#Mig//uel o’h//ara
safety-writes-noms · 1 year
Miguel vore hcs
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— You cannot tell me this man is not a pred. It’s impossible. Whoever designed his fangs knew what they were doing. i think he’d be a kinda unwilling pred at first, he’s not too eager at the idea of nomming prey if he doesn’t know them well or it’s not something he’s familiar with.
If he’s feeling really stressed out, then he might go to someone he trusts and knows well and nom them for comfort. He secretly likes working with someone tucked away since it feels nice. Plus he knows he won’t get hungry if he has someone inside, so that’s one less thing to worry about while he works.
I doubt he’d ever nom anyone without making sure it’s completely safe. He’s probably done hundreds of tests on his own body (it’s the scientist in him).
Would he go for protection vore? Yes. He’s got an injured person on his hands? He’s got a safe and comfy place to put them while he deals with a threat. Or maybe he’s protecting the person he nommed from doing something incredibly stupid.
“…That’s a really dumb idea,”
“No, we’re not doing it. What d’you mean you’re doing it anyway?? Come back, you idiot! You’re going to get yourself killed! Dios mío…get over here. Nompf — gulp. I’ll take care of it by myself,”
i don’t think he’d immediately go to gulping down the person as his first impulse to get them out of a dangerous situation. He’d go through all of his options and if it happens to be the best one he has at the moment, he’ll do it. But if he has the choice of not having to resort to nomming and has other options, he probably won’t do it. He understands it’s pretty terrifying even if he repeatedly assures the person that it’s completely safe.
He’s a huge guy so downing prey def isn’t too much for a challenge for him. He likes the pleasant feeling of being full. He might enjoy mouth play, but not to the extent of actually hurting the person.
Would he be mean? Depends on who you are, if you’re an innocent civilian or injured spider person, he’ll give you a quick rundown on what he’s doing and why. I kinda doubt he’d just swallow you without any sort of explanation unless he’s in an hurry or he’s stressed out and running on spider instincts.
If you’re an anomaly, he’ll probably bite you and paralyze you before sending you down. No warning, most likely won’t try to be gentle. Then he’d cart you back to hq and spit you out in the go home machine or in one of his cell holders. Or just enjoy the feeling of being comfortably full for a hour or so before spitting the anomaly out.
there’s a low chance he’ll actually ask anyone if he can eat them since it’s a bit of an awkward question and mig is more emotionally constipated than a bear without laxatives. Unless you offer, he’ll probably never ask. Poor guy thinks he doesn’t deserve it.
Slowly, he’ll become more comfortable asking some people (the one’s he’s close with/protective of). I like the idea that his spider instincts don’t urge him to nom just because he’s hungry, but because he has this instinctual need to protect and be as close as physically possible to that person.
one of his biggest fears is losing control of his instincts and hurting someone on accident. If it does happen, his instincts are mostly focused on protection and nothing else. It’s still a part of him. Of course it’s hard to communicate that to someone while he’s in that feral state, so it’s likely he’ll scare them as he’s trying to nom them. I can’t imagine the guilt he’d feel when he gets out of that state and feeling someone panicking inside. Esp if it’s their first time and they don’t know they’re safe.
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sangrialuvr · 1 year
[clawing at my face] hey guys do any of u know how 2 become normal about this guy
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