#MirjaH Creative
mirjahcreative · 5 years
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I was supposed to just make an edit of a meme screenie from the anime 'Revolutionary girl utena', but then it kinda blew up into a redraw and rendering exercise for my OC Kiteraya Hone...
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mirjahcreative · 6 years
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My contribution for @vidaboo in the @mysmevalentinesdayexchange
The prompt was: 707 and MC roleplaying. I had so much fun planning and drawing this!
For the record, I delivered the HD version to Vida directly.
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mirjahcreative · 6 years
My contribution to the Mystic Messenger Winterzine: MC x Zen fanfic, for all audiences, 2,809 words
The entire Winterzine and more info on it is available here, on the Mystic Messenger Discord server's Tumblr @mm-discord.
MC Under the Mistletoe
The delicious, rich, spicy scent of gingerbread being baked wafted in Zen’s apartment. MC had volunteered to bake gingerbread cookies for the RFA Christmas party with the actor, and here they were, making them now. She loved to see the dough smooth under her rolling pin. It was so much fun to carefully place and press the cookie-cutter on the dough sheet, in order to get as many shapes as possible from the first sheet. They made stars, different animals, spruce trees, and hearts - placing the cookies on the trays to wait for their turn in the oven.
For the past hour or so, the favorite Christmas carols picked by both MC and Zen had been playing on the speakers as the pile of the gingerbread shapes grew ever higher. Finally, MC put away the baking tools, sighing contently as the last batch of tasty treats stood there ready for oven-baking. Finishing up the clean-up of the kitchen counter, she failed to notice the tall albino sneak up right next to her. When a pair of strong arms snaked around her, MC jumped, squealing out loud - not startled but tickled! She bent over in a fit of giggles, trying to squirm away from the fingers aimed at her sides. The gorgeous dork loved to hear her laughing, so he told her all the time. Thus, she was constantly the target of his stealthy attacks of hugs, tickles, and kisses.
“Truce! - ahahaha - Hyun!!! Truce!!! ” “But babe~, I just caught you in my arms…” “The gingerbread - hahaha - trays are in danger!!!” “Alright, if you’re sure~” The man squeezed his girlfriend into a tight embrace instead. He wanted to try her gingerbread cookies for the first time, too - so he didn’t want to risk any of the trays getting knocked off of the table and kitchen counter. Zen danced them around the kitchen and stopped at the doorway - just long enough to smooch MC. His boyish grin was as charming as ever as he glanced at the little mistletoe he had insisted on placing on the doorframe even though it wasn't a Korean tradition. Zen enjoyed the sentiment, and being the cuddle-bug he was, that kissing tradition fit him well.
“I’ll go for my run now, just had to get my fill of your giggles first. I’ll be about an hour, and my phone is with me - so call me if anything happens, okay, cutie?” Zen made MC promise the same thing every time he left the house, and it had become more their routine than a real concern of his. Smiling warmly at her love, the woman watched the long, silvery white rattail disappear from sight as the front door closed behind the man. Now MC was home alone and the sole baker responsible for not burning the goodies. She checked the oven temperature, pushed the first batch of baking in, and set the timer to go off when the cookies would be ready.
She curled up under a soft blanket in a corner of the sofa, her laptop on her knees. After testing the game only because Zen starred in the musical version of the story, MC was now totally hooked on Tendelion. The girl continued the gameplay from her last save point. Chuckling to herself MC, shook her head at a thought - imagining that the ultimate cat-allergic man had played the part of the human form of a black cat!
Level-up after level-up in different attributes for the main character, interaction after interaction earning hearts from the different love interests, MC was immersed in the gameplay. At some point, she realized she heard shuffling by the door and greeted the man brightly - eyes never leaving the screen, though. MC didn’t even notice the absence of any sort of a reply to her greeting… She was in a super exciting situation in the game. The story could now go either way, as she was about to end up on one of the guys’ routes - but whose?
Deciding to take a break - and stretch the anticipation that much longer - MC made a save and got up from the couch. She stretched languidly, a delighted little moan escaping her. Sauntering to the kitchen, she pinched the bridge of her nose. Hm, my eyes are a bit tired, did I really play that long? But the timer hasn’t rung yet, has it, she mused to herself. Her lips dry and mouth parched, MC reached for a glass from the cupboard. Before she could fill it with the cold water she craved, warm hands covered her eyes.
Without a word, a firm chest pressed to MC’s back - the feel of it familiar and pleasant to her. For a split-second MC wondered if the spices used in the baking had messed up her sense of smell, due to her not recognizing Zen’s scent. That thought got pushed aside, though, as the man walked her forward, still flush against her. A confused little giggle and heat rising to her face - radiating unmistakably to his palms - revealed that the surprise was a success. They came to a halt and the man spun her around - one hand remaining over her eyes to keep her blinded. She felt another large palm cupping her cheek and a light puff of air as his breath hit her lips, sending shivers down her spine. Just a heartbeat later, the soft touch of his kiss made the woman go weak in the knees and wobble a bit.
A chuckle, very different to Zen’s, made MC’s eyes shoot open. Yellowy-gold eyes were right before hers - instead of the rare crimson she expected. This caused the woman to flinch back from the kiss and let out a screech of horror. Despite her reaction, the stranger stood too close to her, holding her gaze calmly - a gentle smile pulling on his lips. The young, wide-shouldered man wore a red-and-black jacket and a black beanie was pulled over his unruly raven hair. There was an ornate silver pendant hanging from a thin strap loosely tied around his neck, guiding her eyes down to his collarbones, of which his loose shirt collar showed a glimpse. MC felt like she recognized the pendant - and the man. But that couldn’t be, right… The man crossed his arms over his chest and studied her face, an enigmatic, feline-like smile on his features.
“Who the hell are you?! What are you doing here? How did you get in!?! Who gave you the permission to KISS ME?!?!? Where--” “My bad for startling you, Foodgiver - or, should I say, cookie-giver. You’re the best!” “What did you call me just now!?” “Relax, MC, it’s alright. Also, the mistletoe, it’s right above us. You know I’d never harm ya.” “What? What do you mean ‘I know?’ I’ve never...” “Haha! So you’d think~! You’ve become happy, haven’t you?” “Yes, of course! But what does that have to…”
An annoying beeping sound distracted MC, taking her attention but for a moment - her gaze only briefly snapping to the oven. The guy had disappeared, as if into thin air. Touching her chapped lips lightly with her fingertips, she found them still warm from the kiss. The woman blinked a dozen times, frozen in place. She concluded that a handsome stranger popping by just to kiss her  - and her not kicking his ass for it - had to have been a dream. One really lifelike dream... She shook her head and padded silently in her neon-colored knit socks to save the baking. As soon as she opened the oven door, the delicious smell of baked gingerbread cookies filled the room - making MC’s mouth water. After setting the baked batch aside to cool down, pushing a new tray full of raw goods into the oven, and leaving the bright red oven mitts on the countertop, it was time for MC to reset the timer and go back to her game.
No longer in the mood for grinding the stats of Tendelion, she switched over to the next game. One she had heard of from one of the guests at her first RFA party: Nameless. It was also an otome-type of game, but with different game logic - more story-based than the previous one. MC hadn’t played it before, and she’d managed to avoid any accidental spoilers online. Such interesting characters were written into the game! There was an intense scene going on and as it ended with an alarming voice speaking to the main character, MC was all but biting her nails. The story is super engaging! I can’t believe this game isn’t more widely known... The only downside to such addictive gameplay was that the woman lost the track of time completely. Luckily, she knew that and, thus, used the timer.
After a few more trays full of cookies had baked ready, MC heard faint singing from the bathroom and the shower sloshing. She smiled to herself. The actor had obviously returned from his run while she’d been totally focused in the game world, her headphones on tight. On one hand MC was itching to tell Zen about her wild dream, but on the other...she hesitated somewhat. The man was still sometimes insecure about her love toward him and had been known to get jealous pretty easily. It was still just a dream, and besides, starring someone MC had never seen before in her life. Although, he did remind her of a role character Zen had played back before they had met… Perhaps her love and adoration had made the character come alive in her dreams? She had told him before how she’d almost developed a crush on some of his role characters.
Still slightly dazed by the intense game moment she shook her head once more to her inner musings and lazily dragged herself up from the couch. Checking on her baking she wondered if the romance games just played tricks on her subconscious. The woman had just taken the last hot tray of gingerbread cookies out of the oven and was carefully setting it aside. Before she could finish the task, though, a hot pair of arms circled her midriff again and soft humming tickled her ear. Noticing a different scent to the usual made MC briefly think that maybe Zen had switched his body wash again. The thought was soon replaced with the worry over her baking for the RFA. “Oh, you’re back at it, mister?! Just...Please, don’t tickle me this time…I might drop these.” “I would never play such a nasty trick on you, my honey~” yet another unfamiliar voice whispered in MC’s ear.
The tray fell from her hands - luckily only a few centimeters onto the kitchen counter - making a loud noise, nonetheless. MC flailed fervently to free herself from the hold of a second stranger in the same day. Surprising even herself, the resourceful female managed to force the male backwards and away from the stove. However, the man maneuvered the two of them as though leading her in a dance, so that she didn’t bump into the walls or furniture. He brought them to a full stop, turned her around in his arms, and dropped a tender kiss on her mouth.
Finally freed from his hold, MC stared unblinking at the uniquely gorgeous guy - who was standing almost as if striking a pose for her. His short, black hair with a trendy cut was pulled back behind his left ear - revealing an earring - and his bangs fell over his right eye. The man wore an exquisite, long, white jacket with an unusual design. MC gawked at him long enough to notice that his bare, shapely chest and flat stomach were partly showing, due to the cut of the garment. The tall, toned man held her gaze, mirth sparkling in his eyes that were locked on hers. An alluring smile adorned his face, making her suddenly feel hot in the presence of this new stranger. Nevertheless, this is totally inappropriate!!!
“Who are you, mister? And how the hell did you get in?! Is there a sign on the door saying ‘damsel in no distress, but come and grab anyway’?! I don’t understand any of this!” “Don’t understand, MC? Which part, my honey?” “The part where a freaking stranger waltzes in, embraces and kisses me - without my consent, may I add!” “I am here only to make good use of that mistletoe, my flower…And to thank my owner for believing in me~”
This hunk even has the audacity to wink at me!!! MC didn’t know if she was more baffled, irked, or embarrassed - or if those feelings were aimed toward the behavior of this guy or her own emotions…Why does my heart do backflips - just like when Hyun teases me!? It was such a puzzling reaction to a man she had never met before. “What in the world does that mean?! Owner?!” “Just that you own my heart - my full, intact, sensitive heart - only beating for you, my honey~.” MC sharply sucked in a lungful of air, to really reprimand this - God forgive her - astonishingly beautiful man. The next heartbeat, though, MC felt incredibly sleepy, her eyes fluttering shut almost as if her eyelids had weighed a ton. As she opened her mouth to speak, she felt something familiar, soft, and sweet peck her lips.
The weather had been excellent, not too many fans kept Zen from running his laps, and it was just an all-round perfect day for him! He returned home to the delicious smell of baked goods - and just had to risk MC’s wrath by tasting one gingerbread cookie. Finding the woman blushing in her sleep on the sofa - her mouth slightly agape - was too adorable an addition to Zen’s good mood...He just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to wake his girlfriend with a gingerbread-flavored kiss.
MC hardly even stirred when he pecked her lips. “Babe~” She started to register the familiar voice and touch as Zen spoke softly, his warm palm on her shoulder. “Are you awake yet, my flower~?” The man continued cooing at her, gently stroking her arm. His white rattail flowed over his shoulder, the tips of his hair swiping her cheek. “Wake up, foodgiver~” She scrunched up her nose, finally moving a little to push at the distracting sensation disturbing her sleep.
Mumbling quietly MC objected to being shaken from her sleepy state. “Hey, sit up for me, my honey~” The man continued to coax his love into returning to him from the land of dreams and a blissful smile bloomed on MC’s face as she finally managed to pry her eyes open. “Hey, Hyun…Did you have a good jog?” she muttered, still sleepy. A whiff of the fresh outdoors combined with his wonderful scent was home to her. The extra coziness thanks to the spices of the season didn’t help with waking her, either...
“I did! And the day gets better and better with your baking, Jagi~! Do you even know how you hold my heart~?” MC laughed along with Zen in the warmth of their small home, as they chatted about nothing and everything, nibbling on some cookies she’d set aside for the two of them. Eventually she worked up the courage to tell Zen all about her weird mistletoe dreams. After the tale was over, the man chuckled as he studied MC’s face - a tender, loving smile on his own. To her surprise, Zen didn't get miffed nor jealous of the imaginary guys in her subconscious.
Instead, he just asked one puzzling question - winking at her: “Tell me, how were their kisses compared to mine~?” This left MC blinking and utterly flustered. She couldn't lie that they would've been bad at it or even worse than Zen. Swallowing her words one after another, she opened and closed her mouth. Suddenly, something she hadn’t really noticed earlier dawned on her: the men in her dreams had called her ‘foodgiver’ and ‘my honey’. Why did he think to call me with those endearments - today of all days, and ones he’s never used before? Zen simply grinned radiantly, watching the expressions on MC’s face change.
Finally, the man pulled her into his arms in a tight, warm embrace - silencing her altogether. “Don’t think about it too much, babe~ Just know that I will love you forever, my cookie-giver, my flower - in every lifetime and each dimension.” The whispered words sent shivers down MC’s spine - but at the same time, they warmed her heart and calmed her down. She no longer mistook the encounters under the mistletoe for dreams. The woman sighed, wondering why she wasn’t nervous about that realization, either. MC trusted Zen with her life. She simply melted into his safe and secure hold, squeezing him back. She was so content right here with him. “I love you, too, Hyun.”
2018-2020 © MirjaH
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mirjahcreative · 6 years
Who am I - shortlist
Age: 39
From Finland
Married straight cis woman
Sing alto in Lahti Gospel Choir
No kids but a fun fur baby: 75% German Shepherd and ¼ Finnlapphund female Naxu
Too many 2D boyfriends: hooked on games by (but not limited to) Cheritz, CYBIRD, Arithmetic, OKKO, Otomedou, NTT Solmare, Abracadabra, NiNO, Interspace, 1492 Studio, Ciagram and Voltage
I love well thought smut, both drawn and written!
More about me
I’m a non-native English speaker/writer, but have studied the language for a total of 14 years, starting from third grade up to my BBA from Lahti University of Applied Sciences in 2004. Reading many genres of literature in English has been my thing over the years, but I’ve also worked for a decade or so using it in Human Resources Management IT systems, alongside my native language of Finnish. I’m currently not working due to chronic pain in my lower back and legs. However, I’m hoping to be able to try out part-time work from home soon. Me being able to write and draw on a laptop, thanks to a special work chair, in which I can stay for up to a few hours at a time, is the first step towards that. My hobbies (besides otome, drawing, writing, and reading) include spending time with my hubby and our puppy dog, singing, and watching movies and series on many platforms. I love well written and accurately depicted historic novels, movies and tv-series, but also scifi and drama. I play select pc games on Steam, most of them also otome, but also love my vintage 8-bit Nintendo, especially Super Mario 3. 
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mirjahcreative · 6 years
WRITING - Fanfiction
Greed - NSFW -R18- 3 chapter commission for Thirst Mom: Mystic Messenger, V x OC Rin -  V After Ending AU, Part 2 - (on Ao3)
Hallow - Teen Audiences and Up, Halloween Secret Pumpkin event 2018 contribution, Zen x reader MC, tw angst and supernatural elements- (on Ao3)
Beg for it, aka Flesh - NSFW -R18- Oneshot commission for Thirst Mom: Mystic Messenger, Dark Saeran x oc Rin (on Ao3)
Fresh New Start - NSFW -R18- 7 chapter commission for Thirst Mom: Mystic Messenger, V x OC Rin -  V After Ending AU, Part 1 - (on Ao3)
Plague doctor for a friend’s birthday
Mystic Messenger Yoosung Kim for a friend’s birthday
Bat for a friend’s birthday
Inktober Friendbooktober entry 1 and entries 2-3
Pearl in a shell for a friend’s birthday
Meme redraw as my OC Kiteraya Hone
My piece for a Valentine’s day art exchange: MC x Seven in cosplay (playing each other)
Mystic Messenger telephone art compilation (My piece with Maid!Seven, Yoosung, and Vanderwood, including progress shots)
Works In Progress - probably won’t ever finish these:
OC in swimwear
OC standing
OC walking
Accidentally Abstract series
10 min gesture study sketch
2nd 5 min gesture study sketch
My first gesture study in over 20 years, a 5 min sketch
Chibi selfie
Chibi selfie - try 1
Cartoonish selfie
First digital art piece I made using Ibis Paint and Time lapse of the process
2018-2020 © MirjaH
If you like my work, please consider:
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or commission me via: My Tumblr | My WordPress | My Twitter | My Ao3 
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mirjahcreative · 5 years
Greed - V x OC Rin - Ch 1: Attraction Growing
What happened after Fresh New Start, you ask? A long wait, that's what... But what happens when a noble competitor appears - as a potential threat to Jihyun's newly-found relationship with Rin? Is there enough spark inside the gentle artist to defend his happiness?
The character V Jihyun Kim belongs to Cheritz. The character Rin Alford belongs to Thirst Mom.
All rights reserved. This fanfiction is R-rated and therefore under the cut. Please refrain from reading, commenting, and reblogging if you are a minor. Do not repost my work, thank you.
I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it, and would love it if you'll leave a comment of your thoughts!
Psychology Tomorrow Online:
‘-- Jealousy strikes both men and women and is most typically aroused when a person perceives a threat to a valued relationship from a third party. The threat may be real or perceived. --’
‘-- Although jealousy is a painful emotional experience, evolutionary psychologists regard it not as an emotion to be suppressed but as one to heed—it is a signal, a wake-up call, that a valued relationship is in danger and steps need to be taken to regain the affection of one's mate or friend. In this regard, jealousy is a necessary emotion because it preserves social bonds. It motivates people to engage in behaviors that maintain an important relationship. --’
   The photographer and artist had always been interested in people, but after his engagement ended in a tragedy due to complex issues, he had picked a more enthusiastic approach to behavioral psychology. Jihyun had never really been jealous and reading the online article on the topic, he entertained the thought of how he’d behave in that state, for a fleeting moment.
What if his loved one would attract other suitors? Luckily he had little reason to be jealous since his relationship with his girlfriend was good and she was no flirt toward other guys. Them meeting and ending up together had been perhaps the most improbable thing to happen to him. And her as well, Jihyun imagined. However, Her Royal Highness, the Princess of Liberty, had now been his girlfriend for well over two months. Just as he thought of her, his phone rang and the caller ID showed the photo of a pretty young woman with glasses, emerald eyes, and raven black, long hair. He answered the phone delighted to hear from her, greeting her warmly and asking how her day was.
   Rin Alford had been swamped in work and, therefore, not able to see her boyfriend in a while. They hadn’t even talked over the phone as often as they were accustomed to, so she missed him. Jihyun’s soft speech carried from her phone and made her sigh contently. The man had such a pleasant voice, one she was sure she’d never get sick of hearing. Sitting at her huge, old oak desk, the young lady smiled widely to herself. “Good evening, Jihyun. I’m superb now, that I get to speak with you!” Rin said, surprising even herself with how excited she sounded just after hearing his voice. “What about you, how are you and what were you doing now?”
   The enthusiasm in his girlfriend’s voice made Jihyun smile and a warm joy spread in his chest with her words. Jihyun explained what the article that caught his eye was about. “My week has been pretty much normal, though I’ve been missing you more than usual…” he said, not even wanting to resist the temptation to tease Rin just a bit. A bright and heartfelt giggle escaped her. “Oh, don’t you dare make me feel bad for doing my duty~!”
   Rin actually called to let him know one of the reasons she’d been so busy lately. The Embassy of Liberty in Seoul would be hosting a black tie ball and she told Jihyun that she would be the official representative of the King of Liberty. He was invited, too, for his renown art. Finally, she got to the topic that was difficult for her. “I’m afraid I can’t bring you as my official plus one since I haven’t introduced you to my parents yet. That being said, I would very much like for you to be there with me.” The princess waited with bated breath for Jihyun to answer, hoping that he wouldn’t be offended.
   Sometimes Rin's position just made things complicated. She’d been seeing Jihyun a short time, not wanting to announce it to her family just yet. Not that she didn’t want them to know Jihyun, on the contrary. She simply enjoyed their "commoner's intimacy” immensely and was reluctant to let go of their own little bubble of happiness. Naturally, Rin was aware that Jihyun had told his friends that he was seeing someone. He’d made it clear to them from the start, though, that he wasn’t going to tell them who the mystery woman was until she would introduce herself to them. “Darling, I understand your role requires discretion and distance between us on such occasions. You don’t need to worry. I would love to be there to support you, be it even from behind the scenes,” Jihyun said to her, his encouragement and devotion apparent in his voice. “When is the ball?” Rin let out the breath she’d been holding.
   The month leading to the formal flew by in a flash. They’d spent time together, and called and texted as usual. However, they’d carefully tiptoed - more or less intentionally - around the topic of the inexplicable, uncharacteristic frenzy that had possessed them both the day they’d met. Something about the whole occurrence had left them equally surprised, confused, and still - first and foremost - happy to have found each other. The flustering incident had left its mark on the couple: they had shied away from too intimate a situation ever since, for three months now. Both, oblivious to the other, thinking the same thing, were uncertain of how they might act - and worse yet if they would lose control as they did before.
   Now that the ball night was at hand, the best makeup artist in South-Korea had been flown to aid Rin, as well as an award-winning hairdresser. Despite her disdain towards fussing over her appearance, she allowed the beauty professionals to ‘go all out’ on her, as they had stated. The man in charge of Rin’s makeup was in his mid-twenties, a guy with a very kpop haircut and eyeliner. His attire was on the flashier side, screaming that he didn’t work at an office job. Even though his stereotypical mannerisms - almost feminine, like many males in the industry - led to believe he was homosexual, the man started at some point to throw more heated looks and flirty comments at Rin.
   Finally, after hours of meticulous blow-drying, priming, painting, powdering, and combing, she was ready. Princess Rin stood at the doorway waiting for her ride with her personal security detail close by. The princess kept her demeanor cool and collected while the beauticians were still there, positively ticked by the makeup artist acting so inappropriately toward her. Only the unspoken conversation, done by exchanging pointed glances with her bodyguard during it all, had kept Rin from throwing the flippant makeup man to the wall. She had been fairly sure he was gay the moment he stepped in, but the change in his behavior over the task had confused Rin. Now that she had an idle moment to herself, she thought back and got even more flustered, remembering the pretty young hair stylist girl blushing excessively while doing her hair.
   Butterflies flocked in Rin’s belly as she stepped through the door, after the area and their vehicle had been deemed safe by the security team. This was going to be the first time she would meet Jihyun at a more formal setting, far from their usual way of spending time together, and Rin in her royal capacity. Not to mention, him being one of the guests of honor, invited by the express request from the King of Liberty. When Rin had noticed on the guest list the artist ‘V’, photographer, painter, and co-founder of the small but renowned charity organization, the RFA, she’d actually struggled in maintaining her calm and collected demeanor - for the first time ever.
   Rin arrived at the embassy and was greeted by the ambassador and her spouse, along with the other people that helped host the ball. When it was time, Rin walked down the stairs to take her spot in the hall to greet the guests, only moments before the heavy doors to the ballroom and the main entrance were opened. As the guests entered the grand embassy building, they were greeted with the breathtaking sight of Her Royal Highness in her most dazzling public appearance yet. Beside her natural-born regal aura, the ambassadors and aristocrats paled in comparison.
   Even though Jihyun had attended countless black tie - and white tie - functions, this was the first of the royal kind for him. The woman who made him feel whole and treasured, too, just happened to be a monarch. So, here he was, in the lobby of the Embassy of Liberty in Seoul. The man’s exceptional, pastel blue hair swayed in rhythm to his feline-like smooth gait, as he sauntered in. Leaving his coat to the servant, he offered a gentle smile that reached his dreamy eyes and invited one’s gaze to his handsome, delicate face. His tall, lean figure in the line to greet the hostess of the evening was sure to turn heads. Which seemed to be common these days, Jihyun thought to himself, still flustered by the attention he’d gotten lately. It seemed that people had taken notice of him instead of his work ever since he’d met Rin. First, he’d figured it had to do with him being happier and more content in his life than before. The past few days, however, had been frankly ridiculous.
As the man stepped toward Rin, those thoughts were, however, forgotten. Jihyun was about to see her for the first time in well over two weeks, so he was queasy, to say the least. He finally laid his eyes on the black-haired beauty - and it was with great difficulty that he managed to keep his jaw from hitting the floor. The woman’s style was unlike he had ever seen her, even in the photos online, when he’d checked out what the media said about his girlfriend. It brought forth her best features.
   Rin’s long, almost blueish-black hair was pulled back in a simple yet elegant half-up style with a single, real live white flower adorning it. A few soft tendrils were left down to accompany her hime haircut on the sides. That practically pulled one's gaze to the long pillar of her neck, and up, over her plump, glossy lips, all the way to her intelligent, green eyes. The kind that seemed to look straight to one’s soul. She only ever wore contact lenses instead of her glasses in such occasions, and simply just to make her own life that much easier: it was inconvenient to have to push the frames back on her nose while dancing.
   Black layers of wide tulle hems spread around Rin’s petite frame, emphasizing her narrow waist. Her ivory back was left bare, apart from her hair falling over it in a black cascade. Jihyun had to bite his lip and clench his fists to keep his body from reacting as his eyes swept up along the dress. The man practically drank in the lowest dip of her neckline, cut in such a deep v that it reached all the way down to her midriff. That’s when he noticed the subtle shadows Rin’s round chest cast on her porcelain skin between the strips of fabric that formed the halter neck bodice. There was nothing he could do to prevent the heat rising on his face - and pooling lower on his body, too. Reminding himself to not call her Rin tonight - only Her Royal Highness -  Jihyun stepped forward, to formally introduce himself to the woman he loved.
   The monarchs of Liberty weren’t usually ones to show off their skin, but today was not a fully formal occasion - and Rin wanted to look her absolute best, knowing that Jihyun would be there, too. Greeting a distinguished guest after another, she kept her nerves under control. That was until she spotted Jihyun’s familiar form in the line. The man was a stunning sight, wearing his usual warm, slightly reserved, yet sincere smile - Shy? While discreetly undressing her with his eyes?! His slim-fitting, two-piece tuxedo suit showed off the photographer’s unexpectedly strong body, his wide shoulders, and slim waist. The crisp white tuxedo shirt was adorned with emerald cufflinks, his top button was open and he’d opted to leave out the bowtie - as was acceptable from an artist. Jihyun’s relaxed chic look was impeccable on him and the man would not have gone unnoticed, even by the blind. Most certainly not by Rin.
   Just seeing Jihyun made the rest of the crowd disappear for the princess. When his heated gaze met her green orbs, there were a few more people in the line before him.  Her Royal Highness, Princess of Liberty felt shivers run all over her body and heat rise within her body before they’d even touched. When Jihyun, or V, as she was to address him today, took the hand the princess offered in greeting, the electric current between them was almost strong enough to make the lights in the hall flicker. His smooth, silken voice caressed Rin’s ears, making her imagine his lips on them, instead of just his words… She swallowed and licked her lips that suddenly felt dry. Her ivory soft hand in his had V picturing it travel across his arm, chest, and lower… He had to hold back a shudder and suck in a deep breath to regain his equilibrium. People next in line started to clear their throats awkwardly. The two had stretched the brief formal greeting a tad too long and V reluctantly let go of the princess. Quickly she pulled her hand back, cursing her duties as the hostess of this ball. It meant that she had to stay here and see all the guests before she could join them in the ballroom - and find V.
Greed Chapter Index | Chapter 2 -->
2019 © MirjaH
If you like my work, please consider
commissioning me via My Tumblr | My WordPress | My Twitter | My Ao3 | My dA
or sending me a Honey Tea on Ko-fi!
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mirjahcreative · 6 years
My tools
Google Docs for writing and text editing over different devices
Merriam-Webster dictionary and thesaurus for expanding my vocabulary
Grammarly for proofreading for basic mistakes
Notebook.ai for keeping character sheets, worlds and universes in order
Springhole.net for planning the worldbuilding and characters
Behind The Name for naming and name meanings of characters from all around the world
Writing Exercises and Prompts to fight writer’s block and to develop as a storyteller
Fighter’s Block to actually fight the Block Monster!!!
Twine to create interactive, nonlinear stories
Sketching and fast drawings
Asus ZenPad S 8.0 (Z580CA) Android pad
Meko 2nd generation precision stylus with two heads: a normal mesh tip and a plate tip
Ibis Paint app for Android and iOs devices, with the function to export the entire work with layers to Clip Studio Paint
Bigger and more precise digital art
Clip Studio Paint Pro software on PC Windows 10 64bit
Huion 1060+ Pro pen tablet
Artist glove (Available online eg. in eBay, Amazon, and Huion website, and offline basically anywhere with artist supplies. Make sure you get one that isn’t too tight on your wrist and fingers.)
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mirjahcreative · 4 years
Wow, I haven't posted anything on Tumblr in forever...
Here's my newest work: prize art Chibi Saeran. I drew him for a winner of the Valentine's hint hunt race we had on @mm-discord fanserver on Discord (invite link: https://discord.gg/kbnFcz9).
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mirjahcreative · 6 years
Welcome to MirjaH’s Commissions!!!
If you’re interested in commissioning me, please send me a private message, and we’ll discuss details via whatever platform works best for you (e.g. Tumbler, Twitter, Discord, email). These terms, and discussions in detail prior to confirming the commission on both our parts, help us to make things go smoothly. Should any problems occur, we both are civilized people and surely capable of keeping our communications polite.
I reserve the right to decline commission at my discretion
I write only in English
If you commission fanfiction, I require proof that you’ve received permission from the copyright holder, or that the copyright holder has given blanket permission to do so (e.g. Cheritz with Mystic Messenger) 
I keep promised deadlines, but should something serious happen, it may take longer for me to finish the commission (I will notify about such situations asap)
If I exceed the agreed maximum word count due to artistic reasons I will not charge for those paragraphs (if I feel like I have to have certain details elaborated for the story to develop as I see fit)
You can have the commissioned work for your personal, private use as long as you credit me, and don’t claim you or someone else wrote it
Do not repost the work anywhere
Do not use the work you commissioned for commercial uses unless we’ve agreed upon it in advance in writing
I own all rights to my writing and may use it as I see fit (e.g. in portfolios, and commission examples)
Prices and Payment:
Payments via PayPal OR through commissions if I like your work. 0.01€ /word, minimum of 5 €, which rounds to:
up to 500: 5 €
501 - 1,000: 7 €
1,001 - 1,500: 10€
1,501 - 2,000: 15€
2,001 - 2,500: 20€
2,501 - 3,000: 25€ - etc.
For larger works (eg. 10k, 15k, 20k) let’s negotiate. Maximum length is preferably 20,000 words per commission. Notice! Half of the payment is required upfront. This down-payment is non-refundable if the commissioner cancels.
Refunds and cancellations:
Full refunds will be made only in case:
Commissioner cancels before I start the work
I have to cancel the commission for some major reason
Absolutely no refunds once the work is complete. You may request a refund at periods throughout the progress. However, the amount refunded will depend on the remaining word count. Percentages are based on the amount of money I received (money sent - PayPal fees = amount I received)
20% Written = 50% Refunded
40% Written = 40% Refunded
60% Written = 30% Refunded
80% Written = 20% Refunded
The amount written will be rounded to the nearest percentage
What I will write:
I write oneshots, short stories, full multi-chapter stories, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, horror, romance, mystery, fantasy, just try me! Just keep in mind that writing requires that I am, or become, familiar with the subject. I’ll write just about anything you ask me to, but if I’m not familiar with the fandom or topic, the story will take a bit more time, because I will do some research as well. (I will not just throw something together, my perfectionism and pride won’t allow that!)
Fanfiction - I will write almost any ship for the following fandoms:
Mystic Messenger
Dandelion - Wishes Brought To You
Nameless - The One Thing You Must Recall
Fiction of your OC(s) – I will require descriptions of the OC’s appearance, personality and overall characteristics. Also, I will expect for you to discuss with me of details during the process, such as, but not limited to, the behavior and reactions of the OC. NOTICE: All OC’s must be your own. This is non-negotiable.
Original fiction – from a prompt I will write you an original story
Smut - I LIVE to write Explicit/Mature/Erotic fiction. For every type of stories mentioned above. Kinky? Oh yesssss.
NOTICE: I will NOT write ANYTHING R-rated for underage commissioners. By contacting me about explicit material, you acknowledge that you will be required to verify that you are legally adult.
What I will NOT write:
What I refuse to write in SFW include, but are not limited to, the following:
Anything that I find ideologically sensitive, insulting or illegal
Westerns, Non-Fiction, Satire, Poems
Over 3 OC’s in the story 
What I refuse to write in SMUT/NSFW/R-18 include, but are not limited to, the following:
Incest, Pedophilia, nor any type of Underage sex or erotica
Bestiality, beyond mostly-human form werewolves, and creatures alike
Other extreme topics I am uncomfortable with
I reserve the right to update and change these terms at any time at my discretion. When the update should occurr when I have commissions under work, I will notify all commission spot holders of any such changes asap.
2018 © MirjaH
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