#Mister Manticore
xanderwithanx · 2 years
The Monuments Mythos is a surreal after-image of American mythology. It puts a mirror to America's subconscious storytelling. I don't think twisting your mind in knots for lore is the point. But, wow, is it fun.
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darckap27 · 2 years
There is no house in the ocean.
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finkisun · 2 years
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dawnleaf37 · 2 years
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shattered-sparks · 2 years
A monument Mythos doodle cause showing a friend the series
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kh3finalmix · 2 years
- icon has been changed to a picture of mister manticore and the title on the channel is now just MISTER MANTICORE
- a playlist titled "there is no house in the ocean" has been made, and the only video in it is the "did you really think alex survived both times?" video
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smallvillecrows · 2 years
Monument Mythos is SO GOOD 😤
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acornmoment · 2 years
>I can help you reach Grelok, man, but I need the Dawnlight Locket and the tome of the Duskborn to work my mojo. You'll find them up North, but Manticore's Bridge is up, so maybe check out the Docks?
Please don't mention manticores.
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nefkyo · 2 years
I've recently gone back to my "Binge Analog Horror Until I Lose Track Of Reality" roots, so here's my thoughts about every single series I've seen that I can remember. Which could either mean I'm forgetting some or I've repressed them.
Marble Hornets = The classic of classics. If you've been on the internet in the 2010s, you'll immediately know what you're looking at.
Local58 = Sugar pills to prep you for bigger feasts. The videos are short but so captivating.
MISTER MANTICORE = 1-2-7-3, life is NOT marching on in Rockefeller street. At all.
ALEXKANSAS = Really goes hand-in-hand with MISTER MANTICORE, almost a package deal. You will never look at the weird architecture photos you see on Pinterest the same way again.
this place is not happy = If you get recommended videos of dead animals still moving after this, run.
The Volgun = You do not recognize the bodies in the water. You do not recognize the bodies in the water. You do not
The Walten Files = Modern classic, colorful and twisted. Also the character designs remind me of Raggedy Ann, so that's an extra point.
The Mandela Catalogues = After this you'll either need a change of trousers or to visit your local church. Both are a terrible idea.
Petscop = It's like watching your older siblings play the Wii when it's been your turn for over an hour, except you don't want to play anymore.
Darian Quillnoy / Vita Carnis = Creating a world where you can mix the uncanny into general common knowledge is a skill in writing that I really look up to. Also I want a pet Trimming.
vintage eight = The sheer amount of commitment to the genre and amount of work is worth the night terrDRINK THE WATER! A MESSAGE FROM YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT!
gemini entertainment = If you put this on late night cable, the chances local kids will stay up watching again will lower EXPONENTIALLY!
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shythalia · 2 years
I've recently gotten into the Monument Mythos made by Alex Casanas, a.k.a. ALEXKANSAS, and look what YouTube recommended to me. lmao
June edit: His channel's name is MISTER MANTICORE now.
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The comments do not disappoint. This is great. 😂
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And then this got recommended to me. Unfortunately, I didn't see any comments about the LibertyLurkers. lol
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freedomfaller · 2 years
I don’t have access to my computer currently so I can’t copy paste it like I’d prefer to, but the MISTER MANTICORE channel has uploaded a community post about THITO’s deletion. I’d recommend reading it yourself to get the clearest picture, but the gist of what he said about the intent of that series was that it was meant to tie some of his older works together to a separate universe from the Monument Mythos to cut down on confusion
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rikalovesrice · 3 years
A ficlet inspired by this thread on Twitter, some “Douxie During Trollhunters” stuff I was working on a while back, and my love for Douxie and Jim being best bros UwU
@aaronwaltke and @biancasiercke if you guys ever wanna give this a read (Absolutely zero pressure! Just sharing💙)
Also a big thank you to my good friend @nikibogwater for proofreading for me! ^_^
Please enjoy!
~ ~ ~
Douxie still remembered the day a seven-year-old Jim Lake Jr. came through the door to Benoit’s, tugging his mom in after him by her hand. His big toothy smile when he exclaimed that it was his mom’s birthday and that he was paying for all of it, even the drinks.
“Are you now?” Douxie asked, handing the pair of them menus. They’d chosen a two-top right next to the windows, the backdrop of Arcadia under a soft orange sunset in full view. 
“I helped mom clean,” Jim said. “Like a lot. So I have lots of money.” He crossed his arms, throwing his mom, Barbara Lake, a cheeky grin. His black hair was on the long side and messy, sticking up and flopping in various places including over one of his eyes, though it did virtually nothing to hide his pride and excitement.
“Can you believe he wanted to spend his whole allowance on me?” Barbara said.
“Uh yeah! You’re the best mom ever!” Jim leaned towards Douxie, feigning a whisper. “She’s the best mom ever.”
Douxie chuckled. “I’m sure. And it looks like she’s got a great son to match.” Jim beamed, though a hint of shyness bloomed on his face.
“I’m sorry, what’s your name?” Barbara asked.
“Oh, quite alright. You can call me Douxie. I’ll be your server tonight.”
“Well thank you, Douxie.”
“Mom, can I get a milkshake?”
“Why are you asking me, little man? You’re the one paying.”
“Oh yeah.”
One shared entree of well done steak, a milkshake, and two free slices of cake (accompanied by Douxie’s acoustic guitar and a birthday song) later, Jim caught Douxie by the hem of his jacket after he’d set their receipt down. 
“Wait, Mister Douxie I uh…” Jim dug deep into his pockets, rummaging with a look of determination.
Douxie smiled, kneeling down beside him. “What is it, little man?”
“Um, wait, wait I need to...Oh!” Jim smiled big as he pulled a single coin out of his pocket. He held it straight out to Douxie, his eyes seeming to sparkle. “This is for you! Mom said that you should always tip people.”
Jim placed the coin in the center of Douxie’s palm. It was a nickel, a small bit of rust darkening ol’ Tommy’s profile. Douxie glanced over at Barbara, who was gazing at her son with an expression nothing short of pure endearment, glowing with pride. Douxie closed his fingers over the nickel and held it to his chest.
“A fine tip, indeed,” he said with a soft smile. “Thank you very much, Jim.”
Jim beamed. Then he was springing out of his chair, giggling as he gave Douxie a hug. How long had it been since he’d been smothered by someone who wasn’t Archie? Maybe long enough, because Douxie’s brain stopped working at the gesture, as did his arms. It registered more with every second that passed, the feeling of Jim’s small arms wrapped around him and his head on Douxie’s shoulder. Even without seeing his face, Douxie somehow knew Jim was smiling into his jacket. Something welled up in his heart, warm and touched. Douxie hugged Jim back, one hand on his back and the other gently holding his head.
“You’re awesome Mister Douxie!” Jim said as he pulled back, his hands still on Douxie’s shoulders. “Mom was really happy.”
“Hey now, I’m not the one who bought her dinner tonight.” Douxie ruffled Jim’s hair.
“Alright, Jim, Mister Douxie has to go back to work,” Barbara said softly. Jim’s expression fell and he began to wring his hands.
“No worries.” Douxie gave Jim’s shoulder a squeeze, tilting his head to look Jim in the eyes. “Chin up, buddy.  Next time you come in, I’ll still be here.”
Jim beamed. “Cool!”
“Go on, then.”
Jim hopped to his mother’s side, taking her hand. When he was distracted by one of Douxie’s co-workers wrestling with a malfunctioning blender, Barbara reached into her purse and pulled out a bill. She slipped it into Douxie’s hand, silently mouthing a thank you. Then the pair were off, stepping back out onto the streets of Arcadia under a pleasant evening. 
Douxie unrolled the bill.
Twenty dollars.
His eyes shot to the window in disbelief, catching Jim giving him one last wave goodbye. A deep breath turned into soft chuckling. Douxie waved back.
See you, little buddy.
~ ~ ~
The morning Archie reported Kanjigar’s death, they’d booked it to the canal. The last thing they wanted was for the Amulet of Daylight to wind up in the museum or in some kid’s backpack. Douxie would pick it up and then head right back to Arcane Books. So a brisk ten minute walk later, they were peering down the deep slope of the canal and spotted what must have been the remains of the Trollhunter. A heap of broken stone, just out of reach of the shadow of the bridge. Douxie closed his eyes, taking a moment to honor the fallen Protector of Trolls and Man. Wondering if, somehow, Merlin was doing the same.
“Alright Arch, let’s go — “ Before they could take another step, what looked like a boy on a bicycle suddenly launched over the other side of the canal, suspended in the air before diving back down and landing on his wheels. The boy skid to a halt and turned to holler behind him, up from where he’d come.
“Jim?” Douxie whispered, recognizing that head of black hair and those skinny legs. “A bit late for school, isn’t he?” Then Douxie felt a pinch of panic seize him. He prayed the kid would stay away from that odd pile of rocks.
“Come on Tobes!” Jim hollered.
And not a second later…
A deep, echoing voice rumbled out into the atmosphere, buzzing in Douxie’s ears. Shock and disbelief struck Douxie like a manticore’s tail. He and Archie shared a look. The panic spiked.
Douxie watched, his heart beginning to pound harder and harder, as Jim faced the stone rubble, slowly removing his helmet. Another familiar face, Toby Domzalski, came struggling down the canal, falling onto his face as Jim passed under the bridge and approached what was left of Kanjigar.
“Do you think he heard the voice?” Archie said.
“No...It can’t be…He’s not…” It couldn’t be. Jim wasn’t a troll. Jim wasn’t a troll. And yet —
James Lake.
The voice rang out again. Jim yelled and fell backwards in surprise. 
“That pile of rocks knows my name!” Jim exclaimed, scrambling closer on his hands and knees. Douxie stared, mind still suspended in shock but gut starting to sink with dread as Jim dug around the rubble, eventually unearthing the Amulet of Daylight, its distinct soft blue glow ever hard to miss. 
Everything in Douxie wanted him to somehow swipe it from Jim’s hands. 
Because not him. 
Not Jim.
But Douxie also knew better. 
“What should we do, Douxie?” Archie asked. They ducked behind a tree when Toby started shouting for someone to reveal themselves. Made sense he would think it was a trick. Only magical beings or the chosen could hear the Amulet.
Only magical beings.... Or so Douxie had thought. Jim slipping the Amulet into his bag was a nail in the coffin.
“Well...we can’t take it now,” he said, eyes still trained on the boys. “The Amulet... seems to have made its choice….”
In the distance, the school bell of Arcadia Oaks rang out. Jim and Toby hurried back to their bikes, quickly mounting and taking off. When they were long gone, Douxie stepped out from behind the tree without a word, sliding down the canal and standing over the pile of stones. He stared off in the direction the boys had left, his mind reeling like nothing else, trying to comprehend what he’d seen and what it meant. 
Why it had to be Jim.
Archie joined him, climbing up on and inspecting the rubble.
“I know...the Amulet doesn’t make mistakes,” Douxie said quietly. “But...a human Trollhunter? And he’s only a child…” His voice quivered, pangs of worry and dread striking his heart.
“It’s...certainly a first,” Archie said, leaning a paw on Douxie’s leg. “I’m not sure what to make of this myself.” There was a long beat of silence before Archie spoke again. “What do you want to do, Douxie?”
What could they do? Was there anything to be done now? That and there wasn’t anyone he could discuss this with, at least who would know more.
If only you were here, Master… Douxie thought, one hand balling into a fist. He stewed in his thoughts for a moment longer before scooping Archie up onto his shoulders and heading back up the slopes of the canal.
“Douxie?” Archie said.
“We’ll keep doing what we’ve always done,” Douxie said. “Watch...and protect.” He didn’t have any answers. But it was done. The new Trollhunter had been chosen. 
Something stirred in Douxie’s chest, growing stronger as he remembered the smiling face of a seven-year-old boy who’d tipped him a nickel. Stronger still because Douxie knew. He knew what it was like to be so young and have so much, far too much, thrust upon him. Having his hand and the growth of his strength forced. The secrets that had to be kept, even from the ones he loved most, for their own safety. Pain he hadn’t known was coming. 
The loss. 
The loneliness.
The weight of the world.
When Douxie retired to his cot that night, he approached the small shine of silver on his nightstand. No, he didn’t have a clue what any of this meant. But what Douxie did know was that he’d be Jim’s greatest ally.  
He picked up the nickel and held it tight, a promise burning deep within him.
I’ll protect you.
~ ~ ~
Author’s Notes :
So I imagine that Jim and his mother ended up not frequenting the diner as much since Barbara was always so swamped and Jim was learning how to cook more at home. So Jim eventually just forgot about his first meeting with Douxie. But Douxie of course still continued to look out for him as best as he could. And I believe this is why Douxie saw Jim as family, even though he seemed to have only known him for a short time. In reality, though, Douxie always loved the kid💙
God bless and thank you all so much for reading!💙
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robotclownery · 2 years
Alexkansas' Mister manticore's last update on the house in the ocean... ; .;
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luminary-gremlin · 3 years
Wilford’s Escape Room
After a few months of planning and building, the escape rooms were ready for action. Host and Google wanted to keep this project a secret until they were done, even from their loved ones. Some days were incredibly hard especially the further away they got into the project, their loved ones worried with how often they’d come to their bedroom exhausted. Well, Host exhausted from using a ton of magic, Google borderline 1% battery at times. Eventually Host had to explain to his love ones that he and Google were working on a project but it was essential to keep it a secret and assured them he’s just tired from putting time into it and that he wanted it to be perfect.
           Now, though, the rooms were done and Host and Google were trying to find out who would be the perfect candidate to try out their escape rooms. They both really wanted their lovers to try it out. However, they were going to need someone for the others to see, someone to bring word out to the ego public. A charismatic gentleman of sorts. They both lit up when they realized the perfect ego to do the job.
           “Goooood evening ladies and gentlemen and all configurations of being, my name is Wilford Warfstache and today I am here in an escape room oooo~!” He wiggled his fingers at his handheld camera with a grin before looking around the room.
           The room was glitzy like one of his sets where he interviews his guests. Google had made sure to search him for any and every weapon, not wanting anything to ruin their hard work. Wilford was informed about his time limit and was told to have fun and so there he was, livestreaming in front of all the egos who watched eagerly.
           Wilford decided to walk over to an interesting pair of feathers at his feet and sat down, the sign beside it read “Don’t move a muscle for 3 minutes”. Wilford smirked and looked at the camera.
           “Well, looks like there seems to be some playful games. You know I talked about some ideas with Bimmy boy about adding some tickly challengEHEHEHEH!!!”
           A feather swept over his toes, causing the man to pull away out of instinct. A sound played as a gloved hand grabbed his ankle and held it up and a soft scrub brushed appeared and scrubbed itself on Wilford’s bare sole.
           Wilford tried his best to get the camera on his foot, but he was shaking with laughter from the sudden increase in intensity. Host and Google snickered to themselves as the showman squirmed and flailed.
           “The Host can see how Google fell in love with the bombastic man, he surely is entertaining.”
           “Told you he was the perfect candidate for getting the word out.”
           Soon enough the gloved hand let him go and set Wilf aside for when he was ready again. Wilford panted and caught his breath, fanning himself.
           “A-ah, I see. So with some challenges are timed, so you have to use your time very wisely. Remember, you only get 1 hour in this, and I have 45 minutes left!”
           “Told you we should have poked him while he went on rambling through his intro and waited for all the egos to join in.”
           “Oh hush you, like you’re any better mister ‘I’m going to take my time in the tickle tunnel’.”
           Wilford decided to come back to the “don’t move” challenge at a later point and found a bar above his head. He reached up and hung from it, only his toes touching the soft fuzzy ground. A small door slowly began to rise little by little. Soon a pair of glove hands hung from the bar and went to town squeezing Wilford’s side.
           Wilford cackled and dropped his arms, causing the door to drop. Wilford chuckled awkwardly and looked at the camera, “Ihihi guess I might be in here for a while. These escape rooms are no joke, but it’s really fun!”
           Wilford then spent the hour trying both challenges, each time getting a little bit closer to the goal. Finally, Wilford managed to grab the box behind the door of the bar challenge which revealed a key and after mastering the other challenge revealed a riddle. Just as Wilford was about to read it out loud, a loud roar pierced the walls of the chamber and a door opened up, revealing a pink manticore, except its tail was fluffy on the end.
           The manticore pounced on Wilford eagerly, using its catlike tongue to move his shirt up and lick his belly like tickly sandpaper, its mane tracing over his hips and thighs while his feet fell victim to its tickly tail.
           Wilford dropped his camera and laughed heartfully as if the manticore was some sort of pet. The egos watching commented coos and thoughts about the room, theorizing what awaits for them. Once Wilford was cleaned up, the manticore cuddled up with him lovingly and Host picked up the camera.
           “We all are just dying to hear your reactions about our little project. Perhaps Wilford will have a better time getting a hang of it after his break. After all, there were still so many challenges left and we spent so much time on all these rooms~”
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xyuniconnijix · 3 years
A folk troll named Alexander
"Soon send away into the shadow realm, was nevee been seen away"
"That make no sense" we encounter a troll reading a book, with a chocolate brown fur color and mint hair, this member of the folk tribe who spend hours on the library, Alexander the younger brother of the captian Gaby, who was reading a book about the leyend of the curse of the forest, a growing darkness under the name of a troll named "noctury" but there was just many mistakes out of the book and many missing pieces.
"Bollito let's go" he call his pachong, his trusty companion for searching info "i need to get the book i left on home" he walk as his little chubby companion walk on his side
"Hey book rat!" Mother tree why, the little folk think as he turn to see on of the strongest member of the guard "did you finally get over those stupid books?"
"Umm, they not stupid, we must learn history to learn from the past and prevent tragic events to happen again" alexander answer as some of the folk tilt their heads
"...you know, it came to no use.. cause"
"We don't talk the same lenguaje" Alexander cut him "yeah that's pretty clear as you and me don't even think the same as all of you just think in fight and fight and...Oh! Fight" he said as he walk of a but fatser to avoid a fight.
After all, it was out of the average for a folk troll to read that much as alexander, the folk tribe were warriors, the best warrior of the farlands, overall his sister, who was the strongest and on his eyes more clever folk trolls of the tribe, nothing better for commanding the tribe.
Then he was..the young brother of the captian, Alexander never shine for anything among his tribe, he was more of the outcast, even when his fathers told him that he was especial his own way, that was not for the other folks, who always felt sorrow for hamilton that his little boy was a weaklyn, afterall Alexander was not stront, was not a fighter and never learn to use a weapon properly.
"Why is soo wrong to me to like books?" He ask to his companyon "it's cause i am not bulky like gaby?..should i make more excersie???.. but i will got no time to read then.." Bollito held his owner hand making him look at him, with out word Alexander give a smiled "you right , i won't change who i am, let's go! Daddy must be on home right now"
After getting the book and eat a little snack with his father, the little folk troll give a little walk around town, he saw at both griffin and folk living a normal life, as most were getting their day duties by Gaby, Alexander smiled and run hugging his sister.
"Well look at that! It's my little book worm out for a walk" gaby said a she scoop his little brother face on her hands laughting
"Hi gaby!" The little folk laught at getting his face squish "what you doing?"
"Nah, just organizing thus group of idiots" both siblings let out a laught "and you? What you doing little guy?"
"I found a new history about a guy named noctury, apprenetly he is related what happen to the Queen Sereday and our ancestor, as well as he coud be the one who make the darkness apperead and the shadow magic" he stop and lool at his sister "i am boring you?.."
The older folf troll laught and tell his brother to go on, aside his fathers Gaby was one of the only person who listen to him everytime she was free, as you know, guard captian, Tribe alpha, she not always has free time but always make sure to listen to his little bro and his passion over books, they talk for a couple of minutes more until Gaby was call for an inccident between to folk soo she got to leave, Alexandef smiled and continue walking to the library.
He sit down as bollito curl up on the little bed alexander brought to him, as the folk sit down to cheek on the book pages that were a little damage, well no problem for him who activites his magic trait to start fixing the pages, but he actually never cheek the library with his magic, why not? He look around and notice a book who was glowing, curiosity peerk over his ears and get close to pull the book openning a whole new secret room, the eyes of the little folk glow with all the joy of the world as he enter and found book he has never seen before, just wait until who tell everyone his discovery.
He walk over to found a book with black pages, he cheek on but for some reason reading the book make him feel sick, like a heavy force on his chest soo quickly put the book down caching his breath "i should take this book to mister posseidon.." he said as he lool around the rest of shelter and take another book, opening his eyes wide when he see what the book was about.
"And then, we his blood free him from the realm, a new age of darkness and missery will be brought to the land!" He finish as all the people who was listening run away screaming "uh..but" Zeta burst out of laughter as Alexander looks confused
"Now that's an horro story al!" He said laughing "good one"
"No, this is not a horror story it's true!" Zeta raised an eyebrow on doubt
"Like  the bergens?" Zeta ask looking him
"They are real, we never see them cause of magic core is toxic for them to eat" alexander answer "but this is different, don't you see? This is a real treat! There's lots of proof!"
"Yeah alex, i don't thing that a legend like that exist" zeta said picking up his blade
"You will believe if you read more books" alex said holding the book close to him
"You should read less books" with said words the folk put his ears down and look away "look alex, i love you, you are one of my best friends, but..you spend all day on the library..maybe you should, put the boons down and have fun, hey Lindsey and me will go to a party on manticore canyon, wanna come?"
"No, i, i have to give boliito dinner, and...yeah" Zeta put his fears down as he gets closer
"Hey, al i am sorry i didn't mean to-" alex cut him
"It's oke Z, i already forgive you, okey?" The folk said with a smiled as he walk with the books on his hand and look to the sun going down "...i will make them believe..oneway or another!"
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kh3finalmix · 2 years
actually today's mm video was weirder than some of the others, at least by mm standards. still a scathing review of american militarism and foreign policy though. alex you've done it again
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