#Minerva Viriplaca
bottomseareef · 7 months
Tav Memes: Tav Cinematic Universe
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The last meme is basically how Sean, Minerva, Sol ( @sorcerous-caress ), Issal, and Khal’ian ( @gith-zeri ) feel about me making so many memes of them
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bottomseareef · 4 months
Tav Memes
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I couldn’t decide between Sean and Khal'ian ( @gith-zeri ) for that text so I just went with both
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bottomseareef · 3 months
Tav Meme Dump
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Character Credits
Sean Shanahan, Bayarmaa Lallos, Minerva Viriplaca, and Athalia - Me
Sol and Athalia - @sorcerous-caress
Issal, Zilvuit, Khal'ian, Myr'iira - @gith-zeri
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bottomseareef · 4 months
Tav Meme
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Characters mentioned: Issal and Zilvuit belong to @gith-zeri
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bottomseareef · 4 months
Tav Voice Claim: Minerva Viriplaca
Meg from Hercules
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bottomseareef · 6 months
Tav Heights
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Felt like making a sorta reference sheet for all of me and my friends’ ( @sorcerous-caress and @gith-zeri ) Tavs
I don’t know why Bayarmaa looks different than the others, I think they change the model when it goes past a certain height and it wouldn’t let me change the color which is weird
These heights are honestly perfect I always saw Khal’ian as being almost exactly that height
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bottomseareef · 6 months
Tav Meme: The Strange Case of Dr. Tav and Mr. Tav
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RIP Sean, Bayarmaa, Minerva, Sol ( @sorcerous-caress ), Khal’ian, and Issal ( @gith-zeri )
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bottomseareef · 7 months
Tav Memes: Minerva
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bottomseareef · 7 months
If My Tav Was a Companion Romance Scene (Tav 2 Finished)
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Minerva Viriplaca is my second Tav that will be romancing my first Tav if he were a companion.
Oath of Devotion Paladin with a Folk Hero background. (May be an Oathbreaker later on)
Highest stat is strength at 17 and lowest intelligence at 8.
No more polls, now I actually have to write the scenes.
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bottomseareef · 4 months
Since I’ve been rewatching Once Upon a Time I was thinking about what if my Tavs were cursed to have his life erased and replaced with a modern day one?
For Sean, I’m thinking locksmith with an archery hobby he keeps secret that would be the most true to the spirit of how Once Upon a Time usually works. His curse name would be Draven Fletcher or something like that.
For Minerva, cop who likes going to local clubs when she’s not on shift. Curse name would be Martella Purpura.
For Bayarmaa, school teacher who goes to bars to perform songs and helps out at homeless shelters, orphanages, elderly homes, and hospitals. (Basically Snow White in the show but let’s not notice that). Curse name would be Anata Love.
I’ll have to discuss the one for Athalia and maybe discuss what other Tavs would be!
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bottomseareef · 4 months
Baldur's Gate/Dungeons & Dragons OC List
Sean Shanahan
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Rouge (Thief), Fighter (Battle Master)
My first D&D character I made and my first Baldur's Gate 3 Tav, I don’t really associate him with BG3 anymore and I have him doing his own thing
He started adventuring freshly 19 after murdering a shitty noble in his home country for threatening his family
Voice Claim Good Ending
Voice Claim Bad Ending
Minerva Viriplaca
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Paladin (Oath of Devotion)
Folk Hero
My second Tav originally made through polls as the protagonist that would be the Tav in the stories where I showed what Sean’s romance scenes would be if he was a companion, I might still do those but as its own thing rather than if he was a companion
Once a juvenile criminal, now an Oath of Devotion Paladin, began adventuring solo after discovering the famous local adventuring party she joined were all horrid pompous assholes
Voice Claim
Bayarmaa Lallos
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Bard (Undecided)
Sean’s adoptive mother and my third Tav, haven’t played her past prologue yet lmao so I don’t have her subclass
Adopting her son Sean at 15, the recently made homeless Bard became a caregiver to many who needed it in her local community especially her fellow tieflings who also had no home to go to
Voice Claim
Athalia “Farasha” Dier
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Barbarian (Wild Heart), Ranger (Undecided)
Sean and Sol’s ( @sorcerous-caress ) adoptive daughter and my fourth Tav and the first Tav I co-made with them
Discovered by her adoptive parents in mysterious circumstances, Athalia grew up a rebellious child rejecting the law breaking ways of her parents to become a soldier after the divorce of her parents
Voice Claim
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bottomseareef · 4 months
Tav Meme
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Khal'ian joke is a reference to this post
The adventuring party (Minerva, Athalia, Issal, and Khal'ian ( @gith-zeri )) waiting for Sean and Myr'iira (also gith-zeri) to get there
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bottomseareef · 4 months
❗️for Minerva
Minerva Viriplaca
What was the scariest moment of your character's life? Does it still affect them?
I don’t think there’s one explicit moment but her whole time as a teenage delinquent was her being secretly terrified of some crazy guy her “buddies” were friends with who may or may not be a worshiper of some evil deity. I bet the criminal part of Baldur's Gate was absolutely fucked with people like that.
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bottomseareef · 5 months
21 & 15 for the pop culture ask meme, minvera?
Minerva Viriplaca
How well would Minerva do in a standard slasher movie?
She’s either the final girl or she gets killed like the boxer guy in Jason Takes Manhattan no in between
What kind of classic horror monster (vampire, werewolf, alien, etc.) would Minerva be?
She’d be like Frankenstein’s Monster, a big misunderstood brute
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bottomseareef · 6 months
Philia #1 for the ask meme, for all three Ocs
Sean: His “cousins/siblings” from home are his best friends, they are Gillian Gysbourne, Katharina Lamelin, Esai, Zarek, Randgrid, and Fun-Sized Fred, they call themselves cousins or siblings as a joke because that’s usually their go to bluff whenever one of them is caught and someone has to step in and bullshit their way to safety. They’re all of varying races, Human, Half-Elf, Githyanki, Warforged (once human), Dragonborn, and Goblin, all in the order of the names up top. They met because they were all adopted into Robyn’s Merry Men Guild soon after Robyn adopted Sean into it. He was a loner before he met them and if you called him a loner he would agree even though he does like making friends.
Minerva: She had lots of “friends” in her teenage years that ended up throwing her under the bus whenever they needed, but then made a lot more actual friends while trying to be a Paladin and after becoming one since she basically became a local peacekeeper for her neighborhood. I don’t think she really had one main best friend though she just would fit in with a lot of random groups she’d meet and makes friends with them.
Bayarmaa: She makes friends with almost everyone she talks to. Local shopkeepers, local guards, local drunks, it didn’t matter, if you seemed nice enough to talk to she’d talk to you and her bar is low. So similar to Minerva, she didn’t really have one central best friend she called everyone her best friend. This slightly dimmed down when she became homeless and a mother because she had a lot more on her plate. She still tried to make time for others but she would never put hanging out with friends over her son.
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bottomseareef · 6 months
for the ask meme bound n' break for any oc
Sean: Sean has been imprisoned and captured many times. He’s been a thief since he was a child he was bound to get caught sometimes. Considering he was pretty young when he started thieving he probably cried a lot when in a cell the first couple of times. Bayarmaa usually used her Bardic Charm to either convince someone to let him out or to yell at someone enough that they let him out. When he was older he got caught significantly less and would usually break out on his own.
Minerva: She’s been imprisoned many times in her teenage years for various crimes ranging from vandalism to assault. Her parents weren’t incredibly rich but had enough money to bail her out on these occasions but depending on her parents’ mood they’d let her stay in a cell for a while. I think being in a cell got to her a lot more than she would admit when she was younger but over time she has gotten over it.
Bayarmaa: She’s never been imprisoned or captured before. She was a good kid (still is) and after she became the homeless community of tiefling’s mother figure and Sean’s literal mother she had no time for the delinquent activities of teens her age.
Sean: The people he loves dying, but I guess that applies to most people. When he breaks he’s just full sobbing leaning on others for support because he can’t stand, the only people who have seen him like this are his fellow thieving “cousins/siblings” when he found out someone had killed his other mother Robyn, and Bayarmaa although that was unrelated to a loved one dying it was because the other kids at the homeless community were bullying him for not being a tiefling like everyone else when he was like five.
Minerva: The death of innocents, very stereotypical Paladin. Her break down is probably more violent than most Paladins, she usually just wrecks something that she can get away with wrecking (but half the time it isn’t) then starts crying. The only people who have seen her like that are her parents (and any family members I decide to make later on).
Bayarmaa: Her son getting hurt. Her breaking is very similar to Sean’s, he had to get it from somewhere, though she’s able to calm herself while Sean relies on others for that. Only some of the older community members have seen her like that when she first became apart of the community, but no one else has sense, she doesn’t let anyone see her like that.
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