#Miss Kai and Sehun
zerobaseone · 5 months
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I feel like a fool ❣
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i-kent-belib · 10 months
I miss them so much 😭
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baconnotbaekhyun · 2 years
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e9g7videos · 2 months
Sehun and Kai
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aerisosweet · 2 years
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it's so early in the morning *checks wrist for time*
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hanguangjunlanzhan · 2 years
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CHEN FM ♬엑뭉치 음감회♬ Pt. 1
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girlidunno · 2 years
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moonlight-hwa · 1 month
Y’all I think I’m going through something…I miss exo so much, I need my boys back and asap
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nebularart · 1 year
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heartcravings · 2 years
universe by exo — just a long rambling
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universe is an extremely beautiful and aesthetically pleasing mv, in an all beige and brown palette, showing us the exo members both in solo shots and all together in a cafe-like room with loads of coffee!!
below i go a little in depth in my own interpretation of the mv, lyrics and supporting myself with [what a shocker!] science!! so grab your ☕️ and let's go ^^
first let's get the science part out of the way:
. colour palette: cosmic latte — cosmic latte is actually the average colour of the universe as seen from the earth through very potent telescopes [1]. it's sort of a warm beige, almost white, and this is also the colour exo chose for the exo-l fandom. it was very smart of exo, since their concept is "guardian aliens from exoplanet", to chose a colour for their fandom based on the actual scientific colour of the universe. since they are "searching the universe" in this song, they kept it all within the same colour palette. #aesthetickings
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. "the universe in a cup of coffee" — several researchers have used the cup of coffee (essential in any lab, research facility, university or conference ^^) as a good example to study almost all physical phenomena as well as chemical reactions necessary to describe the universe we live in. the science is the same, wether you are talking about galaxy vortexes or a coffee-milk swirl [2]. neat isn't it? ^^ *warning* skip this paragraph if you only want to know more about exo's universe theory & not the science within a cup of coffee xD a few of the different processes we can study in a single cup of coffee include: 1) the roasting of coffee beans, which occurs through several chemical reactions, contributing with thousands of different types of molecules that give it the characteristic flavour and aroma; 2) the vapour from a hot cup of coffee, from which one can study fluid dynamics, and in particular brownian movement, which is the random movement of particles in a fluid and one of einstein's most note worthy theories. the fact that you can describe the movement of the steam with brownian movement means the steam and the air are made of tiny particles, the atoms. which as we all know are the building blocks of the universe. 3) the mixing of cold milk with hot coffee, which creates those pretty patterns of up moving milk and down moving coffee, is again a good example of fluid dynamics and convection, where the diffusion of two fluids with different temperatures and densities are mixing together. this is the same process that is responsible for the granulated patterns we see in the sun's surface for example. 4) even if the added milk and coffee were both at the same temperature, density and viscosity, the two would eventually mix into a single fluid at the same temperature, which is basically the second law of thermodynamics: the entropy (or disorder) is always increasing. the coffee and milk go from two ordered states into a more disordered/chaotic state, the latte! this is also what is occurring in our universe: after the big bang, as time went by, the universe expanded which lead to it's temperature to get lower. so what once was a very ordered state where all particles and forces were the same, as the temperature dropped it went through symmetry breaks that lead to different particles and forces. eventually that resulted in atoms and molecules and stars and galaxies and us!! *end of the science in a cup of coffee* now for the fun part — exo's universe mv theory:
. in the mv for exo's 'universe' there's a frame where there is just coffee and the tiny bubbles that form on the surface. now tell me they don't resemble the images of stars and galaxies in our night sky?
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almost negative images of each other, right? i don't know for sure, of course, but to me this mv is not about coffee: coffee here is the wholeness of everything, it's the universe itself.
. when they show us the members alone they usually are associated with one of the elements necessary to make a coffee: sehun is always shown with a dark almost black background which i associate with the rich deepness of a black coffee. junmyeon is shown with a white sheet flowing around his feet, almost like he is in the milk or is the milk? then they show kyungsoo with fog around him like the steam of a hot coffee? and there's baekhyun alone in a beige floor, and later also jongin, which can be kind of a hint to the cosmic latte that will result from mixing milk and coffee, no?
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. there's also images of coffee and milk being blended together, which basically will give the warm beige tone of cosmic latte.
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the whole process of making a cup coffee, from the bean grounding to the mixing of milk, sugar or foam in the dark coffee is also shown with all the members involved in one step or the other.
. i think the exos are part of the universe and are apart from this "you" they are searching for in the universe. from the lyrics (the english translation i followed is [here]), i think searching for "you" can mean they are separated from each other and/or from someone else that they are searching for. (exo-ls perhaps??)
. the lyrics basically say that they are flawed individuals and that they recognise they hurt this "you" they are searching for. i think the knots, and the ropes represent that: they are tied up, mangled and can't figure out how to move, how to untie themselves from those dark parts of themselves or those mistakes they made. there's a certain chaos associated with the mangled knots, the pile of chairs, the yellow thread sehun is trying to untie, the scribbles jongdae is doing, the messy jumbled lines on the painting on the wall, the ropes holding jongin down! the exos are always shown alone in these moments, mostly tense and kind of stuck in that physical or metaphysical state.
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. there's also black and white moments: an empty exo coffee cup; a pile of ropes; a closing knot on a rope; falling coffee beans; chanyeol taking his sweater off; the jongdae, baekhyun, jongin pile. these are also mostly stuck in place kind of moments, there's a tense energy to them, almost void of hope.
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. from the lyrics again, they have happy memories together with this "you" they search, which they cherish and they won't let go of, and those are what they use as fuel to continue searching the whole universe for this "you".
. the mv shows us jongin running and then surrounded by coffee cups, which (besides the irony of him hating coffee xD) is almost like he is tired of searching all these different universes (aka coffees) for this "you" he can't find! at some point the exo's are shown all together but they are stressed, sad and frustrated. they try to make different coffee combinations, with and without milk, sugar, foam, etc... all these coffees/universes, and they can't find what they were searching for!
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. eventually they start to recognise everything is tied together: << laughter and tears, scars and healing / questions and answers are all inside of you / you own my world, you're my small universe >>. they show this with those lovely images of them holding hands like they are tied together; baekhyun, jongin and jongdae all leaning on each other; them sharing a coffee and being happy together.
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. eventually the tone of the music changes, someone mixed the right amount of milk in the coffee, found the right universe. the song finishes with << i'll search the universe / until I can find you again / i won't even let the smallest memories go / the memories engraved in the seasons / will come back at last, so I will find you / because that is love / because it's love >> which ties beautifully with exo's official slogan "we are one, exo, let's love!" this is the cosmic latte that is the answer to finding this "you" they keep searching for. they know the answer now, the ropes/threads and even the line on the art piece are untied and the exo's are shown together looking at us at last <3
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before i finish this overly long post about coffee, exo and the universe, let me just point that i found it very cute that minseok is the one actually making the coffee for them with the coffee machine! ^^
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candescentkpop · 1 year
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It's the love shot
EXO: Love Shot
Exo Part 24 / ∞
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littleprincehyun · 2 years
EXO The First Snow Stage ❄️
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sundaifm · 1 year
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I missed them
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skybluelatte · 1 year
EXO - Let Me In
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army-in-the-stars · 1 year
엑소(EXO)의 킬링보이스를 라이브로! - 으르렁, MAMA, 나비소녀, Cream Soda, Sing For You, 전야, 중독, Monster, 첫 눈, Power |딩고뮤직
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proudahgase-exol · 1 year
Y’all just watch this masterpiece and I cry I miss my boys 😭🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
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