#Mobius shut tf up challenge 2021
nikkoliferous · 2 years
Mobius M. Mobius Shut the Fuck Up Challenge
The TVA, Mobius and Banality of Evil
Mobius Is Loki’s Slavemaster, Not His Friend
Mobius Is A Terrible “Friend” to Loki (And So Is Sylvie)
How the Audience Was Primed to Love Mobius at Loki’s Expense
The Moral Bankruptcy of Framing Mobius As Loki’s “Friend”
Try to Imagine ANY Hero-Coded MCU Character Getting the TVA Treatment
Torture Is A Valid Form of Therapy, Yes?
The Real-Life Effects of Framing Mobius’s Torture of Loki as “Therapy”
Loki (2021) Has Some Fans Literally Defending Slavery and Torture
“Love Bombing” With Mobius
Therapy vs. Torture
Loki’s “Therapy Sessions” With Mobius Were Literally Torture
Mobius Is Not and Never Was a Good Person
↩️ back to the compendium
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
Mobius: You weren’t born to be king, Loki.
Loki: but I was tho. my whole backstory is literally that I was born to be the king of Jotunheim but odin stole me. I thought u said u watched my whole life. did u just fast forward thru it? that’s what u did isn’t it?
Mobius: ....
Loki: also even if u skipped the whole bit with my heritage being revealed and the mess that resulted from that ur statement is still stupid bc surely u saw the bit where I was the YOUNGER SIBLING!!!! do u not know how royal succession works? are you embarrassed right now? bc im embarrassed rn. I am literally embarrassed for u. do u want 2 maybe come up with a new attempt at a devastating revelation and try again bc im not trying 2 be judgmental but that sucked. 
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
Mobius: you're a bad friend. 
Loki: I'm embarassed. Not for me. who never considered you a friend. But for you. That you would say that. My entire experience with you was being tortured, imprisoned, enslaved, and threatened with death. The options here are either that you know we aren't friends but tried to hurt my feelings by telling me that my torturer isn’t my friend as though that would be some kind of revelation instead of blindingly obvious. Or else you actually think we are friends. In either case. Very embarrassing for you. major cringefail villain moment. 0/10. please try harder next time. 
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
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So I happened to come across this recently and I’m not trying to do a callout so I’ve blurred the person’s name. But. I had to say something because I’ve seen similar posts so many times and it’s genuinely concerning to me so I’d like to respond. 
It’s strange to me how Mike Waldron who wrote the series constantly conflated Mobius and the actor who played him in a lot for eh PR and how I’ve seen so many people parrot that same PR and act as tho Owen Wilson being a nice person IRL has anything anything at all to do with his character.
Because it doesn't. Owen Wilson is an actor. He is not the characters he plays. And Mobius is not kind or sweet or comforting at all. Like he’s just not. The definition of "radiating comfort" does not include forcing someone in a cell to be tortured and regularly threatening them with death and calling them a cockroach and other demeaning names and humiliating them. Sometimes I wonder if the people saying that the cold and cruel character who does things like that is “warm” or “comforting” even watched the show or if they’re just Disney bots mindlessly sharing Disney PR to get more people to watch the show lol.
To see someone who gleefully commits the vile acts that Mobius does be called comforting and kind honestly deeply offends and disturbs me. This is a man who regularly commits mass genocide with 0 remorse, who obviously revels in having power over someone and in using that power to degrade, humiliate, terrorize, and torture his victim. This is a man who amuses himself by giving a piece of anachronistic candy to a little girl because he knows he can since he’s about to murder her and everyone in her whole reality. This man is an excellent villain because he is sadistic and cruel and selfish and narcissistic and capable of tremendous violence without remorse. What he is NOT is sweet or kind or comforting. 
Torture is not an act of kindness. EVER. Genocide is not an act of kindness. EVER. Full stop. End of story. 
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
Mobius: yoU'vE LiTeraLLy StaBbeD PeOPLe In THe BaCK LIkE 50 TiMEs
Loki: You’ve literally obliterated entire universes. 
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
UGH I am furious. This interview with Mike Waldron, head writer of the Loki show, confirms all of my worst fears based on the trailer.  (x) 
My pitch for the show was kind of a big, crazy, fun time adventure,” says head writer Michael Waldron. “The TVA is just an entirely new world [with] a new cast of characters, and that’s what felt most exciting about the show: building a new corner of the MCU.”
Look at this! Not a word about Loki or his character or being excited to delve into his nuance or depth or feeling honored to write for him. Nope. What Waldron focuses on is how excited he is to introduce the TVA to the MCU. Once again we have someone in charge of Loki’s character who’s more interested in other characters and feels the need to knock Loki down in order to build other characters up instead of letting them all stand on their own strengths. 
I mean really? The exciting thing about the LOKI show is the TVA and the new characters? Not Loki? He doesn’t even get mentioned at all??! It’s exactly what I was afraid of based on the other promotional material. The trailers felt like they were focusing on Mobius and the TVA as the protagonists and villain coding Loki in his own series. The trailers also focus constantly on mocking and denigrating Loki and seem to take no interest in his character and have stripped him of his trademark wit and poise and turned him into the butt of every joke. 
The trailer is framed from Mobius’s perspective rather than Loki's and ironically, given the cringe inducingly bad “talky talky” exchange, he gets more lines than Loki does. And it hardly feels like Loki is even in the trailers even when he's technically on screen because he is written and framed with such little care that he doesn’t even feel like the same character. Even the posters are brown for the TVA not green for Loki. It felt like they were using Loki as a side character to get people to watch the TVA show. 
I hoped I was wrong. But the head writer himself has seemingly confirmed it. He isn’t excited about or interested in Loki’s character. He was excited about his own creations - an adaption of the TVA and the new characters that work there. That’s where his passion lies and where the focus of the show is. And based on the trailers, in order to make those characters seem cooler he’s seemingly trying to have them constantly get one over on Loki because he can’t write well enough to just actually make them good characters in their own right.
His pitch for the show was nothing Loki specific and he doesn’t care about Loki’s character. I should’ve known from the fact that they couldn’t even be bothered to get his hair length right even though it’s picking up right where Avengers left off and they literally could’ve just googled a screen shot to match it to. 
Well. I certainly hope to be proven wrong but I’m really disappointed. This quote just confirms all my concerns based on the trailers and other promotional materials. I’m so tired of the MCU disappointing me. They promised a show about Avengers/TDW Loki. That’s all I wanted. Instead they’re giving us some generic unfunny garbage instead. At that point just make a TVA show and give Loki his own show.
I’m so sad. I really hope I get proven wrong but it’s looking increasingly unlikely and if it turns out like this - and there’s every indication it will at this point (please Disney, prove me wrong!) - I will never trust Disney or the MCU again. I will be done with them as a company forever. I will engage in the fandom and that is it. Thank god for the Venom trailer so at least I have something to look forward to. 
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
Kind of rich of Mobius to blame TV!Loki for the future death of Frigga when TV!Loki has been arrested for deviating from the timeline that would result in that and when the TVA deleted his whole timeline, thus killing that Variant’s version of Frigga. Like. Uh???
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
Odin: *enslaves and conquers millions, kidnaps Loki and raises him to hate his own race and then goads him into suicide and when that doesn’t work imprisons him without trial after telling him his birthright was to die* 
Mobius: *works for a violent authoritarian organization dedicated to murder, genocide, torture, slavery, mass surveillance, and police brutality, tells Loki that his fears of being a monster by nature which drove him to suicide initially are accurate and psychologically tortures him* 
Loki: *Is an incredibly complex grey character whose initial motivation was that he wanted to prevent a war and who has been a victim of torture and mind control and attempted suicide due to being taught to hate his own race* 
Disney: yeah anyway clearly the misunderstood grey character who is unfairly branded a pure and simple villain and who deserves a spinoff movie to explore their motivations and backstory in a serious, dramatic, and sympathetic manner  is the lady who skins puppies.
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
You think most people would feel quite a bit of existential horror and extreme guilt that they were part of system that was whipping people out of existence because of something based on a lie. But as per Marvel tradition Mobius just kinda shrugs it off "Well that was bad, guess I won't do it anymore. And all forgiven by the Narrative.
yeah. and that could've been a great plot line. if instead of presenting mobius as saintly and wonderful they did a whole redemption arc where through knowing loki he realized how awful the tva was and they threw off their shackles together. but nope. we don't get that. and mobius doesn't even really regret his actions. nor are they truly framed as bad. because all of loki's interactions with mobius are before he turns against the tva. and yet it's still framed as mobius having been in the right and presented as a friendship. mobius never shows remorse for his actions. and loki never blames mobius for torturing or enslaving him or for deleting the entire timeline that he came from, and thereby murdering his entire family including Frigga and Thor. And we see Mobius constantly revel in degrading and tormenting Loki throughout the whole series. what Mobius does to loki meets the legal definition of torture and yet the writers present it as funny and justified. the show is literally pro-fascist propaganda. it's sick.
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
the “I thought you didn’t like to talk” bit struck me as odd bc it felt like the show patting itself on the back. like “See! He does like to talk. The fans who disagreed were wrong” as though they aren’t the ones writing him that way. they can write tv loki any way they want and it doesn’t prove anything. it doesn’t make those comments consistent with his original characterization. 
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
Came for the really salty takes on the Loki Larry series -
And also cause you were one of the first people to actually point out the glaring problems in that shit show, and tbh at first I actually tried not to read those posts, cause at the time I genuinely was trying so hard to just enjoy it as it was presented, but then that horrible fourth episode happened, and I was just so let down, and all my hopes for that damn show were flushed down the toilet. And I just kept seeing all these pro-Mobius posts - which drove me mad cause I absolutely hated his guts (I still do) and I really felt alone in my crushing disappointment. But then I saw that post you made where you compared Mobius to Alexander Pierce (which was spot-on cause damn the similarities are staggering!), and that's when it all clicked in my head - I just thought, 'YES!! This person gets it! They see Mobius for what he actually is - an absolute douchebag torturer!!' Like seriously that post made my day, and I've been loving the hell out of this blog ever since!
So yes, came for the super salty takes on the Larry/TVA show, and stayed for the awesome meta, for Loki himself, and cause I genuinely appreciate the way you called out the series from the very beginning! 💚💚💚
Ahhh! I loved this message so much. I was sitting on it till I had time to reply to it but this was honestly so good to read and made me very happy. I’m so glad my blog could be a good and interesting space for you and that it helped you conceptualize stuff.
Honestly Mobius was the character most done dirty by the Larry Sylvie Loki show after Loki himself because he could have been SUCH A GOOD VILLAIN. Like all his parallels to Odin and to Thanos would have made Loki eventually standing up to him and breaking free of him so compelling. Imagine getting to see Loki tell Mobius that no, he doesn’t get to say who Loki is or what he is worth, doesn’t get to label him or decide his fate or torture him into submission. That would’ve been so powerful. Plus Mobius is incredibly creepy and powerful but in a really interesting and unique way and isn’t just an antagonist who has similar powers to the protagonist. 
Mobius has the opposite problem Loki has. No matter how good or heroic Loki is, Disney keeps villain coding him. Meanwhile no matter how evil or villainous Mobius is, he gets hero coded. And it’s sad bc it wastes his potential. He could’ve been one of the best and most interesting Marvel villains ever.
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
Mobius mocking the idea of Loki being fearsome in the latest trailer just has me counting the seconds till Loki shows him just how dangerous he really is and we get to see Mobius’s smug, self-satisfaction get utterly shattered. c’mon disney. pls. I need it.
Mobius: ooh. the fearsome god of mischief. so terrifying. *snickers* Until he ran into us that is. 
Loki: *drops the illusion and tosses the broken pieces of the collar across the table*
Loki: You were saying? 
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
ok but imagine a fic where the stripping scene happens except it turns out to be illusion!loki who abruptly vanishes in a flash of green light. and then actual loki appears, fully clothed, leaning against the wall, completely cool and composed and raises his eyebrow at Mobius and just sardonically asks ‘enjoy the show?’ before tossing the broken collar at his would-be captor’s feet. 
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
from an in-universe perspective Mobius certainly has a strong motivation to play upon Loki’s self hatred and suicidal tendencies given that his goal is to shape Loki into a tool to help the TVA hunt down and kill another version of himself. watching a captor berate his self-hating and recently suicidal captive by telling him he is exactly as inherently monstrous as he always feared until he breaks down is probably the darkest and most horrifying scene we’ve ever had in the MCU 
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
oh my god. the writing is so embarrassing. yes the performance is ooc but im not sure how anyone could deliver those lines and make them sound in character. but even if you view it as not loki the storytelling is so painfully clunky. loki really takes a break from his clown act to just straight up explain his motivations. no psychological complexity. no depth. 
he just turns right to the camera Mobius and explains how he doesn’t like hurting people; it’s just a defense to hide his own feelings of weakness. What the fuck? Ok great. Let’s not have to learn anything about the characters by watching or through subtle storytelling or acting. Apparently all the characters have perfect self insight and can just tell the audience everything we might need to know, even it makes no sense for them to view themselves that way or for them to be opening up like that to the person they’re talking to.
the writing is so lazy omg. and there’s no subtly. no room for the audience to guess or to think. Did they think this would give me feels? It doesn’t bc it feels totally out of character and unearned and just like an extremely lazy writing shortcut. also this character doesn’t feel like loki. so im not emotionally attached to this new guy. 
and if they’re pretending this new guy IS Loki even tho they haven’t characterized him like that it makes even less sense since it ignores Loki’s whole cultural background. He was RAISED IN A WARRIOR CULTURE! Fighting and violence was considered the norm. He was unusual because his original motivation was to STOP a war. He was more pacifistic than most people in his society. When Odin punished him it wasn’t for hurting people. It was for defying him and invading a world claimed by Asgard. 
Also anyone who is happy to work for the TVA, a violent authoritarian self appointed policing organization that murders and enslaves people doesn’t get to talk to anyone about morality. Oh right. But Mobius is the writer’s chosen voice of reason so he's automatically right. 
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
"Okay, Mobius! Let's see who you really are!" **removes Mobius mask to reveal Odin underneath** "Odin!??!"
ahahah literally the only possible explanation! right down to the ‘saying things about loki that are definitely just actually describing him’ thing he and odin are uncannily similar. 
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