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With the emergence of startups and digital businesses, it is crucial to have a strong presence in the online space. Custom mobile app developers are essential for creating an intuitive app that can capture the attention of your potential customers.
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bsetec · 2 months
What is the future of Metaverse in Online Gaming Industry
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As we enter a new digital era, the concept of the Metaverse is becoming a cornerstone of innovation within the online gaming industry. Nearly hundreds of millions of virtual reality products are expected to be in use in the next 5 years and almost 154 were counted in the first quarter of this year. Let's explore the future of the Metaverse and highlight software company's groundbreaking contributions to this dynamic landscape.
What is Metaverse in the gaming industry?
 A virtual universe where players can engage, create, and socialize, the Metaverse offers limitless possibilities for both gamers and developers. Many companies contribute to this evolution, one among them is BSEtec - A leading blockchain software development company whose vision and technology are shaping the future of online gaming.
Is it a New Era of Digital Interaction? Yes, The Metaverse makes digital interactions which promises to redefine how players interact with digital worlds and one another. Through virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and artificial intelligence (AI), the gaming experience is becoming more immersive and interconnected than ever before recognize the importance of these technologies in creating a vibrant Metaverse, committing itself to harnessing these advancements to enhance user experience.
How does BSEtec make its technological Innovation?
 BSEtec is at the forefront of integrating advanced technologies into the gaming experience. has built applications using VR and AR, and they have been customized when required to create environments that feel alive and interactive. Players can expect stunning graphics, realistic physics, and seamless experiences that blur the lines between reality and digital existence. 
The future of the Metaverse will likely see an increased focus on interconnectivity between different games and platforms. The player will be able to traverse various games and worlds seamlessly. This cross-platform functionality will allow characters, assets, and achievements to be used across multiple games, creating a cohesive ecosystem that enhances player engagement and retention which can be developed as a web and mobile app.
Enhancing Social Interactions is a central pillar of the Metaverse. aims to improve this aspect by developing social gaming platforms facilitating seamless communication and collaboration among players. Enabling dynamic in-game interactions and fostering communal events, ensures that social experiences are rich and meaningful. Gamers will not only connect with friends but also forge monetization with ad-mob as well as onboarding into many influencers as entrepreneurs, which in other terms as Play-to-Earn Models invokes Economic Opportunities.
BSEtec is actively exploring the integration of cryptocurrency and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) into its gaming platforms namely mint trades, allowing players to earn real-world value from their in-game activities. This transition enables a new economic framework within the Metaverse, incentivizing players to engage, compete, and collaborate. Overall, The future of the Metaverse in the online gaming industry is bright and filled with exhilarating possibilities that will redefine how we play, connect, and create. BSEtec as one of the leading companies looks up a charge in this transformative journey, contributing innovative technologies, getting connected with their blockchain engineers, and embracing Metaverse, it can look forward to an enriched gaming experience that transcends boundaries and brings players together like never before.
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qonqr · 17 days
Greetings Players
It has been a very long time since my last formal update. I’ve been struggling with some tough decisions regarding QONQR over the past few years. The TL;DR; is that I’m working on QONQR again. I’m making efforts to keep it alive. The details follow. Warning: it is a lot of doom and gloom, but there is positivity at the end.
Some background and history
Version 2 and 3 of QONQR were written using a coding technology called Xamarin. It allowed us to write code once and run it on iPhone, Android and previously Windows Phone.  For a small company like ours, it wasn’t feasible to write the application 3 times for 3 different platforms. Xamarin was written on top of Microsoft’s technology, and Microsoft purchased Xamarin several years ago to make it the core of its cross-platform developer solution.
Several years ago, QONQR simply couldn’t pay my salary anymore. I started a new application with another entrepreneur and that project was also a cross-platform application, written in Xamarin, this time for PC and Mac. I’ll refer to this app as “NOTQONQR”.  For the past 10 years, I have worked in Xamarin on Android, iOS, MacOs, and Windows (and Windows Phone). Building cross platform software has become one of the most frustrating and unfulfilling career decisions I’ve made. I realized it wasn’t phone apps or gaming that was making me miserable. It was everything cross-platform and the dependency on multiple companies to make a good product so that I could in turn make a good product.
While things started out “OK”, building software in Xamarin over the past decade has destroyed my passion for building software. I, along with the developers I have worked with, had the attitude for years that the issues were the result of being on the cutting edge and early days of cross platform development. I lost that opinion years ago.  To this day, the outstanding bug list for Xamarin is thousands deep. Many of these bugs have been on the list for years, and now they will never be fixed.
While this sounds like a Xamarin issue, it is an industry issue. Look around at other cross platform solutions, and you’ll be hard pressed to find one that doesn’t have many hundreds or thousands of outstanding bugs on their public bug trackers. Building apps is a nightmare, it has been from the start. I have spent most of my development time on both projects the past 5 years fixing issues caused by big companies or governments. I can’t count how many times I spent my days fixing something that worked just fine 6 months ago, but now is broken because Apple, Google or Microsoft decided to do the exact same thing a different way, and now a rewrite is needed.  Governments around the world have passed laws making it harder for developers to build apps. Privacy laws have made it nearly impossible to keep predators, would-be hackers and toxic people out of an app. Governments and consumer advocacy groups are suing and fining Apple and Google at every opportunity. As a result, Apple and Google are making changes that satisfy the mob, but hurt developers like me. No smart developer would build a game like QONQR today. The things we did before to ensure the GPS coordinates were legitimate, people were actual people, and gameplay was fair have nearly all been removed from my toolkit, making it very hard to protect my good players from bad people.
To further the opinion that this is an industry problem, a friend of mine who is a well-known Android podcaster, author of several android developer books, and speaker and many large developer conferences recently made a blog post about the state of app development. He mentioned that he is seeing burn out in both Android and iOS camps. Developers are tired of fighting the issues and are leaving to become web developers or leaving all together. He even admitted that he thinks his days as a mobile developer are numbered, despite being an internationally known and industry respected mobile dev. Too many developers are exhausted from the continual churn of fixing things that shouldn’t need to be fixed.
My mental status the last few years
I frequently receive support emails berating me for allowing cheaters to cheat, including two emails last week from a long-time player demanding I either “fix my shitty app or shut it down.” Sadly, most of the perceived cheating isn't actually happening, and the small number issues that we are blocked from addressing are the result of Apple and Google, and many of them are in direct response to new laws and regulations that protect everyone, including criminals and predators, but not developers.
In the first 5 years of QONQR, I would regularly work from 7am to 2am multiple days a week. However, for the last 5 years I have been in a developer depression of sorts. I didn’t want to get out of bed. I would sit at my computer for hours, sometimes an entire day and struggle to write 10 lines of code. I’d find any excuse not to code. Everything I looked at was broken. Internet searches showed me never ending bug reports in Xamarin, Android and iOS, that went unfixed, and workarounds that must have worked at some point, but no longer work today. I hated the profession I had chosen, the technology stack I had invested my career in, and felt trapped by being tied to two applications that I had ownership of, and from which I couldn’t just quit and find a new job. My wife would ask me frequently to consider finding a career I thought I would enjoy and just give up software all together. Unfortunately, I simply didn’t have passion for anything outside of my volunteering as a high school robotics coach. That is a retirement, not a career move.
The technology situation today
Xamarin was declared “dead” by Microsoft a couple years ago. It was replaced by a technology called MAUI. In nearly all respect, MAUI is identical to Xamarin, but of course different enough. My fellow developer and I started migrating NOTQONQR from Xamarin to MAUI about 3 months ago. Early indications are that MAUI will have better performance and stability than Xamarin had. It seems to be slightly or moderately better in most cases.
For the developers reading this, I’ll get into some technical details in this paragraph, skip to the next if you aren’t a developer. We built the UI for both apps using code. XAML markup wasn’t even an option for years when QONQR staring using Xamarin. You needed to build your pages one element at a time using code. No markup, no layout tools. Many/most developers who have been using Xamarin for more than 5 years, probably built their UI using code, rather than markup, even after XAML became an option. For the NOTQONQR app, I spent a week in June and completely converted the code from the Xamarin framework to the MAUI framework. It was pretty easy to get to a point everything would compile. I was able to get tens of thousands of lines of UI code to compile in the new framework in a few days. When the app would run, we found lots of minor issues with layout. Things didn’t align quite right or wouldn’t become visible when they should have been shown. We came to the realization that we needed to completely rewire the UI in XAML, and could no longer draw our pages using code. The rendering engine was built for pre-compiling your page layout and it was clear Microsoft had not put much emphasis or testing on generating UI on the fly. It makes sense. Given the timelines the Microsoft developers were under, it was the right choice. Unfortunately, it took a few weeks migration and made it into a few months for those of us who started with Xamarin a decade ago. The effort to get to MAUI even though it is basically the same as Xamarin is a huge lift due to the age of our code.
I attempted to migrate QONQR to MAUI two years ago when Xamarin was declared “dead” and MAUI the new successor. At the time, MAUI could not play sounds, did not have notifications, and could not make an in-app purchase. The product was “ready for production” and completely unusable. I was stuck. There was no way I could migrate QONQR to MAUI and given my mental state, I just couldn’t force myself to push through the issues like I had in the past. That was a stopping point for me and QONQR. I’m sure all the players noticed nothing new was happening.
Fast forward two years, NOTQONQR must migrate. I wasn’t the only owner of the app and my partner company needed to make it work. We were looking at a complete rewrite of the app in a new language, or push through a MAUI migration.  So we revisited MAUI. Things are much better two years later.
When I started working in MAUI for the NOTQONQR app, it felt like home. I spent years working in XAML markup before Xamarin. MAUI made sense and seemed to work well. Yes there are still thousands of bugs on the backlog. This is frustrating but not new.
My attitude got better. I have spent several days in the past month working past midnight in MAUI. I’ve spent my weekends writing code. It has been a significant change from being unable to force myself to write code, to looking forward to it again. I can’t say that I love writing code again, but I do feel productive.
The future for QONQR
I’m up against a big deadline. Apps written in Xamarin have an end of the year deadline to be migrated to something else or stop working. I am getting notices that maps will stop working in the next version of iOS if I don’t update my controls, and an update isn’t possible in Xamarin. It is very possible the current version of QONQR will not work on the new iPhone or when everyone updates iOS.
I had planned to try and work on QONQR over the summer, but having a summer intern at NOTQONQR I needed to manage and that MAUI migration taking months more than planned took all my time away. Now that intern has returned to college, and the NOTQONQR migration can be wrapped up by the other developer on that team, I have told the owner of the NOTQONQR company I’m taking a month off work. I’ll be avoiding my other job to focus on QONQR.
Sadly, the first two weeks of the QONQR migration have been painful and slow. After two weeks of long days and weekends, I have the Welcome page, login and map working including the Android Anti-hacker security checks. That’s it. Some of the simple pages may work as is, with the basic migration, but all of the complicated pages (which is a lot of the app) will need a fresh start. For example, the launch page draws everything in the middle of the screen stacked on top of each other. Very little can be salvaged, I need to start over and build the screen from scratch. I think many of our pages may be this way.
Admittedly, I spent much of my time the past two weeks just trying to get the core of the app to work. A lot of the system stuff like local storage, notifications, sounds, colors, fonts, images, etc all had to be setup differently. I had to start with a completely new map. Animations never really worked well in Xamarin and they aren’t any better in MAUI. I’m taking them out everywhere I can since they have always been the source of most crashes. Today I have a running app in MAUI, but it doesn’t do much yet. The past two weeks have shown me this looks possible to complete before the end of the year.
Beta release of QONQR 4.0.
Distribution: If/when I get to that point, the beta would be available through Google Play and Apple App Store and you would need to opt-in to the beta program. I previously had been using Microsoft’s App Center for pre-release versions of the app for player testing. That has been shut down. The only good option available is to release through the stores, which requires official (and long) app reviews on Apple, even for a test release. You won’t be able to run the beta side by side with QONQR 3.X
Barebones: Registration may have to be done online in the early releases. Upgrades and ordnances may also have to be purchased one the web portal. Probably no notifications.
No Chat: Right now, I am planning to remove chat from the app. The US Senate passed a bill in July that would make me responsible for anything posted in my app by a user. While this bill is unlikely to become law, it is a sign of further punishing app developers, but not giving us the tools to keep bad people out of our apps. I will replace chat with a link to the “Unofficial Community Discord”.  It is unclear how this potential law may impact the forums should something similar become law in the future.
Launch: I’m going to do my best to get something like the old launch screen working, but it may be just the simple launch screen to start. Whatever I come up with, I hope it will be temporary. A big challenge with QONQR is hackers attempting to automate launching. While I have some ways of stopping that after a few hours the current “are you human”, takes hours to have an impact. I’d like to redo this screen so that it requires more than just tapping in the same spot over and over to launch. No one likes change, but I hope you like cheaters less. I’ll do my best to come up with something players will tolerate but is harder to automate.
Messaging: Player to Player messaging may eliminate the use of the custom emoji packs we have sold. This will simplify the complexity of this screen and message passing. If you purchased one of these emoji packs, you will receive a bundle of cubes as compensation. I won’t know for sure if we are removing the packs until I get in there and attempt to migrate.
Sync Lock Mini Game: This unfortunately needs to stay as our only reasonable way to combat multi-scoping. I am well aware this still hurts families, but I don’t have an alternative giving the privacy laws the EU and US have enacted that prevent me from taking better measures. This is a very complex UI and I’m concerned about the effort it will take to migrate.
No music: I don’t think I’m going to migrate the background music. I think it is time to let this go. Background audio is hard and inconsistent.
Skins: This seems unlikely. The library I used in Xamarin to tint images doesn’t work on Maui. I don’t have plans to work on a replacement until everything else is working.
New features: None are planned yet, but the largest roadblock to new features in the past 3 years was the knowledge that anything we built was being built on a dead coding platform. If the migration succeeds, that roadblock will be gone.
Can developers help?
Many have asked me if they can help or if I can make QONQR open source. Sadly, I don’t think this is a viable path forward. Exposing all of the code would make it a trivial matter for a hacker to bypass all the protections in the app and automate and manipulate everything except buying cubes. Even if I went to the effort to pull out the secret code that stops hacking the app, any developer who worked on the code would be perceived a cheater. There are too many instances in the past where a player I asked for advice or tips, claimed to be a QONQR developer and claimed to have a special build and/or free cubes. This has never been true, but if people think their opponent is cheating they stop playing or stop spending money that is needed to keep the servers alive. The past has shown that letting anyone have even a little access never ends well.
Even today, with as hard as it is to stop hackers and cheaters the impact is much smaller than most people believe. Yes, some players are probably cheating their location, but they are put into overheat penalty on their scope when they do. They can deploy in two locations, but deploy fewer bots than if they stayed in one spot. I get many emails with “proof” that someone is cheating. Most of the claims don’t hold up when investigated. There are certainly limits on what I can do, but the perception of people cheating is much much higher than actual instances we have uncovered. Every day, I receive dozens of automated notices where QONQR code blocked devices that had a hacked version of the game, attempts to steel cubes, GPS spoofing penalized, too many failed launch verification, and players switching devices too frequently. There are many many cheater detections in place and they are working. For the most part, the biggest problem with cheating isn’t that it is happening, but that players think it is happening much more often than it really is. Giving anyone access to even part of the code would only make this problem worse.
In Reflection
Next week, it will be 14 years since the name “QONQR” came out of Justin’s mouth at a Starup Weekend competition. So much has happened in that time. There was a time when I felt like it was going to be time to turn off the servers because profits had gone negative. Then Gmenman goes and gets a huge damned Legion tattoo. There was no way it could be shut down in the months after that. A while later, profits got a little better and the servers were safe again. A few years ago, I posted a fairly negative blog post about how things were going, hinting that things may finally be coming to an end. The next day I received a heartfelt thank you message from a player who had shared that she struggled in her real life and QONQR was the first place where people accepted her as the person she was, and didn’t judge her as they did in the real world. She thanked me for making a safe place for her to be her true self. There was no way I was going to take that away from her, so I kept the servers up. TotallyGomer and YellerCukes both shared with me their appreciation for QONQR as a way to stay in touch with their friends and the outside world before their passings. This will forever be something I’m proud to have provided. Together we have grieved the untimely losses of several players, and the memorials show how much they are missed. Players have been through so many challenges in their lives, with QONQR friends supporting them along the way.
The necessity to either rewrite QONQR or shut it down has been looming over me for months. It doesn’t make financial sense for me to stop working at my other job and spend months rewriting the QONQR app to keep this going. The smart thing would be to shut it down and move on. Focus on something new and leave behind all the issues of mobile gaming, government regulations, and abusive mobile marketplaces.  But…  the smart decision has been the wrong decision too many times before.
QONQR is too much of who I am, who you are, who we are. I’m going to try. QONQR may be always full of issues. It may have fewer features than in the past, but I’m going to try and keep the heart of what QONQR has always been in the new version. I can’t promise it will be done soon and can’t even tell you it will keep working on your current or new device in the coming months. However, I’m here today to tell you, QONQR is too important to let go, and I’m working on keeping it going until I find it just isn’t possible. I now believe I can make it work. I ask for your understanding and patience as the 4.0 beta moves forward.
For those that continue to buy cubes, thanks for keeping the servers alive.
-Scott (aka Silver)
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joomladevelopment25 · 23 days
Node.js Development | Node.js Development Company
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We at Blue Summit are in the business of delivering high-quality applications because we are one of the pioneers in the Node.js web application development service industry. We have been meeting the needs of both large and small business modules, whether it's for app development or plug-in and module development solutions. The versatility of our developers lies in achieving business objectives through Node.js development, which they enjoy working on.
The urge to acquire Node.js developers therefore fits precisely when custom Node.js solutions are to be built based on the stated modules So, come to us, start your web application, and accomplish your business objectives. In order to help our clients' businesses succeed, we pledge to provide exceptional Node.js application development results.
Service Offerings
Development of highly event driven Node.js web applications
Customized Node.js development services
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Skills Matrix
A strong foundation for becoming a strong Node.js developer is a strong understanding of JavaScript. If you already know JavaScript then you are one step closer to gaining the right skills to become one. Therefore, if you are unfamiliar with JavaScript, you should begin using it right away.
Our Node.js Developer at Blue Summit has a wide range of knowledge in a variety of areas. The essential skills that our Node.js experts use are listed below.
It is absolutely necessary to have a fundamental understanding of front-end technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3.
Experience with Node.js and other frameworks like Express, StrongLoop, and so on
Recognizing the fundamentals and workarounds of asynchronous programming.
Excellent familiarity with server-side templating languages like Jade, EJS, and others
A solid understanding of server-side CSS preprocessors like Stylus
Working knowledge of user authentication and authorization across a variety of servers, environments, and systems.
The capacity to incorporate multiple databases and data sources into a single system.
Recognizing the fundamental design principles that underlie scalable applications.
Optimizing the output of various delivery platforms by understanding their differences.
Putting in place platform and unit tests for automated testing.
A thorough comprehension of code versioning tools like Git.
Practical experience working with Node.js tools like npm, grunt, gulp, brunch, and broccoli, among others
Correct error handling is an essential component of the application: It can be difficult to determine when to crash or simply log the error and continue or retry.
The Twelve-Factor application manifesto outlines the best ways to write web applications.
A solid understanding of semantic versioning
Include additional Node.js-related skills like PHP, jQuery, CSS3, and so on.
Framework Competency
JavaScript has risen to prominence since the release of Node.js. Since it is already a well-known programming language used by browser developers, it will happen. Additionally, it has discovered a server-side implementation with Node.js, thereby reducing the complexity of employing two distinct languages at both ends.
One of the most cutting-edge ways to build servers and web/mobile applications today is Node.js. It stands out from other runtime environments thanks to its asynchronous, non-blocking input/output processing and single-threaded event looping. With helpful contributions from the developer community and other technology giants, its scope is expanding rapidly. Several performance-driven frameworks are currently being developed using the fundamental principles and methods of Node.JS. These frameworks have built newer features in addition to significantly expanding Node.js functionality.
Our professionals are currently utilizing frameworks like Express.js and Hapi.js, which are gaining popularity for better website and mobile application design. As a result, it has become critical to embrace the most recent technological advancements brought about by these Node.js frameworks. We decided to compile a list of popular Node.js frameworks and their useful applications with this goal in mind. We've compiled a list of the 10 best Node.js frameworks, all of which are redefining the application development industry at the moment.
Our Tools and Technologies
The tools we've used in the past or use regularly at Blue Summit are listed in our subjective list of the Best Node.js Tools for Our Developers. To help individuals who use Node.js like us, we made the decision to expose our stack.
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Our Development Process
Understanding Requirement
We assign a exclusive team to work with you and understand all the concepts and requirements of your project.
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Upon obtaining design approval, we build the product according to the client's requirements.
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itlion · 9 months
Will Pair Programming Be Eliminated by AI?
Pair programming is commended for all of its advantages. The team is aware of the technologies and code base, so even if certain team members are ill or unavailable, work will continue to be done in the website design company.
If code reviews are required at all, it simplifies them. It also produces code of excellent quality. This is where "AI pair programmers"—a term used to describe AI programming tools like GitHub's Copilot—may be helpful. Some programmers may be happy about these non-human entities since they may eliminate the scourge of programming and the need for them to "pair program" with obnoxious coworkers. Others may have different emotions. Regardless of your background in pair programming, AI has the potential to be revolutionary.
Trying to answer the issue, Will Pair Programming Be Eliminated by AI?
Let us delve into the realm of pair programming in this article.
Pair programming: What is it?
Pair programming's core tenet is that two users share a computer. However, some businesses use a variant of pair programming called mob programming.
Instead of working in pairs, a group of developers collaborates using mob programming on a single assignment. They might even use the same computer.
Remote pair programming, in which two people work on an issue via the Internet, has also altered the definition and application of pair programming.
It works well for remote work teams and organizations with members dispersed across various states, nations, or regions.
The process of pair programming
In pair programming, two people develop code together—typically on a single computer. During the matching phase, they have a specific objective that they must accomplish and frequently overlook the more comprehensive picture. A separate research session may be necessary occasionally for the pair, mainly when working with unfamiliar technologies, tools, or code bases.
Other tasks, such as spending time comprehending a user story and your team's notion of "done," might be included in pairing. A user story is a strategy for developing software features. It rephrases the elements, keeping the user in mind.
When a team says something is "done," they believe it is complete enough to share with the end user. This could apply to the entire product or just one user story.
For pair programming to be effective, you must consider how to cycle the pair's tasks, take pauses, manage your time, and take turns. When pairing remotely, use software to access the other person's code, such as LiveShare on Visual Studio code.
Will pair AI eliminate programming?
The number of AI coding assistants that have arrived to simplify our lives as software engineers still overwhelms us.
In the 2023 StackOverflow Survey, 37,000 developers used AI tools, and 82.55% used them to produce code. The most essential query is whether these AI technologies can facilitate pair programming. One option is to contrast AI programs that market themselves as "your AI pair programmer" with human programmers. Is this, however, a fair comparison?
AI helper tool comparison with human pair
If you consider the AI the navigator, it will provide you with code ideas through code completions. But should the navigator have less significant experience or knowledge? In this instance, is AI more knowledgeable about the technology and code base than humans? There may be better ideas to think of AI-powered pair programming in terms of comparing AI with humans.
Assistant tools for AI coding that act as AI programmers
These artificial intelligence technologies provide recommendations you were already considering but just took a bit longer to write them down. But they can produce them fast, which accelerates your web development services. As such, we're more productive in finishing user stories and scripts more quickly.
Debugging, however, may take longer than the AI genuinely saves us when it makes a mistake.
Will pair programming then be eliminated?
AI will eliminate improperly implemented pair programming. However, if pair programming is executed wherein I assume the dual roles of driver and navigator, the AI and I will benefit from this approach.
AI systems now provide recommendations based on code-based comprehension of context. This implies that I can work well with the AI as a partner. Thus, AIs such as Copilot or CodeWhisperer can assist if your pairing choices are poor matches or if your culture discourages good pairing. However, the requirement for an AI pair programmer is significantly decreased if pair programming is carried out well.
You won't require an AI if you and your partner can agree on the objectives for the pairing session and if one or both of you are familiar with the technologies, code base, and user story.
Conversely, an AI can be helpful if you're coding alone and having trouble. This technology would also be beneficial when your coworkers are unavailable, such as late at night, during a meeting, or while on vacation.
This suggests we can't be sure whether AI will eliminate pair programming. Nevertheless, it's helpful to consider your particular use case when considering AI as a pair programmer.
Final reflections
Web developers sometimes swear to ride alone. We prefer to avoid taking on roles that require pairing because we have had terrible experiences with pair programming. Pair programming has proper and improper methods. For instance, pairing for the entire workday might not be beneficial while providing web development services.
Pairing has its limitations, as well. Sometimes, giving your brain some quiet time to ponder is the only way to address an issue, and it's challenging to do so when someone is constantly chatting. A website design company can assist you with all your requirements.
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mycoderesist · 1 year
Market of Low-Code by Industry Experts IT organizations are noticing new trend in the development approach of a product or applications. Customers or client are now asking for platforms which can help rapid prototyping and development , reduce dependency on IT department, flexibility to build and customize own applications. Such trending tractions are leaning towards No-Code / Low-Code kind of platforms in the market. In last few years , 100s of new platforms have emerged to capture the market sentiments. Majority of industry experts, leaders and analyst also believe that this is the right time to adopt the No-Code/Low-Code platforms. Many analyst and leaders like Gartner, Avasant , Forester, Everest Group are conducting research and working with clients & IT service providers to gather the feedback and providing their point of view. Low-Code & No-Code Application Platform Market Forecast   By 2024, 75% of large enterprises will be using at least four low-code development tools for both IT application development and citizen development initiatives (Gartner) The worldwide low-code development technologies market is projected to total $13.8 billion in 2021, an increase of 22.6% from 2020, according to the latest forecast by Gartner, Inc. The surge in remote development during the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to boost low- code adoption, despite ongoing cost optimization efforts (Gartner) The global low-code development platform market is predicted to generate a revenue of $187.0 billion by 2030, rising from $10.3 billion in 2019, and is expected to advance at a fast pace, 31.1% CAGR, during the forecast period (2020-2030). (Global NewsWire) Forrester predicts that by the end of 2021, 75% of development shops will use low-code platforms (up from just 44% in 2020) The global low code application development platform market size is expected to reach USD 86.92 billion by 2027, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is projected to register a CAGR of 22.7% during the forecast period (GrandViewResearch) Low-Code & No-Code Market Trends and AdoptionThe future of software development is here, and it's called Low-Code. Low-Code is a process that allows companies to build applications without necessarily having to learn and understand how to code. Low-Code is a process by which a company can develop an application with a very small amount of code. Sending low-code is a process by which a company can quickly create the application, and deliver it to the market. Therefore, software development is now easier than ever before. If you have an idea and you want to bring it to life, Low-Code is for you. Low-Code is a process that allows companies to develop applications without necessarily having to learn and understand how to code. Low-Code is a process by which a company can develop an application with a very small amount of code. Sending low-code is a process by which a company can quickly create the application, and deliver it to the market. Therefore, software development is now easier than ever before.The market size for hyper-automation is anticipated to reach USD 23.7 billion by 2017, while the low-code market size is estimated to reach USD 86.92 billion by 2027, almost four times the size of the hyper-automation market (Wipro)24% of low-code users reported starting with 0 experience and 70% of those users learn low-code in a month or less than month which leading to 55% high growth organizations focus on innovations and customer engagement (Mendix)Low-code platforms are increasingly becoming the go-to platforms for developing web and mobile applications, as they offer increased agility, faster time to market, and a minimal learning curve, as well as requiring little investment in software maintenance and deployment. This trend shows no sign of slowing down (Zoho Creator)In a Gartner survey on business unit IT, 46% of respondents stated that increase for business-led IT spend was due to increased development of software, applications or databases.
In another Gartner survey on citizen development, 41% of respondents have active citizen development initiatives and 20% of those that don’t are either evaluating or plan to start citizen development initiatives (Gartner)By 2023, over 500 Million Digital Apps and Services Will Be Developed and Deployed Using Cloud-Native Approaches, Most of Those Targeted at Industry-Specific Digital Transformation Use Case (IDC)IT departments struggle with insufficient staff and resources to meet all the demands put upon them, In fact, a survey by IBM in 2014 found that 80 percent of cutting-edge enterprises were turning to citizen developers to plug these gaps. (AppSheet)  The overall benefit of a DAP is speed. In general, they can potentially shave 50-90% off development time vs. a coding language. We believe low-code DAPs will craft nearly half of all applications developed in the coming years because they take less time to porotype, test and deploy to production.(Redhat) Top Findings - Low-Code/No-Code Platforms OutSystems has raised a total of $572.1M in funding over 7 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Feb 17, 2021 from a Series E round Mendix has raised a total of $38M in funding over 3 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Jan 23, 2014 from a Series B round. Appian has raised a total of $47.5M in funding over 2 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Mar 3, 2014 from a Venture – Series Unknown round Airtable has raised a total of $617.6M in funding over 8 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Mar 15, 2021 from a Series E round AppSheet has raised a total of $18.5M in funding over 6 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Apr 25, 2019 from a Series A round Bubble has raised a total of $106.3M in funding over 2 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Jul 27, 2021 from a Series A round Nintex has raised a total of $135M in funding over 3 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Nov 13, 2019 from a Corporate Round round Disclosure:  The opinions on this page are taken from various sources and reference available in market and we try our best to keep things fair and balanced, in order to help you to make the best option. Analyst recommendation Top Low-Code Platforms Search & Compare all platforms using our native quick comparison features on portal E Everest Group Top 14 Low-Code Application Development Start Ups Gartner Magic Quadrant Top 15 Enterprise Low-Code Application Platforms G Avasant Top 14 Low-Code Intelligent Automation Platforms A Forester wave Top 14 Low-Code Application Platforms F Search & Compare all platforms using our native quick comparison features on portalCheck top low-code application platforms recommendation by leading market analyst Top Low-Code With the introduction of low-code, software development is changing. It is important to keep up with the changes to ensure your company stays up to date.
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yespoonamsoni · 2 years
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Looking for a reliable React JS web development company? Look no further. Our team offers top-notch React JS development services to bring your ideas to life and elevate your online presence. We are experts in delivering cutting-edge React JS solutions to help businesses enhance their online presence. From web application development to UI/UX design, we have the expertise and experience to bring your ideas to life. Trust us to deliver high-quality, scalable, and cost-effective solutions that drive your success. Get in touch now!
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sunshinenahas · 2 years
Skype download mob
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The following year, it became the default messaging app for Windows 8.1, replacing the Windows 8 Messaging app at the time, and became pre-installed software on every device that came with or upgraded to 8.1. They were made available from Windows Store when the then-new OS launched on 26 October 2012. Along with taking over the development of existing Skype desktop and mobile apps, the company developed a dedicated client app for its then-newly released, touch-focused Windows 8 and Windows RT operating systems. Shortly after the acquisition, Microsoft began integrating the Skype service with its own products. The acquisition was completed on 13 October 2011. The company was incorporated as a division of Microsoft, which acquired all its technologies with the purchase. On, Microsoft Corporation acquired Skype Communications, S.à r.l for US$8.5 billion. In 2019, Skype was announced to be the sixth most downloaded mobile app of the decade, from 2010 to 2019. It allowed users to transfer funds via the Skype mobile app in the middle of a conversation. īetween 20, Skype collaborated with PayPal to provide a money-send feature.
On 17 June 2013, Skype released a free video messaging service, which can be operated on Windows, Mac OS, iOS, iPadOS, Android, and BlackBerry. On 14 July 2011, Skype partnered with Comcast to bring its video chat service to Comcast subscribers via HDTV sets. On 1 September 2009, eBay announced it was selling 65% of Skype to Silver Lake, Andreessen Horowitz, and the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board for US$1.9 billion, valuing Skype at US$2.75 billion.
agreed to acquire Luxembourg-based Skype Technologies SA for approximately US$2.5 billion in up-front cash and eBay stock, plus potential performance-based consideration. In June 2005, Skype entered an agreement with the Polish web portal for an integrated offering on the Polish market. An early alpha version was created and tested in spring 2003, and the first public beta version was released on 29 August 2003. Friis and Annus are credited with the idea of reducing the cost of voice calls by using a P2P protocol like that of Kazaa. The Skype software was created by Estonians Ahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu, Jaan Tallinn, and Toivo Annus. Skype was founded in 2003 by Niklas Zennström, from Sweden, and Janus Friis, from Denmark. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Skype lost a large part of its market share to Zoom. It became entirely powered by Microsoft-operated supernodes in May 2012 in 2017, it changed from a peer-to-peer service to a centralized Azure-based service.Īs of March 2020, Skype was used by 100 million people at least once a month and by 40 million people each day. Skype originally featured a hybrid peer-to-peer and client–server system. As of 2011, most of the development team and 44% of all the division's employees were in Tallinn and Tartu, Estonia. In May 2011, Microsoft bought Skype for $8.5 billion and used it to replace their Windows Live Messenger. In September 2009, Silver Lake, Andreessen Horowitz, and the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board bought 65% of Skype for $1.9 billion from eBay, valuing the business at $2.92 billion. In September 2005, eBay acquired Skype for $2.6 billion. Skype was created by Niklas Zennström, Janus Friis, and four Estonian developers and first released in August 2003. Skype is available on various desktop, mobile, and video game console platforms. It also has instant messaging, file transfer, debit-based calls to landline and mobile telephones (over traditional telephone networks), and other features. Skype ( / s k aɪ p/) is a proprietary telecommunications application operated by Skype Technologies, a division of Microsoft, best known for VoIP-based videotelephony, videoconferencing and voice calls. Videoconferencing, VoIP and Instant messaging
Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, iPadOS, HoloLens, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
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thelessburn · 2 years
Data decay refers to the degradation in the quality of data in the marketing and sales databases of companies. Marketing data integrity poses a real problem for many businesses bringing down efficiency and profits.
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source-right · 3 years
Design Useful Yet Stunning Applications with Wearable Design Company In Wisconsin
Mobile Application Development involves a process during which there's the writing of software for the tiny wireless computer like Smart Phones. This software is written specifically so that the advantage of the unique features can be available for that smart device.
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Mobile Application Development Service
Our professional mob application developers have decade years of experience in building a solution that can meet the market needs and demands. They also help empower the company's brand identity and encourage the growth and expansion of the business.
Wearable and embedded software- the creation of the various companion applications for the various wearable devices makes us the best Wearable Design Company in Wisconsin. These applications can easily integrate with many of the smart devices and other propriety peripherals.
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We delight our users with the feature-rich and expressive Android/IOS, progressive web apps, and Cloud Based Remote Monitoring Software. We have extensive experience in working with all these technologies.
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It is an ideal software that remotely monitors a good range of unattended equipment from the standby power generators to the oil field equipment. Your dashboard is always with you wherever you are.
Some facilities driven by this software are as follows-
• Google maps dynamic interference • Periodic point data reporting • User- Programmable alarm limits • SMS, email, and voice notifications.
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viktorjrivy · 3 years
How Web 2.0 has changed the way people communicate and collaborate online
Web 2.0 has significantly changed the way society communicates and collaborates online. Web 2.0 essentially refers to web that is user-centred and based around a ‘matrix of dialogues’ (Arya & Mishra, 2012). Since it’s inception in 2004, a multitude of new platforms have been developed but a few in particular that are designed to facilitate and leverage communication and public participation have become mainstream whicles for social debate and communication on contemporary issues. Coinciding with the technology development has been a consistent emergence of public movements and protests, with a world-wide reach that is driving social change on a number of different levels. Each of these movements shares in common the effective use of social media to communicate and organise reactionary activities.
The use of social media platforms such as Twitter have been an important tool in the mobilisation, organisation and communication of recent social movements such as MeToo (#MeToo) (Manikonda, Beigi, Liu, & Kambhampati, 2018), Black Lives Matter (Ince et al., 2017) and Occupy Wall Street (Tremayne, 2013). Scholars around the globe have been discussing the importance of social media in supporting social change by promoting engagement amongst young people and increasing participation in social change ‘action’ or movements (Shirky, 2011). This essay will look at Twitter as such a platform along with it’s intrinsic design affordances, discussing how they have been used to support contemporary social movements and how it has changed the way people mobilise support and action online today.
Twitter is a company and social media platform that was publicly released in 2006 and has become a popular fixture within the social media ecosystem alongside platforms such as Youtube, Facebook and Instagram (Weller et al., 2013). Twitter is Web 2.0 platform that allows users to post short messages that are a maximum 140 characters in the form of tweets. In 2021, it was reported that the platform has around 187 million users globally ("Twitter: most users by country | Statista", 2021), posting 500 million tweets per day. The Twitter feed can be efficiently and easily integrated into a variety of third-party applications through it’s Application Programming Interface (API), increasing it’s reach (Weller et al., 2013). It has become an adjunct and indispensable extension of mainstream media participants without the editorial censorship of the mainstream print media.
One of the most notable and beneficial features of this platform, is the ability to use hashtags that group together and categorise information depending on the topic (Weller et al., 2013). This important affordance distinguishes the platform from earlier Web 1.0 communication tools such as e-mail and static websites, allowing users to contribute to discourse and collective conversation on any given topic.  Given the potential overload of diverse information on a daily basis for web users this is a significant advance. It allows a topic to be ‘followed’ in its development in real time. This is referred to as ‘trending’, if engagement with the specific topic or comment is being read and reacted to by large numbers of people. This is invaluable intelligence for those in the media and political and government spheres. 
 The prevalence of Web 2.0 social networking platforms like Twitter have shifted how activists collaborate and organise social movements. Social movements are now open to participation from an infinite number of global actors. This is vastly different to how movements have operated in the past, governed by a specifically organised group of actors. Scholars have explored how historically, social activism movements were composed of many different groups of people, working toward similar goals which were focussed around centralised mobilisation in specific geographic locations  (p. 751; see also Leong, Pan, Bahri, & Fauzi, 2019). Today, activism is very different, actors can locate and share information in a much easier way through social media networks. The flow of information stays consistent over time and space which allows communities to assemble quickly, through continuous cycles of dissemination and reaction (boyd, 2010; Papacharissi & de Fatima Oliviera, 2012). The communities continue to grow as this process repeats itself, bringing together and mobilising users from all over the world.
In order to fully appreciate how and why Twitter has been so successful in supporting social movements and changing the way society communicates and collaborates online, the platform’s design affordances need to be examined. Affordances are a way of understanding the dynamic between the user and the architecture of a given platform. This perspective helps determine how new media platforms can govern the way users communicate (Boyd, 2011). The key affordances that Twitter provides users with are 140 character tweets, @replies, hashtags and retweet functionality. These affordances provide users with tools that they can use to connect with each other over specific topics, disseminate information and develop groups of resistance. (Oltmann et al., 2020).
Hashtags have become ubiquitous within recent social movements. Online users utilise hashtags in number of different ways. Many use hashtags to create an index of searchable posts about a given topic such as #blacklivesmatter or #metoo, whilst other users use them to synthesise and group ideas together (Ince et al., 2017). Twitter’s hashtag affordance is an indexing mode that people use to create a semantic network of information which others can sort through and identify what they would like to communicate and collaborate on. This kind of planetary communicative power that Twitter embodies has totally changed the way society shares information with one another.
The power of Twitter’s hashtags to mobilise the community and spark social change was shown in 2017 when actor Alyssa Milano tweeted, asking followers to write ‘me too’ as a reply to her tweet if they had ever been sexually assaulted. This was in response to sexual assault allegations against film producer Harvey Weinstein at the time. The following morning, the tweet attracted over 55,000 responses and began trending on the platform (Sayej, 2017). Twenty-four hours on the hashtag was recorded being used across many other web platforms, including Facebook where it was cited in over 12 million posts using the hashtag (CBS, 2017). This is an example of how the hashtag feature within Twitter enabled account holders to mobilise through visibility, spreadability and search ability, which resulted in conversation, engaging allies and raising awareness throughout the Me Too movement.
Another major affordance of Twitter that promotes participation in social issues is the retweet feature. In a case study by Mercea (2019) it was found that:
Re-tweeters make visible and transmit insights into collective outcomes and ways of attaining them. They maintain a flow of information that sustains a pool of knowledge about the movement. At the same time, they construct a selective discursive environment where the public voicing of conflict can help clarify the scope of participation in a movement (p.1)
During the Black Lives Matter movement, the retweet was utilised by millions of users to share and re-share images of Michael Browns dead body, expressing their concerns for the welfare of Black Americans (Edrington & Lee, 2018). Here, the retweet function has been used to create a call for action amongst the global community. The success of the Black Lives Matter movement was heavily reliant on Twitter because of this feature and it’s capacity to move people with compelling content.
Thought-leaders and scholars in a particular domain e.g. health of politics can be ‘followed’ and some of the best ones read and review the emerging literature and research on that topic area to make a short (140 character) synopsis of the content and how they rate it - then post the link to the full content piece (Peters et al., 2015). This can save an enormous amount of time and targets reading and staying up to date on issues in an information overloaded world as positive outcome. The downside is it can also reinforce the echo-chamber effect of false or inflammatory information to incite mob action e.g. the Trump presidency use of twitter linked to the mob attack on the White House ("Twitter permanently suspends Trump after U.S. Capitol siege, citing risk of further violence", 2021). Users need to judge the reliability of the source or influencer to avoid being fed mis-information or fake news. Re-tweeting is an affordance that further spreads the information to wider networks so can quickly scale up the community impact of information and hence community sentiment which is a pre-cursor to action – good or bad.
In closing, modern day activism is no longer defined by the logic of collective action that was used to discuss social movements prior to the development of Web 2.0 platforms. Today, social movements are decentralised and not reliant on specific organisations to shape and direct the agenda (Benett & Segerberg, 2012). Activism is now understood as a framework based upon connectivity not collectivity. This has resulted in the practice becoming highly individualised, atomised and able to exist without an organised physical structure (Leong et al., 2019, p. 174.). The expansive networks of platforms such as Twitter, enable the dissemination of information and self motivating sharing of content for the individual.
Twitter is a powerful Web 2.0 platform that is a commonly used tool by society to communicate and organise themselves around issues or social causes. The rhizomatic nature of social networking platforms like Twitter have connected the globe on social issues in ways that would have never been possible with traditional communication mediums. Hashtag movements facilitated by Twitter have highlighted global struggles for racial minorities and affected real change in discourse and social structures. The evidence discussed has highlighted that Twitter is a central node in the current Web 2.0 ecosystem and has introduced new capacity for people to collaborate and communicate through the indexing and sharing of information in ways there not possible prior to the development of Web 2.0.
Arya, H., & Mishra, J. (2012). Oh! Web 2.0, Virtual Reference Service 2.0, Tools & Techniques (II). Journal Of Library & Information Services In Distance Learning, 6(1), 28-46. https://doi.org/10.1080/1533290x.2012.660878
Bennett, W.L., & Segerberg, A. (2012). The logic of connective action. Information, Communication & Society, 15(5), 739-768.
Boyd, d. (2011). Social Network Sites as networked publics: Affordances, dynamics, and implications. In Papacharissi, Z. (Ed.), A networked self: Identity, community, and culture on social network sites (pp. 39–58). New York, NY: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. doi:10.4324/9780203876527
Dan Mercea, & Helton Levy. (2019). Cuing Collective Outcomes on Twitter: A Qualitative Reading of Movement Social Learning (Version pre-publication). International Journal of Communication, 13, 1–23. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3341610
Edrington, C., & Lee, N. (2018). Tweeting a Social Movement: Black Lives Matter and its use of Twitter to Share Information, Build Community, and Promote Action. The Journal Of Public Interest Communications, 2(2), 289. https://doi.org/10.32473/jpic.v2.i2.p289
Ince, J., Rojas, F., & Davis, C. (2017). The social media response to Black Lives Matter: how Twitter users interact with Black Lives Matter through hashtag use. Ethnic And Racial Studies, 40(11), 1814-1830. https://doi.org/10.1080/01419870.2017.1334931
Leong, C., Pan, S.L., Bahri, S., & Fauzi, A. (2019). Social media empowerment in social movements: Power activation and power accrual in digital activism. European Journal of Information Systems, 28(2), 173-204.
Manikonda, L., Beigi, G., Liu, H., & Kambhampati, S. (2018). Twitter for sparking a movement, Reddit for sharing the moment: #Metoo through the lens of social media. ArXiv Preprint, 1–7
Peters, M., Uible, E., & Chisolm, M. (2015). A Twitter Education: Why Psychiatrists Should Tweet. Current Psychiatry Reports, 17(12). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11920-015-0635-4
Oltmann, S., Cooper, T., & Proferes, N. (2020). How Twitter's affordances empower dissent and information dissemination: An exploratory study of the rogue and alt government agency Twitter accounts. Government Information Quarterly, 37(3), 101475. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.giq.2020.101475
Papacharissi, Z., & de Fatima Oliveira, M. (2012). Affective news and networked publics: The rhythms of news storytelling on #Egypt. Journal of Communication, 62(2), 266–282
Sayej, N. (2021). Alyssa Milano on the #MeToo movement: 'We're not going to stand for it any more'. The Guardian. Retrieved 20 April 2021, from https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2017/dec/01/alyssa-milano-mee-too-sexual-harassment-abuse.
Shirky, C. (2008). Here comes everybody: How change happens when people come together. London: Penguin
Tremayne, M. (2013). Anatomy of Protest in the Digital Era: A Network Analysis ofTwitterand Occupy Wall Street. Social Movement Studies, 13(1), 110-126. https://doi.org/10.1080/14742837.2013.830969
Twitter permanently suspends Trump after U.S. Capitol siege, citing risk of further violence. The Conversation. (2021). Retrieved 27 April 2021, from https://theconversation.com/twitter-permanently-suspends-trump-after-u-s-capitol-siege-citing-risk-of-further-violence-152924.
Twitter: most users by country | Statista. Statista. (2021). Retrieved 20 April 2021, from https://www.statista.com/statistics/242606/number-of-active-twitter-users-in-selected-countries/.
Weller, K., Bruns, A., Burgess, J., Mahrt, M., & Puschmann, C. (Eds.). (2013). Twitter and society. ProQuest Ebook Central http://ebookcentral.proquest.com
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erience2019 · 4 years
Blockchain and Web/Mob Application Development company in India
Erience solution is a rapidly growing leader among Blockchain development companies and Web/Mob Design & Development companies.
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mycoderesist · 1 year
Market of Low-Code by Industry Experts IT organizations are noticing new trend in the development approach of a product or applications. Customers or client are now asking for platforms which can help rapid prototyping and development , reduce dependency on IT department, flexibility to build and customize own applications. Such trending tractions are leaning towards No-Code / Low-Code kind of platforms in the market. In last few years , 100s of new platforms have emerged to capture the market sentiments. Majority of industry experts, leaders and analyst also believe that this is the right time to adopt the No-Code/Low-Code platforms. Many analyst and leaders like Gartner, Avasant , Forester, Everest Group are conducting research and working with clients & IT service providers to gather the feedback and providing their point of view. Low-Code & No-Code Application Platform Market Forecast   By 2024, 75% of large enterprises will be using at least four low-code development tools for both IT application development and citizen development initiatives (Gartner) The worldwide low-code development technologies market is projected to total $13.8 billion in 2021, an increase of 22.6% from 2020, according to the latest forecast by Gartner, Inc. The surge in remote development during the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to boost low- code adoption, despite ongoing cost optimization efforts (Gartner) The global low-code development platform market is predicted to generate a revenue of $187.0 billion by 2030, rising from $10.3 billion in 2019, and is expected to advance at a fast pace, 31.1% CAGR, during the forecast period (2020-2030). (Global NewsWire) Forrester predicts that by the end of 2021, 75% of development shops will use low-code platforms (up from just 44% in 2020) The global low code application development platform market size is expected to reach USD 86.92 billion by 2027, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is projected to register a CAGR of 22.7% during the forecast period (GrandViewResearch) Low-Code & No-Code Market Trends and AdoptionThe future of software development is here, and it's called Low-Code. Low-Code is a process that allows companies to build applications without necessarily having to learn and understand how to code. Low-Code is a process by which a company can develop an application with a very small amount of code. Sending low-code is a process by which a company can quickly create the application, and deliver it to the market. Therefore, software development is now easier than ever before. If you have an idea and you want to bring it to life, Low-Code is for you. Low-Code is a process that allows companies to develop applications without necessarily having to learn and understand how to code. Low-Code is a process by which a company can develop an application with a very small amount of code. Sending low-code is a process by which a company can quickly create the application, and deliver it to the market. Therefore, software development is now easier than ever before.The market size for hyper-automation is anticipated to reach USD 23.7 billion by 2017, while the low-code market size is estimated to reach USD 86.92 billion by 2027, almost four times the size of the hyper-automation market (Wipro)24% of low-code users reported starting with 0 experience and 70% of those users learn low-code in a month or less than month which leading to 55% high growth organizations focus on innovations and customer engagement (Mendix)Low-code platforms are increasingly becoming the go-to platforms for developing web and mobile applications, as they offer increased agility, faster time to market, and a minimal learning curve, as well as requiring little investment in software maintenance and deployment. This trend shows no sign of slowing down (Zoho Creator)In a Gartner survey on business unit IT, 46% of respondents stated that increase for business-led IT spend was due to increased development of software, applications or databases.
In another Gartner survey on citizen development, 41% of respondents have active citizen development initiatives and 20% of those that don’t are either evaluating or plan to start citizen development initiatives (Gartner)By 2023, over 500 Million Digital Apps and Services Will Be Developed and Deployed Using Cloud-Native Approaches, Most of Those Targeted at Industry-Specific Digital Transformation Use Case (IDC)IT departments struggle with insufficient staff and resources to meet all the demands put upon them, In fact, a survey by IBM in 2014 found that 80 percent of cutting-edge enterprises were turning to citizen developers to plug these gaps. (AppSheet)  The overall benefit of a DAP is speed. In general, they can potentially shave 50-90% off development time vs. a coding language. We believe low-code DAPs will craft nearly half of all applications developed in the coming years because they take less time to porotype, test and deploy to production.(Redhat) Top Findings - Low-Code/No-Code Platforms OutSystems has raised a total of $572.1M in funding over 7 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Feb 17, 2021 from a Series E round Mendix has raised a total of $38M in funding over 3 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Jan 23, 2014 from a Series B round. Appian has raised a total of $47.5M in funding over 2 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Mar 3, 2014 from a Venture – Series Unknown round Airtable has raised a total of $617.6M in funding over 8 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Mar 15, 2021 from a Series E round AppSheet has raised a total of $18.5M in funding over 6 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Apr 25, 2019 from a Series A round Bubble has raised a total of $106.3M in funding over 2 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Jul 27, 2021 from a Series A round Nintex has raised a total of $135M in funding over 3 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Nov 13, 2019 from a Corporate Round round Disclosure:  The opinions on this page are taken from various sources and reference available in market and we try our best to keep things fair and balanced, in order to help you to make the best option. Analyst recommendation Top Low-Code Platforms Search & Compare all platforms using our native quick comparison features on portal E Everest Group Top 14 Low-Code Application Development Start Ups Gartner Magic Quadrant Top 15 Enterprise Low-Code Application Platforms G Avasant Top 14 Low-Code Intelligent Automation Platforms A Forester wave Top 14 Low-Code Application Platforms F Search & Compare all platforms using our native quick comparison features on portalCheck top low-code application platforms recommendation by leading market analyst Top Low-Code With the introduction of low-code, software development is changing. It is important to keep up with the changes to ensure your company stays up to date.
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diveronarpg · 5 years
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Congratulations, RACH! You’ve been accepted for the role of JULIET with an approved FC change to Ashika Pratt. Admin Rosey: I'm doing a happy dance right now because we finally have a Juliet back in our midst - our lovely, shining principessa has returned back to us again! Rach, your application was so enjoyable to read. It has the soft, melodic cadence of Juliana throughout the interview and laid a great foundation for her growth and development. There was an ease to it that I absolutely adored and I cannot wait to see how she will come to life on the dash! Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Alias | Rach
Age | 20
Preferred Pronouns | She/Her
Activity Level | 8.5 ; These quarantimes are doing  wonders for my activity levels.
Timezone | PST
How did you find the rp?  | See below!
Current/Past RP Accounts | Ahhh, so I actually played Delilah FOREVER ago @delilahbello and applied for Halcyon a while back! I know I’ve been in and out of rping for a while, but I literally have so much love for Diverona & it has such a special place in my heart I thought I might try my hand at another character. But if you wanted a more recent account I have @zubeidakhan!
Character | Juliet; Juliana Arina Capulet  (Could I request a FC change to Ashika Pratt and an age up to 26? )
Juliana - “youthful.”
Arina - “peace”
Capulet- “determined, or head-strong”
What drew you to this character? |
I think there’s something to be said about characters that stand the test of time. The very concept of Juliet Capulet has transcended centuries, but I find there’s something particularly alluring about this modern iteration of her. In Juliana. I see this aforementioned transcendence. I see a girl who’s on the cusp of something big-- and I cannot help but be consumed by  a desire to sink my teeth into her complexities and uncover every nook and cranny she has to offer. Juliana is, after all, a girl who’s been forced to grow comfortable with toeing the line between certainty and the great unknown. Yet, beyond that line, I see something much sturdier. I am drawn to Juliet in that I see her as less of a dainty flower and more of a spider’s web (though it is fascinating how morning dew collects on both). It seems to be a recurring tragedy that girls who like flowers and pretty things are often mistaken for being merely that. But with Julianaa, I’m attracted to her haunting, persistent strength, a beauty that is equal parts aching, stubbornness, and gilded thorns. 
I am drawn to the weaving of Juliana’s web-- her paradoxes, if you will. Humans are, after all, paradoxical creatures.  She has loved just as much as she has lost (and she resents with equal rigor). She has the world in her hands, but remains uncontent, her heart bursting at the seams. Pride, compassion, loyalty, obsession-- they all coexist within Juliana manifesting in the form of her ambitions, motivations, and sense of self. Juliana is no stranger to blood and yet hate feels so foreign to her. Her sweetness does not precede her dedication nor her obedience. Juliana feels the weight of the world upon her shoulders, but charges forward unflinchingly. 
And above all, while perhaps cliche, it is love that draws me to Juliana. There is something Machiavellian about Juliana. Not the ‘ends justify the means’ Machiavelli that has been ingrained into our cultural misunderstanding of the man and his philosophies, but rather the Machiavelli who wrote and acknowledged the power of Cupid’s bow. The Machiavelli who loved his wife in a time where love before marriage was a relatively modern idea. The Machiavelli who understood the reach of a beloved leader. Needless to say, there are so many aspects of Juliana’s character that I adore, I would be delighted to play her if given the chance!
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? | 
I imagine Juliana’s mother passed away when Juliana was quite young. Young enough for memories to futilely slip away, old enough to mourn and remember her loss. I see Juliana craving for good memories of her mother, just as she aches for the approval of mother’s ghost, a ghost which evades her like wisps of wind slipping through her dainty fingers the moment she's managed a secure grip. I see her as wishing she had more of her mother to replay within her mind like film-- the fire in her smile, the warmth of her embrace, her laughter like melody on a warm, summer day-- but alas, I think Juliana’s found herself trapped with something far more icy-- the frigid image of gaunt woman helplessly falling away from this world and into the next. 
Because of this, I imagine Juliana  still hasn’t come to terms with the fact that she will never know her mother in her prime. It remains the one hollow in her heart, so with all that said, I would love to explore how she attempts to fill that part of herself through her relationships with the other meaningful people in her life.  With her father, I think that she finds blood loyalty. I love the notion of delving into Juliana being both a daughter in the singular (Cosimo’s daughter) and the daughter of the collective (Verona’s daughter). Then again, perhaps it speaks volumes that she sees her father as Verona itself. With this, I want to explore what does blood loyalty mean to Juliana? This is blood loyalty, that very thing that constantly inspires the darkest parts of hers-- frustration, fury, and desperation. Perhaps it ought to be said that even desperation requires ‘lighter’ traits like hope and fealty, but is there a breaking point for Juliana? Does love bolster or shatter her loyalty? Either way, I think that the answers to these questions will guide Juliana’s actions moving forward and would provide an interesting challenge to her character.
As for the other major figures in her life, Vivianne is arguably her most obvious maternal figure, which is why I think it would be interesting to explore how she seeks a mother’s wisdom and experience from someone who isn’t her blood. I am fascinated by what drove her initial resistance to Vivianne-- was it merely a child’s mourning or perhaps was it foreshadowing that her loyalty is more complicated and pliable than what meets the eye. While I could envision Juliana being played either way (most likely a combination both ways), Juliana’s relationship with Vivianne is a fascinating fixture of her character that I would love to delve deeper into. I think there is much to be learned for Vivianne in the ways of both womanhood and business (though I suspect they are far from separate entities). Vivianne has been a fierce advocate for Juliana, something she’s immensely grateful for, but I would like to see Juliana learn how to advocate for herself. How does the Capulet heiress give weight to her words-- is it the fulfillment of promises? Or better yet, is it the threat of something dangerous to come?
As for Rafaella, Tiberius, and Priam (and possibly even Roman) I cannot help but root for Juliana in her quest to find understanding in this lonesome world. Here is Juliana Capulet, surrounded by people but still so incredibly alone. Such a sweet, vivacious girl ought not to be as lonely as she is. I think that there is a part of Juliana has equated love and understanding. But where love can be evasive and consuming, temporary understanding is achievable. For Juliana it is found in small, kind deeds and shared life experience, but I would love to explore this on a larger scale. How do these tangible aspects of generally abstract concepts apply to Juliana’s unestablished relationships? I think there are many themes to explore there-- generational similarities, shared loss, forgiveness, ect. How do each of these external factors affect her internal sense of duty and loyalty? 
Finally, I would like to see Juliana confronted by her privilege. Juliana is a girl born heiress to an empire, free from any want, and while her life has been far from ideal, I would like to see Juliana in a position where her fortune and name loses its relevance. While I suspect that in such a situation. Juliana would be moved to cling on to her faith in love even more, I do wonder if Juliana would take such an opportunity to relieve herself of the burdensome weight of being an heiress, even if only momentarily.  Alternatively, on the topic of love and burdens, I do wonder, how Juliana would grapple with the choice between love and loyalty. Just as she has equalized love and understanding, one of Juliana's biggest blindspots is that she has mistaken love and loyalty to be synonymous, when in fact they are arguably quite contradictory. While she sees herself as loyal to love, I would love to explore Juliana’s mindset as she’s forced to reckon with the two as opposing forces. It’s niave of Juliana to believe her loyalty is enough and I think there’s a part of her that knows that, which would make such a choice all the more enthralling to unpack. 
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | Yes, I mean after all, Romeo & Juliet did end in a very specific way...
Please choose between the interview or the para sample (or both, if you like!)
What is your favorite place in Verona? | 
It’s begun to lightly drizzle in the garden. It’s a hazy summer afternoon, sticky and humid, but Juliana finds herself hard-pressed to move from the bench. Eyes closed, head tilted upwards, she finds she understands the thunderclouds, the raindrops, and the floods that rise to her knees. She’s become numb to the water’s presence, for it’s a cleansing experience to be drenched by the clouds in the sky. They do not know it yet, but she is one of them, a cloud—one moment an innocuous softness, the next a violent hurricane.
Opening her eyes, Juliana is shocked to find she is not alone, but rather in the company of an older stranger who eyes her with burgeoning curiosity. While mostly bare-faced, she still retains her aura of glamour, perhaps aided by the presence of her designer coat and untouched umbrella. Still, for Juliana it is strange to be regarded with such unfamiliarity. In her experience, perfect strangers were so terribly rare in Verona. She seemed to know everyone, or rather, everyone seemed to know her.
The stranger finally approaches her, taking a seat beside Juliana as the rain continues to pick up pace, drenching the garden and all its inhabitants in a light mist.
“Do you have a favorite place around these parts?” the old man asks, his voice deep and raspy, but not entirely unkind. His words are laced with a thick Italian accent, though she suspects he is not a native Veronian like herself. She had always had an ear for accents, an eye for details. His small talk was quaint and unusual, but who was she to deny herself some company and an exchange of words on this drizzly day.
She ponders his question monetarily, mentally tracing through the city in her mind, akin to skimming an elegant finger over a spinning globe. To choose a favorite place in Verona, Juliana thinks, is to choose a favorite child, in that even if one were to say they didn’t have one, they’d certainly be lying. This was not to say it was a particularly simple choice for her, as she liked to think all of Verona was her home. Her soul was old, her heart young, her mind fashioned from little snippets of the city’s vibrant history, forging a strikingly beautiful tapestry of a true Veronian girl. 
“Why, here, of course,” Juliana says, smiling a glossy-lipped smile that could stop lightning in its tracks. “The museum and club are both lovely, but I must admit I’m quite partial to the Twelfth Night’s gardens. When I was younger my father would always hand me a coin to toss into that little fountain by the pond and make a wish. It must be the luckiest, if not the wealthiest, fountain in all of Verona.”
It’s a response that feels breezy and challengeless, but lacks a certain levity that would make it wholly true. It is, of course, only partially true as Juliana had in fact, tossed many coins into the pond over her lifetime. As for the notion of luck, it was fair to say she had been met with mixed results and limited success, but given that her earlier wishes had begun in vain (first begging for her mother’s health and later, for her father to step away from Capulet business) she never found it in herself to fault the fountain entirely. Most recently, she’s begun her newest ritual, tossing in a coin for luck right before particularly dangerous missions, that is until Rafaella had caught her one afternoon, shattering her already precarious spell of belief.
“You do know they just collect the coins at the end of every week,” she recalls Rafaella telling her. 
“And what do they do with them?” Juliana remembers asking with genuine curiosity. 
Rafaella shrugs, “They donate it to the youth program-- they try and get unprivileged kids engaged with the art and history.”
Needless to say, she’s continued to wishlessly drop coins in the fountain ever since.
What does your typical day look like?
She turns her attention from the fountain back towards the stranger who sits beside her, ears engaged with her every word. 
“And you spend most of your days here? In the rain, signora?” he asks gently, with a small chuckle.
“Is this your way of asking what my typical day looks like, signore?” 
“As I grow further from my youth…I cannot help but wonder what it is like to be young in these times,” he responds, with a knowing twinkle in his eye. Ah, so that is what this is, a recaputurement of his youth. While her instincts urge her to avoid such potentially revealing conversation, she cannot suppress her overcoming sympathy for the man. There’s a loneliness in his eyes that she recognizes, the very one she faces each time she peers at her own reflection. 
“If you must know, I do not spend all my time in the rain,” she clarifies, humoring his original query, “I spend most of my days working for my father...it keeps me busy enough.”
“And your father? What does he do?”
“He’s a--” Juliana pauses, as if to search for the right descriptor of her father’s work, that won’t immediately reveal her own identity, “--a businessman, of sorts.” 
She supposes if blood and bone were merely a form of currency, then businessman was certainly an apt descriptor. After all, it took a certain business-sense to run any sort of empire. While she may have inherited her father’s astuteness, she hasn't been rid her of all mercy, for she kills with a precision only a kind girl could have, pulls blood with an accuracy only one who understands pain could know. It takes a delicate touch to snap a neck, elegant restraint to pull life from body, a silken touch to strangle. She takes no joy from causing harm, but she is meticulous in her work, her fingers so soft, so stained with red, it sometimes hurts to say she’s done it all in the name of love. 
What has been your biggest mistake thus far? 
“Business…” the old man mulls, “It's a difficult way to make it in this world...so little room for error.”
“Indeed, mistakes can be lethal,” Juliana nods in agreement. If only he knew that the agreeable girl before him spoke of lethality in the actual sense, as opposed to the metaphorical one. 
“And you, signora? What has been your biggest mistake thus far?” 
Juliana looks at the man with surprise. What odd questions from a stranger. Still, she’s captured by the conversation, a chance to talk so deeply with a man she’s never known, who seems entirely content with listening. She doesn’t know too many listeners in her own life.
She is, however, unsure of how to respond. For one, did not like to dwell on her mistakes and misgivings. It was unbecoming of someone in her position to fail and furthermore, to brood on such failures. 
Nonetheless, her mind flits to one of her earliest missions where her merciful ways had gotten the better of her. She had hesitated a second too long and she quickly learned her lesson when the coolness of the marble floor pressed painfully against her knees, gun digging painfully into her head. She does not weep, for crying would be too easy. Instead, she refuses to let herself drown. Vivianne gives her second life and her father gives her a second chance. 
“I think my biggest mistake does not matter, signor,” Juliana replied, “what matters most is that I will never make it again.”
What has been the most difficult task asked of you? 
“You are a very wise one, signora,” the man comments and Juliana surprised at the way her heart swells with pride in response to the compliment. He was a mere stranger and yet she already placed value in his approval. Old habits, she supposed. 
“And your father-- he is good to you?” the man asks, “Doesn’t expect too much of you?”
“He is good to me,” Juliana affirms, “Though I fear I am never entirely sure of what he expects of me.”
“In that case, what is the most difficult task that has been asked of you?” he inquires further.
Juliana knows the answer to his question, though she’s not sure if she prepared to reveal it to herself, much less a stranger. Truly, the most difficult thing that’s been asked of her had been to watch her mother fade away so brutally, so slowly. It was, after all, her first acquaintance with injustice. Her failure to do anything to save her mother was painful and lingering, but her salty tears could only last for so long. If only for a moment, she had thought of herself a killer then, unaware of the true brutality that festered within her sweet, blue veins.
Her father had responded to the grief by throwing himself into his work, and she too would follow for reasons entirely different, and yet, entirely the same. 
“To live with loss,” Juliana says with a certain finality, as if to clarify she had no desire to elaborate. 
“Indeed, it is the most difficult task of all. It’s quite strange how one is never explicitly asked to live with loss, and yet here we remain.”
“Here we remain.” Juliana repeats and as if on queue, the clouds begin to part. 
What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?
“Signora, forgive me for prying, but I must ask-- living here, in this city-- what are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?” the man asks, a striking turn from his previous question.
And there it was. If all roads led to Rome, then every conversation led to the feud. What could she possibly say in response? My name is Juliana Capulet. This war is in my blood.
He seems to sense her change in demeanor.
“I’m sorry, my dear. I did not mean to startle you with talk of blood and wars, I simply imagined a Veronian girl such as yourself familiar with the tales of this land,” the man explains apologetically, deep frown lines of worry, forming upon his thick brow. 
“Worry not, signor, you do not startle me. I startle far less easily than perhaps it appears. I’m simply afraid I must be on my way now.”
“Of course, my dear. I cherish your time more than you know. May I at least catch your name, signora?”
She slides off the bench gracefully before turning to face the man one final time.
“Juliet. They call me Juliet.”
Mock Blog 
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qingzinano · 4 years
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What Are The Advantages of Electrospinning Nanofiber Air Purification Filter?
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 Foshan Lepton Precision M&C Tech Co., Ltd USES the electrospinning technology to produce nanofiber film, and other composite materials to develop HEPA filter screen, filter barrel, vehicle-mounted air conditioning filter, and other products.
 The HEPA filter screen, filter barrel, and filter developed by our company all have a good filtering effect (80≤Em), which can meet the existing industrial technical requirements;
 Features: Qingzi Nano air filter adopts special nanotechnology, environmental protection, and energy-saving, no fluoride, no glass, no static electricity. Low-pressure drop, high filtration efficiency, can be used for surface and depth filtration, long service life. And can be customized according to customer requirements size, arbitrary overlay other filter layers.
 The Qingzi Nano air filter USES patented nanofiber technology to provide the highest filtration efficiency at the lowest pressure drop and has a variety of other advantages, such as glassless, fluorine-free, and electrostatic free. The nanofiber layer can be on the upstream or downstream surface or serve as the intermediate layer of the composite structure. In the harsh environment, the Qingzi Nano air filter can still maintain efficient filtration, and because of its small aperture, it is blocked from pollutants floating on the surface, which is easy to clean and extends its service life.
Activated carbon + nanofiber layer, etc. (stacking according to customer requirements)
Level of efficiency
Efficient PM0.3μm≥99%
Customize according to customer size
Maintenance Method
Dedust regularly
Applicable scenario
Automobile air conditioning filter, household air conditioning, air purifier, fresh air system, industrial air purification, etc
 Winnie Chan
International Trade Manager
Mob./Whatsapp: +86 18520902852
QQ: 1130008454
WeChat: QingziNano
Tel.:+86 757-89956076
Web. : https://www.qingzitech.net/
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