#Mithos: i've known luke for 5 minutes and if anything happens to him i'll kill everyone in this room
somacruising · 2 years
Tales of the Rays: Advent of Yggdrasil (English Translation)
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This is my attempt at translating one of the Tales of the Rays events so that more people can enjoy it. Though, I do have to admit that I do not speak Japanese and relied on multiple machine translations to do this. 
I have a document on Google Drive with all the Japanese script written out, too. If anyone wants to take a look at that and correct smth, go ahead and message me :>
Despite the fancy name, this event is primary about Luke and Mithos going on a sight-seeing road trip lmao. Screenshots to accompany the script are taken from TimeFactor on YouTube.
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Martel: Hmm, I'm in trouble...
    [ Luke and Tear enter ]
Luke: Hmm? Isn't that Mithos and Martel? What are you guys doing?
Martel: Oh. Luke and Tear. Hello. Hehe, it’s nice to see you two coming here together.
Tear: Wh-what? Martel, you’ve misunderstood...
Luke: Y-yeah! We both got hungry at the same time by chance! Besides, didn’t the two of you come to eat, too?
Martel: No... I was just talking to Mithos about Yuan.
Luke: Yuan? Is something going on with him?
Martel: No, nothing’s happened with Yuan himself. Yuan and I were talking about going out somewhere together.
Martel: But, when I asked everyone at the hideout for recommendations, I ended up with a lot of suggestions. I couldn't narrow it down to just one because they all sounded beautiful.
Mithos: So my sister came to consult me about it. I'm saying that Yuan should go wherever she wants to go.
Martel: That would take us all over Tir Na Nog.  But, Yuan and I can’t be away for such a long time...
Mithos: Sister, I’ll go out and check everything for you. Use that as a reference to decide.
Mithos: It won't take long if I just look around a little bit, and Yuan won't complain if it's a place you’ve chosen, right?
Martel: I'm happy you would do that, but I'm worried about you going out alone. It's a big deal if monsters appear on the road or if you get lost, right? At the very least, it would be nice if someone was with you...
Mithos: I’m not a child, so don't worry. But sure... Genis is out, so I have to think of someone else...
Mithos: All right. Well then, Luke, can you come with me?
Luke: Huh, me!?
Mithos: It's not like you have something to do after this, right? So, can you hang out with me for a little while?
Luke: Well, I don't mind, but...  Fine, then Tear, let's go with him!
Tear: Yes. If Luke is going—
Mithos: ……….
Tear: —No, I should stay behind. If the number of people in a group increases too much, it will be difficult to act. So, why not just you two go this time?
Luke: …Okay. Well, if that’s what she thinks, I shouldn’t force her...
Mithos: Absolutely. Well then, I'll go get ready.
Luke: What, hey—wait!  Damn... I thought I’d at least get to eat some rice. Guess it can't be helped. Well, Tear, I'm going too.
Tear: All right, be careful.
   [ Luke and Mithos leave ]
Martel: I'm sorry, Tear. You turned Luke’s invitation down because you thought Mithos didn’t approve of you going, right?
Tear: Please, don't worry about it. I understand that Mithos hates the human race. But even so, he makes a lot of concessions for us.
Martel: Thank you, Tear. It’s not that Mithos hates the people here, though. I suppose that he’s still afraid to open up.
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Luke: Heehehehe! This is the place I’d pick!
Mithos: It’s a bad idea to make a statue of a living person... but this is pretty bad in a different way.
Luke: Eh!? But Lloyd and the others also have statues.
Mithos: That sucks too. Except for Raine’s.  ……I mean, you don't think Jade deserves one, right?
Luke: I doubt Jade would ever cover for me. He's a real piece of work. But, that's part of what makes Jade such a great friend.
Mithos: Hmm….
Luke: Anyway, this is what Daath looks like. Think we should move on to the next place soon?
Mithos: No, I want to observe things a little longer. Luke, go talk to the townspeople.
Luke: About what? Imperial soldiers rarely come around here. Didn’t you already know that?
Mithos: I’ve thoroughly read the documents from Karol’s Research Division.
Mithos: No, what I want to know is if there’s any trouble in the city. Even if it's something trivial, I have to check it.
Luke: Why are you so worried? Well, it’d be dangerous if a monster appeared, but Martel and Yuan aren't worried about that, right?
Mithos: I'm not worried about monsters, either. But, if something happens to my sister on his watch, I will kill Yuan. I will erase him so that not even a single piece of meat remains.
Luke: …Hey, hey, that’s nasty.  Did you pick up Jade’s sense of humor?
Mithos: I’m not joking. Also, can you stop talking about that necromancer?
Mithos: It's my sister's nature...  She always sticks her nose into things, so if there’s trouble she’ll definitely find it.
Mithos: It would be nice if Yuan stopped her, but regardless of when we first met, he's now determined to do whatever my sister wants.
Luke: Uh...  I can't imagine looking at the two of them as normal. Martel knows about the hideout, so she’s avoiding Leia and Agria’s newspaper fights. (?)
Mithos: Right. I don't want a human to ruin my sister's precious time. I’ll thoroughly crush the buds of trouble at the first sight.
Luke: Well, okay. I didn’t expect you to be this good of a person.
Mithos: Are your ears broken?
Luke: It’s amazing that you're doing all this for your sister. I've never had that.
Mithos: It's natural because we're family.
Luke: Yeah. I don't have that kind of family...
Mithos: …Right. You’re a replica.
Luke: But, even so, I want to do my best for my mother, so I guess it’s just more complicated for me.
Luke: Alright then, let's do our best for Martel and Yuan!
Mithos: You’re a kind person, Luke...  Thank you. Sorry for the trouble.
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Luke: Daath, Altamira, Arena, South Island...We’ve been traveling for a while, but this forest is the last place.
Luke: I thought there’d be monsters here, but it's surprisingly quiet.
Mithos: Yes. I think my sister can relax here.
Luke: So, have the candidates been narrowed down?
Mithos: Mostly. But, in the end, I don’t know which one my sister will pick.
Luke: All right. …Hey, Mithos. Can I ask you about something I’ve been wondering?
Mithos: What?
Luke: Why did you ask me to come with you? Even if I was the first person you saw, you would have been fine with someone else, right?
Luke: Besides, you could have convinced Martel to let you come without someone in the first place...
Mithos: Yes, I’m sure I could have persuaded her, but I'm sure she'd worry about me anyway, so I just thought it would be easier to go with an honest idiot.
Luke: If you wanted an honest idiot, you could have asked Lloyd.
Mithos: He's just stupid. He's not as honest as you think he is.
Luke: Even if that’s true, he’s still a good guy.
Mithos: You sound like Genis...
Luke: It can't be helped. I’m an “honest idiot". But I think you’re a nice guy, too.
Mithos: Me? You sure say some funny things. You know what I did in my original world.
Luke: I do. But, I'm responsible for some truly terrible things too...
Luke: Ah, it's not like I'm trying to ignore what I did in my old world. I’m trying to look at both the bad and the good...
 Mithos: …I see. Putting Lloyd's evaluation aside, I can accept your words. Thank you.
Luke: I actually want to thank you too. People… don’t usually rely on me for things, so being asked to come with you today made me a little happy.
Mithos: …Luke, let me give you some advice. If you stay this honest, bad people may try to use you someday.
Luke: Uh, yeah. You have a record for that so I should be careful around you.
Mithos: Fufu……. Well, Luke, if anyone from this world takes advantage of you, I’ll take care of them.
Luke: Seriously!? Then Jade’ll be the first to go. All right!
Luke: Hey, Mithos. If you ever need help again like today, give me a call. Let's go somewhere together again!
Mithos: …Yes.  I'll give it some thought.
Mithos: Oh, that’s right. I owe you something for your help today, so if there's anything I can do for you, I'll lend you my strength.
Luke: Eh? I can really ask for anything?
Mithos: Well, if I can—Hey, Luke. Look over there.
Luke: !!
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Martel: Welcome back, Mithos. And thank you, Luke, for going with Mithos.
Luke: No, no. I didn't do much and it was Mithos who did his best...
Tear: Luke, what's wrong? Your face is kind of red.
Luke: Beh, nothing! Anyway, Mithos has something to give Martel.
Martel: Eh, Mithos?
Mithos: —Take this, Martel.
Martel: My! What beautiful white flowers.  It reminds me of fandalia flowers. Where did you get these?
Mithos: We found them in the woods where we last stopped. I picked a few because I thought they would look good on you.
Martel: Thank you, Mithos. I’ll cherish them. I'll put them in a vase and place it in my room right away.
Tear: If I'm not mistaken, Sophie and the others had a vase that looked good with these flowers.  I’ll ask if you can borrow it.
Luke: Oh! Tear, wait a minute!
Tear: What is it, Luke?
Luke: Oh... Um...This is for you, Tear!
Tear: What?  This flower... you picked one for me too...?
Luke: This... It looks a bit like the flowers in Tataroo Valley, doesn't it?  That's why... I brought it back with me...
Tear: Luke...!  Yes, it looks like a Selenia flower.  Thank you, I’ll take good care of it.
Martel: Good for you, Tear. And Luke... fufu, you're a kind boy, too. You wanted Tear to be happy.
Luke: N-no, ah, I said we should go home after Mithos finished picking flowers and that, I mean, since I was already waiting and it was right there...  Uhhh... um...
Luke: Right, a-anyway! Mithos! You owe me that favor, remember!?
Mithos: I remember, are you sure about using me for this?
Luke: Oh, I'm sure!
Mithos: …Sword practice, right? I don't mind, but I was taught by a strict teacher. It’s alright if I don’t hold back, right?
Luke: Yeah! I don’t mind at all!
Mithos: Then Martel, I'm going to spend a bit of time beating up Luke.
Luke: Haa!? You think you’re the only one not holding back!? Tear, I’ll see you later!
    [ Luke and Mithos depart ]
Tear: Luke... I'm glad you had fun.  At the very least, I want you to stay healthy and enjoy your time here...
Martel: Well...  I hope that Mithos will gradually regain his old smile.  Even if the world doesn't allow it, I...
Martel: Let's keep watching over them, Tear.
Tear: Yes. I made a promise to him. I promised that I would always watch over Luke.
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