#Mo Washington/reader
desswright29 · 1 year
Soldier Girl
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Warnings: (Smut 18+), Mentions of blood, Inexperience
Pairing: Mo WashingtonX Black Fem reader
word count: Baby ion know. Let it ride
A/N: Enjoy!!
I stepped out onto my porch couple hours ‘fo sundown. Going out to collect a bit mo’ wood for my oven and fire pit. I grab my axe throwing it over my shoulder, hiked up my dress and set out on my usual path, intendin’ to make quick work of me one of them dead tree’s in them woods near by. Don’t much happen ‘round these parts for me. No neighbors for miles and I grow all I need right chea on my land, only gotta make a trip to town ‘bout once a month. Built me a good size house and barn fo’ my animals, got a few chickens as well. I do damn well on my own and that’s how I likes it. 
  As I walk, gettin’ further down on my trail I noticed a horse tied to a tree a lil up yonder. As I got a bit closer, I found a man laying ‘gainst that same tree, hat covering his face, restin’ I reckon. But, I don’t take to kindly to folk trespassing on my land. So, I silently make my way cross the brush up to the restin’ fella. Fast as lightenin’ I brought my axe down to meet the side of his neck stopping short from cutting’ ‘em. Just as fast, I was met with the barrel of his Remington six-shooter. 
 “Who’s you and why is you in my woods.” I say real calm like. His other hand come up grabbing his hat placing it back on his head directly. He slowly turned his head toward me careful not to meet his neck with my blade. That’s when I got a view of his sharp jawline, perfect lips (not too full, not too thin), and the tip of his nose. Hm, look like he a handsome fella.
“I ain’t know’d nobody owned these here woods Ma’am I’s just passing through. Needed a rest thas all. I can be on my way.” That’s when he looked all the way up, I got a peak under that there hat, and I’ll be damned….
“You’s a lady!” I say. I wasn’t asking. I know a woman when I see one, and this one here  was one of the handsomest women I’d ever laid eyes on, it could take ya’ breath away. She looked at me, expression not changing. 
“Ma’am, I promise ion’t want no trouble. If you would lower ya blade, I could be on my way.”
“How ‘bout you lower dat gun first.”
“How ‘bout we do it together.”
“Fine by me.”
“A’right on three.” She say, gettin’ up real turtle like from her spot on the ground. “One.. two.. three”
We both put down our weapons and then fast brought ‘em back up. She looked at me and smirked. My stomach felt all fluttery. She put her gun down and I followed along wit my axe.
“What’chu doin’ out chea lookin’ like this gal” I say. Curious to know why she was out here masqueradin’ in men’s clothes.
“Just passin’ through ma’am. I’ll be on my way now.” I looked her up and down as she gathered her things to head out. Her clothes was covered in blood, she looked like she hadn’t rested in days. 
“Naw nie, you look like ya’ need some rest. That yo’ blood?”
“That ain’t yo’ bidness”
“Gon’ be my business if you want me to let ya’ rest here. It’s almost sundown and all this here my land. Where else ya gon’ go gal.”
She turned her head left and that’s when I saw the gash in her neck. I gasped.
“Somebody hurt you!”
“Don’t matter. They gone now” She say, mystery lying’ in her tone. Dat’ll be a story fo’ another time.
“Let me help ya.” I offer. “The sun gon go down in a few. I’s just gathering some wood so I can cook some dinner and light a fire to keep warm. My house just up yonder. You know these nights get freezing, and you look like you could use a hot meal. I got some water, apples, and some shelter for your horse too.”
She looked up into the sky and then back down at me with those eyes that was as deep as pools. Filled with stories. She nodded. 
“Well, lady I reckon I should know your name if you gon’ be my guest” I say.
“Mo. Mo Washington.” She say, with a tilt of her hat.
“Mo. I’m Y/n” I say with a nod.
“Nice to meet you Miss Y/n” She looked at me, sizing me up cautiously. 
“You ain’t gotta worry bout me lest you here to cause harm. You safe round here. Why don’t you help me gather up me some of this here wood and we can head on back.”
“Dat sound just fine Miss Y/n” Mo’ took off her jacket and threw it over her horses back, she rolls up her bloodied sleeves and takes the axe from my hands. 
“I’ll cut. You can load it on ol’ Blondie over there.” She pointed at her horse, and went to work. 
I watched her work. The veins protruding from her forearms as she gripped the axe and swung hitting the the stump she found with 
precision, easily breakin’ it down. She was strong, and I was intrigued. 
“What’s yo’ story? If you don’t mind me asking. How you end up here?” She brought the axe up and back down with a grunt, breaking the stump into another halve. I bit into my lip. My God.
“Once, I was set free, I decided to join the war. I watched them boys for awhile, and then I cut my hair bought a suit, walked on the base and picked up a uniform.” Grunt, slam. “Made enough money to get out and buy me a gold claim, so I can buy me and my people some land out this way. Ran into Tommy Walsh and his boys on the way to cash the claim, the coach crashed, ruined the claim.” Grunt, slam. “Long story short everybody dead and the good Lord saw fit to get me out alive, nie I’m tryna get far way from that place as possible.”
“You killed Tommy Walsh and his boys!?” My eyes wide as saucers. As a walked over gathering the wood she cut to stack on her horse back. She glanced over her shoulder at me. 
“Only cause I had to.” There them damn flutters again. 
“ Hm, So you’s a soldier. I ain’t never met no soldier gal befo’ “
“ We’ll I’m the only one I know of” she say walking up to me hand reachin’ out for a shake axe thrown over her shoulder. I reach and grab it, admiring how veiny and strong her hands are “So nice to meet ya.” She say, with a small smile. Our eyes met as we shook hands. The touch sent ‘lectricity through my body. Was it possible that I fancied this woman? The touch lingered a bit longer than normal. 
“Uh I-I reckon we got enough here. We should head back fo’ dark catch us.” I said letting go of her hand. She stepped back eyes still on me, she smirked a little before tying the wood to the horse and guiding Blondie towards my home as I led the way. 
The walk was silent as I walked beside her. I couldn’t help but to keep glancing’ her way. Lookin at the stride of her walk. All them cuts ‘n bruises and she still walked real smooth. This Mo smoother than any man I ever met. “You smell real pretty” I hear her soft voice break our silence. I smile. 
“I make my own soaps and butters out of some of the stuff I grow in my garden. I’ll let you choose some to wash with tonight. I know you’re dying for a good soak.”
Mo’ smiled and nodded, as we walk up to my home. I led her round back to the stables and gardens and got Blondie some apples, then led her over to the trough to tie her up so she could drink. Filling my witches pot with water to boil, I couldn’t help but feel a pair of eyes borin’ a hole into my back.
“How a lil lady like you get all dis here? You got a husband?” Mo’ say walking up on my porch with me. I scoff a bit. 
“I’m surprised a strong woman like yo’self would aks a question like that. Another woman can’t be jus’ as strong as you?”
Mo’ smiled using one side of her mouth. Tilting her head to the side a bit, her hat adding that mystery to her. It was almost seductive. 
“I ain’t said all that gal, I’m sure you plenty strong. You sho’ll stacked up to be.” A hint of what I believed to be flirtatiousness in her voice. Couldn’t be. 
Thank the Lord fo’ my chocolate skin though, cause I’d be red as a tomato from blushin’. I turn ‘round and head in the house with her following behind me. I can hear her chuckle. 
“To answer yo’ question Soldier gal, I built all this here m’self. I sell my soaps and things, milk from my cow, vegetables from my garden, and I do a bit of sewin’, to pay for supplies, and I do pretty damn good.”
“You out here all by yo’ lonesome?” Her eyebrow raised. 
“Yup, I do a good job handlin’ m’self too” 
Mo laughed, I knew then I’d do anything to hear that sound come from her again. 
“Yea, I got a piece of that when you had yo’ axe up ‘gainst my neck.”
I raised a confident brow and headed to the kitchen. 
“Got yo’self a nice place here Miss”
“Thank ya’ very much.” I smile big with pride. We should get you cleaned up fo’ dinner. Come on here, I’ll show you to the Wash room. First let me let you pick something to wash with. And get you some clean clothes.” I take her to my room pullin’ out my collection of soaps, oils, and butters.
“Whatever you wanna use just take it”
“You say you sell these?”
“How much?”
“Don’t worry about that I’m giving it to ya’”
“I can’t take from yo’ livelihood” 
“ Chile! It’s only a few lil thangs I got plenty just take it!”
“Awright, awright gal, Shucks!”She went through smelling the soap, until she got to one I could see she took a liken’ to. “That one right there I make out of bergamot and lemon, it would suit you well.”
There goes that smile again. I could just die. 
“I’m sure your waters done. I’ll go get it.” I say.
“Naw, I’ll take care of it. You can gon’ get started on that dinner.” 
“All right. I’ll leave you be. I layed out something comfortable for you to wear for dinner.” 
I decided to change into my thin white house dress to be a bit mo’ comfortable. I head back to the kitchen. And put on my apron, and pull out my chicken from the icebox, I’d  got it all seasoned and let it marinade through out the day. Figured I’d make chicken, peas, and cornbread. I got my oven all started up and got the food going. Once I got my cornbread in the oven, I decided to go and check on my guest. I walked to the wash room and knocked. 
“You doin’ aight in there?”
“I’m fine.. actually I was wondering if you had shampoo.”
“It’s in there in that lil cabinet. I could get it for you if you don’t mind me bein’ in there.”
“It’s fine.”
Slowly opening the door and making my way in, I see her in all her glor, soakin’ in the tub eyes shut head lying back relaxed. I walk to the cabinet and grab the shampoo. 
“ You know uh, I-I could wash it fa’ ya. You been through a lot gettin’ this far. I’m sure you could use a lil pamperin’. ” 
Mo opened her eyes, turning’ towards me lookin’ me directly in the eyes, she nods slowly. I move toward her, nealing at the side of the tub, grabbing my water cup to dip into the water and pour into her hair. I add the shampoo and began to massage it into her scalp. A deep groan come from Mo’s throat, she closed her eyes and sank deeper into the water. I smile and continue to lather rinse and repeat as I hum her a song. 
“Ain’t nobody handled me this gently since I’s a baby I reckon”
I smiled. And reached out a hand in front of her as I finished washing her hair. 
“ Here, let me get that sponge imma get ya back fa’ ya’”
Mo handed me the sponge and sat up. Surprisingly, she had a beautifully smooth back. I started washin’ her and she moaned meltin’ into my touch. The more sounds of approval I got the more it felt like an honor to cater to this here soldier gal. And I knew then, I did indeed fancy her. I wanted her more than I wanted to breathe right now.  
  I brought the sponge up from her back round her shoulders allowing her to sit back in the tub again. She leaned back and our heads were so close that I know she could feel my breath ticklin’ her ear. I held the sponge ‘gainst her upper chest and began to scrub. She brought her hand up to stop me and we locked eyes. Her eyes were filled with a confused type of desire, as our faces grew closer. I had to admit I was feeling the same. My head was confused but the throbbin at my core felt very sure. Our lips grew closer touching in the most gentle of kisses. Sendin my head swirling. I pulled back breakin’ away from those lips that were slightly rough, but in the most beautiful way.
“I’m sorry… I should go f-finish cookin” I say rushin out the do’.  What in the world was that?  I think as I start to fry my chicken.
A little later she come in the kitchen, dressed in  a fresh button up and some more twead slacks that I’d sewn to sell, smelling like fresh bergamot and her Afro damp and picked out, parted in the right side. My heart stuttered, as she sat down at the table, chair turned to face me. I pulled the cornbread from the oven. And feeling eyes on my backside I had to break the tension. 
“You like what you see soldier gal?” 
I turned to look at her, and she looked caught. Sitting man spread, leaned back in the chair hands restin cooly on her stomach, bottom lip trapped inbetween her teeth. Her eyes shot up to meet mine. 
“I I I’m uh sorry.”
“That’s not what I asked” I say, wiping my hands on my apron and walking towards her. A sudden burst of bravery hit me, I stopped right in front of her, her knees touching my shins. 
She shook her head to both sides absentmindedly. 
“I-it ain’t natural.” She says
“That ain’t what I asked neither. It ain’t nobody but me and you here, and I’m askin you, Do you. Like. What you see?” I ask bending over the chair holdin on to the seat of chair next to her thighs so I could be face to face with her. Her eyes locked on mine, and she nodded.
“Y-yea yea I reckon I do.”
“Is it comin’ natural to ya’? To like lookin’ at me?”
“I reckon so” she say breathin’ pickin’ up.
“Well that right there sound natural to me” I stood, leaving’ her breathless wantin’ mo’. I turned to go fix her plate. Putting a little extra somethin’ in my walk to give her a show. I could hear her let out a long sigh behind me. I fixed our plates and sat them down at the table, sitting next to her. 
“Eat up” 
“Look good” She say’s, but when I look up I see she’s looking at me. I bit my lip and  turned toward her. Reckoning’ she wasn’t hungry fo’ no food at the moment.
“When you lookin’ at me like that. What you thinkin?”
“I ain’t thinkin’ as much as I’m feelin’. “
“Well what you feelin’?” Her eyes lower in an undeniable lust, and her voice is lower than i remember when she speaks next. 
“Like I wanna kiss you, and I wanna feel you pretty lady. You gon’ let me do that?” She ask, leanin’ forward elbow on the table. 
I stand again. This time making my way over to her, I push her back in her seat, hiking up my dress I make myself comfortable with both legs on either side of her lap. 
“Do it please, kiss me, touch me. You can do whatever you want with me soldier gal”
She hungrily leaned in and connected our lips. Her hands gripped my waist as my arms snaked around her neck and I started to roll my body into her lap. Her hands lowered from my waist down to my backside givin’ it rough squeeze. She pulled away from the kiss, shocked. 
“You ain’t got on no drawers!?” She whisper yelled. I laughed heartily.
“I’on like wearing’ em round the house.” 
She growled low in her throat, and next thing I know I was being picked up and placed onto the table. Plates pushed to the side. Mo’ crawled on top of the table between my legs wrestlin’ with her shirt. I reached down helpin her untuck her shirt and I clumsily unbuttoned her pants as she got her shirt unbuttoned, and tossed to the side. Our lips connected again with her pressing her body into mine slowly grinding into me. I moan into her mouth reaching under her form fitting tank she still had on, touching the smooth skin of her firm stomach. 
“I ain’t never done this befo’” she manages to say between kisses. I pulled away and looked into her eyes. 
“Me neither, but it’s natural right. So we’ll just listen to our bodies. Do what they tell us to right?”
She leaned in, kissing my forehead, the tip of my nose, my lips, my chin, down to my neck. She took her time there. Sliding the straps of my gown down my arms revealing my breast. She looked down at them licking her lips. She went down further attaching her lips to my left breast while palming the other. 
“Ah! Mo” her name comes out as a sigh on my lips. She moans at my taste, bringing her tounge out flicking it over my nipple before reattachin herself suckin a bit harder. She moves on from that one showin the other some attention too. Then she squeezes them together burying her face into my breast. Kissing, licking, sucking, moaning like it’s the best thing she’s ever tasted. I could feel my core leaking, waiting for her touch as she gave my body some much needed attention. She made her way down my body until she pulled my dress up making it bunch up at my center. 
She opened my legs groaning at the sight of my flower. She began to kiss her way down my thighs. I threw my head back eyes clenched shut in anticipation. Then I felt her hand touch where I craved her most. My breath hitched.
“ My God… it’s so wet” she placed her thumb on my pearl, Stroking up, down, circle, circle. Up, down, circle, circle. She repeated the pattern. 
“Ooooh Mo Babyyy! Y-you makin my body feel so goood!
“You smell so good Miss Y/n, I wanna taste you, can I put my mouth on you?”
“YES! Oh God please yes!” My breathing picked up, as she lowered herself down on me. I moaned softly as she placed a gentle kiss on my lady parts. Then another, and another. Slowly she stuck out her tongue and began licking long slow strips through my folds. It felt like my soul had left my body and was somewhere in another universe. I thought that was as good as it could get until Mo’ wrapped her lips around my pearl and began to suck. My eyes snapped open, my body lurched forward, mouth droppin open into the shape of in O, and my arms came down behind me to hold my body steady. 
I watched her work. Strong hands gripping my thighs, face buried between them, eating me like I’s the best meal she ever had. “Mo’ I-I Oooooo”. Words betrayed me as my body shook from the pleasure I was recieving. I began to roll my hips into her face, head dropping back as I brought my hand up to grip her freshly washed hair. Apparently, this drove her crazy, because both of her arms wrapped themselves tightly around my thighs and before I knew it I was being lifted into the air and carried to the nearest wall. She pressed me up against the wall as I sat on her shoulders as she devoured me from what felt like the inside out. I was going crazy. She brought a finger to my entrance and started to thrust it inside me. 
“Gyat Damnit Soldier Gal! I-I f-feel like I’m gonna explode! I can’t take nomore! Please!”
She took her mouth off only for a moment.
“ Yes you can. You can do it You strong pretty lady. Take it. I’m not done tasting you.”
“ AHHHH! Mo somethings happenin’ Don’t Stop!!! ” I scream as a warmth radiated throughout my entire body. I felt something snap inside my belly and then I was gripping the back of her head with one hand and the other shot to the ceiling. My hips bucked into her face and my back arched. My body was trembling overwhelmed by this new sensation, tears began to stream down my face. I had never felt anything like that befo’. 
Mo, stayed down there and licked up every drop, then gently lowered me down, wrapping my legs around her waist.
“You alright pretty lady?” I looked at Mo with stars in my eyes, speechless. Still slightly jerking coming down from my high, causing Mo  to chuckle a bit. “Talk to me little lady”. 
I grabbed both sides of her face kissing her passionately. “I wanna make you feel good too, you been doing all that fightin’ and killin’, you deserve to somethin’ pleasurable.”
“You gon’ do that for me?” She bit her lip and raised a brow.
“Take me to the room and I’ll show you.”
Mo’ smiled and ran to the room with me in her arms. Once we reached the room, I wiggle out of her arms and push her backward until we reached the bed. I push her back onto the bed and pull off her tank, allowin her to pull down her pants and underwear. She now lay underneath me completely naked and all I wanted to do was take care of her. 
I hover over her looking her deep in the eyes. Takin in all her scars. They somehow made her more beautiful. Knowin all she had been through and here she was trustin’ me with her body, Layin bare. I couldn’t possibly let her down. I kissed her neck right above the healin scar, and the other side against the one already healed. I moved down to her breast takin my time there. Her back arched as she brought her hands up to the back of my neck holding me up against her breast as though she was feeding me, and I sucked her slight but pretty breast like I’d been starving’ for years. 
I left a trail of kisses down her belly making my way to her pretty little womanhood. In between strong toned chocalate thighs that glistened with her need for me. I placed two fingers against her folds. Swiping up, seeing her wetness coat my fingers. I hummed, looking up I met the eyes of the Soldier Gal, and proceeded to press a kiss against her bud. She let out a hissing sound, the arch in her back getting deeper as she threw her head back. I followed her lead doing what I’d felt her do to me. 
“My my pretty lady” She moaned with that enchanting voice of hers, as I stuck my tongue inside her entrance moving it in and out. I brought my hand to her pearl and rubbed circles as I continued to bask in her taste. 
“Oh right there! Please make me feel good!” She screamed grounding her heat into my face , that’s when something came to me. I pulled away suddenly earning a disappointed huff from Mo.
“It was feeling so good! Why’d you stop?”
“I w-want to try something. Uh, I want to feel you up against me”
“Huh? I ain’t no man I don’t think we gon feel nothing.”
“Let’s just try it hm?” She nods her head. I began to position myself over top of her. Throwing a leg over hers, then reaching down to spread open her lips, I lowered myself down onto her and both of us moaned out. Our eyes connected and we both smiled as I began to move my hips ‘gainst her. Her hands shot up to my hips holding me as she moved under me. We let out a simultaneous “Ooohhh!”. 
“Oh goodness, Pretty lady t-this here feel too good!”
“Mhm!” Is all I could manage in response as I speed up the pace reaching down to pinch and play with her nipples. She groaned as her eyes closed and her breathing picked up and her head began to thrash side to side. 
“Uuuhhhnnn!! I think I’m bout to explode!”
“Yes soldier gal that’s it! Let it take over you! We gon’ explode together! “
“Y-you feel s-so good ‘gainst me p-pretty lady!”
She say in a blissed out whimper. I bend down, our bodies still moving together, and took hold of her lips again. 
“ Let it go fo’ me Mo, I’m goin’ with ya’” I moan before grabbing’ her breast and placing my lips against hers again. That’s when I felt the damn break. Mo’ started to tremble underneath me her mouth opened against mine, as she let out the most beautiful sound I’d ever heard, followed by “Shhiiitt! shit, shit, shit!” 
I felt her liquid gushing from her womanhood and that quickly brought me over the edge as well. My hips stuttered against hers. She wrapped her arms around my waist and held me real tight. Our mouths sitting open against eachothers swallowing the moans, my hands tangled in her Afro. Our bodies still moved against eachothers, in a trembling slow whine as we road out our highs together until we came down.
We both lay tangled together, quietly collectin’ our breath. She broke the silence.
“Miss y/n,… I wanna do that again.”
I looked up at her and couldn’t help but giggle at the smirk against her face. I kissed her lips. 
“That was a hell of a welcome home huh Soldier Gal.”
A/N: Y’all saw Mo dragging them big ass men y’all know she can scoop you up. Lol I hope y’all enjoyed, and don’t worry Shame pt. 5 is coming!
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gweelczz · 1 year
“Cat Got Your Tongue?” PT. 1
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Rosalie Otterbourne × Black!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Suggestive, smut in pt.2, Rosalie being the only woman ever, reader is a simp off rip, reader is the sister of Cab Calloway and the cousin of Billie Holiday, Rosalie has rizz
Summary: Being in love she didn't know whether she was falling or flying but she was airborne either way... or a story about a woman falling head over heels for another woman in the 1930s
Hello everyone! I am Red, I’m new to writing on this app so I hope you all enjoy my stories
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—“In my solitude….”
Her voice rang out, bold but sweet being amplified by the silver microphone in front of her. A white mink wrapped around her shoulders with satin gloves to match, her gown cascading to the ground wrapping around her mid arm showing off her collarbones and shoulders. Her dark hair pinned with a side part showing off her sparkling diamond earrings she’s never been seen without.
She gripped the microphone with a ring clad hand, her face expressing an expression of pain and longing. How she longed to be kissed in the darkness of the night and held close to a warm chest as she slept. She hated sleeping alone, the bed was always so cold and too big, loneliness was a heavy cloud hanging over her pouring down sadness as she sang from her heart a song by one of het favorite artists who too understood what it was like to be alone, to crave being desired and wanted.
She quickly wiped a tear bowing her head in defeat succumbing to the emptiness in her heart, she sang once more her voice never wavering no matter how broken she was “In my solitude…”. Her auburn orbs scanned the silvery fogged room as she sang not looking for anything in particular, that is until another set of dark eyes found hers.
They belonged to a fellow woman, her skin, the perfect description of coffee beans. Eyes sparkling underneath the lights filled with curiosity, her shoulders rolled back as she stood her demeanor reeking of power mixed with independence. An arched eyebrow raised at Y/N, those dark eyes wordlessly asking her a question “who are you?”.
Y/N continued to sing to the crowd until her set came to an end. She bowed softly sweetly thanking the crowd before exiting stage left to give the spotlight to her brother Cab Calloway and his band. She made her way over to the bar ordering a drink as the upbeat jazz music rang throughout the club. She tapped her feet to the music glancing around observing her surroundings.
She wasn’t one for big places like this filled wall to wall with people, she was a homebody at heart preferring to stay home with a glass of wine and a good book. She had no interest in sleazy men who couldn’t take no for an answer or men in general for that matter. No no, she wanted to be a woman’s woman.
Y/N sighed to herself turning to face the stage when she felt a tap on her shoulder, turning to her left she prepared herself to cuss out yet another man who didn’t know how to take a hint only for the words to die in her throat.
She rendered herself speechless once she discovered who touched her, she turned coming face to face with the one and only Rosalie Otterbourne. “I.. I um..” she couldn’t bring herself to speak to the beautiful woman who decided to bless Y/N with her presence.
She opened her mouth to try again when she heard it, the sweetest sound she’d ever heard besides music. She’d heard a giggle, a soft giggle rang out from Rosalie’s throat as she stared at the speeches woman. “Cat got ya tongue honey?” She softly laughed slightly throwing her head back as she did so. Y/N thought she was beautiful from afar but she was breathtaking up close. Rosalie smirked at the other holding out her hand “I’m Rosalie, Rosalie Otterbourne niece and manager of the Salome Otterbourne. What’s your name sugar?”
Y/N swooned at the southern accent dripping from Rosalie’s lips, she took the other’s hand gently shaking it with a smile “I’m Y/N Calloway”. Rosalie’s smile faltered a bit at she gazed at the woman in front of her “as in the sister of the Cab Calloway?” Her eyes widening slightly as she spoke.
Y/N slightly chuckled, eyes flickering towards her brother on the stage who was already looking at her with a grin before turning her attention back to Rosalie. “Yes ma’am the one and only” she took a sip of her drink smiling at Rosalie, she noticed she was still holding the other’s hand as she gazed down for a second.
She quickly let go not noticing the way Rosalie frowned at this. Rosalie being the bold woman she is took Y/N’s hand into hers once more as she slid into the seat beside her. “You can hold my hand honey, I don’t mind it one bit especially if it’s a beautiful woman” Rosalie winked at Y/N before she turned her attention to the bartender ordering herself a drink. “Lord knows I shouldn’t drink on the job but a little liquid courage ain’t neva hurt nobody”
Y/N nodded her head in agreement humming as a vocal response. She took this time to take in the beauty next to her that went by the name of Rosalie. Her eyes scanned from her black hair down the black pumps her feet adorned. She knew of Ms. Otterbourne but to see her in the flesh boldly flirting with her was another. Raising her glass to her lips she downed her drink to get some courage before she shot back a flirt herself. “Well you’re one to speak Ms. Otterbourne, I’ve been blessed with the presence of a goddess”
This in turn made Rosalie turn in her seat placinga hand onto Y/N’s knee with a smirk. “Now that’s more like it, how about after my performance we go up to my room and talk as friends, I sure could use one”. Y/N nodded her head agreeing automatically, she wanted this woman and she was hell bent on making Rosalie hers. “Sounds great to me, you blow these people outta the water now ya hear?” Rosalie tilted her head back releasing a laugh while giving Y/N a glimpse of her sparkling teeth. “I shall do just that”
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timeya · 2 months
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Chapter 1
Devin, New Jersey
Early November
“Mina?” I heard kaylina call out. I was in the back room changing for tonight. “Here you are Mina! I’ve been looking for you.” She said with an upset voice.
“Sorry girl but I have to get dress and then help Ryan set up the bar for tonight. It is bad enough I was late.” I said walking to my locker for my hair tie. Kaylina came up behind me and helped me put my hair in a ponytail. “What happened! Normally I am the late one but today is you. Is everything alright.” She finished putting my hair back and took a step back. I closed my locked and took a deep breath.
I turned around I nodded my head and walked to the door after checking myself out. Once we walked out I seen Ryan cleaning glasses. I walked over there while Kaylina walked to other side. “Ugh! I need a drink. Ryan! give me my normal.” Kaylina said waving her hand back and forth. Ryan rolled her eyes and gave her a sweet tea out the mini fridge. Kaylin’s rolled her eyes taking the drink and walking away.
When I looked to see where she was going i seen Emerald walked over after saying something to one of the dancers. She came over to the side of the bar and gave me a hug a small kiss on the forehead “Hey Mymy. Why didn’t you text me to come get you.”She smiled softly looking down at me. “Sorry Emmy. I just had a lot to do and Zy wouldn’t go to sleep unless I was there with him. So I was late and had to uber. Sorry I didn’t call you but weren’t you in a meeting anyway.” I said restocking the liquor on the shelves. “That didn’t matter Mymy! It’s late at night and you ubering is not safe! Don’t make me hurt you girl. I know you’re smarter than that!”
Emmy took my hand a smacked it like I was a child. I took my hand out of hers, rolled my eyes and walked to the back of the bar where we keep the liquor. Today was Friday and we are mostly busy over the weekend so I wanted to make sure we had enough liquor in the front for tonight.
A little later
“Girl my feet hurt. Those heels are not for the weak. Aren’t you glad you aren’t a stripper Mina.” Kaylina said seating down behind the bar. We have been open for about 2 hours at the club is busy.I’ve been running around trying to make sure i get everyone’s drink orders. “Yeah, I am but my feet hurt too from running around. Im kinda upset that I didn’t get to see you perform.” I said grabbing drinks and putting them on my tray. I didn’t even get to her what she said before I walked away to give this table of girls their shots. “Here you guys go sorry about the wait ladies.” I said smiling at the group of girls. It was someone birthday so they get free shots on the house.
“Oh my gosh! thank you so much. Guys we have to tip her good!” They drunk birthday girl said. She was on her 5 drink and I don’t even know what shot number she was on but drunk was a understatement for what she was. Walking away from the group I made it back to the bar and took a sit.
I went to messages and seen my brother texted me a picture of Zylus still sleep. I hearted the picture and put my phone in my pocket when I heard someone call my name. “Mina! I need you to be the bottle girl for the VIP room tonight. Mia called out so it just Layla but she didn’t want to do it. Ryan said looking at the tablet in her hand. She been stressing all night because people keep calling out so it’s just 3 of us tonight.
“Um, sure i guess it’s like i have a choice” I said getting up and walking to where she was. She handed me a tray with dark liquor and a tray with light liquor. “ Ok it’s the VIP room on the third floor so you can use the elevator and the cart to help you. Just swipe your card and the elevator should work if not here is mines. Once’s you get up there knock 4 times before entering so they can know you are coming in.” She said handing me her id card and the cart. Once’s I put the trays on the cart i walked over to the back of the club and used her id card to get in.
“I’m telling y’all she wants me.She just playing with me.” Nawi said passing the blunt to Emerald. She telling us about this girl that she met who is playing hard to get. I don’t know why she thinks we give a fuck but we really don’t care.
“I don’t think she play Nawi.Its been about 2 months now.If she was playing hard to get she would have been told you now.” Izgoie said with a smirk on her face.
After she says said that we hear 4 knocks at the door. “Come in” i said looking down at my phone. “Sorry to interrupt but I am Mina your bottle girl for today.” I hear this sweet smooth voice say. When I looked up I seen who was talking. She looks new because i’ve never seen her before. She looks about 5’5, with the softest brown skin. As she walks in and puts the bottles on the table I look over to Izgoie and she looks her up and down with this subtle expression.
“Mina! you not no bottle girl you’re a bartender. What you doing up here. Emerald said getting up. I looked at her confused.How the fuck she know her. Emerald grabs the girl “Mina” hand and walks to the corner of the room. I look back over to Izgoie and she looks at me “She beautiful. How come i’ve never seen her before.” she said looking at me than back at her
“I don’t know. I’ve never seen her before either.” I said looking at her fully. She had the prettiest curly hair with baby hairs out into swoops. Her eyes were 2 different colors, light brown and hazel.
And man let’s not forget her body. I can tell she had a little pug but it didn’t look bad on her.
“you know i don’t like you coming up here mina” Emerald said with an attitude.
They talked for a while before mina looked around and looked at me. We held eye contact before she looked at Izgoie.She smiled at her before putting thebottles in her hand on the table, hugged Emerald and walk out..
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axailslink · 1 year
A few favorites from the Surrounded trailer
I knew I was going to be excited but that word does not explain my fucking feelings right now
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shurisbathwater · 1 year
𝖭𝖮𝖳𝖤𝖲 :: VERY MUCH Suggestive, black fem reader.  rivals/ enemies to lovers (??)
When I tell u I was trying not to bust while writing thi– its funny how little is more lmao. Anyway enjoy, I have more fics of wifey that I'm working on so I hope u can accept this for now 🤭💕
𝖸𝖮𝖴 𝖬𝖴𝖳𝖳𝖤𝖱𝖤𝖣 curses under your breath as you shot the gun once again, not getting the target for what felt like the millionth time. You throw the gun in frustration and sigh. You  begin to sluggishly walk back to your cabin in defeat.
"Need help?" A voice asks you. You freeze in your tracks as you realise who the voice exactly is.
Mo Washington. The only person you could ever go weak over, and she knows that. She enjoys seeing the effect of the power she has over you, and how her touch could simply make your knees weak in an instant.
"Its all good, I was done here anyways..." You mutter, your back still to her, letting your pride get the best of you. You could never, ever, admit to her of all people that you needed help. Never. She'd hang it over your head for eternity.
"You shouldn't lie to me, you know?" You hear her footsteps coming towards you, and the hairs on your neck rise in an instant.
You felt her presence behind you, and your breath hitched as she leaned down to whisper in your ear.
"I see right through 'ya." She breathed into your neck, chuckling lightly as you trembled under her, though she hadn't even touched you. She sees the gun laying on the ground and puts it into your hand, looking into your eyes for a split second. She walks back behind you.
You both knew the sexual tension you had with eachother, but yet none of you would act on it. It was better this way you thought.
You manage to aim the gun with your shaky and clammy hands, looking straight at your target. "See..thats where you're going wrong." She says as she stands behind you, you feel her heavy breathing on your neck, and your knees begin to give out.
She feels your knees going weak, and she grabs your hips to pull you up again. "Hey, now." She chuckles as she snakes her arm on top of yours, guiding you.
"I want you to aim right there, can you do that for me?" She teases, whispering into your ear.
You nod slowly in response.
She rests her chin on your shoulder, her fingers gliding on top yours. You breath out shakily as you feel your mouth going dry, and the spot between your legs pulsating.
Unknowingly, begin to lean back and rest into her touch. "There you go, you got it." She praises as she slowly guides you to aim, her thick accent buzzing through your body.
You pull the trigger and it instantly lands on the target, and you breathe out in relief, finally getting it, with Mo's help.
"I knew you could get it. You just needed a little help." She jokes, and you roll your eyes in response.
"Go away, Mo." You say as you cross your arms. " dont I deserve a thank you?" She raises her brows as she shrugs.
"Thank you. Now go away." You push her playfully.
"Let me know if you need anymore of my ... help." She smirks as she leans in closer to you. "I'll be waiting." She winks as she walks away, looking back at you once more.
Now If yall want more, I can gladly write more of them bc they're givinggg 😩 anyways what did yall think?
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shurislover · 5 months
rewatching surrounded so i can see my baby with her guns
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cashcart1er · 1 year
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thethickerside · 1 year
Y’all I just watched Surrounded. Best believe that when I’m done with this little smut oneshot I’m writing, the Moses Washington stories will be flooding in— like omg, it was so good.
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desswright29 · 10 months
All Writers!
I see a lot of people getting discouraged and unmotivated. These things happen. But please don’t allow numbers or negativity to get in the way of what you enjoy. Write what you want to see. The things that inspire you and the people that are meant to interact will interact. I hate to see so many writers who’s work I love stop writing or completely leave the fandom. And the sole purpose of why we’re all here get drowned out. Letitia and her characters are so beautiful and profound we just want to write about it. And however you want to express that in your writing is beautiful. Stay encouraged! And I love you guys! ❤️
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gweelczz · 1 year
“Cat Got Your Tongue?” PT. 2
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Rosalie Otterbourne × Black!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Suggestive, smut, Rosalie being the only woman ever, reader is a simp off rip and a munch!!, reader is the sister of Cab Calloway and the cousin of Billie Holiday, Rosalie has rizz, Fingering, Oral (Rosalie receiving)
Summary: Being in love she didn't know whether she was falling or flying but she was airborne either way... or a story about a woman falling head over heels for another woman in the 1930s
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“Up above my head”
“Up above my head”
“I hear music in the air”
“I hear music in the air”
“Up above my head”
“Up above my head”
“I hear music in the air”
“I hear music in the air”
“Up above my head”
“Up above my head”
“I hear music in the air”
“I hear music in the air”
“And I really do believe”
“Yeah I really do believe”
“There's a Heaven somewhere”
“There's a Heaven somewhere”
“Now up above my head”
“Up above my head”
“I see, trouble in the air”
“I see, trouble in the air
“Up above my head”
“Up above my head”
“I see trouble in the air”
“I see troubles in the air”
“Up above my head”
“Up above my head”
“I see trouble in the air”
“I see trouble in the air”
“I really do believe”
“I really do believe”
“You know, I really do believe”
“I really do believe”
“There is a Heaven somewhere”
“There is a Heaven somewhere”
“And I really do believe”
“I really do believe”
“Yes, I really do believe”
“I really do believe”
“Yes, I really do believe”
“I really do believe”
“There's a Heaven somewhere”
“There’s a Heaven somewhere”
Rosalie sat at the piano as Salome stood across from her on the stage, guitar slung across her body. They bounced the lyrics off of each other filling the party with a soulful feel. Y/N now stood leaning against the rail next to her brother who was smirking as he glanced between her and Rosalie who had been stealing glances at each other the whole performance.
Cab chuckled a bit as Y/N stared at the woman enamored with the voices that rang from on the stage, Rosalie’s standing out to her the most with how strong and soul filled it sounded. “If you keep staring you know she could charge you for being a creep, and close your mouth there could be flies” Cab teased nudging his sister laughing softly.
“Sorry” the woman murmured bashfully “she’s just so beautiful, I can’t help it”. Cab nodded before speaking again “I see you two married with at least two dogs in the future” he chuckled dodging the hit his sister sent his way. “Shut it Cab” her eyes darting back to the stage where Salome and Rosalie had ended the song and were now blowing kisses to each other with wide smiles.
Rosalie and Salome bowed before excusing themselves from the stage, Salome heading backstage while Rosalie walked through the crowd to claim her friend for the night. Cab smirked excusing himself with a smirk “don’t do anything I wouldn’t do” he winked before walking off.
“Ready to go Suga?” Rosalie asked holding out a hand to Y/N who gladly took it letting the woman lead her up the stairs. Once the made it inside the hotel room Y/N was pushed against the wall with lips attached to hers. Her hands wrapping around Rosalie’s neck moaning softly into her mouth.
Her hands trailed underneath the skirt of her dress as their tongues fought for dominance. Y/N’s mouth latched onto Rosalie’s neck panting against the Swamy toned skin, fingers tangling themselves in her hair angling her head for her own usage. “I’ve wanted your lips on me from the moment I saw ya on stage.. ya heart called out to me askin me to light this here body ablaze with my touch” Rosalie spit fire as she spoke, her fingers brushing the smooth skin of her thigh.
“Will ya let me honey? Will ya let touch ya the way a man neva could? Give ya pleasure only ya dreams could provide?” Rosalie gently pulled the other’s mouth from her neck with a fire lit in her eyes. “I need an answer, ain’t goin touch ya no more without one” Rosalie went to move her hand from Y/N’s thigh causing the other woman to grab it placing it back onto it’s previous location.
Y/N internally panicked at the thought of Rosalie’s hands leaving her body after craving to feel her all night. She wanted this no question, she’d never wanted anything more in her life. If her brother could see her now he’d be smirking with that knowing look. Cab knew who she was before she even knew herself and every chance he got he reminded her of that. She slightly whimpered clinging on to the others hand firmly.
“Please, touch me.. do anything you want, I need you. Needed you since I saw you” her southern drawl dripping with want and desperation. Y/N gathered all her boldness and gently pushed Rosalie onto the bed as she herself removed her undergarments and unzipped her dress straddling Rosalie’s lap, she was determined to get what she wanted, what she desired.
Rosalie pulled down the straps of Y/N’s gown taking a nipple into her mouth, her fingers creeping up her thigh until the reached their destination. Her eyes never leaving Y/N’s as she did so, her auburn orbs reflecting a predatory gaze wordlessly communicating with the woman in her lip.
A soft mewl escaped Y/N’s lips as she felt those slender fingers she’d been fantasizing about all night inserting themselves into her leaking heat. She bucked her hips into Rosalie’s hand moaning softly under her breath “Mmm Rosalie, feels so good”. Y/N’s fingers found purchase in the manager’s hair tugging gently from the pleasure, “fuck, please do that again”.
Rosalie smirked against her skin curling her fingers once more causing the beauty above her to cry out, her thumb painting circles onto her clit. Rosalie pulled off of her nipple just enough to speak switching to the other one afterwards “let me hear ya honey, wanna hear how good I’m pleasing my sunflower”
“Rosalie, baby.. I’m gonna..” Y/N babbled out her brain turning to mush as she tried articulating a sentence. The orgasm she’d tried holding back surfacing ten fold making her eyes roll back. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. I’m cumming” Y/N’s moans now airy and high pitched as she came spilling her juices onto the other’s fingers, her breath hitching as she panted. “So unlady like” Rosalie tsked with a smirk causing Y/N to blush.
“god that was so good”. She took a few seconds to catch her breath gazing at Rosalie with hooded eyes “Your turn now mistress”. She climbed off of the woman’s lap pushing her onto her back, fingers hurriedly bunching her skirt up around her hips. Rosalie spread her legs inviting the hungry woman into her heat that was now leaking onto the expensive sheets.
Rosalie had this aura about her, her independent nature making her more sexy than she was. She carried herself in a way that made men dislike her. Men didn’t like women who didn’t need a man and Rosalie was one of those women. She licked her lips gazing down at Y/N, her fingers holding the fabric bunched around her waist. “C’mon baby, show these men how good you can please a woman” Y/N moaned leaning down flicking out her tongue, a long wet stripe being applied to her slit.
“God yes, that’s it suga” Rosalie moaned as Y/N swirled her tongue around her clit wrapping her lips around it giving it a hard suck. Rosalie arched her back and bucked her hips. “My lord…” she moaned out tangling her fingers into Y/N’s hair, the other woman moaning into her cunt flicking her tongue across the bud before moving down inserting her tongue into her entrance, her nose brushing against her clit causing Rosalie to cry out once again.
“Oh my yes, Y/N please more.. need ya to make me cum baby”. She instructed granting her a hum from the other woman while Y/N sped up her ministrations on a mission to make her dove cum. Her tongue moving in one direction as her head went in the other. She moaned at the taste of Rosalie’s juices which were now dripping down her chin but she could truly care less. “Y/N baby, you goin make me cum!” Rosalie moaned out grinding her cunt against Y/N’s face chasing her orgasm.
Y/N hummed sending vibrations into her heat, her eyes flicking up with a need to see Rosalie’s face when she comes undone. Her moans beautifully ringing in her ears like a symphony as she was finally granted her wish. Rosalie came with a loud moan and a tug to her hair, Y/N greedily drank every drop. Her mouth glistening with the woman’s juices, a yelp escape when she was firmly yanked up into a heavy kiss.
Rosalie removed the rest of their clothing wiping them both clean tossing the soiled garments into the ground. “Ms. Rosalie I’ve taken a likin to ya” Rosalie chuckled a bit pulling the blankets over both of them. Y/N lifted her head pressing a kiss to the other’s lips “well that great news because I’ve already claimed you, claimed you the minute I put my mouth on you” Rosalie shot back wrapping an arm around the other woman’s waist. “That’s quite alright with me”
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timeya · 5 months
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so what y’all think…👀👀
also i will be adding emerald haywood from nope and other characters as the story goes one
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axailslink · 1 year
Y'all I already got Mo Washington fic ideas 💡😩
At this point speed that movie up
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r-is-typing · 2 years
an asset | s.r
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summary: in which spencer saves the day
requested?: yes! requested by @night-sky-full-of-stars
request: hello beautiful, I wondered if I could maybe do a bit of a self-indulgent request because I’ve been feeling a bit down lately and can’t stop wondering how spencer would act in the situation 🥹 could I please request a spencer reid x reader (up to you whether she’s in the bau), where the two are either best friends or dating already and reader has a bad day and is made to feel really small by someone and spencer affirms her and cheers her up? adorable, shy spencer would be super cute 🤓 thank you!! 💛
pairing: spencer reid x reader
category: fluff
content warnings: descriptions of violence, little angst, degrading comments (in the form of sexism)
word count: >1k
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Miami was hot and humid.
Spencer Reid made sure to tell everyone on the jet just how hot and humid Florida during the month of July was. Everyone rolled their eyes as he expressively talked everyone’s ears off, rambling on and on.
But, not her.
In fact, she craved the days they’d be alone in his apartment where they’d be alone, him able to tell her all sorts of facts that he knew off the top of his head without having to worry about Hotch telling him to stop firmly, or Prentiss putting him down easy, a way of trying to get him to quiet down and let them fly in peace.
This case was a hard one.
They had been in Miami for almost a week now, and boy, they weren’t even close to catching the unsub yet. “So, I don’t get it. Why is his MO changing all of the sudden?” One of Miami’s officers asked, looking around the room at the agents.
“It’s simple, really. He probably feels like he’s getting close to being caught, but I’d say in this case, he found a new, efficient way of killing.”
Despite the gruesome conversation, Y/N smiled softly, just like she did every other time her boyfriend said something so confidently.
Only her, Spencer, Rossi, and Hotch were at the police station as the rest of the team were either sent to the coroners office, one of the family’s homes, or the places where the bodies were found.
“I’ll be right back. Just going to the restroom.”
Y/N got up off of the chair, walking towards the door. “Well, sweetheart, while you’re at it, get us some coffees, will you? Let the men work this out.”
Y/N froze.
For anyone that knew Y/N, they knew that she felt quite… insecure. She was new to the team in the past two years, but has always been shy, not speaking up like the other women on the team had.
At her last jobs, she had experienced sexism just like this. Guys always tried making themselves more superior than her, a way of asserting their dominance.
It also brought her back to the academy days where cocky wannabe agents would look at her as if she’d break at any moment.
Y/N regained her movement and walked out of the room and towards the restroom.
Finishing her business, she walks out, eyes meeting a few of the other male officers. “Listen, sweetheart, Gary didn’t mean it.. well, sort of. You understand right?“ She raised an eyebrow in confusion.
“We’re just saying that.. you’re young, clearly, and very obviously a woman. You need the men in there to show you how it’s done, yeah?”
Y/N felt tears fill her eyes and she shoved past them, walking outside of the station.
Spencer’s voice, filled with concern, alerted her. Footsteps became louder as they became closer. Spencer’s natural musk mixed with the scent of his cologne he put on every morning filled her senses.
“You know they’re wrong, right?”
Y/N shrugged.
Spencer grabbed her hand in his own, pulling her close to him. “They don’t know what they’re talking about. You’re one of the smartest women I know. One of the strongest, too.” He chuckled softly. “I mean, remember last month, in Washington? You basically solved the case on your own, my love. We wouldn’t have been able to catch him, had you not seen the clues he left behind at the crime scenes.”
She sniffles, rubbing her eyes with her fists. “I guess, but still. Maybe, I dunno, Maybe they were right.”
Spencer shakes his head, kissing the girl’s head. “You’re so smart, m’love, and I’m so proud of you, you know? You’re doing amazing. I mean, you’re such an asset to the team. An important one, at that.”
Y/N smiled at this.
Boy, was she lucky to have Spencer in her life to remind her what was really important, to show her that she was important.
Spencer took her hand, making sure she was okay before walking back into the station with her. The two resumed working, and before they knew it, the case was over.
On the flight back to Quantico, Y/N slept soundly, tucked into Spencer’s arms.
“She okay?” Emily asked, Spencer looking up and shrugging. “I think it just hurts her, you know? She works hard, and still gets belittled.” Emily nodded, understanding exactly how the girl felt.
Soon enough, the plane landed in Virginia and Spencer helped Y/N out of the jet. “C’mon.” He smiled at her, entangling their fingers.
“Are we going home?”
He shook his head. “Not yet, sweetheart. In just a bit. I know Garcia wants to see you.” Y/N nodded, stretching and then continuing to walk in sync with Spencer.
The two entered the round table room and Y/N’s eyes lit up. “Surprise!” Garcia quickly walked to Y/N, enveloping the girl into a hug. “What’s all this?”
“This, my sweetness, is for you. We don’t really show our appreciation for you enough, and Boy Genius made us realize that we should. I mean, most times, you’re the one that helps push us towards catching those awful people. We couldn’t do it without you, sugarplum.”
Y/N smiled, looking at everyone who said different things in unison, but all agreed with Penelope. “Thank you, Pen. Truly.” Penelope smiled once more.
“Now, you tell me if any other idiot says something about you, and they’ll have to deal with me, yeah?”
The room filled with laughter as they all stood there, basking in the close knit family that the team had made, knowing that every member was needed in every way, and the team wasn’t the same if any one of them were gone.
Each member had their own specific set of assets that were essential to bringing down the horrible people they witnessed on a daily, and that’s what made them a team.
One perfectly, functional, hard-working team.
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alexsoenomel · 2 years
That Summer Dress (Dean Winchester x Reader smut)
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Summary: You have to wear a dress for a case and Dean really likes it *wink*
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: psychotic ghost and sexy times (BJ’s and big O’s) 
Word count: 3104
Note: I wrote this in 2019. Enjoy! Like/Reblog or both if you like it! :)
“Do you really have to use me as bait?“ I asked while my will to live was slowly leaving my body and soul.
“Hey the ghost likes to kill girls and since both of us have dicks...” Dean said but I cut him off.
“Yeah, yeah.”
Case in a nutshell: Not so long ago a serial killer named Ted Bundy existed and he liked to kill women, saying hardcore pornography made him do it (Dean to that: “Yeah right.”). Well, turns out the world is even more fucked up than I thought; he had a fan. A fan so dedicated to keep his notorious legacy alive, he made sure not to cross over when he dies; and he died 10 years ago. He liked to kill pretty girls in fucked up ways, the similarities between his MO and Ted’s were uncanny. His main preference, were girls who wore pretty dresses. After he would kill them, he would keep the dresses, sick bastard. Some say he would put on the dress of his first victim, his wife, every time he would kill. We burnt the body but he was still in his house. So, naturally we decided to go there and see what’s keeping him here, in Tacoma, Washington.
It was 6pm and time for us to get to work. This shitty motel room was slowly driving me mad; I was ready to kick something.
“Are you guys ready?” I asked putting on my backpack.
“(Y/N) are you forgetting something?” Dean then asked me. 
“You said it yourself he likes girls in dresses.” Sam said.
Oh shit.
“You really want me to wear a dress? REALLY?”
Dean jokingly told me I would have to wear a dress and also added how hot I would look before we came here; turns out he wasn’t joking. Dean and I were kind of more than just friends. We weren’t together either. Ever since I’ve first met him one night in a bar back home (Lebanon, Kansas) we were drawn to each other. He, of course typical Dean, tried to flirt with me and get in my pants but I wasn’t in the mood. I lost my friend to a vampire that day and I was grieving, with whiskey. He started with small talk which I hate more than anything, but because I was attracted to him I gave him a pass and soon after we found common ground. We were in the same business, liked the same music and overall been through a lot of similar crap. Plus he was SO lucky in the gene department; those green eyes and full pink lips were enough to make me want him under/on top of me. That night we talked for what it seemed like forever, about hunting, life, everything...that night I saw his true colors and he saw mine, which was strange for both of us, considering the fact we don’t open up easily and to just anybody. We didn’t fuck that night though. Oh no, after that I haven’t seen him in 3 long months. He was busy trying to find his angel friend Castiel and nephilim named Jack; and I was busy hunting werewolves in Los Angeles. We would text each other every once in a while but that was it, before, he one day called me asking if I want to join him and his little brother. Of course I said yes. That was and still is one of the greatest discussions I have ever made. Ever since my friend died I’ve been hunting alone and the loneliness was killing me. I still miss her terribly. It was nice having company like Sam and Dean. Sam soon became that friend everyone wishes to have; the one who takes care of you and is always there if you have a problem and Dean, well Dean was your friend’s hot brother you desperately wanted to bang. And I did...one drunken night when we were left alone. Sam was the one who needed to clear his head so he went for a long walk and Dean and I were left to do research for our next case. We were a little hard on that bottle of whiskey Dean had bought that day so we did anything but that. When Sam got back he found us both collapsed in Dean’s bed naked (thank god we were covered with a sheet). The next day was pretty awkward for him. Poor Sammy...
I don’t even remember what we did; I just know he gave me the most amazing orgasm I’ve ever had. It was mind-blowing. We haven’t really gotten a chance to talk about it since we have been working 24/7, so this brings us to now... I get jealous every time a girl even looks at Dean in a way I don’t like, and Dean is the same. One time when a guy bought me a drink, Dean just drank it instead of me. So we were friends but there was something more to it...
Back to reality...
“If you want us to get rid of that son of a bitch yeah.” Dean said with an obvious smug on his face.
“But I don’t have one.” I said giving him a bitch face. “I don’t wear dresses.”
“We will go and buy one then.” Sam said.
“Great.” A sarcastic comment was a necessity for me.
Because I was going to wear a dress I decided to put my hair in a pony tail and do my makeup. Well, mascara was the only thing I carried, so put mascara on. We went to a nearest shop where I found the most beautiful summer dress. A little above the knees, white with flowers all over it, covering all the right places, it suited me perfectly. Dean approved as well. When he saw me leaving the shop his jaw hit the floor. He was waiting with Sam outside drinking coffee and almost choked on it. My ego was rising faster than the bulge in his pants.
“What do you think?” I asked them.
“It suits you.” Sam said.
“Nice.” Dean added swallowing nervously. “Okay let’s get to work.”
While Dean was driving I could feel him eyeballing me in the rear-view mirror as much as he could. That man was slowly going mad and I loved it. I hoped this dress lands me a naked Dean Winchester after this case.
When we finally arrived to his house I got chills down my spine. I felt his presence and I was still in the car. When we went inside on the other hand, I felt like I couldn’t breathe, he was there waiting for me. Maybe that’s how he killed all those girls over the years, he was calling for me to go to his bedroom.
“He’s in the bedroom.” I whispered.
“How do you know?” Sam asked tightening the grip around his shotgun. Both, him and Dean had shotguns with rock salt shot rounds while I was stuck with an iron crowbar.
“He’s telling me to come there. Sick bastard.”
“What a ladies’ man.” Dean  added.
Because I was the bait in this whole operation I was the first to enter the room. It was one of those typical bedrooms that you see in horror movies; all wooden, unreasonably tidy and clean with...so many dolls in dresses watching your every move. It was a room of nightmares. Just being in there made the Winchesters and me uncomfortable.
“Now, this guy had a lot of issues.” I heard Dean say, and he was right.
 In that moment I felt someone or something grab my throat which resulted in me dropping the crowbar. He was here. He was old probably in his sixties, gray hair, and psychotic written all over his face and in old dirty clothes. He was tightening the grip around my neck as I felt oxygen leave my brain. “Pretty dress.”- Was the last thing I heard followed by a gunshot before passing out.
“Hey (Y/N) are you okay?”
“(Y/N) wake up!”
Dean said a little bit louder as I opened my eyes completely oblivious of what went down.
“Where’s the ghost?”
“We took care of it.” Sam said.
“For real? Is he going to come back?”
“No, turns out the bastard was attached to the dress of the first girl he killed, his wife.” Dean stated. 
“Figures. But where did you find the dress?”
“Sam found it in a glass box in his living room.”
“Oh...wow...Okay, you’re never using me as bait ever again.” Still a little disoriented I gathered all the strength I had in that moment to get up. Dean helped me of course, being a gentleman, not taking his eyes off me.
“Gotcha!” He said.
    When we finally got back to the motel Sam decided he was going to go grocery shopping for the trip back home and later go to a bar. I thought Dean was going to go as well so I can shower and hit the sack (the trip back home was going to last 24 hours and I wasn’t  not much of a sleeper while being on the road because I could never get comfortable) but he decided to stay with me. Maybe now we can finally talk about that night and establish what we are.
When Sam left I couldn’t help but feel a little bit nervous. I have wanted to talk about this with Dean for so long, constantly thinking about what I will say and how I will approach the subject and now that moment was here and I was scared shitless. I didn’t do that kind of shit, at all. I would usually just sleep with a guy and leave. I don’t have time for relationships nor commitment and Dean was the only one pushing those barely touched buttons (last real relationship I had was back in high school and it didn’t end well; the asshole cheated).
“I thought you are going with Sam to get drunk?” I asked nervously wanting to start a conversation.
“Nah, I can do that here...” He said smirking. “With you.”
“Are you trying to tell me something, Dean?” I asked trying to act confident. God, he was driving me crazy.
“You know what exactly I’m trying to tell you babe.” He said after he took a sip from the beer bottle he opened seconds before. I on the other hand was standing inches away from him leaning against the wall because I was too afraid my knees would give up and I would hit the floor. His voice, his face....his everything....UGH. He was making me feel like I’m 15 and hormonal again. He then proceeded to get even closer to me, eyeballing every inch of me in that dress; practically stripping me naked with his eyes. He put the bottle on the table and went towards me, he was so close I could see every line, freckle and bump on his face. Plus those green eyes...not possible to describe the beauty of them. His right hand was above me while the other found a way to my thigh slowly but surely dragging his fingertip across my skin, slowly lifting my dress. He pinned me down against the wall while I was trying not to completely lose it and tear his clothes off.
“That dress looks perfect on you.” He said.
“You’re not subtle with your eyeballing at all, you know?” As I said that his hand went a little higher slowly brushing his fingers across my already wet panties making me gasp a little and spread my legs. He knew how to open “the gates of heaven” as he called them. Cheeky...
“I couldn’t help it; I was barely controlling myself back there.” He stated as he pressed his forehead against mine. “My dick was so hard when I saw you, it hurt like a bitch.” And then boom, his fingers went in my panties immediately finding my clit and slowly rubbing me with his thump. Holy shit...I forgot just how much I missed his touch. I let out a moan while my eyes never left his. The air was filled with lust and nothing but lust. I couldn’t wait for him to devour me whole.
“Glad you enjoyed the view.” I managed to say. I decided today was my day to play though. I wanted to be in charge so badly so I took his hand out of my panties, kissed his cheek, barely touching the skin, and went to my bed. He followed me like a puppy. I took off my dress reveling my white bra and white panties (and no there were not matching but who cares).
“Is it just me or did you get even hotter?” He asked eyes wide open. He was like a child after Christmas morning. I smiled as my confidence was sky high and pushed him onto the bed. Positioning myself on his lap I pulled on his shirt telling him to lift himself up so I could kiss him. As soon as he did I crashed my lips onto his, and my tongue entered in his mouth, exploring, biting and teasing the shit out of him. My hands were in his hair pulling slightly as his hands went onto my hips desperately trying to tell me to move. I started off with little trusts as my lips attacked his neck. Pretty sure I left many love bites.
“God, I want you.” He said pulling my pony tail to look at me. “You’re driving me crazy woman!”
“Just doing my job, sir.” I said playfully.
Suddenly I found myself in Dean’s arms in the air before he dropped me onto the bed. Wasting no time he took off his clothes, boxers included and boy oh boy how my lungs stopped working. I was in a trance looking at this perfect man who was about to sin with me.
“Yeah?” I asked while my eyes were on his hard dick scanning every vain and practically drooling.
“Why are you still dressed?”
Taking off my underwear he took my face and kissed me as he his body was on top of mine. It looked like he thought he was gonna be in charge...oh honey. My hand went and grabbed his dick as I broke the kiss to look at him. He looked at me with confusion all over his face as I said: “My turn.”
He melted instantly. I knew he liked it when someone bosses him around in bed and gives him “sexy rules”-not so long ago we got drunk (like we usually do on a Sunday night) and talked about sex. Before I completely blacked out I remembered him saying something about him being a sub while his brother was laughing his butt off. Poor guy was too drunk to see his brother sitting sober as a bird in the library reading a book.
“Oh...” He managed to say as I pushed him back onto the bed. I kissed every inch of him; lips, neck, collarbones, biting here and there; stomach, going lower and lower. He was breathing heavily, before I reached his dick and licked the tip first; then he lost his mind. He grabbed my pony tail as I took him all in my mouth, moving slowly up and down. Because I didn’t have gag reflex I could take him whole with ease.  Every time I reached the tip I would vacuum slightly making him moan. Those moans were the hottest thing I have ever heard.
“God, that feels so good.” He said trying to stay sane but failing.
I did that a few times before going back up and kissing him again. He was in shock, it looks like he didn’t expect for me to stop. “I don’t want you to cum just yet.” I said.
“I love when you’re frustrated.” I giggled.
“I hope it amuses you because it’s killing me.”
I decided to stop playing around and positioned myself on top of his tip as I sat down with ease.  His facial expression changed immediately as I slowly started to move, riding him.
“ Fuck.” He cussed.
Deep breaths and moans filled the room, his hands were on my hips and mine were on my boobs cupping them; preventing them from jumping up and down (It hurts like a bitch after). He begged me to speed up soon after moaning my name over and over again. I could see he wasn’t going to last much longer which exited me because I was close too. Considering the fact I prefer when a man is on top of me this was AMAZING. He was hitting all the right places and I was in heaven.
“Dean I’m close!” I yelled.
“I’m too...oh god.”
Jumping up and down on him I could feel my orgasm approaching. I felt like million bucks as he came first after hitting my g-spot so hard I lost my shit and came after him. I was shaking and couldn’t feel my legs as I collapsed next to him.
“Holy shit.” I said panting.
“What was...” He was still trying to catch his breath.
“Best sex I ever had.” He added.
“I think I came so hard my body is dead. I can’t feel my legs at all...nor arms.” I said smiling like an idiot.
“I was that good, huh?” Dean asked with a big ass grin on his face.
It finally hit me that we still haven’t had the talk. I really wanted to know where I was with him.
“Hey, um...what are we?” I finally spilled out.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, we are friends but we also fuck like animals and get jealous if someone flits with our fuck buddy but-“ I was cut off by his lips on mine. This kiss was different though. It was like he was trying to show me just how much he cared about me; it was much more loving and not driven by lust.
“You’re not just my fuck buddy.” He said breaking the kiss. “I really like you. I haven’t felt like this in a very long time, and I’m scared with the life we live what’s gonna happen but I’m willing to try if you’re too.”
“You know my answer.” I just said and kissed him.
Too bad we didn’t have time for round two because Sam came back early for some reason and found us both naked in my bed. Poor moose was traumatized for the next 2 weeks.    
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shurisbathwater · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
💗= 𝖬𝖮
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𝘚 𝘌 𝘙 𝘐 𝘌 𝘚 :: 𝘍𝘌𝘌𝘓 𝘔𝘌 🤍
feel me I
feel me II - 𝗦𝗠𝗨𝗧
feel me III
*touch me bonus*
One night only I
One night only II
One night only III
one night only IV
All mine
I like
paige having a crush on fem!reader
paige x acedemic weapon
sassy paige
Paige doing tiktoks
Tumblr media
Touch me 🤍
Who do you think you are? 🤍
A new years wish 🤍
Late night high 🤍
Mo Washington shows you how to use a gun 💗
Wait for you 🤍
Airplane mode 🖤
Shuri hcs (fluff) 🤍
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7 minutes in heaven ❤
The weekend ❤
Sugarcoat 🤍
Sneaky link 🤍
Let me love you (??)
Tapes 🤍
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onenakedfarmer · 1 year
BLACK OWNED BOOKSTORES List courtesy of Publishers Weekly
Activists across the United States are encouraging book lovers who want to show support for the ongoing protests against police violence to buy books from black-owned and African American–focused bookstores. PW has compiled a list of black-owned stores for readers.
44th and 3rd Bookseller, Atlanta, Ga.
A Different Booklist, Toronto, Ont.
The African American Literature Book Club, online
AfriWare Books, Maywood, Ill.
Amalgam, Philadelphia, Pa.
Ashay by the Bay, Vallejo, Calif.
Atomic City Comics, Philadelphia, Pa.
Babycakes Book Stack, Online
Between the Lines Bookstore, Baton Rouge, La.
Beyond Barcodes Bookstore, Kokomo, Ind.
Black Garnet Books, Minneapolis, Minn.
Black World Books, Killeen, Tex.
Blackstone Bookstore & Cultural Center, Ypsilanti, Mich.
Book Boutique, Atlanta, Ga.
Books and Crannies, Martinsville, Va.
Brian Lair Books, South Bend, Ind.
Brave and Kind Books, Decatur, Ga.
Cafe Con Libros, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Carol's Bookstore, Sacramento, Calif
Cultured Books, St. Petersburg, Fla.
Da Book Joint, Chicago, Ill.
Dare Books, Longwood, Fla.
Detroit Book City, Southfield, Mich.
Enda's Booktique, Duncanville, Tex.
Eso Wan Books, Los Angeles
Eye See Me, University City, Mo.
For Keeps Books, Atlanta, Ga.
Frugal Bookstore, Roxbury, Mass.
Fulton Street Books & Coffee, Tulsa, Ok.
Harambee Books, Alexandria, Va.
Harriett's Bookshop, Philadelphia, Pa.
Hakim's Bookstore, Philadelphia, Pa.
Loyalty Bookstore, Washington, D.C., and Silver Spring, Md.
Lushena Books, Bensenville, Ill.
Mahogany Books, Washington, D.C.
Marcus Books, Oakland, Calif.
Medu Bookstore, Atlanta, Ga.
MeJah Books, Claymont, Del.
Mocha Books, Tulsa, Okla.
Nubian Bookstore, Morrow, Ga.
Olive Tree Books-n-Voices, Springfield, Mass.
Pyramid Art, Books, & Custom Framing, Little Rock, Ark.
Revolution Books, Berkeley, Calif.
Riches in Reading, Maryland City, Md.
Sankofa, Washington, D.C.
Semicolon Bookstore, Chicago, Ill.
Sister's Uptown Bookstore, New York, N.Y.
Sistah Scifi, Online
Smith & Hannon, Cincinnati, Ohio
Solid State Books, Washington, D.C.
Source Booksellers, Detroit, Mich.
Source of Knowledge, Newark, N.J.
The Dock Bookshop, Fort Worth, Tx.
The Black Reserve, Lansdale, Pa.
The Key Bookstore, Hartford, Conn.
The Listening Tree, Decatur, Ga.
The Lit. Bar, Bronx, N.Y.
The Tiny Bookstore, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Turning Page Bookshop, Goose Creek, S.C.
Willa's Books, Kansas City, Mo.
Uncle Bobbie's Books and Cafe, Philadelphia, Penn.
Underground Books, Sacramento, Calif.
Yoruba Bookstore, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Zawadi Books, Columbus, Ohio
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