#Mobs like this could be an opportunity to enjoy it like my body building club!
linktoo-doodles · 2 years
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hes still wearing that damn tennis tracksuit in the finale
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
I absolutely love the interactions between ozzie and flirty!Reader it's so good omg I would love it if you could write a part two after their initial meeting or just more interactions between them
(I like to imagine reader does the "is this seat taken" thing to ozzie then sits on his lap 💕) (possibly a flustered ozzie? 🤔 or will his confidence carry him through)
On another note you should really get more notes on your posts I swear you're such an underrated write you've written so many of my fav riddler and ozzie content you've gotta be shown more appreciation ✨️
A/N: aww thank you so much, honestly I think the low notes are just cause I’m still new and a subpar writer lol. Plus my mutuals probably expect my hot and naughty works and I’ve just been writing fluffy, fun, and more romantic type content rip. 
I’m so glad you’re enjoying their interactions, they’re super fun to write and come up with. I wish I could be this natural and confident of a flirt rip. Also, I absolutely love the idea of the reader just claiming a seat in Ozzie’s lap, so I went with that for this other encounter of their’s lol. Also, apologies that this ends kinda weirdly…wasn’t sure how to end it rip
Trigger Warnings: none, just more flirting
Word Count: 901
Reevesverse/Farrell Penguin x Reader - Is This Seat Taken?
After the success of the first night out to the Iceberg Lounge, you and your friends decided you guys had a new go-to to let lose. Which was definitely a win-win for you. You got to spend time with your friends, create memories, and have an absolute blast. Also, you got more opportunities to bump into Oswald again. 
There were a few nights you couldn’t point him out in the crowds. You figured he was either out for the evening or perhaps doing some business in the club within the club. You still tried to enjoy the night when he wasn’t there. 
Although, the nights he was there…immediately made the night that much better. 
You were flattered when he recognized you and before you know it the two of you were back into your flirtatious exchange. Not even missing a beat since the last encounter. 
Obviously, you finally had to divulge to your friends the other strong motive you had to going out to the Iceberg Lounge. One was excited and the other was shocked. 
They tried to talk you out of it, to probably end it before things got too real. A small part of you deep down knew that it was far too late for that. You weren’t going to admit it though, not when you felt like you still had a control over your emotions. It was all just for fun. Who can say they flirted with a mob boss and got away with it? Not to mention more than once? 
In fact tonight, you had a little trick up your sleeve to really push the envelope. Due to this, you decided to go out on a night when your friends were too busy to join you. 
When you walked into the club, the music was already starting to send vibrations through your bones. You couldn’t afford to get lost in it, not yet anyway. You walked around, slipping and swerving around the dancing bodies on the floor. 
Your head was turning left and right, up and down. Just for a moment, you cursed his shorter stature. You kept looking until you reached the other end of the building. The only place left to check was up. Still dodging both immobile and mobile bodies, you were able to make it to the upper level. 
“Hey! There they are! Where have you been, sweetheart?” Oswald hollered to you. 
He was lounging on red booth that lined up against the wall. He had a couple other guys around him, each with a girl beside them, clinging to each guy. You didn’t even take notice of his company you were just happy to see that toothy grin of his. 
“I’ve been looking for you, Ozzie!” You yelled back over the music as you made your way to the seating area. 
“All you had to do was call, I would’ve come for you, doll.” He replied smoothly, he too clearly forgetting his company for a moment. 
“I’m glad I caught you though! For a second I thought you were too busy for me!” You finally got to the table and were immediately mirroring the wide smile he had on his face. 
“I’ll always make time for you, honey.”
You stood in front of him for a minute and decided to make your move.
“Is this seat taken?” Instead of gesturing to the obvious seat next to him, you pointed toward his lap. 
You could hear the girls on the other side of the table softly gasp. They have worked at the club for years, and while Oswald always respected them, they never dared to be so bold with him.
It was always scary when some of Falcone or Maroni’s men tried to step up to him, but they have never seen a civilian so confident to openly flirt with him. 
Oswald spared a glance down to his empty lap and back up at you. At first uncertain he heard you correctly, but soon enough he let out a hardy laugh. 
“No, not at all, sweetheart. I was saving it just for you as a matter of fact!” He patted his knee. 
He doubled down on your offer. Not truly expecting you to see it to the end. 
Joke’s on him.
“I would sure hope so.” You scooted between the booth and the table and gently sat down on his thigh. You turned to the side so you were leaning your left side against Oswald and your legs were tucked inbetween his. 
The guys and girls around the table eyes widened in pure bewilderment. Not entirely expecting you to actually sit in The Penguin’s lap. 
Oswald too was shocked for a moment as he felt the slight weight on his leg, but he really couldn’t say he wasn’t pleased either. This took guts, and he liked that about you. 
You glanced at him and smiled at him. “Thanks, Ozzie. Is this okay?”
Oz guffawed. “Of course it is, sweetheart. I wouldn’t allow it if it wasn’t.” He gently wrapped his arm around your waist. If it would have been any other arm, you would’ve removed it immediately in disgust. However, you didn’t mind his warm and stocky arm holding you. 
“Okay, just let me know when your leg falls asleep okay?” You patted his shoulder. 
“No worries, doll. Good thing I got two of ‘em, huh?” 
You giggled. “Yes, sir. A very good thing.”
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The Take Down | Part Three
Pairing: Mob!Tom Holland x Detective Reader
Summary: NYC has a new drug lord determined to wipe out any and all competition in order to grow his empire. You're going undercover to stop him.
Warnings: Mentions of prostitution and drugs.
Notes: All proof read but it’s been a long day so fingers crossed I haven’t missed anything obvious. The suit I’ve been picturing him in for this chapter is the grey one he wore to the Audi Polo Challenge event back in 2018, serious mob!tom vibes plus he’s just a full on snacc in it.
Enjoy! :)
Catch up here: Part One  |  Part Two
Part Three - 1700 Words
It was a risky decision but there wasn’t anyone I could trust more than a fellow cop. Especially one who knew what I was going through. "Zoey", as she was going by, had been under for 9 months. She was working to take down a prostitution ring. Like me, that meant immersing herself into the world. Dealing with the lowest of the low and having to contribute to the revenue to stay relevant. I knew from chatter on the streets that she was currently working out of a speakeasy in lower Manhattan. It was notorious for hosting an exclusive set of clientele and for books cleaner than a legitimate business’. We'd never been able to tie them down for any of the shady dealings rumoured to take place within its walls. If my conversation went well, then Zoey and I would be running two operations that could finally close its doors.
Staring up at the block of apartments the third floor window was open, curtains fluttering in the wind. It had just gone 7 am. Tate had cornered me earlier in the night and without a word had handed me a rucksack containing everything I needed to sell. I’d stashed it in the apartment, taking only what I needed with me to do a sweep of my new territory then set about following Zoey home from the bar. At this point I was running on fumes.
It didn’t take long for the first commuters of the morning to leave. No-one in this area knew their neighbours. No-one wanted too, so it gave me the opportunity to slip into the stairwell past a young waitress without getting a second glance. Reaching the apartment door I assessed the best way to approach her, deciding to knock and stay out of sight. It took a second before I caught soft footsteps approaching. There was a slight hesitation at the door before it cracked open. I made sure to step into view slowly.
“Hello, Zoey.”
She leaned out of the doorway, scanning the hall before stepping back. “You better come in.”
She waved to the loveseat at the window and I took a tentative seat. Her apartment appeared refreshingly tidy, but on closer inspection it was due to the lack of any personal items. There were no magazines on the coffee table. No favourite mug set next to the coffee machine. It wasn’t far off what my own must look like.
Detouring to the fridge Zoey removed two bottles of beer before joining me. I took her in as she got settled, feet tucked under her. She hadn’t got around to removing her nights make-up yet, hair still tight in dark plaits that hung to her waist.
She broke the silence first. “You look like shit.”
“I’ve been worse,” I reminded her. “You look like you’re doing well.” I watched her laugh humourlessly before taking a deep sip of her drink.
Her fingers started toying with the end of a braid. “Yeah, I’ve been having a great time.”
“That’s not what I meant,” I started to protest but she shook her head with a small smile.
“I know. It’s just been tough” Letting her braid drop she finally made eye contact with me. “I take it you’re not here to tell me I can come home.” There was no glimmer of hope in her eyes, she already knew the answer. I put my untouched bottle onto the coffee table and clasped my hands to chase away the chill it had left.
“I’m under too. I need your help.”
“I feel like I’m going to need something stronger.” Waving at me to start my story she moved to dig around in her kitchenette cupboards for a clean glass and a bottle of whiskey. I ran through what had happened, who I was after and laid out my proposition to her.
“I want to use your girls to help sell the extra supply. I’ll still be working independently each night to keep pushing to my regulars and-” Zoey was shaking her head before I could finish the sentence.
“Y/N, I’m running a brothel out of the club. I can’t be a mistress and a drug mule. It’s bad enough I can’t protect the girls when I’m stuck behind the bar all night. I can’t be keeping my eye on any users too.”
“How many girls would you let in on the deal?” I questioned, trying to work things out.
Her lips pursed as she stared into her already half empty glass. “There’s maybe five that I could trust to do it discreetly.”
“What if I agree to play security? With five girls I can make the target. If we up the price, to one more suitable for their type of clients, then I can use the profit to pay off a dealer and keep my streets covered leaving me free. The rest will be split between the girls.”
“You’d give them the profit?” Her brows had risen in surprise.
“Of course. I’m not looking to advertise that I’m making more than the required amount. Not yet anyway.” She downed what was left in her glass and held out a hand.
“You’ve got a deal, as long as you understand that if this starts to affect my investigation then I’m out and you’re on your own.”
“Understood.” I returned her handshake.
The first few nights of our new agreement had gone smoothly, if slowly. The girls took to selling easily in between their other activities. The issue had been convincing the men to buy, most had other sources already, but by the end of their allotted time they’d usually been won round by one of the girls. As promised I watched them every night, ensuring no-one harassed them while they worked their way around the room. The club had security guards to ensure only men on the guest list got in and break up any fights between them. They never stepped in for the girls.
Seated at the end of the bar I alternated between watching the entrance and keeping tabs on them. The main room held maybe 100 people and was already full twenty minutes after opening. The smooth gloss top of the bar ran from beside the stairwell door to the opposite wall. The back shelving was pristine glass, the upper shelves backed with mirrors while the bottom had soft looking purple velvet which matched the plush walls of the VIP area at the opposite end of the room. Instead of an obnoxiously loud DJ, soft jazz was filtered in from the ceiling speakers. Loud enough to block out conversations but not enough to disrupt them. Dimmed crystal sconces lined the walls, one over each of the eight booth seats, casting the room in a warm hazy light. With it being a Friday night every seat was taken up by a businessman of some description. All were completely indistinguishable in the sea of navy and black suits.
Zoey caught my eye across the bar; minutely tipping her head towards the VIP area that had slowly filled up. I watched one of the girls coyly drag one of the occupants out through the adjacent door that led behind the scenes. The bar was situated on the basement level of a convenience store and the restricted area extended well under the neighbouring two buildings allowing plenty of private spaces out of earshot. I threw Zoey a questioning look and she rolled her eyes before moving a hand to subtly rub her side. I snapped my eyes back to the VIP’s. It took a second for me to pick out who she was referring to as they stood just behind the curtain fringing the area. His face was shadowed as he stood stock still watching over the men around him. I’d first placed him as a newbie, unsure what his place was after being dragged along after work, suit not as expensive as the others as it was cut wrong and too bulky around the body. I’d got it wrong. I clenched my hand to stop it shaking. It wasn’t a tailoring error. It was to help conceal a weapon. I cursed myself.
I made to do a sweep of the room, get closer to properly assess him but Zoey shook her head. She was right; it was too dangerous with the club this full. I was completely off my game. I took a steadying breath and tried to focus.
As I watched, a new man entered and took a seat at the booth’s edge, hand instantly waving to get the attention of a server. My stomach tightened as I recognised him. Sam Arnold, looking as sleek and kept as he had during our first encounter relaxed into the seat and started chatting to the fellow VIP’s. I ran over the faces of his companions. Each one was nondescript. I couldn’t tell if they were associates from his business or from Hollands. My jaw clenched as I bit back my rising frustration.
I barely had time to dwell on how I’d managed to let so much slip past me before the entrance opened again. My breath caught as a figure entered donned in a long duster coat, the collar up around their face. With his head down all I could see was dark curls. A hush started, trailing around the room like smoke until everyone had stopped talking to appraise the newcomer. I tried to tell myself he wouldn’t be that brazen. He wouldn’t be caught in a public place when his weekly death toll had reached double figures.
They stopped at the VIP entrance. Shrugging his jacket off to reveal a light grey suit, he hung it over the back of the last vacant seat. I didn’t dare blink. The build, the height, those curls. My brain refused to process that he could be here. He turned then, unbuttoning his suit jacket leisurely and taking in the expanse of the room. Holland was here. My heart beat double time, my fingers itched to reach for a gun I didn’t have. He was here in my sights and I’d have to sit and do nothing.
Part Four now up!
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dxlansfxck · 5 years
BLOOD // WATER [G.D] † 01
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Summary: Grayson Dolan, better known as “el diablo” – Los Angeles’ most known gang leader and drug lord – doesn’t usually think twice when it comes to killing someone that is dangerous for his business. One night, he meets this mysterious woman that out of nothing wants to start dancing in one of his DEVILISH-nightclubs. Once their heated relationship got more intense, he knew he’d be killing for her too – and realizes how handy she actually could be for him and the revenge he’s been longing for years.
Warnings: mentions of violence, sex work, stripping / pole dance, soft smut, gun use, blonde & tattooed Gray (it should be a warning bc it’s hot, lol)
Word Count: 14.5k
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Saturday, 13th August 2016. 10:47 PM
Loud, obnoxious sounds were filling the crowded streets of Los Angeles, caused by a pack of luxurious cars racing down the 700 Main St, passing by tourists and locals that were trying to get to the annual beach party on Venice Beach. The leading car, a black Mercedes AMG CLA 45, came to an abrupt halt, all the other cars stopping right behind it. The tinted windows rolled down as one hand motioned the crew to take a turn on the left side, while the Mercedes went the other way, trying to find a free parking lot somewhere… inconspicuous. Not that this car wasn’t inconspicuous at all, Jalen chose the sleek black one instead of his bright green Corvette, but it wasn’t even his job to fulfill this task on his own. Usually, Grayson didn’t give him those kinds of jobs, knowing that Jalen could do better, but today, everything was different. They were so close to reach their goal; Jalen just had to make sure everything worked out as planned – so he decided to do it by himself.
Grabbing his sunglasses, he stepped out of the car in one swift motion, closing the door behind him while walking towards the more and more crowded beach where loud music was playing, and drunk people were either grinding on each other or fucking in the ocean. He scoffed at the exhilarating freedom those people must be savoring, knowing that by tomorrow, some of them wouldn’t be there to celebrate anymore. On the other hand, it wasn’t his fault that they chose the wrong side.
Jalen quickly pulled out his phone, texting Grayson that he was there and telling him to look after him if he wouldn’t call him within the next two hours. Then, he muted his phone, stuffing it back into the pockets of his worn-down jeans while putting on some random base cap he found in the trunk. Lighting a cigarette, he passed some couples that were in the middle of making out, not caring about them at all – he was looking for someone different.
The heavy weight of the Glock that was pushed into his underwear was something he was used to by now, even though he wasn’t one to use it on a regular basis. Like already said, he wasn’t the one to do that.  The diablo’s hierarchy was strict, no one could ever come even near the rank that Grayson Dolan had, that was for sure. But Jalen, he was a close second, maybe even qualified enough to be called the vice president. He was still out there in the streets, looking for his rookies sometimes, but most of his business was behind a desk, just like Grayson’s. Neither of them was the one to have blood on their hands, why else would they have hundreds of members following their instructions?
This time was different, though. Jalen couldn’t sleep over the fact that someone else could be the one to kill this motherfucker, the one that seduced his girlfriend, the one that had her pinned underneath his body when he was out there on a business meeting with Grayson. He found out rather quickly, he left no one he was close to without observation, but he couldn’t believe that the whore he used to think of as a loving girlfriend would ever dare to cheat on him with Kyle Houck. This edgy, wannabe tattooed bastard? Yeah, no chance that he’ll be surviving this night.
11:43 PM
The beach got more crowded as the time passed by, but Kyle Houck was yet nowhere to be found. Jalen has updated Grayson, talked to a few other gang members that were there as well, but neither of them has seen the target yet. Jalen grew nervous and impatient, wanting this night to be over as soon as possible to head back home where his younger sister was possibly waiting for him. Y/N never liked the thought of him being part of this gang, even though she didn’t know what exactly he was doing in there. But he loved his family, wanting them to be protected for the rest of their lives – and Grayson was one of the few people that could help him with that.
Sunday, 14th August 2016. 12:18 AM
A mob of teal hair passed Jalen’s field of vision, causing him to be more attentive than he’s already been, following the colorful head with his eyes, slowly walking after him without getting noticed by the dancing crowd. Sweaty bodies were pressed against his and Jalen couldn’t help but cringe at that, hating all those people but envying them at the same time. Their life was easy and fun, his on the other hand was full of risks and worries, weighing too heavy on his shoulders.
The gun he had checked multiple times by now was burning into his skin, ready to be used any moment from now, but Jalen had to wait, not wanting to cause a mass hysteria. Kyle walked further down the beach to a part where just a few random people were standing with red cups in their hands, probably talking somewhere quieter. Jalen acted as if he was concentrated on his phone. ‘Got him” was sent to Grayson before he raised his glance just to be found right across from Kyle motherfucking Houck. Jalen was quick to grab his weapon, but Kyle was faster – and smiled down at him. “Hello there”, he grinned while almost softly caressing his own gun.
“Houck”, Jalen spoke through gritted teeth, loading his gun while pointing it at his opponent. The tattooed man laughed at his reaction, angling his head. “What brings you to our side of the beach, Y/L/N? This is Angelo Vendicatore territory and it makes you”, he steps closer to him, “our prey.”
Just then, Jalen realized where he was, surrounded by AV members. “Fuck”, he hissed, reaching into his pockets with one hand to press the quick call button that was holding Grayson’s number while still looking at Kyle, but he was too late. Just as Jalen was about to make his only shot – a shot that had to be on point -, he heard a loud noise followed by the worst pain he had ever felt. His ears were ringing, and his body was on fire, a loud scream escaping his lips as he randomly shot his bullet into Kyle’s direction, not even hitting him in the process, before he fell to the ground with a loud groan. “Y/N”, was all he could say, not wanting to leave his sister yet, needing to see her finally get a man, build up a family, moving out of their parent’s house. He promised to take care of them, but he broke his promise. He broke his life goal. Laughs and applause was heard, but he couldn’t concentrate on that while feeling such pain. Jalen cried, not caring about it at all, his vision getting blurry and his breaths coming shorter than he’d like them to come. He felt so, so cold and he was hurt. Flashes enlightened somewhere in the corner of his eyes, knowing that someone must either film this scenario or at least take enough pictures to threaten Grayson with them.
By all goods, he just hoped Y/N would never be able to see them.
Y/N. With the thought of his sister, he closed his eyes one last time.
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Late July, 2019
“Maybe you should go for it, Y/N. I know what they say about el diablo, but he never disrespects any of his girls – and you’ll be save around there. Jalen is dead, we can’t change that. It’s been over three years, you need to get your head back up, honey”, Zavi mumbles while scrolling through different web pages, looking for a better job opportunity than dancing in a night club. You sigh, pulling some of your thick braids in a knot. “I know that he’s dead, Zav, thanks for reminding me”, you shake your head, trying to get rid of the tears forming in your eyes. “But it’s el diablo, he’s known for killing people! What if I fall down the pole or anything like that? He fucking killed his twin brother’s fiancé because she was pregnant, and he wanted to get out of the gang!”
It was true, Grayson Dolan wasn’t known to be the nicest human being on earth, he killed many people – not that anything was proven by the police -, but people around the streets knew what he was able to do. He might not be the one to kill those people himself, but he for sure was the one that shoot the shot in this woman’s heart, enjoying the view of her falling to the ground, crying out her baby’s name while Ethan had to watch the entire time, not being able to move. Grayson’s men were holding him down, making him feel every bit of pain his fiancé had to feel, watching her life end while tears burnt his cheeks. Soon enough, her eyes showed no emotions anymore, her mouth hang open, but no sound came out, her heart stopped beating, still losing blood. And the baby never made its way into the daylight. At least, that’s what the rumors said.
Rumors said also, that Ethan killed himself right after that, others said that he managed to leave the gang, joining another one while promising to ruin Grayson Dolan’s life. But no one knows for sure what happened after that one special night. You didn’t know who exactly killed your brother, but you for sure knew that Ethan Grant Dolan was still alive, running the Angelo Vendicatore like his life depended on it. Yet, not many people have seen him ever since that night, leaving him to be as mysterious as you could imagine.
“Y/N, stop it! It’s your decision, I could totally talk to my boss if we have another spot left in the team, but you were the one that said working in a pet store isn’t going to pay your rent”, Zavi shakes her head while writing the number of the DEVILISH-nightclub down. “That’s the number I found online. Give them a call, maybe even just go there to introduce yourself, I don’t think Grayson Dolan himself will be the one to decide who’s going to work there or not. He’s probably too busy buying and selling drugs.” She shrugs her shoulders before standing up and pressing a kiss to her best friend’s cheek. “I’ll call you tonight, okay?” You just sit there and nod, still thinking about Grayson Dolan, while Zavi was already on her way out of the small apartment.
You knew you were in desperate need for a job, your parents didn’t even bother sending you any money to pay the rent when they moved away over two years ago, leaving you in the city where your brother was buried, but not wanting to live there themselves anymore. You on the other hand couldn’t imagine living anywhere else, Los Angeles was the city you grew up in, so many memories you had in each and every street that you could never leave that town. It was the city of angels during the day, but the city of the devil in the night – the city of el diablo, the city of Grayson Dolan.
Letting out another sigh, you quickly type in the nightclub’s number in your phone, breathing in a few times before pressing the call button, letting it ring for a while, but nobody answered. “Seems like I need to go there on my own”, you huff before standing up, taking a deeper look into your wardrobe, searching for an outfit to wear while having a job interview at a night club as a stripper.
You, of course, didn’t know what to expect there, trying to be prepared for anything that could happen. Starting off with a shower, an intense shaving session and you even exfoliated your skin to make it extra smooth. “I should’ve gone to the waxing appointment with Zavi.” You muttered, annoyed at the amount of time you just spent shaving, knowing that by tomorrow you’d for sure be covered in stubble again.
Now onto the big decision: what was the best way to show off your body, but not looking like a whore? On the other hand, it was a strip club, you might need to show off more than you usually would. You were standing in front of your full body mirror, the opened wardrobe right next to it, clothes were shattered all around your feet, some on top of your bed, but you felt like neither of them fitted. Usually, you’d go out in oversized band shirts and leggings or high waisted jeans, completely fitting into the whole “grunge/arthoe”-aesthetic without even trying. You didn’t like to dress up, all your clothes were comfortable but still cool looking, completely fitting your tattooed body. If you’d ever dance for el diablo’s nightclub, you’d dance in an outfit you feel good in.
Around an hour later, you decided on wearing a black button up skirt that ended mid-thigh and was tight, hugging the curves of your butt perfectly, showing off what you’ve got. Usually, you’d combine that skirt with a jeans jacket and an oversized shirt, knotted above your stomach, but that just wasn’t sexy enough. Grayson Dolan had the most beautiful, exotic woman dancing for him, skinny girls with porcelain-like skin, completely different from your dark skin and tattooed, curvy body. Back in the days people would call you out different names, not realizing that your skin color didn’t make your personality. You are black, who cares? You couldn’t change that anyways – and you love your skin, love the way it makes your light green eyes pop out and how white your teeth looked even though you were literally running on coffee.
One problem you’ve always had with finding cute tops was that your boobs were too big to wear most of them. That’s why you always decided onto something loose, showing off your hips and butt instead of your cleavage, but you felt strong and confident tonight, deciding on wearing a leather harness-bralette with some fishnet long sleeve over it. You’d totally dig some fishnet tights as well, but wouldn’t want to overdo it just yet, needing to find a pair of shoes fitting to that outfit. For you, it was usually either a pair of Doc Martens or some sneakers, but for today you decided to go with your old Jeffrey Campbell heels, the ones you wanted to badly but never wore them because they were made out of black leather and covered in studs. Well, tonight was the night.
LA’s streets were still filled with people, even though it was around 11 PM now. You didn’t like going out there alone, walking the streets on your own without anyone to protect you – especially in that outfit. For your hair and makeup, you kept it quite simple: bold brows, eyeliner and mascara, some highlighter and lip gloss. But still, you were popping out in the nightlife, people were looking at you with confused looks on their faces, eyeing you up and down. Your tattoos were always something that society didn’t seem to accept, making it quite hard for you to find a job these days, but you would never even think about getting them removed, they were a bigger part of you than your actual self. Your arms were sleeved up, mandalas and dotwork covering your left arm while your right one was filled up with beautiful flowers. Medusa’s head was covering your lower stomach, disappearing in your underwear – where it for sure continues, the snakes winding up around your belly button.
But your favorite piece so far was the ox skull right under your boobs, its horns going up on the sides of your boobs, while a dagger was placed between them. Some smaller tattoos were splattered around your legs, some of them stick and poked by yourself or your brother, but you loved all of them equally. You made your body even more beautiful than it already was by putting your own art onto it.
It was quite a walk to the DEVILISH-nightclub, but once you started to hear music you already knew it wouldn’t be as far anymore. The loud bass was already accelerating your heartbeat, making your stomach jump in both fear and excitement, but you were still more than just nervous. Your feet stopped abruptly; it was your last chance to head back home now. The red and pink sign of the nightclub was so bright that you had to squint your eyes to read it, making sure you were in the right spot. DEVILISH. There it was. Either your future or your death, you couldn’t know by now. Biting your lip in anticipation and agitation, you decided to stay there for a while to watch people enter the club.
Not everyone could get inside, you got to realize that so far. Boys in a sweater and joggers? Nope. Girls without makeup or high heels? Nope. Any other person that looked wealthy and arrogant, maybe even dangerous? Sure, come on in.
That was probably one of your biggest problems: the audience, the clienté. Those people, who will be watching you move your ass on stage. Those people, who probably wouldn’t even think about shooting someone your skin color. It was dangerous, you knew that, but it was also your only chance to stay in Los Angeles. You take one more deep breath, straighten your posture as you walk towards the line, waiting until you were the one in front of the bouncer. He raises an eyebrow at you, waiting for you to explain yourself while checking out your outfit.
“I want to…”, you cough, trying to control your shaky voice. “I want to dance for this club. My friend told me I could just come over to give you a sneak peak of what I’m able of?” The bouncer looked at you in confusion before speaking into his headset, unsure of what to do with the girl in front of him. You tried to resist the urge to bite on your bottom lip, not wanting to, first off: act like you’re weak and second: not wanting to smudge your gloss. His deep voice asks for your ID card, repeating your name, address and date of birth to the other person who probably must check your criminal past. Luckily, you had none that was written down by the police. With one last nod, he opened the curtain for you to walk through, wishing you good luck.
You were overwhelmed by everything that happened right now; your senses couldn’t even react to all the action around you. It didn’t smell like alcohol or sweat like most of the clubs you’ve been into, it actually smelt pretty nice; like a mixture of grapefruit, ginger and even coffee, maybe. Step for step, you dare to walk in further, carefully having an eye on the people that you passed on your way, one prettier than the other. Blonde goddesses, tall businessman, all dressed in Louis or Gucci. You looked down at your own outfit, frowning while doing so. It wasn’t anything expensive, nothing too daring and suddenly, you don’t feel as confident as you did a few minutes ago. You felt cheap, not worthy to dance in front of those people. As if they’d watch you, if they could enjoy a show by the other, prettier, more experienced dancers.
“Are you Y/N?”, a sudden voice tears you out of your thoughts, making you turn around with a quiet shriek. Right in front of you, there’s this woman and you could swear to god, she was the most attractive person you’ve ever seen. She was so tall, you had to tilt your head back to look her in the – bright blue, of course – eyes. She didn’t wear much make up, but she didn’t even need to. Her skin was flawless, her lashes long enough to just be coated by a simple layer of mascara and her lips, god her lips. They were covered in a nude gloss, looking so soft and plumb, you scolded yourself for always chewing on yours, which looked nothing like hers. “Yes, I am, ma’am. Y/N Y/L/N.”
The mysterious woman smiles down at you, offering you her perfectly manicured hand to shake. “I’m Lia, nice to meet you, honey. I got told you wanted to dance for us?” Her smile was still prominent, revealing two rows of beautiful teeth and two cute little dimples. You nod, still more than cowed by her appearance. “Don’t worry, love, our team is nice and loving, the girls will love you!”, Lia cheers while grabbing your hand and walking you to a huge door, typing in some code to open it, motioning for you to walk through it first. Somehow, you couldn’t help but grin at the hectic woman in front of you, nodding quickly while walking through the door with your head raised, making you look more self confident. Suddenly, you didn’t bother your outfit anymore, even though everyone else was dressed differently – it was your style, your dance and most importantly your body.
“You don’t need to be nervous, you won’t dance today, we just all need to get to know you first”, Lia smiles at you sympathetically while guiding you through the long hallway – the clubs music was nowhere to be heard anymore. “Currently, we’ve got 7 wonderful dancers, most of them are American, but we’ve got one beautiful Asian queen and a European goddess, we’d love to have someone like you in our team as well!” You cringed at her comment. ‘Someone like you’, what were you like? Were you different? Was it the tattoos or the color of your skin? “Oh, shit. I didn’t mean it like that!”, Lia cringes as well, trying to make the best out of the situation. “Don’t worry, it’s fine”, you mumble while looking around.
Just as if she was reading your mind, Lia points to another huge door. “There we are, it might be a bit confusing to walk through this long ass hallway, but Mister Dolan just wants us to be save from all those… people. You know, our clienté isn’t always the nicest, you’ve probably heard the story about our club and why it is called DEVILISH. But don’t worry, until now, nothing bad has ever happened, Gra- Mister Dolan just wants to know us in safety if something would happen.” You nod, waiting for Lia to enter the code to open the door, letting her step inside first this time.
“Okay, this is basically where we hang out before our show starts, we get ready in here, we eat in here and after the show, we could shower or take a bath in here as well. Mister Dolan offers each of us a room to sleep in whenever we need to make more customers, whenever we need a place to sleep or when we’re just too tired to head home, maybe having one too many drinks.” Lia smiles at the thought, she’s probably been sleeping here quite often. “He takes good care of us, Y/N, don’t listen to all those bad stories people tell about him. He has had a rough past, losing his brother like that, you know? I’m sorry for him”, she sighs before eyeing your outfit the second time this evening. “I love your skirt! And those shoes, god damned, I wanted to get them too, but I couldn’t figure out where to wear them. Well, by now I would know. Anyways, let’s find at least two of our lovely girls.” Lia starts walking through the different rooms, showing you the bathrooms with those luxurious bathtubs that made you think about the old one back in your apartment that you never used because you were kind of disgusted by how old and rusty it was. Usually, you’d just hop in the shower, scrub your body and jump out again before the cold water was actually hitting you. This seemed… nice.
Soon enough, you were introduced to a small Asian girl, also covered in tattoos, but a different style than yours. Hers were more comic book looking, some Ghibli figures dancing on her skin, some bright colorful ones, not fitting into your black and white scheme. “Oh my god, hi! I’m Yun Hee, but you can go for Yun, it’s easier and easier to remember, I guess. I’m glad we get another tatted bad bitch for our team!”, she hugs you, glitter spreading all over your body while you hesitantly wrap your arms around her as well. “I hope you’re going to make it, Mister Dolan is here tonight”, she whispers the last part into your ear, not looking at Lia, “He’s a sucker for his girls ass and can’t say no to a lap dance, especially when it comes to a girl with a body like yours.” Yun slapped your ass with a cheeky grin, watching as it bounces while you couldn’t hold in a small laughter. “I didn’t know I had to dance in front of him… I thought I’d just dance for you and you girls decide whether I’m in or not…”
Yun nodded with a knowing frown but got back to her cheerful self within seconds. “Anyways, I need to fix my make-up, I’m sure you’ll do fine! I’ll let Lia know to give you my number, tell me how it went then, okay?” Then, she was gone. And you? You were even more insecure, biting your lip in anticipation while looking around to find Lia. Instead, you stepped in front of the many full-length body mirrors, eyeing your outfit once more this evening, not sure if you want to do this anymore. You should’ve asked Yun about the costumers, the loan and Grayson Dolan.
“Y/N, there you are! Mister Dolan would like to see you perform, now. Don’t be nervous, I’m sure he’ll love you! I hope he does, good luck!”, with that, Lia pushes you through another door, leaving you alone in a dark room with dimmed lights, a little platform for you to stand on and a dark blue velour couch. You take in another deep breath, trying to calm down all your anxious thoughts before raising your head, letting your eyes adjust to the darkness.
And then you saw him. Erebus. El diablo. Grayson Dolan himself. Staring at him, you couldn’t move at all, hypnotized by his stunning looks, now understanding why he was named after the devil himself. He looked hot as hell.
“Hello, angel.” His deep chuckle brought you back from your trance, causing your breath to hitch slightly. You finally dared to really look at him, practically sucking in his appearance. His eyes even managed to sparkle in those lights, prominent eyebrows giving him that intimidating look and those, combined with his tight, chiseled jaw just left you like a shy little schoolgirl, dreaming of his attractive teacher. He tilted his head in amusement, raising one of those sharp brows at you. “Did something bite off your tongue? Or are you just so wet by just seeing me that you can’t move without dripping down your long thighs, baby?” Now it was your turn to raise your eyebrow, mocking his amused face while stepping towards him.
“Not the slightest, Mister Dolan. I came to dance for you and that’s what I’m going to do, yet I couldn’t get any preparation time. Is there any chance to change the lights and let me choose a song of my liking?” Your loose tongue causes his fists to clench, but he was somehow impressed, no girl would ever contradict him, especially none of those dancer girls. “Suit yourself, angel.” He crosses his arms while sliding back onto the couch with spread legs, making himself comfortable while taking a deeper look at your dark skin, covered in all those pieces of art. And that outfit, that no other of his girls would ever choose because it wasn’t as slutty, not as cliché. But on you, it looked amazing. You looked like a bad ass bitch – exactly what he was looking for these days. Mentally, he took a note on observing you the next couple weeks, minding something bigger for you already.
Soon enough, the lights turned a dark red, making you almost disappear as you slowly walked onto the platform as “DEVILISH” by Chase Atlantic started to fill the room.
As soon as the calming, yet rough voice fills your ears, you couldn’t help but slowly sway to the rhythm of the song you chose wisely – referring to Grayson, to his nightclub and his life. You’ve had lots of dancing experience, even took some pole dance classes, but dancing in front of the devil himself wasn’t something you could ever come prepared for. The beat started to get faster, making you run towards the pole and jump up on it, letting it turn you around multiple times with your head hanging low, bringing you closer to the floor with every rotation. Once your fingertips brushed past it, you let yourself fall until your back was hitting it as well, turning around to crawl onto the floor while opening your legs for him, humping the parquet twice.
You didn’t dare to break the eye contact with the intimidating man in front of you, watching every of his reactions, trying to read his mind – but he was a professional in keeping his poker face up, not showing you any kind of emotion. Biting your lip in anticipation, you continue your dance routine, climbing back onto the pole until you were about to reach the ceiling, when you pushed your feet of the secureness, holding yourself up by just your arms while walking through the air, slowly circling around again. Then, just as the beat intensifies again, you press your back against the turning pole, crossing your feet over it while slowly tracing your silhouette with one of your hands. Your thick braids were flying through the air, your abs clenched, and you were slowly but sure getting out of breath, but you would never give up.
Just as the music hits its peak, you pulled yourself up with your right hand, bringing your legs over your head in a split, spinning the pole even faster than before. Your legs were now above you, your head stretched away from the pole and hands working as wings, as you slow down a bit, winding around it like a snake. Taking a deep breath, knowing the next move must be perfect, you jump back up to the highest point, wrapping your legs around the pole as you let yourself hang from it like a bat, opening your arms while waiting for the next beat drop. Once it comes, you let yourself fall to the floor in a horrific pace, a move you usually just dared to show off when you were drunk. Just as your nose was about to hit the floor, you quickly let go of the pole with a somersault.
Grayson raised an eyebrow, impressed with your performance and shifting in his seat while waiting what’s next to come. You couldn’t hide a smirk while crawling towards him with swinging hips, enjoying the desirable glance he shoots towards you.
Looking up at Grayson with a slightly innocent look, you climb up on his lap, debating whether to touch him or not. This man was out of your league, yet, you had to compel him, to seduce him like you would with any other man that was watching you perform. Without even thinking about it twice, you grab the collar of his dress shirt, playing with it while smiling down at him. You didn’t press your crotch against his – yet -, but you could feel his hips move to the beat as well, eyeing your entire body up and down
It wasn’t part of your choreography, but you bite your lip while placing his huge hands on your hips and pull off your fishnet shirt with them, wrapping it around his neck as if it was a scarf, giving him a view seconds to enjoy the view of your impressive cleavage. Then, you turn around quickly, pressing your back against his toned chest while using his hands again to roam your body, while wriggling around in his lap in a slow pace.
Once the slow part was over and the beat dropped again, your let yourself fall right down onto his dick, earning a quiet gasp from Grayson, his hands tightening around your waist as you started to grind down on him, hands buried in his perfect styled hair. Just as his hands were about to travel further down your waist and you feel something starting to grow underneath you, you get out of his lap to dance around him while softly pressing down onto his shoulder. Once you were standing behind him, you let your nose brush against his neck, breathing in his heavy but delicious after shave, knowing that this man had to smell good. Your clothed tits were pressed against his shoulders as you gently bit down onto his earlobe, loving the way he twitched underneath you. Placing your hands on the couch upholstery, you lifted yourself up in a handstand above him, rolling down back onto his lap as the song finally comes to an end.
Within seconds, you had your shirt back on and were standing in front of Grayson, raising an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to say anything. He, on the other hand, keeps on looking at you, burning you with his stare. Just as you grew impatient, he opened his mouth. “Where have you been all my life, angel?” He stands up, walking right up to you while pressing his warm palm against your cheek, almost stroking you. “Definitely not here, Mister Dolan”, you chuckle as you stepped back once more. “Well, what is your opinion on me, Sir? Will I be able to dance for your clienté?” He hated the fact that you were running away from his touch, but he loved playing games, he loved a challenge.
“Well, Miss Y/L/N”, he chuckled in his intimidating deep voice, “I do think you’d fit in perfectly, but”, he stopped once more, just to build up some tension, “why would I let you dance for me, angel? What would you do to deserve your wings? How important is this job for you? Tell me your story.” He was way too interested in her to just let her go like this, no. He needed to know everything, needed to know if she was the one. The woman he was seeking for, the woman he needed to finish off his plans.
“I’m sorry to tell you, Mister Dolan, but I don’t think my past is important for you to hire me, isn’t it? All you need to know it that I’m available on the daily, I will dance for you, your friends and your… costumers. I don’t mind if it’s one man or twelve, I’d still be up for it if the payment is high enough. I’m not for free, you won’t be able to bring me down, I went through way too much to be ordered around by another gang member, even if it’s the leader this time. So, you could either hire me and make some money with my body – a body like no other of your girls has- or I could pay your sweet brother a visit to see what he thinks of my dancing skills. Because I for sure know what’s going on with you two, Mister Dolan. I’m sick of deciding which gang my family belongs to, you know?”, your walk towards him, showing him that you weren’t afraid of him. The thought of your brother, killed by the rival gang, made you feel powerful.
“I once chose my side, don’t let me regret it.” You lift the left side of your bra a bit up, showing off the devil tarot card that held Jalen’s name hidden on your ribcage, always near your heart. “I’m not an angel, nor am I as innocent as you might think, but I am willing to fight for my survival. I am willing to fight for my family, even though I might have lost an important member of it. So, I wouldn’t wait another second to team up with Ethan’s gang, because I don’t want to starve to death, but my brother was part of the diablo’s , I guessed it would be just the best to follow his footsteps.”
Grayson’s eyes widen in shock before he frowns, pulling you even closer to look at the healed tattoo – you had to have it for quite some time now, not seeing any fresh ink or crust to show some healing process. “How long?”, he mumbles while secretly checking out your other tattoos. You didn’t even have to think about it for a long time, always remembering the night you got the tattoo together with Jalen.
“About three years ago, when my brother got his tattoo, he made me get the same one – I didn’t know what it meant, though. I thought it was like a brother-sister thing to do, get matching tattoos and stuff. But once he…”, you cough to swallow the lump in your throat, trying to find your voice again, “But once he died, I quickly found out what that tattoo meant. He wanted me to be safe if something happens to him. I knew I never had some receptive ritual or something like that, but I already have the tattoo – wouldn’t it be a shame to get it covered by Gabriel?”
“It would be a total shame, princess. You deserve an angel on your skin, but not that one”, he walks around you, acting like he’s inspecting you, as if he hadn’t seen enough of you during your performance. “Who was your brother, darling? Must have been someone I know, otherwise he wouldn’t be that confident of me securing his little sister.” Well, you haven’t thought through that part of you actually telling Grayson who your brother was, not knowing which position he had in the gang or if Grayson even liked him. On the other hand, you really didn’t want to know what your brother did, whether it was a simple drug deal or being the cause of someone’s death. It doesn’t matter, just because of this gang shit, Jalen ended up being the death one.
“Jalen, Sir. Jalen Y/L/N..“, you mumbled while lowering your head, afraid of his reaction. “Jalen? Jalen had a sister?”, Grayson raised his eyebrows once more, balling his hands to tight fists. “I never knew about his family. Okay, listen to me, Y/N. You should’ve been searching for me a long time ago, Jalen didn’t die for no reason, you got me?” You just nodded; eyes wide in shock.
“Jalen was somewhat of my right hand, he helped me do… lots of things, I guess. But they know who he was, probably checked out his family as well, but nobody ever knew he had a sister.” Grayson paces through the room, the red light making him look even angrier than he already was. “Where are your parents?” Biting your lip, you quickly answered. “Gone, they moved away as soon as they found out about his death – but I couldn’t leave the city I grew up in, I’ve got too many memories here. And I want revenge.” Your voice sounded stronger than you felt in this moment, but Grayson looked at you with an impressed glance, nodding in agreement. “That’s what I wanted to hear, angel. Okay, here’s what I could give to you: a place to stay that’s absolutely safe, money or whatever you’ll need to keep living your life and I promise you: you’ll get your revenge. But I need you to do something as well, angel. Are you willing to do something for me in return?”
“Yes, Sir. But you don’t need to do all those things for me, I’d be fine with a somewhat good paid job. I don’t need a new place to live in…”, you suddenly grew nervous again, not knowing what he had up for you. “Really, I don’t want to bother you, Mister Dolan.” “Stop talking, would ya? As Jalens sister, I owe you more than you think. This man saved my life way too many times.” He shakes his head with a chuckle before continuing. “And don’t worry, my house has more than enough rooms, I wouldn’t even know you’re there. Anyways, I think you’d look quite good by my side, don’t you think? So, in return I want you to keep me company whenever I need to do important stuff. I want you to dress up pretty for me, lull my business partners and who knows, maybe you could be the one to finally ruin my brother. I know you’ve got your brothers blood in your veins as well. You’re a fighter, angel. Would you like to fight on my side?”
Grayson steps towards you, placing his hands on your waist as he whispers the last couple words against your lips, leaving you gasp in excitement. “You sure, Sir? I don’t know if I’d look that good by your side, I-“ “Oh angel, you don’t know how you’d look in Louis, in Gucci or even in Balenciaga? All those brands would be glad if you wore them, pretty girl. Where’s that skirt from, Forever 21? You deserve better.” His soothing words left you with goosebumps along your spine, making you shudder under his touch. “It’s actually H&M…”, you whispered, ashamed of your cheap outfit that probably hasn’t even cost half the price of his underwear. His fingertips were currently tracing your jawline while you were still thinking about his offer.
“What do you mean by living in your house, though? I mean… I do have my own apartment, there’s no need of me moving in with you. But I’d totally be fine with escorting you to your business meetings. And I wouldn’t say no to a nice dress. I came to dance, so that’s one thing I’d love to do for your club, Mister Dolan”, you giggled at the thought of something more expensive covering your body, knowing that Grayson wouldn’t be hesitating in buying you all the designers you loved. “I just offered you anything you could dream of, but you still want to dance in front of hungry men? What did I just got myself into”, he chuckled while nodding in agreement. “Fine, you can put on your show on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but on the other days, your body will me mine, angel. And about the living situation: we’ll be discussing that later, for now you can go home and think about everything. Tomorrow, you’ll be having a little shopping spree on your own, okay?” He hands you his credit card while grinning down at you. “Visit La Perla for me, darling. I bet you’d look great in salmon colored silk.” With that, he left you standing alone in that dimmed light, holding nothing but a black credit card in your hands – not knowing what to do with it.
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 “So, you’re really telling me that he not only offered you a job, but also to live with him in his freaking mansion? And that you denied that?”, Zavi shakes her head at you, blowing nose through her nose in disapproval. The two of you were currently wandering through your local mall, searching for some nice stage outfits. Grayson’s credit card was burning holes through your wallet, but you denied on using it, not wanting to waste any of his money for something you’d earn your own money with. Just as you walked past a small store called La Perla, you smirked while pulling Zavi with you into it. “Y/N! This store is out of our price range, c’mon, even looking at those pieces will make me poor”, Zavi whined as you showed her Grayson’s credit card. “It’s on el diablo. Don’t worry, I guess he won’t even realize that some money is missing. He told me to spoil myself, so why not spoiling my best friend too?” You shrugged while looking through the different lingerie sets, some of them out of complete mesh, others of lace – which you absolutely adored, packing 4 sets into your basket, knowing they’d look stunning on your body. But one pair of silky lingerie caught your eye, salmon colored and absolutely wonderful, you didn’t even dare to touch it. Zavi didn’t even bother to put that one into your basket as well, grinning at you while showing off her teeth. “Make him greedy for you, girl. Try it on, I need to see it!” She shoved you into the dressing room, handing you your basket after putting some more lingerie in there.
You put on one after another set, actually feeling yourself and smiling into the mirror with such a confidence, you couldn’t help but step out to show Zavi your favorite set so far – the one that Grayson suggested. It pushed up your tits to their maximum without looking too fake, but those panties were a different level. They were short, revealing but sitting on your hips like they were meant to be there. You turned around, showing her the fabric that was hidden in between your cheeks, showing the roundness of them perfectly. “Fuck, Y/N you look so hot, you’re driving my pan sexual ass crazy”, Zavi moaned at the view you gave her. Just then, you saw a familiar silhouette passing the dressing rooms, making you chuckle. “Hey stranger, what do you think of it? Or would you like to enjoy a show later on?” You would’ve guessed it was Grayson, following you on your little trip to see if you were about to spend his last coin, but the person that was now standing in front of you definitely wasn’t Grayson. “Oh, that color suits you pretty well. But let me tell you, I bet baby blue suits your skin even better.” You stood there in shock, not being able to speak up while letting your eyes travel the person that looked so similar to Grayson that it couldn’t be a coincidence. “Oh, I’m sorry, what a shame to not introduce myself. I am Ethan”, he holds out his hand for you to shake and as soon as your smaller one touched his, you felt instant rage boiling up your skin. But instead, you smiled.
“Well, hello Ethan. I’m Y/N, always up for help when it comes to finding a new style. Is there anything specific you’d suggest for me?”
You instantly regret going out in your sweatpants and some tank top you found laying on your floor, your face was free of any make up, wishing you had at least put some effort in doing your eyebrows. It was a one time chance to meet Ethan Grant Dolan, talking to him without him knowing who you were. “Oh, for sure, pretty girl. I see, you already chose some lace, that’s always been a secret love of mine, I adore women in lace”, Ethan closes his eyes, imagining you stripping down in front of him, wearing nothing but those see-through lace panties.
“Yeah, I can totally imagine you in that set”, he pointed over to a cute baby blue set with flowery lace detailing. “Oh, Ethan, this is so pretty!”, you smiled at the set, putting it into your basket willingly. On the inside, you were rolling your eyes at him being that easy to compel. Shouldn’t he be crying over his dead wife? This Ethan wasn’t someone you expected him to be.
“Let me buy that for you, Y/N. It’s going to be my treat for you, hoping I’d be the one to see you wearing it one day.” “Oh, Ethan, I can’t accept that, this lingerie is way to expensive to let a stranger pay for me…”, you pouted while Zavi giggled.
“You like being a challenge, huh? I won’t be a stranger to you for long, baby”, he grabbed the lingerie to go and pay for it while you rolled your eyes as soon as he was out of your sight. “Such a fucking dumbass”, you huffed to your best friend. “As if I’d be in to fuck the guy that-“
“Here I am, babe.” Ethan hands you a little bag while smirking at you. “I put my number in there as well, I surely hope you’re giving me a call or at least some pictures to strengthen my opinion on you in lace.” He kisses your cheek before winking at Zavi one last time, disappearing into the crowd of people outside that store.
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Later that night, when you finally unpacked all the clothes and make up you bought, you decided on enjoying a nice bath and some Sushi in the tub while listening to music. Sadly, your pampering night got interrupted by the annoying ring tone of your phone, the display showing some unknown number. “Hello?”, you asked while chewing on a big chunk of avocado maki, snorting at the amount of wasabi you put on that piece. “Angel.” Grayson’s soft voice made you almost drop your chopsticks into the water, choking on the Sushi. “Mister Dolan.” You tried to sound professional, but which professional would ever decide on eating maki in their bathtub? “How is my princess? I was hoping to see you tonight, there’s still some things we need to figure out. Are you free?” “I guess I am, Sir. When and where to you want to meet up?” Opening the drain, you stepped out of the tub while grabbing a towel from your heater, wrapping it around your body and looking for your body lotion.  
“I don’t mind coming over to your house, would you?” Grayson asked casually, causing you to sigh in relief. “I’d like that, Mister Dolan. Would mean I don’t need to get dressed nicely”, you giggled while walking towards your bedroom, looking through all those beautiful pieces of lingerie you got with his – and Ethan’s - credit card today. “Fine, I’ll be there soon, angel.”
Minutes have passed and you grew more and more nervous, debating whether to wear something nice or casual, whether to wear make up or not. Well, you chose the same pair of sweatpants from before combined with a basic tight black crop top, trying to look at least somewhat sexy. Not knowing what Grayson had on his mind, you just set your brows in place with some brow gel but didn’t waste time on foundation or mascara. Then, your doorbell interrupted your upcoming anxiety attack, leaving you with one more spritz of your perfume before rushing to open the door. And there he was, dressed quite casually, some lose dress pants combined with a simple black hoodie – but he managed to still look stunning. “Good evening, angel”, he grinned at you while shrugging his shoes off. “Can I come in?”
You just nod, still perplexed about how different he looked from yesterday, but you instantly felt so miserable standing next to him in your dirty joggers. “Sure.” Stepping aside, you allow him to come into your cozy little apartment. “Do you want anything to drink? To smoke?” Grayson shakes his head, but you decided to grab a beer just to calm your nerves.  “I don’t really have much space to sit, is the couch okay for you, Mister Dolan?”, you bit your lip in discomfort, you’ve never been ashamed about your living situation, but you knew he was used to something much better. “Everything’s fine, angel”, he places his hand on the small of your back while guiding you to your own living room. Once the two of you sat down, Grayson looked at you with such an intimidating look that gave you instant goosebumps.
“So, what I’ve been wanting to talk about was our contract stuff. I know you want to dance for me, but you know that I’ve got different plans for you, right? It wasn’t just a wish of mine to have you move in with me, Y/N. I want you to live by my side from now on, not just as my coworker, more like a… girlfriend. It is hard for me to do all the business meetings alone, to attend anything without someone by my side. The problem is, I can’t trust most people around here. I mean, I could choose any girl from the gang, but… most of them are manlier than I am”, Grayson chuckles while looking at you, “Would you be okay with that? Just keeping me company. You wouldn’t have to dance for all those men, you could be by my side, in my house and live your best life while doing one, two things for me. To be honest, I’ve got plans, most of them maybe not as easy as pole dancing. But I feel like I could trust you – I know that I can trust you, let alone because of Jalen. I owe you something, angel.”
Grayson el diablo Dolan wanted you not to only move in with him, but be some sort of his girlfriend? Shaking your head in shock, you chugged down most of your beer before starring at him in confusion. “Mister Dolan, I don’t understand...” “Grayson”, he interrupted you. “Huh?”, you raised an eyebrow at him, more confused than before. “My name’s Grayson, don’t always call me ‘Mister Dolan’ or ‘el diablo’ that’s kind of weird, you know?” You gulped but shrugged your shoulders.
“Fine, I don’t care what to call you, so Grayson it is. Okay, Grayson. Don’t you think there’s some kind of love needed to ask someone to be their girlfriend? Instead of just asking someone jobwise. I mean, I’m honored, but… I feel like this is so wrong. I’m not an escort or anything like that – and I barely know you. What I know is that you can be really, really dangerous, that you own more money than I could ever dream off and that you could probably pay prettier and more graceful woman to go out with you. I’m not the one to be in the spotlight, Gray”, the nickname slipped off your tongue so easily that you didn’t even bother to correct yourself, “I need to be the girl in the shadows, the mysterious one that dances a few times a week and that’s it. If I was the one by your side, everyone would know me. I’d be everyone’s target.” There it was, the side you didn’t want to show anyone that works – or owns – DEVILISH. Your insecure, anxious self.
But Grayson was fast to react, cupping your face with his large hands, suddenly a soft sparkle in his eyes. “Listen, Y/N. The moment I saw you, I knew that I had to have you. Before you even started to dance, I knew what kind of ride you were – the first girl ever to open her mouth and be not up into my ass like all the others. I’m usually not the type to ask for anything, you should know that. But let me phrase it properly: Will you, Y/N, be my girlfriend? Or will you at least be willing to get to know me better?” He smiled that smile that would melt thousand of hearts in seconds, but you were still frowning, not sure of this situation. “I am willing of getting to know you, Grayson”, you bite your lip while nodding shyly, “But I still want to dance, you know that. I want to get paid the way you pay all your dancers, no benefits, okay? Dancing will be my job, we’ll see about the rest – that will start only in our private time, okay? You can invite me to dinner, I love sushi. Tomorrow, 7PM?” Out of nowhere, you got your confidence back, grinning at the man in front of you. Grayson couldn’t help but laugh.
“I’ve got myself a feisty one, huh? But fine, sushi it is. Wear something nice, though, I may or may not want to take you to another club afterwards”, he winks at you before standing up, looking down at you. “Mind escorting me to the door?” You nod, getting up as well and throwing your braids into a knot, relaxing your neck while doing so. “Oh, by the way. I met the other Dolan twin today. It was quite… interesting, I’d say. He even bought me those”, you giggled while lowering the waist band of your joggers, revealing some of the baby blue lace Ethan bought you earlier that day. “That dumbass even gave me his number, wanting me to send some pics in those.” You rolled your eyes, huffing at the thought of this greasy guy.
Grayson’s eyes widen at your confession, sitting back down on the couch in disbelief. “You met Ethan? And you didn’t tell me earlier? What did he say? What did he do? Does he know who you are? Oh, no, he couldn’t know. Are you going to call him?” “Grayson calm down! He was so weird, acting all flirty and stuff. I mean, I tried to flirt back, but I couldn’t because I kept thinking of Jalen. I still kept his number, though. What do you think?” You sat down next to him, popping your legs on the couch table while looking at the bill that kept Ethan’s number on it. Grayson scratched his beard, thinking about all those possibilities to ruin his brother.
“Tease him, send him pictures, try to get in his pants, I guess. But that would mean you couldn’t be the girl by my side… Mh. Fuck, Y/N that’s one of the best chances I’ve ever got. Okay, wait. Let’s do it like that: we’re still going out, doing all that official business stuff but you keep on hitting on Ethan, trying to convince him that you hate me with all your guts but you’re still with me because of my money, how’s that?”
You scrunched your nose at his idea, shaking your head no. “I’m not the type of girl to do that, Gray. It would be too obvious to be with both of you, don’t you think? I mean, Ethan doesn’t seem that dumb. But, I may or may not have a friend that he flirted to as well. I think she’d be up for it. She loves a challenge – and a good dick to ride on. How’s that? I just slip Zavi Ethan’s number, telling her to send some lingerie pics to him, trying to drive him crazy. And once he’s far up her ass, we’re destroying him and his business.” You raised an eyebrow, giving Grayson an asking look while typing Ethan’s number into your phone, sending Zavi the contact.
“Girl, I love you, I can officially say that. You’re a genius! But I got to say”, he eyes you from head to toe, smirking while doing so, “I think I’d still prefer salmon colored lace or silk on your body. Was your shopping day successful, angel?” You nod with a wide smile, thinking about all those luxurious lingerie sets that were ready to wear in your closet. “Yeah, it was wonderful. I was quite surprised though, I look fine as hell in salmon.” Grayson groaned quietly, nodding his head. “I bet you do, angel. I bet you do. I can’t wait to see it, mind to give me a show? I mean, I paid for it”, he winked at you, making you pout. “But I wanted to wear them for my first dance.”
“Dance for me, then.” Grayson kept his eyes on you, a soft smirk still plastered onto his beautiful lips while you stand up, basically running into your room to change into a nicer outfit. If Grayson wanted a show, he’s totally going to get one. Stripping out of your nasty clothes, you quickly slipped into your new lingerie set after removing the tags on them, turning around in front of your mirror with a proud smile on your lips. Salmon truly looked amazing on you, Grayson was right. You didn’t have a pole montaged into your living room, so you need to improvise in that, probably going for a lap dance or a striptease. One of your new favorite pieces you just bought today was a skin-tight dress made from black faux leather, hugging and stretching around your curves. It had so much cleavage, that you were unsure if your boobs were about to fall out during your dance, but they’d see them anyways – who cares? The back was something different, though. It was held by many straps, covered in rivets, giving it some sort of grunge vibe. To that, you’d usually wear some of your combat boots or over knees, but since you were at home anyways, you went barefoot.
Once you came back into the living room, you saw Grayson on his phone, probably checking up with his gang mates or whatever an important gang leader must do in his free time. Little did you know was that he already booked your dinner at this really fancy sushi place. You walk up to him, coughing quietly. “What’s your favorite song, Gray? What would you like to see me dance to?” You ask while standing in between his legs, caressing his thighs with your thumbs. Grayson lays his head back to take your appearance in, sighing at the view of your hips in that tight ass dress. “Fuck, angel”, he moans while gripping onto your love handles. “You could dance to anything and nothing, I wouldn’t mind at all. Look at you, girl.” He pulls you down onto his lap, smoothing out your braids over your back. “The worst thing is, I kind of know what’s underneath, but I haven’t seen it. So, what about me just ripping off that beautiful dress?”
You shake your head in amusement, standing up again before connecting your phone to the Bluetooth speaker, choosing ‘American Money’ by BØRNS. As soon as the soft bass starts, you sway your hips in front of Grayson, but he just shakes his head, pulling you back onto his lap while holding your chin between his fingers. “I can’t watch you just dance for now, babygirl”, his nose traces your jawline, inhaling your flowery scent with another groan while his hands explore your body. “I need to see you, need to taste you”, he mutters with closed eyes – leaving you almost paralyzed. His fingertips were melting into you skin, while his body was practically molding against yours, leaving no free space for anything. Opening his eyes again, Grayson traces the thin straps of your dress, biting his lip. “This makes you look so naughty, angel. Doesn’t it?” You nod, seeking for more than just his fingertips on your body, aching for his rough touch. “Grayson, please”, you mewl, rolling your lips between your teeth and looking down at him. “Please what, baby? Please, stop?” He grins, waiting for your answer. “No! Please, continue. Please, touch me. Please, remove this fucking dress”, you squirm around in his lap, searching for at least some friction.
“But, Y/N, I thought I came just to talk?”, he removes his hand from your collarbones, smiling innocently at you. Your blood was boiling, not wanting to waste any chance of getting Grayson into your bed. “Yeah, you did, but now I want you to fuck me, Mister Dolan.” Grayson loved the way his name rolled off your tongue, but he loved the sparkle you had in your eyes even more. “What was that, doll?” He needed to hear it once more, needed to hear her begging for more. “I want you to touch me, Gray.” Raising an eyebrow, Grayson gently rubs her back, her hair and her shoulders. “Like this?” You shake your head, whining in impatience. “No, you idiot. I want your hands here”, you place his large hands over your tits, helping him to squeeze them while grinding down on his slowly hardening dick, “while I need your tongue down there.”
His hands were fast to move to the bottom of her dress, rolling it up and revealing the fantastic set of lace that she bought just for him. Grayson breathed out through his opened lips, not believing what he was seeing. “Fuck, I fucking told you”, he emphasizes while quickly laying you down onto the couch, hovering over you with lust filled eyes. His fingers move to the already damp fabric, slowly tracing those flowers out of lace. Squirming, you were the one to remove your dress completely, enjoying his stare with a wide grin. “Look at what you bought, Mister Dolan. Don’t I look pretty for you?” “You look amazing, babygirl. You look like the queen you deserve to be”, Grayson breathes out as he picked you up, your legs tightly wrapped around his waist. “Where’s your bedroom?”
Just as you were about to tell him, Grayson’s phone began to ring, causing him to set you back onto the floor, picking up his phone with a groan. “What?”, he snaps, pinching the bridge of his nose, shooting you a sorry smile which you just shrugged off as you took another sip of your beer to calm your nerves down. You were really about to go there, even though you know nothing about this man besides that he’s fucking dangerous. On the other hand, he could give you anything you wanted, he could make your life hundred times better than it was by now. He had the opportunities – you didn’t. And by now, he was nothing but nice to you, as if he really wanted you by his side. “Taehyung, I already told you not to go that far all by yourself! I swear to god, if you get hurt, I’ll fucking shoot you!” Grayson’s loud voice dragged you out of your thoughts, making you look into his direction in confusion. He quickly mouthed a ‘sorry’ combined with an apologetic grin before continuing to talk. “Just take care, man. Alright, good luck, I’ll be there soon.”
You laughed as soon as Grayson had shoved his phone back into his pockets. “Don’t your own men listen to you, Mister Dolan? Where’s the authority?” Grayson laughed along with you. “Taehyung isn’t one of my… men. He’s most likely my best friend that wants to save my ass more often than I could save his. Speaking of, I need to head over to him before he ends up in the hospital once more.” He presses one soft kiss onto your blushing cheeks before walking towards the door. “I’m sure you’d like him too, but I need you to get to like me first! Tomorrow, 7 PM!”, he shouts before leaving into the dark night, doing whatever he needed to do.
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Once your clock hit 6 PM, your nerves started to go wild again. You were pacing around your flat, trying to clean up even though you just spent an entire day cleaning just to calm down. Of course, you were already dressed and did your make up, but you’ve been changing your dress at least 5 times, drew your eyebrows on twice and couldn’t decide for the perfect lip gloss for another solid 15 minutes. Grayson stressed you out, even though your “date” hasn’t even started yet. You spent the entire night thinking about what he had said to you, about the girlfriend thing and living with him, but you were still unsure. He has been nice to you two times, but you didn’t know him, didn’t know what he does in his “job” and you didn’t know if he would be loyal or if all of this would be just for the outer world. All you knew about him was that he was fucking powerful – and that scared you.
At 6.54 PM, Grayson texted you to come outside, so you quickly applied one more layer of lip gloss before slipping into your heels and heading out. Gasping, you couldn’t help but adore the car he was standing in front of: a dark grey Corvette Z06, one of your most favorite cars in the entire world. “Fuck, Grayson”, you basically moaned, walking towards the car, touching it with sparkling eyes. “Hello to you too, angel”, Grayson laughed before pulling you into his arms softly, pressing a kiss to both your cheeks. “I see you like my car for the night?” You not quickly, smiling at him. “Can I drive?” Grayson’s chest moved against your head as he chuckled, looking at you in amusement. “Not tonight, this is one of my favorite cars, I wouldn’t even trust Tae to drive it. C’mon get in!” He guided you to the passenger’s side, opening the door for you and watched you get in before closing it, running over to his side. Once he started the motor, you couldn’t contain your envy. “I will be your girlfriend if I can drive this car. The interior is even better, this car is pure sex.” “Keep on talking angel and we won’t make it to the restaurant”, Grayson glanced at you while maneuvering the car through the traffic, soft beats coming out of the speakers while Los Angeles’ skyline passed your windows.
“It is so beautiful at night, yet so dangerous”, you mutter with a sad expression on your face, thinking about the night you heard about Jalen’s death. “It is, but who am I to judge?”, Grayson answers, leaving the car in silence again. He was right, you thought. If his and his brother wouldn’t be in those gangs, your brother would probably still be alive. Grayson breaks the comfortable silence shortly after, announcing that you arrived at the sushi place.
“Urasawa? Grayson, this is literally the most expensive place. Believe me, I’m fine with ‘Roll Roll Roll’, really. No need to spent hundreds of dollars for some raw fish…”, you mumbled as you gawked at the luxurious restaurant, but Grayson ignored you, opening your door and holding out his arm for you to hold on to. Sighing, you stepped out of the comfortable car, grabbing Grayson’s muscular biceps as you walked in together. One of the waitresses came up to you, showing you your booth as soon as Grayson mentioned his name, leaving you two in the most private area after taking your orders.
“So, Y/N, why don’t you tell me something about yourself? Did you go to university?”, Grayson asked as he took a sip of his water. You played with the water droplets that were running down your own glass, shaking your head. “No. I was about to go to university, but then Jalen died, I needed to help my parents pay for his funeral. Then, I fell in some kind of black hole, couldn’t handle my own feelings and decided to take some time off. Well, I never applied after that, working here and there to pay my rent. College wasn’t a topic for me ever since. By now, I’m too old to attempt, I guess. Did you?” Not wanting to talk about you all night, you decided to ask him some questions too, wanting to know everything about him and his life. Grayson nodded.
“I did, but only two years, never finished because… well, the gang happened. Ethan and I were both going to UCLA, I studied law and forensic studies, while Ethan went for art and humanities – even though our dad wanted us to study architecture. But then, things got weird and difficult with us, so we stopped and went our own ways, you probably know the story”, Grayson shrugged as the waitress brought your food. You smiled at her as she placed the plate in front of you, Grayson didn’t even look at her. Once she was gone, you tried to get him talking more. “What happened between Ethan and you? I know what the street says, but I want your story.” “You should eat, Y/N. We can talk about this another time.”
The rest of the dinner went on with some small talk, but you learned quite some things about Grayson. He loved wasabi, even ate it without pieces of sushi. He didn’t do drugs, even though he was one of the biggest drug lords out there – he hated people that bought from him, but he makes his money with him, so who would he be to decline that? His mother and his sister are still in contact with Ethan, but not him. His dad passed away because of cancer, which caused him to donate around a million Dollars to a children’s hospice. You frowned, feeling bad for him and his loss, but also admiring him for his strength to still lead that empire on his own – starting to hate Ethan more and more. “Don’t worry, I’m fine by now. Learned to hold my head higher than they do. I don’t get called el diablo for nothing”, Grayson winked at you while eating his last piece of sushi, making you giggle, but also smile in admiration. “What is your favorite childhood memory?” You asked while continuing to eat, curious if he’d tell you something about his past. Grayson remained quiet, obviously thinking about it before answering. “Probably something with my dad. Whenever Ethan was sick, dad and I would go out and do things on our own. It was fun, almost like I was an only child, not having to share experiences with my twin, you know? Full attention on me. Not having to share dad or mom, something like that”, he shrugs. Nodding, you finished your sushi as well, laying back in your chair to relax your stomach. “I’m so full”, you groaned with an exhausted laugh, Grayson joining in. “You ate more than I expected, not that it’s a bad thing. Usually the girl I take on business meetings with me just eat some appetizers. I must’ve looked like Son Goku next to them, eating all the time.” Smiling, the two of you kept having a comfortable conversation, getting to know each other better and better, leaving you with the thought that Grayson wasn’t a monster at all.
Days have passed, conversations were shared, and memories already made. By now, you knew that Grayson wasn’t the tough man he pretends to be, you found his soft spot, even though you’ve been now living with him for little less than a month. You decided the day after your date night, that Grayson was right: you two were meant to be. All your worries were for nothing, Grayson cared about you as much as you learned to care about him. Including staying up the entire night whenever he didn’t come home, cleaning his wounds whenever he got into a fight and helping him with any paperwork that was bothering him. A smile stole its way onto your lips as you thought about your argument during your second week of living with him.
You just got into the car with Grayson, glitter covering your body, barefoot and an exhausted look on your face. “You tired, angel?”, Grayson hold your hand while driving, caressing it with his thumb. “Mh, yeah”, you yawn, head pressed against the window, about to close your eyes. He looked over at you, smiling, while he realized something on your exposed neck. His grip got tighter; eyebrows furrowed. “What’s that on your neck?” “Hmm?” “Is that a hickey, Y/N?” Turning your head in confusion, you rolled your eyes at him. “Probably something you did last night, babe.” Grayson shook his head. “I didn’t, this time. What happened during that privat dance? I told you not to make out with any of your costumers!” You shot him a glance that could kill – if Grayson wasn’t already used to your stubborn head. “Thank you for calling them ‘costumers’ as if I was some slut fucking for payment. I dance, Grayson. I don’t even strip that often, remember? You should, because you’re always there when I’m on stage. That private dance was just me on the pole, I didn’t even give him a lap dance, I don’t know what you’re seeing, but it definitely isn’t a hickey.” Rolling your eyes, you laid your head back again, huffing at his assumptions. Soon enough, Grayson’s finger was tracing your neck, touching the ‘hickey’ – and realizing that it stuck to his fingers. “Ew”, he said, looking at his index finger, causing you to break out in a massive laughter. “That, my dear, is lipstick. My own lipstick, to be exact.”
That night, Grayson ended up showing you who you really belong to – him, no one else.
That night, you stopped dancing for clienté, leaving Grayson to be the only one to enjoy your hips swinging to slow music.
That night, you fell in love with Grayson, because you realized he actually cared for you.
Smiling, you looked down at your intertwined fingers, gently squeezing Grayson’s hand as the two of you walked towards the empty beach, large cones with ice cream in your hands. “I’m glad this part of town is mine, I wouldn’t know what to do without Marco’s ice cream”, Grayson confesses while happily licking at his lemon ice cream. You nod, stuffing your face with the mixture of hazelnut and melon you chose, leaving Grayson cringing. “I don’t get your taste.” “I can never eat just milk ice cream, but just fruity ice cream is boring either. So, the only logical thing to do is just pick one of each”, you shrug as you bite into your cone. “Never liked that though”, you hand him the waffle as soon as every drop of ice cream was in your mouth. Grayson takes it, basically eating it in one piece, speaking as he was still chewing. “How can someone not like the waffle?” You shrugged, nudging his side and you started to run down the street, enjoying the wind in your hair, laughing as Grayson started to sprint towards you, trying to run faster than him. “I don’t need a girl that’s fitter than I am, Y/N!”, he laughs as he finally catches you, pulling you closer to him and pressing a soft peck onto your nose. Then, he wraps one of his arms around you, hugging you from the side while walking towards the soft breeze of Venice Beach. “Haven’t been here since… you know”, you whispered as you slowed down, terrified and anxious about your feelings. Were you ready to get confronted with that? “It took me a while to come back too. But I want to show you something. Jalen once told me how he imagined some nice guy taking you here, walking with you on the beach, enjoying the comfortable silence. Are you okay with me being that nice guy tonight? Fuck it, not just tonight. Always.”
Your eyes widened in surprise, allowing you to just nod. “Just… don’t leave me there, be by my side, okay? I don’t think I could handle it all by myself.” Grayson’s eyes got soft immediately, his fingers playing with the braids that fell over your shoulder. “You’ll never be alone again, Y/N. I promise you that.” Then, he guided you towards the water, lacing your fingers with his and pulling you closer to his side. Soft rustling noises were heard from the ocean, even some seagulls were still flying around, chirping above your heads. “Should we sit down here?”, Grayson quietly interrupts your thoughts, pointing to a clean spot in the sand. Once you nodded, he pulled you in between his legs, sitting down with you against his chest. “I’ve never done that with a girl, romantic stuff.” “Really? Not even in high school?” “No. It is difficult to date when your brother is always the one who gets the girls. I was always their second choice whenever Ethan didn’t want them. So, I preferred staying single instead of being just the Ethan lookalike. But let’s not talk about that, let’s make it to a moment you will ever remember and a night that you will never forget.”
And well, you did.
Grayson pulled you towards the water, the two of you only in underwear, deciding to go for a midnight swim. “Gray, please tell me nobody will see us”, you asked in worry, but Grayson just shook his head. “I promise you, baby. No one comes ever to this part of the beach, it’s el diablo territory – and I told my guys that we would be here tonight. But if you don’t want to…” “No! I want it, but… not in my underwear”, you grinned at him while slowly unclasping your bra, letting it fall onto the ground where all your other clothes were neatly folded, your slip soon following. “C’mon, baby.” You ran into the cold water, yelping at the feeling, but laughing as soon as you realized you were back in your element, letting yourself fall under the surface. Grayson laughed, enjoying your carefree side – and the view – before he stepped out of his boxers and ran towards you, embracing your naked body with his own, warming you up and engulfing you in comfort. Your skin was glistering from all those water droplets reflecting the moonlight, you were stunning, like Selene herself. Grayson’s personal goddess of the moon, of the night – and of his life.
Grayson on the other hand looked like a mixture of Hades and Nyx – if she was a man -, fitting perfectly into the night, shining under the starry sky. His broad shoulders broke the soft waves on the water surface, his strong arms holding you up against him. “You’re so beautiful, angel”, he whispered as he admired your simple beauty. You smiled at him, tracing his tattoos with your fingertips. “You’re a piece of art. I love every single one of your tattoos”, you hum. “I… love you.” There you said it, looking at Grayson with wide eyes, just like a shy deer, scared of his reaction. Grayson’s face softens immediately, mouth hanging open before it cracks into a smile, pressing soft little kisses around your mouth. “I love you too, angel. I never thought I’d say that, but I love you. I love you. I love you.” His hands were everywhere, showing how much he loved every part of you, starting from your face down to your neck, your arms, your fingertips, going back up again to caress the curves of your breasts, your hips and your butt before he grabs your legs to wrap around his waist.
You didn’t even break eye contact once, not as he touched your nipples, nor as he slowly enters you. Both of your lips were parted, chests pressed against each other’s as you moved gently against Grayson, soft hums leaving both of your mouths as the water around you started to move with your actions. “Grayson”, you whimper as he buried his face into the crook of your neck, his teeth teasing the sensitive skin. “I’m here, baby.” His soft thrusts grew unsteadied, whimpers turning into moans as Grayson hits the right spot each time. Again, you couldn’t believe that this tough, almost criminal man was so soft when it comes to you. You tilt your head back, looking up to the stars and start to ask yourself how you out of all people deserved to get this man. “I love you, Gray”, you moaned out as you clenched around him, your orgasm coming in stronger than the waves around you. “Fuck, angel, I love you.” With that, Grayson came too but remained inside you while you shared this intimate moment, soft kisses and many whispered promises, before you eventually went in for another round.
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bembeoriental-blog · 5 years
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The Oriental Occult Brotherhood is banded together as one great brotherhood in the quest for riches, romance, mystery, wisdom, treasure and adventure.
Like the Musketeers, our motto is One for All and All for One!  In times of need, you can call upon your brothers, because you know that you can count on them.
The Brotherhood operates through the principle of strength through unity.  It is a benevolent order that aids its Members, who receive special instruction and practical help on a more personal level than is common to most groups.
Hidden from the world,
Known only to each other,
In the struggle for life or death,
We are brothers to the bone.
The Oriental Occult Brotherhood is not just another dull fraternity, civic association or social club; it is a true brotherhood devoted to mutual advancement.  It gives social, intellectual and material aid to its Members.
Through the help and strength of our Brotherhood, we join our efforts and work for each others' success and prosperity, helping one another and favoring those who are fellow Members of The Oriental Occult Brotherhood.
Every Member of the Brotherhood enters into a concord that those who rise to success in life first will in turn share the bounty of their good fortune and help their fellow Members.
Joining together for strength, protection and mutual aid, Members of The Oriental Occult Brotherhood help one another in every way possible.  We unite our forces to achieve fortune and success in every area of life, to enrich the Brotherhood and each other.
There are no initiations fee, human sacrifices, etc.  We are a non-political, non-religious LEGAL organization operating in a strictly legal manner. Anyone found committing a crime is automatically dismissed and disqualified from membership.
Who can become a Member of The Oriental Occult Brotherhood?
Anyone with a brave heart and a willing spirit who is ready to cast their fortunes with us and join us in the quest for riches, wisdom and power.  It could be your boss, the stranger on the bus, or the person next door.  It might be the rich CEO of a corporation or the janitor struggling to make ends meet.  In The Oriental Occult Brotherhood, we are all brothers to one another.
Is The Oriental Occult Brotherhood legal?
Absolutely. The Oriental Occult Brotherhood is completely legal and all its activities kept perfectly within the bounds of the law.  Its high morals and code of honor mandate that it operate in a strictly legal manner.  We have no need to break the law or "cheat" to attain to wealth and power.  That is for the weak and powerless.
Then why all the secrecy?
Secrecy must be kept where confidences are shared and alliances forged.  This is a normally accepted practice in big business, where secrecy is often essential to success.  Knowledge is power, and power shared is power lost
Is Membership in The Oriental Occult Brotherhood limited to only certain countries?
No, The Oriental Occult Brotherhood is international in membership.  It is open to all nationalities, races and creeds.  The Brotherhood forms an invisible legion of friends around the world, working together and helping each other.  In countries where private associations or "secret societies" are outlawed, we are simply friends helping one another.
Does it cost a lot to join?  Are there initiation fees?  Do I have to pay dues?
membership into our fraternity is free and normally through a thorough screening. we are here to liberate those who need wealth, riches, power, prosperity, protection and success in all ramification.
Can The Oriental Occult Brotherhood help me make money?
A life well lived is more than just money although the lack of money is often the source of much unhappiness.
If we possess the same knowledge as the rich and powerful and use the same strategies and tactics, does it not also follow that we, too, can become rich and powerful?
Think about it - take any millionaire and bankrupt him, take away everything he has and it won't be long before he's back on his feet and makes his next million.
How long will it take for me to become rich and powerful?
The The Oriental Occult Brotherhood is about more than just wealth and power, as anyone who observes the often tragic lives of the rich and famous can attest to.
Without true wisdom and inner power, the outer trappings of success are all in vain, for spirit is ascendant over matter.  That which is eternal is of far greater value than that which turns to dust.  The The Oriental Occult Brotherhood's teachings are not aimed merely towards self-aggrandizement but for the greater happiness of the Member and so that they, in turn, may bless and help others upon the path of life.
With that said, let us say that anyone, having the right knowledge, inner power and a circle of powerful friends, with grit and determination can attain to success and prosperity.  
The rich rewards of fortune and success are never obtained overnight.  It takes time to be mentored and to learn the secret knowledge, to build a "millionaire mind-set," to work one's way through the ranks and to prove one's loyalty and devotion to the Brotherhood.
Advancement in the Brotherhood's degrees of wisdom and power can, however, translate into a virtual guarantee of lifetime security because you are building a power within yourself that can never be taken away.  Success is not handed to anyone on a silver platter and only you can guarantee your future happiness.
The Oriental Occult Brotherhood is the only organization of its kind in the world today, a real secret society for real people.  It does not restrict its membership solely to those born into wealth, privilege and power, but opens the doors of fraternal friendship to those who desire and need most to overcome the limitations of their past circumstances.
Through superior knowledge and an organized The Oriental Occult Brotherhood of power, we shall each and everyone of us attain to wisdom, wealth and success.
WEALTH - POWER - SUCCESS - For All Members, obtained and shared though the Oriental Occult Brotherhood's secret knowledge and hidden circles of power — these are our aims.
The Oriental Occult Brotherhood teaches a secret system of power, hidden knowledge and united brotherhood which can raise the poorest and most humble of men into the ranks of the rich and powerful, and achieve even the most impossible dream.
The venerable sages of ancient times taught that if two or more people would unite their inner forces, together they could conquer the world, even though alone they might be weak and powerless.  Joining forces, we become Stronger United, and can achieve great things which we cannot obtain alone.
The Oriental Occult Brotherhood offers the bonds of brotherhood to anyone with a brave heart and a daring spirit who will cast their fortunes with us.  We will lead you upon the path to power and a brave new life filled with golden opportunities, friends, money and success.
If you knew the laws of the universe, if you knew what brought you good fortune and what misfortune, which actions led to success and which to failure, would that knowledge not be better than gold and diamonds?  Would it not allow you to achieve any goal?  Have anything you desired?  If you could transcend the barriers of time to look into the future, into the past, if you could see the road that led to happiness, the road to despair, would you not consider yourself fortunate indeed
May you be blessed with happiness and luck, so that you will be able to nourish many, because of your riches and great wealth
Why not start today building that happiness, prosperity, inner power and peace by joining The Oriental Occult Brotherhood?
People make life difficult for their self , we are in the world were everything is in control , i was living a life of poverty and pains, i never new there was a life be young that, but right now i enjoyed every dividend of life , am rich famous , powerful,i live a life with out no stress, but all this was a surprise for any body who want riches famous and power,then you have the chance to do that, join The Oriental Occult Brotherhood occult today to get riches and wealth as membership blessing contact +2349050186170 membership is free, no human sacrifice or bloodshed.
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This page is for those who are seriously interested in The Oriental Occult Brotherhood occult fraternity. People with prejudices and the mob should stay away from here: they would only toddle in darkness and be highly indignant. The described black magic rituals are not without danger and are consequently unsuitable for people who are not mentally in good constitution. Take heed to follow all instructions the way they are described. Without the necessary precautions every ritual will turn to your disadvantage, confusion and total destruction. On the contrary, by following the instructions with precision, you will achieve a complete success in all your enterprises.
Many today are seeking to join a secret society, the one that will give them back their hope and help them to achieve all the things they have wanted in life.
They realize that they have lost their dreams and their ambitions. They have settled for a life of mediocrity. Sadly, many are disappointed, for real secret societies are rare, hard to find and even more difficult to join. The more well known have, over time, lost their own secrets and present merely a facade of mystical mumbo-jumbo without possessing any real substance.
There are no accidents and it is no coincidence that you have been led to The Oriental Occult Brotherhood. The brotherhood reaches out to help you and to offer the hand of friendship and hope.
The Oriental Occult Brotherhood knows that everyone has great potential but often they have lost their self-esteem and their desire for a better life. All of us know that we can be better than we are. We are not living up to our potential. Yet we have this fear to take chances, to venture into unfamiliar enterprises and territories.
Membership in The Oriental Occult Brotherhood has given many the courage, the confidence, the knowledge and the power they needed to change their life for the better. Becoming a Member of the brotherhood can give your life a new meaning and direction, and show you how to be happier and more fulfilled.
The Oriental Occult Brotherhood offers simple solutions, a helping hand, and answers. It teaches the secret techniques and methods to become anything you wish to be and to attain all the riches of life. Every Member of The Oriental Occult Brotherhood is given the knowledge and the power to achieve all the success and riches of life that they have dreamed about.
We invite anyone who wishes to forge the spirit of friendship in a true brotherhood of power to join us, to unite our power to your own. Join us and share in the brotherhood’s closely-guarded secrets and circles of power.
Together we can achieve great things that we could not achieve alone. Joining The The Oriental Occult Brotherhood will start you on the path to a new life filled with money, friends, health and the fulfillment of all your dreams. Beginning today, you can change your life and your fortune. Learn how you can have, do and be anything you want in life.
For centuries past, the knowledge and power contained within that which is called the Secrets of the Ages has been kept hidden from the common man and reserved for a wealthy and powerful elite.
Membership in The Oriental Occult Brotherhood, however, is not restricted to members of the rich elite – anyone with a brave heart and a daring spirit who has a strong desire to change their lives and live their dreams is invited to join us.
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT US NOW. Mobile: +2349050186170 Email : [email protected] Website: Orientaloccultbrothers.blogspot.com
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miu-paras · 5 years
Lvl. 5 ⋮ Red // Chapter 5
September 20th, 2019. 3:30 AM. ♪ - Notaker / Infinite (Part 1) | HEALTH / CRUSHER (Part 2)
I was never much of a fighter. In fact, I always avoided confrontation as much as I could. My mom tried to get me into martial arts as a kid, and I was always apprehensive about it. Always finding excuses, like I wouldn’t be good at it, I was too short, too clumsy, too weak. When I was being antagonized at school, I’d simply ignore them, walk away and try to forget their words. I never took to violence. It was only my games that were ever the exception, and knowing it was fiction made it easier to dissociate myself from it entirely.
But this wasn’t fiction. The looming figure above me wasn’t a product of pixels and polygons. The four massive fingers curled around my throat weren’t simple pictures. And the barriers in my mind protecting me from their control were no illusion.
No… none of this was fake.
Neither was the power that surged through me once more, building in my chest and extending through my leg, lightning surging and blasting forward from my feet as I kicked the Makalden through the ceiling.
The room fell quiet, lights flickering from the immense release of power. But I could still feel their heavy, shocked stares burning holes into my skin, skin already hot from the aura of electrical energy that engulfed every inch of my body. But I couldn’t see their faces, or even hear their voices, my senses far too hazy as I slowly began to regain control.
{ You… }
[ Perhaps I enjoyed your spar with the Vanossi a little too much. ]
{ I thought I needed to prove myself, though… }
[ Prove yourself by getting us the hell out of here. ]
Fair enough.
I rolled off the table, heaving and coughing from the pain of being strangled, rubbing the bruises on my neck from the hunter’s grip. My haziness was beginning to wear off, and I could see the many faces that surrounded me. Some were laced with fear, others with anger. And Pixul’s was covered with pure, unbridled rage. There was one, however, who seemed unphased by anything that had transpired. The one with blue hair and gaudy attire, who merely watched with an amused quirk of his brow.
After seeming as though everything was moving in slow motion, the atmosphere quickly shifted. Everyone reacted at once. Pixul brandished two handguns. Vex called for his men to cease me, two of the taller, rugged men surging forward. I quickly expanded Red across my entire body, effectively ricocheting the bullets that fired from Pixul’s barrel. The impenetrable metal of my tsanista protected me again as a two long, narrow blades extended from each of the henchman’s bionic arms, making a loud screech against my armor as it sliced downwards. I ducked and dodged the following attacks before being tackled by the other lackey and slammed against the wall. Their large hand roughly pinned my head against the wall, my arms and legs grappling the burly forearm, fighting against their hold. Their hand squeezed down on my head harder and harder, until—
A loud noise reverberates through the building, loud enough to catch the attention of everyone in the room, heads veering towards the door and the grip on me loosening. The shouts and screams of partygoers could be heard from all the way downstairs as the entire club erupted into chaos. And Pixul looked even more alarmed than before.
Taz’s eyes suddenly went completely black, staring blankly into nothing until their vision returned, their face matching Pixul’s intensity as they turned to her.
“The Vaanen…”
As if Pixul wasn’t pissed off enough, the anger now practically radiated off her skin in waves.
I smirked. Now’s my chance…
Tightening my grip around the henchman’s arm, the stronger man instantly went still under my grasp. They shivered violently, fighting against the control I had over their prosthetics. Their arms and legs whizzed and muttered, sparks fluttering out from every limb as they lost all matter of function. Then suddenly, they went limp, falling to the floor with a loud thud. Lightning enveloped my form again as I raced towards the door, making it there too fast for Vex, Pixul, or the rest of their cohorts to react. I shot a confident look in Pixul’s direction, brandishing a smile wide enough o drive her even more insane.
“Deadzoners… such faulty technology, don’t you think?”
If Pixul could breathe fire, they would be right now. Fire coming out of her mouth, ears, eyes, and nose in a fit of fury.
I darted out of the room, zooming past the guards at the door and every other armed individual in a ball of light. Pixul and Vex shouted at others to stop me, but they’d be too slow. I was already dashing down every hallway, turning every corner until I reached a balcony overlooking the entire dancefloor, and the chaos that inhabited it. People were screaming, pushing past each other and breaking out into fights. All while a team of black-cladded individuals in dark, metal helmets tried to put a stop the madness, shouting at the frenzy to stop. If they didn’t comply, they were either detained and dragged away, or shot down with little hesitation.
{ Those Daft Punk looking guys… are those…? }
[ The Vaanen. Nuva’s android police force. ] Red answered. [ I have no doubt you could take them, but it would probably be best to simply avoid them. They could serve as a distraction against— ]
Before Red could even finish their thought, a stampede of footsteps began moving towards us from either side, getting louder and louder. With no other choice, I leapt from the balcony and into the fray of chaos. Flying helped to slow my landing, but it didn’t stop me from landing right in the middle of the frantic mob and determined Vaanen operatives attempting to quell the chaos.
One of which stood above me with uncanny stillness.
[ Oh dear… ]
“Uh… hi?”
“Scanning…” the disembodied voice left the android, images flashing on their helmet as they held their steady gaze. In one of their four arms, the Vaanen tightly clutched the collar of a clubber, who struggled against their hold but was too high to fight back properly. The other three hands brandished weapons: two handguns, and a rifle that emitted a soft, neon glow from every ornate indentation and carving.
“Race: Camerian. Terran. Toxin levels: Medium. Heart rate: Elevated.”
The officer read off a number of stats, yellow Talurian text streaming across the helmet. I used the perceived distraction as an opportunity to start slowly backing away.
But before I could make my furtive escape, the text flashed bright red, and they slowly began standing taller. And I was frozen in place from the sudden change in atmosphere.
“Nuvassi citizenship: Not recorded.”
They released the clubber in their grasp before quickly stomping their heavy foot on their chest. Gripping the rifle with both of their lower hands while the other two raised the pair of handguns.
“Protocol: Arrest.”
Before the officer even had a chance to subdue me in whatever fashion they were imagining, I raised my hand towards them, freezing them in their tracks. Controlling an android is harder than it would seem. They have more agency than the average machine. But even in their attempts to struggle against my influence, my power persisted. I extended my arm away, and in tangent with that motion the Vaanen was sent flying across the room, back slamming hard enough against the pillar to leave a large dent. Their helmet was cracked, flickering several times before the lights going out.
Part of me wanted that to be the end, but I knew it wouldn’t be. Especially since there were dozens—maybe hundreds—more Vaanen on that dancefloor with me, all of which I’d caught the attention of with my display. Their heads whipped away from the scene and in my direction, all their masks covered in bold, neon red lettering. If I wasn’t fucked before, I sure as hell was now.
“Assault of a Vaanen officer: Observed.” They all spoke in unison, turning their attention away from the running mob as their weapons were raised in my direction. I immediately expanded Red around my form again, ready for the fight I was now faced with.
“Protocol: Extermin—”
Their heads snapped towards the source of the outburst all at once. My head whirled around as well, looking up to take in the sight of Pixul at the balcony with her gun in hand, Taz and her men rushing from behind her and leaping over the rails to join the fray. They all wielded a weapon of some kind. Guns, blades, bludgeoning weapons. Some extending from their limbs, others pulled from the backs or belts. Taz’s arms were completely transformed, one forming a broad, heavy sword with an edge made of bright, hardened light, and the other a massive shotgun. They and the rest of the gang began fighting Vaanen and frantic clubbers alike, shooting and cutting down whoever challenged them. The Vaanen were an effective force themselves, however, taking out equally as many pawns as Pixul’s cohorts had. And unfortunately for me, I was caught in the middle of all of it, fighting both gang members and Vaanen alike. Thugs were easier to disable, having to only focus on specific areas and avoid being shot or stabbed myself, which my armor aided in. Vaanen took more concentration and even more skill to dodge and guard myself from their attacks. But over time the extension of my powers began to feel more natural, and I could more easily send them flying, or ramming into each other, or turning their weapons against them, or disabling their stupid looking helmets.
Pixul, however, was the true star of the violent clash. Seconds after her men hit the ground, her weapon to shift, as if made up of multiple, tiny components that churned and twisted like gears, multiplying and expanding until her mere handgun had become a state-of-the-art rifle. A wicked grin crossed her lips as she peered through the scope to take aim, a grin that grew wider and wider as she shot down each Vaanen that came into sight, expert precision put into each shot, every bullet landing in the exact same place, making headshot after headshot. Not a single fire was wasted. It was like she was some kind of sniper god, raining death and destruction down from her heavenly throne.
More Vaanen began to rush the building, and I used their entrance as an opportunity to slither my way out of the madness. With everyone distracted by the fight on the dancefloor, I hoped my escape would go unnoticed, and I could focus on quickly finding Iannis and getting the fuck out of here.
Wishful thinking, I know.
The moment I pushed my way out of the mob, I was confronted immediately by a Vaanen officer, who held their hands out towards me. Suddenly, I rushed forward, my armor pulled in by a magnetic force emanating from their palms. They held me roughly, and I readied myself to retaliate. But before I could even react, another shot rang out, and suddenly the officer went still. I looked up to see sparks sputtering from a hole in the center of their helmet, torn wire and metal entangled together as blackened oil leaking from their form. The Vaanen’s grip faltered, releasing me as they fell limp to the floor. My head whirled around to spot the sharpshooter grinning down at me from her perch, finger trembling against the trigger as she held her steady aim on me.
Time to move.
I extended to armor to cover my head as soon as another shot rang out. The bullet ricocheted against the impenetrable metal, my face going wide realizing how lucky I’d been when the shot struck the center of my shielded forehead. Immediately I went into hyperspeed again, running through every floor of the club, peering into every room, searching every corner for that familiar face. The pure white hair, the deep brown complexion, the scarring against their skin. But nothing. They were nowhere. Perhaps they’d escaped the club before the violence broke out. Perhaps they’d escaped Gan’em altogether. Maybe even Nuva. Maybe my appearance spooked them somehow, and they didn’t want to risk seeing me again.
Maybe this was all my fault.
My last stop was the bathroom, the one I’d met them in before. They were, of course, still nowhere to be found. No one was here except a dazed, drunken clubber in a complete stupor.
No one. Nothing… this was all for nothing.
“Goddammit!” I yelled, kicking one of the stall doors hard enough that it fell off its hinges. I was more than a little angry. My whole reason for being here wasn’t here, and there was no way of knowing where the hell they were.
{ I failed… }
[ No. Iannis is still out there. We simply need to search harder now. ]
{ But I don’t have time for that! We won’t be able to find them now… not without asking the right people the right questions. And the only person I could think of that would have any idea of where they are is— }
“H-hhheyyyy… heeeeyyy!”
My head turned around to see the clubber waving a limp hand towards the entrance, a lazy smile spread across their lips. They stumbled forward and wrapped their hands around the figure that entered, attempting to embrace them as tightly as their Tears-induced stupor would allow.
The figure—now revealing themselves to be Pixul the further she stepped in—shoved the happy clubber hard enough that they’re sent crashing into the stall across from them. Pixul, with ice cold fury embedded deeply in their eyes, lifted her handgun and fired several shots into their frail form.
I jump at the sound of the shots, hand clasped over my mouth as I watched their body go limp and violet blood pool and spread out of the stall. Pixul, their rage subsiding some, merely watched me with a quirked brow, almost amused by my reaction.
“The Vaanen would’ve killed ‘em anyway,” she said simply with a shrug, taking steps towards me now, “It would’ve been your fault, y’know… you called those fuckers here. Jeopardizing my business… destroying my club… Your fault. All. You.”
I acted fast, hand reached out as I yanked the gun from her hands, aiming it at her with my finger on the trigger the second the weapon entered my grasp.
“Where’s Iannis?” I asked sternly, my expression harder than before. Pixul’s face was a mixture of shock and anger once the gun left her hands, but it quickly twisted into a vicious smile. And before I knew it she was… laughing? Cackling. Hard enough that she had to grip her sides. I stared at her, confusion and anger etched in my expression as I lowered the gun slightly. Either Pixul was slowly starting to lose her mind, or she truly found the entire situation humorous. Whatever it was, it irked me, and I felt my brow twitch slightly as my face went hard again and I steadied my aim once more.
“This isn’t a game!” I shouted, “Where are they? The server! The one from the other night! With braids and—”
“I know who the fuck you’re talking about, love.” Pixul answered finally after collecting herself from her fit. “And they’re gone. After hearing about the… ‘connection’ you two had in here, I had the bitch sent away.”
I felt a pang of sadness shoot through me, my hand trembling as the gun was starting to feel too heavy for me to carry. Heavier than the guilt that hanged heavy on my heart, knowing I was the cause for all this strife. Realizing that I’d probably never see Iannis again. That my chance for more answers was probably gone. That my mother… my mother…
I’m so sorry, Ima…
 “W-where did you send them?” My voice faltered, tears stinging the corner of my eyes and threatening to breach past my lids. Pixul only smiled wider at this.
“Wouldn’t you like to know~.” She sang, continuing to step closer yet again. I took a step back in response to each advancement from her, still holding the gun high. She paid it no mind, continuing forward until my back was against the wall and the barrel was pressed against her chest. I could tell she liked toying with me, even more so now with the state of clear distress I was in. Her smile was sinister, laden with as much desire to put a swift end to the standoff and any future ones as I was. With a bullet to the heart.
But the gun was in my hands, and as much as my finger twitched over the trigger, I still hesitated to pull it.
After everything… the death, the manipulation, the violence, the lies… I still hesitated.
“With powers like yours, it would be easy for someone to think themselves a god… and yet, you stand here… with a gun in my chest… and you’re trembling.” She frowned, the tone in her voice sounding almost… disappointed.
“Perhaps the weak-hearted Terrans have filled your mind with that same softness.” Pixul taunted, her voice low as suddenly her hand was around my neck, lifting me from the floor enough that I was eye-level, and slamming me into the wall again. She was a strong as Xhen. Maybe even stronger. I had since lost my grip on the weapon in my hand, the gun hitting the ground as I clawed at the hand around my throat, her fingers squeezing more and more around my larynx. Any attempt at resistance, the kicking of my legs or fingers tugging at her grip, was met with even more constriction. I felt the spark inside me fade, my powers betraying me in the moment of desperation. Too encumbered by my own sadness at my failures for any rage to resurface. Too preoccupied by the lack of air in my lungs to focus my energy properly.
Why did I hesitate… I shouldn’t have hesitated…
 “You should’ve just said yes.” She growled, anger returning to her glare. “It would’ve been easier on you if you di—"
There is a swift, sharp sound, one that makes Pixul’s eyes go wide as they suddenly shoot down to her side, where a thin blade punctured through her stomach. Blood oozes from the wound, and Pixul is too in shock to even make a sound. To distracted to notice that her assailant was her own cohort. One of Vex’s own men. The ostentatiously dressed figure with hair a more electric blue than hers.
Even I was shocked, but rather than let it show, I acted quickly. Fashioning Red into a heavy blade, my tsanista swiped wide and cut clear through the arm that held me in place.
I fell to the floor, gasping for the breath I was robbed of. Pixul fell to the floor too, crying out loudly the second her arm was severed. I stood from the blood-coated floor and backed away from her, watching as she writhed in pain, wailing and clutching the gory stump, then crawling on her remaining three limbs towards the gun, which her dissenter—whom I’ve nicknamed “Spike”—kicked away from her reach. Pixul was down. More than that—she was bleeding profusely, shivering and glaring up at the two of us with an insane look in her eyes.
“We need to get out of here.” Spike said. I look away from the scene to meet his eyes, nodding only once. I didn’t know if I could trust him, or anyone for that matter. But there was little time to dwell on a better solution. Not only had they literally and figuratively stabbed their partner in the back, they were offering to help me. That alone was more than enough.
He took my hand, and we ran out of the bathroom, Pixul glaring at us as we left, drenched in a pool of her own blood. I didn’t linger on the sight, merely looking ahead at the challenges that faced us. It was back to disabling the many Vaanen that swarmed us. Me, by pushing them away, shutting them down, or disarming them whenever I could. Spike took a more direct approach, swiftly jumping from one place to another, too fast for the Vaanen to target. He wielded a blade in each hand, and daggers in the two on his sides, freeing them of limbs and weapons as he cut through them with proficiency and ease. I hardly needed to do anything following closely behind them. Regardless, I offered my support where I could, shielding his side and taking out any that came behind us. Over time, our pace quickened, and my confidence returned, enough that I felt that spark building inside me once more.
We were ascending now, going from floor to floor until we reached the top. The further we got, the less Vaanen there were. And outside the windows that lined every wall of every level were cars that circled around the building.
“We can use one of these,” Spike said, grabbing my arm once more. I froze immediately, yanking away from his grasp.
“Where are we going?” I asked, eyeing in incredulously. It was a fair question. I was willing to follow him this far, sure, but now was the time for answers. Before I hopped in a vehicle and hauled ass with him, at least.
“I… I can’t explain right now. But I can when we get there.” He held out his hand towards me again, searching my expression for an ounce of faith. “You’ve trusted me so far… trust me now.”
I sighed deeply, shaking my head in uncertainty. I could run off on my own, yes. But where would I go? Was it better to go alone at all? I find that it’s better to have allies when in unknown places. Zhu’drek would have been more of a nightmare if not for Xhen. And even in a place as chaotic as this… I wasn’t opposed to having allies. Neither I nor Red had no reason to distrust him yet, after all.
Reluctantly, I reached for his hand. The second my palm clasped with his, the ceiling fell in on us. I was quick to pull him in, using Red to shield us from the glass and debris that rained from above. A giant thud shook the ground, and I thought it may have been a large chunk of the roof. Or at least, that’s what I’d hoped for. Instead, before us stood the hulking Makalden, surrounded by their shrouds of darkness, twisted vermillion eye glaring at me with furious intent.
They charged, and I immediately shielded us in a ball. The walls around us vibrated and tremored with each massive slam to the tsanista’s shell.
“What will it fucking take to kill this thing?”
[ More than electricity, it would seem. ] Red said, sounding more amused by the situation than alarmed.
{ Well, any advice? Suggestions, maybe?! }
[ I have dispatched many of their kind in my time with Kalar. They are very few means of resistance against them, one of which you have now, luckily. Even fewer weaknesses. Redirecting their mental attacks was one, though you have no access to such abilities yet… ] Red paused. They were thinking, searching their memories for a solution.
[ Rael, however, found that it was easier—and quicker—to simply… go for the eye. ]
I blinked. { The eye…? Just… stab it in the eye…? The weird, spirally one? }
[ It couldn’t hurt. ]
I turned to Spike, only to see that his eyes were shut tight. He was murmuring something unintelligible, arms trembling. The Makalden must’ve affected him, and he was shaking off the control. Or attempting to, at least.
“Keep it together…” I spoke softly, gently resting a hand on their shoulder. “Now listen to me… I’m gonna drop this shield, and when I do, I need you to stab that thing right in its eye. You’re fast… more accurate than I’ll ever be too.” I shook his shoulder, urging him to look towards me as I gave him a reassuring nod. “I’m putting all my trust in you… I need you to trust me too.”
He went still, very silent for a moment before finally answering with a small nod of his own. He turned his stern gaze forward again, and we both took one last breath. We needed to be fast, in sync. Otherwise, I was on my own should he succumb to the Makalden’s control… the last thing I wanted to be right now.
I dropped the shield, and Spike leapt forward, too fast for even the Makalden to react properly. He was quick to latch himself onto the hulking figure, arms and legs wrapped around his massive head and neck. I formed cuffs around the figure’s wrists with my tsanista, hindering any sort of retaliation while Spike sank his blade deep into the twisted, vermillion eye. Suddenly, the Makalden went as still as a statue, their arms going limp, the shadows around them dissipating. And then…
They exploded into a cloud of black smoke and dark, viscous fluid sputtered across the walls and floor. Nothing was left of them but a billowing cloak floating gently to the ground.
I was grossed out at first. Spike, too. Then we flashed each other a wide grin, shaking off the gooey tar that coated our faces and clothes. Our celebration didn’t last long, however. More Vaanen still swarmed the building, both from the front entrance and around the building itself, circling the many floors in hovering SWAT vans. One of which shined their blinding headlights on the two of us.
I turned to Spike. “You still trust me?”
He quirked his brow, but nodded nonetheless.
I took his hand and ran forward, running towards the flying cars and away from the Vaanen that pursued us. I didn’t second-guess my actions, nor did I hesitate or question where I was going. I was unequivocally myself in this decision. As brazen, bold, and impulsive as always. I hurled us both through the window, tsanista protecting us from the shards of glass that flew around us, as we freefell from the building and towards the traffic, the bystanders, and the cold, hard ground that greeted us hundreds of feet below.
I tried flying to slow our descent, but it didn’t do much; Spike was too heavy for my delicate arms. But it wouldn’t matter; I had other means of transportation in store. A pair of Spike’s arms were wrapped firmly around my sides. I held onto his jacket, and with my free hand I tossed my tsanista forward. Immediately, it began to unfold itself, morphing and shifting until its shape was no longer a pendant, but a vehicle as large as the ones above and below us, complete with the same hovering capabilities I’d come to be familiar with in my time on this planet.
The roof of the car opened up, and we fell inside, quickly shuffling into our cold, metal seats. It closed above us, and without wasting another second I zoomed us forward, Vaanen leaping from the windows and into their own cars to chase us down with fervor.
I moved fast, weaving Red through the aerial traffic and being careful to dodge whatever cars tried to run us off our course or into the buildings surrounding us. Spike was in a state of shock, gaze shifting between the Vaanen trailing us, the bullets that ricocheted off our transport’s Ulterian steel shell, and me, the reckless driver of a vehicle that seemingly appeared out of thin air.
“How did y—”
“Not gonna lie to you? This is probably the biggest thing I’ve ever made,” I glanced at him then back at the traffic ahead with a nervous smile. “But listen… I need you to tell me where we’re going? This is kind of only my second time here, and last time wasn’t exactly a grand tour, so…”
“Oh—right.” He straightened and nodded, sitting properly in his seat now. “Several buildings down, there’s an alleyway… I’ll tell you when, but first…” His head turned to the Vaanen behind us, glaring at the sirens and shooters that tailed us so intently. “We need to lose these guys…”
“That’s what I’m trying to d—”
“Open up the top. I’m going out there.”
My head whipped towards him. “What?!”
“Just do it! Keep your eyes ahead, and keep them going in circles. I got this.”
My stare lingered. I was reluctant at first, but his determination was too unwavering to argue against. I opened the roof again, and he hopped out. The stare-down between him and the police didn’t last long. As soon as a shot rang out, he leapt forward. I could only see so much from my driver seat, but even my limited view was enough to paint a picture. Spike moved unbelievably fast. Like a cricket, he leapt from car to car, cutting through bullets, dodging them, disarming Vaanen and disassembling their weapons, dismembering them and throwing them from their vehicles and various perches with ease. He cut through some of the vehicles as well, a testament to just how sharp and sturdy those blades were. With quick, agile use of his swords, Turrets were sliced in half, and vehicle parts rained down from the sky in pieces.
Even though I did my part, swerving every which way and circling around the various skyscrapers and keeping the Vaanen confused on their chase, I still felt useless from where I sat. As the Vaanen increased in number, and their behavior became more unpredictable, it wouldn’t be long until Spike was overwhelmed.
“Red… how do you feel about being bait?”
[ …I think you should stay in the car. Your track record with combat so far has been… less than favorable. ]
“He needs help!”
[ Maybe you should reconsider your approach a bit more before flying into danger with reckless abandon? ]
I wanted to take in their words a bit more. I wanted to be as cunning and strategic as Red wanted me to be. Less rash in my decision-making. Less naïve. Less… me. It is what got us in the situation, after all.
But it’s also what would get us out.
“No time to think! Head empty! Gotta go!”
I took a deep breath, exhaled, then jettisoned myself from the vehicle, still keeping Red on their course. I could hear their curses in my head, but I ignored them, flying towards the swarming Vaanen cars as fast as I possibly could.
The energy within me swelled again, filling up my chest before flowing outwards, blanketing me in blinding, electrical power. One Vaanen had turrets aimed at Spike’s back. They had no chance to fire, however, because I’d shot myself through the bottom of their car. It practically exploded upon contact, splintering in various directions.
Spike, along with several of the Vaanen officers, veered their heads towards me. I winked in their direction before descending onto another approaching vehicle. I could hear one surging towards me from behind. I was quick to turn around, holding my hand out and freezing the car in place. With both hands, I made tugging motions in the air, as if to pull open a heavy door. The vehicle began to split, metal, wire, and glass breaking, snapping, and tearing apart until I flung my arms outward, both halves flying with them in either direction.
My new comrade offered a snide grin in return, using the opportune distraction as a chance to strike while their guards were down. And just like that, the fight had picked up again.
It went on like that for a while. Spike tearing through Vaanen, me tearing through hovering cars, motorcycles, and turrets. All until there were barely any officers left, only a few in a battered van tailing behind us. Spike leapt back to Red, landing on the roof before turning to give me a bright smile and a thumbs-up. I only laughed at the sudden dorkiness and returned one as well.
[ Congratulations on you both not being dead. ]
{ Thanks! …I guess. }
[ Don’t mention it. ]
Our celebration didn’t last nearly as long as I would’ve liked. Sirens rang through the air, and many of the neon signs that decorated every building suddenly flashed red. An image of a woman appeared on every screen, Talurian characters scrolling beneath her moving lips.
Our faces were what flashed next.
Oh. Shit.
“We’ve gotta move!” Spike shouted from below me, and before the words even left his lips I was already rushing towards Red. I opened the roof and the both of us hopped in immediately, racing away from the many neon signs changing bright red in our wake.
“Where do we go?” I turned to Spike. His eyes scanned every edge of the city in rapid motion. He looked almost frazzled. Completely caugh off guard by what had transpired.
“I… that way!” He pointed to an alleyway several buildings ahead. I nodded once and instantly began directing Red towards the desired location, bobbing through the now clustered traffic that surrounded us. It was a rough descent, managing to clip the side of a blinking neon billboard and nearly crashing into a car passing by, but we came out of it unscathed. We drifted straight into the alleyway, right through an invisible barrier that only made itself known as we crossed through its threshold, colors dancing around our vision for a split second. And rather than the alleyway I’d pictured before, we were parked in front of a shed, plain but big, with no windows and a single brown door.
[ Photomazers… hiding a rundown shack. Not sketchy at all. ]
I was quiet, watching Spike closely as he hopped out and began approaching the door.  I shifted my tsanista back to its original form, taking trepidatious steps towards Spike, who held the door open with one set of hands and urged me forward with the other.
Inside was a tight corridor of metal walls, with another door at the other end. We walked in a straight line, the dimly lit lights flickering as we inched closer. Opening the second entrance revealed a staircase, leading steeply in one direction. The more nervous I became with each step, the more the lights above us sputtered in rapid intonation.
I expected another long corridor, maybe more confusing than the last, when the final door swung open. Instead, I was greeted to a room full of… guns.
A vast, immeasurable number of guns.
There were aisles upon aisles filled with shelves of weapon parts, bolts, machinery, and gadgets I’d never seen until now. The walls were decorated with them, from rifles to pistols, to the shifting kind that Pixul had. Workbenches were situated between the many shelves, decorated themselves with blueprints and incomplete projects. I imagined myself seated at one of them, too high to remember my own name but still working away. That’s what Pixul had in store for me, I supposed. All of this was her plan, with me at the helm of it all.
“A weapons factory… or a small one at least,” I murmured. “But if Pixul had all of this, why did she need me?”
My head whirled around to find Spike, who’d shuffled back and forth across the room. He’d begun packing as many weapons and parts into a box as he could. I watched him—glared at him—more perplexed than ever.
“And I’m guessing your plan was to steal it all? And use me to do it?” I snapped at him, my accusatory gaze fixated on him. He practically froze in place.
“Wh—no! No, that’s no what—… Listen…” He sighed, dropping the few things he  had in hand as he approached me, trying to ease the anger that was building. “There’s more to this… and I need your help to do it. I promise I’ll explain everything, I just need—”
A loud, heavy thud could be heard levels above us. Loud enough that it reverberated throughout the entire room. Could be the Vaanen. Or perhaps Pixul’s men finally making their advance. It was too hard to tell from here, but either way the threat was all the same. One thing was for sure though: whatever qualms or distrust I had for Spike in that moment would have to wait. We needed to get out of here. And quickly, too.
Spike was frantic now, trying to cram as much as he can in that box, with no idea or plans of how to smuggle it out. Meanwhile, I was searching the room. Mostly for a way out, but also for a means of getting myself home.
Which, thanks to my own keen survey of the room, didn’t take long at all.
The transporter wasn’t like the others I’d encountered. Unlike Xhen’s and Pixul’s, this one lacked the small, rounded shape that was compact enough to fit in your pocket. Rather, this one was more of a tablet, complete with a holographic screen and more complex controls. Regardless, it worked in much of the same way, albeit with easier input of coordinates, and more… customizable features. I could transport just myself, transport another target, or… transport anything within a given radius.
The wheels in my mind began to turn.
This place was an artillery, undoubtedly belonging to Pixul. Spike was here to steal from it, and if coupled with everything else that transpired tonight, one could assume he was no more a friend of Pixul than I was. If anything, he’s most likely been acting as a double agent—or… whatever it is he is—for a while in an effort to enact this plan.
Maybe we should help him with it.
Frankly, I was fed up. I was tricked, drugged, strangled, nearly mind-controlled, shot at, and forced to run for my life, all while running on zero sleep. And what’s worse, I was now Nuva’s most wanted alongside a man who’s name I didn’t know, and who’s background I knew nothing about. Yet he’s the only one on this fucked up planet that wasn’t trying to kill me.
Circumstance fueled anger, and anger fed a desire for more revenge.
I entered the coordinates and set the transportation radius to cover the entire room. A blue, holographic grid pattern covered every inch of the room’s contents, including me and Spike, who’d stopped in his tracks once they realized what I was doing.
[ You cannot be serious… ] Red dissented.
“I’m so serious.” I mumbled back, finger hovering over the command button.
I could hear the Vaanen at the door, breaking through and shuffling down the narrow staircase. Spike’s gaze switched between me and the door before finally fixating on the danger that approached us, brandishing a blade in each of his four arms. Soon, those doors would swing open, and he alone would cut down the threat. But I wouldn’t let him.
Silently, I made a prayer that I’d never have to set foot in this place ever again. Then I pressed the command button on the transporter.
In an instant, I felt my body swell with that familiar energy, that push and pull of the universe as we’re thrown across galaxies. It’s only a second later that I feel myself falling against the cold, hard floor of the shooting range. The weapons that threaten to hail down on us were instead frozen in mid air, my hands held above my head as I slowed their descent to the ground.
I take in the sight of my surroundings once more. The targets lined against the wall. The bows hanging from racks, arrows docked in quivers that hung alongside them. Hundreds of guns and parts that littered the floor. And Spike, staring at me with a face riddled with both shock and confusion.
Welcome back to Earth, Miu.
You’re fucked.
19th hour of Sandis Vaak. At the border of the southern faction of Seris. The skies are blanketed in gray, and the ground soaked in violet.
Kalar and their forces have arrived. A final answer to the southern rebellions.
The Morassi Resistance have spread their ideology further into the heart of the continent than before, which in turn has led to more outbreaks and riots by small indigenous groups, fishers, farmers, the working class. Those tired of the elite of Camer’s central factions, and the lack of protection and acknowledgement of the Ministry. Centuries of preaching about the greatness of Camer. Centuries of never being included in that narrative. It all came to a boil at once.
To answer with violence was a swift decision for the rest of the Ministry. They had since grown tired of Minister Ghivussi and Minister Gimli’s more passive approach, attempting to appease the protestors by bringing their queiries to the light of those in power. But nothing ever came of it. Radical visionaries want nothing more than to completely dismantle the system that disenfranchises them, and the Camerian elite were far too apprehensive of change. Even the slightest threat to their dominance had to be snuffed out.
Kalar had no problem answering their selfish grievances in this manner, but they cared very little for their own motivations. The Grand Minister had over time become less concerned with the state of politics. Class tensions, riots, and civil war were all things that seemed diminutive in their eyes. Too world-bound. Too tied to the present. Kalar had their eyes on what was to come. On prophecy, fate, and their own intuition.
Kalar was different now. Ever since Eshta brought the [ MEMORY REDACTED ] to their feet. Ever since Umvis’ passing. They were not themselves. Obsessive and quick to snap. Impulsive. Dangerous.
Kalar was spiraling. And Seris would be the first to feel the brunt of it.
I was pushed to my limit that day. I remember at one point becoming massive wheels lined with serrated blades, carving through the very earth beneath their running feet. At another point, I splintered into a million daggers that rained down from the skies above their head, whistling through the air until I pierced through flesh so quickly it could barely be heard. Massive structures, buildings, homes formed of metal were bent, crushed, and toppled to the ground. The very gravity beneath them shifted, pulling them down to their hands and knees as a pitch so high in frequency rang through the air until they bled from their ears. It was a bloodbath. A massacre, one of which Kalar was the sole culprit. Very few rebels survived that day, and even fewer civilians looked upon their Grand Minister with kind eyes from then on.
Rael was also there, watching as their ima carved through swaths of fighters with vigor. It was nothing to them. An effortless flick of their wrist, extension of their will. Rael’s approach to the violence was on a much narrower scale. They focused on enemy at a time, cutting them down with as much speed and efficiency as the Minister leading the charge. They never reveled in their suffering, however. Never once found enjoyment in taking a life. Though they never empathized either. Their heart was completely closed to it. Detached from the violence. There was no sorrow, nor was there any hint of sadism.
This was Rael’s duty. Their sole objective. Yet another weapon for Kalar to extend their will upon. Another cog in the wheel of their grand scheme. And Rael was so passive, so eager to please, so desperate to find purpose in this life, that they allowed their ima complete control.
Hours into the violence. Barely any were left standing. Those that did surrendered their arms, and their lives, to serve the Grand Minister in any way they deemed appropriate. Anything to avoid imprisonment. Or worse, torture. Or death.
Kalar merely waved them off, as if this were beneath them. They would deal with them later. The Minister’s mind was preoccupied, their attention fixated on the next goal. The second cog on her wheel.
The estate of the Minister of Seris. Ghivussi was waiting for them, down on hands and knees. Their face weary and ridden with grief, whilst Kalar wore a smile. The battle was over, and now Minister Ghivussi knelt at the feet of their victor. Rael kept some distance, lurking around the vast space of the Minister’s living quarters as they observed the scene with curiosity that was almost cat-like.
“Oh, Ghivussi…” Kalar began, twirling my bladed form between their fingertips with deft precision. “If you had only done your job. Think of all the lives you could’ve saved.”
“This… this was an unnecessary display of your power. This could’ve all been avoided had you and the rest of the Ministry simply… simply listened to the people! What their needs were… I could not enact change alone…” Ghivussi coughed, old bones trembling as they straightened from their kneeling position, staring up into Kalar’s eyes with all the determination they could muster. “I’ve done all I could. While you all did nothing. The blood is on your hands.”
Kalar huffed a dry laugh, rolling their eyes as they glanced down at Ghivussi. They seemed unimpressed by their tenacity, and even less moved by their words. Instead, their eyes wandered around the chamber, across the elaborate tapestries and the ornate carvings in the ceiling, down to the wide entrance that led to the bleak devastation Kalar left behind.
“All of this… none of it matters, does it?” Kalar stated, eyes still fixated on the ash gray clouds that rolled over the decimated landscape. “In the end, it’s all meaningless.”
“I-in the end…?” Ghivussi asked, seeming more unnerved by the Grand Minister with every passing second.
Kalar’s eyes flickered towards them again, their smile stretching across their once vacant expression, “Oh, yes. The ending… I’ve seen it.” Kalar crouched down to their level, roughly taking their face in their hand. “There are many worlds to visit… but this one ends. That ending approaches... getting closer and closer every day.”
Their smile is sanguine now, more genuine. As if they were attempting to quell their greatest fears. To comfort them…
“It all starts with you.”
Kalar released their face, standing and turning to their child, who was now standing frozen in place, awaiting a command.
“Kill them. Remove the head.”
Tension rose in Rael, who hesitated to step forward, to even utter the defiance that later left their lips.
“Ima… they’re a Minister. I can’t—”
“They will soon be replaced. It is of no consequence, child.” Kalar answered plainly, pointing their blade toward Ghivussi’s throat. “I will not repeat myself.”
Rael is quiet now, jaw tightened as they inched forward. Their eyes flickered between Ghivussi, who quivered in fear and begged helplessly for their life, and their ima, who merely stared at the frightened Minister with complete disregard, with unwavering apathy. Kalar was unhinged, and with every step forward, Rael saw it more clearly.
Despite their unease, there was no falter in their stride. No trembling in their stance as they held their tsanista—Galagar, it was named—extended in its blade form to the Minister’s neck. They fell quiet, shaking even more under Rael’s solemn stare, and Kalar’s intense glower.
Rael would do it. They had no choice. It was either kill the Minister and return home, or face Kalar. The largest threat. The worst threat.
Rael’s arm shot out, and the Minister’s head toppled to the floor, coating the smooth crystal surface in a pool of fresh blood.
Kalar looked pleased. Rael looked ill.
It was the first time I’d ever seen them disturbed by a kill. Usually, they were as unfeeling in their actions as their ima. But this time was different. They just killed a member of the Ministry. And Kalar carried their head around as if it were a trophy.
Rael felt sick.
“The rebels did this.” Kalar held the head high, staring into its lifeless eyes. “They murdered their own Minister. Began an uprising. They needed to be stopped… and we did that today.” Their eyes flickered towards their child, the smile returning to their face. “You did that.”
Galagar dropped to the floor with a loud clang. Rael’s fists tightened, trembling as they glared at their ima with rage. With disgust.
“You call this… justice? You think this is right?!” Their voice was raised now, their gait quickened as they approached Kalar. “None of this… none of this was for Camer. It was for you. You and that… that fucking—”
“Mind your tongue.” Kalar snapped, their lips suddenly shifted into a frown. They were more than displeased with the sudden display. They tossed the head across the room, moving close enough that they were glaring down at them, that their breath could be felt on them.
“And if you are going to get brave with me, make sure you have your weapon in hand.”
There was stillness between the both of them, eyes locked in silence, yet the tension could be felt in the air. Neither moved. Not even so much as a flinch could be seen.
Galagar leapt from the floor and snapped back into Rael’s hand. Once the tsanista touched their palm, they were sent flying back as gravity betrayed them. They recovered, landing against the wall in a crouched position, one they only held for a second as Kalar stretched my form into a giant pillar, shooting out towards Rael. They leaped out of harm’s way, leaving a massive crater in their wave as they ran across the walls and ceiling searching for an opening. Kalar would not make it easy for them, pulling me back and splitting me several ways to form large rings, each getting larger than the other as they revolved around Kalar’s now levitating form. The rings were wide and heavy, each one shooting out pillar after pillar in an effort to cease their opponent’s quick evasions. But Rael was too fast, too cunning, too well-trained to fall prey to such simple tricks. They dodged, weaved, and ran quickly across the walls, ceiling, even leaping from ring to ring until they found their opening. They formed thin daggers from their tsanista, shooting them towards the Minister with great precision. Most were deflected by the inner ring, but one found it way in, scratching them across the cheek.
Rael found their opening. Like a fly lured into a spider’s web.
The scar healed immediately, and Kalar grinned viciously as the younger one leapt towards them in one instantaneous motion, blinking closer once a ring threatened their path. They were inches away from Kalar’s face, inches away from dealing any sort of blow with real weight to it.
Then time stopped around them. And Rael was frozen in mid-air.
Kalar smiled, my rings reduced in size and forming cuffs around both of my tsanagar’s arms. They stare at their child curiously for a while, until their fingers wrapped slowly around their neck. Time started again, and Rael, as quickly as they charged forward, was slammed against the ground with enough force that several large cracks split through the floor in several directions.
Rael strained against their grip for a while, legs kicking as much as they could under Kalar’s weight, light gasps escaping as fingers tensed around their throat. After some time however, they ceased in their struggling, not even bothering to retaliate in any form knowing Kalar would have a response of their own. The young tsanagar merely laid there, tapered breaths leaving them as they stared deeply into Kalar’s eyes, full of intent, of a rage that slowly became subdued as their wicked smile returned once more.
“You don’t see it yet… do you?” Kalar’s fingers tightened slightly, their other hand pinning Rael’s wrist harshly against the floor to halt the clawing at their arm. “You can’t feel it… but you will. Destiny finds us all.”
Kalar released Rael and stood, yanking the younger one from the ground by their shoulders, holding them tightly in place as they whispered against their ear.
“I still have need of you, Exiled.”
Rael stayed behind for a while, rubbing the finger-shaped bruises around their neck, and staring hard at the severed head at their feet. Kalar re-entered the bleakness of the outside world with a smile, perhaps proud of themselves for fulfilling whatever task they set out to achieve with all of this madness. I remember their elation quite clearly. I remember my own unease.
[ Am I still yours? ]
The question left me on impulse. It caused Kalar to pause, the joy wiped from their features and replaced with… uncertainty. Discomfort.
They clasped their hand over my medallion form, squeezing gently in an act of intimacy. The one moment of silence, of peace, we had in a long time.
[ Feels like a lie. ]
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