#Mimi Imfurst
flop-tropica · 4 months
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anthonyjamessirk · 1 year
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Hedwig and the Angry Inch - Pittsburgh Musical Theatre
Starting Mimi Imfurst
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lipsyncforyourlife · 1 year
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rustbeltgothic · 3 years
Poor Mimi Imfurst I feel so bad for her nobody deserves that shit
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questionable-motifs · 3 years
Help keep a queer artist housed!
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[ID: A screenshot of a fundraising campaign.  It features two pictures of the same man, one in plain clothes and one in drag.  The title of the campaign is “Help Braden Chapman Mimi Imfurst from forclosure”.  It shows “$13,530 raised of $40,000 goal”]
A friend of a friend, Braden Chapman, is fighting the foreclosure of his home.  According to his last g0fundme update:
“If I can get to 18,000 in the next 24 hours, I will have enough to do a temporary stop on the mortgage for-closure to get more time to raise the rest of the money.”
As of right now (12:30pm EST, 7/20/21) he’s at $13,530, which means he needs $4,470 by the end of the day to make a stopgap payment to his bank and keep his house. 
If you’re a fan of RuPaul’s drag race, or drag in general, you may be familiar with Braden as Mimi Imfurst, a contestant of RPDR season 1.  Braden was an original creator and producer of RuPaul’s Drag Race but was cut out of the project once it became popular and, to quote his GFM campaign, “I never saw a penny of the shows profits”. Due to recent medical issues, he’s had to stop doing drag entirely and has been out of work for months, and due to a recent law change in he has been unable to collect unemployment benefits as he is owed. 
Please check the notes for the link to his fundraiser, as posts with active links often get blacklisted
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miss-nobodys-things · 3 years
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Can we PLEASE help Mimi? 🥺💖
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drag-birthdays · 3 years
March 2nd
Happy birthday Mimi Imfurst!
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aqpuppy · 3 years
*recognizes the lip sync song*
I hope no one picks another queen up.
But wait... COVID prevent any contact sport
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lipsyncforyourlife · 1 year
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keeponmovingalong · 3 years
How many times has Trump been impeached now
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romansrace · 4 years
What if: in All Stars 1 the weakest queens by track record from their seasons got to choose their preferred partners? That is: Tammie, Mimi, Pandora, Latrice, Shannel and Yara.
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The six queens remaining to choose from are: Manila Luzon, Alexis Mateo, Chad Michaels, Raven, Jujubee, and Nina Flowers. Starting from lowest placement in their original seasons: Assuming the queens pick the same as they did originally, Tammie gets her first pick, Nina Mimi gets HER first pick, Chad Pandora picks Jujubee and Latrice picks Manila, all as previously. Yara picks Alexis when choosing between Alexis and Raven, leaving Raven to pair with Shannel this time around. So our teams are: Yarlexis Brown Flowers Latrila Jujudora Mimichaels Rannel
Let’s see how THAT season would play out, after the jump.
Episode 1 is the photo challenge. Given Chad and Mimi were individually in the bottom originally, they're shoe-ins for it as a team here. Originally they were joined by Pandora and Shannel, but those queens are no longer working together. Latrila win the episode as before, with Jujudora now High as Pandora and Juju play much better together in the main challenge and on the runway. As a result, Yarlexis, who were originally just Low, now B2, with Raven's and Tammie's teams placing High and Safe respectively. Chad lipsyncs against and defeats both Yara and Alexis to Paula Abdul.
Episode 2 is the first comedy challenge, originally won by Yarlexis who are no longer with us. Shad were High while Rujubee were Low and everyone else B2. However, we have neither Shad nor Rujubee either in this scenario. Going by Chad’s track record and Mimi's performances outside the show (e.g. Queens' Roast), I actually see team Mimichaels winning this challenge, with Mimi delivering a shocking series of close to the bone insults against Chad's appalled Bette Davis. Pandora and Jujubee will take the High spot as Juju was next highest in the challenge and we know Pandora is a comedy queen who would have many tricks up her sleeve to play with Juju's Fran Drescher. In the bottom 3 teams things get a little more interesting here. Both Raven and Shannel were carried by their partners in the original challenge, while Manila received high praise for her Madonna - though not enough to save Latrice's flimsy Oprah. Here, that's enough to give Latrila the Low while team Rannel fall into B2 against Brown Flowers. Team Rannel choose Shannel to lipsync and she exudes regal energy, capturing the oldtime classic There's No Business Like Show Business at first, but in a shocking twist, as the song goes on Ru and the judges are cracking up at Tammie's manic energy and Ru ultimately decides to give Brown Flowers the shantay. Shannel and Raven are eliminated in 9th/10th place.
Episode 3 is the queens out in public episode, where the queens had to convince members of the public to perform pranks with them. Our teams remaining and queens included are: Mimichaels [Mimi Imfurst and Chad Michaels] Brown Flowers [Tammie Brown and Nina Flowers] Latrila [Manila Luzon and Latrice Royale] Jujudora [Pandora Boxx and Jujubee]
Latrila are now the only original team remaining who made it to this stage of the real All Stars S1, and in the original challenge, they did not do well, landing assuredly in the B2. Of the others, I actually see Tammie on the street actually doing best in this challenge by looking very much the figure of a comedy drag queen, using both her natural charisma and non-sexually threatening appearance to engage a broad swathe of the public without the risk of being offputting. Chad and Mimi, by this point struggling to work together, bicker through the challenge and let that distract them from picking up the most points, while whichever of Pandora or Jujubee goes onto the streets will do alright but not the best due to respectively Pandora's shyness and Jujubee's cute look causing passersby not to take her seriously. As such, team Brown Flowers convincingly win this challenge despite a somewhat scrappy runway from Tammie, as Pandora's runway with Juju is not much better. Jujudora are Safe and Mimichaels and Latrila have to B2. In a redo of their top 4 lipsync at this stage in season 4, Chad lipsyncs vs Latrice, this time to Janet Jackson's Nasty, which Chad wins, and as in the original at this stage, Latrice and Manila are eliminated in 7th/8th place.
Episode 4 is the makeover/girl group challenge. Kelly Osbourne, Jillian Hervey and Kady Z join the remaining queens to create three girl groups. From the off, this is Brown Flowers' challenge to lose as neither Nina nor Tammie is comfortable in musical challenges of this nature, one being responsible for Tammie's original elimination in season 1. As for the other placements, Chad originally won this challenge with Shannel, while Juju and Raven received harsh critiques and landed B2. Although Mimi is unlikely to help elevate Chad, Pandora is even less likely to help elevate Juju or pick up on aspects she missed in the original challenge, so for that reason, Jujudora join Brown Flowers in the B2 while Chad and Mimi win their second challenge. Juju performs Don'tCha by the Pussycat Dolls against Tammie and while it's a hilarious, side-splitting performance from Tammie Brown who really engages in the comedy potential of the song this time, the better performance goes to Jujubee and team Brown Flowers are knocked out in 5th/6th place.
We come to episode 5, and who could have called the top 4 quens of All Stars 1 including Pandora Boxx and Mimi Imfurst along with Jujubee and Chad Michaels? This episode has the queens dressing as superheroes and supervillains and coming up with backstory. Originally, Juju struggled in this challenge while it was won by Chad, with Juju the weakest member of her team and Chad the strongest member. Although I think Juju would play better with Pandora, at this point in the season Chad's ongoing storyline with Mimi has essentially been that of the superhero and supervillain and this allows them to embody their characters on stage. Chad and Mimi win this challenge also, while Pandora and Juju lipsync to Robyn. As in the original season, this lipsync ends in a double shantay.
The final episode splits the queens into individuals to compete. At this point the queens' track record is: Chad/Mimi: B2-W-B2-W-W Juju/Pandy: H-H-S-B2-B2 The challenges on this episode included interviews, presenting, and a comedy routine. Originally, Chad excelled at all three challenges and the final runway, while Juju excelled in the comedy but struggled in the interview and on the runway. This time, Juju does not have Raven to outshine her, and will likely have been the dominant partner in the pairing with Pandora. From track record in her original season, Pandora struggled at interviews and runway, but would excel at a comedy live performance. In this season, Mimi has won a comedy challenge off her own back, but will likely behave as Shannel did in the original challenge and talk over the other girls, while her runways won't save her. As such, I see Ru deciding to eliminate Mimi and Pandora (ironically enough) in 3rd/4th and letting Juju lipsync for the crown against Chad Michaels... which, as in the original season, leads to a Chad victory.
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FULL RESULTS: Chad Michaels: Winner Jujubee: 2nd Mimi Imfurst: 3rd/4th Pandora Boxx: 3rd/4th Nina Flowers: 5th/6th Tammie Brown: 5th/6th Manila Luzon: 7th/8th Latrice Royale: 7th/8th Raven: 9th/10th Shannel: 9th/10th Alexis Mateo: 11th/12th Yara Sofia: 11th/12th
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vberry · 4 years
watching season 3 of rpdr like.... fuck mimi imfurst! she really fucking picked up india like that and then to say she doesn’t agree with the judges decision is LAUGHABLE oh my god quit drag already
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pfenniged · 4 years
Okay: Am I the only one who’s actually really happy for India Ferrah? Because how much would it suck to be known in your art form as ‘the girl who was picked up by Mimi Imfurst’
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quealboroto · 4 years
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circuit-b0y · 4 years
I Don't Have A Sugar Daddy
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