#Mizu having singular desire and Akemi finding it and Teigen clinging to the only purpose he has as he loses his others and Ringo searching
erisenyo · 10 months
Having thoughts about Blue Eye Samurai and desire, like this whole entire show is about wanting. Desire is presented as a means of self-awareness and self-knowledge. Who you are is someone who wants, and turning away from your secret lusts is an act of self-deception. It's turning away from your *self* and therefore putting you at war with yourself.
But we also see desire as a tool. Your desires wielded against you, your desires the means by which others can access and gain power, your wanting opening you up to be used by the object of your want. Knowing your desires means someone knows you in ways they can use, if your desires are overpowering enough to make you so singularly focused on them.
And yet muddled desires or misdirected wanting opens one up to aimlessness, to time and effort wasted, to being a piece in the game rather than a player.
Desire is a clarifying, motivating purpose. Recognizing your true desire gives you direction and momentum and moves you from passive reactivity to action, to agency. Singular, overwhelming, crystalline desire for revenge powers Mizu through every challenge. It is the source of Mizu's strength and when it is known it is what allows Mizu's enemies to set traps, to counterplan, to escape when otherwise they'd be caught.
Feel desire. Feel it strongly and deeply and powerfully and with overwhelming force. Feel your desire in every step and breath and moment, until it's all you are, and never show it until you absolutely have to, until you can't hold it back anymore and it explodes out of you.
This show is insane.
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