlier. What’s it say?” She asked him before taking a sip of her drink. 
“Saremo Potenti, it’s Italian for we shall be mighty.” He said as his hand came to lay on his shirt right above the tattoo. 
“Does it mean anything?” Rooster piped up.
“It’s something that Mute says to me. She has one that kind of matches mine in the same place right above her heart.” He said as he thought about their time at the tattoo shop. 
“What does hers say?” Asked Halo.
“Cammineremo, it’s Italian for we shall stride. That’s what I say to her, it’s normally before something that’s stressful or uncomfortable. It started while we were back at the academy.” He replied to the group. He looked up at the beach and spotted her walking with Jake. They seemed to be in the middle of a conversation. 
“How long have you two been dating?” Came Fritz with the question this time.
“We aren’t dating. She’s more like a little sister to me.” He laughed as he shook his head.
“Though I imagine if I wasn’t gay then I’d definitely go for her. She’s quite the catch once you get to know her.” Fanboy could feel relief wash over him at the realization. But then there was jealousy and disappointment. It was obvious now that Hangman was trying to worm his way into her pants. Hangman was a very attractive man, he had seen plenty of air bunnies fawning over him at their time in the bar. There’s no way he had a chance if Hangman was after her. 
“I’m gonna head out guys.” Fanboy said abruptly as he stood up. He gathered his chair and was making his way to his car not waiting for anyone to say anything. He would miss the disappointment in Mutes face when she got back to the fire and saw that he was gone.
A/N:I think this one had a bit more of fleshing out than the last chapters did. I also realize that this part literally took forever and that's my bad sorry guys. Please wear sunscreen and protect yourself against the evil sun!☀️
Tags(Open): @wkndwlff​ @sylviebell​ @coffee-prince-kyungsoo​
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thewulf · 5 months
Skies of Concern || Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia
Summary: Request -may i request for top gun maverick with husband!mickey 'fanboy' garcia x civillian maverick's daughter!reader please? when you heard that mav called mickey to join a mission, you kind of mad to your dad cause it is dangerous for mickey (worried)... Read Rest Here
A/N: Eeeeek! This one was fun to write. Super cute and fluffy. Memories are in italics. Hope you enjoy anon!
Pairing: Mickey Fanboy" Garcia x Female Reader
Word Count: 2.6k +
T/W : General TGM warnings
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The sun dipped below the horizon casting a warm, golden glow across the tarmac of the Naval Air Station as you waited for the aircraft carrier to arrive back on base. You stood near the water as the anticipation built with each passing minute. You were anxiously awaiting the return of your father, Maverick, and his trusted wingman and your beloved husband, Mickey Garcia.
But even in the middle of the tension and worry that gripped your heart your mind wandered back to a warmer memory. A moment of serendipity that had brought you into the orbit of the charismatic WSO who would later become your husband much to your fathers dismay. Although he eventually came around and loved Mickey as his own son.
It was a balmy evening at the Hard Deck as you waited for your father to return from a training mission. He’d asked you to meet him there against your better judgement. Although you didn’t frequent the bar that often anymore you had sought solace in the familiar surroundings of the bar, the chatter of fellow Navy personnel providing a comforting backdrop to your thoughts. As you nursed a drink at the counter trying to push aside the nagging worry that always accompanied your father's missions, you noticed him.
Mickey Garcia, with his effortless charm and magnetic presence strode into the bar. His flight suit a testament to the adrenaline-fueled world he inhabited. His gaze briefly met yours and in that fleeting moment, something sparked between you—a connection born in the anonymity of the crowded room. You should’ve run far, far away after the smirk grew on the pilot’s face. But you couldn’t. It’s like that one look had you rooted right into the bar stool.
Unbeknownst to Mickey he had just caught the eye of Maverick's daughter. You had planned to keep your identity hidden. More than content to observe from the shadows as he approached with a casual confidence that belied the danger of his profession.
"Hey there," he greeted you. His smile as warm as the fading sunlight outside. "Haven't seen you around here before. I’d remember a pretty face like yours. You can’t be a regular, no?"
His words were laced with genuine curiosity with a playful demeanor drawing you in despite the weight of your worries. Little did you know that chance encounter would set the stage for a journey fraught with danger and adventure but so much love. Oh, so much love.
As Mickey leaned casually against the bar with that signature mischievous twinkle in his eyes you couldn't help but return his flirtatious banter. "Well,” you replied with a playful smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Maybe I like to keep things interesting. You never know when a new face might turn up." He was right. You often avoided the Hard Dec as it was your father and Penny’s spot.
Mickey chuckled. The sweet sound sent a pleasant shiver down your spine. "I like the way you think," he said. His gaze lingering on you with unmistakable interest. "Name's Mickey, by the way. Mickey Garcia." You nodded. You knew that. Hell, you knew most of your dads pilots even if you hadn’t formally met them. But you had to play dumb to keep up your charade.
You extended your hand. A coy smile playing on your lips. "Nice to meet you, Mickey. I'm... just a girl trying to enjoy her night."
His handshake was firm, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through you. "Well, just a girl, if you ever need someone to show you around this place… you know who to call," he spoke with a confidence only pilots seemed to have.
Before you could respond to him the familiar sound of your fathers voice cut through the air, drawing your attention to the entrance of the bar. Your heart skipped a beat as you watched your father stride in. He looked to be in one piece. Your concern washed away in an instant. His presence commanded the attention of everyone in the room. When he spotted you chatting with one of his pilots at the bar he made a beeline right to you with a less than thrilled look on his face.
"Hey there, sweetheart," Your dad greeted you. His voice was warm with affection as he pulled you into a quick hug. "You holding up okay?"
You nodded. A small smile tugging at your lips as you leaned into his embrace. "Yeah, Dad," you replied oh so grateful for the familiar strength of his arms around you. "Just glad to see you back in one piece."
But as Pete pulled away his gaze fell on Mickey, and you felt a knot of tension coil in the pit of your stomach. There was a shift in the air. A subtle change in your dads demeanor that set your heart racing with apprehension.
"Fanboy," Maverick spoke with an icy tone as he turned his attention to the charming pilot beside you. "Fancy seeing you here."
Mickey's easy grin faltered and was replaced by a look of uncertainty as he met Maverick's gaze. "Hey, Maverick," he replied. His voice tinged with a hint of nervousness. "Didn't expect to run into you here. You’re not usually here after missions."
There was a moment of uncomfortable silence between them. The air thick with unspoken tension as Maverick's gaze bore into Mickey with an intensity that made you squirm in your barstool. Finally, Pete spoke, his voice low and dangerous. "No funny business with my daughter, Garcia," he said. His words a thinly veiled warning. "Or you'll answer to me."
Mickey swallowed hard. The weight of Maverick's stare bearing down on him like a leaden weight. "Yes, sir," he replied. His voice was barely above a whisper as he nodded in silent acquiescence.
And as Maverick turned away with his arm slipping around your shoulders in a protective gesture. You couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead for you with Mickey. The chemistry between the two of you was something you’d never experienced before. There had to be something more. You felt caught between the love of a father and the allure of the skies.
It had been years since that fateful meeting at the Hard Deck, years filled with adventure, love, and the occasional heart-stopping moment as you watched your husband and father take to the skies together. But through it all you had remained steadfast in your support for both of them.
As you stood there the memories of that first encounter with Mickey came flooding back. A bittersweet reminder of how far you had come since that chance meeting. Now, as you awaited their return, your heart swelled with a mixture of pride and worry. You knew all too well the dangers that lurked beyond the clouds. But despite the nagging fear that gnawed at your insides you refused to let it consume you. You had learned to trust in Mickey's skill and your dads experience.
Your thoughts then took to earlier on in the week when you father broke the news he was taking your now husband with him to go fly a mission in Russia. He couldn’t tell you the details, but you knew it was going to be risky. Anything overseas always was. A pit formed in your stomach at the thought of the two most important guys in your life putting their lives in danger once again.
Unable to contain your fears any longer you turned to your father with a pleading look in your eyes. "Dad, you can't do this," you said, your voice trembling with emotion. "You can't take Mickey on this mission. It's too dangerous dad!"
Maverick's expression hardened. His jaw tightening as he met your gaze with a steely resolve. "I have to, sweetheart," he replied with a sorrowful look as his voice firm but tinged with regret. "We're the best chance they've got and Mickey's one of the best damn WSO’s I know."
You shook your head. The frustration and fear bubbling up inside you like a tempest ready to burst. "But it's not fair," you cried out as the words tumbled out in a rush. "Both of you don’t need to go. How about just you? Or him? Not both of you! I can't take it dad. Please" You knew the pleading would likely fall on deaf ears, but you had to try.
Your voice cracked with emotion. Tears welling up in your eyes as the weight of your fear threatened to crush you. You had spent countless nights lying awake dreading this exact moment when the call would come. One that summoned your father and husband into the heart of danger once again but farther away than you thought possible.
This time felt different, the stakes higher than ever before. And as you stood there with anger and despair boiling over inside you, you knew that you couldn't bear the thought of losing them both, not now, not ever.
Maverick's expression softened. A rare flicker of sympathy crossing his features as he reached out to pull you into a comforting embrace. "I know, sweetheart," he murmured. His voice gentle against your ear. "But we have a job to do, and we'll come back to you, I promise."
You clung to him like a scared five-year-old but you really couldn’t care. You were terrified. The weight of his words offering a sliver of solace amidst the storm of uncertainty you prayed with all your heart that his promise would hold true. That both your father and husband would return to you unscathed once more.
The anticipation was palpable as you stood on the base. Your eyes fixed on the horizon where the carrier would soon appear. It had been over a week since you last saw your husband, and your father depart on their mission. Each moment of their absence had felt like an eternity.
But now as the massive silhouette of the carrier emerged from the vast expanse of the ocean your heart leaped with relief. They were back. They were safe. You knew it because you hadn't received that dreaded call. The one that brought news of tragedy and loss. Still, despite the reassurance a knot of anxiety tightened in your stomach as you waited for them to disembark. You couldn't shake the lingering worry, the fear of the unknown that had plagued you since the moment they left.
And then, finally, the gangplank descended, and a surge of relief washed over you as you caught sight of familiar figures making their way down onto the dock. Your heart raced as you scanned the crowd searching for the faces you longed to see.
And there they were.
Your father emerged first with his iconic aviator shades shielding his eyes from the glare of the sun. Beside him, Mickey walked with a confident stride. His tattered flight suit a testament to the adventure they had just returned from.
Without a second thought you rushed forward ignoring the protests from the officers guarding the walkway. Your heart pounded with a mixture of joy and apprehension. They were here. They were safe. But still you needed to see them with your own eyes. To feel the reassuring warmth of their embrace. His embrace. Your husband and beloved.
Without hesitation you rushed forward to you husband. Your arms outstretched as you leaped into his embrace wrapping your legs around his waist. "Babe!" you exclaimed while happily peppering his cheeks with kisses. "Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you? I missed you so much! Don’t go for that long again, please." Your eyes scanned his frame for any sign of distress.
Mickey laughed while wrapping his arms tightly around you and returning your kisses with equal fervor. "I'm fine, honey," he reassured you, his voice filled with affection. "Not a scratch on me. I missed you more than you know pretty lady." He gave you a squeeze as he held you in his arms as the both of you ignored the bewildered captain beside you.
Your attention wholly focused on the man holding you in his strong arms. But when you finally pulled back you couldn't help but notice the grin spreading across your fathers face as he watched the reunion between his daughter and son-in-law.
"Looks like someone's glad to see her husband and not so much her old man," he remarked with amusement twinkling in his eyes.
You flushed with embarrassment realizing you had been so caught up in your reunion with Mickey that you had all but forgotten all about your father. But as you glanced back at him you found nothing but warmth and understanding in his expression.
"Sorry, Dad," you said sheepishly. "I was just... really glad to see Mickey. It’s good to see you too." As you attempted to slip down from Mickey's hold expecting to stand on your own feet again, you felt him tighten his grip around you. He wasn't willing to let you go just yet and a warm sense of contentment washed over you as you remained enveloped in his embrace.
Maverick chuckled. His eyes had a knowing amusement in them as he watched the scene unfold. "I can see that," he replied. His voice tinged with pride. "I see I’ve officially been replaced."
You grinned with your cheeks flushing with affectionate embarrassment at your father's teasing remark. "Well, Dad," you spoke playfully jabbing his shoulder from Mickey’s hold. "I think there's enough love to go around for both of you."
Pete laughed. "I suppose so," His voice filled with warmth as he spoke. "Just don't forget who taught him everything he knows."
You smiled, feeling a rush of gratitude for the two most important men in your life. "I could never forget.”
As Maverick chuckled, shaking his head, and walked away he left just the two of you there to continue on. Mickey still held you close in his arms. His embrace filled with a longing that mirrored your own. With Pete out of sight he seemed to pull you even closer. His touch igniting that usual fire within you.
Feeling his warmth enveloping you, you melted into his embrace. Your body fitting perfectly against his. His lips found yours in a hungry kiss. A silent declaration of his desire and his longing for you. The kiss deepened becoming more passionate as if he couldn't get enough of you after being apart for too long.
When he finally pulled back his breath came out in ragged gasps. He pressed his forehead against yours with eyes dark full of desire. "God, I missed you," he murmured. His voice husky with emotion. A mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes as he winked suggestively. His lips curling into a playful grin. And as you stood there wrapped in his embrace surrounded by the sights, and sounds of the base, you knew that the reunion you had been longing for was just beginning.
With a shared smirk Mickey held you a as tight as he could without squeezing you completely. His gaze was filled with promises of the passion to come. "Let's get out of here my love," he whispered. His voice low and intimate. "I want to show you just how much I missed you." The earned a giggle out of you as you knew he meant business when it came to that look.
And with that he carried you effortlessly towards your car. Each step filled with anticipation and desire. With a thrill of excitement coursing through you, you knew that the night ahead held endless possibilities. And you couldn't wait to explore them all with the man you loved.
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Jake Seresin/Top Gun: Permanent Taglist (If you'd like to be added to any or all works please fill out the form here: Taglist Sign Up) @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @mamachasesmayhem @hardballoonlove @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @illisea @jessicab1991 @guacam011y @dempy @hiireadstuff @kenn-spencerswifey @abbersreads @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
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blue-aconite · 1 year
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A collection of all my fake fanfic titles game.
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Locked In jake seresin x reader 
My Place is Here  jake seresin x reader
Last Trip Around The Sun jake seresin x reader 
Family Reunion jake seresin x oc 
The Night is Calling | the fic jake seresin x reader 
Never Have I Ever.... Until You jake seresin x reader 
Me and The Devil jake seresin x reader 
When The Sun Rises jake seresin x reader 
Non-Believer jake seresin x reader
Clover and Roses jake seresin x reader
Leap of Faith jake seresin x reader
dreamin' about somewhere a little too far jake seresin x reader
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Golden In Our Hearts bradley bradshaw x reader 
More Than This bradley bradshaw x reader 
Where Does It End, Where Do We Start? bradley bradshaw x reader 
Something In the Water bradley bradshaw x reader 
Yesterday, today and tomorrow bradley bradshaw x reader 
Goddess in the Sheets bradley bradshaw x reader
Left for Dead bradley bradshaw x reader
Welcome Home Baby Bird bradley bradshaw x oc
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Stargazer's daughter bob floyd x oc  
Let Go bob floyd x reader 
In the Stars bob floyd x reader
Taking Attendance bob floyd x oc
Lessons Learned bob floyd x reader
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The Wind Blows bob floyd x reader | jake seresin x reader
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Broken Hearts Can Still Soar javy machado x reader 
Wasted Time javy machado x oc
Hail to the King javy machado x reader
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Any Stranger I Choose reuben fitch x reader
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Once in a Lifetime | the fic  mickey garcia x reader
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Make It Happen bradley bradshaw x natasha trace
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Lightning Strikes mickey garcia x bob floyd 
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I Look Better Naked bradley bradshaw x jake seresin 
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My Hands in Yours javy machado x natasha trace
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The Way You Smile charlie young x reader
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floydsglasses · 7 months
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SUMMERY: If they hear you, they hunt you. The world we once knew full of sound is gone, and silence is the key to survival, if you wanna avoid mysterious creatures that hunt by sound. Knowing that even the slightest whisper or footstep can bring death.
Dagger Squad X Various Original Female Characters ( Basically each story involves one of the dagger's with an original character, each set in the world of A Quiet Place)
Contents Involve: Post Apocalyptic, Angst, Use of ASL, Fluff, Death/Mention of death, implied smut, pregnancie for one story, mention's child death, blood
ᴀ ᴡʜɪꜱᴘᴇʀ ɴᴏᴛ ᴀ ʏᴇʟʟ- Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
𝙑𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙚- Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Way Out There- Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia 𝙒𝙖𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝘿𝙖𝙬𝙣 - Robert "Bob" Floyd
A Whisper Not A Yell - Moodboard
Vanishing Grace- Moodboard
Way Out There - Moodboard
Waiting till Dawn- Moodboard
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bobfloydsbabe · 10 months
Thinking about that Fanboy fic I'll likely never write tonight. How they're the epitome of the we're just friends trope, even though everyone knows they're head over heels in love with each other.
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jackiequick · 2 years
Pairing: Bob Floyd x Reader/Bob x OC (Nurse Anna)
Other Characters: The Daggers (+ JenPen Mitchell) and a few other background characters
Timeline: Set some time after The Uranium Project
Setting: The Bradshaw Household
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It was an delightful Tuesday afternoon, the sun was shining brightly but it was windy and a bit chilly outside. The crew was mostly there expect for Amber who was assigned with a few meetings with her father that day, other than that the Daggers were together at The Bradshaw Mitchell household.
Usually they would be outside on the patio but it was too windy to sit outside today, so they all hang out inside in the connected kitchen and living room area. Fanboy, Phoenix and Payback were fighting over which set of movies watch next on the flat screen Tv while Coyote and Bob was helping Rooster fixing the front windows that seemed to go scratched from week…let’s just say it no more playing inside.
JenPen was putting away groceries that they brought earlier while Hangman was sipping a beer in the kitchen island nearby one of the stools, plugging in everyone phones to charge.
“Hey, what time is Angel coming back home?” Jake asked using Amber’s nickname instead as he glances at his Instagram account.
“Why? You miss your girlfriend?” Jen teased the pilot, grabbing a bite of the freshly washed grapes left on the kitchen counter.
“Wha—No! I mean yeah, of course I do, Miss Bradshaw.”
“Mitchell—Bradshaw, actually. When I do get married, I might keep my last name.”
“Pfff, Bradshaw is too much a chicken to finally find a ring and propose to you.”
“Be nice, you’ll be Uncle Hangman one day you will have to be on your best behavior.”
Jake laughed at the nickname and rolled his eyes, “What you doing this weekend?”
“Uhh, I got to study the metrics for a few planes and might just wash my hair afterwards.” Jen said with a simple shrug and smile.
After a while, Coyote and Bob took a break from helping Bradley with the window. Javy went to wash his hands in the kitchen while Bob headed to the bathroom upstairs to wash his face. While Javy was drying off his hands, he heard a light ping coming from the section of phones being charged.
Coyote raised an eyebrow, checking to see who’s phone it was exactly. He flipped though the phones and lightly tapping each other curiously until another message came in. It was Bob’s phone.
You could’ve sworn Javy did a double take as he saw the message, the poor man’s jaw dropped. The message first being a photo dump of the beautifully made sky outside and the new message said ‘Hey darling! How are you?💘’
“Huh?” Javy muttered, he tries not to be curious about his friends business because everyone tends to be somewhat open with a lot of things. But this caught his eyes since he never heard of Bob Floyd having a lady. He read the caller ID and continued, “Who’s Nurse Anna?!”
Javy’s yell caught everyone in the room’s attention, all faces whipped around towards the tall man in confusion. Everyone expect Phoenix who was sorta listening but too busy texting Lieutenant Magnet Kenner about god knows what. Rooster was sitting next to his girlfriend messaging her tired shoulders as he asked, “Uh, what?”
“Who’s Nurse Anna?!” Coyote repeated again as if it was obvious the first time he questioned the name.
“Uh context please, pal..” Said Payback turning his head from the couch to look at him.
“I was drying my hands after helping Roo with the windows and I heard a ping coming from one of the phones. So I went to check who’s phone it was and guess who’s phone it was?”
“Relax, it’s probably a friend of his from work.”
“A friend? Oh really?! A friend who’s a nurse…?”
“Uhh yeah…”
Fanboy stood up from the flooring in the living room to see the messenger ID on Bob’s phone lock-screen. Later on another message popped up from Nurse Anna saying 'Change of plans I might not be free Friday but we can definitely do Saturday instead 💞'.
Mickey smiled and let out a small chuckle reading it out loud, “Uhh I don’t know Ruben, the contact on the ID says Nurse Anna with a blue heart emoji! She called him ‘Darling’ in the two messages she sent to Bob. She asked about meeting up on Saturday and added a few love emojis too! I don’t think it’s a normal friend from work kinda thing…”
Coyote joked, “What? You think they’re just hooking up?! Like a causal hook up? Gahhhh no, that’s not Bob’s thing, last time I checked.”
The trio kept arguing on who is this Nurse Anna girl was and acting like they were trying to decipher a mystery case. JenPen added in a few jokes about how ridiculous they were acting, however she was just as curious about it all.
Hangman thought it was just a casual weekly hook up between the their friend and some pretty girl or something. The loudly voiced conversation kept going on for more than two minutes as all the Daggers expect Phoenix, who was just watching all of them discuss the matter at hand.
Little did they all know Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd was upstairs, standing in the hallway near the staircase hearing everyone, trying his hardest not to laugh.
Rooster eyebrows bounced motion and laughed as he exclaimed, “Damn! Well it looks to me that our WSO has himself a little girlfriend.”
Hangman was sipping his second beer as his mind was clearly in space. Soon enough his eyebrows popped up and he almost spit out his drink coughing, “BABY ON BOARD HAS A WHAT—?!”
“Awww he fell for a nurse.” Jen says in pure awe how Bob was probably in love, leaning into Bradley’s warm touch on her shoulders.
“I’m still on the part where Bradshaw said GIRLFRIEND!” Hangman said chuckling and coughing a bit.
“I think it’s cute.” Fanboy replies with a smile, “And she sounds super sweet!”
The conversation contained so much energy and no one noticed that Bob was gone, since they more focused on the mysterious lady.
Fanboy thinks she’s blonde with green eyes, Hangman thinks she’s gotta be a redhead with green eyes, Ruben believed she was a nurse on base for the longest time, JenPen guessed that she must’ve been one of the most talented nurses in school and Coyote had a gut feeling Bob met her months before they all returned to Top Gun for that mission.
Rooster was curious as he stated his questions to the group, “Who can she be? I never heard a nurse named Anna...or so I think?”
“I bet she’s hot! Like super hot!” Hangman said grinning as Coyotes chuckles slapping his shoulder mutter for him to shut up.
Ruben turned to Phoenix smiling, “Your awfully quiet, anything you’ll like to share with the class?”
Phoenix looked up from her phone confused, “What do you mean? Just because Bob and I fly together doesn’t mean I know everything about ‘em, he probably met her one day before we all met at the bar or something. Last time I checked nurses need a night off to have fun too.”
“Your sure about that? Phoenix you fly and eat together, you share teaching tips together. Also you guys even shared a life or death experience together with all of us. I feel like you know something!”
“Well I-”
Suddenly they all heard footsteps and the room went silent, some of them noticing their teammate walking into the living room. They all waited and looked around as if they were just caught in the act of a horrible prank.
“Phoenix doesn’t know because she was passed out in a hospital bed in another room, when it happened.” Said the voice of the man who’s phone started all of this with a soft smile. Bob stood there leaning against the wall fixing his glasses and trying not to laugh at their faces. Especially Natasha’s confused one.
Everyone turned to Bob in shock and motioned for him to continue. He said, “Well, after the whole bird strike that went down that same day, Phoenix and I was sent the to the med bay, when I met her. I woke up, less than half an hour after it happened, doctors came and checked on me. Then Anna walked in…she came in with extra blankets and check on my IV, to see if I needed anything…”
“And?” Phoenix asked, waving her hand gently as if to cue in that she wanted more information about this.
“She was pretty. I didn’t have my glasses on and I've just woken up with a headache, so my vision I was still slightly blurry, but I could tell she was absolutely stunning dressed in her blue scrubs and her brown hair that was in a ponytail…and she was very kind.”
Hangman smiled, “That’s her job, Bob, to be kind and treat patients well, for they can try and get better.”
Rooster looked up glaring at his blonde savior, “Who’s telling the story? Him or you?”
“Him duh!”
“Then let him tell it, Bagman!”
“Yikes..sorry, Floyd continues please, she sounds pretty nice.”
Bob smiled laughing softly and continued, “Because she is! Gentle and passionate too. She stayed with me for a while, asked how I was doing at the moment and what is my job in the Navy. Uh, eventually we started talking about movies and music, and then before she left to go see other patients..I asked her out, telling her once I got out the hospital and could be finished with our missions, I would like to take her to a nice restaurant…”
JenPen smiled listening as she heard Fanboy asking, “She called you darling? How long have you two been going out?”
“Oh no! She calls every single one of her patients darling or dear but for me darling just stuck I guess. I call her doll or honey, sometimes sweetie.” Bob said the last few nicknames with a laced dreamy smile as if thinking about his lady.
“You didn’t answer Fanboy’s questions though! How long?! I gotta—” JenPen asked but was cut off with a hand covering her mouth.
Rooster had his hand covering his girlfriend’s mouth snickering and looked up at Bob smiling, “Go on. She’s quiet now.”
Once again Bob laughed shaking his head and went on explaining, “We’ve only being seeing each other for 8 weeks more or less, with our busy schedules and all. I wanted to keep our relationship a secret for a while. You know, just the two of you and see where it goes."
Coyote rubbed the back of his neck chuckling awkwardly, "And I let it slip..I'm sorry man, I didn't know and you know I can get a little nuts sometimes."
"It's perfectly fine, I was expecting for you guys to find out eventually this month or so. Actually glad it wasn't Jake."
Hangman looked up with his eyes widen offended and gasped somewhat loudly, "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN-?!"
"You would've texted Javy! Better yet, you would've called Amber then she would've told the all ladies!"
"I wasn't going to do that!"
"Oh really?"
Bob pointed to the iPhone in Jake's hand brightly lit as his fingers were on paused. Robert asked, "Who were you texting, Hangman?"
"No one." Jake exclaimed quickly, closing the messages that he was sending to his girlfriend and throws his phone on the couch. Everyone's eyes darted to the iPhone that showed messages from Amber popping up like crazy.
"You were saying.."
All the group could do was laugh and roll they’re eyes at this point from seeing the scene play out. Truly none of them were sad or annoyed Bob for keeping such a darling secret, it’s his life and he should be able to keep such good things to himself, of course when JenPen and Bradley did say that when Bob and his lady were ready they would love to meet her one day. Bob appreciated the welcoming ideas and support he’s getting as he went on to actually reply to Nurse Anna’s text messages knowing she might be busy but 100% checking her phone waiting for a reply soon.
Coyote kept apologizing for spoiling that little surprise even though no one was really mad at him or anything, as Fanboy and Payback sending all the good thing to their teammate’s way. As for Phoenix, she was very much happy but a little disappointed in herself for not finding out sooner or at least pick up the clues firsthand.
If your wondering about Hangman, he left the gang early to pick up his lady and well this happened…
Jake sat in the car, opening the door seeing Amber as he grinned like an idiot bursting to tell her everything that happened today. And once Amber climbed into her seat grinning and buckled in her seatbelt she said, “Ok, oh my god. Tell me everything!”
“Yes!” Jake shouted as he buckled in his own seatbelt, “Baby on board has a girlfriend! I was like ‘What? That’s crazy?!’ I didn’t believe it, but from what I heard she’s really pretty cute and she’s a nurse.”
“Ugh! Why is it that the day I have to work, is that day all the good things happen? Let me guess, you found out!”
Hangman snickered, “Nope!”
“Then who?”
“What?!” Amber gasp laughing.
Let’s just say the rest of the ride home was full of gossip and laughter from that one single car. The rest of day went as follows, Coyote and Payback went out to keep helping Rooster with the broken window, Fanboy and Bob chatting about their day and future relationships, while Phoenix and JenPen were ordering stuff on Amazon as they fixed up a few things around the house.
Thank you for reading this story and I really hope you liked it! 💙
Tags: @t-nd-rfoot @gaminggirlsstuff @theloveoftoms @rooster-84 @happilycameron @mandylove1000 @topgun-imagines @levijeanqueen @drspencereidhotch @fanboygarcia @starkleila @msrochelleromanofffelton @gcthvile and etc
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callsignspark · 1 year
soft-tober announcement
soft October - part of the Dagger, Sword & Shield universe
by callsignspark
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October is my favorite month of fall. It’s just the right blend of warm days and chilly nights. Apple picking, hay rides, pumpkin carving, corn mazes, and trick-or-treating to end the month. It’s filled with soft memories of fun times spent with loved ones. I’m taking inspiration from these fond memories of mine and creating soft-tober!
Sixteen days of warm, cozy, and sweet fall-related prompts for all of my Dagger, Sword & Shield universe couples! (Plus a few extras!) Starting October 1st, I’ll be posting a short one-shot of each DSS couple based on a prompt from one of these three lists.
The masterlist for soft-tober can be found here! And on my main masterlist and the DSS universe masterlist! All posts relating to soft-tober can be found here!
If you'd like to be tagged for soft-tober, please send an ask!
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callsignspark disclaimer: my blog is an 18+ space; minors do not interact - you will be blocked. I do not consent to my work being copied, run through an AI generator, translated, or posted elsewhere. I do have an AO3, where I eventually will be cross-posting my works.
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01. Javy & Erin - “Do you want some hot chocolate?”
03. Callie & Kelly - “Do you like cinnamon?”
05. Jake & Flora - “Trick or treat?” “…Depends on if you’re the treat.”
07. Logan & Kristina - “It’s Halloween, why are you already putting up Christmas decorations?”
09. Bradley & Mary - “Is this costume too revealing?”
11. Billy & Aaron - “I don’t like scary movies.” “I’ll keep you safe.”
13. Warlock & Betty - “Here, take my sweater.”
15. Mav & Penny - “It’s never too early for Halloween music!”
17. Mickey & Carlee - “Quit trying to scare me! I know that’s you!”
19. Hondo & Cara - “Isn’t this stuff for kids?”
21. Cyclone & Linda - “Halloween is for children.”
23. Neil & Laura - “Candy corn is the best candy.”
25. Reuben & Danielle - “I forgot how cold it could get.”
27. Natasha & Calvin - “Do you like my costume?"
29. Brigham & Catherine - “Hey, where’s your costume?”
31. Bob & Elaine - “We should carve pumpkins!”
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tagging some friends and people who might be interested!
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joaquinwhorres · 2 years
Tailspin - Part 4 (Fanboy Garcia x F!OC)
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SUMMARY ››››› Having grown up just across the bridge from North Island, Carolina Alvarez has been told her whole life to stay away from the Top Gun boys. And for the most part, she has. That is, until Fanboy catches her putting quarters in the jukebox at The Hard Deck and initiates a game of cat and mouse that ends with her exactly where she swore she’d never be.
PAIRING ››››› Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia x F!OC
WORD COUNT ››››› 5,592
WARNINGS ››››› None?
A/N ››››› The moment you've all been waiting for. Unless you've somehow managed to avoid all of the spoilers I have on my blog about this.
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She didn't respond to any of his texts.
His calls went unanswered too, the line ringing only once before routing to voicemail each of the three times he tried.
But it wasn't until the small Read 10:59 AM appeared on Bob's phone that he started to accept that Phoenix might be right. 
His face fell as he stared at the screen for a moment longer before handing the phone back to Bob. "Thanks," he said, the word sounding flat and hollow. 
The other man's mouth made silent attempts to form words as he accepted the phone, only stopping when Fanboy shook his head, relieving Bob of the sense of duty to respond. Bob sighed, pressing his lips together in a commiserative frown as he placed his phone upside down on the bar in front of him. "I'm sorry," he finally managed. 
"Jesus, he doesn't need your condolences," Hangman sighed loudly from where he lay across the leather couch nearby. The accompanying eye roll was practically audible. 
Bob side-eyed Hangman, his lips twisting in contempt.
"Oh, come on," Hangman scoffed as he rose into a seated position, throwing a hand out to gesture towards Fanboy. "You're acting like you just found out your mother died just 'cause some ex from five years ago who blocked you."
The words either didn't reach Fanboy or rolled right off him because his attention remained fixed on the phone in front of Bob. 
"I just don't get it," Fanboy murmured. 
"She's. Not. Interested," Hangman asserted, ignoring the warning looks from the other aviators. "Get over it or give up the dream that you're going on this mission." The blonde shook his head as he stood up. "If I stay at this pity party any longer, I'm going to start growing ovaries," he quipped, heading towards the door.
"Like you could handle them," Phoenix called after his retreating form. Hangman didn't slow down or even acknowledge her statement though as he disappeared out to the hallway. 
Bob shot Phoenix a smile as she shook her head. "Asshole."
"As much as I hate to say it, he has a point," Payback said gently from his seat next to Fanboy. "You've been off your game up there."
"Come on man," Payback cut him off with a sympathetic smile. "I've seen what you can do. You were the best Wizzo in our class."
"I know," Fanboy said, hanging his head. "I just can't shake it." 
Payback pressed his lips together, meeting Bob's eyes over Fanboy's hunched form. The other WSO widened his eyes meaningfully, the loss for what to do written clearly on his face. Payback jerked his head in dismissal, and Bob slid from his seat, patting Fanboy's back once before heading over to Harvard and Fritz. 
With a quick glance up to the heavens and prayer for help, Payback scooted closer to Fanboy. "Look, do you still trust her?" he asked, keeping his voice gentle and low. 
Fanboy looked up, meeting Payback's eyes, and he could see that his closest friend here—the only one who knew just how little sense this all made—was approaching the end of his rope. 
"Yeah, of course." 
"Then trust that whatever reason she has for not wanting to talk to you is a good one." 
It was a solid piece of logic, easily traced back to the golden ring that encircled Payback's left finger. Fanboy could practically hear Neema's voice in the advice, reminding him that Caro had never done anything without a reason. While each of her decisions were explained with a breezy sentence or sharp quip, there had always been a thorough and conscientious thought process behind her actions.
But she had always offered up her reasonings willingly. They had never been so much as veiled, let alone something he had to pry from her. 
And it was that thought that led him to shake his head, eyes peering appealingly at Payback, urging him to understand.  "I can't," he whispered, the admission coming out pained and apologetic. 
Payback didn't have the time to do much more than sigh before there was a shuffling at the door that drew their attention. An administrative officer stood in the doorway, clipboard in hand. "Coyote, Payback, Fanboy, you're next." 
The three men nodded, Coyote using Yale's distractedness to spin a shot into the goal before backing up, grinning from the foosball table. Payback slid from his seat, clapping Fanboy on the shoulder as he did so. "Come on. We'll figure this out after we go make an old man do some push ups." 
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"198…" Hondo counted, following it up with a loud, "Down!" 
Fanboy wasn't sure what hurt more: his muscles that had been battered from the flying and subsequent push ups, his ego at having Maverick continue to best them despite having no WSO or wingman, or his conscience for being the reason that Payback and Coyote were both sweating next to him. 
Because he couldn't stop thinking about it.
About that look on her face when he told her he'd missed her. 
About the stupid gray letters that appeared on Bob's phone. 
About the last time he'd seen her and how he should have just said it. 
"200!" Hondo announced. "You're good to—" 
The rest of his sentence was lost as Fanboy pushed himself up off the ground and onto his feet, taking off down the tarmac.
"Fanboy!" Payback called after him, but the backseater didn't stop, starting towards the building with more purpose than he'd even shown in the goddamn air. 
Ahead of him, Hangman grinned, the sun glinting off his golden hair. "You know, if you ever get her to talk to you, make sure to thank her for me. For taking out the competition." 
Fanboy's jaw set, his hands clenching into fists, but he continued on and into the showers, to wash away–even temporarily–the feeling of failure. But even the scalding water couldn't burn it away, and he emerged from the showers feeling somehow worse than when he went in.
The sudden sound of his name caused his heart to jump in his chest, jerking around to see Phoenix's form waiting beside the door. She pushed herself away from the wall to fall in line with him. 
"What was that?"
He shook his head, turning back around so he could head towards the debrief room early for some peace and quiet before Hangman, Harvard, and Yale came down. 
"Hey," Phoenix called after him, catching up with long strides. "I'm serious. Calling the wrong break is the kind of error that gets you washed out of flight school."
Fanboy shook his head, looking away from Phoenix. He could still feel her gaze on him, insistent and intense. "I know," he mumbled. 
"Look, I've already got my hands full with Rooster; I can't have you spinning out too," Phoenix sighed, hand pushing at his arm to turn him towards her, finally getting him to stop. "So explain it to me–why is an ex you haven't seen or spoken to in the past five years so in your head?" 
Fanboy sighed, running a hand over his head, the short hairs tickling his palm. His eyes rested on a photo of a pilot grinning in the seat of an old F-14. 
"Because when I left, she loved me, and now she looks terrified of me. Something happened."
He chanced a glance at Phoenix's face finding the pilot staring at him with furrowed brows. "Five years happened." 
He shook his head. "It's bigger than that. I mean, if you're right, she blocked me a while ago, and I don't know what I did." 
"Maybe you didn't do anything," Phoenix shook her head. It was his time to look at her confused. "Maybe it isn't about you. Maybe she needed to block you to move on. Maybe she has."
The sentence hit him like a punch to the gut, knocking the air out of his lungs. It was a moment before he could breathe again. 
"But why wouldn't she just say that?"
"I don't know," Phoenix shrugged. "But you need to figure out a way to let this go and get your head on straight. We need you on this mission." 
Her last sentence was lost to him though because finally someone said something actually actionable.
He needed to get his head on straight. And that's exactly what he would do.
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Renew Chiropractic was a six minute drive from base.
Six minutes.
For the past week, he had only been one well-timed traffic light or random turn down a side street away from seeing her on one of his runs. Instead, it took a Google Search and a four hour wait until his scheduled appointment slot. 
His head was still reeling with the revelation as he pushed open the glass front door, entering the serene chiropractic office. Everything about the room was meant to be calming: the soft jade color of the walls, the essential oil blend puffing out of the diffuser, and the soothing nature sounds bubbling from the speaker. Even the row of empty chairs along the wall looked more plush than one might expect from a doctor's office. 
None of it seemed to have any effect on him though, each muscle in his body still tense and on alert as he approached the front desk. 
A tall, thin black man with wire-rimmed glasses looked up as he approached, eyes widening for a second upon seeing Fanboy in front of him. 
"Hi, can I help you?" the receptionist asked. The middle-aged white woman sat next to him cast him a puzzled look before her eyes too wandered to Fanboy. She sat up a bit straighter in her seat, hazel eyes narrowed slightly as she followed his progress towards them. 
"Yeah," Fanboy said, stepping up to the desk. "I have an appointment with Dr. Alvarez." 
He offered them a hesitant smile, one that he hoped softened the edges of his obvious anxiety. Instead, the woman's mouth drew in tighter, dangerously close to a frown. The man next to her however schooled his features into professional sympathy. "I'm sorry, sir. Dr. Alvarez actually had to step out." 
Fanboy's shoulders sank under the weight of his disappointment. He'd known it'd been a risk using his name while making the appointment. A part of him had considered using a fake name, but ultimately decided that would cross the line into unhinged.  "Do you know if she'll be back today or this week?"
The man shook his head. "She didn't say." 
"Dr. Houten is still in and he should be finishing up with his last patient if you would like to see him instead," the woman offered, rising from her chair. "I'll just let him know." 
Fanboy took a deep breath, eyes floating to the open hallway behind them as he weighed his options. He could stay and waste his time getting adjusted by her colleague which meant he'd have to wait until next week in order to try catching her here again or he could just leave and camp out in the parking lot like a total lunatic—he didn't finish the thought. Instead, down the hall a door opened and out of it came Dr. Lane. 
The same woman who had spilled a drink on Caro that first night back at the Hard Deck. 
Who, when he asked during his physical, had scoffed at the very idea of knowing Caro beyond that incident.
Who now made eye-contact with him and clearly and solemnly said, "Shit." 
She spun on her heel, hands coming up as if to push someone behind her, but instead, the person brushed her aside, coming out and peering down the hall to see what had prompted the reaction.
She was openly shocked, her eyes wide and locked on him. Dr. Lane cast a quick glance between Caro and Fanboy before fixing her own determined gaze on him, her jaw set as she started down the hallway towards him with long purposeful strides. She stopped next to the older woman who had freed herself from behind the receptionist's desk.
It took less than a second for him to discern what was happening, the piercing realization bringing with it an acute and sharp pain in his chest. They were barricading him from the hallway. They were protecting her from him. 
His face crumpled, brows furrowing and lips bowing into a frown. "I just came to talk," he said, his voice desperate and thin.
Dr. Lane shook her head. "You should head back to base." The words were technically a suggestion, but they sounded far more like an order. "She knows how to reach you if she wants to talk." 
Fanboy opened and closed his mouth again, eyes shooting over her shoulder to try to find Caro. She had come closer, reaching the trio now and laying a hand on the other doctor's shoulder. "Jas," she said calmly, gently pushing her to the side so that she could come out into the waiting room. "It's ok." 
The statement did little to pacify Dr. Lane. Instead, the other woman shot Caro a look that very clearly expressed her distrust of the situation. She didn't say anything though, allowing Caro to pass in between her and the Renew Chiropractic employee. 
"We can talk outside," Caro said, pointing to the door behind Fanboy. 
He nodded, leading the way out, pausing only to hold the door open for her before he headed down the path and out of sight of the glass front door. 
When he turned to face Caro, he found her with her hand stuffed in the pockets of her maroon scrubs, her face carefully and uncharacteristically impassive. 
"I'm sorry–" he started before Caro cut him off.
"You found where I work?" Her words came out even, dull almost, but he could sense the danger underneath them. 
"I tried to text and call, but–"
"But I didn't answer, so you decided to ambush me at my job," she finished for him, folding her arms across her chest.
"It wasn't an ambush!" he protested, his heart rate rocketing at the accusation. "I made an appointment. So you'd know I was coming." 
He watched her process this statement in real time. Her brow scrunching in the middle and corners of her mouth tugging down slightly. Her eyes slid to the right, towards the building, before snapping back to him. It was then that she seemed to see him for the first time—noticing that he was in his service khakis and the tension in his shoulders and maybe even the plea in his face for her to just give him a chance. 
Caro took a deep breath, audibly pushing it out through her nose. "Ok," she said, her voice having lost some of its edge. "I can give you fifteen minutes." 
Fanboy also breathed out a sigh of relief, eyes falling to the ground between them before flickering up to her. "You know, the website said forty-five," he attempted with a smile which faded quickly as her eyes hardened once more. "Sorry, yeah, fifteen minutes." 
Silence entwined itself between the two of them as they stood in front of her office building, both in their respective uniforms and both wishing very much that this wasn't how they were spending their day.
Caro was the one who finally broke the silence. "You wanted to talk?" 
"Yeah," Fanboy breathed out, hand coming up to rub the back of his head. "Yeah, I did." His eyes met hers again, despite the fact that every time he seemed to look at her, she seemed to grow even more guarded, even further away. "The other night at the Hard Deck…and then now…" he took in a deep breath before releasing it and the remainder of his sentence with it. "It just seems like there's something wrong between us." 
"I was just surprised," Caro shrugged.
"Yeah," Fanboy agreed, hating his masochistic need to push the subject. "It just seemed like more than surprise. I know it's been years, but I thought…you just didn't seem…I don't know…"
"Happy to see you?" Caro supplied, raising an eyebrow. 
He flushed at the accurate indictment of his own ego, and she shook her head at him. 
"What were you expecting, Mickey?" she asked, exasperation tingeing every word. "Me to throw myself into your arms like nothing's changed?"
The thought had crossed his mind more than once, but even he knew that outcome was more of a daydream, a fantasy, than a possible outcome of his arrival back in Fightertown. 
"No," Fanboy shook his head. "I just thought we were good." 
"We're fine." 
"Then why did your receptionists just try to keep me from seeing you? And why has Dr. Lane stepped in to keep you from spending more than five minutes with me?" 
He didn't want to know the answer to either question. There couldn't be a good reason–one that would get him back on track and restore his focus on earning a spot in the mission. Whatever she said was going to spin him out worse than he was already. But he had to know. Because if he left it at Caro's lie he would never forgive himself. Just like he already couldn't forgive himself for just accepting that the original plan for their relationship's end was just fine. That nothing had changed from the moment they made that agreement to his last moments of saying goodbye.
"They're overprotective," Caro supplied. 
"But they don't even know me." 
"They know about you. That's enough."
He grew quiet, and the urge he had to walk towards her, to close the space between them, died. Instead, he pulled back some, as if she had poked a finger into his chest the way she used to when she was mad. 
"What do they know?" 
For the first time, Caro was unable to meet his gaze, her eyes going to a large ceramic flower pot that lined the path. "They know I loved you and that you left and blocked me so I haven't seen or heard from you in five years."
"What?" His horrified whisper seemed to suck out all of the air and sounds from their surroundings. 
Caro met his eyes, and he could see the emotion there for the first time, thick and threatening.  "You left," she repeated, "And you blocked me." 
"I didn't block you–" he started, voice still wavering and almost soundless. 
"You did," Caro said with a nod. She took a breath in, and like that, the emotions fell back down into her and away from the surface. "It's fine, though. It doesn't matter anymore."
"It matters," Fanboy insisted, finally taking a step towards her. 
"No it doesn't. I'm over it." 
"It matters to me," he tried again, taking another step, but Caro tightened her arms against her chest. 
"It shouldn't," she said flatly. "Because it wouldn't change anything. You'd still have gone to Virginia, I'd still have been here, and life still would've moved on for both of us."
"Would it have?" He sounded almost as desperate as he felt.
"It did," she said, quietly. Caro ran a hand through her hair, looking over his shoulder and out into the parking lot. "Things are different now."
There was something in her voice. A distance almost as if trying to avoid coming too close to what exactly life had changed. 
A thought popped into his head, and before he could stop himself, the question was escaping. "Are you seeing someone?"
Caro's expression turned stony, and she straightened her spine. "What? You'll only respect the fact that I'm not interested in starting whatever it is you're hoping for if another man is involved?"
"No," he sputtered. 
"Then why does it matter if I'm seeing anyone?"
The pressure in his chest felt worse than any G force he had ever experienced. 
"I just–" he started, struggling to form a response that wouldn't further drive her away. "I'm trying to understand."
Her eyes fluttered closed in obvious annoyance, but he supposed the gesture was better than having her turn away. When she looked at him once more, she was still clearly frustrated, but her gaze had softened some.
"I'm not seeing anyone," she admitted. "I'm just older now. I have more responsibilities, and I can't—" she cut herself off, swallowing and then breathing and then restarting again, slower this time. "I can't do this again," she finished, gesturing with a finger. "I need something stable now."
He was able to nod twice before the weight of his thoughts caused him to just hang his head to stare at his shoes. "Yeah that's...that's fair," he managed. Quiet once more settled itself around them, ballooning in the space between them so he felt even further from her. "Could we at least maybe get a drink while I'm here. As friends?"
"Mickey," she said, gently. Too gently. "You know we can't be just friends."
A car door slammed in the parking lot behind him, pulling Caro's attention from him. The color drained from her face, taking with it the awful look of sympathy. Instead she looked horrified, like she might throw up or pass out. Or both. 
"Caro?" Fanboy asked, closing the space between them in two long strides. "Are you —"
"Mama!" A delighted shriek cut him off as quick and heavy thwaps hurtled towards them. He turned, watching with wide eyes as a little girl with bronzed skin and dark pigtails barreled towards Caro, only stopping when she collided with the chiropractor's legs, narrowly missing him. 
He was going to be sick. 
"Look!" The little girl demanded, shoving her hand up into Caro--her mother--'s face. "Kelsey painted my nails!"
Each little finger nail was a different color. Some a neon green, others a deep glittery navy, a sleek red, and a metallic purple. No two colors or textures were the same. 
"I see," Caro said with a nod, taking the girl's tiny hand in hers and tilting it back and forth to inspect each nail.
For a second it looked as if she might glance up to meet Fanboy's eyes, but instead she looked into the little girl--her daughter--'s face. 
"You know Bryson would probably like to see your nails, " she commented, releasing the small hand. "Why don't you go show him, and I'll meet you in there when I'm done talking? Then we can go home." 
The little girl looked up at her before suddenly shifting her attention to Fanboy, her big brown eyes peering intently at him, assessing. 
Evidently he failed as she frowned and then turned back to Caro, appealingly. "Um, what if you came with me?" Caro gave her a small smile, reaching down to brush hair out of her daughter's face. 
"Give me five minutes ok? You can ask Kelsey to help you keep track," she said, looking up to where the babysitter—Kelsey—hovered. It was then Fanboy noticed that she was staring between him and Caro, brow furrowed. She seemed to snap out of it at the sound of her name though, reaching a hand out for the little girl. 
"Come on, Dalia. Let's go show Bryson." 
The name caused all breath to escape from Mickey's lungs, and this time Caro's eyes did shoot to his, their gazes locking on each other. 
Neither of them took their eyes off of the other as the little girl reached for her babysitter's hand, letting the teenager guide her inside and away from Fanboy and Caro and the tension between them outside. 
"Dalia?" He asked, the repetition of the name more than just a question of whether or not he had heard it correctly. 
He was met with silence, which maybe should have been answer enough. Still, he felt like he needed to hear it, needed some sort of response, and so he attempted to ask again. 
"Is she…?" he trailed off, looking to the door the little girl had passed through just moments before. 
The little girl.
He couldn't finish the thought. 
Because she couldn't be. They had been safe—mostly— and who was to say that she hadn't been with anyone after he left? And it was entirely possible that when he'd shared that name with her five years ago, both of them wrapped up in her sheets with his arms around her and her head resting against his shoulder, she had decided that she'd liked it too and wanted to use it herself for any future children.
But when he met her eyes again, he could see it all over her face. 
"Oh my God," he murmured. 
"Mickey, I—" 
"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, heart pounding as the world seemed to spin around him, alarms whirring to life to signal that he was crashing. 
"I tried."
The words came out so small and quiet, it broke something in him. 
"What?" his voice cracked on the word. 
"Right after I found out. I tried calling you and texting, but nothing went through. I even tried reaching out on Facebook, and I was blocked." She spread her hands wide, shrugging.
It hit him then: he had blocked her. Right after he had returned to his squadron and gotten word of their upcoming short deployment. It had been too hard seeing pictures of her pop up on his feed. He wasted hours talking himself out of reaching back out and begging her to at least try long distance with him. He'd blocked her to protect her from any potential weak moments on the carrier. 
"Shit," he breathed out, stepping backwards. His hand going up to his forehead. He missed his curls, something to hold onto to ground him in reality.
"I–" he started before taking another breath and trying again. "Do I need to sign papers or something?" 
"Papers?"' Caro repeated. "For what?" she asked.
He lifted the hand from his head, gesturing to where his—Dalia had disappeared.  "For her."
Understanding dawned on her face as she offered a smile that made him want to scream just to dislodge the emotion caught in his throat, threatening to choke him. She shook her head. "You don't need to do anything."
"I should help. I want to help," he pressed, correcting himself. 
"Mickey," Caro said clearly, sternly. The same way he imagined she spoke to Dalia. "You're fine. Nothing changes just because you know now."
He breathed out a disbelieving, humorless laugh. "Everything changes."
"You're still in the Navy."
He sucked in a breath. Fuck. 
She didn't need to continue. Bringing up the Navy was enough, but she went on anyway, whether because she thought he'd need more explanation or because she wanted him to feel the weight of her world. 
"You're still stationed on the other side of the country. You're still gone in a month. You still have deployments and missions and wars and I don't want that for her." Caro stopped, and he could see the emotion back on the surface. It was everywhere from her eyes to her now slightly slumped shoulders to the desperate edge her voice had taken on. "I'm just trying to do what's best for my daughter here. You see that right?" 
Fanboy's shoulders dropped. "I know," he said. "It's just…I have a daughter, Caro. I want to at least meet her. Even if it's not as her dad." 
Caro was quiet, and he could see the thought turning over in her head. The tinkling bell of the front door opening interrupted her, prompting the pair to turn in tandem to see who was coming back out. Fanboy's breath caught hoping for Dalia to come bounding around the corner. Instead, it was Dr. Lane.
"Caro?" she asked. "I've been sent to inform you that it's been six minutes."
Caro nodded, offering a quick reassuring smile. "I'll be right in." 
Dr. Lane nodded, her eyes falling on Fanboy with a hard, assessing look. She remained standing, just off to the side, resolute. 
This prompted a softer, more genuine smile from Caro. "Can you let her know Jas?" she asked. The other doctor seemed more than a little reluctant to head back inside, disappearing with another sound of the bell.
Caro waited a second more, as if not entirely sure Jas was gone. Finally she faced him again, more relaxed than he'd seen her since he returned to San Diego. "I'll think about it," Caro assured. "Just promise me you won't try to come back here again or try to see her on your own. Please." 
Fanboy nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, I promise."
"I'll text you. Either way, I'll text you, and we'll talk. Deal?" 
A sad half smile crossed his face remembering all of the other deals they'd made. This felt like the worst one by far. 
"Deal," he agreed.  
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Caro re-entered the office to find Dalia standing on one of the chairs, peering over the reception  desk. 
"Dalia," she sighed, hand going to her head as her daughter's head whipped around. "No standing on the chairs, remember?" 
"Sorry," Dalia and Jas both apologized and Caro's eyes slid over to the auburn haired woman as her daughter jumped down off the seat.
"I thought you'd have headed back." 
Jas shrugged. "Thought I'd stick around just in case." 
"That's kind of you, but I'm fine," Caro said, heading forward to her daughter, wrapping her arms around the four year old's torso in a swaying hug. 
Jas snorted. "That has got to be the least convincing I'm fine ever." 
"I'm sorry, I didn't know," Kelsey apologized from where she had taken her mother's seat next to Bryson.
Caro shook her head. "You have nothing to apologize for. Thank you for dropping her off." She looked down at the four year old. "And giving her a fun day." 
Kelsey smiled as her parents came down the hall together, Dr. Houten giving his wife the same look he gave patients who came in after complicated car accidents. His eyes found Caro's, and her stomach dropped. 
"Are you ok?" 
"I'm fine. Really," Caro dismissed. "It was just awkward." 
"What was awkward, Mama?" Dalia asked, leaning her head back to peer up at her mother. Caro offered a smile.
"I got a surprise visit from someone I haven't seen in a really long time. And sometimes when you haven't seen someone in a long time, things are awkward."
"Oh." Dalia said, hanging herself forwards on Caro's arms. "Can we go home now?"
Caro nodded. "Let me grab my things from my office, ok?" 
She headed towards the back and Dr. Houten followed her. "Robin filled me in a little on what's going on. If you need to take a few days to sort this out, I can take your patients and we can reschedule the rest–"
"It's fine. Really," Caro said, bending over her desk to pick up her purse. "He won't be back."
He raised an eyebrow.
"He doesn't want to see Dalia?"
Caro looked up at him. "He won't be back here. I just–I need this to keep me busy."
He looked unsure, pressing his lips together before nodding. "Ok. But if it becomes obvious that you need time off, I'm not giving you an option."
"Thanks, Mark," Caro said, shouldering her purse. "Really."
He smiled, looking for a second like he might be tempted to give her a side hug before realizing that'd be even more awkward than a regular one. Instead, he laid a light hand on her back as if ushering her out of her own office. 
Dalia was straddling two chairs when Caro exited the office, her hands wrapped in Jas' for stability. The guilty look on Jas' face killed the reprimand on Caro's tongue, replaced instead with a laugh and shake of her head. 
"Ready?" She asked her daughter. 
Dalia jumped out of the chair, tugging her hands free from Jas'. "Can we get ice cream?"
Caro loved her daughter. 
She was so good. So easy all things considered. She wanted her mother and ice cream and fun, and she didn't need any complications to her life. 
"Hmm," she hummed, squinting in mock-thought. She could practically feel the excitement bubbling off of the four year old. "I don't know…."
"Pleeeeeeease," Dalia begged, skipping forward to wrap her arms around Caro, head tilted up to implore her mother with big eyes.
"Ok," Caro agreed, tapping her daughter's nose. Dalia let out a cheer, releasing Caro and bouncing off towards the door. 
It was entirely possible that more sugar was the last thing Dalia needed, but the girl apparently knew a thing or two about timing her questions. 
"You know," Jas said, sidling up next to Caro. "I like ice cream."
Caro raised an eyebrow as she pressed out the door, waving a hand to the staff remaining behind. "Is that supposed to be a subtle hint that you'd like to join us?"
"To be fair, subtlety is not my strong suit," Jas admitted, walking alongside Caro. "If you'd rather keep it just a mother daughter thing, though, I totally get it."
Caro smiled at her new friend before her eyes darted to her daughter about to hop into the parking lot. "Hand please, Dalia," she called out. The little girl turned and scampered back, taking hold of Cato's outstretched hand. "What do you think?" Caro asked her daughter. "Can Jas join us for ice cream?"
"Yep," Dalia chirped as she skipped next to her mom. Caro looked back at Jas with a smile. 
"You're in."
Next Chapter (Coming Soon)
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hangmansgbaby · 10 months
Puck Around and Find Out
A TGM Hockey AU
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The San Diego Daggers has together for 5 years and the players have grown extremely close. And with a close team comes with everyone being there to witness every step of your life. Read along as the Daggers work through major moments in their's and each other’s lives.
| Meet the Team |
*listed in timeline order*
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P U C K I N G F I N A L L Y Playlist | Taglist
Javy Machado x Natasha Trace | Prequel | Javy and Nat had been on again, off again since freshman year of college, ending on off again at the time of graduation. A year later, Nat is in desperate need of a date to her cousin’s wedding where everyone is convinced her and Javy have been together for the last year and a half, including her parents. Javy agrees to pretend so long as Nat tells them they broke up soon after. A weekend together though may just make them change their minds, but will they say something or just let the opportunity for something more serious pass them by?
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R O Y A L L Y P U C K E D Playlist | Taglist
Jake Seresin x Layne Thomas (Athletic Trainer) | Layne Thomas is the new physical therapist for the San Diego Daggers but on day one, she runs into an all too familiar face, who is also the captain of the Daggers. Jake Seresin, who met Layne by chance in Denver, Colorado after a game, has nonstop thought of her ever since that one night and now she’s here before him in San Diego. Jake pines after his Denver girl while Layne does everything to ignore his advances, even going as far to show more interest in his alternate captain despite her own feelings for him blooming.
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W H A T T H E P U C K Playlist | Taglist
Bradley Bradshaw x Riley "Racer" St. James (Dagger Ice Girls Captain) | Riley St James is the captain of the Dagger Ice Girls and long time friend, recently turned girlfriend, of Alt Captain Bradley Bradshaw. When Bradley’s ex shows up and drops a baby in his arms before leaving, Bradley’s entire world is flipped upside down. Between Bradley’s new found fatherhood and the possibility of losing her spot on the team, Racer has to work hard to prove she is still a devote girlfriend and worthy of her spot as an Ice Girl.
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P U C K I N G S H O T S Playlist | Taglist
Bob Floyd x Beatrice "Bug" St. James (Team Photographer) | The SD Dagger photographer sees every side of of the team, but her favorite view is Bob Floyd. The sweet, wouldn’t hurt a fly boy is one of the toughest goalies in the game and Bug has he sights, and lens, set on him and she’s willing to break every rule in the handbook to win him over.
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B E Y O N D P U C K E D Playlist | Taglist
Mickey Garcia x Mia Floyd (Dancer) | Bob’s sister, Mia Floyd, just moved to San Diego to be apart of a local dance troupe and catches the eye of one Mickey Garcia. Despite being labeled off limits by her older brother, Mickey can’t help to try his hardest to win over the dancer.
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S O C I A L P U C K S Playlist | Taglist
Reuben Fitch x Jessica "Click" Monroe (Social Media Manager) | Jessica Monroe has been the social media manager for the Daggers since their inception. Although her strict no player/coworker policy, a scandal involving Reuben Fitch’s name breaks out and the only way to save his image is to convince the world he is long since taken, only… the press seems to have a different plan that the PR team.
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