#Modern Reception Night Candle Wall Stage
dsthomefurniture21 · 2 years
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Romantic Reception Night Stage Metal Arches
This back frame setup includes:- Set of three metal arches stands is 10 x 5 Feet, Wedding flower pots, wedding sofa. These stands are made of metal with high-quality deco-paint. These frames backdrop stands, Candle wall stand, contemporary stage, DecoratAive Metal Props, Decorative Metal Round Panel For Reception Stage, European Wedding Stage Cage Decor Props, events decoration, Fiber wedding stage, Flower Column Stand, indian wedding stage, metal arches, metal cages
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ba-hons-film-blog · 3 years
Film Genre - Master Shot Exercise
Gothic Horror Still (Production):
On the day prior to the shoot, we went to the location with all our props, and set them up to get an idea of where he wanted everything to be, so we didn't have to worry about deciding on the actual day of the shoot. As the director of photography for this project, I also took a few shots on my phone (with Tom in the frame) to try and get a rough idea of what position would be best for the camera.
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On the day of the shoot - Tuesday the 5th of September - it had been raining all day, but thankfully it stopped an hour before we started shooting. The four of us, and Tom’s flatmate Jess, who had agreed to act in the still, all met at around 6:30 and were able to set up all the props quite quickly due to having decided on where everything was to go the previous day. The only issue was there was a massive pool of water in the centre of the graveyard cubicle, which we had to carefully navigate around to get to the other side to film. This also meant we did not have much space to move and we couldn’t film the scene from behind, although we had already decided we probably wouldn’t do that anyway. We couldn’t have gone to another cubicle either, as this was the only one that had a ledge for us to set the candles up on.
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We set the camera up to the side, and decided to go for a medium close up shot, so as to clearly see Jess, her expression and all the various props, as well as leaving room for some empty space around the edges. Sofia then directed her to look around and try out different poses whilst the camera was rolling, with the intention of choosing our favourite frame from the video later. After taking a couple of videos and trying some different camera positions and moving the props around a bit, we decided we had all we needed and packed up. I did have the idea, based on a reference picture I found, to try and shine some white light in from the left to simulate moonlight and provide some contrast to the orange glow of the candles to the right, but when we tried this out on the day of shooting we felt it detracted from the image, and so ultimately dropped this idea. There was also a skull carved into the wall in the cubicle that we felt would have added to the gothic feel, however this was too dark to see when it actually came to taking the still. Overall, it was a fairly quick shoot and despite the presence of a few tour groups, we didn't have any issues with the public.
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We then went back to Beth’s flat to review the footage and decide on our favourite frame. We quickly decided on a frame where Jess is looking off to the side, as though she has just heard something (possibly a returning spirit) whilst in the middle of her ritual, as we liked that particular pose and the lighting. We then played with the colour grading, and after we were all happy, called it a night and went our separate ways.
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The still was well received by Zoe, David and the other groups, who thought it captured the gothic feeling well, and liked the lighting, props . There were some issues raised, like the book looking in too good condition and some of the bottles the candles were in were noticeably modern. Someone also said that the cross in her hand could have done with being more visible. However, most of the issues that were brought up were fairly minor, and overall the reception was quite positive.
Overall, I am very happy with our final still and feel we worked well as a group. Our current thinking is we will stick with the same genre for the actual two minute film, especially as we have all the props, but at this stage nothing is set in stone.
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