#Miss Daria granted one of my wishes once again!
cartoonsforlife · 2 years
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Look at the complicity of these adorable vampiric babies ! 😩👌🧛‍♂️🧛‍♀️
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themindmates-blog · 5 years
Chapter 13 - King in the North
Ylina lifted her eyes from the books in front of her when the doors of the room were pushed open and the chief of her guard stood there. Frowning slightly and nodding at the man, she placed a hand over the confidential registers she was going through with Maester Luwin, expecting the guard to speak up and explain why he interrupted the meeting.
"Forgive me, my lady, but there is a rider wanting to pass the gates." He said, as Ylina's heart suddenly dropped to her stomach.
"A rider?" She asked. "Alone?"
"Yes, my lady, and it's one of ours."
That was all she needed to hear, biting her lip, Ylina closed the books and passed them to Maester Luwin. With a nod from the older man, the girl was soon walking out of the room, after the guard with Daria by her feet. As they walked through the hallways of the castle, her high heeled boots echoing around the stone walls, her anxiety was very evident because, before they could even reach the courtyard, the guard looked back at her with a gentle smile.
"The man seemed unharmed, my lady." He said, as Ylina sighed.
"Do you know who he is?"
"One of lord Umber's sons." The guard answered quickly. Nodding her head, Ylina smiled back at the man.
"It's good to hear he is well." She said lowly. The guard nodded.
"Seemed tired, but overall, seemed alright."
As soon as they reached the courtyard, Ylina ordered for the other guards to open the gates and waited for the rider with the chief of the guard standing beside her with his hand on the handle of his sword. Daria sat on her other side, watching with careful eyes as the rider entered the guard, stopping his brown horse right in front of Ylina. As he dismounted the horse, the man bowed at the girl and passed the reins of his horse to one of the stable boys before turning to look at Ylina.
"My lady." He said, as she smiled at him.
"My lord." She responded on the same tone. "Travel safe?"
"Yes, my lady. Thank you." He coughed slightly. Turning around, Ylina waved forward one of her maids.
As the woman rushed inside the castle to bring back a jar of wine for the visitor, Ylina turned back around to face him.
"I expect the road back wasn't the easiest one." She said. The man smiled.
"Not really, my lady." He agreed, before reaching for his bag and shuffling with it for a second. 
When Daria growled at his movements, lord Umber stopped and looked up at Ylina. With a gentle smile at her wolf, the girl placed a hand over her head.
"Now, now, girl. Take it easy." She whispered as the wolf lifted her icy blue eyes to meet Ylina's stormy grey ones. 
When she nodded at lord Umber, the man looked uncertain to Daria, before starting to rummage through his bag once again. When he pulled out a small package out of it, Ylina's maid came back with a cup and a jar of wine. Reaching for the package, Ylina took it from lord Umber, caressing the leather cover with careful fingers.
"A present." Lord Umber said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand after taking a big gulp of the drink offered to him. "For lord Bran's nameday from his grace.."
At that, Ylina frowned, lifting her eyes from the package in her hands to look up at lord Umber, who was already asking for Ylina's maid to refill his cup.
"His grace?" She asked.
Lord Umber humed in agreement, before glancing at Ylina when he noticed how confused she seemed.
"Haven't you heard, my lady?" He asked, when the girl shook her head. "Your brother is now King."
"Aye. The lords nominated him King in the North." The man started to explain as Ylina simply stood there, completely astonished. "His grace won every battle he's fought, he started to be called the young wolf. After your father was killed in the capital — may the gods have him —, the lords decided to nominate his grace King instead of submitting the control of the North to some King in the South who doesn't understand a thing about how things are done up here."
"Robb? As King?" Ylina breathed out, before a smile started to creep onto her lips. "I can't believe it."
"His grace is a noble man, my lady." The man said, as Ylina's heart filled with pride. "The northerns are happy to serve under his command."
With a nod and a small smile, Ylina was about to dismiss the man, but before she could, he called out for her again.
"My lady." He said, as Ylina turned to face him. "His grace asked me to tell you he is alright and so is your lord husband. He asked me to give you this as well."
Reaching again for his bag, lord Umber pulled out a roll of paper and gave it to Ylina. Passing the package in her hands to her maid, the girl grabbed the roll and, almost instantly, felt her eyes filling with tears.
Ylina breathed heavily, turning to the guard beside her as the man gave her a reassuring nod. Sniffling lightly, Ylina turned back to lord Umber and smiled at him.
"Is that all, my lord?" She asked, as the man nodded. "Very well. Then I will be happy to offer you a bath, fresh clothes and a warm supper, if you will. The hospitality of Winterfell is yours, my lord."
"Thank you, my lady." Lord Umber nodded.
Waving her maid forward, Ylina watched as the woman guided the lord inside the castle, the package for Bran's nameday from Robb carefully placed in her arms, as she waited for the right time to put it in Ylina's room so her lady could decide what to do with it and when to give it to her brother.
Standing there with the roll in her hands, the guard bowed slightly at her, causing Ylina to look at him.
"With your permission, my lady." He said, causing the girl to nod.
"Of course."
And as soon as she allowed him, the guard left her to go back to his post. Looking down at Daria, Ylina sighed, running away from the castle and toward the small hiding place she had beside the stables. Sitting down with her bsck against a tree, Ylina's eyes never left the letter in her hands, once more sealed with the usual grey wolf that represented the Starks. Hearing Daria whine lowly beside her, Ylina snapped back to reality and looked at her wolf, before sighed.
"Calm down, Daria. I will open it, just… Just give me a while."
With a grunt, the wolf settled down, sitting by her owner in silence as Ylina slowly pulled open the letter, breathing deeply when Robb's handwriting started to appear in front of her eyes.
Hey, love, how are you?
I hope you are alright. I hope the boys are alright. I probably shouldn't be sending you this letter, but I told Umber to not give this to anyone that wasn't you, so we are safe. I just wanted to let you know properly what's happening because I know you and I know you are worrying far too much more than you should about me and Theon. Well, I am happy to say that both of us are fine. Also, so is Mother. On her way back from the Capital, she found us and she's been an important piece in our victories. She's a far better negotiator than I ever expected, to be fair.
In any case, Mother will be home soon, I promise. Right now, I'm thinking about sending her down to Storm's End so she can talk to King Renly Baratheon for us both to join forces. He does seem more likely to accept the independence of the North if we grant him the Iron Throne, so I only see good things in such an alliance. Oh, yes. I expect you heard, but the North is indepent now. From this day until the end of times, the North is a free and independent Kingdom. And that means I'm a King. Me, a King… Who would have thought, huh?
Right now, as I write you this letter, we have just passed by the Twins. Mother had to make a few arrangements with lord Frey. I am to marry one of his daughters when the war is over and, after we get Arya back, she is to marry one of his sons. I don't think she will thrilled to hear it, but it was the best we could do. We have a larger army now and are heading to fight Tywin Lannister.
No matter how safe I think this letter is, I can't tell you much more than this. I can't discuss my battle plans with you and, as much as I wish you were here, I am also happy to know you are, at least, safe at home. Besides, I think I am doing a decent job with strategy without you.
I miss you so much more than you know, Lily. I will be home soon. All of us. And everything will be just the way we want it to be, I promise.
As Ylina held the paper in her hands, she couldn't hold it inside anymore. Sobbing into her hands, she felt as Daria approached her, trying to use her fur and snout to offer the girl some comfort. Sobbing and crying, Ylina crumbled the piece of paper in her hand as she rested it on her already protruding stomach and the held tight against Daria, as if having the wolf there was the only thing keeping her from falling off the edge of her world.
Letting her emotions out for the first time in months, Ylina managed to calm down enough to clear her thoughts, before doing the one thing that still gave her a sense of security whenever everything started to fell a bit too much: she prayed. Closing her eyes and letting the cool breeze of the winds of the North hit her skin and mess up her hair, Ylina prayed for the safety of her brother. She prayed that the gods gave him wisdom for the battles to come and strength to endure. She prayed for her husband. She prayed that the gods kept him safe and allowed him to return to her, to return to their unborn child. She prayed for her Mother, she prayed for all the soldiers in Robb's army and she prayed that the gods were merciful on them, ending this war before anyone else could be dragged into it. Before anyone else got hurt, or, worse, ended up dead.
Sitting by the tree with no one but Daria around, Ylina wasn't sure how long it had been, but when she finally got up from her place, the one thing that kept her going was her faith in her brother and in the words he had told her: I will be home soon. All of us. And everything will be just the way we want it to be, I promise. And despite knowing there was no way to tell for certain if that was true or not, hanging onto his every word was definitely the best she could do. So, walking back toward the castle while wiping away her tears and hoping her eyes weren't as bloodshot red as she expected them to be, Ylina looked down at Daria as her wolf lifted her head up to meet her eyes.
"Come on, then, girl." She smiled weakly causing Daria to whine. "Let's write Robb a letter shall we? Let him know we are all alright. Maybe we can even tell him about his little nephew or niece. That would be good wouldn't it?"
And as she thought about putting a smile on Robb's face with a letter of her own for him, Ylina felt her heart beat harder against her chest.And for the first time in months, feeling her heartbeat against her chest didn't hurt as much. For a second, she felt happy that he was alright. That Theon was alright. That her mother was alright. That Robb was doing a great job at the war. That Robb was doing such a good job that he was even nominated King. With a small smile of her own, Ylina thought back to her father and how proud of his son he probably was. Ylina wasn't sure what happened to people when they died. She wasn't sure what she believed in, but if she believed in one thing, it is that, if her Father could see them all from whatever it was that he was resting now, he surely was proud of his oldest son. 
And as she walked through the hallways of her castle, heading toward the common room to get ready for another day of dealing with appointments and trying to solve problems for everyone else while forgetting her own, she could only hope Ned Stark was proud of her as well.
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fardell24b · 5 years
Lawndale and Sandi Griffin’s Genie Chapter 1 Part 7
Back at the High School, Torii heard a sharp cracking sound, like that of a whip. She saw that Sandi had disappeared into thin air. She slammed into the wall where Sandi had been standing moments before.
 ‘Great, she could have gone anywhere whilst time was ‘stopped’ she thought. She didn’t consider herself a ‘brain’ but she knew enough to know that time wouldn’t completely stop.  ‘I guess that I should go home now,’ she thought. She then started walking out of the school, automatically judging the popularity of the students she saw as she went by. She overheard Quinn and her posse discussing the day’s events as she left the school.
  Sandi and Jean had chosen a lane next to Jane and her bowling partner, whose name on the score screen was given as ‘Tom’ (verses Jane’s ‘Janie’).
 “I wish for a winning streak,” Sandi said, as she went for her first bowl. (Her and Jean’s names on the score screen were ‘Sandi’ and ‘Jeani’ respectively.) Jean reluctantly granted the wish.
 “Your wish is granted!” Jean said.
“Excellent!” Sandi said as she bowled.
Jane looked as Sandi got her second strike on her 4th frame. “She’s good. Suspiciously good!” she told her boyfriend, Tom Sloane.
 “What do you mean?” Tom asked.
 “That’s Sandi Griffin. She is the President of the Fashion Club. The most physical exertion that she usually does is Power Yoga,” Jane said, remembering the time when she and her best friend videotaped her sister for a class project.
 “Isn’t that the group that Daria’s sister is part of?” Tom asked.
 “Exactly,” Jane said.
 “So it is suspicious?” Tom asked.
 “Exactly, I mean, the last time I saw Sandi bowling, we were in Elementary School,” Jane said.
 “Sounds like an interesting story,” Tom said.
 “Oh it is. Bowl and I’ll tell you,” Jane said, laughing. Tom then took his turn, knocking over 6 pins.
  5 years, 9 months earlier
“It was my 11th birthday and Trent surprised me by showing up at the front of the Elementary School in the Tank shortly after school had let out. He had gotten his licence 2 months before and had borrowed the Tank for the occasion. He winds down the window. “Happy Birthday, Janie,” he said. I get in and he says that we are going bowling as a birthday treat.
 Trent and Jane Lane carry their balls over to the bowling lane that they’re using. “Better than the usual art supplies isn’t it Janie?” Trent asked.
 “Penny gave me art supplies, Mom says she will give me my present when I get home. I haven’t heard from the others. Thanks Trent,” Jane said, she hugged him. Trent smiled.
 They were bowling their second frame when they see another family set up in the lane next to them – the Griffins, Sandi, her brothers Sam and Chris and their mother, Linda.
 “What are you looking at?” Sandi said when she noticed Jane looking at her.
 “Nothing,” Jane said and bowled.
 5 minutes later, Sandi bowled and missed the pins, twice. She got angry and moodily skulked back to the seats. Linda gave her a look of disapproval. Linda then bowled and got a spair. Sam knocked down 8 pins and Chris managed to knock over 3. In the meantime the Lanes got a higher combined score than all the Griffins combined, including a strike by Trent.
 Sandi bowled again and again got a nil score. “Why can’t I, like, hit the pins!” she shouted. She kicked the ball retrieval mechanism.
 “Alexandra! Hold your temper!” Linda shouted, with a disapproving look and her hands on her hips.
 “Yes, mother!” she said, trying to calm down.
 “It’s my turn,”
 “No, it’s my turn,” Sam said.
 “It’s my turn!” Chris said.
 “It’s my turn!” Sam said.
 “It is Sam’s turn!” Linda said.
  Sandi continued to bowl poorly through the rest of that game. She even got a lower score than her 5 year old brother. She was seething with temper all the while. I heard that she had to go to anger management classes when she was 13. I suspect that is one reason why she has a hold over Quinn and the other two, she doesn’t like losing control.
  End of flashback
  “Interesting,” Tom said, “I hope she hasn’t overheard,” he continued.
 “I don’t think so,” Jane said. Indeed, Sandi was focusing on her genie-magic enhanced bowling...
 “And the point is?” Tom asked, referring to Jane’s earlier comment that Sandi’s bowling was ‘suspiciously good.’
 “There have been rumours of magic occurring at school today,” Jane said.
 “Really? Is that all?” Tom asked.
 “No, Daria and I overheard Quinn and her trio of admirers talking about a classroom filled with water. Daria made a comment to Quinn about it, and Quinn retorted that it was true, and the three admirers backed her up on it.
 “A classroom filled with water?” Tom asked dubiously.
 “One of the admirers, I think it was the one whose name Quinn constantly forgets, said that it just appeared,” Jane said.
 “Really?” Tom asked, even more dubiously.
 “And then there is the extra floor on one of the school buildings. Ms Li would never be able to hide that, no matter how paranoid she is!” Jane said.
 “An extra floor on a school building? I suppose that could be proof of magic. So you are saying that Sandi is involved and is somehow enhancing her bowling using this magic?” Tom asked.
 “Exactly,” Jane said.
 “Any more rumours?” Tom asked. Jane shrugged and bowled her turn, which had been held up whilst she and Tom had been discussing. She then told Tom about the Genie rumours she had heard. They continued talking through their game.
  After she had finished bowling Sandi went home and hid the emerald in her room. She stayed there doing her homework until her mother came knocking on the door demanding that she come down for dinner.
  Quinn Morgendorffer arrived home at 7:30, having spent the afternoon talking to Stacy, Tiffany, Jeffy, Joey and her other admirer about Sandi and the genie. Their discussions had been inconclusive. ‘One thing is for certain, things are never going to be the same again,’ she thought as she opened her door.
Jake, her father, was watching the television and going on yet another rant about his childhood, whilst her mother, Helen, was on the phone talking to her boss. Slightly depressing Classical music was filtering down the stairs from Daria’s room. She closed the door and smiled. ‘At least things are still normal here,’ she thought.
 “Daddy! Your Heart!” she said as she went to her father. His rant was getting serious...
 “Hi, Quinn!” he said.
  One of the squirrels assigned to the Varmittan Glen Oaks Post saw Quinn enter the living room from his vantage point next to the sliding door. He then went to inform Captain Jaywi that all of the Morgendorffers were home.
 “Captain, the entire family are home,” he said, once in the oak tree.
 “Good, you and Yogez go down and watch near the kitchen door and listen for information about the Non-Normative Event whilst they have their ‘dinner’,” Captain Jaywi said.
 “Yes, Captain!”
  10 minutes later, the Morgendorffers were sitting around the table for their usual dinner, micro-waved lasagne.
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