#Mod Mikan’s first request holy crap-
mikimagines · 4 years
Can i request the DR1 girls hearing their selectively mute s/o speak for the first time?
oh! mutism right?
alright then!
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small disclaimer...
please know I’m not good with anything such as depression, mutism, or any mental health problems.
but know that I love you all and I’ll do my best to comfort people!
mod mikan
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Dr1 girls with a mute s/o who speaks for the first time.
if I did something wrong please tell me!
Kyoko Kirigiri
she figured it out pretty quickly.
even before you two were dating.
you use a text-to-speech translation with your phone to speak.
also she figured out you lost your voice-box, which you are saving the money to get a voice back.
so that day came...oh kyoko looked calmer in the outside, but in her head she was panicking seriously.
moving on she waited for a while, actually almost half asleep, you guys had to go early in the morning anyways.
as she turns around and smiles.
“do you like my voice, kyoko?” you said.
“I absolutely love your voice, s/o.”
Toko Fukawa
as toko is being, our toko.
she thought you were ignoring her, so she’s been rude to you a little (only because your cute!!) since of a misunderstanding.
“Toko, Y/N is mute.”
she tries to apologize to y/n and it works!
now you guys are dating, that must be a story to tell.
So you guys went to the library and found some books (toko approved !!)
“ooh this is my favorite, thanks toko!”
Did she hear that right???!!?!
holy crap your voice was h o t.
“O-oh so now your talking.”
you forgot to tell her you got a voice box last week, oops.
well she loves your voice!!
Aoi Asahina
when you guys first introduced yourself to your classmates. (non-despair)
she came up to you in a super hyper mood she is and introduced yourself to her.
“Hi there! I’m Aoi Asahina!”
then you sweated a little and grabbed your phone for text to speech. she understands!
“Oh! That’s totally fine if you don’t want to talk!”
hi there lol, small a/n. I may have to put this into only 4 of the dr1 girls since I need to make this quick. I apologize for the inconvenience!
I mean she really really wants to here your voice!! But she won’t force you to! That’s just being a plain pain in the ass!!
and so that day came.
it was a normal day, actually.
Asahina was making donuts with you.
“Soooo what type of sprinkles should we put on it?”
“I think the stars would look cute!”
“Oh yeah that would be grea—“
“Wait who said that? Do you know s/o?” as hina looked around.
“You are so silly, hina.”
aaa now your getting a bear hug from a crying hina.
yes your voice moved her to tears after 3 years of dating.
Sayaka Maizono
I don’t know what to say for the first meet, oops.
She was walking into the music room as usual for practice or just to think of a song she had her head.
But she heard a voice, it sounds really pretty!
then she meant eyes with you.
“That was your voice s/o?” Sayaka said as you nodded.
“I really didn’t imagine you here, sayaka...Wait actually I do.” You laughed with sayaka.
she really loves it so much!
maybe she will probably ask you to join her in a song?
maybe lol.
I had a small lack of ideas for this one so I have to keep it around to 4! I’m sorry to the person who asked this!
anyways I hope you liked it!!
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i-moved-blogs-ffs · 3 years
your blog and carrd is super cool!
could i request a general byakuya togami with a male s/o (or gender netrual if that's better)
thanks! (if you chose to do this!)
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Aaa, my first request!! Thank you so much for the compliment, my dear! I got so excited when I saw this in my inbox like holy crap HDHDH-
I'm really sorry if this isn't the best, Byakuya's a bit harder of a character to write for me- at least in a romantic sense. But I'll hopefully get better over time!
Anyways, let's get started, shall we?
- 🌸🍭mod mikan🍭🌸
Byakuya Togami with a male S/O!
Let's start off with affection-
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Byakuya's a very private person. Not a big fan of PDA, this one, and prefers to keep intimacy behind closed doors.
The most PDA he feels comfortable with is hand holding, maybe a kiss on the cheek if he hasn't seen you in a while.
He doesn't really rely on physical touch or verbal affection himself, and shows off his love in other ways.
He usually gets you more luxurious and/or expensive gifts, no matter how many times you tell him that he doesn't need to.
"Nonsense! You're the Ultimate Afulent Prodigy's boyfriend, you wouldn't even be near me if you didn't deserve such things."
While he isn't the best at it, he's always trying to reassure you. Yes, you deserve everything you get from him. No, you don't need to pay him back. Yes, you can kiss his cheek now.
While he is a cold smartass, he's a warmer smartass with you. Like room tempature smartass-
You can tell he softens up when you're around, and especially if you two are alone.
Cuddling is completely foreign to him, so it may take a while before he's comfortable with it.
When he is, however, he loves it. Even if he's like- the biggest tsundere about it-
"W-well- fine, if you're that tired I suppose I could hold you for a while."
Prefers to be the big spoon totally not because he doesn't want you to see him blushing pFF nooOoOo, but he also likes facing you while you cuddle. He mostly keeps his arms around your torso or strokes your hair.
He hates the fact he gets flustered by the smallest things-
Like, he's in the kitchen preparing some coffee, and then you show up, place a kiss on his shoulder, and go, "Good morning, babe."
And then you just??? Go and do your thing??? And then oop he feels his cheeks getting warmer-
He was so taken aback he didn't even say good morning back to you-
I would imagine you two read a lot together. He probably has a whole entire library in his estate, so you're bound to find something interesting, even if books aren't your thing.
He even helps you find books that you may like!
And he sometimes reads to you. You're comfortably sitting in his lap, running a hand through his hair, as he focuses on the piece of literature and attempts to ignore the butterflies in his stomach.
He also subconsciously brags about you. He's just so proud and happy that you're in his life, he can't help it!
It's not really gushing about you, he has an image to keep up, but he does go out of his way to subtly compliment you.
Kisses are usually very short. He gets shy, believe it or not.
He's not used to romance, so please don't overwhelm him- but over time he's way more confident and passionate!
He likes kissing your hands, nose and forehead, he finds it simple and yet very precious. And he also melts if you kiss his shoulders. Cheek kisses for the win too!
You guys also act like an old married couple sometimes.
Like shouting at each other from different sides of the house because one of you is looking for something and can't find it-
You also go out of your way to annoy him. Like dying your hair so bright you look like a hot and swag human highlighter. But he doesn't take it to heart, and that hair dye thankfully wasn't permanent.
I would say his love language is quality time.
He loves being alone with you. It's the only time when he feels truly relaxed.
His favorite moments are when you two are just about to go to sleep, laying in bed in each other's arms. Your face is buried in the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent, and his arm is comfortably wrapped around your torso. He reads to you in soft murmurs, his glasses off. The only thing allowing him to see was the warm light of the lamp on the nightstand.
In your sleepy state, you didn't fully understand his words. His voice alone was enough to lull you, as you slipped off into dream land with a subconscious grin on your face. Taking notice of this, Byakuya closes his book. He carefully settles into your hold, as to not disturb you, and with a gentle kiss to your forehead, he flicks off the lamp.
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I hope this wasn't too ooc! These are mostly relationship headcanons in general, but I made sure that the reader's gender is mentioned- thank you so much for requesting, darling, this was super fun to write!
Make sure to wash your hands, stay hydrated, take any meds if you need to and stay safe, my lovelies! You're so brave, have a lollipop! 🍭
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