#Mikhael Blanch
eulaliasims · 11 months
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They have too much money. I'm about to implement some sort of tax system over here.
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eulaliasims · 11 months
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eulaliasims · 11 months
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Mikhael: Not again! It's those darn wolves, I know it.
Ten minutes earlier:
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Morgan isn't taking her breakup with Louise Cobb well.
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Also, their bills are floating in the corner of the lot. Everything's out of sorts here!
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eulaliasims · 11 months
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Henry made dinner for his parents and Granddad Hideki. :)
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These two get along really well, it's cute.
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Also, I have a hard time believing a sim this nice can be a grandchild of Clara.
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eulaliasims · 11 months
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eulaliasims · 11 months
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he's so excited to make the bed.
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eulaliasims · 11 months
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Behold Mikhael's mid-life crisis. You know what, if you still want the drums after Mina moves to college and I rearrange the house, you can have them.
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eulaliasims · 11 months
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Good morning from Mikhael and Gaila's house, where everyone is having a wholesome family breakfast together. Last round, uhhh, Rosalind started college and moved out; Henry became a witch and aged into teenagerhood; and Mina suffered from middle child syndrome and didn't get a lot of spotlight. And Mikhael schemed to reunite his sister and their father.
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eulaliasims · 1 year
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Hideki invited his son over for brunch, and Henry tagged along too.
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Meanwhile, Leah and Clove hit up a local museum.
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eulaliasims · 11 months
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eulaliasims · 2 years
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Accidentally picked this new recolor @episims did instead of the plain blue for Cassie's phone, but it's actually perfect for her.
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Mikhael also made the mistake of walking by while his mom was home, but like Irene, he doesn't have a lot of patience for Castor these days, and their conversation quickly soured.
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eulaliasims · 2 years
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Hi, Mikhael!
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Spotted: Phineas walking Patches. Don't they look sweet together?
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eulaliasims · 6 months
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Finally, a Sim tradition that Syx approves of!
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The rest of the family is less enthused.
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eulaliasims · 6 months
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Clara: Hey, kids--so what are we talking about over here?
Rosalind: W--weeeeerewolves?
Clara: Nice save, kiddo.
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Louise: Um, no, I'm not graduating too, yet, I kinda just got dragged along.
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eulaliasims · 6 months
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Syx: Now THIS is a holiday! Johnny, why didn't you ever tell me about these 'sparkler' things?
Johnny: I have this thing where I like when our house isn't on fire, babe.
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Mikhael: ...and also published this piece on how depictions of weaponry in sensationalized sci-fi films post-Contact era influenced laws in SimNation--
Mara-Jade: Hm, uh-huh.
Mikhael: And then of course we put out this op-ed--
Mara-Jade: Wow, you work a lot, don't you? Hey, excuse me, I've gotta get some... gelatin.
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Cleaning up after parties is one time that Clara misses having Theodore around. It must be great to be a robot with boundless energy and no need to sleep.
That's the end of the round here. Happy New Year?
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eulaliasims · 2 years
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It's Henry's birthday, and he wanted a trip to the new museum downtown! Everyone enjoyed checking out the exhibits, even Mina to an extent.
BTW to anyone who was curious about the functionality of the museum: sims can't view things behind the velvet rope fencing or in the stage-plus-seamless-window display cases (I already knew the latter), everything else seems to be working fine.
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The morning was completed with lunch at Toast—
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I am BANNING kicky bag again if you two don't get away from the register.
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