#Mike only being able to be his true self behind a mask because of the shackles of reality and the inability to escape his future.
thornywords · 1 year
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SECRET IDENTITIES DAY WOOOO!! Miraculous X byler 💙💛💙💛
@willelfanpage I made the cats for you(why? Well, because yes)
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lucarioisinthevoid · 3 years
Hey, uh, do you take request for any epilogue stuff or just Henry suffering? Because if the former, well, we never got to see Old Sport apologizing to the lost souls, and since now that's his job... could we get that? Sorry to bother ^^' - (copied by me, original from AO3)
(Every kind of request is welcome! That is something I meant to write anyways, but I’m still really scared of it- it’s something very important, that HAS to sit just right. I doubt I will manage, but hey, at least it’s out of my mind after this one. OH AND I JUST REALIZED YOU’RE RIGHT ABOUT THE “we never saw”- FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE FINALE I knew I forgot SOMETHING, I thought I had it all written down, but I DIDN’T. Urgh, no point in crying over spilled milk I guess, but have my apologies, I know that you especially were looking forward to it ;n; Now I’m lowkey stuck between a rock and a hard place- either I make this into a proper epilogue thing, in which technically shouldn’t be able to apologize- or I go back and make this as a fix-it/rewrite scene from within the action. I think I’ll try to make it an epilogue and bullshit my way into Old Sport being able to apologize. Bear with me)
Forgiveness isn’t something you can work towards as a single person. It wasn’t like they hadn’t known that when they made their way to the first few restaurants, but it still always left a little crack behind in their optimism. Of course, there was nothing they could do about it. Freeing souls was actually a terribly ungrateful job, something that surprised Dave. Sure, Old Sport had warned him beforehand, but still. It stung. Not that Dave wasn’t on some level aware that he’s the one everyone’s anger was targeted at- for good reason, he had created this scenario in the first place- but a selfish part of him despised the kids for not playing along right away. Henry had told him back in the day that he needed to get a grip on his desire for instant satisfaction- and he was right. As much as Dave hated to think about it, he was right. There were things he easily lost patience with. Hell, he had pressured Old Sport far, far more than he should have. A sudden surge of stubbornness settled into his chest. It was FINE, it worked great with Old Sport. He didn’t do anything wrong. He DIDN’T. He’d do it again! … … that wasn’t the right attitude for a man on the road of redemption, but he couldn’t really help it yet. Deep down he hoped the attitude change would come with habit. There was no way he could get around to it on his own. Old Sport was… doing okay, all things considered. Being almost ripped out of your own body, because you resembled your worst enemy more than your former self was pretty- terrifying. So nowadays, he was… quiet. A little car chase always managed to rip him out of his thoughtful moments, returning the grin to the place it rightfully belonged, covering most of the Orange Guy’s face- but it was only moments, minutes, not long enough, not nearly long enough to satisfy him. Or at least calm him. Old Sport knew that too. When he glanced over at his friend- his partner, his lover, all these words that almost seemed to make no sense, they felt like weren’t supposed to be applied to HIM, him the soulless guy shambling from place to place- When he glanced at Dave, he saw the tension radiating off him like a swarm of bees. Even in his smile, it was clear, he wasn’t outright happy, he was- Like a bow, tightly strung, ready to escalate. There was nowhere left where he truly could let out his chaotic desires, as each Freddy’s they walked into was another mission that had to be done perfectly, like clockwork. Cheesy words, little theatrics, the same patterns over and over and over and over and over- It was what had driven Old Sport over the edge the first time. It wouldn’t happen again though. Maybe they should go to Vegas. However, he didn’t really want to let Dave loose anymore. Not now that their actions felt so… intertwined. Whatever Dave did, he felt responsible for, thus he tried to keep him in check. And now… … now he almost felt scared of Dave, from time to time. Now that he was trying to take the lead. It- wasn’t right. No, no. Fear, fear implied HE was the one afraid. This was different. Worry. He was worried for Dave and he worried for the world around him. But that was the price he paid for being moral and wanting things to work out for everyone. It felt a bit dirty, just picking up a morality, not due to experience and inner passion for these things, instead only because morals came as a set. Really, he still wasn’t a whole person. … at least he was working on it. “What’s wrong with ya, Sportsy?” Dave stretched his neck out towards him, drawing a smile out of the Orange Guy. Somehow seeing Dave becoming all- noodly- always brightened his day. “Nothing! Nothing. I was just thinking about the next place… apparently the Freddy’s burned down, but the animatronics are still in the area?” “Is that what the bear told ya?” “Yes. Which means setting up the party and getting them to stumble over it will be more dangerous than usually… we’ll have to lure them there. We miggt have to walk through the town while wearing the suit!” “Sounds like fun!” Slightly Old Sport smiled. This was something Dave still was great at. “… if you say so. You’re the only one who thinks of waltzing around in sweaty suits, while potentially being chased by dog as ‘fun’.” “Yeah, right- I’m just the only one of us who can admit it! That’s ‘cause ya can’t admit to your feelings, Sportsy! It took ya YEARS, DECADES to finally give into your BURNING DESIRE FOR ME-“ “Sh-shut up! Don’t be weird!” His cheeks were reddening as Dave laughed. This was the one way his constantly building up tension melted away. If he didn’t think for a few moments, the world seemed okay. “Welp, either way-“ The Purple Guy continued, pulling the car to the side. “- we’re at the destination. This is the burned down place. Wait- doesn’t burnin’ them usually free ‘em anyways? Ya know. If all stops have to come out?” “True. There are only two souls around, the one inside of Freddy and the one inside of Chica. The rest was freed by the fire.” “So, we’re dealin’ with two REALLY nasty bastard kids?” “You shouldn’t say that. That aside: yes, you’re right on the money.” “Urgh, those are the worst. Can’t we just break them and burn the pieces?” “No.” “I knew you’d say that Old Sport. Yet I’m STILL disappointed.” He sighed, as he parked to the side. Getting suited up as soon as they could, they looked around the forest area, the lights of the town far in the back, but still very much visible. No taking roads, yards were fine, forest first though. “… alright, this will take time.” Old Sport looked over the wrecks. “Good we have plenty of things to set up a little party anyways. Dave?” “Yessir?” “You go out and try to find them while I set up. We can’t really afford wasting too much time, especially if they might be genuinely vengeful.” “Splittin’ up? First mistake in the horror genre, tsk, tsk-“ “Sure, because either of us is at such a risk of ACTUALLY DYING. EVER.” He waved his hand at him. “At least stake the place out. So we know which places are easier to cross while seeking. And how much we roughly have to look over.” “Fiiiiiiine.” Clearly not pleased, but accepting of his role, Dave walked past him- Just to abruptly and grab Old Sport by the mask, pulling him close into a pretend-kiss, which was somehow even more flustering than an actual kiss. “DAVE!” “C’mon, somehow I gotta motivate myself, right?” Happy as can be, he nuzzled his snout against Old Sport’s, before letting go and skipping away. “Be back soon! Don’t cut any cake without me!” When he was gone, Old Sport slowly sighed. “He… won’t hurt anyone.” The suit echoed. ‘He won’t. As long as you won’t.’ Old Sport winced at the familiar voice- it was soft, caring, and so, so sad. “Fredbear-“ ‘The birthday, Old Sport. Birthday first.’ Nodding to himself, defeated, he pulled out the tools from within the car. Candles, banners, lights, plates and hats, a music player… … they were prepared to create a party out of nothing, out of a charred place of dirt, if they had to. Thankfully the walls were at least still mostly preserved. Ashes to ashes. Places like this reminded him of… “… I never apologized, Fredbear.” ‘That is true.’ “They were gone. I knew what Mike did, I just- couldn’t- I couldn’t face the Toys anymore. I didn’t even know their names. Mike knew their names, right?” ‘He did.’ “I can’t ask Mike. I can’t ask him for the names.” The words stumbled out of him. Fredbear tended to join him every time that they were setting up, not in his true form right away, but as a presence within the suit Old Sport had to wear. It was reassuring in some regard- But at the same time, the memories he brought Old Sport were suffocating. ‘You could.’ Old Sport wanted to scream, his busy hands still setting up, regardless of the conversation. “Yes. Yes I could. And I could kill Dave. And I could jump from a high building to try out to fly. And I could adopt twenty cats. And I could hijack a train. And I could- what is there I couldn’t do!? But I don’t want to, because I’m not dumb, I KNOW it’s wrong, I know it’s terrible, I know-“ Shortly he paused to take a breath. “There’s so much I could be, and nothing that I am, but I WANT to be something now. So I can’t.” For a moment it was silent, Fredbear not saying the many things he could have. Yet somehow, it felt as though he could still hear them. Spiteful whispers, stuck in the suit, banished from this place, but remaining as echoes. Nothing ever truly disappeared. He had stained the suit, and the suit had been stained by the one wearing it before him. Blood remained with any object, no matter how well you cleansed it. “… I need to apologize to them.” ‘So you can forget?’ His mind knew that Fredbear would never say something like this with spite, but it still cut him deep. “… so I can… know I did something right.” ‘We never can right our wrongs.’ “Since when did you become so cynical!?” ‘It is not cynical. There just are wrongs we cannot turn back the time on. Well- perhaps the dog could have, he never wanted to however. I have blood on my paws from making you, trusting a creature that never was a human… and I have damned a man to hell. And not even when I should have, only when it was too late.’ Finally, this managed to shut Old Sport up for good. Don’t look so hurt, other people have problems too. Except he didn’t have any problems. No, he was fine. It didn’t keep him awake at night. It didn’t bother him. Just the knowledge that there was something on his checklist to reach a goal he set himself, something that he would never be able to cross off, it irked him. Petty. A hint of sadness took ahold of him. “… how old are you, Fredbear? Or- were you, when you-“ ‘I lived many lives, those that joined me. Many more than I wanted to count. I feel so old, I cannot remember. And everyone I carry with me is so different too.’ “Alright then.” They were busy enough anyhow, trying to make the place look like new, like a place to feel happy at, to play and not to think about anything- Making it up. Celebrating the birthday they never had. Making a lie into a truth, a lure into a genuine gesture. Follow me. Old Sport did it once- now he played the part of Henry in the freeing missions. It was important to follow the old pattern, to overwrite it. Who would be doing the luring? Who would be cutting the cake? What games would they play? Fredbear kept quiet about it until they knew exactly where to go and all other preparations had been done. One thing at a time, he always said. “Fredbear?” Old Sport quietly asked. ‘Yes?’ “… can I- can I apologize to you? In their place I mean. Apologize to you like I would to them- just so- I have it out. And if you think it’s any good, then maybe you can tell them what I said.” ‘… it’s alright. We can do that.’ Understanding warmth- yet it didn’t feel like it was meant for him. He couldn’t accept it. At least this was something he was looking forward to- now he only had to figure out the right words to say. Lost in thought, he didn’t even realize how fast the time passed, until- “OLD SPORT!” Yelping the Orange Guy jumped, thankfully not triggering any springlocks. “DAVE! God- don’t- DO that!” Sheepishly the Purple Guy in the bunny suit tilted his head. “Sorry! Sorry Sportsy, really am, but I have- good news and bad news.” “Bad news?” “Ain’t nothing ya can do here.” Instantly turning more serious, Dave shook his head. “These are mine and mine alone. I guess I was really… passionate about the whole shutting down Freddy’s stuff. I lured them on my own. You can’t even be nearby.” His voice was so different. So much smoother, more clinical. It was nice and yet it wasn’t. Old Sport nodded. “… good news?” Perking up, back to his usual self, he pointed into the woods. “I know where they are! And I know how to lure ‘em, seein’ as they fuckin’ hate each other!” “… so two lost souls hate each other and you see that as a win?” “Yeah! It’ll be great! I can tell ‘em to meet here to fight and then- oh.” He scratched his fake ear. “… actually, now that ya say it, it might be a bit more of a hassle.” His expression turned pleading. “Spoooortsyyyyyy…? Ya always have such good ideas, so…?” “Depends on why they hate each other. Why are they fighting?” The pressure was on! “Uhm. How about you do actually send them here to fight, for one last time. Tell them that you’ll solve the fight once and for all. I think it will be the truth.” “Great!” “But Dave- remember- they might be fighting about who is at fault for their death. You… sure you want to get between that?” “Eh. It’s fine. If they’re upset about that, then it’ll be even easier to get them to calm down. Ain’t nobody’s fault they died but mine!” A hint of envy stung through Old Sport’s chest. “… you… really don’t mind, do you?” “Nah. It’s fine.” Curiously Dave looked at him. “They’ll give me a good beatin’, then they’ll be on their merry way. I dealt with worse pain before!” “That’s… not what I meant.” He said to much, and turning away didn’t help- Within a second, Dave’s hands were on him, as he pulled his orange lover closer, petting over the back of his head, a gesture he could feel even through the layer of metal and fur. “… did Fredbear bully you again? You should take the suit off.” “He never bullied me.” “He’s telling you stuff that upsets you! Over and over again!” Upset Dave scoffed. “Sounds like mistreatment to me! I’m telling you, if he gets too much, we’ll just get rid of him. We’ll figure the saving souls stuff out ourselves!” “I KNOW you would get rid of him.” That was exactly why he didn’t talk about it. “See? You know you can count on me!” For a moment Old Sport remained tense- then he slowly melted into the hug, trying to relax. “… I’m- Fredbear really didn’t do anything. I’m taking the suit off in a bit, when I’m sure he has nothing more to say- but it’s not the problem anyways.” He sighed, to himself. “You shrug it off so easily. I want to do it too. Or- I would want to, if I weren’t-“ It was hard to put it into words with Dave, who never really saw the world how he did. Once more he attempted. “If I’d do the thing I’d do, I would become worse for it. Worse and worse. I would do more bad things. So I’m- worried about messing up. I worry that if I start shrugging it off, I’ll never care in the first place.” It was obvious Dave frowned, even with the mask. “… I- don’t get it. Gotta be honest with you, Sportsy. Why do you think if you don’t make yourself feel a certain way, you’ll feel the exact opposite way? You’re yourself and do what you think feels right. Why would one bad thing lead to another? Unless you wanted to do all these bad things anyways? You don’t have to pretend with me.” “I… guess. But we made a deal. We’re freeing them. What happens after that…” Stumbling over his words Old Sport tried to gather himself. “I want to be someone. Someone better than who I am.” “… but if you want to be someone you deem good, it means you by yourself think that person is good. You, for yourself, have decided you like these traits. So if you want to be someone, then only because you can recognize what’s in them from something that’s within you.” “Dave, you’re scaring me when you’re this serious.” The big, moon-like eyes inside of the suit slimmed down to match a cheeky grin. “Ya can say that Old Sport, and I can dumb myself down for ya! Stop worryin’, dunce, leave all of that to me. I’ll be able to reel ya in if ya ever go off the rails!” Raising an eyebrow, the Orange Guy looked at him. “… you kill people for fun and profit.” “Yeah, but that ain’t a BIG deal, right? I can let ya stay home while I do it.” Playfully Dave responded, before turning away. “You need to have some more faith in me Old Sport… and for now, nothin’ of this matters! Let’s free some souls! Or rather, let ME free some souls, while ya have a nice evening. Watch some stars! Is everything ready for the party?” “All is set up!” “Fantastic, that’s why I love ya, Old Sport!” Instantly flustered, the Old Sport made a movement at him. “Quit saying that at EVERY opportunity!” “What?! Why?! I just say it when it’s true! Like when you laugh, when you make breakfast, when you burn breakfast, when you talk to me on the road, when you-“ “DAVE. EYES ON THE PRICE.” “You’re the only price I-“ “D A V E.” “Fine, fine, be the killjoy. That’s why I lov-“ “GET GOING. THE NIGHT ISN’T FOREVER.” “Sure, sure!” Waving at him and still laughing, Dave made his way down the hill, leaving the bear-suited guy inside of the ruin that was covered in glitter and lights. He had taken off the suit. Stargazing for now. Music came from the ruins of the old Freddy’s, music and light, glimpses of another world. It radiated outside in waves, catching up even the place where he and Fredbear sat. Soon enough he would change his form, leaving to join the two spirits. At least so far there wasn’t any screaming or crying, or fighting- it means whatever Dave had said to them or done with them worked out. Old Sport wished he could have joined them. Maybe he wouldn’t be caught up in all these thoughts still. “… Fredbear? Do you think what Dave said was right?” It was silent for a moment. Then the bear suit shifted a little, seeming more energized in presence of the party. ‘… no. But he is not entirely wrong either. Being good does not come naturally… and neither does being bad.’ Once more, quiet. The stars seemed a little bit closer than usually. “Fredbear. I want… I think I can say my apology now.” Wind breezed through the trees around them, sounding like whisper. Maybe mocking him? But all of a sudden, he felt a deep calm. Maybe mocking. Maybe expecting. No matter what, he would say what he needed to. ‘Go ahead.’ There was no soul to reach into, but his heart was still beating, still working, still doing its jobs. The heart could be wrong and harmful and petty. Perhaps even evil. It was better than nothing however, it was the one thing he had in contrast to Henry. “I… wanted to apologize.” He started. His voice quiet. “… and it won’t be a good apology, because what I want to apologize for isn’t something that… you CAN apologize for. I’ve been trying to find the right words for a while now, but there aren’t any. At least though, I can offer you a why. Why I did what I did. Something so wrong and cruel. I… did it, because it didn’t feel real. And that is abhorrent, I know exactly why, because now it is real, what I did was real, IS real, what I did to five real kids, who had their own lives, that I just TOOK away. It’s not fair, I shouldn’t have been able to do that. It’s insane to think that I could have done so, that the universe let me do it. God, I wish I could do something to make it up for you. That I somehow could replace everything I took. Yet, I can’t. I can’t even ask you what I could offer you. I’d let you borrow my body, wear me like a skinsuit, I’d bring you things that remind you of better times, more peaceful times, something that makes all the hurt go away for a few moments. This apology is one of the few things I can do for you, something I wanted to do for you for a while. I wanted to be there for the party. But I know I shouldn’t have, so I didn’t. … carried around these words and feelings with me for a while. I hope that wherever you are- knowing that I’m paying for what I did, every day a little. There’s justice in this world, even if it looks weird and doesn’t come around right away.” For a moment he paused, staring at the shining stars, that didn’t seem to care. “… I wish… I wish you all have forgotten me already. That would be right. Yes, I hope wherever you are, you don’t even remember the day. I hope you’re having fun and that you are free, that everything is just right, that I’m a nobody now and will stay that way forever- that you only remember those who were kind to you and made your life better. I hope you’re happy and I’m inconsequential. And I will keep paying and giving my best. So that you leave in your wake only good things.” His head hurt. This hasn’t been a good apology- but it was all out there now. He said what felt right to say. He said the things that he wished that they knew, deep down, even if he wasn’t the one saying it to them. Next to him, the real Fredbear stood up, shaking his golden fur, before putting one of his paws onto Old Sport’s shoulder. “THE PARTY NEEDS ME NOW. I WILL GET GOING.” “… yeah. Thank you Fredbear. Bring the kids somewhere nice, will you?” “I WILL.” With that the bear trotted off- Leaving Old Sport to gaze at the stars. At some point, someone sat down beside him. Then someone else. Then another one joined in. And a last. They didn’t forgive him. This was not something you could forgive. But they sat with him until the dawn broke, sun touching the grass, coloring it orange.
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deeply-infernum · 5 years
"Just a Little Bit of Your Heart." - Khaýd Gharibacci.
This is my first Harringrove shot, so I hope you like it and I'll read all your comments about.
The night was slightly bright, the stars did their thing and the chestnut was in his car heading home, he did not know much what was out of it, however he needed some peace after many events happened in these few days : the days were now pure fights against beings from another dimension.
"What the fuck."
He snorted, he only dedicated himself to examining every corner of what seemed to be a forest around the road, suddenly the memory of golden curls appeared in his mind which he wanted to evade but he knew perfectly well that he could not do it, he felt lost in he, his blue eyes, his mocking smile, the seriousness in which a single movement of his eyebrows could leave you frozen, knew that Billy was in danger while under the influence of Mindflayer, but he could with it, even so he seemed to give in to the horrifying being Steve just wanted the blond to be fine.
The road was retaken again with a loud sound that made it slow down, left the car with its chocolate mane hitting the air and looking directly at the mall which was far away but from the height it could be seen perfectly.
— Billy…
He muttered and went back into the car to accelerate everything to reach the center.
— It's ironic that now you are the same Billy Hargrove you are by my side when you used to hate me... why? If I had never done something to you...
— I thought so too. -Billy whispered exhaling the smoke caused by tobacco when smoking the night cigarette that he had a habit of doing long ago, the morning was perfect companion of sincerity for those two submitted to their own decision to hide every trace of their current situation, like two fierce bears that they hated each other, like two birds of different species willing to fight for food for their young, like two bees determined to kill any intruder.
In Steve's home, his parents were rarely seen, so he practically grew up only with the help of friends, he had everything, he was not missing anything, but something crucial like the presence of his parents was too lacking.
— But since I saw you, you've always been someone pretentious and you thought the world was at your feet, but when I arrived in your city, the world turned to me and your reign was over. -He said mockingly messing up Steve's beautiful long strands, approaching him dangerously at the level of bumping his breaths, Hargrove's cunning hand ran subtly across the abdomen over the shirt of the blue eyes boy, his breathing became heavy and the mischievous smile was worth photographing.
— Even I didn't resist your charms and now the brat I hate most is now the current love of my life that tells me a new story every day. -It was true. Harrington's sincere and full smile of victory appeared after an icy eternity hidden in Olympus, Billy believed he was unworthy to see such a beautiful smile or simply the gods had rewarded him with being able to see her after giving up his arrogant and self-sufficient attitude when he knew clearly that he needed help, but the one who gave him help was now loving him without any condition on.
The strong and rigid arms of Hargrove were present at the waist of the tallest attracting his body to him and deposit a soft and sweet kiss on the chestnut's lips, the kiss was not any kiss, however, the hands of the opposite were directed to the hair and turned back of the blond stroking with subtlety and curiosity as each muscle of him reacted to his touch, was similar or identical to his with the lips of others.
— I really didn't think of loving someone like that. -Said the lower one, standing next to his partner on the sofa taking a suggestive position in them which made them laugh in unison, it was not strange in them, but they would do it this time in a different way, sweeter, pure love between them, It was not simply quenching sexual impetus. As if Billy wanted to convey something.
— Not me, or at least hide it, I'm not one of those but I just don't want to be hurt, Billy, enough with your father's ...
— Don't remember, it's not worth it. -He smiles. — Now he will go away with his wife, I will be alone with Max, my little sister, don't tell her, but I love her too much, I just want to protect her.
— How did your mother do it with you before... that?
— Exactly the same. -He said with a smile, he had opened very well with Steve about his whole life and they had sworn to always take care and love at all times but hide it, it was not a good time to prove it so much, but, his friends already knew That at least made them feel good, not as something forbidden, not quite.
— Better eat my mouth and let's make tonight the best of all our lives… -He said it in the most vague and sad way of all, he was a self-confident and sincere Billy, Harrington didn't respond and that night was really the one that made his own.
— Do you promise we'll be together until the end protecting us? -Steve murmured over the red lips of the blue eyes boy stripping off his clothes little by little.
— I promise you with my life.
The trip was being dangerous and tears fell on his cheeks involuntarily, what was going on? He knew that the only ones who could make a scandal of that magnitude were his friends, and therefore among them was the bad guy in the movie: Billy.
Several stop signs were passed without any respect, the traffic lights were useless before the worry of a being who loves, a being that is about to lose everything by a simple war between two worlds but it was the truth, they had to do it or they would die more people.
"Thank U" by Alanis Morissette was in the background in the car singing to give everything, the lyrics of such melody did not help the chestnut at all, he despaired but finally arrived. While he was going down, every memory next to the blond came to his head, almost destroying his good expectations and also everything that crossed his path, when he entered he found a great monster being attacked with fireworks and in the second floor could see his friends, it was comforting to know that his beloved was not participating in this.
He went up immediately to help others, everyone was almost glad to have him on his team to stop the Mindflayer, however, Steve's features seemed to fall like a mask, the security he was feeling fell like a crystal mask breaking into the ground to reveal the face of the aforementioned full of terror when the beast, looking mocking, looked down, the scene was incredible, Billy had a prisoner to Eleven which seemed to have a conversation where Billy was stunned, confused.
Steve left everything immediately going to where they were seeing the monstrous image of a being more than ten meters high in front of him.
— Billy! -Exclaimed the brown eyes boy in a desperate scream, looking at him with great anguish to see what he was doing. — Let her go! -The fireworks stopped because there were few of them, there was nothing else to attack, Mike could come almost behind Steve being able to help Eleven with Max and the others, all grouped watching that scene and how the abomination was ahead admiring everything.
Steve slowly approached Billy.
— Steve no, it's not safe!! -Shouted the younger sister of the blonde however did not get even the least case from the protagonist, Billy's teary eyes in front of Steve showed that he did not want to do any of this, but his body was now damaged by the same influence of the monster , being a few inches in front of Billy, one by one looking into his eyes, the brunette spoke.
— Hey... you look very bad, idiot... -He whispered subtly watching his beloved, showed features that were not his own, influencing on a higher level by the supernatural.
— I'm Steve, the boy you hated and hit without explanation, remember? The one who loves you now without any commitment, the one who will take care of you like that costs his life... -He muttered, everyone was attentive, but the influence was shouting to claim Steve's body as an offering, however the fear of the chestnut was still but I wasn't going to give up.
— I beg you to beat this that has you trapped, you don't exist to be cornered, to be trapped, you exist to be free, like that night in which you and I were free, please, Billy... react, please... -The hands of others had been on the chest of the blond, the tears of the lowest were sprouting, he was being himself, little by little he could beat the supernatural, he smiled as he knew how to do it, hugged him carefully but being punished for that Beast hurting him inside, he gasped at the stabbing pain in his chest.
— You don't know how much I love you. -It was the only thing he could say and released the child, just when he felt the destructive presence of the being in front of them, he pushed Harrington falling to the ground and being helped by the companions.
— Billy! -Eleven exclaimed, his powers still did not return to her, and he could not do anything, Billy held that kind of assassin tentacle of the Mindflayer with both hands, it was just directed for Steve, another of them went straight to attack the blond going to the side from his abdomen, Billy tried to endure but his forces were almost nil, another attacked the free side of the boy, Steve could not release the force and anger accumulated to see his boy being hurt in such a way because he was being stopped by his friends, desperately shouting the name of his beloved, when a final blow pierced the chest of the ojiazul, simply leaving it without any force, the portal was about to be closed but almost minutes later this was carried out ending the life of the Mindflayer almost instantly .
— Billy, no! -He screamed heartbreakingly watching the dying and blood-drenched body of his entire life, his breath was leaving, the blood was leaving him and his life was about to end, Max and Steve immediately came to his aid, Steve took him in his arms part of his body combing his curls as if that brought him back to life, the chestless tears of the chestnut fell on the lap of the blond.
— You laughed, please, don't leave me here, I beg you. -He pleaded with total destruction in his voice and heart, a slight smile peeked over the blond's face to turn to see his redhead sister releasing a weak "I'm sorry" for all the damage he had caused, finally turned to his Straight-haired angel and wonderful smile, weakly took his cheek.
— Thank you for making me see life in a fantastic way. -And with this, Billy's life was over.
The screams of Steve and his lament was a requiem sounded throughout the nascent life of his companions, the cry of his little stepsister and his allies were of pure fury, the life of his sweet and bad Billy Hargrove had ended up simply defending him from a inevitable death but thanks to his pure and honest love he had simply taken the place of the person he loved as he promised.
— I will protect you with my own life...
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thenightling · 6 years
Fright Night: The Peter Vincent Chronicles Issue 0 (Full Review)
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(Cover art for the new Fright Night: the Peter Vincent Chronicles comic issue 0. 2018.)
I was going to wait until a digital copy of this comic was available to write this review but as we are nearing September and there is still no digital option I settled on re-reading the comic and examining the panel art with a magnifying glass.  I have to admit that my first read through was more of a skim as I had anticipated savoring the reading if a digital version of the comic was released.  I have very poor eyesight so I do better with reading comics in digital format though there is nothing quite like the smell and touch of a brand new, real, tactile, comic book.
Now on with the review....
Now to begin.   First, the plot.  The story is actually short and fairly straight forward.  These comics ignore Fright Night: Part 2 and the 1989 / 1990 comics but that’s all right.  Just consider it a different continuity but retaining the same base storyline told in the first Fright Night movie from 1985.
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(Peter Vincent in Fright Night, 1985.)
The story begins with Peter Vincent filming the episode of Fright Night Theatre that you see Charley and Amy watching in the final scene of the first Fright Night movie.  He is not broadcasting live the way he was in the Fright Night movie sequel.
It is here where I want to address an apology to the movie, Fright Night: Part 2.  I used to dislike Fright Night: Part 2, specifically because it never dealt with the fact that poor Peter Vincent was now without his show and on the run from a psychiatric hospital.  I figure he probably embraced his role as real freelance (and probably payless) vampire hunter but I used to dislike Fright Night Part 2.   It was only after I saw the terrible 2011 remake and it’s direct-to-video “sequel” (which was actually yet another remake)  that I came to appreciate Fright Night: Part 2 (1988).  
Another thing I criticized about Fright Night Part 2 was how Peter Vincent’s show was apparently broadcast live as Peter was caught on camera trying to kill Regine. I once mocked this scene (and secretly loved it too).  But then this past week I was watching Svengoolie (a real Horror Host, whose show airs every Saturday Night at eight PM on MeTV here in the US) and after a commercial break he corrected himself on having repeatedly mispronouncing a real medical disorder suffered by an actor who was in the movie they were showing.  He had been corrected via Twitter, by a fan.  This revealed to me that, though, yes, often tamed, yes, horror hosts sometimes (not always though) do their shows practically live. I had not realized this until last Saturday night, thanks to Svengoolie.
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I should never have criticized Fright Night: Part 2 for the scene where Peter Vincent tried to stake Regine on live TV.  I had always (deep down inside) liked that scene and now my suspension of disbelief is more at ease with it, thanks to Svengoolie.   
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(Peter Vincent in Fright Night: Part 2, 1988.)
Anyway, in this comic the show is actually taped (as I had originally thought it was / should be; before last week’s episode of Svengoolie.)   And Peter is finishing up the episode that aired at the end of the first Fright Night movie. 
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(Page 1 of Fright Night: The Peter Vincent Chronicles, issue 0. 2018.) 
After they finish filming the episode, there is a brief and funny dig at Child’s play where Peter Vincent talks about the ridiculous “Killer doll movie.”
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(Scene from Child’s Play. 1988. Andy’s mother, Mrs. Barkley, and Chucky.) 
This is especially funny as the original Fright Night was written and directed by Tom Holland, who also directed the original Child’s Play in 1988.  Child’s Play was the first in a long horror franchise about a doll possessed by the soul of a dead serial killer, Charles “Chucky” Lee Ray.  Also the actor who played Jerry Dandridge in the original Fright Night was a major character in Child’s Play.  
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(Scene from Child’s Play. 1988.  Chucky and Mike.) 
Peter goes backstage to his dressing room, where he is beginning to feel sorry for himself.  He has stacks of overdue bills to pay and Charley has sent him a very sweet friend-fan letter and Peter thinks that if he were to go and see them (Charley and Amy) it would just remind them of their traumatic ordeal with Jerry Dandridge. That and he is embarrassed that he’s broke and can’t afford to treat them to a nice meal.  He is embarrassed that he can’t hide behind the mask and persona of heroic vampire killer and is ashamed of the reality that he is barely earning enough to live and is neck deep in debt. 
He deliberately plans on keeping his distance and ostracizing himself from his new friends, feeling that he would just be a disruption in their happy lives together.  And this is sad because I can’t help but feel that Peter Vincent is very lonely.
This embarrassment Peter Vincent feels is irrational and silly since Charley has already seen him at his most frightened and vulnerable.  It would not matter to Charley or Amy if he is financially broke.  He’s their friend, but I think (hope) that this is something Peter Vincent will come to terms with in the course of the comics as they continue / if they continue.  
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(Peter Vincent and Charley in Fright Night, 1985.)
Peter Vincent (much like Harry Dresden in Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files) is heroic when innocent lives are threatened by the forces of darkness, but he is perpetually broke and simply not all that good with money.  He has overdue bills.  Peter might have his TV show back but it’s not enough to pay his debts.  
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(Peter Vincent.)
The comic also reveals a detail that Fright Night, Fright Night Part 2, and the 1989 and 1990 Fright Night comics never addressed.  Peter Vincent had been very abruptly divorced years earlier and that had wiped him out, financially. (Note: There is a high chance Peter Vincent is bisexual, as he is partly modeled after Vincent Price and had been portrayed on film by Roddy McDowall.  Both men had been bisexual in real life.)  
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(Roddy McDowall and Vincent Price.)
Peter had never quite recovered from that divorce.  And when he was younger, and his movie roles were more plentiful, he had been careless with his finances and never really learned how to save money.     
The creation of his TV show (Fright Night Theatre) had been a means to stay afloat when movie roles were no longer common for him.  And during the events of the original Fright night film, when he had been fired from his own show, he had been devastated.  
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Helping to defeat and kill the real vampire, Jerry Dandridge, had given him a short injection of confidence so that he had been able to get his show back.  Unfortunately this invigoration had been short lived and there were bills to pay and Peter is feeling sorry for himself...  
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(Image from Fright Night: The Peter Vincent Chronicles issue 0. 2018)
It is while Peter Vincent is wallowing in this melancholy and self-pity that he realizes something is very wrong. 
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(Image from Fright Night: The Peter Vincent Chronicles issue 0. 2018)
 He quickly discovers that most of his crew (His film crew) has been slaughtered or newly turned into vampires.
Evil Ed is here and he wants revenge!   
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(Evil Ed in Fright Night: The Peter Vincent Chronicles, issue 0. 2018.) 
Now, Peter Vincent had a recent, semi-failed, attempt to rekindle fan interest in himself (and boost his own income) by starting a fan club dedicated to himself.  And the token for members is a small silver coin with Peter Vincent’s official insignia or sigil (I prefer the word sigil, myself, it makes it sound more magical) engraved upon it.  And yes, silver, often IS a weakness for vampires.  Silver was a weakness for vampires in Satanic Rites of Dracula,  Dark Shadows (nearly all incarnations of the lore), Dracula 2000, Dracula 2 (2003), and in the TV series True Blood (2010) as well as many other works of vampire fiction.  There is a considerable overlap in with vampire and werewolf weaknesses, dating back to the nineteenth century.
One thing that I am very fond of about the original Fright Night and things tied to its continuity, is the use of older vampire lore, such as the bat and wolf transformations from the novel Dracula (which you don’t see much anymore), the use of roses as a ward against vampires in Fright Night: Part 2 (which is directly from the Dracula novel), the obsessive counting which got used in the Fright Night 1989 / 1990 comics and has its origin in Eastern European folklore and comes up in Dracula 2 (2003).  
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(Jerry Dandridge and his compulsive need to count in the Fright Night comics from 1989 / 1990.)
And here in Fright Night: The Peter Vincent Chronicles, the use of silver as a weakness against vampires.      
Peter has not sold a single fanclub membership and the only person who seems even remotely interested in it is Charley.  Peter has an entire box of unused Peter Vincent Fanclub membership coins, made of silver, and bearing his personal sigil / emblem.
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(Peter Vincent’s symbol / sigil from Fright Night: The Peter Vincent Chronicles, issue 0, 2018.) 
So, desperate to save himself from this vampire attack on the TV studio, Peter starts tossing coins, weaponizing his own fanclub membership token.  (“Made of genuine vampire killing silver!”)
One thing I noticed about Peter Vincent in the original Fright Night, Fright Night: Part 2, the 1989 / 1990 Fright Night comics, and this new Fright Night: The Peter Vincent Chronicles issue 0 comic, is that Peter Vincent, despite being up there in age, and not trained for real combat, is actually a very good shot.   
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(Charley Brewster and Peter Vincent in Fright Night, 1985.)
In the original Fright Night he was able to shoot Billy Cole right in the forehead.  In the sequel he squirted several vampires with holy water.
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(Peter Vincent in Fright Night: Part 2, 1988.)
And Peter was able to aim a beam of daylight, reflected off a broken piece of mirror, directly down onto Regine Dandridge (Jerry Dandridge’s sister).   
Now here, in the Fright Night: The Peter Vincent Chronicles issue 0 comic, he has an incredibly lucky shot, and (possibly by accidental fortune) hits Evil Ed right in the tongue with one of silver Peter Vincent fanclub coins, seering his sigil into the tender flesh, the same way the cross scarred Ed’s forehead.  
This is a slightly bothersome point for me, by the way.  Though I love this comic and think it’s very well illustrated, it does bug me a little that Ed somehow still has the cross-forehead-scar, when we saw it fade from his forehead after he was staked in Fright Night.  
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(Evil Ed during his death scene in Fright Night, 1985.)
It makes sense that Ed survived the staking, as Peter made the mistake of pulling the stake out later. (This is how Dracula is revived in Universal Studios’ House of Frankenstein, by the way.)  
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(Dracula waking up after his resurrection in House of Frankenstein, 1944.)
We are also told that this was how Evil Ed survived in the 1989 / 1990 Fright Night comics.   
I had heard that this was the original plan- to have Evil Ed as the villain in Fright Night Part 2, but Jerry Dandridge’s sister, Regine, was used as the villain instead. 
Peter Vincent pulling the stake out after Ed’s death had always been a deliberately written act, to be a mistake of the character, who was not yet used to dealing with real vampires, to enable Ed’s eventual return.  
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(Peter Vincent recalling removing the stake from Evil Ed’s chest in issue 8 of The Fright Night comics from 1989 / 1990.)  
I understand and accept Ed surviving the original Fright Night film but the old cross scar probably should have remained faded.  It’s one thing for a character to still be alive, it’s another for a wound to reappear when it had disappeared. Still, it does present an iconic and familiar visual so I get why the artist chose for it to be there.
Peter also successfully uses a prop foam cross gravestone as a weapon and also floods the TV studio set with daylight, by ripping down the blackout curtains. (Much like what Peter Cushing does as Doctor Van Helsing in Horror of Dracula.  I love these Hammer Horror homages.)    
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(Peter Cushing as Doctor Van Helsing in Horror of Dracula, 1958.)
Note: Peter Cushing is who Peter Vincent’s first name and film career are based on, with the surname Vincent being a reference to Vincent Price, from whom many of Peter Vincent’s other character traits are derived from.
Evil Ed should really stop trying to take on Peter Vincent.  He keeps getting scarred and mutilated.  Now his speech is at least temporarily impaired, and Peter’s symbol (sigil) is burned into his tongue.  Vowing revenge- though very slurred- Ed escapes and Peter is left to explain the situation to the head of the localized public access TV station.  His crew has “disappeared” and the set is ruined.  This does not go very well.  (“Would you believe vampires?”)   Peter is fired...
He is told he will never work in TV again.  His career is over.  
Peter is on his way home to his apartment when he encounters a Count Orlock (Nosferatu movie from 1922) style vampire.
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(Count Orlock in the film, Nosferatu, 1922.)
There is a short struggle and the vampire bests Peter before forcing him to sit down for a polite conversation.  
This vampire, who calls himself Nicolae Demonov, (punny) tells Peter that vampires have become impure.  Here, we see a panel indicates that this is actually Jerry Dandridge’s own vampiric maker, which also makes (from the visual) Jerry apparently much younger than the claim in the Fright Night novelization (that makes him at least four-hundred-years-old and possibly Dracula) or Fright Night Part 2, which claimed Jerry Dandridge was over a thousand when he was killed.  
However, a Count Orlock style vampire IS Dracula’s maker in the film Dracula: Untold, so this doesn’t entirely destroy the possibility that Jerry Dandridge was Dracula, per se, but the background of the panel suggested a contemporary (or at least nineteenth century) scene when he had been bitten by Nicolae.  
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(The Master Vampire in Dracula: Untold. 2014.)
Nicolae offers Peter one hundred thousand dollars for every impure vampire he kills.  As the vampire bloodline has been diluted from making too many vampires, this has apparently lead to genetic mutations; Vampires with more weaknesses, vampires that burn from a cross even when the weider has no faith.  
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(Peter Vincent in the 1989 / 1990 Fright Night Comics.)
And there are vampires that shapeshift without meaning to, involuntarily.  This results in man-bats, and man-wolf transformations without intent.  These mutations also account for different breeds of vampire with differing weaknesses and lesser or unstable powers, a topic which also came up in the 1989 / 1990 Fright Night comics- that there are different varieties of vampire out there, different breeds of vampire to contend with, that have different powers and weaknesses. It has a logic to it.
The vampires that end up in half-animal-form also resemble the man-bat and man-wolf forms Dracula took in the 1992 film, Bram Stoker’s Dracula.
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(Images from Bram Stoker’s Dracula, 1992.) 
And the humanoid bat form the brides took in the movie Van Helsing.
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(One of the Brides in humanoid-bat form in the film Van Helsing, 2004.)  
Nicolae refers to Jerry Dandridge and vampires like him as decadent, which is a paraphrased quote from The Vampire Armand, in the film adaptation of Anne Rice’s Interview with The Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles, when discussing his own coven of Theatre vampires under The Theatre des Vampires, that he has come to resent. 
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(Armand in the film Interview with the vampire.  1994.)
Nicolae is especially bothered by how reckless and indiscrete these newer vampires are and how they risk exposing all vampires and their society to the human world, which could be disaster for humans and vampires alike- setting the world back into The Dark Ages with fear and panic.  Nicolae also believes a new mutation of vampire has sprung up that could be a threat to vampires and human beings.  This indicates that the vampires and vampire hunters ultimately might have to join forces for the sake of both their survival, like when Blade went up against the “uber vamps” in the movie Blade II.
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(An Uber Vampire from Blade II, 2002.)
The end scene in the comic is Peter accepting the offer to kill these other vampires for money and regaining a boost of confidence in the process.  He is Peter Vincent The Great Vampire Killer!
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(Peter Vincent in Fright Night, 1985.)
I thought this comic was good, old-fashioned, fun.  Where too many comics now are politicized today and lack charm or likable characters, this was a breath of fresh air and Peter Vincent is a very sympathetic and very realistic protagonist for all of his human faults and flaws.  The artwork is highly detailed and atmospheric.
I give the comic an 8 out of 10.  My only complaints being Evil Ed’s scar even though I know, aesthetically, why they chose for it to be there, and the fact that there is no digital option for reading this comic on the computer.  
I liked Fright Night: The Peter Vincent Chronicles very much and sincerely hope it continues.  
I hope that a certain character trait carries over from Fright Night Part 2 and the 1989 / 1990 Fright Night Comics.  
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(Peter Vincent from issue 10 of Fright Night, 1989 / 1990 comic books.) 
I sincerely hope that Peter Vincent continues to do battle in his nineteenth century style Doctor Van Helsing-esque costume with the Sherlock Holmes style jacket with mantle, and velvet Victorian suit, with white shirt and crunched-lace sleeve cuffs, wearing a waistcoat, and cravat.  I love the idea of a silver-fox, dandy, neo-Victorian (a subcategory of Goth culture) vampire hunter walking around 1980s (or even present day) America.   So far it appears that he will and I am glad of this. 
 I love Peter Vincent and it’s good to see the original version of the character live again, even if it is only in comic book form.  I hope the comic book series continues and gets a more mainstream distribution.  This deserves more attention than it is getting.
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(Peter Vincent from the poster art for Fright Night: The Peter Vincent Chronicles. 2018.)
Long live the original Peter Vincent, The Great Vampire Killer! 
  Fright Night: The Peter Vincent Chronicles issue 0 can currently be purchased for $9.99 at Tom Holland’s Terror Time online store.
There was a more expensive collector’s version of issue 0 of Fright Night: The Peter Vincent Chronicles, with a poster signed by Tom Holland (the original director and writer of Fright Night), a replica of the Peter Vincent fan club coin, and a wooden stake, but I think those sold out.  
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ethanalter · 7 years
‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Postmortem: Max Minghella on Nick’s Reveal
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Max Minghella as Nick in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ (Photo by: Take Five/Hulu)
Warning: This post contains spoilers for the “Faithful” episode of The Handmaid’s Tale.
Despite their puritanical leanings, the Founding Fathers of Gilead haven’t been able to completely eliminate sex from their evolving society. The ongoing fertility crisis makes procreation a necessary practice. What they have achieved is successfully removing the concept of romance, of pleasure — for men, and especially for women — from sex. Every bedroom encounter we’ve witnessed in The Handmaid’s Tale to date deliberately resembles, in the words of series star Elisabeth Moss, a sexual assault rather than a passionate coupling.
That changes in the final scene of the show’s fifth episode, “Faithful.” Leaving her attic room under the cover of night, Offred (Moss) heads directly to the apartment above the garage where the Waterfords’ driver Nick (Max Minghella) sleeps. No words pass between them as she removes his shirt and pants, followed by her own Handmaid habit. And then, they’re on top of each other, caught in the grip of a physical longing that’s been too long suppressed. Director Mike Barker makes the conscious choice to keep the camera on Offred throughout; Nick’s present in the room, but he’s almost incidental to her emotional (and erotic) experience.
“That scene, to me, is really about release for June,” Minghella tells Yahoo TV, referring — as he will throughout our interview — to Offred by her pre-Gilead name. “I felt like I was the least important factor. This society is so terrified of female pleasure specifically, so these moments of reprieve are important. That scene was simple to shoot [because] it was more primal than anything else I worked on. Mike is uniquely gifted to shoot such scenes — he’s a man with no filter. And Lizzie and I are very close and trust and respect each other. It’s was a very effective combination of people to tackle a scene like that.” (Fun fact: Barker has directed multiple episodes of Outlander, another show famous for its energizing sex scenes.)
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Elisabeth Moss and Minghella in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ (Photo: George Kraychyk/Hulu)
That Offred chooses Nick as the person to release herself with is a decision that, for her at least, seems based more on proximity than affection. While the enigmatic chauffeur has been a source of fascination for her since entering the Waterford residence, she’s more attracted to figuring out his deal than his personality. (She’s also clinging to memories of her husband, Luke, who we see in the flashbacks that are sprinkled throughout “Faithful” revealing how they fell in love. It’s a storyline that also gives the episode it’s semi-ironic title: Luke was married when he and June met, and he left his wife for her.) That fascination doubles after Ofglen warns her that there’s an Eye living in her household — and process of elimination makes Nick the most likely suspect.
Sure enough, he discloses his status as a member of the secret police to Offred midway through “Faithful,” getting a jump on a revelation that’s saved for the final pages of Margaret Atwood’s 1985 novel. As Minghella explains, the fact that he confesses this early in the series signals that Nick is far more into Offred than the other way around. “There was a lot of discussion about how easy that confession should be,” he says. “I like the notion that June has this power over Nick that causes him to make decisions that aren’t necessarily [ideal] for his self-preservation. The power of love is a strong thing.”
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Moss and Yvonne Strahovski in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ (Photo: George Kraychyk/Hulu)
Nick’s intense attraction to Offred, as well as his equally intense survival instinct, are both motivating factors behind his decision to agree to Serena Joy’s (Yvonne Strahovski) proposal that he be the one to father the Handmaid’s child in place of Fred (Joseph Fiennes). So with his boss’s wife standing guard, alternately watching them and looking out the window lest any of the household staff wander into this illegal arrangement, Nick has his own “breeding ceremony” with Offred, and it’s about as awkward and unpleasant as her evenings with the Commander — a direct contrast to the wild, unobserved sex they both enjoy later. “It’s sort of a miracle she forgives me after that,” Minghella says, chuckling. “I don’t think that Nick is delighted by that scenario; he has real feelings for this woman, and it’s an awful way for that to be expressed for the first time.”
The exact nature of Nick’s feelings for Offred remains more opaque in the novel — a side effect of the fact that he withholds key pieces of information from her until the narrative rushes to its conclusion. With the expanded timeline, and shifting points of view, that have accompanied translating the book to television, Minghella had to make specific performance choices that bring the character into sharper focus. Early on, for example, he decided that Nick should have a very “militant” physicality that complements his status as a secret government agent, and hints at a larger backstory that Minghella says will be disclosed in a future episode. “It felt a bit like doing Kabuki theater,” he says of the character’s deliberate movements. He relies on them to keep his face expressionless, avoiding any flashes of emotion that could leave him emotionally or physically vulnerable.
Now that Nick’s Kabuki mask has slipped, somewhat, in “Faithful,” Minghella teases that more of his true feelings may escape as The Handmaid’s Tale passes the halfway point in its 10-episode run and looks ahead to the just-announced second season. “What’s amazing is that you get to the end of this season and you really feel how rich [the show] is. It’s full of discovery and revelation, and yet we’re just getting started,” he says. Being able to grow with a character over the course of these 10 episodes has been a new experience for the 31-year-old actor, who — apart from a recurring role on The Mindy Project — has primarily appeared in feature films, including The Social Network and The Ideas of March. (Minghella is the son of Oscar-winning English Patient director Anthony Minghella, who passed away in 2008.)
“I found it fascinating to be behind the story,” Minghella says of his first brush with serialized television. “I was really learning about the person I was playing with the audience, week by week.” In fact, he signed onto the series not even aware of the prominence Nick would come to have in the story. “I think Nick had only three lines of dialogue in the pilot script,” he says. “It was interesting to discover that Nick would become such an intrinsic part of the story, and a pleasant surprise to be given a lot of challenging stuff to do.”
New episodes of The Handmaid’s Tale premiere Wednesdays on Hulu.
Read more from Yahoo TV: ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Postmortem: Ann Dowd on Aunt Lydia’s Mind-Set ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Postmortem: Alexis Bledel on Ofglen’s Plight ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Postmortem: Elisabeth Moss on That Breeding Scene and Offred’s Real Name
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buckyismyaesthetic · 7 years
Punk (Chap. 5)
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Summary: You’re head over heels for your best friend Bucky and hate the nickname he gave you as it doesn’t exactly scream romance.
Word count: 2942
Warnings: Same as always
A/N:  FYI on Chap. 4 I had to go back and make a minor change bc of a continuity error.  Bucky’s hair is short (think TJ Hammond style) in this fic and i slipped up an put in a man-bun note (it’s my weakness). Sorry!  Now, back to the story….
Abandoning Wanda in your closet to hunt through the mass of new clothes you’d unceremoniously shoved in there earlier, you raced down the floor towards Nat’s room, ready to call the whole night off after that disaster of a dinner.  You rounded the corner and attempted to stop short but your socks had no grip and you crashed into a wall of muscle.  “Sorry, Sam,” you mumbled.  “You okay?” Sam laughed and steadied you back on your feet.
You heard Bucky snort from behind and winced. Great, he’d just seen you stuff your face full of Chow Mein and apple pie and now he caught you hurdling down the hallway like the giant boulder from Indiana Jones.  “He’s fine,” Bucky clapped him on the back.  “Not even you could crack this thick skull.”  
And with that he pulled Sam’s sweatshirt hood over his eyes and gave him a noogie before guffawing like a doofus and racing past you with Sam hot on his heels.
“Ay yo!  What the hell’s that mean?!” he hollered.  “And don’t touch my hair, man!”  Sam’s voice carried down the hallway as he chased your best friend.  A loud thud and muffled ‘ooof’ confirmed that he’d caught up to him and apparently rugby tackled him in the living room.
What does that mean? You asked yourself, thinking back to what Bucky’d said. ‘Not even you…’  What? Is that, like a fat thing?  Like yeah, you’re clearly big and round and wrecking ball shaped so one might think that you’d be able to smash Sam’s bird brain like melon but…what?  Or like, you’re almost, not quite, rhino sized but if you keep going for a lil’ bit longer you’ll get there?    
You shook your head angrily at yourself.  No, Bucky doesn’t think those things.  You think those things.  The nasty little gremlin in your head who stood over your shoulder when you looked in the mirror and parroted nasty thoughts and held a magnifying glass to every flaw.  But what if all of the terrible things you thought were true.  And what if Bucky could see them?  What if everybody could see them?  What if they all whispered about it behind your back saying, “Poor Y/N, no wonder she’s alone.  Look at her.  She’s so fat and ugly.  Too big to be desired.”  Just the thought of what the others might secretly think of you made your heart clench painfully.
Moving on autopilot as those nasty thoughts swirled around in your head, you found yourself standing gloomily in front of Natasha’s room.  You twisted the handle and swung the door open, ready to declare defeat for a night that hadn’t even started, but you pulled up short at the sight before your eyes.
Clint and Natasha were standing in a passionate embrace next to the redhead’s bed.  Her arms were wrapped around his neck while his hands cradled her face.  They moved slowly, lost in the moment of being together and kissing so intimately.  You leaned against the doorframe watching them for a minute.  That was what you wanted with Bucky.  To be held close like he couldn’t get enough of you.  To pour your heart into a kiss and have it returned tenfold.    You sighed softly at their love.  Seeing them, two people who deserved love more than anything, well, you’d admit to turning into a big old mush.  They were your OTP.  You shipped ‘em—hard.  
Nat pulled away from Clint’s, her lips brushing his as she spoke.  “We know you’re there,” she said, not looking at you.  
Clint smiled against her lips and you couldn’t help the goofy grin spreading across your face at his actions.  “Hey, Y/N.”
“Hi guys.  Sorry,” you smiled sheepishly.  And suddenly you remembered.  “Oh shit! Sorry.  You’re sayin’ bye! I’ll just—I’ll come back.  Fuck, I’m sorry—”
“It’s fine, kiddo,” Clint replied stepping away from Natasha slightly to look at you.  “I don’t leave until 5am anyway.”  He, Thor, and Vision were leaving for New Mexico on a mission. Something about drug cartels or the Roswell incident…you hadn’t been listening at dinner and, admittedly, you knew like two things about New Mexico…was the Grand Canyon there?  Or in Arizona?…Nevada?  Note to self: Google shit later.
The archer moved to the bed to pack more things into his go-bag.  He looked down at his watch, prompting you to go the same.  10:30.  Shit.  “Alright, you two, about this ‘girls nite’,” he adopted his ‘serious’ voice and glanced between you and Nat, which only made you snicker and Nat roll her eyes.  Clint ignored you both and continued.  “You,” he pointed to Nat.  “Do not kill anyone.  Drunk men hitting on you deserve to be maimed, not murdered.”  
“What if they touch me?” Nat teased.  “Is violence permitted then?”
Clint pretended to think about it.  “As an Avenger, I frown upon it.  As your boyfriend?…well, just don’t get caught, babe.”  He gave her a playful wink which made her grin devilishly.  “And you,” he rounded onto you.
“‘Be Natasha’s alibi,” you replied with a little goody-two-shoes sass.  “Have the getaway car ready to go with fake passports in the glove department—”
“No setting anything on fire, no starting bar fights, no ritual Satanic sacrifices of any kind,” he spoke over you, ticking off his fingers,  and you weren’t sure how he managed to keep a straight face because you’re cheeks were puffed trying to keep gales of laughter from pouring out.  
“I make no promises,” you snickered.
“And try not to break any hearts while you’re out there, kid.”  He gave you wink.
“Ugh, okay, that one I can promise.”  You rolled your eyes.
Nat, having moved to the closet to collect an outfit and some makeup, materialized at you side.  She leaned in to whisper in your ear while Clint was distracted rolling a pair of socks into tiny all for his bag.  “I know that look, Y/N.  We’re not cancelling.  You’ll be fine.  It’ll be fun.”
Blast her and her stupid spidey senses!  How could she possibly know that you were planning on backing out and spending the remainder of the evening playing Call of Duty and drinking cocoa?  Nat hooked her arm through yours, leaned in to give Clint another kiss goodbye before warning him to come back to her safe and sound, and then marched you back towards your room where you were subjected to the tortuous task of making yourself look half way decent to be seen in public.
Tears were shed.  Curses were thrown.  Friendships abolished.  Mortal wounds were inflicted.  But, in the end, Wanda and Natasha had managed to get you dressed for the club.  They assured you over and over that you looked stunning in the three quarter sleeve, tea length dress but you honestly didn’t see it.  You felt exposed and vulnerable and kept tugging at the hem to pull it further down, fearing that your cellulite was on display and that with every step people could see your underwear.  And you weren’t used to wearing things that were so….form-fitting. You normally wore boys clothes.  Baggy sweaters with sleeves so long that you could curl your fingers around the edges.  T-shirts with graphics and movie quotes, images from your favourite fandoms.  Your socks never matched and usually had pictures of pizza slices or dinosaurs.  And your feet were usually kept nice in warm in combat boots or chucks.  None of this ‘stilettos’ crap.
Speaking of which.  “I feel like Bambi on ice, Wanda,” you whined as your ankles wobbled with each step in the ‘fuck me pumps’ Nat had smashed onto your toes.
“Stop complaining,” she replied.  “You look amazing.”  She whipped her phoned in front of you, forcing you to take a selfie with her.  You grimaced. Having your photo taken was one of your least favourite things.  You’d much rather take the photo than be in it.  She could put one of those pretty filters on it at least.  Something that got rid of your double chin and deemphasized the asymmetry of your face.  Preferably, a filter that evened out the plethora of skin tones your face was fond of sporting despite MACs best effort to conceal everything.   And even with all that expensive make up on you felt ugly. Like a clown and a liar.  This isn’t me.  This is a mask…Like a villain from Scooby Doo…
“Get outta here with that!”  You pushed the camera away and focused on not tripping on the sidewalk.  
“Are we there yet?”
“Yes,” Nat groaned stopping in front of a door. You had asked her that question about eleven times in the fifteen minute walk from the tower to the club.  And when you had protested and wanted to take a cab she said “you need practice walking in those heels” in her stupid, know-it-all voice.  She was right.  You did need practice.  Also. You needed new feet!  You were surely bleeding.  They’d have to be cut off.  Why the fuck do girls wear these things?!
The heavy bass music from the club assaulted your ears as the bouncers let you pass.  The lights were dimmed out over the dance floor but the bar was light up and crowded as people shark swarmed the bartenders, waving money for drinks.  
“Breathe,” Nat whispered in your ear.  She must’ve seen your eyes go wide as you took in the mass of beautiful people before you.  Women were decked out in short dresses, five inch heels, tits up and out looking like Victoria’s Secret models.  And…where they casting the next Magic Mike movie in here?  All of these guys looked like they’d stepped out of an Abercrombie Catalogue.  Where were the average looking people?  Where were the normal, regular shaped folk who didn’t look photo-shopped to perfection? What kinda club was this?
Why were all of these girls either short and petite or model tall and waifish?  It made you feel like Shrek.  Oh, fuck.  My dress is green.  Greaaaaat.  You crossed your arms over your stomach in attempt to make yourself feel smaller.  I don’t like this, I don’t like this, I don’t like this…
“You okay?”  Wanda handed you a cocktail.  
“Yeah, fine.  Good.  I’m good.” Do.  Not. Hyperventilate.  
She knew you were lying.  She was Wanda after all.  Why you even bothered was a mystery…probably just natural instinct; when in doubt, lie your ass off.  “Come on, you see anyone you like?  You can practice talking to boys here.”
“Yeah, that’s perfect.  Pick a guy an’ practice what you’d want to say if he were Bucky,” Nat pipped in as she sipped her martini.  Just the thought of pretending to flirt with Bucky had your stomach in knots.
“I dunno.  It seems mean.  Flirtin’ with someone and just, I dunno.  Not likin’ ‘em,” you shouted over the beat.  “And I don’t even know what I’m doing anyway.  ”
“Just go over to,” Nat twirled around gathering intel of the men by the bar, “that guy.”  With a jut of her chin she pointed out a cute, stocky guy with short, light brown hair.  
“No, he’s—he’s probably not interested.  I don—I don’t wanna bother him,” you stammered. You could feel sweat gathering on your back and cursed under your breath.  Now that you were here, you didn’t think you could do this.  Sure, it sounded great in your head.  Practice makes perfect.  But what if this guy rejected you…like Bucky would…what if his face twisted with revulsion as you approached him? What is he just stares at you thinking ‘Great, the ugly chick is talking to me’?  No, you can’t handle that!  Rejection like that would kill you, you just knew it.  
You tugged on your neckline, fanning yourself. It was getting too hot in here; your face was flushed and every square inch of skin felt hot and clammy.  There was no way you could flirt with Bucky! ��You couldn’t even flirt with Joe Schmo over there! But you had begged Nat to help you, recruited Wanda into the plan, interrupted their evenings. Backing out now wasn’t really an option.
The guy at the bar turned and happened to catch you staring at him during your mental freak out.   Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck!  Stop looking! You, rather uncooly, averted your eyes and turned to re-join Nat and Wanda’s conversation only to see them slinking away from you.  Natasha mouthed ‘go!’ and pointed towards the bar while Wanda gave you an apologetic shrug and allowed herself to be lead off into the throng of dancing bodies.  Spinning quickly back to face the bar, hoping your face wasn’t frozen in mortification, you found your target.  The guy was still there with his friends.
So, you had two options: 1) stand in the middle of club, alone, looking like an idiot, or 2) go talk to that guy and make a fool of yourself.  Both sounded equally horrifying but right now you felt like every single eye in the club was on you, and not in a good way.  This is how the gladiators must’ve felt before they were eaten by lions, you mused.  Seeking the shelter of the bar, you meandered through a mob of people and forced yourself to go over to the him.
He was slightly shorter than you with your heels on, a small problem to some people, but to you, well, it made you feel like the Jolly Green Giant.  Guys liked girls who were tiny.  Little.  Small enough to pick up and carry around.  They want to be the big, brave protectors.  Your physique didn’t exactly allow for that, at least not with this dude.  But if Natasha saw you walk over here and not even attempt to flirt with him, she’d flay you alive; you liked your skin where it was thankyouverymuch.
You swirled the drink in your hand, trying to hype yourself up to make your move.  Aha!  Liquid courage!  Downing the glass in two quick gulps, you slammed it back down on the bar.  This caught the guy’s attention and you froze like a deer in headlights.  Line?  Line? What’s my line?
“Hey,” he said.
Oh thank god. “Hi.”
  Flirting should be a college course.  People should have to pass tests or get board certified before being permitted to attempt making advances on civilians. Why the hell don’t they teach these things in school?  What were you supposed to do with your hands?  Do you touch his arm?  What if he doesn’t like that?  Your dress doesn’t have pockets to jam them in—clearly a design flaw—and you’d already dropped two straws on the floor as you fiddled with them nervously.  
After the standard introductory greeting where you learned that his name was Ethan, you both lapsed into a silence which you assumed was becoming unbearably uncomfortable and, being the awkward turtle that you were, felt the need to fill it.
“So, uh,” you bumbled.  “D’you—” Don’t ask “d’you come here often?”! “—d’you…have…a…job?” Ohmygod kill me.
Ethan laughed and proceeded to tell you about accounting.  It went right over your head, like anything math related did.  But you smiled and nodded in what you hoped were all the right places.  And that was how it went.  An odd, uncomfortable conversation where you felt like you were conducting an interview and somehow intruding on his life.  He was perfectly polite, but you couldn’t tell if he was even interested let alone flirting, hell, you couldn’t even tell if you were flirting, or if he was just being a nice guy and putting up with the unsightly, annoying chick crashing his night out .  Luckily, your rescue came in the form of a cute little witch asking you to go dance.
“Nice to meet you,” you waved to Ethan as you followed Wanda into the chaos of the dance floor.  “Thanks, Wan.  I was dying out there.  This isn’t really my thing.”  Wanda rolled her eyes in amusement and tried to get you to gyrate your hips to the beat, but you merely stepped back.  “This isn’t my thing either.”  You were a dorky dancer; you danced to the Spice Girls, Mambo No.5, N’SYNC.  You head banged to Motely Crew, rapped to 50 Cent and Eminem.  You were not Beyoncé or Shakira.  You did not have sexy hip swivels; you did not drop it like it was hot. If you dropped it, it stayed down and shattered like Humpty Dumpty.
“How’d it go?”  Natasha walked up behind you and you quickly informed her of your less than stellar performance.  “Aw, it’s okay.  You just need to keep tryin’!  You didn’t burst into flames, Y/N.  He didn’t shove you away or look at you like you were something stuck to the bottom of his shoe,” she parroted back your earlier concerns.  “You can do this!  C’mon. Let’s find someone else.  You pick.”
Natasha gripped your shoulders and spun you about, forcing you to dance, and making you laugh in turn.  “Okay, okay!” you gave in.  She was sort of right after all.  That guy didn’t run screaming from the club when you went to talk to him. Maybe you could do this.
The darkness of the dancefloor didn’t really let you see anyone clearly so you angled yourself so that the people by the bar were in view.  “Okay, I pick—” Just then the crowd parted like the red sea and there he was, looking effortlessly gorgeous, like he’d been carved from marble and blessed by Aphrodite herself, leaning against a stool occupied by a very beautiful woman—“Bucky.”
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sorayahigashikata · 6 years
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swipestream · 7 years
Fantasy and Adventure New Release Roundup: 2 December 2017
With the holiday season now upon us, this roundup of the newest releases in fantasy and adventure is bursting at the seams, featuring a wife pressed back into her former role as an assassin, a desperate fight to save a friend from a magical kangaroo court, the first hard-boiled detective fighting the Klan, and a quest for revenge that will not end until a murder’s head sits upon a pike.
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The Awful Truth About Forgetting (Books of Unexpected Enlightenment #4) – L. Jagi Lamplighter
What she knows, she dare not tell.
Rachel Griffin should be having an amazing freshman year. She has the Princess of Magical Australia and crazy orphan Sigfried the Dragonslayer for friends and a handsome sorcerer boyfriend romancing her with charms magical and otherwise.
But otherworldly forces conspire against those she loves.
While all others can be made to forget the truth, Rachel cannot. When she runs afoul of the hidden force hiding these terrible secrets, Rachel must face her most desperate hour yet.
This on top of winter fairies, missing friends, Yule gifts, flying practice, and a rampaging ogre…oh, and schoolwork.
Then there is the matter of a certain undeniably attractive older boy…
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Ghost in the Glass (Ghost Night #2) – Johnathan Moeller
Caina Amalas was once a deadly Ghost nightfighter, a spy and agent of the Emperor of Nighmar. Now she only wishes to live quietly with her husband.
But civil war grips the Empire, and Caina’s skills are needed against the cruel sorcerers of the malevolent Umbarian Order. Now Caina has a deadly problem.
Specifically, she carries the Ring of Rasarion Yagar, a relic created by the tyrannical necromancer-king who once ruled Ulkaar. The deadly sorcerers of the malevolent Umbarian Order wish to seize the Ring for themselves, as do the sinister priests of the ruthless Temnoti cult.
And to make matters worse, the Ring is not the only powerful relic of Rasarion Yagar.
And unless Caina can escape her foes, the wielders of those relics will kill her…
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Graduation Day (Schooled in Magic #14) – Christopher G. Nuttall
Frieda is one of Emily’s closest friends, a young girl she saved from Mountaintop and brought back to Whitehall. But Frieda found herself the victim of a deadly soul-destroying plot – and the true target may well be Emily herself. Now, after Emily saved Frieda from a magician who was slowly driving her mad, Frieda stands accused of attempted murder – and worse. She must now stand trial for her crimes.
Worse, Fulvia – Matriarch of House Ashworth – has returned. Humiliated by Emily, years ago, Fulvia burns for revenge – and the chance to regain her lost power. Calling in favors from all over the world and rigging the trial against Frieda – and Emily – it looks as if her time is finally at hand. With no clear proof of Frieda’s innocence – and a jury that can be manipulated at will – Fulvia has all the leverage she needs to bring Emily to heel.
Gathering her friends around her, and calling in favors of her own, Emily must find a way to outwit a kangaroo court and save her friend from a fate worse than death, little realizing that Fulvia’s true target is Emily herself …
… And that Fulvia’s desperate quest for revenge will bring the entire world crashing down.
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Head Down (The Valens Legacy #4) – Jan Stryvant
Things are starting to look up for Sean, he has a safe place to stay, allies, way too many wolves and a couple of dangerously cute werefoxes around now as well. However the other Councils now know that he’s serious, after the raid on Gradatim that left several important people dead.
Battle lines are starting to be drawn and the Council of the Ascendants realizes that they’re next in line and starts to take precautions while the other councils start to play politics and jockey for position. Even the Council of Vestibulum, the most powerful in both Reno and the rest of the country, is starting to be concerned.
And how could any conflict between these major powers be complete without the assassin hired twelve years ago, being brought back to deal with the son of the man he killed?
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Knights of the Open Palm (Race Williams #1) – Carroll John Daly
The first hard-boiled detective Race Williams, runs up against the Klan in his premiere adventure, which leads him to fast and tragic action. Plus two other early Daly hard-boiled classics: “The False Burton Combs” and “Dolly.” Story #1 in the Race Williams series.
Carroll John Daly (1889–1958) was the creator of the first hard-boiled private eye story, predating Dashiell Hammett’s first Continental Op story by several months. Daly’s classic character, Race Williams, was one of the most popular fiction characters of the pulps, and the direct inspiration for Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer.
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Lifemarked (The Fatemarked #5) – David Estes
The Four Kingdoms and the fatemarked face the most powerful army the world has ever seen…
In Phanes, Roan Loren, the Peacemaker, has high hopes for a united response to the threat from the Horde, but swiftly realizes the only true ally he has is his arch nemesis, Bane. Meanwhile, Rhea Loren, a new mother with a secret must decide whether to protect her child or share what she knows with the fatemarked…
To the north, Annise Gäric, Tarin Sheary and their allies are hunted mercilessly by the army of barbarians known as the Horde, led by her long-lost uncle Helmuth, now known as Klar-Ggra. While she seeks refuge in the east, Tarin once more struggles with his own demons…
In the west, Ennis Loren and his brothers, including self-proclaimed king of the west, Sai, return to Knight’s End against the advice of the fatemarked, who they despise. Secretly, they plot another attack on the south…
In the east, Gareth Ironclad returns to Ferria hoping to find a unified people with a common enemy, but instead faces a fractured kingdom uncertain of its future. But when he makes a drastic decision, everything begins to unravel…
In Calyp, Raven Sandes returns with the most unlikeliest of friends: Gwendolyn Storm. But when tragedy strikes at the heart of the empire, the survivors are left behind and forced to pick up the pieces…
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Necrosis (Omens of Gaia #1) – H. C. Damrosch
A tyrant has conquered the land she holds dear; friends and family slain to build a kingdom of despair. Her own faith has fallen into doubt…
She must escape, no matter the cost.
Visions of light and shadow beckon from beyond the world’s edge; haunting dreams, waking nightmares, rivers of energy beneath the earth…
There is a warrior who would oppose death itself to uncover the secrets of his birth.
Subhuman and superhuman creatures arise to test them; powers of earth and spirit whose revelations shake the very foundations of reality.
Is it wisdom to believe, or madness…?
Only by coming to terms with their own humanity can they defeat the Lord of the Necrow.
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Shadow Games (The Collector Chronicles #2) – D. K. Holmberg
Born of shadow magic. Gifted with the power to control the flame that burns within her. A master strategist. Tested by the mysterious Collector.
With the Collector thwarted, Carth realizes that until she uncovers his allies in Keyall, he will continue to threaten the city. When the city is attacked, the ruling tribunal blames Carth and uses the power of the city to confine her.
The Collector demands that Carth find the Elder Stone in exchange for her freedom, but there is much more to the demand than it seems. Now she’s caught in a game that she might not be able to win and manipulated by someone more skilled than her. In this game, not only is her life at stake, but the lives of her friends are in danger if she loses.
Worse, the person making the moves might be someone much closer to her than she had ever realized.
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Thunderbolt (Dynasty of Storms #2) – Brandon Cornwell
After the liberation of the Greenreef islands, Elias has returned to the mainland of Lonwick, a new purpose burning in his heart; hunting down and killing the Felle general who murdered his love, and purging the land of the scourge that is the Felle. When he returns, he finds that the war brewing to the south is on the verge of erupting, and his allies back home have found themselves in dire situations. Can he muster the strength to build an army strong enough to find the vengeance he and his companions yearn for? Will the cost be too great? And what power lies behind the sudden emergence of the unholy Felle army?
In the second book of the Dynasty of Storms saga, Brandon Cornwell brings us back to the mainland of Erde to follow Elias of Stromgard as he forges a path through ancient forests, burning caverns, and wintery mountains. Challenges await and dangers lurk on his quest to find Darius Tessermyre and put his head where it belongs – on a pike.
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War Hammer (Nate Temple #8) – Shayne Silvers
Two old dudes want to kill me. Oh, and one of them is my ancestor…
And after centuries of practice, they’re pretty good at the whole murder thing. But at least they want to kill each other just as badly.
Now, I’ve taken down a Greek Goddess, worn a Horseman’s Mask, and I ride a homicidal unicorn who hates rainbows with a passion. Some might say sending two senior citizens to a permanent retirement home should be a breeze.
It ain’t.
Because that’s not my biggest concern. One of my friends is in danger, or possibly dying, and I need to get her back before her fiancé kills me. But finding her introduces me to new worlds of pain. The biggest of these being my own past – which has been a blatant lie – and a parting gift from my parents – which might have just been the coin toss for the Apocalypse Olympics.
I’m beginning to realize that none of the old Gods, Legends, or Monsters have been idle the last few centuries. They’ve been waiting, picking sides, and scheming schemes.
Of course, maybe one of those two old dudes will punch my ticket and save me the headache. A wizard can Hope, right? Because either way, I’m about to have a very bad series of days…
  Fantasy and Adventure New Release Roundup: 2 December 2017 published first on http://ift.tt/2zdiasi
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Love Runs Magical Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier
I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future
Love Runs Magical Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier
Affirmations For Today
I focus steadily on my vision, higher purpose and goals, knowing that as I do, I create them.
I bring love and a positive attitude to everything I do.
I interpret my dreams accurately and receive guidance from them.
I receive revelations and insights.
The magic is within me and I’m more than capable of making my dreams come true.
I explore my fantasies to become braver and reveal ways to transform obstacles/setbacks into opportunities.
I wisely use play as a serious business to fuel my confidence.
I’m more than capable of growing my visions over time.
I set goals that surely get me going in the right direction.
I use my intuition and empathy to attract various types of encouragement  andor support in my life
as well as being a source of encouragement andor support when I am called andor asked to do so.
I get better at meeting my deadlines and goal timeframes with plenty of time to spare.
I’m becoming a more psychic and wiser person each day.
I’m becoming more creative each day.
I’m becoming more self-confident and tapping into my multidimensional nature more and more each day.
              Adrienne and Angus Wilson have been happily married over 14 years now and have been living in England for at least two of the 4 weeks that they have planned to do so. What has helped is the fact that Adrienne received a $125,000  after taxes windfall from her book writing that allowed her to study creative writing for 3 weeks at Oxford University in England from June 2017 until July 2017. Angus and Adrienne have planned to budget  a maximum of 3500 dollars maximum for living expenses for the 4 weeks in order for them to keep the remainder money for their living expenses when they return to the United States.  Adrienne and Angus Wilson crunched the numbers  to ensure that they would still have over 123,00 dollars after taxes left to carry them over for at least 2-3 years when they return to the states. Adrienne and Angus Wilson made sure to save at least over $15,000 dollars for living expenses when Adrienne and Angus Wilson got the unexpected $125,000 windfall. Adrienne Wilson was pleasantly surprised by this due to the fact that she intentionally wrote a popular book under a cleverly disguised penname. Adrienne was actually perusing a an online link involving top colleges for aspiring writers when she got the news of her large check for her book writing.
During this time, they have had the chance to see the various sights of Europe and England during just the one week. For instance, Adrienne and Angus Wilson visited Germany during one of their weekends and met up with an online penpal of Adrienne’s. Fortunately, the visit went well and Adrienne had a chance to take in some sights of Germany. Both Adrienne and Angus plan on enjoying various sights of England during the week and to briefly visit a part of Switzerland this Saturday. On a Wednesday night, Adrienne and Angus even plan on going to a concert together. They were able to score reasonably priced tickets from the school to see a concert that features both One Republic and Robbie Williams. Adrienne looks at the online concert playlists that Robbie Williams and One Republic have already played at their previous concerts from the week before. Apparently, Robbie Williams played a well-received performance of Feel at one of his recent concerts. Meanwhile, at the same concert, One Republic enjoyed a positive reception when they opened with the songs Counting Stars, Love Runs Out, and Good Life.
Adrienne and Angus go back to their room and decide on their next strategy. This is because Adrienne got out of her creative class early today and has five hours before the concert to get ready.  Adrienne comes back to the modern private suite that Angus is waiting for her in. Adrienne walks in and notices that the song Have I Told You Lately by Rod Stewart comes on.  Adrienne is curious which channel Angus is watching because the song Sweet Dreams by Beyonce comes on. Angus invites Adrienne to sit with him and catch some music videos that are featuring on the television. Adrienne is curious to see which channel Angus is watching Adrienne cuddles up to Angus on a very comfortable silver, gold, and red velvet couch.
However,  Adrienne realizes that she must have went to sleep because she sees a professional rival from her past appear in her dream via an airplane while the song is still playing. For whatever reason, Adrienne feels guided to tell the rival that she just wants to put the past behind both of them.  Adrienne’s rival agrees because she is now happier in her life. Adrienne’s rival makes it clear that she wants to be considered her ally. Adrienne’s newfound ally tells her that she has been granted permission to let her know that Adrienne has inspired her when it comes to her writing and career goals. What this has to do with them seeing each other is that she has been sent to encourage her to keep going with those goals.
Before Adrienne, could ask more questions, the background turns into a flying school bus taking her into a different world similar to the Halloweentown movie featuring  the late Debbie Reynolds.  Whatever world she just entered in actually looks like a related replica of the world featured in Halloweentown just with more recent music than when the movie was released. For instance, she notices that many of the female and male high school children are gathering costumes and a theatrical stage together as she hears the end of the song Dreams by Beck, which enters into Anubis by Mike Candys.  The students all dance in Anubis inspired costumes similar to the Anubis music video with even one of the students acting in the role of Mike Candy.  However, what is strange to Adrienne is that the students (who look to be around 18 years old) seem to partake in a ritual that involves them skinnydipping  into a clear blue lake as part of their high school graduation ceremony and a ritual into an occult society very secret even in that world. There are adults (seemingly with benevolent intentions) dressed in gold and pink robes standing by ready to hand them aqua blue robes as they step out of the pool.
Adrienne looks at herself and noticed that she is dressed in a purple and peach robe for whatever reason. Adrienne then wonders what is the purpose of her both being there and what she is to do next when a male spirit with a white porcelain mask and a bright silver robe comes up to her.
Without hesitation, the male spirit tells her to just call him Dorian. Dorian explains to Adrienne that she has not yet met him during  her lifetime and he is not allowed to tell her when she will meet him, only that she will. Dorian is only allowed to tell her that the Halloweentown image that she is seeing holds a clue to her life purpose that he has to let her figure out. However, Dorian makes it clear that they are going to see a lot of each other during her 1400 years in the afterlife before she reincarnates back on earth or into another world.
 Without delay, Dorian hands Adrienne 5 different pictures to interpret under the words one key, two key, three key, four key. The first picture is of a house under the one key label. The second picture is of money with the bank account and the words at least $13,500 dollars on top. The third picture is of Adrienne and Angus’s apartment being completely immaculate and with things packed, almost ready for moving to an upgraded apartment. The fourth image involves a picture of the words music, writing, and power.  The fifth key involves the words follow your passion when choosing where to live long-term, and then great power with intent.
Dorian then explains to Adrienne, there is only a limited time for communication. As a result only three of the five keys could be explained for now. Dorian then explains to Adrienne, for success in living in alignment with your life purpose, these keys must be followed regardless of what other well-meaning people say. Key two with the $13,500 symbol signifies that the money goal of building and maintaining at least two years of savings must take precedence over other goals. Dorian then admits to Adrienne that her celestial spirit ally team is still trying to work out whether to let her live a long life or allow her to die early via a mercy death. Dorian then briefly explains that a mercy death sometimes happens to someone who dies before they are 55 years old not so much to punish them but more if they are not living in alignment with their life purpose and they do not financially have the chance to resolve what they created in their lifetime. For instance, he gave a case study of a woman who unexpectedly died at the age of 34 in her sleep even in good health, a year after she succeeded in paying her student loans on time. Fortunately, there was not anybody who cosigned on her student loans and so the student loan debt died with her.  Dorian then explains that tragically more people are going to pass away before they would even come halfway close to repaying their student loans. Dorian then made the prediction that eventually legislation is going to be passed in the U.S., Europe, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia by the year 2150 or sooner that allows a person to declare bankruptcy on their student loans for at least one time in their lifetime. The caveat is that the person is not going to be allowed to borrow money again for their current lifetime. However, Dorian makes a prediction to Adrienne that this is actually going to be a major boost to the U.S. economy when it happens. This is because more people are going to be more careful with their money to the point that more money goes back both into savings accounts,  more houses bought, more groceries bought etc.
Dorian explains that what this has to do with Adrienne is that her fate is still up in the air when it comes to whether she sees her 50th birthday or 90th birthday. Dorian explains that Adrienne is going to die in good physical health, but that her celestial spirit ally team is trying to help her focus more on building her savings account to at least a six to two year living fund as she pays at least the minimum on her student loans. Dorian then bluntly explains to Adrienne that she increases her chances of living a long life if she could boost her savings account to at least a year or more living expenses (plus a paid for house) because she will then be able to at least consistently pay the minimum amount on her student loans while having plenty of money left over for living expenses and savings. Dorian then explains that Adrienne will also have more energy to focus on fulfilling her life purpose. Dorian truthfully tells Adrienne that building at least a one year living expense fund would accomplish her to be able to consistently pay back at the least the minimum on her student loans and spare her from a karmic mercy death.
Dorian explains to Adrienne that the first key involving a home denotes that greater prosperity and the essence of peace of mind would more easily magnetize to her and Angus. This is because they are in a generation where apartment rents are only going to continue to increase, some even double the amount they are in various U.S. cities within the next ten years with housing vouchers becoming greatly restricted for people who are child-free even in old age and even limited housing vouchers for people with kids. Dorian bluntly tells Adrienne that the happiest way to secure greater prosperity for herself and her husband Angus (even if they stay in the same house for life) is to focus on purchasing and paying off a home as soon as possible and simultaneously with building her savings. This too would help reduce the risk of a mercy death for herself and help her be a better financial provider for her husband Angus.
Dorian then brings Adrienne to a table that is orange and violet with a group of spirits disguised as dolls yet with what Adrienne senses benevolent eyes. On the table Adrienne then sees the Hiring the Heavens book by Jean Slatter. Dorian explains to Adrienne that they are witnessing her taking in the lesson/key that she is about to be given. With that explained, Dorian explains that part of her life purpose in the stage of her life is to pick a place that she is passionate about for both her and her husband to settle down for the rest of their lives. The place would be a base for them to live and return to even after they travel. Dorian explained to Adrienne that this must be a place where she truly wants to purchase a completely paid for home for both herself and her husband. Dorian then bluntly explains that the length of her lifespan partially depends on her following this guidance regardless of how her intent and decision is received by others.
Before Adrienne can ask more questions, Dorian hugs her and explains that he must let her figure out the other keys on her own. For whatever reason, Adrienne asks Dorian if her celestial spirit ally team could show her another part of her life purpose puzzle even if she is left to figure this piece on her own. Much to Adrienne’s pleasant surprise, Dorian cheerfully exclaims “Permission Granted” as  he hugs her one last time.
Adrienne opens up her eyes as she lands on a pier where a hospital looking naval ship is based. This hospital looking naval ship looks like the USNS Comfort and Adrienne catches the end of a song mashup involving the songs Hurricane and Up In The Air by Thirty Seconds To Mars which leads to the beginning of the song Time of the Season by the Zombies. For whatever reason, Adrienne sees her husband Angus surrounded by spirits in zombie dressed costumes. She is given the ability to fly towards rescuing him.  
Angus then politely tells Adrienne it is sweet of you to try to rescue me but I am in part of a play with some of your coworkers that are dressed in zombie costumes. Adrienne looks at herself dressed in a navy uniform with her last name on it and feels a slight twinge of embarrassment. Luckily, three of her coworkers along with her husband laugh and playfully jab her. An intuitive awareness comes over Adrienne that she was the one who actually asked her husband Angus to volunteer in a theater play that is going to be reenacted on the USNS Comfort as a practice warm-up (for a theater play that they all agreed to do on one of the military bases).  Towards the end of the Time of The Season song by the Zombies, Adrienne looks up and sees what looks to be members of the group performing the song on the USNS Comfort ship. Adrienne tries to decide what type of job she must be holding (even in her lucid dream) because she picks up in this dream that she is back in the U.S. Navy andor doing some civilian work affiliated with them.
Less than a few seconds later, she feels a warm tingling sensation on her forehead. Adrienne’s husband Angus wakes her up from her 2 hour slumber so that they have time to shower together, eat a nice meal at one of the nearby restaurants, and make it to the Robbie Williams/One Republic concert in time before the long lines form at the concert.  Angus informed her that he helped Adrienne rest on the couch after she got done listening to Sweet Dreams by Beyonce. A few seconds later, Adrienne realizes that the Time of the Season song in her dream (by The Zombies) connected to the key that Dorian was giving in the dream involving the fourth key-words, music, writing, and power.
     Love Runs Magical Freestyle story
Inspired by the Love Runs Out song by One Republic
Resources and Songs Used In This Story
Songs Used in the Story
Love Runs Out by One Republic
Good Life by One Republic
Counting Stars by One Republic
Feel by Robbie Williams
Have I Told You Lately by Rod Stewart
Sweet Dreams by Beyonce
Dreams by Beck
Anubis by Mike Candy
Time of The Season by The Zombies
Hurricane by Thirty Seconds To Mars
Up In The Air by Thirty Seconds To Mars
My Halloween Town Movie Review Via Amazon on January 8, 2015
 Halloweentown / Halloweentown II: Kalabar's Revenge (Double Feature)
Debbie Reynolds (Actor), Judith Hoag (Actor), Duwayne Dunham (Director)  Rated: 
  Format: DVD
 5.0 out of 5 starsmagical aura of halloweentown
ByStella Carrieron January 8, 2015
Format: DVD|Verified Purchase
I admit that it was eerily fascinating to me when I unintentionally saw on the website her campus an article titled that’s so throwback Disney stars then and now by alex amato on January 1, 2015 at 12;30 pm. The story had a link that showed halloweentown being screened on the Disney channel on January 2, 2015. Mind you, I stumbled across this Disney affiliated article sometime around late night January 1/early of January 2, 2015 after I previously ordered this halloweentown/Halloween II dvd from amazon on Thursday December 18, 2014. Currently this dvd set sells for twelve dollars and 96 centsf but I am lucky to purchase a great copy of halloweentown/halloweentown II at just eight dollars and 93 cents. Halloweentown is a movie that deals with the plot of gwen (Judith hoag) doing her best as a single mother to her children marnie Cromwell (kimberley j. brown), Dylan (joey zimmerman), however she is also shielding her children from their magical heritages. Gwen Cromwell’s mother Aggie Cromwell (Debbie Reynolds) wants to train her grandchildren in the magickal arts and take them to halloweentown. Gwen tries in vain to stop marnie from following Aggie, but marnie successfully finds a way especially after hearing and being intrigued by halloweentown. The second movie Halloween town; kalabar’s revenge was completely different from the plot of the first halloweentown movie but deals with a family member who was related to the villain from the first halloweentown. The halloweentown and the halloweentown 2 dvd set comes with these bonus features; trailer promotionals for the greatest game ever played, shaggy dog, that’s so raven disguise the limit, phil of the future gadgets and gizmos, kronks new groove, the magic of the halloweentown movies, twitches, and backstage disney. Both Halloweentown and halloweentown 2 are good for those who like family friendly fantasy films.
 My Hiring The Heavens by Jean Slatter book Review Via Amazon from July 30, 2008 (when I was still in living in Norfolk Virginia and stationed on the USS Eisenhower through the U.S. Navy).
7 of 7 people found the following review helpful
 A Heavenly Read, July 30, 2008
Stella Carrier
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This review is from: Hiring the Heavens: A Practical Guide to Developing Working Relationships with the Spirits of Creation (Paperback)
This is a very creatively written book by I am for certain a very creative author. I enjoyed reading this book especially because it helps remind one that spiritually there is always help for one in the spiritual realms. This is a very creative and enlightening book on connecting to the spiritual/celestial realms for help and using your imagination to hire the celestial helpers for your everyday concerns to tap into the universal energy for assistance. It is a very brief but informative and entertaining read. Admittedly I was also persuaded by Janet's positive review of the book (thank you Janet) and am glad to have purchased it. I would definitely have to agree that this is a practical guide to developing working relationships with the spirits of creation and it gives interesting ideas on names to give for committees that you would hire based on concerns and holding "meetings" regarding the help you need. I personally have used some of the suggestions in this book and it has helped make my life easier. Definitely consider this guide if you are in the process of deciding.
 Sweet Dreams by Beyonce Amazon Review from August 22, 2012
5.0 out of 5 starsBlissful Dreams
By Stella Carrier on August 22, 2012
Format: MP3 Music
"Sweet Dreams" by Beyonce first came into my awareness during the winter season of late 2009, when I was still living in Orlando, Florida. The song grew on me after I listened to it many times on the radio stations that were playing it. I also enjoyed the video to this song and highly recommend it for those who may be undecided about purchasing the song. It is a heartwarming love song and communicates a message of lasting love with the lyrics "Not Even Death Can Make Us Part". Please know that my husband and I have a healthy partnership and that we both actually encourage each other to move on to the next realm whenever we both pass away. It is just that from my subjective but humble perspective,the lyrics of "Not Even Death Can Make Us Part" symbolize a message of a powerful love that withstands any mortal challenges and only gets better. "Sweet Dreams" by Beyonce is great for either those who enjoy Beyonce's music and/or tracks containing musical hybrids of hip hop and dance.
Mike Candy Anubis Amazon Review
Top Customer Reviews
5.0 out of 5 starsUnintentionally Came Across on YouTube
By Stella Carrier on November 20, 2015
Format: MP3 Music
I admit that I actually accidently came across this musical gem of the tune Anubis by Mike Candy when I was trying to click on another link while online and my computer mouse unexpectedly clicked on the YouTube link to this song (I had previously known of Mike Candy’s music from 2012 music collection titled Smile especially with the song One Night In Ibiza feat. Evelyn & Patrick Miller yet I Admit that I did not previously know About Anubis). Anyhow, Anubis has some strong music elements of house and electronic music throughout the song-more of a tune with minimal vocals in a similar superb vein As Wizard by Martin Garrix. There is also a fun music video of Anubis by Mike Candy online that shows three museum patrons dancing with what looks like the Egyptian/Greek mythology god Anubis.
  Website Links Used
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20 musicals that have won or been nominated for a Golden Globe
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