#At//sv vore
safety-writes-noms · 11 months
Miguel vore hcs
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— You cannot tell me this man is not a pred. It’s impossible. Whoever designed his fangs knew what they were doing. i think he’d be a kinda unwilling pred at first, he’s not too eager at the idea of nomming prey if he doesn’t know them well or it’s not something he’s familiar with.
If he’s feeling really stressed out, then he might go to someone he trusts and knows well and nom them for comfort. He secretly likes working with someone tucked away since it feels nice. Plus he knows he won’t get hungry if he has someone inside, so that’s one less thing to worry about while he works.
I doubt he’d ever nom anyone without making sure it’s completely safe. He’s probably done hundreds of tests on his own body (it’s the scientist in him).
Would he go for protection vore? Yes. He’s got an injured person on his hands? He’s got a safe and comfy place to put them while he deals with a threat. Or maybe he’s protecting the person he nommed from doing something incredibly stupid.
“…That’s a really dumb idea,”
“No, we’re not doing it. What d’you mean you’re doing it anyway?? Come back, you idiot! You’re going to get yourself killed! Dios mío…get over here. Nompf — gulp. I’ll take care of it by myself,”
i don’t think he’d immediately go to gulping down the person as his first impulse to get them out of a dangerous situation. He’d go through all of his options and if it happens to be the best one he has at the moment, he’ll do it. But if he has the choice of not having to resort to nomming and has other options, he probably won’t do it. He understands it’s pretty terrifying even if he repeatedly assures the person that it’s completely safe.
He’s a huge guy so downing prey def isn’t too much for a challenge for him. He likes the pleasant feeling of being full. He might enjoy mouth play, but not to the extent of actually hurting the person.
Would he be mean? Depends on who you are, if you’re an innocent civilian or injured spider person, he’ll give you a quick rundown on what he’s doing and why. I kinda doubt he’d just swallow you without any sort of explanation unless he’s in an hurry or he’s stressed out and running on spider instincts.
If you’re an anomaly, he’ll probably bite you and paralyze you before sending you down. No warning, most likely won’t try to be gentle. Then he’d cart you back to hq and spit you out in the go home machine or in one of his cell holders. Or just enjoy the feeling of being comfortably full for a hour or so before spitting the anomaly out.
there’s a low chance he’ll actually ask anyone if he can eat them since it’s a bit of an awkward question and mig is more emotionally constipated than a bear without laxatives. Unless you offer, he’ll probably never ask. Poor guy thinks he doesn’t deserve it.
Slowly, he’ll become more comfortable asking some people (the one’s he’s close with/protective of). I like the idea that his spider instincts don’t urge him to nom just because he’s hungry, but because he has this instinctual need to protect and be as close as physically possible to that person.
one of his biggest fears is losing control of his instincts and hurting someone on accident. If it does happen, his instincts are mostly focused on protection and nothing else. It’s still a part of him. Of course it’s hard to communicate that to someone while he’s in that feral state, so it’s likely he’ll scare them as he’s trying to nom them. I can’t imagine the guilt he’d feel when he gets out of that state and feeling someone panicking inside. Esp if it’s their first time and they don’t know they’re safe.
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novorehere · 1 year
Thinking about them. Rotating them in my head
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puppycatpawprint · 11 months
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miraidon my beloved <:3
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sadcatjae · 2 years
Just Like A Mortal
Villain x Supervillain whump drabble
Idk I wanted to write something really gory so erm this happened 😐 fyi Ashaxi is able to extend his claws like a big cat (lol), only his can be extended to several inches long. Something something compensating.
This is an extra of a series you can find here.
Cw: references/allusions to SV/noncon, sexual content (ig?? But not explicit), gore and blood, mild vore, intimate whumper, internal injury/mutilation, evisceration and everything that comes with it, torture, slur against sex workers/misogynistic slur.
Lial rings his arms around his lord's neck, holding him close, holding him flush against his body. The tip of Ashaxi's claw pricks his bare belly, the curved nail extended to as long as a dagger.
His cold flesh quivers. Skin breaks. A bead of black wells and slips free, leaving an inky trail against stark skin.
The demon flinches subtly at the sting. Ashaxi brings his face close. Their breaths mingle, shiver.
"So soft," the lord hums in his midnight voice. "Just like a mortal."
Lial swallows and tilts his head to the side, white lashes quivering. "My lord..."
The tip of claw slices deeper. An inch. Lial stifles a groan at the pulsing burn. His organs flinch and protest, and he unconsciously contracts his muscles.
"None of that now, Lial," Ashaxi chides, golden eyes flaring in displeasure. "I want you soft. Pliable. I want you to open up for me like a mortal whore, hungry for my touch."
Obediently, the demon pulls in a calming breath and relaxes all his muscles. His body softens. It takes every shred of will to keep himself relaxed, especially as his lord's claw sinks in another inch.
He inhales sharply. His lips aquiver. There's a steady stream of blood trickling down his belly, soaking into the hem of his pants.
"Mm. That's it. Just focus on my touch. Focus on the way I enter you, just like so-"
The steady burn sharpens, turns jagged. His flesh tears open, but slowly, ever so slowly, as the claw plunges in. It's hooked into his belly, and he's well and truly caught.
His arms slip from Ashaxi's neck in dead weight, falling slack. The lord catches him when he keels over, places a steadying palm upon the small of his sweat soaked back.
"I do so wish to hear your voice. Won't you sing for me, Lial?"
Another inch, sinking into his meat.
Something catches. There's a visceral snap that he feels in a place he didn't know he could feel. A gush of blood bursts forth, soaking Ashaxi's hand.
Lial convulses, arches his back, and sings. His song is broken but Ashaxi is pleased.
The demon is trapped by those simmering golden eyes, his own glazed over in shock. Sweat trails down his jaw, mixing with the saliva eking from his gaping maw. And still, there's no reprieve, for his lord continues to penetrate him, sinking his claw in deeper, and deeper, churning his fragile organs until finally, finally, he stops.
Ashaxi rings his arm around the shivering demon, keeping him upright, forcing him to look at his lord as he ruins his tender insides.
"My lord..." Lial cries deliriously, clutching weakly at Ashaxi's chest. "My lord...please...please..." He babbles blindly, unable to articulate the sheer terror that threatens to sever the fraying thread of his sanity.
"Do you feel that, Lial? I'm inside of you." Ashaxi husks a laugh and grazes his lips upon his servant's clammy brow. "You did so well, opening up for me with such ease. Now, I wonder. What song will you sing for me when I pull out?" With a violent motion, he twists his hand and rips his claw free, tearing open the demon's belly. Viscera and gore splatters, painting the lord's pristine clothes.
Lial screams.
His head snaps back, exposing the taut, contracting column of his throat. He heaves and sobs as he clutches his gaping belly, desperately trying to keep his shredded organs inside.
His legs go numb. Ashaxi releases him, allows the mercy of collapse.
Lial writhes on the ground, mindlessly keening. He's nothing more than a gutted beast, a meat for the consumption of his lord.
He knows that now.
Ashaxi stares down at his pathetic servant, torn apart and reduced to the primal. The lord smiles indulgently and brings his claw to his lips. A taste of the tarry blood, his servant's cheap flesh.
"Not as delectable as a mortal's," he hums, licking a stray black drop from the corner of his mouth. "Of course, if you were a mortal, we could not share these sweet intimacies. Do try to keep yourself together, Lial, until my return. I look forward to hearing many more songs."
And then Lial's alone, on the precarious edge of madness, desperately trying to ignore just how familiar his insides feel.
Yes. Just like a mortal's.
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cuddlecave · 3 years
Dunno how you feel about hypnosis but this situation won’t leave my head so-
Ben convincing Gord to try hypnosis under the guise that if they suggest something he really doesn’t want to do, the hypnosis will wear off. He physically cannot do anything he doesn’t want to.
Once Gord is hypnotized, Ben tries to think of something that Gord wouldn’t want, just to make sure it would wear off. He remembers Tom telling him about why humans were adverse to ‘cuddles’ after he tried them with him once, and he does remember Gord saying something like that in Xen…
So he proposes it. Ben asks if Gord would be up to getting eaten (not necessarily eaten, but he knows he had to be specific about it or the human would flip)
What he didn’t expect was the human to agree.
Cause the Gord in this scenario uses vore as a coping mechanism and didn’t think to tell Ben before they started doing stuff like this.
Cue a kind of shocked and confused Ben going through with it, hesitating at every moment and waiting for the sign to stop. Maybe he just needed the reminder of what he actually agreed to?
But no, and even though Gords completely limp and relaxed in their grip, his mind was racing because holy hell he didn’t expect Ben to do this let alone not even seem disgusted at him for letting it happen?
The hypnosis wears off pretty quick after gords swallowed, since Ben had sweet voice ready to dispel it. And poor Gord can’t even get used to his surroundings able to use his limbs before Ben’s on him with “are you okay? Do you want out?”
Hesitantly, Gord explains. The chamber lights up with teal-surprise and yellow-happy. Then they explain that it’s an instinct of theirs that they haven’t been able to indulge because their friends don’t have a similar instinct and see it as dangerous.
After that, the two settle down for cuddles, with the unspoken agreement that this will definitely happen again, just without the hypnosis.
the "can't make you do something you really never would" is how I've always pictured the 'compliant green' hypno SV working!
also I really dig this idea. o:
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stars-and-rose · 5 years
emily’s notes on dealing with INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS
so it took me an hour and a half to fulling watch the video because I ended up taking seven and a half pages of notes??? i might make a separate post analyzing the characters/the plot in Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts, but we’ll see. with that out of the way, please note that these notes are in chronological order. spoilers under the keep reading
 seven warnings. seven freaking warnings. shit has hit the fan
why is Thomas ME in the mornings
Virgil and Patton’s expressions when they first come in, oh god, Virgil looks absolutely done and Patton’s playing the ‘nothing is ever wrong’ game again 
Patton singing to himself is pretty cute not gonna lie
“secrets secrets are no fun, share with me or else we’re done.”-Roman is me yet again
also “i have yet to receive my invite to the pity party” Ro i can’t-
okay so it seems Virgil Patton and Thomas all know something and they don’t want Roman to know
not gonna lie, watching these three play cover-up is pretty damn funny and Ro is on to them
Roman calling in Logan for back up? WHOOOOOOO we stan
Logan gets one FALSEHOOD a day?
honestly can't tell if they’re trying to protect Roman or they don’t trust him rn and ahhh that hurts
i feel like i’m witnessing the logince vs moxiety war
so everyone but Roman knows and everyone but Logan is desperate to keep it that way
they’re all coming for Ro’s role as the Extra side, huh? we’re hitting some extremes
“you all are acting fishy.” “so what, i’m acting fishy, sush- sue me.” “don’t pretend that wasn’t on purpose.” Roman and Virgil at their finest
why isn’t Roman allowed to know about Thomas’s intrusive thoughts???
“i’m going to prohibit your breathing if you keep this up.” Virgil NO
Virgil Patton what are you doing 
Roman is not going to fall for that distraction
wait no he did
i think everyone is a wee bit high
“have you ever imagined killing your brother”-HOLY SHIT SHIT IS HITTING THE FAN
Patton covering his mouth and whispering out evil, and Virgil dropping into his tempest tongue when they see creepy rat man AAHHHHHHHHH
“it’s the Duke.” thank you, Logan, BUT WHAT THE EVERLIVING FUCK DOES THAT MEAN
The Duke is so freaking scary i can not-
state farm ad: everything in life is alright with state farm!
me, in hysterics only eight minutes in: nOtHiNg Is AlRiGhT
the Duke’s costume though... the clear elements from Roman but the inverted colors and the Duke feels gaudier
the Duke’s song is so creepy i can’t oh my god he'd been on screen for five minutes and he’s terrifying. The imagery, how dark everything is, how easily he moves around the other sides i’m chilled to the bone
did Roman call the duke bro??? um what???
also isn’t roman unconscious
oh god what happened between Deceit and the Duke
the Duke is fucking terrifying. have i said that yet
i don’t wanna see the dark sides anymore! i’m good
that song is going to haunt me FOREVER
so the Duke is dark fantasies and corrupted creativity definitely Ro’s dark side
i no like
maybe the Duke was able to pop in because Roman’s been hurting recently????
Logan is the only one keeping himself together, i hope he can rationalize the Duke but i fear not
“you’re not creativity!”
“yeah! that’s the brave, handsome (Patton your gay is showing) unbeatable Roman!
*camera cuts to Ro still unconscious muttering about mashed potatoes*
Virgil looked so cute when he blew his bangs out of the way!
back to the angst
‘you’re scary’
*camera cuts to hurt/unimpressed Virgil*
everyone is pointing fingers ahahhahah
how quickly Patton believed Logan was actually Deceit OOF when the only evidence for this was based on the fact Logan didn’t agree with Patton/Virgil’s method of dealing with the Duke
Lo: *trying to logic through the situation*
Vee and Pat: please shut your mouth
Logan:*talks about how nothing is black and white*
Thomas: *points out the difference between Roman in white and the Duke in black*
which is an amazing visual for character!Thomas’s black and white thinking
and it’s also an amazing detail to contrast Roman and the Duke. i thought the contrast between Patton and Deceit's suits was cool in SvS, but this is another level
Roman is still unconscious on the floor. the Duke is standing over him. alright, trash rat bastard.
wow i can’t believe my favorite side has a twin brother that’s an actual rodent
holy shit Thomas is such an amazing actor i genuinely cannot handle it, applause applause applause
“Wow, I hate him.” YEAH ME TOO THOMAS
the entire side conversation between Logan and Patton regarding the cradle in the treetop is gold 
have i mentioned that the duke is disturbing yet? there is an EYEBALL on his shoulder
“...........maybe?” oh Patton bb you are trying but you’re not there yet
wow what happened between the Duke and Virgil, because the Duke really don’t like him
okay Virgil, that’s fine, break my heart
we’re still stuck on this “is Thomas a good person thing?”
the flashback is just as creepy every time it plays gOD
well Vee got in an uncensored curse
Patton is shook
Virgil legit looks at him like,”you’re really hung up on THAT right now?”
“I’m about to smash the hulk!” what is happening.
“One of you is enough!” yes and I’d prefer Deceit right now!!
Deceit is a shit but he’s a shit with a cause
the Duke is just a rat
Patton is really playing the ignore all our problems card,huh
that didn’t work his arc why is he trying it again???
“this isn’t about me wanting to be listened too” SHOT THROUGH THE HEART, AND YOU’RE TOO BLAME @ logan
Logan almost calling Virgil paranoid HURT
that brings me back to the whole “paranoviligant” scene from the Hogwarts video. both Ro and Lo have prevented themselves from calling Virgil paranoid, even though I feel like meaner things have been said. the word paranoid is significant then. 
also logan quickly fixing his mistake there damn i love him
Thomas pleading with Virgil and Patton hurt me so much AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
“well that can’t be where the bar is” WHAT A PARALLEL
Logan’s speech on religious really hit me. 
i’m Catholic, but I’m also Pansexual.
watching an openly gay man talk about Religion freely made me feel really happy and accepted and i might have cried
also it was such a good way from Logan to make his point
the Duke really threw Patton and Virgil through a loop, huh
okay, theory time: the Duke gets more powerful the weaker Roman gets and vice versa. so to keep the Duke away, Ro needs to get himself in a better place to figuratively defeat the Duke. but how can he get to that better place when it seems everyone is against him?
“i said figuratively. and that is why i say it. THAT *clap* IS *clap* WHY *clap* I *clap* SAY *clap* IT *clap* Lo really went off there, you go you funky little nerd
also Logan claps to emphasize his points a lot and it’s cute
“despite his best efforts, Virgil's could never stop being the bad guy~!” OUCH
you can see the vivid hurt on Virgil’s face when Logan says that it’s his faiult, it looks like he was slapped
and Logan quickly adding “oh and uh Patton.” 
“rEcOrD sCrAtCh?” shut up stinky trash man
and Virgil’s shock that he isn’t the only problem, that isn’t not completely his fault?
and logan’s shock in realizing he isn’t the problem??
not like i needed a heart or anything
wow the Duke finally realized that Logan is going to smite him only took 25 minutes
he really just went off on Logan and Lo’s not even fazed
did the Duke just-
yeah he vored the deodorant
i can’t take this anymore
first of all, he just gave it anyway like it was nothing. the others gave thier names at key moments for them, and the Duke is like, yeah I’m Remus
also I SAW the little look he gave Virgil he’s not fooling me
wait is that why he gave his name so early? to spite Virgil? because Virgil hid his name for so long and such?
that’s it I’m voring the stinky trash bastard 
second, the significance of the name itself. i’m assuming Remus is named after the Remus in Roman mythology. You know, the twins Romulus (hint hint RO nudge nudge) and Remus, the founders of Rome, but in the end Romulus killed Remus and became the city’s namesake
based on the connection of the names, and hoping that Roman is the Romulus of this story, Ro will be able to ‘defeat’ Remus one day
he did OH MY GOD
Roman, still unconscious on the floor, telling Remus to shut up and defending Lo? we stan (one) creativity twin 
well Remus just shuriikened Logan in the forehead
Logan simply falling for a brief moment then fixing the wound? he’s really a badass huh
Logan just summed up this entire shebang by saying,”if things one and two stop fearing the psycho asshole he’ll have no power.” alright Lo you go
Remus is really fucking dramatic huh, really seeing how he can be Roman’s twisted twin
really, Ro is chaotic good and Remus is straight up chaotic evil
“is he gone” you can’t be falling for that they’re ten minutes left on the episode
they fell for it
Virgil’s brutal honesty in listening off Thomas’s problems oof
“what if you sniffed your dogs butt?” Remus is getting a bit milder the more Logan talks him down, Lo is truly a king
“just shut up” WHOOOOO THOMAS
Patton and Virgil listening to Lo? GIVE ME AN AMEN
now we just need Ro to jump on the listening-to-Lo-express
Logan’s speech on therapy? FANTASTIC, GIVE HIM AN AWARD
Patton admitting and realizing his over controlling methods and flaws??? we stan character development
but really, Virgil telling Remus off and calling him a pest not worth his time?? a king
“it was just like old times!” the look Patton and Logan share, they definitely are aware of Virgil’s past with the dark sides/ possibly being one and they are done with Vee being harassed
but his line, “I can see now why everyone was reluctant to tell me what was going on.” confused me
why didn’t the other warn Roman that Remus could be coming? it’s not like Roman didn’t know Remus existed (they are literally twins) and the other knew Remus existed so I'm not sure what all the secrecy was about. if the sides warned Ro, he could have been prepared, and you know, not unconscious for most of the video.
literally i might have screamed
i definitely did
when Roman used the same insult/nickname as Remus to Logan, how distraught he looked oh god
maybe that’s why Roman’s so much of a perfectionist,,, he’s so desperate to not be like Remus, Roman forces himself to be the exact opposite and it’s causing him pain
the little smiles everyone gives Lo at the end??? AHHHHHHHH
Thomas thanking logan and calling him Cool, and Logan just sinking out in response?????
the entire like thirty seconds Roman and Remus share the screen, RO looks so uncomfortable 
there has to be something else that happened between them,not just they being exact opposites... not sure on what
it also seems like Logan is getting better but Roman is falling down the rabbit hole and getting even worse
the funhouse mirror metaphor HURT
Roman is really coming for Patton’s nothing-is-ever-wrong game huh?
also just noting the parallels between Roman and Remus, the hand gestures, even how they both sink out with the same BYEEEEEEEE!
Virgil babey don’t blame yourself-
holy shit Virgil just dropped the mic
really that scene broke my heart
it wasn’t the reveal itself, but damn the delivery
Virgil looks on the verge of tears,puts himself out there and telling Thomas that he was a dark side and being met by silence???
Thomas is such an incredible actor i cannot-
side note, how did Thomas not know? i believe the other sides know (someone please ask me about this so i can rant) and Vee was never exactly sutble about it and Deceit and Remus both taunted him about the past??
is character!Thomas just that dense??
so it seems like Logan is doing better, Patton is decent for the moment, but Virgil and Roman are both struggling right now
it feels like Roman’s arc is very drawn out, so i feel like things are getting worse before they get better
as for Virgil, i REALLY want the next video to be about how the past doesn’t define you and end with the other comforting Vee.
dear G O D why is Remus eating deodorant??
also, i really want to know what is actually the deodorant
or is Thomas actually eating deodorant
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Afsloring af konkurrenceverdenen og en ops?tning
Hvad er der nojagtigt bag et fitnessbillede? Det er, hvad mange af os sporger os selv, nar vi har tr?net i et stykke tid.
Hvordan er det muligt? Hvordan far de disse kroppe ud? Vi putter bodybuilding og fitness videoer , vi ser efter fotos af vores yndlings konkurrenter, vi deltager endda i konkurrencebegivenheder ... Vi tror, ??at disse typer atleter ikke er i vores gym, og at folk synes som det er taget fra en anden virkelighed ; som om de var lavet af en anden pasta.
Men hvad der virkelig ligger bag disse ojeblikke der viser en ekstraordin?r fysik? Lad os ga efter dele:
Bortset fra at b?re diet dag for dag for at opna en sadan fysik er det nodvendigt at udledning og belastning af kulhydrater , med deres deraf folgende vandbegr?nsning plus diuretika . Se om du tror, ??at folk, der konkurrerer, har det udseende hver dag! Naturligvis vil de ikke l?gge et foto pa deres sociale netv?rk, hvor de kommer ud med en h?vet tarm og uden abs efter en snydedag eller andre omst?ndigheder, men de vil l?g kun billederne, hvor de kommer ud med en mere foretrukken fysik. Hverken mere eller mindre end hvad du selv ville gore, nar du uploader et normalt foto med dine venner.
"Plader og maling"
De mennesker, der konkurrerer, har en brutal fysisk og stylist forberedelse bag dem , makeup, frisor, farvestoffer, koreografer, poseringskurser ... alt beregnes, sa du ser sa perfekt ud som muligt den dag. Nar du beslutter at konkurrere for at vise din krop, l?rer du naturligvis gradvist om alt dette. Du kan ogsa se sadan ud, hvis du s?tter dit sind til det; det er hvad forberedere er til.
Det brug af kosmetisk kirurgi med bade invasiv og ikke-invasiv behandling er is?r almindeligt hos kvinder. Lad mig forklare: Mange kvinder mister deres bryst ved at reducere deres fedtprocent til sa lave niveauer, hvilket er et af de omrader med den hojeste fedtreserve. Ved inds?ttelse af et implantat er den visuelle virkning indlysende: taljen ser endnu mindre ud, og hofterne og det lille fedt, der er samlet der, vil v?re meget mindre m?rkbar. Procentdelen af ??fedt, som mange piger siger, at de har med brystimplantater, er ikke reel: implantaterne vejer, men de er ikke fordelt som fedt, men nar de udforer malingen s?nker de fedtprocenten. Det samme sker i tilf?lde af fedtsugning: En operation og farvel til det brune fedt, der er sa sv?rt at miste og uden anstrengelse. Det er ogsa meget almindeligt for brug ikke-invasiv ?stetik at fastgore huden pa grund til v?gttab , fjerne cellulite og fedtstoffer. som vi alle har. Selvom det kr?ver en tr?ning i livet, hormonelle faktorer , stress ... tage deres vejafgift og er en meget praktisk hj?lp, is?r nar det kommer til at konkurrere, og det er nar vi fuldt ud viser vores fysik.
Hvis det, du beundrer, er fotos, kan jeg forsikre dig det arbejdet bag en session kontrolleres pa alle tidspunkter. Spil og lys og skygge kan fremh?ve de mest fremtr?dende dele og endda skjule dem, der har en fejl. Vinklen, som fotografiet er taget fra, er meget vigtig: det kan fa dig til at se mere defineret, stribet, stor, tynd ... det hele handler om, hvad du vil udtr?kke i hvert billede. Hvorfor tror du, at der kun er fotografer, der kun er dedikeret til disse typer sessioner? Det er ikke let!
Annoncering, toj, tilskud
Tro det eller ej, jo storre en atletes berommelse er, jo mere disponeret er vi for at v?rds?tte ham positivt . Der er anonyme mennesker med en god fysik, men de har ikke den reklame, sa de gar upaagtet hen.
Andre forskellige stoffer
De bruges ogsa af mange af konkurrenterne. Ingen genkender at tage dem, men der er dataene. Naturligvis anbefaler jeg, at du ikke bruger denne rute, fordi den vil pavirke din sundhed , Jeg forklarer kun, hvad det er, der far mange til at se ud som den fysik. Forbliv tro mod dine principper: flere og flere mennesker n?gter at tage medicin.
Og hvad sker der med de fotografier, der er taget med mobiltelefonen?
De er maske de mest palidelige og realistiske af alle, men du skal huske pa det kropperne varierer meget fra den ene dag til den n?ste.
For at give et simpelt eksempel: om morgenen, bare at sta op, far vi alle mere abs. Nar dagen gar, forarsager arbejdstempoet, uanset om vi gar pa badev?relset sa ofte som nodvendigt og mange andre faktorer vores fysik til at ?ndre sig efter hvilke timer. Nar du tager et foto er det normalt efter tr?ning, nar du er i den fantastiske overbelastning der far dig til at se storre ud eller bare op, at du er tomt og du ser koligere og mere afslappet ud.
Tro ikke pa alt, hvad du ser, og opgiv aldrig. Nar tiden kommer, vil du se, hvordan din krop reagerer pa en ops?tning. Med konstant disciplin og entusiasme vil du en dag kunne vise den fremragende fysik, som du har dromt om sa meget ».
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Hvad mener du med det Ole??????? Det er Sv*rige!!!!!!
Admiralen håber Sverige taber bukserne på scenen
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fattlestacks · 5 years
Art Trade Warning (Head’s Up)
I struggled with whether or not I wanted to post about this publicly... I don’t like to spread negativity or put someone on blast, but I also feel like I should give a heads up so other artists don’t get taken advantage of the way I did.
About two and a half months ago when I put out the call for chubbymatsu artists, I was contacted by a stuffing/vore artist named Sketchyvorist who said they drew chubbymatsus once upon a time so I asked if they’d like to do an Osomatsu San trade and they agreed.
We discussed the details of what we would draw for one another, I finished up my half of the trade over the course of a few days. When I contacted SV with the finished art they told me that they’d be finished with their half “right now” and we’d post the trades at the same time. 5 days passed with no word from them. Maybe I should have held off, but I decided to post my half of the trade anyway.
Another 5 days passed and I still heard nothing so I reached out again. At this point SV told me their half of the trade would be done “tomorrow”. A long time passed after this. I wasn’t sure how to proceed. I hated having to hound them about this. 
It was a pretty long time before I asked them about it again. Maybe a month or two, I’m not sure... anyway I was still polite about it at that point. I understand that shit happens, I don’t mind waiting a long time for an art trade as long as the other person keeps in touch with me along the way to let me know how the progress is going or if they’re anticipating a delay. But I never got anything from Sketchyvorist. Not even a sketch. No proof at all that they were ever working on something. Other than the initial message, they never once initiated a message with me. This time when I reached out to them, the message went ignored for 2 days.
I honestly wouldn’t have been as bothered by this whole mess if it weren’t for the fact that they were fulfilling free art requests on their blog the entire time. If they’d had so much going on that they couldn’t draw? Fine. I would have understood. But seeing them continue to produce art while ignoring their obligation to our agreement felt like a slap in the face. I ended up sending an unpleasant message which they did actually reply to. To their credit they did apologize and also said they’d forgotten about it. Disappointing, but fine. 
They told me it would be done “soon”. 5 days later nothing happened still (and yes, they were drawing more art requests this entire time). I was pretty fed up at that point and sent them the following: 
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We did exchange a few messages after this where they again said they’d do it, but I had heard that from them so many times at this point I’d be an idiot to believe that. I just wanted to put the whole thing behind me and move on. Two and a half months is certainly not the longest I’ve had to wait for a trade, but the other artists always kept in touch with me. It really sucks being left in the dark.
I know that entering into an art trade is always a risk. You never know if another artist will fulfill their end of the trade, and this isn’t the first time I’ve been burned... I’m sure it won’t be the last. But I honestly did not expect to be ripped off by an established artist in the chubby kink community. If I dropped the ball this hard and let someone down this bad? I would be mortified and do everything in my power to finish art for them immediately. But it was clear this was never important to Sketchyvorist. They simply did not care. 
Anyway, I’m glad that I can at least put this behind me and move on now. I’m not kidding when I said the whole situation was causing me stress. It really hurts knowing you meant this little to someone that they’d rip you off and it didn’t even matter. But like I said, the purpose of this post is not to call Sketchyvorist out, please for the love of God do not harass them! The last thing I need is for drama to come out of this. My heart can’t handle it.
But the chubby kink community is pretty small and I felt like I really needed to put this out there so people know to avoid trades with them in the future. (Or at least don’t expect them to actually complete their half). 
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safety-writes-noms · 11 months
i have the biggest pred crush on miguel. Omg those teeth?? And how complex his character is?? He has me in a chokehold. Whoever designed him deserves a huge clap on the back fr. Might write a couple hcs or scenarios for him
edit: I wrote some lmao
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novorehere · 1 year
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Shiny tatsugiri hunting is going about exactly as you’d expect… anyway meet Marzipan and Pinkberry
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elise-s-m · 5 years
Samtale med Anne-Mette Tjønn Hansen, styremedlem i stiftelsen Nyenga
Anne-Mette er utdanna sosionom og har jobba med barnevern i 30 år. Ho har eit brennande engasjement og stor omsorg for barn. Anne-Mette involverte seg i hjelpearbeid etter eit besøk som turist i Uganda. Ho såg muligheter for endring med små midlar og har vore med på å utvikle Nyenga Foundations slik organisajonen er i dag. Stiftelsen driv ein barneheim, full grunnskule, helsestasjon som også rettar seg ut mot omkringliggande landsbyar, jordbruk og fiskeoppdrett. Stiftelsen driv alt dette og lønnar 30 ansatte for same budsjett som ei vanleg årslønn for ein person i full jobb i Norge. Anne-Mette sitt arbeid her rettar seg i størst grad mot administrasjonen og drift av barneheimen, men ho er også involvert i skulen, stepper inn i ulike prosjekt i hagen og tar tyren ved horna når det trengs. Ho er tøff, løysingsorientert og opptatt av å sjå den enkelte, særleg blant barna. Anne-Mette har ein flott evne til å nå ut med bodskap på ein levande og ofte underhaldande måte.
Nyenga Foundations vart stifta i 2009 og 10års jubileum no i februar.
For 2019 er det særleg to ting Anne-Mette vektlegg:
Ønske om meir sjølvberande økonomi for organisasjonen, bevisstgjering av korleis pengar nyttast og mindre avhengigheit av norsk støtte.
Det andre er kompetansebygging og å bli betre på drift. Vidareutvikling av “living lab” for å undersøke idear og initiativ som finnast lokalt eller som kjem utanfrå.
Dei nybygde tenestehusvera er døme på dette. Dette er runde hus bygd etter mexikansk byggeskikk som heiter superadobe. Det er ein meir miljøvenleg, ressurssparande og nytenkande måte å bygge på. Desse husa er utstyrt med eit system som samlar urin frå toaletta, urinen blandast med vatn og nyttast som næring til bananplantane. Dette er ein del av jordbruksprosjektet her på Nyenga som i stor grad handlar om å nytte ressursar på best muleg vis.
Nye idear, få lokale ressursar opp og fram, og å dele erfaringar og kunnskap må til for å få til positiv utvikling. Utfordringa er å finne rette folka i Uganda som kan tenke på andre måtar enn kva dei er vant til. Heile generasjonar veks opp med andre måtar å leve på enn slik verden utviklar seg no og det er mangel på evne til å legge langsiktige planar.
For Anne-Mette er det å vere med å gjere ein forskjell for nokon svært meiningsfylt.  
Motivasjonen er å gje andre muligheter som for oss i Norge er sjølvsagte. Det å vekse opp med stabilitet, omsorg og oppmerksomhet. Det å få skulegang, ta utdanning, tilgang på helsetenester og ha mulighet til å skaffe seg eit verdig liv. Det gjev meining for meg, seier ho. Elles er det spennande å vere med å utvikle ein stad som skapar slike muligheter. Ein jobbar på alle nivå, frå systemnivå heilt ned til dei personane det gjeld, ein seglar mellom ulike sosiale lag.
 Ein som skal vere her enten som frivillig, sponsor eller bidra på anna vis bør vere nysgjerrig på det å leve her, og det livet som er her.
 Må vere villig til å leve enkelt, tåle litt støv og enkle levekår. Ein bør vere uthaldande og vere klar over at endring tar tid, lang tid. Ha tru på det ein ønsker å få til, samtidig som ein må kunne ta til seg innspel og lærdom frå dei ein jobbar med. Ein kan lett føle seg som ein som kjem og vil endre på ting som ein ikkje har noko med, og begynne å tvile på det ein gjere, men då er det viktig å minne seg på at utan endring så skjer det ingenting, då fortsett ting som før, i årevis framover. Kunnskapsmangel er eit stort problem i Uganda. Mange kan opptre som smarte og velutdanna, men ha grunnleggande kunnskapshol. Samtidig veks barn opp med det å utføre praktiske oppgåver og utviklar evner som ein sjeldan ville kunne sjå barn i Norge utføre.
Når det gjeld kompetanse det ønskast meir av i organisasjonen er svarer Anne-Mette at det trengs litt av alt.
 Vi går breitt ut og prøver å finne gode løysingar i eit heilt lokalsamfunn. Teknisk og administrativ kompetanse innan skule, sosialt arbeid, helse, ernæring, jordbruk og dyrehald. Kompetanse innan utvikling av prosjekt som kan gjere organisasjonen meir sjølvstendig og nytte tilgjengelege ressursar på ein god måte.
  Avslutningsvis vil eg trekke fram ei spesiell sak som Anne-Mette har jobba med desse vekene. 
Ho har vore her sidan første veka i januar og reiser heim til Bergen måndag 11. februar. Ho fortel at det er alltid planar for opphaldet, men så kjem det seglande ei problemstillingar som krev oppfølging. Denne gangen var det eit barn i ein nærliggande landsby som var født tvekjønna. Familien tek godt vare på barnet, men dei kjemper ein tøff kamp mot fordommar i landsbyen. Det er nødvendig med medisinsk behandling og økonomisk støtte for barnet, og familien ønsker at guten som vil bli jente skal få god utdanning. Denne saken har tatt mykje oppmerksomhet og er blitt ei hjertesak for Anne-Mette. Ho har mobilisert kollegaer og lærarar slik at Nyenga New Horizon School kan legge til rette for at barnet skal få begynne på skulen her. Som ein del av mobilisering og forarbeid har Anne-Mette deltatt på to Community meetings i landsbyen, og på andre møtet, i går, fekk også eg delta og vise mi støtte til familien. I mine auger er dette ei viktig sak som potensielt kan ha store ringverknader. I alle fall har det stor betyding for denne familien og dette vesle barnet. Å vere nytenkande, inkluderande og å gå føre som gode eksempel med fokus på barn sine rettar, er ein viktig del av visjonen til Nyenga Foundations.
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whatsgoingonlove · 6 years
I det politiska maktvakuumets tid
Oh yes, vi lever nu här i Sverige mitt i det politiska maktvakuumets tid. På grund av det spretiga valresultatet för snart en månad sen har fortfarande inte nån ny regering kunnat bildas. Mycket spekulationer kring olika politiska konstellationer har dryftats på sociala medier. Inte minst i den antiSD-grupp jag är med i på fb.  
Talmannen har hållit sin andra talsmansrunda. Och resultatet efter den blev att Ulf Kristersson av talmannen fick i sonderingsuppdrag att undersöka förutsättningarna för en regering. På ren svenska fick han jobbet att kolla läget om han lyckas hitta nåt sätt att regera Sverige. Men även detta besked från talmannen har ju missuppfattas därinne. En person skrev en jublande glad kommentar att nu har UK fått uppdraget av talmannen att bli statsminister. Kan inte folk läsa ordentligt eller? Eller är de bara korkade? 
Jag sökte upp ett pressmeddelande från riksdagen som handlade just om detta sonderingsuppdrag. Men jag la aldrig ut den i den aktuella undertråden: ”Direkt från vad som måste anses som en trovärdig källa vad gäller detta. Riksdagen själva: https://riksdagen.se/sv/press/pressmeddelanden/2018/okt/2/talmannen-gav-sonderingsuppdrag-till-ulf-kristersson-m/ Men inte förvånad. Inte första gången felaktiga uppgifter presenteras som fakta i den här gruppen.” 
Men hur det nu gått med UK:s sonderingsuppdrag är svårt att veta. Diskussioner förs säkert hit och dit inom den politiska sfären, men det har märkvärdigt lite som läckt ut i pressen. Väldigt lite har skrivits om det politiska spelet den senaste veckan.  
Aktikviteten i antiSD-gruppen har också gått ner. Lite diskussionerna blir det förstås. En person skrev om hur folk hotats att rösta på ett visst parti. Och hur de som bevis på vad de röstat på hade fotat sina valkuvert inne i valbåset.  Något som jag underkände som bevis. Hur enkelt är det inte att efter att man har fotat nåt sånt, att gå till valförrättaren och be om tre nya kuvert och göra om proceduren. Alltså att lägga i röster på det parti man egentligen vill rösta på alltså.  
Nu är det ju så länge sen valet var så det är inte så mycket snack om det längre. Det är mest spekulationer kring regeringsbildning nu. Men lite gnäll om valet är det. Om valfusk och att poströsterna kom så sent. Själv skyller jag helt strulet med poströster på Postnord. I det distrikt som jag satt kom poströsterna halv två-två. Fast vi hann faktiskt gå igenom de innan åtta. Hur nu det gick till. Vi var väl effektiva I guess.  
Nåt som en del ser som bevis på valfusk är att rösterna räknades flera gånger. Okunskap där med som kommer fram. Att röstsedlarna räknas två gånger är standard. Först på valdagskvällen och sen omräkning hos länsstyrelsen. Men i år har en del räknats fler gånger än så hos en del länsstyrelser har jag förstått. En sak man ska tänka på dock när det gäller strul med räkningen är att ute i distrikten på valdagen så räknas rösterna sent på kvällen och även en bra in på natten. Personer kan då ha varit uppe sen fem på morgonen. Man är rätt mör i skallen vid ett-två på natten och sitta och räkna röster. Det är också därför det sker en omräkning av valsedlarna hos länsstyrelsen.  
Jag skulle önska att alla som klagar på att rösträkningen ej gått rätt till skulle jobba vid val nån gång. Så får de märka själv att det kanske inte är så lätt alla gånger. Dels är man rätt trött i skallen när man ska räkna röster. Dessutom kan misstag ske på andra sätt. Exempelvis att man lägger ner nån röst i fel fack i urnan. Det är ju tre fack, vit, gul och blå. Och ja, det kan hända och händer att röstmottagare lägger fel. Eller att de till och med råkar stoppa ner den röstandes legitimation i urnan. Oops. Nej, jag har inte gjort det. Men jag råkade bli vittne när en kollega gjorde just det! 
För att inte tala om att pricka av fel person i röstlängden. Finns alltid risk att detta kan ske, hur noga man än är. Och det är därför vissa nekats att rösta för att de redan varit avprickad. Jag har tack och lov aldrig råkat ut för detta. Att jag måst neka nån att rösta för att den redan varit avprickad. So, summa summarum, misstag har skett vid valet. Och kommer att ske igen vid andra val. Mänskliga faktorn. Dock tror jag inte det blir mycket bättre med röstning på digitalt vis. Ifall nu nåt sånt skulle införas.  
Nåt som jag dock fann mer anmärkningsvärt än att rösterna inte stämde var uppgiften att några "omräknare" på länsstyrelsen i Stockholm hade suttit och prickat för personröster i efterhand. Det tyckte jag är superallvarligt. Räkna fel kan alla göra, men att sitta och kryssa för namn i efterhand, det är väldigt grovt tjänstefel enligt mig. Det är en medveten handling man gör då, inte nåt man råkar göra av misstag. Men de fick ej vara kvar och räkna heller efter det uppdagades.  
En annan sak jag läst i media var att några utsända valobservatörer inte var nöjda med att poströstskuverten öppnades innan klockan var åtta och valllokalerna stängde. Som vallagen är utformad nu ska de öppnas så fort de kommer så att valförrättarna hinner med att sprätta alla dessa samt kolla att valsedelskuverten som folk har lämnat ser okej ut. Samt att två personer måste sitta och jobba med poströsterna. En säger namnet på den som röstat genom poströstning. Röstkortet finns ju med i poströstskuvertet och den andre personen prickar av i röstlängden. Och detta tar lååååång tid att göra. Flera timmar, längre än man tror faktiskt. Dock läggs inte valsedelskuverten ned i urnan förrän efter åtta. Detta för att personen som förtidsröstade ska kunna ha möjlighet att ångerrösta. Anyway, valobservatörerna ville nu att poströsterna ska börja hanteras först efter klockan åtta när vallokalen stänger. Nåt som (förmodligen) kommer att innebära att räkningen av röster kommer att bli kraftigt försenad.  
Om detta införs kommer vi förmodligen att få räkna röster till bortåt fyra-fem på natten. Min gissning. Detta eftersom räknignen av röster ej kan komma igång förrrän de yttre poströstskuverten sprättats upp. Sen ska alla poströster gås igenom. Man ska kolla på var och ett av röstkorten som ligger i poströstskuveren och pricka av i röstlängden. Och eftersom fler och fler poströstar så förstår man att detta tar tiiiiiid. Vi hade cirka 350 poströster hos oss vid valet. Införs detta att poströster ska börja gås igenom först när vi har stängt så vete sjutton om jag vill jobba nåt mer som röstmottagare. Som läget är nu så börjar vi att räkna röster så fort klockan är åtta. Och det tog fem timmar för oss att räkna rösterna. Vi var klara klockan två på natten. Jag uppmanar alla som klagar på hur röstförfarandet i år gått till att anmäla sig att jobba som röstmottagare så får man uppleva hur det fungerar.  
Vissa felaktigheter och missuppfattningar som är mer vanliga än andra i gruppen är hur parlamentarism och regeringsbildning fungerar. Jag orkar inte ens förklara längre exempelvis om varför inte S som är Sveriges största parti ej automatiskt får makten. Liksom detta med att det inte spelar nån roll att folk tycker att systemet är fel. Det är grundlagarna som styr vad som gäller. Inte era åsikter om hur det borde fungera. Det är totalt irrelevant. Jag kan tycka att gardinerna på Rosenbad borde bytas ut mot rosa gardiner. Vad förändrar mina åsikter om det liksom. Läs på skulle jag vilja skriva till en del. Det roligaste är när folk skriver att de lärt sig i skolan om demokrati och att de där lärt sig att största partiet är det som ges möjligheten att regerera. Öh…, okej, i vilka skolböcker har du läst det? I modern tid har ju S alltid fått flest röster och ändå har vi haft borgerlig regering vid ett par tillfällen. Hur går det ihop?  
En annan sak som gjorde mig lite småirriterad var när en person i en tråd anklagades för att vara sympatisör av SD. Ingen aning om personen gillar SD. Förmodligen inte. Hursomhelst, en annan medlem ansåg då att vi inte skulle vräka ur oss såna ogrundade anklagelser i gruppen utan helt frankt fråga personen om hen är SD-sympatisör. Nåt som fick mig att skriva denna kommentar. En kommentar jag aldrig skickade iväg dock: Fast om nån är SD:are i denna gruppen och inte vill säga det härinne i gruppen så skulle ju den ljuga på en sån direkt fråga. Nota bene: jag säger ingenting om att det är så att xx röstade på SD. Men om han/hon nu varit SD:are och inte velat säga det till oss så hade ju personen kunnat ljuga om det hur lätt som helst.  
Just det, kom på en annan dumhet jag läst. En person ansåg att för att få rösta så borde var och en som anländer vallokalen först få genomgå ett test. Ett formulär med olika samhällsfrågor. Well, jag skulle nog inte vilja jobba som röstmottagare om ett sånt test infördes. Jag vill inte vara den som säger till nån att ”tyvärr, du får inte rösta idag, du fick bara 9 rätt av 10 på det här provet”. Vi som jobbar med röstningen skulle ju bli nedslagna. Åh herregud, vilka skandalscener som skulle utspela sig om det infördes nåt test som avgjorde om man fick rösta. För att inte tala om att ett sånt test vore komplett odemokratiskt. Till att börja strider det ju mot Regeringsformen nåt så enormt. Men folk är idioter. Tänker inte längre än vad näsan räcker. Tänk om folk kunde tänka lite längre ibland.  
Går för tillfället igenom olika notifications jag fått från gruppen. Och jodå, även bland de finner jag en och annan missuppfattning bland sånt som skrevs därinne innan valet. En skriver om risken att M och SD kräver nyval om det rödgröna blocket vinner. Well, det kan de inte. De har ingen makt att kräva nåt nyval. Den enda som kunde kräva nyval direkt efter ett val är den nuvarande statsministern. Något han ej gjorde. Och sen blev ju hans regering bortröstad, något som innebär att den möjligheten nu ej längre finns för Löfvén. Dock leder han och hans regering fortfarande Sverige. De utgör nåt slags tillfällig regering nu, en övergångsregering. Får se hur länge den här situationen varar. 
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citatplakat · 3 years
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Nyhed Volksparkstadion - Hamburger SV arena- stadionplakat Se mere her --> https://citatplakat.dk/plakater/fodboldplakater/fodbold-stadion-plakater/volksparkstadion-hamburger-sv-arena-stadion-plakat/?feed_id=1393&_unique_id=6088197cb882d
Volksparkstadion - Hamburger SV arena plakat
Siden grundlæggelsen af Bundesligaen i 1963, har Volksparkstadionet været hjem for Hamburger Sport-Verein. HSV er en gigant i tysk fodbold med en lang, stolt historie. Og de fleste af klubbens triumfer og tragedier fandt sted på Volksparkstadion. Her har fans af “Die Rothosen” været vidne til den legendariske Ernest Happel-era, og det var også på Volksparkstadion, at stadionets ur desværre stoppede med at gå i 2018. Se flere fodboldplakater her eller flere populære fodboldstadionplakater Plakaten fås i størrelserne: B2 (50×70 cm) og B1 (70×100 cm). Det er også muligt at tilkøbe rammer til alle vores plakater. #Fodboldplakater #Fodboldstadionplakater #TheBeautifulGame #Plakater
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udenforboks · 4 years
Tænk dog, hvis vi boede i Sverige... Det ville være langt nemmere at forholde sig til placering af vores kommende Tiny House med de svenske regler - altså at man kan undgå at skulle forholde sig til byggereglementet, hvis man placerer sit (maks 30m2) hus til 'kompletterende' helårsbeboelse på en grund hvor der allerede er et andet helårs-beboelseshus. Undtagelsen hedder 'attefallshus' (og hvis brugt til helårsbeboelse 'Bolundare').  I Danmark må man sådan set ingenting. Men det er her vi vil bo, så vi får se hvor det ender...
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cuddlecave · 3 years
So I managed to get a vore scenario in AI Dungeon and it went great, so I wanted to share what happened with you!
So this happened shortly after Gorb lost his arm, and he woke up with no one but Ben around. He's already teal-green'd the wound, but Gorb quickly starts panicking, wondering where the others are. Ben tries to reassure him that they're gonna find the others and Gorb's gonna get his arm back soon. Unfortunately, the stress ends up being too much and Gorb ends up going nonverbal. (Got kinda excited when that happened, because I go nonverbal a lot.)
Ben offers a hug, but of course, doesn't get much of a response. He decides to try giving Gorb a normal hug, but it doesn't seem to be doing much for the poor guy. He thinks maybe his friend needs a much bigger and better hug, so he lets go of Gorb and sizes up. Poor Gorb is terrified and confused as Ben carefully picks him up, and his terror grows once he's tilted into the alien's maw and swallowed.
Once he's in his stomach, Gorb's convinced this is the end of the line for him, but is caught off guard when Ben asks if he's okay. He's unfortunately still nonverbal atm, so he can't bring himself to respond. The walls gently collapse around him as Ben tries to make sure his passenger is still responsive, coating Gorb with calming SV slime at the same time, leaving him less afraid, but still very much confused.
Ben tells him he's not sure why he's acting this way, but is willing to give Gorb the time he needs to calm down and will let him out once he's ready. Gorb finally starts to relax and lies down, feeling safer tucked away in Ben's gut.
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VERY soft
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